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6 22:59 JosephMendiola [36]
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14 19:17 Black John Smith [16]
31 22:24 JohnQC [32]
-Short Attention Span Theater-
What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying...
by Gersh Kuntzman

[NYDailyNews] It feels like a bazooka — and sounds like a cannon.
Seriously? I doubt you ever fired a bazooka, or the modern day equivalent, the AT-4 or even a LAWS rocket. Or been anywhere near the blast cone of a big gun, like the 105mm.
What piffle that person writes. The writer clearly has not been to a live performance of the 1812 Overture with real cannons, or even seen the Bugs Bunny version. Even in New York City such innocence of culture is astounding.
One day after 49 people were killed in the Orlando shooting, I traveled to Philadelphia to better understand the firepower of military-style assault weapons and, hopefully, explain their appeal to gun lovers.

But mostly, I was just terrified.
There's no hope for you.
I kind of enjoyed it. AR15's a nice little gun, though I'm fond of old-fashioned bolt actions. If I had the money and I still hunted I'd love to own a Kimber Mountain Ascent.
If I were in a position to do some shooting for a hobby I think the AR-15 is exactly what I'd get.
Many gun shops turned down our request to fire and discuss the AR-15, a style of semi-automatic rifle popular with mass killers such as San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook and Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen.
They turned you down because of the extra effort to swab off the femininity of the writer touching it.
Does one need a gun license to be able to play with the toys?
But Frank Stelmach of Double Tap Shooting Range and Gun Shop invited me, videographer Michael Sheridan and reporter Adam Shrier to come down. Stelmach is not like many gun lovers. He admires his weaponry, yes, and has difficulty explaining why law-abiding citizens need a gun that can empty a 40-round clip in less than five seconds. But he also hates the idea that “bad people” get a hold of a gun like this and use it to kill without difficulty.
I'd be surprised to empty an entire 40-round magazine (not clip -- the bullets you put in the magazine come in a clip) in less than five seconds. I'd be even more surprised if I hit anything.
“There should be expanded background checks — extending into your family, friends and associates,” he said. “And there should be a mental health screening. In Europe, if you want to buy a gun, you have to see a doctor (for a psychiatric examination) to see if something’s not right.”
Euros love them some government..
That's if one wants to buy it legally. Those without scruples can simply pop into the train station in Brussels, according to the Washington Post, and hand over the requested sum. I s'pose I shouldn't be shocked the writer also has not read the Washington Post.
Stelmach, who opened his shop six years ago after a career in law enforcement in Europe, even calls for government officials to take away guns from some owners — something very few gun advocates support.
If he advocates theft and murder, which antigun advocates advocate, he is no gun advocate. He is instead a statist, just like the writer.
There are situations where a person should give up his/her/its/zer guns. Depression springs to mind. So does lunacy. I haven't been shooting in years because I can't see as well as I used to. But it was my choice to get rid of the guns.
He also said he never sells a gun to someone who “looks a little bit funny,” and he claimed he had prevented many guns from getting into the wrong hands because the would-be purchaser “asked stupid questions” like, “What happens to me if the gun is stolen?”
You mean like, what happens if you're a straw purchaser?
But very few gun shop owners do anything close to Stelmach’s sniff test — and he acknowledged how easy it is to find another gun shop owner willing to make the sale.
A shop owner doesn't get an awful lot of opportunity to diagnose depression or lunacy in his customers. It's more like:
"Hello. May I help you?"
"Yes, thank you. I'd like to buy a rifle."
"What did you have in mind?"
"Do you have anything in green?"

