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US drone kills three in Pakistan
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5 21:13 Procopius2k [19] 
1 05:38 Paul D [14] 
5 07:26 Besoeker [11] 
2 12:39 Redneck Jim [12] 
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1 07:43 Frank G [12] 
2 00:50 CrazyFool [7] 
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2 13:41 Mullah Richard [21] 
3 18:27 CrazyFool [26] 
2 01:04 JosephMendiola [19] 
3 23:31 JosephMendiola [20] 
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1 00:59 Besoeker [13] 
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1 01:43 SteveS [12] 
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7 23:53 trailing wife [37] 
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4 13:20 Glomonter Snarong6179 [17]
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2 14:03 Pappy [15]
1 02:46 g(r)omgoru [8]
2 02:48 g(r)omgoru [29]
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1 19:22 Procopius2k [19]
4 19:46 JosephMendiola [15]
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5 23:56 JosephMendiola [22]
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3 23:25 Ricky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) [27]
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1 18:23 Redneck Jim [14]
1 12:47 Iblis [17]
5 18:25 Redneck Jim [21]
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4 21:26 Barbara [28]
11 23:26 Dopey Sinatra [29]
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8 18:48 Barbara [23]
12 21:35 Perfesser [21]
2 13:13 AlanC [16]
5 14:41 Iblis [11]
7 22:23 Iblis [22]
Africa Horn
Kenyan anti-tank rocket ended Westgate siege
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The final stand of Islamist fighters who laid siege to Kenya's Westgate mall ended when Kenyan soldiers fired an anti-tank shell that sparked a fierce fire, soldiers who fought in the battle told AFP.

The gunnies, who were holed up in a strong room in a supermarket, were killed when soldiers fired two bazooka shells, two soldiers who were both at the battle's end told AFP separately.

"In the end we had to use full force, we had to finish with these guys," said one member of the elite force, who said that during the bitter fighting he saw the bully boyz only once.

The fighters, from Somalia's Al-Qaeda linked Shabaab, stormed the part Israeli-owned complex at midday Saturday, firing from the hip and hurling grenades at shoppers and staff.

But the attackers then retreated to a safe room on the first floor of the Westgate supermarket, according to the descriptions provided separately by the two soldiers.

From there, they held out against the Kenyan troops.

Two Kenyan commandos leading the assault were killed while trying to force open the door of the strongroom.

They were shot by a fighter with a heavy machine gun, in an elevated site where he acted like a sniper, blocking the commandos from moving forward, said the other soldier.

"We don't know how many they were inside the safe room. I never saw them," the soldier said, claiming that he did not know if any hostages were with the attackers.

Finally around midday on Monday, the soldiers brought in heavy weaponry.

They fired 84-millimetre shells from a recoilless rifle -- or shoulder-held bazooka -- whose sharply pointed tips are designed to piece armour plating, before exploding and causing a fire.

A few minutes later, thick black smoke rose above the rooftop car park, above the first floor of the supermarket.

At the time, government officials said the fire had been caused by burning mattresses torched by the gunnies to provide a distraction.

About 24 hours later and weakened by the flames the rear part collapsed, with several cars tumbling down into the gaping hole created.

"It was the only option," said one of the soldiers. "Sometimes you're supposed to use deadly force to save other lives," he said, conceding that his could have resulted in "collateral damage" to any hostages present.

The siege was declared finally over on Tuesday evening.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

#1  Yuuup.

At last check, the AT shell was repor instrumental in causing three mall floors to collapse, thus leading to an early + sudden demise of the Boko Haram Bad Boyz in favor the security forces.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/30/2013 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Human Rights Watch and AmNasty International protest of the use of heavy weaponry in 5... 4... 3..
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/30/2013 0:50 Comments || Top||

Mall tenants' shock over looted shops
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The government Sunday admitted that there had been looting at Westgate Mall during the rescue operation last week.

Interior Cabinet secretary Joseph ole Lenku said three businesses had reported break-ins, something of an understatement given the condition of business in the ruined mall.

Between around 5pm on Saturday, September 21, when the last of the police and photographers were bundled out and yesterday, when shop owners returned, businesses appear to have been systematically ransacked and looted.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

#1  This café is closed until further notice !
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 0:59 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Education minister bans army songs in Egypt schools
[Al Ahram] Education Minister Mahmoud Abul-Nasr has banned schools from broadcasting songs supporting or condemning the military, a high-profile source at the education ministry said.

The minister had given schools "strict" and "clear instructions" to only broadcast the national anthem during roll call, the source told Al-Ahram Arabic news website on Sunday.

An operetta praising the army for ousting president Mohamed Morsi on 3 July following mass protests led to scuffles at several schools last week when it was broadcast by some administrators instead of the national anthem.

Morsi supporters have been holding weekly demonstrations demanding his reinstatement for three months.

Frequent festivities have erupted between supporters and opponents of the former president during the demonstrations.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  GI beans and GI gravy,
GI I wished I'd joined the navy.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 0:51 Comments || Top||

#2  I did, the food was excellent.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 09/30/2013 12:39 Comments || Top||

ElBaradei warns against 'fascist' media campaign in Egypt
[Al Ahram] Former Egyptian vice president Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
criticised on Sunday what he described as a fascist media campaign that does not uphold the value of human life.

