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Car bomb kills 9, al-Hakim escapes injury
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7 00:00 trailing wife [15] 
17 00:00 Zenster [22] 
11 00:00 Frank G [33] 
6 00:00 Atomic Conspiracy [15] 
3 00:00 Zenster [21] 
2 00:00 Rick James [8] 
8 00:00 Jack is Back [11] 
21 00:00 Frank G [11] 
4 00:00 N Guard [16] 
9 00:00 Cheaderhead [13] 
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11 00:00 Jack is Back [11] 
3 00:00 Col. Klink [15] 
5 00:00 Zenster [15] 
1 00:00 .com [19] 
10 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [9] 
18 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [11] 
2 00:00 Steve White [12] 
6 00:00 True German Ally [9] 
3 00:00 Jules 187 [10] 
3 00:00 Shipman [11] 
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5 00:00 Rafael [16]
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13 00:00 plainslow [10]
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1 00:00 Bomb-a-rama [15]
1 00:00 gromgorru [20]
4 00:00 Seafarious [14]
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1 00:00 tu3031 [13]
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3 00:00 The Mossad [17]
1 00:00 gromgorru [11]
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2 00:00 Chuck Simmins [14]
5 00:00 VAMark [12]
1 00:00 mhw [10]
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14 00:00 Penguin [11]
5 00:00 tu3031 [17]
18 00:00 Zenster [27]
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3 00:00 Fund To Tie Chelseas Tubes [15]
3 00:00 tu3031 [10]
1 00:00 Zenster [9]
11 00:00 joeblow [20]
13 00:00 BH [25]
4 00:00 Capt America [14]
11 00:00 .com [19]
1 00:00 Capt America [14]
4 00:00 Asedwich [19]
7 00:00 crazyhorse [12]
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12 00:00 .com [22]
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5 00:00 Atomic Conspiracy [18]
36 00:00 Zenster [40]
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1 00:00 Mrs. Davis [15]
2 00:00 Dar [10]
7 00:00 Jules 187 [11]
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5 00:00 Chuck Simmins [9]
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4 00:00 Fund To Tie Chelseas Tubes [11]
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Page 4: Opinion
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NKorea denies invasion plans; sez it's SKorea's idea
Edited for brevity.
In an unusual move, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has denied any plan to invade the South and instead claims it is South Korea which is plotting to invade the North, a North Korean report said Saturday. "Great Leader Kim Jong-il said there is groundless speculation in South Korea about a southward invasion threat by North Korea and that the real threat exists in a northward invasion by South Korea," Radio Pyongyang reported.
"Great Leader"? I thought he had been demoted to "Big Cheese" in recent weeks?
How about "Fearless Leader"? Badanov, whaddya think? Natasha? Bueller?
Although North Korea often hinted at the possibility of a northern invasion and rebuffed suggestions of a southern invasion, such remarks have rarely come directly from Kim's mouth. The state-run broadcaster aired Kim's remarks in a commentary, denouncing the South's plan to increase its self-reliant defense capabilities. But it did not provide any background, including when and where Kim made the comments.
Posted by: Dar || 12/27/2004 10:06:27 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lol - why would anyone want to invade Nork; is there anything there worth having? Even the grass is gone (*burp*).
Posted by: Spot || 12/27/2004 11:17 Comments || Top||

#2  cool radios that get only one frequency...
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 11:38 Comments || Top||

#3  When I was stationed there I came to the conclusion that we were there to PREVENT the SOUTH from invading the North. That may have changed now that the liberals are in office, but the Generals still control the military.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 12/27/2004 16:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Ditto, CS. In 91-93, I dont think anbody realy knew what a mess Norkland was. the costs from the German Anschluss Reunification hadn't sunk in either. Evryone was too happy still about the fall of the Iron curtain to see what was coming.

Today is a different world. In addition to everything else, I think the ROK Generals by now have gotten to like having elected CIVILIAN leaders to take the heat and the blame for any bad political decisions, so will generaly (sorry about the pun) obey their masters. And even they sorta like having a buffer between them and the Chicoms. And a reason for the US to stay on the penensula.
Posted by: N Guard || 12/27/2004 22:41 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Airplane Becomes Famous for Renditing Prisoners
This is the sort of stupid "story" that accomplishes nothing but making the writer feel like an "ace reporter" and possibly do some harm to government operations. It's the product of an adversarial press. Hopefully, the writer will be flying on the aircraft when some snuffy brings it down with a rocket, but that probably won't happen.
From The Washington Post
The airplane is a Gulfstream V turbojet, the sort favored by CEOs and celebrities. But since 2001 it has been seen at military airports from Pakistan to Indonesia to Jordan, sometimes being boarded by hooded and handcuffed passengers. The plane's owner of record, Premier Executive Transport Services Inc., lists directors and officers who appear to exist only on paper. And each one of those directors and officers has a recently issued Social Security number and an address consisting only of a post office box, according to an extensive search of state, federal and commercial records.

Bryan P. Dyess, Steven E. Kent, Timothy R. Sperling and Audrey M. Tailor are names without residential, work, telephone or corporate histories -- just the kind of "sterile identities," said current and former intelligence officials, that the CIA uses to conceal involvement in clandestine operations. In this case, the agency is flying captured terrorist suspects from one country to another for detention and interrogation.

The CIA calls this activity "rendition." Premier Executive's Gulfstream helps make it possible. According to civilian aircraft landing permits, the jet has permission to use U.S. military airfields worldwide. Since Sept. 11, 2001, secret renditions have become a principal weapon in the CIA's arsenal against suspected al Qaeda terrorists, according to congressional testimony by CIA officials. .... According to airport officials, public documents and hobbyist plane spotters, the Gulfstream V, with tail number N379P, has been used to whisk detainees into or out of Jakarta, Indonesia; Pakistan; Egypt; and Sweden, usually at night, and has landed at well-known U.S. government refueling stops.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 10:58:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Time to paint that number on a couple more planes.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/27/2004 11:07 Comments || Top||

#2  I guess foreign aid to Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Yemen pays dividends occasionally.
Posted by: joeblow || 12/27/2004 11:31 Comments || Top||

#3  Too bad its not "rendering" instead of "rendition".
Posted by: DO || 12/27/2004 11:36 Comments || Top||

#4  "...a Gulfstream V turbojet, the sort favored by CEOs.."
Time to paint that number on a couple more planes.

Just wondering what type of plane the Washington Post Company has?
Posted by: Jack is Back || 12/27/2004 11:52 Comments || Top||

Some Rantburgers post comments along the lines that the "mainstream media" supports the terrorists, wants the USA to lose, etc. I usually am annoyed by such comments, but I have to say that this article is good evidence for such comments. I would call this article treasonous.

I edited out much of the original article. The entire article is characterized by a treasonous attitude, in my opinion.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 12:55 Comments || Top||

#6  I can't believe that I'm agreeing with Mike Sylwester: it's treasonous.
Posted by: Tom || 12/27/2004 13:01 Comments || Top||

#7  who are you and what did you do to the real Mike Sylwester?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 13:16 Comments || Top||

#8  who are you and what did you do to the real Mike Sylwester?

Mwahaha! I see our clone and replace program is going well.

But seriously Mike, its not realy treasonous if there is no desire to aid the other side. Most journos don't/aren't capable of thinking that far out. Treason requires a preference for something.

These guys are all universaly hypnotized by a mixture of bush derangement syndrome, and the desire to copy woodward & bernstein, who took down a sitting president. The bigger picture simply dosen't occur to them, and prolly won't even when the Jihadis are sawing at their throat.

But a term that might fit is Sedition. IIRC this covers attacks on your own W/O Knowingly aiding an enemy. Sort of like the old school anarchists. Any lawyers/scholars here want to comment?
Posted by: N Guard || 12/27/2004 13:32 Comments || Top||

#9  Maybe "seditious" is a better word. For some reason, I seem to be agreeing with whatever you write. It's kind of a strange feeling .....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 13:44 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Rightwing || 12/27/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Rightwing || 12/27/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Rightwing || 12/27/2004 14:34 Comments || Top||

#13  Hmm. In triplicate. Do you work for the government?
Posted by: Col. Klink || 12/27/2004 14:36 Comments || Top||

#14  Sorry Klink,

I don't know what happened there?
Posted by: Rightwing || 12/27/2004 14:47 Comments || Top||

#15  I guess the CIA forgot all the stuff they learned while operating Air America in Southeast Asia. Each aircraft had six or seven different tail numbers, six or seven different sets of papers, and a bunch of other stuff. This sounds more like a charter operation than "black" ops, and the CIA doesn't CARE if people know. The reporter is a frustrated little toad that wants to be a big toad, but doesn't have the intelligence for it. Guess he'll continue to swim in the same little pond in someone's back yard until he gets a CLUE.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 12/27/2004 15:47 Comments || Top||

#16  Hey he made it to Rantburg...must be doing something right!
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/27/2004 15:53 Comments || Top||

#17  Some Rantburgers post comments along the lines that the "mainstream media" supports the terrorists, wants the USA to lose, etc. I usually am annoyed by such comments, but I have to say that this article is good evidence for such comments. I would call this article treasonous.