Very easy. In fact, as Philadelphia Daily News columnist Helen Ubinas showed today, you can get a military weapon in seven minutes in this country.
Military style. You can't legally buy an M16 or an AK47 or a Thompson submachinegun, even if you own a violin case.
Stelmach doesn’t think it should be easy. But he thinks it should be allowed.
The general public hasn't been allowed to buy a .50 caliber machine gun since the thirties, if I recall.
He loves the AR-15 for cops, soldiers, hunters and target shooters. “It’s fun to shoot something like that,” he said.
Its a nice gun. I find it's configured a little awkwardly to get a natural butt weld.
Not in my hands. I’ve shot pistols before, but never something like an AR-15. Squeeze lightly on the trigger and the resulting explosion of firepower is humbling and deafening (even with ear protection).
The AR-15 is loud to be sure.
I didn't think it was all that loud in comparison to .308. You can also buy one chambered in .308, which surprised me. I'll bet the .308 version's even louder.
The recoil bruised my shoulder.
It's built on a light frame, but when the M16 was introduced some of us described it as a ladies' gun. The M1 or the M14 had some kick to it. An afternoon at the range would leave you with some bruises to show. Take an old Mauser 98k and you might want to take the next day off.
The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face.
Must be left-handed. They eject to the right. They don't cross your face if you're right-handed. It's designed that way. They may even make left-handed models.
The Steyr Aug comes with an ambidextrous ejection port.
The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick.
It's just gunpowder. It doesn't call up Lucifer or anything. It shoots a bullet. They say you can hit a target at 600 yards, though I never have. 300's about as good as my eyes got.
The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD.
There's no such thing. Until you've been under significant artillery or your plane's been shot down quit being a frigging snowflake. L.S.M.F.T.
For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.
Funny, an hour after I get back from the gun range I am relaxed. As with any sport, your shoulder has to toughen up after firing any rifle a few times. I test fired an AR-15 I helped a friend build this past winter. I found the recoil to be like a kitten kicking. A Mosin-Nagant would probably kill this guy.
This is a guy? I thought it was a girl. Does he wear a skirt?
He refers to it as a "kilt"...
Even in semi-automatic mode, it is very simple to squeeze off two dozen rounds before you even know what has happened.
Only if you're an absolute dipshit. You gotta pull the trigger or nothing happens.
In fully automatic mode, it doesn’t take any imagination to see dozens of bodies falling in front of your barrel.
Problem. Even with semi automatic, the barrel climbs, making it difficult to keep it on your target. It takes training and discipline to keep just a semiautomatic on target whenever you rapid fire the rifle.
And the AR-15 doesn't have a fully automatic mode. The writer is an ignoramus.
All it takes is the will to do it.
Will is the key. It takes a special kind of asshole to gun down unarmed innocents and to keep doing it repeatedly for a couple of hours. It is the will to kill that did those people in The AR was just the tool.
Forty nine people can be gone in 60 seconds.
The only gun I still own is an old Marlin .22. It has a 15-round capacity. The fact that it's a gun doesn't mean I hold the lives of 15 people in my hands. It's a gun. A tool, to be used. I used a hammer today. It's also a tool. If I had used it to cave in someone's head I wouldn't have been using it properly.
Posted by: badanov || 06/15/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [60 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gersh Kuntzman? YJCMTSU...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/15/2016 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  From yesterday's Rantburg:

NARRATIVE FAIL: Orlando Islamic Terrorist Did NOT Use An AR-15
Posted by: Chuck || 06/15/2016 2:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Kuntzman: a lover not a fighter?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/15/2016 2:19 Comments || Top||

#4  The weapons issue is clearly an Abilene Paradox exercise. Not sure why we continue to go there, other than for sake of diversion.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 3:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Snowflake.
Posted by: gorb || 06/15/2016 3:29 Comments || Top||

#6  Biggest calibre weapon I've fired is a .45 calibre handgun, The noise and recoil is quite a shock the first time.
Posted by: phil_b || 06/15/2016 5:13 Comments || Top||

#7  The recoil bruised my shoulder.
MJ had a bruised shoulder after his arrest as I recall.

Once Opinions were like Exhaust Ports, everyone had one. Now it seems everyone that has words can post them, and they are perceived by both author and readers to be equally valuable, when they really are just exhaust.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/15/2016 7:22 Comments || Top||

#8  I've tried a number of different guns over the years. Never owned one 'cuz the wife didn't want one in the house with kids., now both over 30.

In the last year she's been telling me to get a license cause things are out of hand. To me that means that lots of folks are getting scared. No other reason is needed for the rise of Trump.

If this wussy wants something with a kick and a boom he should try a .50 sniper rifle. I shot it once at a gun club open house type event........oh my goodness. Now THAT's loud and has a real kick.

Also tried an M16, an old .30 carbine like my Dad carried in WWII (that's little more than a .22), an M1 Garand (liked that one) and a number of different pistols. The .45 had quite a kick but the .357 mag seemed to be worse.