On his official Twitter account, the former leader of the Constitution Party complained about a "systematic fascist campaign by 'sovereign sources' and 'independent' media that are against the insistence on upholding the value of human life and the inevitability of national consensus. Violence only begets violence."

Several state-owned and independent media outlets have been critical of political figures, including ElBaradei, who opposed recent security measures against the Moslem Brüderbund.

ElBaradei resigned from his position as vice president on 14 August in objection to the violent dispersal of pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo by security forces, which left hundreds of protesters dead, saying he was troubled by the loss of life "particularly as I believe it could have been avoided."

Following his resignation, he left the country for Europe.

The Nobel peace laureate has been subjected to a smear campaign by some journalists and politicians who charged that his resignation was "unpatriotic" and accused him of abandoning the government at a critical moment.

ElBaradei was recently accused by opponents of collaborating with the international Moslem Brüderbund organization to sabotage the post-Morsi government.

the hip bone's connected to the leg bone...
no meeting between ElBaradei and members of the Moslem Brüderbund was confirmed.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Presidential advisor to meet with former Brotherhood members
[Al Ahram] Presidential media advisor Ahmed El-Muslimany said on Sunday that he will meet with young former members of the Moslem Brüderbund this week.

El-Muslimany told Al-Ahram Arabic website that the meeting will include 20 young people who were once members of the Islamist group.

"The aim of this meeting is to hear those youth, as we have earlier heard the point of views and opinions of many political forces," said the front man.

An informed source told Al-Ahram that the meeting will also be attended by a number of former leading Brotherhood members.

Well-known laywer Tharwat El-Kharbawi, former MP Mokhtar Nouh, former Brotherhood front man in Europe Kamal El-Helbawi, and journalist Abdel-Galil El-Sharnoubi will attend, according to the source.

The youth groups invited reportedly include members of the Moslem Brüderbund Youth Coalition, formed following the ouster of Morsi in 3 July, and the Moslem Brüderbund Against Violence Movement.

The source added that there was also an attempt to include the more influential groups such as the Revolt Movement or Youth Against the Coup, but they refused until the government ends its arrest campaign against young Brotherhood members.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinians protest at Rafah border, demand Egypt lifts restrictions
[Al Ahram] Tight restrictions by Egyptian authorities at the border between Egypt and the Gazoo Strip provoked protests at the crossing on Sunday.

Hundreds of Paleostinian students stormed the Gazook side of the Rafah border chanting: "we're just travelers, not terrorists."

The protesters were prevented from reaching the border crossing area by Paleostinian security forces, reported Turkish news agency Anadolu.

Gazook officials say that only 14,000 residents have been able to cross into Egypt over the past three months, compared to 65,000 in the same period last year.

On 15 August, Egypt closed the Rafah crossing "indefinitely," citing security fears due to unrest following the removal of president Mohamed Morsi in July. Since then, Egyptian authorities have been opening the crossing for "emergency" cases sporadically and with reduced hours.

Many students from Gazoo risking losing scholarships to study abroad if they are unable to leave the Gazoo Strip via the border with Egypt.

On Wednesday, the Paleostinian ambassador in Egypt, Barakat Al-Farra, said that the crossing will be open from Saturday to Monday for emergencies, including "students, and those with essential and humanitarian needs." However,
man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them...
some Paleostinian students reported on Twitter that they had not been granted entry despite having the necessary documents.

Head of the Gazook border authority Maher Abu Sabha said on Sunday that Egypt's recent order to open the crossing for emergencies is "propaganda" and called on Egypt to lift the restrictions, reported AP.

According to Abu Sabha, at least 5,500 people are stranded in Gazoo, including those needing to travel for medical care and students trying to return to universities abroad.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  "No"
Posted by: Frank G || 09/30/2013 7:43 Comments || Top||

Egypt's Foreign Minister at UN says elections to be held by spring
[Jpost] Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said on Saturday the transitional phase of government in Egypt should end "by next spring," replacing leaders appointed after the army ousted elected president Mohamed Mursi in July.

The Egyptian army ousted Morsi, a Moslem Brüderbund leader, on July 3 after mass protests against his one-year rule.

An interim government was appointed and a roadmap for a transition to new elections was announced.

"Work is under way, in line with the roadmap, on several tracks. It has so far succeeded in establishing the principles of justice, freedom and democracy, as a basis for governance," Fahmy told the UN General Assembly.

"This will be followed by parliamentary elections, then presidential elections, so that the transitional phase ends by next spring," he said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

MI5 fears over 60 Somali jihad plotters in UK
[Shabelle] The news emerged as Foreign Office officials confirmed that a sixth Briton had been identified among the 67 men, women and kiddies killed by members of the Al-Shabaab
... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
Islamic group during the four-day siege in Nairobi's Westgate shopping centre.

According to security sources, the list contains 40 Somalis thought to be recruiting for the jihadist group and a further 20, mostly British so-called "clean skins", who have committed no crimes but are thought to have links to the bully boy organization.