I edited out much of the original article. The entire article is characterized by a treasonous attitude, in my opinion.

Treasonous, seditious, whatever ... it's definitely a threat to our national security. Just because you have a right to do something doesn't make it the right thing to do. This reporter needs that quote tattooed across his forehead.

You can safely bet that the tail numbers on that craft have already been changed.

I'd also wager that there's a phone tap in place for a certain reporter.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 16:51 Comments || Top||

#18  You know, more I think about it, more am I convinced that some of the $21B stolen from the oil for food programm went to the MSM worldwide. Some "urubus" are paid informers. Sooner or later the CIA or other Secret Services (if I may say secret) will get them.
Posted by: SwissTex || 12/27/2004 19:19 Comments || Top||

#19  This sounds more like a charter operation than "black" ops, and the CIA doesn't CARE if people know.
Good call Old Patriot.

"Speaker: But Kalla Fakta can now disclose that it was an American plane. A Gulfstream 5, a very exclusive small private jet. The Bromma plane had the registration N379P , and proved to be owned by an anonymous company on the East coast of USA.

Mary Ellen McGuiness: That was our aircraft. You come to the right office.

Speaker: We call and want to hire the aircraft, but get the answer that it only flies for the US government.
Mary Ellen McGuiness: That is correct. We only lease through the US government, we are on a long term lease with them.
Let me see if I find someone call you back."
Posted by: tipper || 12/27/2004 19:31 Comments || Top||

#20  FAA Registry
N-Number Inquiry Results


N379P is not Assigned/Reserved
Posted by: crazyhorse || 12/27/2004 22:27 Comments || Top||

#21  hmmmm - the plot thinnens!
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 22:31 Comments || Top||

Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania
Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, there have been questions about Flight 93, the ill-fated plane that crashed in the rural fields of Pennsylvania. The official story has been that passengers on the United Airlines flight rushed the hijackers in an effort to prevent them from crashing the plane into a strategic target — possibly the U.S. Capitol. During his surprise Christmas Eve trip to Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld referred to the flight being shot down — long a suspicion because of the danger the flight posed to Washington landmarks and population centers. Was it a slip of the tongue? Was it an error? Or was it the truth, finally being dropped on the public more than three years after the tragedy of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000?
My guess would be it was a slip of the tongue, and this mountain was originally a molehill...
Here's what Rumsfeld said Friday: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten — indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."
Doesn't say the U.S. shot down the plane. In fact, he implies it was "shot down" by the Bad Guys. Likely he meant "brought down."
Several eyewitnesses to the crash claim they saw a "military-type" plane flying around United Airlines Flight 93 when the hijacked passenger jet crashed — prompting the once-unthinkable question of whether the U.S. military shot down the plane.
There are probably several eyewitnesses who think they saw UFOs in the vicinity, too. There's a French guy who made some money with a book claiming there was no plane that hit the Pentagon...

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Anonymoose || 12/27/2004 8:31:41 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon

In the context of his sentence, it doesn't seem like he's refering to the US Air Force, instead he's seems to be talking about terrorist.

Posted by: Glereper Thigum7529 || 12/27/2004 8:41 Comments || Top||

#2  I gave up on WorldNetDaily a long time ago: too little hard information, and too much breathless, hysterical speculation.
Posted by: Dave D. || 12/27/2004 9:46 Comments || Top||

#3  IF the US did shoot down the plane the public would admit it was a positive thing. Why do these conspiracy nuts not understand that. Why are they trying to take away the last minute heroism of the passengers of flight 93?
Posted by: RJSchwarz || 12/27/2004 9:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Okay boys and girls-- Tinfoil hats on Now!.

And remember, 2 layers with the outer layer shiny side out to block the mind control rays, and the inner layer shiny side in to keep your thoughts from leaking out to the CIA psions!
Posted by: N Guard || 12/27/2004 9:55 Comments || Top||

#5  i agree RJ
Posted by: smokeysinse || 12/27/2004 11:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Why do these conspiracy nuts not understand that.

Because there is a constant and never ending supply of 13 year old boys who don't know any better until they listen to this drivel for a year and then figure it out. Some never do. They grow up to write it. Or work for the Associated Press. Or the NYT. Or CBS. Or Al-Jizz.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/27/2004 11:17 Comments || Top||

#7  -1 WND gave up on it a a long time ago. Numerous reasons. Too frantic and ill informed even for me being 2 of them.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#8  I think Rumsfeld mis-spoke. Like the poster commented-Rummy meant to say "brought" down. However, one thing's clear from Cheney's interview - in the future if a plane is taken over by terrorists, US citizens better fight like heck to subdue to hi-jackers, because the plane will be shot down by our military, as it should be.

Why are they trying to take away the last minute heroism of the passengers of flight 93?
Because "they're" envious of heroes. They resent heroic actions in civilians especially because it makes them face the truth about themselves.
Posted by: joeblow || 12/27/2004 12:03 Comments || Top||

#9  Didn't the cockpit tapes record the hijackers calling for the pilot to take it down.
Posted by: Cheaderhead || 12/27/2004 18:01 Comments || Top||

UN condemns Chechen women abuse
The United Nations has voiced concern at reports of arbitrary detention and torture of women in Chechnya. Yakin Erturk, UN special rapporteur on violence against women, spoke out on the issue after a recent visit to the republic. "I heard first-hand accounts of women being arbitrarily detained and tortured following targeted operations [by the Russian special forces]," she said. "This is said to be in response to women's involvement in terrorist attacks, particularly as suicide bombers." Two women were among a team that seized a school in North Ossetia in September resulting in 344 deaths, and many bombings over the past few years have been committed by so-called black widows seeking to avenge their dead husbands, sons or brothers. Chechen conflict "In the absence of the rule of law, the civilian population suffers abuse by security forces and Chechen armed groups, leaving a climate of fear and insecurity," Erturk said.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Al Jizz and the UN making reports on "womens rights" in Russia perhaps they should try focusing on their fellow muzzies first. Hell just Pakistan is perfect example of a pot calling the kettle black.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 4:29 Comments || Top||

#2  In UNverse.
Some people have inalienble rights --- no matter that they do. Others have inalienable obligations --- no matter what is done to them.
Posted by: gromgorru || 12/27/2004 4:39 Comments || Top||

#3  "...many bombings over the past few years have been committed by so-called black widows seeking to avenge their dead husbands, sons or brothers..."

Just like the Paleo women-instead of refusing to let this violent jihadi mindset in their homes via husbands, sons, brothers, they choose to continue the cycle of violence by attacking people who didn't attack them. Stupid.

Torture is wrong. There now, UN-you've got your denunciation with no action, as usual-happy? You should be-it's all you ask of any other "world citizens"-opinionated shock--shock, I tell you, shock!
Posted by: Jules 187 || 12/27/2004 12:41 Comments || Top||

Olde Tyme Religion
An Imam Answers Questions About Social Issues

Is it allowed to shake hand with a woman who is old and is not attractive?
In principle, it is permissible to shake hands with old women only if there is no fear of sin and desire from both sides.
"It is, of course, haram to kiss the old woman, even though she may be your mother. If she slips you the tongue the sin is doubled and you will be carried off by djinns."

Please explain whether neck tie or bow ties are allowed or not, in Islam.
The attire of suit, tie and bow tie originated from the West. Generally, an attire resembles a culture and ideology. By wearing a western attire, one will be imitating and indirectly promoting a culture and ideology that is in sharp contrast to Islamic ideology and principles.
"Proper attire for Muslim consists of flowing robes or the Pakistani salwar kameez; a turban; curly-toed slippers; a scimitar; an AK-47 or RPG; two bandoleers; a boom vest; and a purse, containing three stones. Devout Muslims are not allowed to shave above the neck, and are required to shave everything below it."

What are the rules concerning birthdays and giving and accepting presents?
This disease of celebrating birthdays was never prevalent among Muslims before, but since Muslims started living alongside the non-Muslims, they have been influenced by them. .... How can it be permissible to waste time by celebrating birthdays and becoming happy that a big slice of one's life is put behind. .... Islam does not permit waste. .... Also, in these gatherings, music, singing, video filming and the taking of photographs and other un-Islamic and forbidden acts take place. May Allah Ta'la guide us and protect us from all these evils.
"Proper Muslims do not engage in activities which might give pleasure or provide fun, no matter how innocent. Better to spend the time memorizing the Holy Koran or killing infidels. The money you would spend on birthday presents can be put to better use by your local holy man."