People like Kuntzman should be traded to Europe for people constitutionally able to be Americans.
Posted by: AlanC || 06/15/2016 7:43 Comments || Top||

#9  The stupid is strong with this guy. So many fails in the article Having fired everything from a Daisy Pal to a 155mm howitzer (including RPGs n Gustavs), I'll keep my trusty Sig 239 in 9 and the 870. Don't really need more than that.
Posted by: Bangkok Billy || 06/15/2016 8:02 Comments || Top||

#10  Rear loader on a 105 Recoilless Rifle. See the flames, feel the heat, feel the suck.

Pajama Boy can't handle what hundreds of thousand of women have done in basic training?

With their usual deep Freudian projection, now we understand why they believe everyone else is liquoring up the ladies to have comatose sex for reproduction. One, he's obviously not quality DNA material for the ladies, and two, he couldn't handle an awake/alive active partner.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/15/2016 8:31 Comments || Top||

#11  The musings of an over-civilized twink.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/15/2016 8:44 Comments || Top||

#12  Sorry Pappy, I gotta disagree there.

He is not OVER civilized, he is a prime example of Dunning Krueger civilized.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it is

But you got the twinky spot on. ;^)
Posted by: AlanC || 06/15/2016 9:14 Comments || Top||

#13  "People like Kuntzman should be traded to Europe for people constitutionally able to be Americans."

Herewith, a nomination for Snark Of The Day. Spot on!

Seriously, if you take a neurotic, hysterical, anxiety-wracked ninny like Kuntzman to a rifle range and hand him an AR-15 (or any other gun) and let him shoot it, of course he's going to be surprised: guns do go BANG! when they're fired, and all of them-- even small guns-- are very, very loud. That's why we wear ear protection while on the range. You want REALLY loud? Try a short-barreled .357 Magnum revolver.

As for recoil, few guns have LESS recoil than an AR-15 or other .223 Remington autoloader, in part because the .223 is a fairly light round to begin with but also because the recoil spring and other autoloading mechanism parts absorb much of the energy that would otherwise go into felt recoil.

You want REAL recoil? Again, try a short-barreled revolver chambered in .357 Mag-- preferably an ultralightweight model like the 11.4 oz. S&W Model 340PD. My son and I test-fired one of those, once. One shot for each of us was enough; it hurt like Hell.

But an AR-15? It doesn't even have enough recoil to disrupt your sight picture when taking follow-on shots.

Like Pappy said: an over-civilized twink.
Posted by: Dave D. || 06/15/2016 9:38 Comments || Top||

#14  ...ahh, come on, give him an 1862 Springfield to feel the kick while you're at it.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/15/2016 9:55 Comments || Top||

#15  It's nice to see the Dave D. resurgence!
Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2016 9:57 Comments || Top||

#16  I was going to say Ruger Model 1 Tropical in .458 Win Mag, but, what the hell - T-Rex .577

Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/15/2016 9:58 Comments || Top||

#17  Tyrannosausus Go Boom video...
Posted by: magpie || 06/15/2016 10:02 Comments || Top||

#18  I'll let him fire "Thumper". It is a 1898 30-40 Krag. 5 rounds WILL bruise your shoulder no matter how well you hold it.

Otherwise this "guy" is a complete beta male and needs to be mocked. Openly and often.
Posted by: DarthVader || 06/15/2016 10:15 Comments || Top||

#19  Ok, as long as we are voting - Quigley's rifle - though I'd want a 50-120:


Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/15/2016 10:22 Comments || Top||

#20  Hey, I wear a kilt. Leave the kilt out of it. I have an 1873 Sharps cavalry carbine in 45-70. It will bruise your shoulder. I find it impossible to believe he actually fired one. There is no sulfur smell, either.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 06/15/2016 10:44 Comments || Top||

#21  My personal favorite: The fifty caliber handgun has a little kick.

Any bets the girl in the video is more masculine than "pajama boy"?
Posted by: Frozen Al || 06/15/2016 11:47 Comments || Top||

#22  .300 Whisper.

You gotta try it.
Posted by: OregonGuy || 06/15/2016 13:34 Comments || Top||

#23  I find the body shock about like making good contact on a nail with a hammer.

Which my four year old does up and down the deck.

