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Pakistan 115th most peaceful country
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2 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [22] 
6 00:00 GolfBravoUSMC [13] 
35 00:00 trailing wife [23] 
11 00:00 Old Patriot [19] 
26 00:00 Procopius2k [22] 
7 00:00 JosephMendiola [22] 
13 00:00 Jack is Back! [22] 
17 00:00 Jack is Back! [15] 
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5 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [24] 
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3 00:00 lotp [15] 
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2 00:00 Captain Lewis [13] 
5 00:00 Frank G [13] 
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2 00:00 Old Patriot [17] 
4 00:00 Normal Hsu [13] 
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1 00:00 Captain Lewis [18] 
1 00:00 Normal Hsu [18] 
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3 00:00 tu3031 [13] 
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3 00:00 Zenster [10]
20 00:00 Zenster [12]
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13 00:00 Zenster [21]
1 00:00 trailing wife [12]
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11 00:00 trailing wife [11]
8 00:00 Zenster [18]
8 00:00 BA [20]
10 00:00 Zenster [20]
0 [15]
2 00:00 Gary and the Samoyeds [16]
8 00:00 BA [14]
4 00:00 Mike Kozlowski [13]
2 00:00 tu3031 [18]
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5 00:00 tu3031 [15]
3 00:00 Paul [16]
0 [15]
6 00:00 Swamp Blondie [27]
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [15]
1 00:00 gorb [14]
Page 3: Non-WoT
13 00:00 Gary and the Samoyeds [27]
1 00:00 tu3031 [14]
12 00:00 Rob Crawford [15]
7 00:00 lotp [17]
6 00:00 JosephMendiola [12]
5 00:00 remoteman [12]
0 [13]
2 00:00 Excalibur [13]
17 00:00 Cyber Sarge [15]
6 00:00 Gary and the Samoyeds [15]
13 00:00 Gomez Criter3762 [15]
1 00:00 Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton [14]
8 00:00 tu3031 [20]
8 00:00 Red Dawg [28]
2 00:00 bruce [17]
Page 4: Opinion
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1 00:00 JohnQC [11]
4 00:00 lotp [10]
29 00:00 Zenster [25]
2 00:00 newc [14]
6 00:00 Zenster [10]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
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3 00:00 Zenster [13]
10 00:00 Mike [25]
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [21]
2 00:00 Excalibur [16]
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To those who've been hitting the tipjar, my heartfelt thanks.

"Travel, food and entertainment sections"? Sounds like my current idea that I haven't been working on becauase I've been looking for gainful employment: w00t, which stands for Way Off Our Topic.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fred, an Idea: if your unemployment runs longer than this month give us a $$$ target to raise.

Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:03 Comments || Top||

#2  Run for Congress. Hell, run for President.
Posted by: treo || 09/13/2007 12:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Fred, get with me offline. I have some friends in the DC area.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 13:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Mr. Pluitt:

If you are going to run for office as a Democrat, perhaps I can help, once I get past the current difficulties.
Posted by: Normal Hsu || 09/13/2007 21:46 Comments || Top||

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Camouflaged Man Armed With A Loaded AK-47 Arrested In Dearborn Park
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 09/13/2007 09:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University, was allegedly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face when he was arrested Saturday in Hemlock Park.

Just hunting squirrels, I sure
Posted by: KBK || 09/13/2007 10:16 Comments || Top||

#2  s/I/I'm/
Posted by: KBK || 09/13/2007 10:17 Comments || Top||

#3  That AK-47 is probably really an SKS, they look alike, but the SKS is NOT capable of full auto.

The news media thinks there's only the AK, no other rifles exist.(Bullshit "Reporting")
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 09/13/2007 10:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Jeesh. The first question I'm going to ask of any new doctor is: Where you born in the United States?

And then to clear out any homegrown: Do you think that Americans are occupiers in Iraq?

I realize that the second question will eliminate more than potential terrorists, however it will get rid of idiots who just parrot the current medical fad and can't think for themselves.
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/13/2007 10:56 Comments || Top||

#5  His website
Posted by: tipper || 09/13/2007 11:21 Comments || Top||

#6  No, no officer. Is fireworks gun! Fireworks! Not camouflage! Clown makeup!
Call CAIR quickly quickly!!!
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:23 Comments || Top||

#7  The man also had visited Lebanon within the past month, police said
Posted by: lotp || 09/13/2007 11:33 Comments || Top||

#8  Too bad he wasn't in Boise yesterday. His lawyer might have had a shot. urban elk

But maybe lucky for him. Things are a little different in Idaho. If he didn't meet the same fate as that poor elk:

I don't know Bob, this feller could wind up hurting someone. Public saftey is number one. Just traquilize him for now and we will kill him when the cameras aren't rolling.