I think celebrating birthdays is wrong but why anniversaries?? Can the husband and wife just go out to eat on their anniversary day?
Celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries have no basis in Islam. They are the customs of the Kuffaar. Rasulullah said, 'That person who imitates a nation is from among them.' The issue is not only about the husband and wife going out to eat on the anniversary, it is also about following the method and ways of the kuffaar which is prohibited.
"Making a special occasion of it can lead to making whoopee when the couple arrives home. Sex is allowed only to breed new holy warriors, holy men, or more breeding stock. Best to ignore the wife and spend the evening reading the Holy Koran and cleaning your guns."

Is it permissable to attend women-only functions? (like bridal and baby showers, mehdi, dinner parties etc.) Usually they just eat and talk, sometimes play games, give gifts etc. I know it is not allowed to attend if music is played. My wife feels it is an opportunity to "dress up" and take off her hijaab.
Women-only parties are acceptable. .... However, there is no precept in the Sunnahs for bridal and baby showers. We need to take heed and not end up aping the trends of the kuffaar....
"The best parties for ladies to attend are those honoring departed shaheeds, preferably their sons."

I know that it is not allowed to celebrate occasions like Valentine's Day, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, etc. But here in USA when these occasions are near, they have sales in stores. Most of the times it is candies that have their symbols or names on them. E.g. when Valentine's Day comes, they sell candies that says happy valentine. .... Would it still be gunnah if we buy these things?
It is clear that the occasion of Valentines, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc. have no basis in Islam. To purchase items having symbols of such occasions will be assisting in promoting ideologies that are not acceptable in Shari'ah.
"Devout Muslims must be careful in this respect, because it has been proven that merely glancing at the symbols of Kufr celebrations can pop the eyeballs from your head. Best to wear dark glasses during these periods, or to remain indoors reading the Holy Koran."

Is it haram to buy a Muslim child a costume for Halloween? I know that some Muslims do this already.
Muslims are advised to distinguish themselves in their external appearance adopting Islamic ways and methods in all their affairs, whether worldly or Deeni. .... Islam prohibits adoption of the ways and appearance of other beliefs, cultures, customs and nations. Therefore it is very essential that Muslims guard themselves against assimilation into other non-Muslim cultures. .... By adopting even the appearance of the non-Muslims, that in itself is association with them and is therefore sinful. Therefore any act, be it the celebration of a particular community that may or may not necessary be religious, but merely associated to their "way of rejoicing" falls under the same banner - imitating the non-Muslims. The question of Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, etc. may be categorised under the [same] classifications ....
"On the other hand, dressing your child in proper Islamic garb will help him fit right in on Halloween, won't it? This is the best time of the year to initiate holy war against any neighbors who may have offended your honor or dignity."

Is it permissible to celebrate April Fools day?
It is not permissible to celebrate April Fools day.
"As proper Muslims, we never make jokes, laugh, sing, dance, look at pretty girls, or express any interest in anything but the Holy Koran. All else is haram, except for jihad."

If music and singing is haram in Islam, then why has Allah created birds to sing? If Allah didn't want human being to listen to any kind of music, then why do we have birds and animals that sing at night? If listening to music is a great sin, then why isn't it in the Koran?
The chirping of birds and different sounds of animals, for example, the barking of a dog is not music.
"When the time is right, Allan will destroy them all, just like he will the infidels. And their little dogs, too!

Is Islamic rap songs with music accepted? It is reviving Muslims around the world! So what can be wrong?
Music has been condemned strongly in the Qur'aan and Hadith. .... Rasulullah further mentions,'Music grows hypocrisy in the heart just as water causes crops to grow.' Thus, even conceding that there is benefit in such songs, the fact that music is clearly and expressly condemned in the Qur'aan and Hadith would make such songs Haraam.
"When someone sings to you of the joys of jihad, first stone him or strangle him with a bowstring, then heed his message and kill infidels."

Are women allowed to dance around women without music?
It is not permissible for women to dance at all even in the presence of only females.
"It is not permitted for any Muslim to sing, dance, tell jokes, or have fun. I told you that, dammit!"

I am a 12-year-old girl and I am invited to my old school's reunion. This is mixed, boys and girls. It is at an ice rink to go ice-skating, it is going to be public, not just the people from my old school. If I just stay with girls and avoid the boys can I go, because I just want to go for the benefit of the fun. I have no intension to hang around with the boys,only my girl — friends. Can I go, if not why?
Going to places where there is intermingling of sexes, for no need or necessity, will not be permissible even though you may only intend to be with your girlfriends. What prevents the guys from approaching you? You also state you want to go for the benefit of the fun. Ice-skating involves a lot of moving around. It is not as if you and your friends can seclude yourselves in one place away from the guys. Whilst skating you are most likely to bump and brush against guys and this is also not permissible. Furthermore, many people performing in an audience do so to impress their spectators — in the enquired case, the guys will do so for the girls who may be impressed with the performance and bravery of someone.
"I told you about having fun! If you keep bringing it up I'll have you stoned, you little hussy!"

I attend a mixed christian school (boys and girls together) and i have been told that as a Muslim girl, I am unable to undertake the role of a prefect as women cannot take leadership roles. Due to the fact that we will have to look over boys and be a 'guardian' over them. Would it be permissible for me to be elected as a prefect at my school?
Any form of intermingling between Ghayr Mahram (not prohibited in marriage) boys and girls is prohibited. It will, thus, not be permissible for you to accept the position as a prefect in the school.
"Best if you simply withdraw from the school and marry your first cousin. You're probably old enough to get pregnant by now."

I am in highschool, going to grade 12. .... I am wondering if it is haraam to pursue a career in culinary arts in Canada, it might involve using alcohol or pig meat. .... I really have the passion to cook, and am very interested in becoming an executive chef some day.
It will not be permissible to pursue the career of culinary arts if it involves using alcohol or pig meat
"It would be best for you to stop your education at this point, if it hasn't gone too far already. If you are entering the 12th grade there is no reason for you not to be married yet."

I do not use the TV to watch any other programmes but sports such as Cricket, Soccor & motor racing. It is not practical and financially viable for me to go and watch these sports live so can I watch it on TV as it happens or a delayed transmission?
There are numerous other psychological and moral harms of the TV. Leave alone other programmes, even the sport programmes are inundated with filth. Also, the Hadith has totally prohibited the keeping or making of pictures. By watching TV, valuable time is being wasted and we receive no benefit physically or spiritually. It is, therefore, not permissible to watch the TV.
"Your time would be better spend reading the Holy Koran and the Hadiths and cleaning your weapons."

My mom made a promise to Allah that I was not allowed to watch TV for the month of December. I would like to know if its still OK to see my movies on my Lap top or Computer?
It will still be Haraam (strictly prohibited) for you to see movies on your computer or laptop.
"And not just for the month of December! I'm talkin' forever here, kid! There's filth on the teevee, even on the sports channels! Filth! Titties! Thighs! Buttocks! Wimmin's faces! Oh, Allan! Where is my gun? I must... I must... I must shoot off!"

Can Muslims make a donation to the sperm bank? If not, please explain.
Since this requires masturbation, it is not permissible.
"Better to marry your first cousin immediately."

Can we have Christian servant in home
doing various works like sweeping, washing cloths
making food etc.
Yes, it is permissible.
"Your Christian servant can be used for much more than sweeping, washing clothes, making food, etc. They are also there for your personal amusement and light exercise. Having intercourse with a Christian servant is not haram and there is no need to ask permission."
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 12:59:25 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  LOL! Perfect in-line commentary, heh. *applause*
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 14:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Not beverage/keyboard safe. LOL
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 15:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Well, at least we have some mutual dislike for the suit, tie and bow tie.
Posted by: Tom || 12/27/2004 15:12 Comments || Top||

#4  This goes in the Classics.
Posted by: Korora || 12/27/2004 15:29 Comments || Top||

#5  "We need to take heed and not end up aping the trends of the kuffaar...."

"That toilet paper thing? Infidel's habit. Avoid it!"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 15:32 Comments || Top||

#6  Islam prohibits adoption of the ways and appearance of other beliefs, cultures, customs and nations
Wouldn't moving to a kuffir land be un-islamic? Sounds to me like all mooselimb immigrants have to go home:^)
BTW, islamic rap songs? Lol
Posted by: Spot || 12/27/2004 15:39 Comments || Top||

#7  Is it haram to buy a Muslim child a costume for Halloween?