Last I saw 40 round clips, it was in a box marked Office Depot.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/15/2016 16:09 Comments || Top||

#24  I saw this somewhere else and laughed like a loon. Here is a picture of an oddly-dressed middle-aged woman (yours truly) firing an AR-15 without breaking or bruising her delicate arm.
Posted by: Angie Schultz || 06/15/2016 16:37 Comments || Top||

#25  Hi Angie! Good stuff as usual.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/15/2016 18:11 Comments || Top||

#26  Apparently he has responded. Hilarious.

I wonder how he traveled to Philly. I hope he didn't drive.

Seriously, anxiety blackouts..loud noise jumpy..faint from funny smells..poor physical constitution. Shit, I wouldn't even take him bowling, nevermind his opinion.

Living vicariously with the victims so he can talk loudest at the cocktail party...its a bit sick.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/15/2016 19:30 Comments || Top||

#27  You can stop a single guy firing an AR-15 with a small Beretta. Just sayin'
Posted by: European Conservative || 06/15/2016 21:19 Comments || Top||

#28  #27 You can stop a single guy firing an AR-15 with a small Beretta. Just sayin'

This same point came up in LA a decade back when a few guys wearing bullet-proof vests created hours of chaos because none of the responding officers were capable of (or focused on) a head-shot.
Posted by: Crusader || 06/15/2016 22:45 Comments || Top||

Yemen and Syria actually pipeline wars?
Saudi Arabia and Turkey’s pipeline wars in Yemen and Syria
Saudi Arabia’s pursuit of the war in Yemen, at considerable cost in blood and treasure, is a literal affirmation of the term "backdoor strategy." However, both the "door" and the actual contours of that strategy remain submerged beneath the murky waters of Mideast politics.

In June 2015, a senior advisor on Yemen in the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Joke Buringa, wrote an article regarding Saudi Arabia’s interest in building an oil pipeline through Yemen. Her piece underscored the energy geopolitics behind Riyadh’s bombing campaign over the past year.

Saudi oil pipeline through Yemen’s Hadramaut

In her article entitled "Divide and Rule: Saudi Arabia, Oil and Yemen," Buringa revealed that the Saudis fear an Iranian blockade of the Hormuz Strait, and were seeking pipelines through Yemen. This would provide Riyadh with direct access to the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean to reach the Asian market.[1]
Middle East Eye columnist Nafeez Ahmed, citing a 2008 State Department cable from Wikileaks, has confirmed the Saudi interest in building a pipeline that is "wholly owned, operated and protected by Saudi Arabia, through Hadramawt to a port on the Gulf of Aden."[2]

Hadramaut is Yemen’s wealthiest governorate that counts 4 of the 26 million population, 50% of Yemen’s landmass, 80% of its oil exports, a sufficient water supply, and gold reserve worth $4 billion.

When Iran and Oman signed an agreement for a gas pipeline in 2014, this increased Riyadh’s distrust of Oman and increased the attractiveness of the Hadramaut pipeline option in Yemen. In February 2015 when the Houthis took control of the government, Riyadh began its bombing campaign the following month.

Interestingly, according to Buringa, Hadramaut (which is now under the control of al-Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula or AQAP), is one of the few areas where the Saudi-led coalition didn’t conduct airstrikes. This has left the port and international airport of al-Mukalla in optimal shape. She observed "Saudi Arabia has been delivering arms to al-Qaeda, who is expanding its sphere of influence" and assessed that "those pipelines to Mukalla will probably get there eventually."

Indeed, Jamestown Foundation’s terrorism analyst Michael Horton concurs Riyadh views AQAP as a useful proxy in its war against the Houthis, which "would mirror the situation in Syria where al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra has for some time been regarded by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States as a relatively moderate proxy force" to counter the Assad government.[3]

Similarly, Syria’s al-Qaeda branch, al-Nusra, is now establishing an Islamic emirate in northern Syria.[5] Syria is also where Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are interested in building a gas pipelines to reach the lucrative EU market.

Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline through Syria’s Aleppo

Writing in Armed Forces Journal, Major Rob Taylor joined numerous other pundits in observing that the Syrian civil war is actually a pipeline war over control of energy supply, with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey needing to remove Assad "so they can control Syria and run their own pipeline through Turkey."[6]

"Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as al-Qaeda and other groups, are maneuvering to depose Assad and capitalize on their hoped-for Sunni conquest in Damascus. By doing this, they hope to gain a share of control over the ’new’ Syrian government, and a share in the pipeline wealth."