While Al-Shabaab continues to focus its efforts on securing an Islamic state within its spiritual homeland in Somalia, experts last night warned that an internal power struggle could see the terror group, which has financial backing from Al Qaeda, shift its attentions to any country -- including Britannia -- that supports African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
forces in efforts to contain it.

British Special Forces were scrambled with US counterparts and Kenyan forces after the attack in a bid to prevent the jihadists escaping back to safety across Kenya's vast border.

Last night highly placed military sources revealed that SAS units were poised to join US and French forces in a coalition strike against Al-Shabaab, a group which regularly uses child soldiers, after a plea from Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, who was in Washington at the time of the Kenya attack.

The source said: "The vast majority of London's 70,000-strong Somali population are honest, peaceful citizens but there is a small faction who, perhaps feeling isolated within their communities, or a lack of opportunity, are drawn to Islamic jihad causes.

"Our watchlist includes around 20 who could be 'sleepers' waiting to be called into action. We may know who some of these Somali snuffies are, but we don't know what they are thinking.

"They keep within the law, maintain a low profile and communicate on the internet in such a manner that it is hard to intercept them. Vigilance by the police, ourselves and the public will be key to future safety in mainland UK."

arlotte Francis, Africa expert with the Heritage Foundation think tank, said: "There has been a power shift within Al-Shabaab and it seems it will take a more global approach, though it is too early to say whether it is capable of launching an attack in the UK yet."

British authorities want to avoid a repeat of the American experience in Minneapolis where gangs of Somali youngsters born in the US were encouraged to go to Somalia to fight the transitional government and its Æthiopian supporters, who have since withdrawn.

Despite setbacks which saw them pushed back from the capital Mogadishu, Al-Shabaab continues to have a strong grip in Somalia, controlling vast swathes of land across the north east of the country. They recently shot down an experimental US drone.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

#1  We may know who some of these Somali extremists are, but we donÂ’t know what they are thinking.

Thinking? Just a wild guess, but I suspect their thoughts are centering around the murdering of innocent Christians and Jews ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 0:37 Comments || Top||

#2  MI5 fears over 60 Somali jihad plotters in UK

The rest of them just jihad spontaneously?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 09/30/2013 2:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Somalis in the U.K. are almost universally on benefits.

A more useless bunch of people to import you could not find.

Send them back to Somalia.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 09/30/2013 5:01 Comments || Top||

#4  Most Somalis are on benefits and their wifes have numerous kids.

Why did the UK let so many in? I hear we have the most Somalis outside Somalia.
Posted by: Paul D || 09/30/2013 5:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Somalis in the U.K. are almost universally on benefits. A more useless bunch of people to import you could not find. Send them back to Somalia. Posted by Bright Pebbles

I live near Atlanta. I'll gladly take that bet.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 7:26 Comments || Top||

Al Qaeda rocket blows lid on IRA cigarette cargo
Hat tip Bright Pebbles. Sometimes good just things happen to bad people.
[Independent] A ROCKET fired by al Qaeda at a massive container ship blew the lid off a multi-million euro illegal cigarette operation run by a millionaire businessman with links to Provo chief Thomas 'Slab' Murphy, the Sunday Independent has learnt.
Faith! 'Tis an Irishman named Murphy! The story must be serious!
The massive smuggling operation was uncovered when bully boyz fired two rockets at the Asia Cosco fat merchantman as it made its way along Egypt's Suez Canal.
Reminds me of the Irish-Mexican War. The Mexican navy fought a fierce action against the Irish smugglers. In the epic sea battle of Guernavaca, the Mexicans sank an enormous Irish merchantman carrying a cargo of mayonnaise. They still celebrate the Sinko de Mayo.
One of the rockets hit a container that was destined for a bogus furniture company in Dundalk. Inside was €4m-worth of illegal cigarettes, which were bought for as little as 20c a packet in Vietnam, destined for the Irish market.
Now they can celebrate the Sinko de Butts.
The Sunday Independent has learnt that a millionaire businessman from Co Louth who set up dozens of bogus companies and bank accounts was tossed in the slammer
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
by gardai, but has been subsequently released without charge.
"Go, Murphy! And sin no more!"
Thank you, Judge Murphy."
"Think nothing of it, cousin."

Senior security sources revealed the Co Louth businessman has become a multi-millionaire supplying both the Irish and UK markets.
"Nigel! What's that you're smoking?"
"It's a smuggled Vietnamese cigarette, Alistaire."
"Good Gawd, man! I thought your shirt was on fire!"

Dramatic footage of two men firing rockets at the Cosco Asia as it travelled up the canal on August 31 has been posted on the internet by the terror group calling itself the Al-firqan Brigade, which is a known affiliate of al Qaeda.
"Arrrrr! We dunnit an' we're glad!"
The terror group responsible, which is also fighting in Syria with anti-government factions, says it was attacking Western trade. It also carried out an attack on another container vessel in the canal the same day, again doing little damage.
Nobody gets fired up over the Sinko de Groceries.
One of the rockets blew a hole in the container of cigarettes on its way from Sinagapore to a bogus furniture company in Dundalk, which gardai have traced to the 40-year-old businessman behind Ireland's biggest tobacco-smuggling ring. He has associates in the south Armagh IRA.