...he would still have had to contend with Larry Craig wanting to make contact with him in his prison stall.
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/13/2007 11:34 Comments || Top||

#9  Definitely has those Khomenei Shiite religious nutjob eyes. Congrats Immigration on another fine job.
Posted by: ed || 09/13/2007 11:43 Comments || Top||

#10  A Methodist? A Lutheran? Presbyterian? Catholic? Wicken? Atheist? Nah. Just another pissed off, screwed up muslim. Muslim doctor wanna be.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/13/2007 11:57 Comments || Top||

#11  tipper, LOL I waited for 4 of the pics.. he looks like a real happy camper.

hey, I love my solitude when i can steal a 1/2 day or so... but this guy would look ALONE around 10,000 peeps.

Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:10 Comments || Top||

#12  Jeebus, in one of his pics he has a white Drs. smock with a stethoscope over his mooji neck.

note: these islamo immigrants always have rug rats.
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:17 Comments || Top||

#13  What is that thing he's got around his right bicep? It's in all the photos where that arm shows, indicating it isn't an occasional fashion statement.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/13/2007 12:19 Comments || Top||

#14  Red Dawg, this is a better link.
Looks like he is heavily into Tater and Hizbollah.
Posted by: tipper || 09/13/2007 12:22 Comments || Top||

#15  I check the Detroit newspaper websites every day & they didn't mention the man's arrest on Saturday at all. You'd think it would have been front page stuff on Sunday. Let's see, first name Houssein, medical student, just back from a visit to Lebanon, nothing to see hear, just move on, folks....
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 09/13/2007 12:34 Comments || Top||

#16  He probably flipped out trying to reconcile the science he was learning with the teachings of the prophet (ptui).
Posted by: treo || 09/13/2007 12:55 Comments || Top||

#17  Whatis that thing he's got around his right bicep?

Transdermal crazy meds patch. Seriously, I think it's to cover up the tattoo. It something he doesn't want the public to see and/or muslim extremist buddies say tattoos are haram. If haram, then there is local pressure to cover it up. I hope the FBI is examining this guy's mosque with an electron microscope. They will find more like him.
Posted by: ed || 09/13/2007 13:07 Comments || Top||

#18  Looks like we have a lot of cleaning up to do here at home.
Posted by: Titus Hayes4699 || 09/13/2007 13:13 Comments || Top||

#19  Checked out the web site. How can he not be a terrorist with that site?
Posted by: jds || 09/13/2007 13:35 Comments || Top||

#20  #18 Looks like we have a lot of cleaning up to do here at home.
Posted by: Titus Hayes4699 2007-09-13 13:13

I don't think we have enough SARIN left to clean out Dearborn, much less the rest of the infestations. May need to revert to napalm and GBUs. Urban renewal and all that, don't ya know...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 13:50 Comments || Top||

#21  http://www.zorkot.org/Gallery3/main.php
Posted by: McZoid || 09/13/2007 14:33 Comments || Top||

#22  Doctor Deathistan posts a picture of armed military action, over the title, "My Personal Jihad in America."

Posted by: McZoid || 09/13/2007 14:35 Comments || Top||

#23  I thought jihad meant personal self improvement?

Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 09/13/2007 15:31 Comments || Top||

#24  I thought jihad meant personal self improvement?

Only in the past 100 years as imams discovered the need for kitman to prevent the kuff'r from getting wise.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 15:53 Comments || Top||

#25  Let me guess he thought it was Airsoft!
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 09/13/2007 20:57 Comments || Top||

#26  Urban renewal and all that, don't ya know...

Well, apparently we're back to airborne standby with some nukes over America. It just might be....
Posted by: Procopius2k || 09/13/2007 22:45 Comments || Top||

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
U.S. develops 14-ton super bomb, bigger than Russian vacuum bomb
Note to our esteemed contributors: please use the hilite for your comments only, not to emphasize parts of the article. You can do that with the Bold option or in a sidebar.

Thanks! -- your friendly mods
WASHINGTON, September 13 (RIA Novosti) - The U.S. has a 14-ton super bomb more destructive than the vacuum bomb just tested by Russia, a U.S. general said Wednesday.
Ours is bigger.
The statement was made by retired Lt. General McInerney, chairman of the Iran Policy Committee, and former Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. McInerney said the U.S. has "a new massive ordnance penetrator that's 30,000 pounds, that really penetrates ... Ahmadinejad has nothing in Iran that we can't penetrate."