Yes, unless the outfit comprises a fully functional bomb vest.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 15:59 Comments || Top||

#8  "I'll come back when I ready to stop having fun" - Homer Simpson.

Sheesh, what a bunch of joyless mooks.
Posted by: davemac || 12/27/2004 20:03 Comments || Top||

#9  Dear Imam. I saw a woman's toenail. Will my head explode from lust?

Yes. Yes, it will.
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/27/2004 20:36 Comments || Top||

#10  You gotta picture of that toenail you can share?
Posted by: Imam Ebrahim || 12/27/2004 20:51 Comments || Top||

#11  no - it's Haram
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 21:00 Comments || Top||

'US and Arab officials plotting against Syria'
I certainly hope so.
DAMASCUS — The mouthpiece of Syria's ruling Baath party yesterday charged that Arab and US officials were plotting together to accuse Damascus of stirring unrest in Iraq. "There is a campaign of practical jokes against Syria. Threatening and coordinated statements from certain American and Arab officials in the region show the influence of the Israeli media," said Al Baath editorialist Elias Murad. 
Posted by: Steve White || 12/27/2004 1:11:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Uhh... The ameircans are looking at me!
Kofi, make them stop. The drooling & chop-licking is gross!

Umm... Kofi?... Putti?... anyone?... help!
Posted by: N Guard || 12/27/2004 7:52 Comments || Top||

#2  a campaign of practical jokes? Like an exploding JDAM? A laff-riot!
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 8:11 Comments || Top||

#3  Wow, no mention of the Jews! It must be true!
Posted by: Glereper Thigum7529 || 12/27/2004 8:44 Comments || Top||

#4  I told you mahmud, it's a plot
against the Noble Syrian Nation (TM) !
The Israeli media did the R&D, with American financing and the Arab Officials executed it


Posted by: EoZ || 12/27/2004 8:57 Comments || Top||

#5  Someone with a Texas accent keeps calling Bashir Assad and asking if his refridgerator is running.
Posted by: AJackson || 12/27/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#6  He,he #5.

that Arab and US officials were plotting together
Assad, for all his faults, is not as evil (only 9 out of 10) as the guys pulling his strings, who are hold-overs from his dad's circle of "friends" and who might have their own Prince of Darkness (12 out of 10) waiting for junior to be knocked off. We should be careful what we wish for...
Posted by: joeblow || 12/27/2004 11:41 Comments || Top||

#7  Remember to get DNA samples this time before the big earth shattering KABOOM.
Posted by: Whaing Wherong1888 || 12/27/2004 15:59 Comments || Top||

#8  Purdy darn funny AJ.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 16:18 Comments || Top||

Arab and US officials were plotting together to accuse Damascus of stirring unrest in Iraq
And the downside of this would be....?

FWIW, I don't think "plotting" is the right word, but why nit-pick. :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/27/2004 17:40 Comments || Top||

#10  There is a campaign of practical jokes against Syria

Which is quite true, except for the niggling little fact that nobody's joking. Whatever use Syria ever served was outlived a very long time ago.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 19:07 Comments || Top||

#11  To really screw things up, Argentina should deport Menem!
Posted by: Jack is Back || 12/27/2004 19:32 Comments || Top||

Minister says presidency is best post for Rafsanjani
Industries and Mines Minister Es'haq Jahangiri said here on Sunday that the presidency is the best post for Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. "I think the best place for him is the post of president," Jahangiri told reporters in a brief interview in parliament. The minister said he thinks Rafsanjani's abilities are so great that whatever position he occupies, his abilities can be used.

He also predicted that if Rafsanjani decides to run, there will be a change in the strategy of many political parties. Jahangiri served as mines minister in the Rafsanjani administration from 1993 to 1997. He is a member of the Servants of Construction Party. Rafsanjani is also a member of the party. Rafsanjani has not yet officially announced whether he will run for the post or not.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 9:29:23 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, I'll tell ya - I'm sure inspired. If I had a vote, Raffie would get it. Of course, if I had a hammer or a TLAM, he'd get that, too. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning...
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 3:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Old Anglo Saying: When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Old Arab Saying: When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a blasting cap.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 9:31 Comments || Top||

#3  Sgt. Shultz, remove that turban immediately.
Posted by: Col. Klink || 12/27/2004 13:23 Comments || Top||

Khatami says UN reforms should benefit humanity
President Mohammad Khatami on Saturday criticized the latest proposal on reforming the structure of the United Nations. Speaking at a gathering of officials of the Hajj Organization, he added, "We all are in favor of changing the UN Charter, on the condition that the reforms would benefit the oppressed and be targeted to correct the unjust rules and regulations. However, the proposal as its stands now favors the hegemonic powers, who, under the guise of UN provisions, can perpetrate their unfettered acts of aggression."
In other words, the successful states of the world aren't willing to give up power to the "oppressed," with their penchant for failed states...
These nations are bent on pushing through the changes in order to carry out their occupation and impose their will on others, which is not acceptable, Khatami stated.
"We don't need none o' that 'individual freedom' stuff here."
He also expressed doubt that the proposal would be accepted by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Kofi has his own affection for failure at the state level, and he's perfectly happy to see the "oppressed" remain just the way they are.
All the freedom-loving people of the world should unite and present proposals to reform the UN for the benefit of humanity and justice and not to favor powerful countries, the president emphasized.
All of those powerful countries, of course, became that way strictly by accident, at the expense of the Oppressed™...
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 8:07:28 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  the hegemonic powers, who, under the guise of UN provisions, can perpetrate their unfettered acts of aggression
I thought the problem was that the US wasn't under UN provisions. These jokers need to coordinate with the Moveon morons.
Posted by: Spot || 12/27/2004 9:06 Comments || Top||

#2  The number one reform element: The US leaves the UN.
Posted by: badanov || 12/27/2004 9:22 Comments || Top||

#3  "We all are in favor of changing the UN Charter, on the condition that the reforms would benefit the oppressed and be targeted to correct the unjust rules and regulations."

Left unsaid was their intention to exclude their own population when referring to "the oppressed".
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#4  Like Spot, I'm tired of perpetrating our "unfettered acts of aggression"..."under the guise of UN provisions"

Frankly, I find them fettering (is that a word?). So let's drop (a) the fetters (b) the "guise" and (c) the BOMB on Iran...and have done with it!
Posted by: Justrand || 12/27/2004 10:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Khatami says UN reforms should benefit humanity

Nothing to it, this is really very uncomplicated. Just take the UN building in full session, and drop it on a completely attended meeting of Iran's government.

Kill two turds birds with one stone.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 17:24 Comments || Top||

Iranian FM may boycott Iraq conference in Amman
Sounds good. Maybe something of substance will get done, since everybody will be free to plot nefariously without outside interference...
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 9:26:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, they already have maybe 10 thousand representatives in Iraq doing their best imitation of Western grass-roots get out the vote efforts, so I figure they're kinda over-represented as it is. Sure, FM Guy, skip the meet.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 3:17 Comments || Top||

Africa: Horn
Arabs Know What's Going On in Darfur, But Don't React. Why?
From MEMRI, a translation of an article by Abu Khawla, a human rights activist and former chair of the Tunisian section of Amnesty International.
.... the Arab silence [about Darfur] could only be explained once we understand the true nature of the twin fascisms of Islamism and pan-Arabism that continue to wreak havoc on Arab land, and the impact they are having on the ignorant masses. To obtain credible information, Arabs turn nowadays to satellite TV channels, especially Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, a tool of communications that is so far completely monopolized by Fundamentalists. In the case of Al-Jazeera, Preacher Youssef Al-Qaradhawi (a leading figure of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood) is one of its most influential founding members. And Fundamentalists are in charge of its news programs and talk shows...

Why did these fundamentalist havens try to hide the truth about the Darfur massacre? For starter, we should notice that the matter wouldn't have raised an eyebrow among Muslim public opinion had the slaughter targeted non-Muslims. Fighting infidels until they either convert to Islam or submit to Muslims as 'Dhimmis,' i.e., citizens of second class status under Islamic rule, and pay the 'Jezya' (a poll tax), is still considered by Islamists to be a religious duty. ....