Gardai believe this man, who has a clean record, and another ex-IRA man from Belfast operating out of south Armagh, are among the biggest smugglers of tobacco in Europe.

They send out couriers to the Far East to pay for containers of cigarettes, which usually travel from Vietnam to Singapore and then to Rotterdam. From there they are transferred to smaller ships to Dublin Port. They bulk-buy the Modeng-brand cigarettes at a price of only 20 cents on the Asian black market.
"I'd like to buy some Modengs, please."
"Certainly, sir. How many?"
"42,000 cartons."
"Choi oi! Datsa a buncha gaspers! You really oughta cut back!"

According to sources, the container hit by the Islamists' rocket was inspected on board. When it was found to be full of cigarettes in plain packaging, and the destination was a company in Ireland, the ship's owners contacted Interpol.

A tracking device was placed in the container at Rotterdam and it was tracked by satellite through Dublin Port to Co Louth where it was intercepted at Castebellingham.

Four men were tossed in the calaboose
You have the right to remain silent...
under the Finance Act for suspected tax evasion, but released without charge. Gardai are preparing a file on the matter for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

One of the men is from Crossmaglen in south Armagh and the others from the Dundalk area. The man behind the operation was not at the scene and was not arrested.

Customs said the cigarettes, sold at €4.50 a pack or €40 for a carton of 10 packets, had a street value of €4.3m. The loss of rev- enue to the State was put at €3.7m.

The seizure further underlines the massive profits being generated in the north Louth-south Armagh-north Monaghan area and controlled by members of the IRA, which was supposed to have ended all its activities seven years ago.

Last Tuesday, customs officers uncovered yet another diesel laundering operation at Silverstream, Co Monaghan.

The two plants had a capacity to launder six million litres of fuel a year, and could have represented a €3m loss to the State in terms of taxes, customs said.

Customs seized 20,000 litres of oil, a lorry, a van and five bags of bleaching earth, along with other equipment. Three tonnes of toxic waste were also uncovered.

A report commissioned by the tobacco industry last year by accountancy firm Grant Thornton estimated that smugglers were supplying 28 per cent of the cigarettes smoked in Ireland, constituting a loss to Revenue put at €586m per annum.

Customs and gardai seized 58 million cigarettes up to June this year.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula

#1  Who says the IRA are not gangsters?
Posted by: Paul D || 09/30/2013 5:32 Comments || Top||

#2  the Mexicans sank an enormous Irish merchantman carrying a cargo of mayonnaise. They still celebrate the Sinko de Mayo.

A haunting life riddle finally solved. Thank you !
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 7:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Post 9/11 the IRA's money from US sympathizers dried up. The IRA needs to earn a living somehow.
Posted by: retired LEO || 09/30/2013 13:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Post 9/11 the IRA's money from US sympathizers dried up.

That, and the IRA began morphing into a criminal organization back in the 1980s. They'd also gotten into fuel smuggling as well as bringing in illegals.
Posted by: Pappy || 09/30/2013 14:15 Comments || Top||

#5  The horror! the impervious horror!

In the year of the great Irish-Mexican War
We set sail from landlocked Castlebar
We were sailing away to Stone Town, Zanzibar
With a hold full of aioli jars
Our inelegant craft wasn't rigged fore and aft
As the trade winds lightly stroked her
She was rigged all lateen; she rode like a tureen
And they called her the Irish Smoker

We had one million sheaves of the best tanna leaves
We had two million elephants' trunks
We had three million lakhs of Black Bottom shellacs
And an army of clay Peking ducks
We had four million gross of unblessed whole-wheat hosts
In japanned boxes all stencilled "kosher"
We had five million skeins of flight line, OD green
In the hold of the Irish Smoker

When we reached the Suez, I put on my good fez
For I heard we should have liberty
But instead, who could guess, in a turban and dress,
What popped up from behind the leveeee?
'Twas the Frito Bandito, whose bloodcurdling grito
Made desert breeze blow colder
And his wee RPG seemed to fly straight at me
On the deck of the Irish Smoker

From the stern came a blast as I shouted "avast!"
And our bow skittered over the water
We surfed and we swerved in a broad starboard curve
Barely scraping past Gibraltar
Skipper cried "I'll be damned" for our rudder had jammed
A-starboard two points over
We bounced through the rain all the way around Spain
On the runaway Irish Smoker

At Ushant as she passed, we threw two shoes with spats
Then she did loop-de-loops up the channel
Finally her speed decreased, for the engine had seized
So we lowered the boats and paddled
As she struck, in the haze, all that French mayonnaise
Smashed and whitewashed the grey cliffs of Dover
Such a hullabaloo for our crew to go through
At the wreck of the Irish Smoker
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 || 09/30/2013 18:52 Comments || Top||

#6  This is NOT gonna endear Al-Qaeda to the IRA Boyz.

Legend has it that the capital of Ireland/Eire is actually Boston, MA USoA; followed by Australia, Canada, + Mexico in that order???