The proposed pipeline would traverse Aleppo where Turkey’s Erdogan has been lobbying for a no-fly zone backed by US military power and American tax dollars.
Along with troops in northern Iraq, northern Cyprus, and along its border with northern Syria, Turkey is building is first aircraft carrier.[12] With Riyadh and Doha’s vast energy reserves and Ankara’s NATO-trained military power, this Triumvirate has been backing the al-Nusra led Army of Conquest in northern Syria to overthrow the Syrian government, AGAP to overthrow the Houthis in Yemen, while in Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood-led Libya Dawn is supported by Turkey, Qatar and Sudan.

Posted by: 3dc || 06/15/2016 18:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

Paul Krugman: Ignore Claims Of Crisis In Event Of Brexit
[Daily Caller] A vote for Brexit is highly unlikely to result in financial crisis and could actually have some benefits, according to liberal economist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman.

Writing in his New York Times column, Krugman came down on the side of keeping Britain in the European Union (EU), but was deeply skeptical of the scare stories of financial catastrophe in the event of Brexit.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OMG Krugman is actually right on something.

I don't think the UK should stay in the EU but if it leaves it is not the end of the world.
Posted by: AlanC || 06/15/2016 7:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Irregardless of whether the UK splits from the EU + forms a OWG "Union" based on its Commonwealth of ex-Colonies andor only its Anglo-Saxon ex-Colonies, stays indepedent, or joins up wid the US [Canada?] as certain anti-EU UK Activists argue, THE PROBABILITY REMAINS HIGH THAT THE UK WILL SEE A US-BORN, US-RAISED, AGGRESSIVE QUEEN OR KING ONE DAY.


Moreso as the contemporary Royals still face strong threat(s) from direct assassination or terror attack by the Hard Boyz = Global Jihadis.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/15/2016 22:52 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
The Left's Dangerous Denial About Radical Islam
Investor's Business Daily Politics Editorial.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/15/2016 07:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Denial? Covering. Both want to end Western Civ.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/15/2016 8:41 Comments || Top||

#2  They're not in denial; they're simply lying.
Posted by: Dave D. || 06/15/2016 10:05 Comments || Top||

#3  I am amazed at how quickly the left has pivoted the Orlando attacks into attacks on guns and Christians. Hopefully the majority will see this for what it is but still it is sickening.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 06/15/2016 10:06 Comments || Top||

#4  I am amazed at how quickly the left has pivoted the Orlando attacks into attacks on guns and Christians.

I'm not. We've seen it many times before. It's all in the playbook.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 06/15/2016 12:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Stalin & Hitler.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/15/2016 12:46 Comments || Top||

#6  We've always had people like this around. But we didn't listen to them or put them in positions of authority.
Posted by: Iblis || 06/15/2016 14:30 Comments || Top||

#7  #6 We've always had people like this around. But we didn't listen to them or put them in positions of authority.

Yet I can travel to "conservative" websites where professed conservatives will make the case that they're voting Hillary because of some stain they see upon Trump (that they apparently can't see upon Hillary). It boggles the mind that any "conservative" can pretend that Hillary is somehow the lesser of two evils.
Posted by: Crusader || 06/15/2016 17:43 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Democratic Rep. James Clyburn: Orlando not about ISIS
[Daily Caller] In the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando by a man who pledged his allegiance to ISIS, Democratic Rep. James Clyburn said, “this is not about ISIS. … this is about guns in America and whether or not we’re going to have some kind of moderation to this Second Amendment.”

Appearing on “MSNBC Live” with Tamron Hall on Tuesday, Clyburn said, “If you’re on the no-fly list, you ought not be able to buy a gun. … The same thing is true of people convicted of hate crimes. We ought not allow them to buy guns. This gentleman, it is now being revealed, had a lot of hate, and it seems that some of it was self-hate.”
Forget hate crime, LGBT folks cannot hate or have ISIS associations. The new Orlando narrative is firearms.
As Rahm said, never let a crisis go to waste. The truest north stars for the progressives are abortion and gun control.

And remember, once they get the law settled in their favor on the 'Watch list' and guns, almost all of us will be on the watch list.