But Darfur is different, since it is a slaughter of Muslims even though they are non-Arabs of African descent. Why? In order to be able to answer this question, we need to make a difference between theory and practice. In theory, Muslims aren't allowed to slaughter other Muslims. .... Islamists refer to the Islamic 'Ummah,' considering Arab nationalism as a source of 'fitnah' (sedition). The practice, however, tells a very different story. Slavery is among the most horrendous means by which Arabs subjugated non-Arab Muslims, especially those of African descent. ....
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 2:12:42 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Uh, because they're Arabs?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/27/2004 15:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Door #2 would be because they don't just know what's going on, they're funding and helping with the genocide of non-muslims.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/27/2004 15:32 Comments || Top||

#3  they're funding and helping with the genocide of non-muslims.
The tribes being killed in Darfur are muslims, Barbara. It's just that they are black muslims, instead of the master race Arab muslims. So, they don't count.
Posted by: Steve || 12/27/2004 15:43 Comments || Top||

#4  Unless you want to pick on GWB.
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/27/2004 15:45 Comments || Top||

#5  God, I love riddles. Answer: because they pull the same shit on their peoples and because they used to say nothing about Saddam?

Am I close?
Posted by: Capt America || 12/27/2004 16:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Didn't realize that, Steve - I thought they were Animists and/or Christians.

But you're right - they're not Arab, so they're worthless. Except maybe as slaves.

Such nice people, the Arabs.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/27/2004 17:49 Comments || Top||

#7  This is the second round in Sudan, Barbara. You remember the first round, when the Arab Muslims merrily pillaged, raped and murdered their black non-muslim subjects in the south of the country. When the World finally took notice and protested (led by various Christian groups and Christian NGOs), the Arab-Muslim Sudanese took the show northward to their black muslim subjects. You've been busy rescuing drunken idiots who beat their families and burn down their houses...otherwise you would have noticed the switch over ;-)

P.S. I hope your Xmas shift was fairly quiet. I had no idea about the dynamics of dysfunctional families during the holidays. You're a braver soul than I!
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/27/2004 22:30 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
Bin Laden Endorses Zarqawi Urges Boycott Of Elections
More details from AP:
In an audiotape broadcast Monday by Al-Jazeera satellite television, a man purported to be Osama bin Laden endorsed Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi as his deputy in Iraq and called for a boycott of next month's elections there.
The voice on the tape described al-Zarqawi as the "emir," or prince, of al-Qaida in Iraq and said Muslims there should "listen to him."
"Emir Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi" - He's come a long way for a poor boy from Jordan. Emir's get to wear a Gold turban, don't they?
The man speaking on the tape also referred to a statement last month in which al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, declared allegiance to bin Laden and changed his group's name to al-Qaida in Iraq. The speaker called that "a great step on the path of unifying all the mujahedeen in establishing the state of righteousness and ending the state of injustice."
"One turban to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them."
The voice on the tape broadcast Monday sounded like bin Laden's but there was no way to independently confirm the speaker's identity. Al-Jazeera broadcast excerpts of the tape while showing a still photo of the bearded bin Laden, wearing a white robe and head covering.
Posted by: Radio Guy || 12/27/2004 13:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So who do we have opposing elections:

terrorist groups
Bin Laden
the UN
Jimmy Carter
Posted by: mhw || 12/27/2004 13:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Lets see. Sunni Saddam. Sunni Osma. Sunni 'prince Zarqawi. Iraq 60% Shia and then you have the Kurds. Osma doesn't cit it with most Shia does he? He would just as soon kill them as other "infidels."
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 14:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Osama is just a religous Nazi ,that damn little turd
Posted by: Mr.Nobullshit || 12/27/2004 15:46 Comments || Top||

#4  I hate seeing Popo Gigo manipulated like that.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 15:49 Comments || Top||

#5  I don't think that's Popo Gigo PD. It's one one of the Senior W's buddies Ima think. BTW GOOGLE Popo Gigo quickly! LOL! You are! The expert!
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 16:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Topo Gigio...was a puppet. This is Senor Wences
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 16:34 Comments || Top||

#7  So right Frank G. "Easy for you...difficult for me!"
Posted by: Sgt. D.T. || 12/27/2004 17:22 Comments || Top||

#8  S'alright
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 17:27 Comments || Top||

#9  LOL! Oops! Thx, Frank - and I presume you said "S'alright" in the correct gravelly voice...
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 17:38 Comments || Top||

#10  yep ;-)
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 17:38 Comments || Top||

#11  Let the yahoos disenfranchise themselves. Let's just have the elections without them.
Posted by: marlowe || 12/27/2004 18:25 Comments || Top||

#12  That's actually Johnny and Senor W. For a few minutes Rantburg was the Google Topo Gigo got to place!
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 18:40 Comments || Top||

#13  If the Sunnis want for further marginalize themselves, that's entirely up to them.

Nice thing, this freedom to choose, no?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 18:56 Comments || Top||

Too cutesy for me...
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 19:48 Comments || Top||

#15  "a really big shew!"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 19:50 Comments || Top||

#16  I can hear Topo saying "Eddie" right now.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 19:51 Comments || Top||

#17  I win bar bets getting people to try and remember Topo Gigio's name. Either Ed Sullivan had terminal overbite or the worst fitting dentures in history. Between him, Don Ameche and Jackie Gleason, I'd still have to go with "The Great One," even if he didn't have rock & roll acts on his show.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 22:51 Comments || Top||

The Courage of Many Ordinary Iraqis Is Extraordinary
From The Washington Post, an article by Fred Hiatt
Returning to Washington from Baghdad this month for home leave gave A. Heather Coyne a shock, and not just thanks to the cold. In Iraq, as chief representative of the U.S. Institute of Peace, Coyne spends her days working with that country's emerging civil society. Back home, she finds Americans astonished to hear that there is an emerging civil society -- that Iraqis remain involved with rebuilding their country despite all the explosions and killings.

No, this is not a "good news" story. To the contrary, Coyne's experience confirms the deterioration of conditions in Iraq. She is confined, for security reasons, to Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone. That's been true for a long time; now her Iraqi colleagues for the most part dare not visit her there, because the terrorists are always watching those who come and go. Communication is by phone and e-mail.

Recently the institute held a workshop on conflict resolution in Sulaymaniyah, in the relatively peaceful Kurdish north, because the capital is too dangerous. One participant was a Mosul professor who lectures with 10 armed bodyguards in attendance in his classroom. The insurgents, in other words, are succeeding, not only in killing and wounding Iraqis and Americans but in impeding Iraqis' ability to rebuild their country and to interact with each other and with foreigners. They are blocking precisely the kinds of interaction a society needs to begin recovering from decades of dictatorship. Worse: The violence is exacerbating sectarian tensions, as the insurgents also intend. So far a remarkable feature of the war has been Kurdish and, especially, Shiite restraint in the face of provocation from Sunni terrorists. ....
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 11:53:47 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In my opinion, this *is* a good news story. The Iraqis are trying to rebuild their country under extreme provocation from the terrorists. I am sure that the situation will get worse, right up to, and for some little time beyond the election. After that however, the legitimate government will have to get mediaeval on their asses - and the Iraqi people will be right up for it. Expect to see a fair few executions sometime in Feb-Mar '05 (hopefully including that shit Saddam).
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 12/27/2004 12:09 Comments || Top||

#2  After that however, the legitimate government will have to get mediaeval on their asses - and the Iraqi people will be right up for it
I hope you're right and that do-gooders from State and JAG do not meedle in what is long overdue. The remarkable "restraint" that Ms. Coyne refers to regarding the Kurds and Shiites is due no doubt to the short leash imposed on them by the US/UK, and that's okay for the short term because I don't want to see our GI's put in a position of shooting at the good guy Iraqis in order to protect the bad guy Sunnis from revenge.

But in short order, after the duly elected Iraqi gov't is in place, who can take responsibility for giving orders to assassin squads to nail the Sunni SOB ring leaders and their co-dependent families and immediate neighbors ... then let the Sunnis get the message that they are a MINORITY living in the midst of a MAJORITY Shiite-Kurdish nation and they'll live to see a tomorrow only at the behest of that majority.

Posted by: joeblow || 12/27/2004 12:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Article: One participant was a Mosul professor who lectures with 10 armed bodyguards in attendance in his classroom.

Conversely, enemy leaders also need to be surrounded by dozens of bodyguards, because US forces are literally unstoppable when they go on raids. This is the reality of guerrilla warfare for the guerrillas - their leadership is always insecure and paranoid about that knock on the door or that JDAM through the roof. The guerrillas are trapped in the same country as our boys, not the other way around.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 12/27/2004 12:28 Comments || Top||

#4  "...because the terrorists are always watching those who come and go."

Maybe I'm a bit naive, but it seems to me that the use of some counter-surveilence (sp) techniques would expose the "watchers", that could then be rounded up for proper disposal.