* "Which was supposed to had suspended all activities seven years ago" - OOOOOPPPPPPSSSS.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/30/2013 19:37 Comments || Top||

#7  I'm not sure that much fun is legal, Zenobia Floger6220. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 23:53 Comments || Top||

Great White North
Canada Revokes Islamic Group ISNA's Tax Exempt Status For Support Of Terrorism
...story includes a 1:57 video of Champ giving his 2013 recorded good wishes and offer for partnership shown at the ISNA 50th year celebration convention.... He even, uncharacteristically /sarc/, gave 'em an Arabic "howdy."
Posted by: Uncle Phester || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: CAIR

#1  How very unCAIRing, narrow minded, and Islamoflubbic.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 0:42 Comments || Top||

#2  How much difference a little oil makes!
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 09/30/2013 2:53 Comments || Top||

#3  In 1977 the US Muslim Students Association Executive Committee held a meeting of fifty prominent Muslim Brothers, and a task force was created to determine "future projections, internal relations, and external relations" A change was required because the MSA organization had outgrown its original student orientation; What was needed was a super-organization that would deal with Muslim issues in general. The problem was resolved in 1981 when the MSA and affiliated organizations created the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). At birth it was a Muslim Brotherhood creation, and it reamins so today.
Posted by: Deadeye Omose9903 || 09/30/2013 8:56 Comments || Top||

#4  I realize that this story is about Canada, not the US, but it would be nice if the US IRS would focus on real terrorist groups, rather than going after Tea Party groups.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 09/30/2013 15:33 Comments || Top||

#5  ...but Rambler, the Donks consider the Tea Party to be terrorists, just listen to their rhetoric. They're classified as enemies of the Party State.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 09/30/2013 21:13 Comments || Top||

Indian FM: Pakistan's Military Undermines Diplomacy
Khurshid told VOA Saturday that Sharif must find a way to keep Pakistan's military and ISI under control. Referring to recent attacks in Jammu and Kashmir that killed 10 people he said, "We've been told that all the [Pakistani] government agencies are on the same page, but if they were, the things that are happening would not be happening."

India's Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid has said Pakistan's intelligence agency (ISI) and its military are trying to undermine Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's efforts to talk to India.

Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are due to meet Sunday in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. It is the first face to face meeting between the two leaders since Sharif was re-elected in May.

Ahead of the much anticipated meeting between the Indian and Pakistani prime ministers in New York Sunday morning, Khurshid defended his prime minister's strong criticism of Pakistan in his U.N. General Assembly address Saturday as "legitimate grievances."

The Indian prime minister had blamed Pakistan for cross-border terrorism and said that "the epicenter of terrorism" is in Pakistan. Mentioning the recent violence, the foreign minister questioned how the recent attacks could have taken place without support from the ISI, adding that if Pakistan could not control "non-state actors" on its territory it should seek India's help.

"We expect them to handle non-state actors if they are non-state actors," Khurshid said.

Khurshid also said that India has provided evidence of the involvement of Pakistan in attacks on India, including the voice samples of the control room that handled the 2008 Mumbai attacks which killed 164 people.

"We can't go into Pakistan and pick out the guy whose voice it is, Pakistan's government has to help us do it," he said. "So we're saying either give the guy to us, or take action against him."

Khurshid welcomed the mention of a "new beginning" in India-Pakistan relations by the newly elected Pakistani prime minister but said that based on its past experiences, India needed to "trust but verify" that Pakistan is serious about peace.

Among the top issues the Indian prime minister is expected to raise with his Pakistani counterpart Sunday is Pakistan's failure to bring the planners and executioners of the 2008 Mumbai attacks to justice. According to India, several people who should be behind bars are roaming free while the ones that are under arrest have yet to finish their trials or face punishments.

"We need some accountability, or at least the beginning of accountability," Khurshid said. "Only then we can start afresh."
Posted by: Pappy || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  The Paks wont change their foreign policy of using jihadis in India, Kashmir and Afghanistan.

The US/West have tried their best to change this but wait till we pull out of Afghanistan the jihadis will be back attacking Afghanistan, Kashmir and India.

The problem in the region is Pakistan not Afghanistan.
Posted by: Paul D || 09/30/2013 5:38 Comments || Top||

Nawaz, Manmohan agree to reduce Kashmir tensions
[Dawn] The prime ministers of India and Pakistain agreed Sunday they need to stop the recent spate of attacks in the disputed Kashmire region in order for peace talks to advance, a senior Indian official said.

They also both accepted invitations to visit each other's countries, but no dates were set.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistain's Nawaz Sharif
... served two non-consecutive terms as prime minister, heads the Pakistain Moslem League (Nawaz). Noted for his spectacular corruption, the 1998 Pak nuclear test, border war with India, and for being tossed by General Musharraf...
met for just over one hour at a New York hotel on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

It was their first face-to-face meeting since Sharif was elected in May.

India and Pakistain have fought three wars, and relations between the nuclear rivals have been strained since the 2008 Mumbai attacks blamed on Pakistain-based snuffies that killed 164 people in India's commercial hub.

This year, a renewed spate of violence has threatened a decade-long cease-fire on the Kashmire frontier.

Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon called Sunday's meeting useful and constructive. He said that Singh and Sharif had tasked senior military officers to find a way to shore up a decade-long cease-fire along the disputed frontier in Kashmire, known as the Line of Control.

''They were both agreed that the pre-conditions for forward movement in the relationship which they both desire is an improvement of the situation on the Line of Control where there have been repeated cease-fire violations,'' Menon told news hounds at a briefing.

''Our overall impression of the meeting was that it was useful because it provided an opportunity for high-level contact on issues that are troubling the relationship,'' he said. ''We will now see how both sides take it forward in the next few months.''

Pak officials were briefing news hounds later Sunday.

On Thursday, twin attacks by suspected separatist rebels on Indian security forces killed 13 people in the Indian-held portion of the Himalayan region, an attack that the top elected official there said was aimed at derailing the meeting of Sharif and Singh in New York.

In comments Friday at the General Assembly, Sharif called the meeting a chance for a ''new beginning'' in relations. Singh had downplayed expectations.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

KP govt announces anti-terror strategy, divides Peshawar into four zones
[Dawn] Following a series of attacks in the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa province, the KP government has devised a counter-terror strategy to ward off threats to the city.

Secretary Interior Akthar Ali Shah, while briefing the media, after a high-level security meeting on Sunday night, said that two special task forces would be set up for the city to maintain peace and counter krazed killer threats.

One of the committee's will be headed by the Commissioner and the other will be under the Inspector-General (IG) Police.

Akhtar Ali Shah said that Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
would be divided into four zones and targeted operations would be carried out in sensitive areas.

The emphasis of these targeted operations will be on bus stands, hotels and private inns which will be throughly searched.

He said that a ready to move quick response force would be present in each zone along with the police.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Fazl wants role for tribal jirga in govt-Taliban talks
[Dawn] Jamaat Ulema-e-Islam
...Assembly of Islamic Clergy, or JUI, is a Pak Deobandi (Hanafi) political party. There are two main branches, one led by Maulana Fazlur Rahman, and one led by Maulana Samiul Haq. Fazl is active in Pak politix and Sami spends more time running his madrassah. Both branches sponsor branches of the Taliban, though with plausible deniability...
chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman
Deobandi holy man, known as Mullah Diesel during the war against the Soviets, his sympathies for the Taliban have never been tempered by honesty ...
said on Saturday that tribal jirga could play an important role in the government's talks with Taliban and it should be taken into confidence in this regard.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Ulema Islami

The PA Says It Won't Allow An Intifada Against Israel In The West Bank
[Jpost] Amid Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,, Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
calls for 3rd Paleostinian uprising, PA security sources say the West Bank won't be scene of chaos.

The Paleostinian Authority won't allow an intifada against Israel in the West Bank, Paleostinian security sources in Ramallah said on Sunday.

The sources told the London- based Asharq Alawsat newspaper that the West Bank "won't be the scene of chaos to serve any private agendas."

The sources emphasized that despite calls by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, "there is no orientation toward a new intifada in the West Bank."

The paper said that the PA and Fatah view the calls by the two groups "with mistrust and suspicion."

According to the report, the calls by Hamas and Islamic Jihad last weekend for launching a third intifada have fallen on deaf ears in spite of a number of violent incidents that took place in east Jerusalem and some parts of the West Bank.

Hamas opponents have accused the movement of seeking to ignite a third intifada as a way of ridding itself from its crisis in the aftermath of the downfall of the Moslem Brüderbund regime in Egypt.

They said that Hamas is seeking to embarrass the PA leadership in the West Bank by calling on Paleostinians to initiate violent confrontations with Israel.

The sources said that Hamas wants an intifada in the West Bank while it is preventing terror attacks against Israel from the Gazoo Strip.

"The Israelis are sitting in the surroundings of the Gazoo Strip and if Hamas wants it could ignite an intifada there," the sources pointed out.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Authority

#1  "Cross your heart and hope to die"?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 09/30/2013 2:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Cross your heart and surely lie? Yes.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/30/2013 17:35 Comments || Top||

#3  Of course you have to understand that the PA can hardly control their own explicit members never mind the splinter groups and the groups which only appear to be separate but really aren't...
And of course as soon as someone farts in the presence of the Holy Crayon all bets are off :(.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/30/2013 18:27 Comments || Top||

Netanyahu to demand end to Iran nuclear program, report says
[Ynet] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will tell Washington that Iran's nuclear program must be dismantled and not merely supervised when he visits the White House on Monday, Israeli media reported.

According to the diplomatic correspondent of Israel's Channel One television network, Netanyahu will tell US President Barack Obama
If you have a small business, you didn't build that...
that Israel will abandon the diplomatic path on Iran's nuclear program if it is not completely dismantled.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  We pay Bibi a lot of money---he earns it.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 09/30/2013 2:58 Comments || Top||

#2  The first step in the last chapter.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/30/2013 7:33 Comments || Top||

#3  It won't happen, as both Baby Assad + Iran have directly or indirectly made it clear that Israel must also declare, give up, or otherwise submit its arsenal to formal UN monitoring + inspection.


Perhaps as best illustrated or symbolized by ...



Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/30/2013 23:31 Comments || Top||

Egypt Border Restrictions Leave 5,000 Stranded In Gaza
[Ynet] A Gazoo government official says only 14,000 Gazoo residents have been able to cross into Egypt over the past three months, compared to 65,000 in the same period last year.

Maher Abu Sabha, the head of the Gazoo Borders Authority, on Sunday urged Egypt to lift the border restrictions. He says at least 5,500 people are stranded in Gazoo, including medical patients and students trying to return to universities abroad.
All of them paying the price because the terrorist group they voted into power chose to stake all on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood... and lost. Unlike Israel, Egypt isn't interested in coaxing y'all onto the right path, guys. Learn, or continue to pay the consequences.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Oh, Mama! Can this really be the end?
To be stuck inside of Gaza,
With those Memphis blues again.
Posted by: SteveS || 09/30/2013 1:43 Comments || Top||

Netanyahu To Claim Iran Has Enough Enriched Uranium For Bomb
[Ynet] Britannia's The Sunday Times newspaper reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will claim in his UN speech that Iran holds 219 kilograms of enriched uranium, enough to make a nuclear weapon, quoting an Israeli source.

According to the paper, Netanyahu will further claim that Iran has made significant progress in its nuclear program since the election of President Hassan Rohani.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Yazbek Slams Kabbara's 'Shameful Incitement, Insanity'
[An Nahar] Head of Hizbullah's Juristic Committee Sheikh Mohammed Yazbek on Sunday hit back at Mustaqbal
... the Future Movement, political party led by Saad Hariri...
bloc MP Mohammed Kabbara without naming him, saying his remarks over the Baalbek festivities are "shameful" and "insane."

"What happened (on Saturday) in the city of Baalbek is very painful and we have always warned against it and asked the state to shoulder its responsibilities," Yazbek said at a commemoration ceremony in the Bekaa town of Hawsh al-Rafeqa.

At least three people, including a soldier, were killed and several others maimed after festivities broke out Saturday between Hizbullah members and al-Shiyyah clan following a dispute in Baalbek's al-Qalaa marketplace.

"The attack and killings led us to what we openly reject and we are in dire need for 'firefighters' who can prevent the eruption of a sectarian or religious strife, as people have different ideas and viewpoints and they much respect each other," the top Hizbullah official added.

Snapping back at Kabbara, without naming him, Yazbek said: "It is shameful when some resort to a rejected rhetoric by claiming that Sunnis are being oppressed and it is disgraceful when the insanity reaches some people who consider themselves to be officials in the Lebanese parliament."

"Who is oppressing whom? How can this oppression be explained? There is a state that should be responsible for unveiling the circumstances of the incident," Yazbek noted.

"We regret that this MP is launching remarks from the podiums of strife and incitement, as what happened was a dispute among the members of the same family, but some people want to fuel the fire and speak of oppression," Yazbek added.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Report: Hizbullah Denies Downsizing Fighters in Syria
[An Nahar] Hizbullah sources have denied that the party is mulling to limit the number of its fighters in Syria, pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported on Sunday.

The denial came after official sources told the newspaper that Hizbullah was planning to downsize its members who are fighting alongside Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Despoiler of Deraa...
's troops against the rebels.

The sources said the party would make such a move away from the media spotlight.

The official sources' remarks came after President Michel Suleiman
...before assuming office as President, he held the position of commander of the Leb Armed Forces. That was after the previous commander, the loathesome Emile Lahoud, took office as president in November of 1998. Likely the next president of Leb will be whoever's commander of the armed forces, too...
said that it was "in the interest of all sides to implement the Baabda Declaration."

He told al-Hayat that the agreement among the rival March 8 and 14 camps to keep Leb at a distance from the region's crises "would be implemented sooner or later."

"We are on the verge of retracting the intervention in Syria," Suleiman said without giving further details.
Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Kerry Sees Potential For Quick Iran Nuclear Deal
[Jpost] US Secretary of State John F. I was in Vietnam, you know Kerry
Former Senator-for-Life from Massachussetts, self-defined war hero, speaker of French, owner of a lucky hat, conqueror of Cambodia, and current Secretary of State...
said a deal on Iran's nuclear weapons program could be reached relatively quickly, and it would have the potential to dramatically improve the relationship between the two countries.

Kerry said intensifying diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute over Iran's nuclear program could produce an agreement within the three- to six-month time frame that Iran's diminutive President Hassan Rouhani has called for.

"It's possible to have a deal sooner than that depending on how forthcoming and clear Iran is prepared to be," Kerry said in an interview aired on CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday.

"If it is a peaceful program, and we can all see that - the whole world sees that - the relationship with Iran can change dramatically for the better and it can change fast," he said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran


Again, iff it means halting the formation or expansion of pro-Al-Qaeda, pro-Global-Jihad affiliate groups across the Muslim World, THE DEBT, SEQUESTER-HIT US MAY END UP ACTUALLY NEEDING SHIA IRAN'S HELP TO DO SO!

But at what price - read, Nuclear + Caliphate???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/30/2013 0:38 Comments || Top||

#2  How's this for 'quick', Jawhn?