He also said the new Russian bomb was not a "penetrator."
Oooh ... serious diss with sexual undertones
On Tuesday, the Fox News television channel said: "A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime."

Commenting on the report, McInerney said: "Since Germany has backed out of helping economically, we do not have any other choice. ... They've forced us into the military option."

McInerney described some possible military campaign scenarios and said: "The one I favor the most, of course, is an air campaign," he continued.

He said that bombing would be launched by 65-70 stealth bombers and 400 bombers of other types. "Forty-eight hours duration, hitting 2500 aimed points to take out their [Iranian] nuclear facilities, their air defense facilities, their air force, their navy, their Shahab-3 retaliatory missiles, and finally their command and control. And then let the Iranian people take their country back," the general said describing the campaign, adding it would be "easy."

McInerney is well-known among the U.S. conservatives. He is the chairman of the Iran Policy Committee co-chaired by James Woolsey, former CIA director, William A. Nitze, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Richard Schifter, former Assistant Secretary of State, and Professor Raymond Tanter, former Personal Representative of the Secretary of Defense to arms control talks in Europe.

The McInerney statement was made following a Fox News report that U.S. "officials are making plans to attack Iran as early as next summer," since Washington believes diplomatic efforts have failed.
Posted by: Gleck Unavising7367 || 09/13/2007 11:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Russia, we will see your large fire ball and raise you a super penetrator that can hit all of your underground bunkers.
Posted by: DarthVader || 09/13/2007 12:16 Comments || Top||

#2  On Tuesday, the Fox News television channel said: "A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime.".

Commenting on the report, McInerney said: "Since Germany has backed out of helping economically, we do not have any other choice. ... They've forced us into the military option."

McInerney described some possible military campaign scenarios and said: "The one I favor the most, of course, is an air campaign," he continued.

He said that bombing would be launched by 65-70 stealth bombers and 400 bombers of other types.

"Forty-eight hours duration, hitting 2500 aimed points to take out their [Iranian] nuclear facilities, their air defense facilities, their air force, their navy, their Shahab-3 retaliatory missiles, and finally their command and control.

And then let the Iranian people take their country back," the general said describing the campaign, adding it would be "easy."

Damn, even if this is all Bull-Pucky from Russia with Love, it will TWIST the Dinnerjackets Tail.


Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Big non-nuclear mutha! Penetrator to be used against hardened facilities.

Time to slap Iran for all their mideast meddling. These jerkoffs are keeping things stirred up in the ME for a long time. They have been an unaddressed problem since 1979. They are causing problems in Lebanon, Paleoland, Iraq and other places. They continue to engage in delusional hegemony.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/13/2007 12:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Oooh ... serious diss with sexual undertones

some of us have to be serious and pay attention to mental hygine!

Harumph! ~:)
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:28 Comments || Top||

#5  After reading that my pants got tight.
Posted by: jds || 09/13/2007 13:31 Comments || Top||

#6  All I saw were vacuum and massive penetrator.

Does this have anything to do with those topless putin photos going around? yech!
Posted by: flash91 || 09/13/2007 13:37 Comments || Top||

#7  There've been a swarm of small earthquakes in California lately. I wonder if that's because of somthing they've been testing in Nevada? Plus I hear that Iranian buildings don't hold up well in earthquakes. :)
Posted by: treo || 09/13/2007 13:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Dammit, would somebody please tell these gentlemen that what they propose is not enough?

1) Iran may have long ago obtained weapons grade material from North Korea, so they only have to assemble bombs, far away from where we are targeting.

2) Iran can easily blockade the Persian Gulf and hazard shipping in the Arabian Sea, as long as they can get within 50-100 miles to it. They also are within easy striking distance of the Saudi oilfields.

3) Once hostilities have begun, the Iranian Corps on the Iraqi border will be free to invade Iraq. The Iranians will have no problem inviting anyone and everyone into an escalating war.