Posted by: Analog Roam || 12/27/2004 13:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Exactly. Watching the watchers would probably pay dividends. I would suspect that the watchers are not full-fledged terrorists, but sympathizers, and their discovery and subsequent tortu^H^H^H^H^Hinterrogation would yield valuable information.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 16:02 Comments || Top||

#6  Since I don't have high blood pressure, I watched ABC News tonight.
Their Iraq coverage was all doom and gloom about the chances for an election, oversimplifying an Iraqi General's statement that his forces weren't fully ready, praising the terrorists' resiliency, generalizing hotspots to the whole country; ie the usual simplistic propaganda that passes for sophisticated interpretation among self-described "progessives," that is, the brain-dead legions of authoritarian media-conformists.

The election will be a media Tet; they are betting everything that it will be a disaster. Some, still suffering from the monstrous hubris of Old Media's victory in Vietnam, are probably counting on their own ability to portray the election as a disaster to vindicate their slant. It won't work this time around. Like most pathological narcissists, the overlords of Old Media are completely unable to process facts that contradict their cherished notions. The steady erosion of their power and authority is the most important such fact.
This time it will cost them. It is the reason that they cannot reform. The MSM will not evolve, it will be utterly destroyed as a power center in modern culture.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 12/27/2004 19:08 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks & Islam
Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami -- The Islamic Liberation Party
From The Washington Post, an article by David B. Ottaway
The militant Islamic group exhorts Muslims to suicide bombings, martyrdom against American "infidels" and the killing of Jews. It openly advocates replacing all Middle East governments with an Islamic caliphate and rails against "the American campaign to suppress Islam." The group has been outlawed in all Arab countries, as well as in Turkey, Pakistan, Russia and throughout Central Asia, where hundreds of its members have been jailed. Germany, too, has banned the group because it "supports the use of violence as a means to realize political interests," according to the German Interior Ministry.
Apparently they know something the reporter doesn't ...
They've probably spent more than 15 minutes researching the subject, unlike the reporter...
But the Bush administration, which has designated more than 390 groups and individuals as "global terrorists," has declined to add this particular one to the list. How to handle Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami -- the Islamic Liberation Party or HT -- has become the focus of a debate inside and outside the Bush administration that weighs the president's promise to promote democracy in the greater Middle East against the new imperatives of the fight against terrorism. Two conservative think tanks, the Nixon Center and the Heritage Foundation, are pressing the administration to designate the Islamic Liberation Party as a terrorist group. Human Rights Watch, the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, and experts at the liberal Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Brookings Institution contend that such a step would fan the fires of Islamic extremism. ....
And boy howdy, we sure wouldn't want that, now would we?
I'm trying to figure how not putting the Hezbies on the terror list is going to damp the fires of Islamic extremism. Anything, to include doing nothing, makes them seethe, so just do it and get it over with.
Despite the inflammatory rhetoric on its Web site and in pamphlets, the Islamic Liberation Party does not explicitly espouse violence as a means of coming to power itself. Nor has the party been found engaging in terrorism, according to State Department officials.
But golly, Mr. Reporter, you just told me that even the Germans think these guys advocate violence. I'm so confused! I feel faint, I'd best go lie down.
They ostentatiously don't engage in violence. What they do is sign people up for groups that do engage in violence.
The party is gaining followers throughout Central Asia, and some U.S. officials say that a decision to brand it a terrorist entity could turn it into another al Qaeda and undermine U.S. efforts to encourage the emergence of moderate Islamic groups throughout the region. .....
Killing them all might also encourage the emergence of moderate Islamic groups. Just a thought ...
The party was founded in 1952 by a Palestinian judge, Taqiuddin Nabhani, who lived in East Jerusalem, then under Jordanian rule. He broke away from the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egypt-based militant Islamic group, rejecting its willingness to even consider cooperation with Egypt's secular authorities in seeking power. Jordanian authorities refused to recognize the party and arrested some of its leaders, forcing it underground, where it continued to spread slowly throughout the Muslim world. Today, it has branches in 30 to 40 counties from Indonesia to Denmark, recruiting particularly on college campuses and at mosques. Still, little is known about this international organization other than that they're violent nut-cases that has attracted tens of thousands of followers worldwide. Its Web site, www.hizb-ut-tahrir.org, says it is "a political party whose ideology is Islam." Yet, it has shown no interest in participating in elections and none in sharing power with other parties.
Because caliphates don't share power.
Although its spokesmen renounce violence, the party's Web site describes a three-stage plan aimed at "seizing the reins of power" across the Muslim world. "It is forbidden to seize partial power," the Web site states, and "the implementation of Islam must be comprehensive."
Wouldn't that seem to imply that when they do turn violent, they plan on being overwhelmingly violent?
Its tactics for achieving these goals seem inspired by those of communist parties. The first stage of its plan calls for indoctrinating recruits in small "study groups" that subsequently morph into secret cells of five to six people operating independently of each other, according to a report from the International Crisis Group, which has issued several reports on the party.
Nothing about whether they can form 527 groups, however.
Islamic Liberation was involved in failed coup attempts in both Jordan and Egypt before renouncing violence in the mid-1970s. When Nabhani died in 1978, another Palestinian, Abdul Kaddim Zalloum, a religious scholar educated at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, became party leader and remained so until his death in April 2003. The current leader is Sheik Ata Abu Rashta, a Palestinian Jordanian Islamic scholar about whom little is known, including his whereabouts.
But his ideology seems pretty clear.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 12/27/2004 11:44:32 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Killing them all might also encourage the emergence of moderate Islamic groups.

Works for me. Start snuffing Abu Hamza, Al Qawadari, Bashir and all the other hyper-violent wingnuts for starters. Then cap all those who take their place. Rinse and repeat until nobody wants to declare violent jihad anymore.

NOTHING ELSE is going to solve the problem. The gene pool of violent fanatics needs shock chlorination. By its own inaction Islam effectively welcomes solutions that may have severe consequences for its continuing existence. If Muslims fail to see this writing on the wall, then they are basically ignoring all advisory signs on the global highway. I predict a disastrous high-speed collision with a rather unwelcome (but amazingly solid) reality in their very near future.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 17:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami -- The Islamic Liberation Party
The militant Islamic group exhorts Muslims to suicide bombings, martyrdom against American "infidels" and the killing of Jews.

These guys are simply doing what comes naturally, and are nowhere near "liberating" Islam.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 19:02 Comments || Top||

#3  These guys are simply doing what comes naturally, and are nowhere near "liberating" Islam.

Dunno about that Bar. If this jihadist crap keeps up, a whole lot of "liberating" might occur in some Islamic countries. Mostly in the form of neutron emissions, though.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 19:12 Comments || Top||

Africa: Subsaharan
UGANDA: Hammer and Talk
December 27, 2004: It's another sign that the government believes it is on the verge of politically defeating the LRA. On December 24, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni offered to meet "face to face" with LRA leader Joseph Kony.
I hope he packs a rod when he does. Kony needs killing.
This is the first Museveni has made the offer. Museveni has said he would never negotiate with Kony and the LRA terrorists. However, during 2004 the military made real progress against the LRA. While the amnesty for LRA rebels hasn't been as productive as the government expected, Kony had to retreat into south Sudan. Uganda claimed a major victory December 26 against an LRA band in northern Uganda. An army infantry unit, supported by armed helicopters, killed 21 LRA thugs and captured six more. The battle took place in the Lango area. A military spokesman indicated that the LRA band was ordered to move into the area by radio-- which suggest radio intercept played a key role in positioning Ugandan Army troops for the firefight. The Ugandan government said the LRA band was not in a "safe" or "peace zone" where LRA rebels can lager without fear of Ugandan attack.
Posted by: Steve || 12/27/2004 11:07:20 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What's Rick James got to do with any of this?
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/27/2004 20:03 Comments || Top||

#2  "I'm dead, bitch"
Posted by: Rick James || 12/27/2004 20:16 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Pakistani general gives ultimatum to Mehsud
These are my fingers and these are my toes, this is my elbow and this is my nose...
"Don't make me come in there!"
Lt. Gen. Safdar Hussain, commander of forces in northwestern Pakistan, demanded the unconditional surrender of Abdullah Mehsud, who has emerged as a leader of al-Qaida-linked militants in South Waziristan, near the Afghan border. "Abdullah Mehsud and all the terrorists hiding in Mehsud area of South Waziristan should surrender before Jan. 15 - otherwise a severe military operation will be launched against them," Hussain told a gathering of tribal elders in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
"We're tuning up the drums even as we speak."
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/27/2004 11:08:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Coming up next, Mehsud Plays Itsy-Bitsy Spider As Bodyguards Cheech and Chong Watch Intently...
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/27/2004 11:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Is the turban an optional method of carrying personal hygine material in lew (or is that loo) of 3 stones? Is some poor woman missing her Sari?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 11:47 Comments || Top||