JFnK - "You get to keep them."

MMullahs - "Okay." (or what ever that is in Farsi)

About how it will end up, with our current take on 'Smart Diplomacy'.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 09/30/2013 13:41 Comments || Top||

Report: Obama call prevented French strikes on Syria 'hours before launch'
[Ynet] Paper claims La Belle France was 'hours' before launching aerial attack against Syria when Hollande received telephone call from Obama informing him US was backing down from joint attack plan in favor of congressional support

La Belle France was set to launch an aerial attack in Syria in response to the chemical attack on a Damascus suburb until US President Barack Obama
I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go...
called his French counterpart and requested he put off the attack, British newspaper The Independent reported.

According to the report, which quotes the French newspaper Nouvel Observateur, French President Francois Hollande
...the Socialist president of La Belle France, an economic bad joke for la Belle France but seemingly a foreign policy realist...
received a phone call from US President Barack Obama on August 31, "hours" before the attack was set to be launched.

According to The Independent, the report in Nouvel Observateur claimed Obama placed a phone call to the French leader in which he informed a "stunned" Hollande that despite a planned US-French strike against Syira, Obama would in fact seek congressional support of an attack, thus effectively lifting the threat despite the two nation's agreement.

The report claimed that at the time of Obama's call, Rafale aircraft were prepared for take-off and official statements were already prepared in anticipation of the attack,

"Everything made us think that D-Day had arrived," a French official is quoted in Nouvel Observateur as saying, adding that the "incredible misunderstanding lasted until the end of the afternoon," at around 6 pm Saturday when Obama phoned Hollande. According to The Independent, the strikes was suppose to begin at 3 am that night, and were expected to target rocket batteries as well as the command centers of the division responsible for Syria's chemical arms.

At the time of the call, Hollande was expecting to give the attack the greenlight. His inclination was based on an agreement with the US that the two nations would launch a joint military intervention operation against Syria.

death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate...
despite the agreement between La Belle France and the US, Obama ended up changing his mind after allegedly speaking with Denis McDonough, his chief of staff, The Independent reported.

When asked for a response by The Independent on the Nouvel Observateur report, the French Defense Ministry kept mum. However,
death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate...
the paper quoted a retired military official as interpreting the incident as a slight to La Belle France's pride. "President B.O.'s U-turn reflects a great contempt by the United States for La Belle France," General Vincent Desportes is quoted as telling the French channel Le Monde in the beginning of September.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He threw the Jews and the French under the bus in one move ...
That ain't easy to do.
Posted by: One Eyed Snore9926 || 09/30/2013 0:25 Comments || Top||

#2  I doubt it will be the same for the Obama Admin as per CHINA-VS-JAPAN, PHIL, INDIA.

The only thing I see stopping an East-South Asian war is China succeeding in getting vital concessions from the US-Allies, however it is politically "spun" or disguised, espec as per overseas "Sole" Base Rights for the PLA - ANYTHING ELSE IS JUST SO MUCH DIPLOMATIC, MEDIA FLUFF-N-BLUFF.


* RELATED YAHOO NEWS > US TROOPS [+ 800,000 Civie Employees] WON'T GET PAID DURING SHUTDOWN: PENTAGON, but are still anticipated to either stay on the job, or else go on unpaid leave.




Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/30/2013 1:04 Comments || Top||

Syria to respect UN accords: Assad
[Bangla Daily Star] Syria will respect United Nations
...an organization originally established to war on dictatorships which was promptly infiltrated by dictatorships and is now held in thrall to dictatorships...
accords on chemical weapons, Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Terror of Aleppo ...
told Italian television station RaiNews24 on Sunday.

"We joined the international agreement against the acquisition and use of chemical weapons even before this resolution was passed," he said when asked if Syria would comply with Friday's UN resolution.

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Friday that demands the eradication of Syria's chemical weapons but does not threaten automatic punitive action against Assad's government if it does not comply.

"The central part of it is based on what we ourselves wanted. So it is not about a resolution, in reality it is our own intention," he said, according to the Italian translation of his remarks.

"In 2003, the UN Security Council proposed liberating this entire region from these arms and declaring the Middle East a region free of chemical weapons. So it is obvious, we have to respect these conditions, it is part of our history," he said. "We have to respect all treaties we sign."

Posted by: Fred || 09/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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Sun 2013-09-29
  Boko murders up to 50 students in their sleep
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  Sudan Arrests 600 over 'Vandalism'
Fri 2013-09-27
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  Nairobi attack: Kenya's President Kenyatta says siege over
Mon 2013-09-23
  Egyptian court bans Moslem Brüderbund activity, confiscates assets
Sun 2013-09-22
  Death toll in Pakistan church bombing rises to at least 40
Sat 2013-09-21
  Hundreds of Syria rebels pledge loyalty to Qaeda groups
Fri 2013-09-20
  87 Killed in Islamist Rampage in Northeast Nigeria Town
Thu 2013-09-19
  Nigerian Army Claims Raid on Boko Haram Kills 150 Islamists
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  Iraq Attacks Kill 34, Including 26 in 7 Baghdad Blasts
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