We can assume that they will be able to launch at least some missiles towards US fleets in the region, US bases, Israel, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, maybe Europe, and who knows where else.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/13/2007 13:59 Comments || Top||

#9  I think Gen. McInerney has the right idea, but left out a few things:

1) 2000-3000 sorties by Navy air and Air Force Tac Air.
2) Initial assault by 200-300 Tomahawk missiles on RADAR sites and air defense facilities.
3) Marine Expeditionary Force to take Khark Island (and we're NOT giving it back).
4) Arms drop to Kurds in northern Iran.
5) Ship-to-shore missile attacks all along the Persian Gulf coast.
6) Nothing left of Bandar Abbas and Bushehr but dust and rubble.
7) Anti-ship, anti-sub, minesweeping operations from Straits of Oman to Umm Qasr.
8) Total destruction of all Iranian military sites, especially anything to do with the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
9) Saturation leaflet drop with the message "Behave, or we'll REALLY get angry".
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 14:00 Comments || Top||

#10  ignoring the 'penetrator' and yesterday's cemmont about iran being 'impotent' i have to ask about the 65-70 stealth bombers; last i knew there were only 21 B-2s and 59 F-117s and they are classed as fighters. that makes a grand total of 80, and there have been at least 2 F-117 losses ( Bosnia and the airshow crash), plus figure some down for overhaul or other scheduled maintenance. so either that is some bragging or we are about to unveail the new cloaked super duper dark hornet.....
just askin, is all.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/13/2007 14:06 Comments || Top||

#11  It's all under control.
Posted by: Area 51 || 09/13/2007 14:21 Comments || Top||

#12  I can't believe it would be easy but I still say it needs doing.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 09/13/2007 14:30 Comments || Top||

#13  USN Ret, could he be thinking F-22 also?
Posted by: Mike N. || 09/13/2007 14:33 Comments || Top||

#14  He said that bombing would be launched by 65-70 stealth bombers and 400 bombers of other types

Yeesh! Probably pie in the sky, but if true just be careful not to drop the bombs out of one plane and onto the back of another! :-)

As for the Iranians along the border, perhaps that is why we are training up the IA to such a degree. After that, AlQ would dry up and they wouldn't need such a huge army anyway.
Posted by: gorb || 09/13/2007 14:52 Comments || Top||

#15  Bomb them now while Matt Lauer is there!
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 14:53 Comments || Top||

#16  Captain Lewis, are advocating giving Matt Lauer a Bernard Shaw moment?
Posted by: RWV || 09/13/2007 15:06 Comments || Top||

#17  "officials are making plans to attack Iran as early as next summer,"

Why then? Not being funny, just wondering, do we need the time to build up? Does it have something to do with where we will have the Iraq soldiers and where our guys will be?

Just wondering, what is the thinking to somewhat announce when it will happen. And I know that will be in the middle of the campaign season!
Posted by: Sherry || 09/13/2007 15:18 Comments || Top||

#18  1) Iran may have long ago obtained weapons grade material from North Korea, so they only have to assemble bombs, far away from where we are targeting.

'moose, I've tried to address this over at the "US may attack, but will Iran fight back (for more than an hour)?" thread. I'd really enjoy your insights.

One question. Have there been any difficult to explain low-yield underground nuclear explosions in proxy countries like China whereby Iran might have been able to do some functional testing? North Korea proved how vital it is to have a reliable and physically verified design.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 15:19 Comments || Top||

#19  I still say the recent excursion by IAF deep into Syria was 1) a legitimate response to their testing Russian ADS, 2) show penetration of said system under testing and 3) showing the USA that since Iran is participating in the same system, it can be done - penetration and massive bombing. Go Air Force.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/13/2007 15:27 Comments || Top||

#20  The actual bomb contains the re-make of Barbarella, starring Britney Spears and featuring music from her new album. Co-starring Madonna as The Great Tyrant, and featuring music from her new album.

Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/13/2007 16:03 Comments || Top||

#21  McInerney described

If I were him, I'd paint a detailed scenario that would be as far remote from reality as possible, the time frame of commencing inclusive.


In fact, I would prepare a series of "above top secret" documents with a lot of details and made sure that they are rather tempting to be "leaked" to he MSM outlets as NYT, a short time before the actual action.

Three flies by one swoosh:
The leaker will get his chance in court (treason)
The same applies to NYT (treason)
The Iranians would start feverishly implementing defences based on the published scenario right before we hit.