#3  "here's the church mosque, here's the steeple, open the door and see all the people"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 11:51 Comments || Top||

#4  yall funny today frank and tu3031
Posted by: smokeysinse || 12/27/2004 13:03 Comments || Top||

#5  Hee hee! yep they are.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 16:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Ass Kicking time -- tick tock tick tock
Posted by: Capt America || 12/27/2004 16:19 Comments || Top||

#7  Just curious...is that a picture of him before or after he got sprung from GTMO? He looks kinda chubby for a jihadi on the lam...
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/27/2004 16:24 Comments || Top||

#8  Does anyone else but me see some resemblence to John Belushi? I keep waiting for him to yell "Food Fight". Anyway, he is one of the reasons no one is going to church as a result of the FBI reports about GTMO.
Posted by: Jack is Back || 12/27/2004 19:22 Comments || Top||

1st Israeli Settlement Agrees to Exit Gaza
PEAT SADEH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Residents of a small Jewish settlement said Sunday they've struck a deal to move to a village inside Israel, giving a boost to the government's contentious Gaza pullout plan by becoming the first community to agree to be evacuated. Peat Sadeh, a tiny, upscale farming village tucked into the southwest corner of Gaza about a mile from the Mediterranean Sea, raised the ire of hard-line settler leaders, who are mounting a campaign against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to remove all 21 settlements from Gaza and four from a part of the West Bank next year.

At Peat Sadeh, affluence is evident in the neat houses and expensive cars parked outside. Residents are farmers and say they do considerable business with Palestinian neighbors. "Sharon built this community," said Ella Amin, 39. "He hoped that it would be one of the most beautiful in the area, but the uprising ruined all of our dreams." Yonatan Bassi, director of the government administration overseeing the Gaza pullout, said the evacuation deal with the residents of Peat Sadeh was reached last week. He said the settlement's 20 families, joined by five families from other settlements, would move to Mavkiim, a farming village near the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, beginning in March.

Residents said they're leaving reluctantly. "I'm still against it," said Vicki Sabaj, 56, referring to the pullout, "but there's no choice. At least I'll go together with my friends." She did not believe she'd be safer inside Israel. "If I leave, the border moves with me," she said. Mavkiim is about 4 miles from the Gaza border. While the Peat Sadeh deal is the first under the government's withdrawal plan, Bassi said officials are negotiating with a "great number" of settlers willing to leave. He declined to give numbers. Gaza settler spokesman Eran Sternberg disputed Bassi's claim, saying the vast majority of settlers remain opposed to the pullout.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/27/2004 1:21:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Sharon plans devastating strikes in the Strip before evacuating it
Zionist premier Ariel Sharon is bent on launching devastating strikes against Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip before evacuating it, according to Zionist press sources. The sources said that the Zionist army command was launching intensified exercises over the past few days within and on the borders of the Strip in preparation for such a campaign. They said that the plan was drawn more than seven months ago but was delayed until start of the disengagement plan. They explained that the plan was intended to strike the Palestinian resistance's infrastructure and as a muscle-flexing parade before the withdrawal.

However, the sources said that recent resistance attacks in the Strip coupled with other occurrences such as the success of American president George Bush in the presidential elections and the international silence towards Zionist atrocities had encouraged Tel Aviv to accelerate its plan. The plan stipulates dividing the Strip into three separate areas then embarking on a specially-designed incursion for each sector in accordance with nature of targets, making use of the air force, besieging, combing, demolishing houses, arresting wanted activists and wiping out infrastructure of various resistance factions.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Devastation strikes? Whoa, thanks for the heads-up! I'll stock up on popcorn!

A muscle-flexing parade - hmmm. I dunno about that - The Village People aren't organizing it, are they? Sounds like s gay-pride thingy with way-too-gay prancing...

"Specially-designed incursions" - you mean a like a plan thingy? Ooooh, that's scary! They should just do Paleo mob car-swarm or Arafat Funeral kind of incursion so you'll feel more comfortable, huh?

And "wiping out infrastructure" sounds really expensive... Are you sure this isn't just another Paleo Terr Fund Drive?
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 3:10 Comments || Top||

#2  We must be guided by the beauty of our weapons...

First we do the "devastation strikes"
then we take Berlin....

P.S. there may also be an interim step of
a zionist dance in between said steps...

The Tel-Aviv-Zionist Corp.
Posted by: EoZ || 12/27/2004 8:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Zionist premier..


(using the word "Zionist" as the first word in any news piece is very, VERY bad form, guys)
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 9:41 Comments || Top||

#4  "according to Zionist press sources"

so let me get this straight:

Unknown Zionist press sources, despite their unmitigated evilness (because they're Zionists, you see), realized how unspeakable is the horror perpetrated on paleo terrorists. So they were so ashamed of their actions, they went all piggly-wiggly and ran to tell the poor, paleo propaganda pundits about this dastardly plot to commit unspeakable atrocities.

yep. I don't have a problem with that. makes perfect sense to me.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 12/27/2004 11:00 Comments || Top||

#5  Uh, wouldn't it make more sense to evacuate, and then bomb the crap outta the place?
Yeah, I know. Consider the source.
Posted by: Desert Blondie || 12/27/2004 11:59 Comments || Top||

#6  Sharon plans devastating strikes in the Strip before evacuating it

After all, the occupancy lease contract clearly states:

Exterminate all vermin before abandoning the premises.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 14:30 Comments || Top||

#7  I prefer to think of it as an appropriate parting gift.
Posted by: Tom || 12/27/2004 14:52 Comments || Top||

#8  Have to clean up the place and mow the lawn if they want to get their security deposit back.
Posted by: Steve || 12/27/2004 15:50 Comments || Top||

#9  Have to clean up the place and mow the lawn if they want to get their security deposit back.

Er, they're going to have to file a claim against Arafart's estate for that...
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 16:07 Comments || Top||

Ariel Sharon is bent on launching devastating strikes against Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip before evacuating it

No downside that I can see. :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/27/2004 17:42 Comments || Top||

US push for 'Sunni seats' rejected
Iraq's Independent Election Commission has emphatically rejected US calls for fixed Sunni Arab seats in the legislature, said a commission official. The election body has rejected a move by Washington to adjust the results of next month's vote to benefit the Sunni community. Speaking of "unacceptable" interference, Electoral Commission spokesman Farid Ayar said: "Who wins, wins. That is the way it is. That is the way it will be in the election."

Ayar was emphatic in dismissing such a possibility, and suggested US officials were trying to interfere. "Maybe they didn't read the rules and regulations of the commission ... The Americans are expressing their views and those aren't always the same as the commission's. But the commission is absolutely independent. "It is not acceptable for anyone to interfere in our business. That will not be allowed to happen," he said.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The election body has rejected a move by Washington to adjust the results of next month’s vote to benefit the Sunni community.

Geez, can't these guys drop the affirmative action thing already???
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 12/27/2004 1:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Washington wants to help the Sunni community-the community that is aiding and abetting and even committing acts of violence against our GI's????Someone has some 'splain' to do...
Posted by: joeblow || 12/27/2004 1:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Stupid, stupid idea.
Posted by: someone || 12/27/2004 2:16 Comments || Top||

#4  Yo, Sunnis... The Vote. Use it or lose it.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 2:44 Comments || Top||

#5  Something tells me this was a "state department idea." IF teh Sunni don't vote we know whos side they are on. That would be the losing side.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 3:09 Comments || Top||

#6  Oh well, we tried, but it's not in the cards.
Posted by: Glereper Thigum7529 || 12/27/2004 8:47 Comments || Top||

#7  I wish we could tell State to STFU that easily.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/27/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#8  Seems that the IEC are catching on to what Democracy means rather quicker than State thought eh?

I'm sure there is going to be one almighty bloodletting of Sunni Baathists, 'insurgent' sympathisers and Saddam supporters once Feb 1st comes around.

Payback can be a real bitch... (thinking of those poor sods 'executed' on the street whilst a cameraman just 'happened' to be strolling by).
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 12/27/2004 11:05 Comments || Top||

#9  maybe they can take the payback to the AP photographers as well....
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#10  Quite so Frank.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 12/27/2004 11:41 Comments || Top||

#11  #8... I can't help feeling that things aren't really going that well, until we start hearing about the Sunni, former Bathists, and former military officers who go missing, are arrested, are assassinated, or who's bodies are found in the streets in the morning. We hear almost daily about ING, police, workers, translators, and Shiite being attacked. Where is all the payback? Could MSM really be suppressing reports of retaliations? The insurgency seems to be mostly supported by Sunni and the Bathists, so how come the Kurds and Shia don't seem to be doing anything in return?
Posted by: DO || 12/27/2004 11:47 Comments || Top||

#12  Why don't we send Puffy Combs over there...