A further thought (1055 CT): If a man says he’s a woman, then she’s a woman. But if a man calls 911 during a killing spree and says that he’s a Muslim and is doing the killing for ISIS, then we’ll never quite know for sure what his motive was, will we? It'll be a mystery forever...
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 04:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "This gentleman, it is now being revealed..."
I bet Clyburn would have also said "martyr for the cause." but that will be in private.
Posted by: Mugsy Glink || 06/15/2016 8:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Anyone investigated by the FBI multiple times should at least have extra scrutiny when they try to buy weapons but that didn't happen.

The real problem with the system was that the investigators quickly jumped to 'racists' against his accusers rather than take their claims seriously.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 06/15/2016 10:09 Comments || Top||

#3  anyone under criminal investigation by the FBI shouldn't be allowed to run for President
Posted by: lord garth || 06/15/2016 13:30 Comments || Top||

Our World: Is ISIS a GOP franchise?
From the Jerusalem Post, a writer who gets it.
Is Islamic State opposed to gay marriage? Was anger at the US Supreme Court's decision mandating recognition of homosexual marriage what prompted Omar Mateen to massacre fifty Americans at the gay nightclub in Orlando on Saturday night? What about gun control? Is Islamic State, to which Mateen announced his allegiance as he mowed down innocents like blades of grass, a libertarian group that abhors limitations on private ownership of firearms? In other words, are Islamic State and its fellow jihadists from Iran to Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and al Qaida adjuncts of the Republican Party? Is Omar Baghdadi, the self-declared caliph at the helm of ISIS a social conservative, a libertarian and a card carrying member of the GOP, or just one of the three? Because President Barack Obama seems to think that this is the question most Americans should be asking. In his statement on the massacre on Sunday, Obama placed Mateen's action in the context the partisan debate on gay rights and gun control.

With regard to the former, Obama said that the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which was the site of the attack was more than a mere nightclub. It was, "a place of solidarity and empowerment where people have come together to raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights." In other words, Obama intimated, the victims were murdered because Mateen opposed all of those things, specifically.

Turning to gun rights, Obama said, "The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. This massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be. And to actively do nothing is a decision as well." So as the president sees things, if you oppose limitations on firearm ownership, then you're on Mateen's side.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve White || 06/15/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  The headline is misleading because it is a non sequitur; the conclusions does not follow from the premise. It would be more accurate to ask: "Is ISIS a Democratic/Left Franchise?" See: Dhimmini.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/15/2016 7:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Admittedly, Ms. Glick's writing is a bit convoluted, but the reasoning is sound.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/15/2016 13:52 Comments || Top||

Rush: Champ Sounds Like A 'Defense Lawyer' For Terrorists [AUDIO]
[Daily Caller] Rush Limbaugh says that Barack Obama sounds like a "defense lawyer" when he talks about terrorism committed by "militant Islamists."

Rush Limbaugh says that Barack Obama sounds like a "defense lawyer" when he talks about terrorism committed by "militant Islamists."

Tuesday on "The Rush Limbaugh Show," Limbaugh commented on Obama’s speech where the president said ISIS fighters are "not religious warriors" but are "thugs" and "thieves."

Limbaugh argued that Obama went "into this protracted two-and-a-half minute segment on why it is irrelevant to call ’em militant Islamists and why he doesn’t use the term because it doesn’t any strategic value, you know what the guy sounded like? ... It sounds to me like it’s the way defense lawyers talk."

"You know, when there’s a suspect, you got a defense lawyer saying, ’Well, there’s no conclusive evidence here. We’re still looking for a motive. We haven’t found the right motive.’ Obama comes out after every one of these things, every one of these events, and Obama ends up sounding like defense lawyers speak on behalf of their clients," Limbaugh argued. Obama "doesn’t reflect the national mood about these things. It’s not even close."
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What terrorist will be stupid enough to hire him as a lawyer?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/15/2016 12:48 Comments || Top||

DHS Secretary: Right-Wingers Pose Same Threat As Islamic Extremists
[Daily Caller] One month after the San Bernardino terrorist attack that left 14 innocent people dead, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told advisors that right wing extremists pose just as much of a threat to the country as Islamic extremists.