[actually, I would go a somewhat different way about it, which I'd rather not publicize]
Posted by: twobyfour || 09/13/2007 16:06 Comments || Top||

#22  MIKE: I have no idea what the good LTGEN is thinking, but the F-22 is not a stealth bomber, but it does have some stealth characteristics; but again, the 'F' indicates a fighter, not a bomber (personal opinion follows) but the ascot boys do not think of the bomb trucks as sexy, like the fighters, so they tend to name all their toys 'F'-XX.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/13/2007 16:16 Comments || Top||

#23  #16 RWV: I wasn't advocating the death of Matt -- just want me some Shock and Awe®. But I was upset to see Today in Tehran this morning. My guess is they're trying to erode public support for any eventual action against Iran. (aside: I met Bernard Shaw's daugher a few times and she is delightful)
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 16:17 Comments || Top||

#24  What's the status of the F35. It, too, is stealthy, but a "strike fighter". The plan is to send into tough IAD environment with weapons in the internal bays, thus remaining stealthy. Once the IAD is degraded, it will be coming in with lots more ordnance loaded (which means less stealth). If it's active, it might be counted among the stealth bombers.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 09/13/2007 16:46 Comments || Top||

#25  Yes, our bomb will be bigger than Swept Away, Waterworld and Jersey Girl, combined. The only thing that comes close is Britney Spears' performance at the VMA's - which we are thinking of deploying as well.
Posted by: General McInerney || 09/13/2007 18:14 Comments || Top||


Posted by: BigEd || 09/13/2007 18:49 Comments || Top||

#27  but again, the 'F' indicates a fighter, not a bomber

True, but most fighters have a capability to carry at least a small bomb load these days:

In 1994, the USAF asked Lockheed Martin to develop an air to surface capability for the F-22. Provisions were later made to the lower weapons bays to accommodate one 1,000 pound GBU-30/32 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) per side.

They just retired the F-117, and this is why. The 117 could also only carry 2 bombs, with much shorter legs at slower speeds. Also had no self-defense capability.

A simple GPS (Global Positioning System)/inertial system will guide the weapon to its target. Eventually later versions will have increased precision attack capability by including a programmable radar seeker. The F-22's air-to-surface operations will be carried out courtesy of its onboard synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mode.

In addition to the F-22's internal weapons bays, it will also be capable of carrying stores externally. Four underwing stations will be able to support up to 5,000 pounds. Underwing stores will be fitted to the F-22 when stealth is not critical. External drop tanks up to 600 US gallons can also be fitted onto the stations. This will increase the F-22's endurance and range significantly.

F-35 is only flying tests, still no production models. They just delivered the 100th F-22.
Posted by: Steve || 09/13/2007 19:27 Comments || Top||

#28  Gorb,

That's how they think Glenn Miller's plane was lost.
Posted by: Eric Jablow || 09/13/2007 19:27 Comments || Top||

#29  'Moose, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. But you are right, that would have more megatonnage than even "Gigli".
Posted by: Swamp Blondie || 09/13/2007 19:37 Comments || Top||

#30  65-70 stealth bombers and 400 bombers of other types.

I demand that we refurbish our Spruce Goose.

It will add one mo' bomber to our fleet, and it is a kool Woody that will begat mo' Dedly Wood.

Wood is not wholly Stealthy until it hits you upside the Head, Then its just like a Louisville Slugger, Pure Everlasting Furtive-Slinky until you are Ded!
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 19:38 Comments || Top||

#31  SW: "Gobble gobble!"
Posted by: Frank G || 09/13/2007 20:38 Comments || Top||

#32  SB, not SW....jeebus...doesn't this keyboard know anything?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/13/2007 20:39 Comments || Top||

#33  "Then let the Iranian people take their country back" > True enuff - unfortunately IMO the asymmetric warfare-, mutual destruction-, and foreign interventionism-happy, etc. Spetzlamies desire a full-scale US or US-Allied invasion and occupation. *RADICAL MULLAHS > MUTUAL DESTRUCTION + "GREAT POWER(S)" MIL CONFRONTATION, etc. anarchies is to Islam's = Islamism's advantage. As for the USA being "forced into the military option", given US history a stronger incident(s) will be needed. In any case, Dubya has said that he as POTUS will NOT allow Radical Iran to have or dev nuclear weapons before he leaves office come Jan 2009 - SHOWS AGAIN THE 2008 ELEX MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT POTUS ELEX IN ALL US-WORLD HISTORY.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/13/2007 21:06 Comments || Top||

#34  They would be better off using F-15Es if you wanted tons o' bombs rather than the F-22. Heck, for that matter ( I am so going to hate myself in the morning for saying this) you could even enlist some of the Super Hornets and pull the drop tanks off and that opens up, i believe a total of 9 underwing stations for bombs and still leaves the wing tips for missles. and i know that there was some RCS reduction work done on the early model hornets during the early 90's so it is a safe bet that some of the lessons learned were transferred to the e and f models. but like was stated earlier, the underwing ordnance greatly increase radar return. so maybe the better plan is to send in stealth for the first wave and take out any sam sites and then follow with an aluminum overcast of BUFFS....
Posted by: USN, ret. || 09/13/2007 21:47 Comments || Top||

#35  We'll do our part to elect a president who understands, JosephM. Quite a number of Rantburgers live in Ohio, which was an important state last time.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/13/2007 22:33 Comments || Top||

75 Fewer Taliban
Fighting in Afghanistan killed some 75 people as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began, including 45 suspected Taliban militants who died in airstrikes and Afghan army gunfire, officials said Thursday.