I think we should rename the MOAB to FATWA and issue a few. Ok, done ranting, back to work.
Posted by: JackassFestival || 12/27/2004 12:01 Comments || Top||

#13  I can't help but think that the U.S. suggested it because they NEW it would be rejected.
GT's got it right. Oh well, we tried. I'm not saying it's going to do us any good, just that
now we can look like we actually tried.
Posted by: Mike || 12/27/2004 14:23 Comments || Top||

#14  Looks like someone at the State Dept. missed a fine opportunity to STFU.
Posted by: AJackson || 12/27/2004 17:17 Comments || Top||

#15  No one deserves marginalization through lack of participation in the Iraqi elections more than the Sunnis. Their delusions of theological ascendancy should (and look like they most definitely will) come back to bite them on the @ss in spades.

My heart pumps piss.
Posted by: Zenster || 12/27/2004 18:56 Comments || Top||

#16  BTW, everyone, it turns out this story is bogus. Powell was asked about this and very clearly said so this afternoon - there was never any US plan or request to "reserve" seats for the Sunnis.

The story is BOGUS. It Did Not Happen. Just Al Jizz earning its moniker.

Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 21:29 Comments || Top||

#17  Al Jizz - "if the news isn't there, we'll make it up"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 21:31 Comments || Top||

#18  This sounded like the joke that has the punch line "may I push in your stool" to me.

It may have been a "trial balloon" being made on behalf of the State Departments Saudi masters. They sure as hell don't work for the US.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/27/2004 21:42 Comments || Top||

Millions of dollars poured into reconstruction of Baghdad slum
The government has released a large portion of the funds allocated for the reconstruction of Sadr City in Baghdad, according to Labor Minister Leila Abdul-Latif. Sadr City, a major Iraqi slum, is home to nearly 2.5 million impoverished Shiite Muslims in the country. It was the scene of heavy fighting between U.S. troops and militiamen of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. But the sides agreed a ceasefire in October under which Sadr's fighters surrendered their weapons in return for hard cash.

Abdul-Latif said Iraqi ministries now had access to 57 billion of the 90 billion dinars (approx. $60 million) and $200 million the government had earmarked for Sadr City. The ministries involved include electricity, education, health, interior and labor, she said. The remaining 33 billion dinars will be made available next year, she said. In addition to local currency allocations, the government had spent $200 million on projects in Sadr City. Upgrading the city's sewage network has so far cost $150 million, Abdul-Latif said. The remaining $50 million had gone to drinking water projects, she added. However, the minister said, Sadr City was in need of additional funds to modernize its public amenities.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I smell a new War on Poverty. This sounds like a great un tapped pool of low skilled workers. Perhaps we should send the Chinese in. It would distract them from Taiwan.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/27/2004 7:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Start at the bottom of the economic ladder -- get Nike to put a shoe factory in there. Have that work for a few years, get a little prosperity going, and then take the next step -- textiles. Upgrade telecom, transport and education every day, and get the people used to the idea of "go to work, work hard, get paid, improve oneself, move up".
Posted by: Steve White || 12/27/2004 12:40 Comments || Top||

Lawyer wants Iraq's Aziz freed for 'lack of proof'
The lawyer for former Iraqi deputy prime minister Tareq Aziz, being held for trial on two counts of mass murder, said he would seek his client's freedom for lack of proof. "I will present a petition to the chief of the investigating magistrates on the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST) that Tareq Aziz be freed for lack of proof," Badi Aref Izzat told AFP. "After having met with my client and reviewed the charges against him, I have concluded that there is not sufficient proof to bring him to justice and, consequently, that his detention is illegal," Izzat added.
Oh. Well. In that case let him go, by all means...
"No personal claim has been made against him," he said, arguing that the law requires that. On July 1, Aziz was formally charged alongside his captive colleagues by the IST established by the US-led coalition to try senior members of the former regime. He was charged with two counts of mass murder, allegedly committed in 1979 and 1991, and punishable by death if he is found guilty. But Izzat said Aziz strongly denies the charges because he "never participated in these operations and knew nothing about them."
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Izzat right?

Wow, who'da thunk it.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 2:59 Comments || Top||

#2  BTW, is that the pic where he sez, "I'm Tareeek Azeeez and I'm reporting for duty!" ? Just wondering.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 3:15 Comments || Top||

#3  He should be released immediately after the execution.
Posted by: AJackson || 12/27/2004 9:47 Comments || Top||

#4  "I wuz just a mouthpiece, not a gunny!"
Posted by: mojo || 12/27/2004 13:19 Comments || Top||

#5  I'd release him in phases...neck, then head, couple hands...
Posted by: Frank G || 12/27/2004 13:25 Comments || Top||

#6  I hear Halabja is nice in spring...
Posted by: True German Ally || 12/27/2004 18:54 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Top Karzai rival plans new party
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's strongest rival in October's election, Yunus Qanuni, has announced he is forming a new political party. Qanuni said his party will go under the name of New Afghanistan and will contest April's parliamentary polls. The ethnic Tajik politician said he had turned down a job as defense minister in President Karzai's new cabinet in order to form the opposition grouping.

Correspondents say militia leaders have been sidelined in the new cabinet. Among those excluded is Gen Mohammed Fahim, a leader of the powerful, largely-Tajik Panjshiri faction, who was formerly Karzai's defense minister. President Karzai has said he will support Qanuni's new venture as long as it defines itself as a national, rather than an ethnic or regional party. "We need political parties because in [their] absence... politics will become ethnic or linguistic," he said.
I consider this a wonderful sign. If Afghanistan's really lucky, this is the beginning of a two-party system. And Qanouni seems to be one of the good guys...
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I like him. He doesn't wear a hat.
Posted by: .com || 12/27/2004 2:51 Comments || Top||

#2  Looks like a refugee from Easy Rider.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 6:29 Comments || Top||

#3  No, on second glance make that the Howling.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/27/2004 9:25 Comments || Top||

Pakistan, India to Start Kashmir Talks
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Afghan Warlords Find Places in Provinces
Afghan president Hamid Karzai appointed two warlords and former Cabinet members to influential governorships Sunday in a bid to keep the strongmen happy — but outside of his central government. Gul Agha Sherzai, the former public works minister, was named governor of southern Kandahar province, a post he controlled once before. Sayed Hussain Anwari, the former agriculture minister, was named governor of Kabul province, which includes the capital city. The appointments were announced Sunday.
Sherzai's a guy to keep an eye on. He's not what you'd call a competent warlord, but as an administrator that word that pops to mind is "rapacious." The Taliban got their start running him out of Kandahar...
Karzai had fired the two men, along with powerful former Defense Minister Mohammed Fahim, as part of a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle on Thursday, earning praise for kicking warlords out of his government in favor of professionals. A presidential spokesman, Khaleeq Ahmed, said the men had been effective ministers and were only dismissed because they lacked the university degrees now constitutionally required for all Cabinet members. "They were qualified people, but unfortunately because of all the warfare in Afghanistan, people who chose jihad did not finish their education," he said. "But we wanted to promote them and keep them in the government so they could continue their good work."
It's cheap and easy enough to bitch about the warlords in Afghanistan, but they were the guys who actually fought the Soviets and who held out against the Taliban until we showed up to help them drive them out.
Posted by: Fred || 12/27/2004 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2004-12-27
  Car bomb kills 9, al-Hakim escapes injury
Sun 2004-12-26
  8.5 earthquake rocks Aceh, tsunamis swamp Sri Lanka
Sat 2004-12-25
  Herald Angels Sing
Fri 2004-12-24
  Heavy fighting in Fallujah
Thu 2004-12-23
  Palestinians head to polls in landmark local elections
Wed 2004-12-22
  Pak army purge under way?
Tue 2004-12-21
  Allawi Warns Iraqis of Civil War
Mon 2004-12-20
  At Least 67 killed in Iraq bombings - Shiites Targeted
Sun 2004-12-19
  Fazlur Rehman Khalil sprung
Sat 2004-12-18
  Eight Paleos killed, 30 wounded in Gaza raid
Fri 2004-12-17
  2 Mehsud tribes promise not to shelter foreigners
Thu 2004-12-16
  Bush warns Iran & Syria not to meddle in Iraq
Wed 2004-12-15
  North Korea says Japanese sanctions would be "declaration of war"
Tue 2004-12-14
  Abbas calls for end of armed uprising
Mon 2004-12-13
  Baghdad psycho booms 13

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