Johnson made the comments during the Homeland Security Advisory Council's (HSAC) January meeting. City of Austin Mayor Art Acevedo, whom Johnson appointed to HSAC, shifted the discussion to the threat of right-wing extremists, according to the official meeting minutes.

"Member Acevedo reminded the Council that the threat from right-wing extremists domestically is just as real as the threat from Islamic extremism," the minutes state.
"Right-wing extremists" ... regime code for conservative republican.
Johnson echoed the sentiment. "Secretary Johnson agreed and noted that CVE [Subcommittee on Combating Violent Extremism], by definition, is not solely focused on one religion," the minutes state.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 03:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under:

#1  RWE is code for devout Christians.

These bastards really do have a Final Solution in mind for Christians. At this point, nothing else makes sense. Convince the mushy middle that peaceful people who go to church every Sunday want to kill them (but Muslims do not) and the rest, they hope, will take care of itself.

Sick, sick people.
Posted by: no mo uro || 06/15/2016 5:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Jeh Johnson is a muslim. Seems there are a lot of muslims and muslim sympathizers in Obongo's administration.
Posted by: Zebulon Check7490 || 06/15/2016 6:46 Comments || Top||

#3  He doesn't seem to have any trouble saying right wing extremists but he does have trouble saying Islamic extremists. Unfortunately, a "right-wing extremist" is a Christian, anyone who disagrees with the ruling body, anyone who owns a firearm, anyone who voted Republican, any Trump follower, ex military, the police, any Tea Party member, anyone unsatisfied with the status quo, anyone who doesn't like Hillary, anyone who doesn't like the MSM, and anyone who posts on this site or similar sites (sarc).
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/15/2016 9:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Well. JohnQC, you got me on about nine of the items on your list. I should expect the DHS SS troops to pick me up any day now.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 06/15/2016 9:37 Comments || Top||

#5  We are the biggest threat... to stand up to the government overreach and repression. So Mr. Cockbreath Johnson is most likely in fear of those that will most threaten his job and they must be destroyed.

Sic semper tyrannis
Posted by: DarthVader || 06/15/2016 10:13 Comments || Top||

#6  The Regime is the biggest threat to national security.

The biggest arms dealer to terrorists and terrorist states ever. Supplying arms to "Syrian Rebels" (Al Qaeda) as well as transporting those terrorists tot he U.S..

A murderous regime and Jeh is a part of the terrorist syndicate and should be dealt with accordingly.
Posted by: Glamp the Eponymous2241 || 06/15/2016 10:31 Comments || Top||

#7  I still say "Jeh" sounds like "Jeb" spoken by a drunk...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/15/2016 10:42 Comments || Top||

#8  rhymes with "Meh"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2016 11:00 Comments || Top||

#9  Johnson, Brennan, Jarrett, is there a common denominator......
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/15/2016 12:55 Comments || Top||

#10  On Wikipedia, he's listed as a Muslim. So, not unbiased.
Posted by: KBK || 06/15/2016 17:11 Comments || Top||

#11  I think we're screwed, a conclusion I reached the day after the 2008 election. This-- along with a thousand other facts and incidents since then-- just confirms it.
Posted by: Dave D. || 06/15/2016 20:31 Comments || Top||

#12  I think we're screwed, a conclusion I reached the day after the 2008 election. Dave

Same here. I worry about the kids and what they will face. :-(
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2016 20:35 Comments || Top||

#13  So can these Govmint extremists name one group of right-wingers who are shooting up the workplace, blowing up the Boston races, beheading people, shooting up gay clubs, military bases, stores, taking buildings down with box cutters and airplanes, and numerous other terrorist acts. No, then STFU and go back to your hole.
Posted by: JohnQC || 06/15/2016 21:51 Comments || Top||

#14  #10 On Wikipedia, he's listed as a Muslim. So, not unbiased.

Well, fuck him.

I'm serious. Its really *past* time that we held the adherents of that ideology accountable for the work that certain followers of it perform (and that far too many other followers of it remain silent about).

They need to *pick a side*.
Posted by: Crusader || 06/15/2016 22:20 Comments || Top||


As inspired or shown in example by Omar Mateen.

Sorry, but Histoire' shows clearly that, as a class, RW'ers don't do that, espec as to do so would be destroying, etc. what institutions or traditions the Right had built in society.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/15/2016 23:14 Comments || Top||

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