In the southern province of Uruzgan on Wednesday, insurgents attacked a joint Afghan army and US-led coalition patrol with rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire, the coalition said in a statement late Wednesday.

Afghan soldiers "cleared" Taliban fighters from firing positions within the village of Aduzay, while attack aircraft destroyed some fighting positions, it said. The coalition said more than 45 Taliban were killed.

NATO's International Security Assistance Force on Wednesday said insurgents increased attacks during Ramadan last year and that they could do the same this year.

"On the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, the enemies of Afghanistan have shown they will shun peaceful coexistence in favor of attacking government forces," said Army Major Chris Belcher, a coalition spokesman. "Fortunately for the citizens of Afghanistan, the (Afghan National Army) is improving their tactics."

The coalition said no Afghan or coalition soldiers or civilians were wounded or killed in Uruzgan.

It was not possible to confirm the death toll independently because of the remote location of the fighting.

Fighting has increased dramatically the last several weeks in Afghanistan, with more than 300 suspected Taliban fighters killed since late August, according to the US-led coalition.

More than 4,300 people - mostly militants - have died in insurgency-related violence this year, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Western and Afghan officials.

In the Zhari district of Kandahar province on Wednesday, an Afghan-NATO patrol discovered and defused three roadside bombs and shortly after was ambushed by Taliban fighters. A helicopter gunship joined the ensuing battle, which left 12 militants dead, said Syed Agha Saqib, the provincial police chief said Thursday.

In Zabul province, 11 Taliban fighters were killed during a battle with NATO and Afghan soldiers on Wednesday, said Gulab Shah Alikhail, the governor's spokesman said on Thursday.

Elsewhere in the country, three police were killed in Herat province during a five-hour fight on Wednesday, and one Afghan soldier was killed in Farah province on Thursday, officials said. Two civilians were killed by a bomb hidden in a cart that exploded near a police station in Takhar province, in the north.

Police in Helmand province shot and killed a would-be suicide bomber before he could detonate his explosives on Thursday, said Gen Mohammad Hussein Andiwal, the provincial police chief.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/13/2007 21:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  More than 4,300 people - mostly militants - have died in insurgency-related violence this year

That had to be painful for the reporter to write. S-cks when your team is loosing badly.
Posted by: N Guard || 09/13/2007 22:35 Comments || Top||

#2  "More than 4,300 people - mostly militants - have died in insurgency-related violence this year"

Awwwwwwwwwww - ain't that a goddam shame that there weren't more.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/13/2007 23:25 Comments || Top||

Airstrikes kill nearly dozen Taliban in Afghan south
US-led coalition airstrikes killed nearly a dozen Taliban fighters in the southern province of Zabul overnight, the US military said. Afghan and US-led coalition troops called in air support after detecting a group of more than 20 Taliban preparing to ambush them near a village in the Arghandab district of the province on Tuesday, it added.
More than 245 Taliban had been killed in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Zabul since late August.
“The Afghan National Army called in coalition close-air support to strike the insurgents before they could launch their attempted ambush,” the US military said in a statement. “The coalition aircraft used a precision-guided munitions and machine-gun fire to eliminate the insurgent threat.”

“Nearly a dozen Taliban fighters were killed during the brief engagement,” it added, saying more than 245 Taliban had been killed in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Zabul since late August. There were no independent accounts of how many people were killed or what happened. The Taliban were not immediately available for comment.
Of course they weren't. They were dead.
The fighting came after a suicide bomber rammed a US security firm convoy in the southern province of Helmand on Tuesday, killing two local staff and wounding eight other people.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  245 is good. 2450 is better
Posted by: Frank G || 09/13/2007 6:28 Comments || Top||

#2  I would hate to be the Taliban's life insurance company...
Posted by: Ol Dirty American || 09/13/2007 11:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Mutual of Zabul: the "no hands' people...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:40 Comments || Top||

Austria Arrests Three in Latest Islamist Terror Plot in Europe
Austria became the latest European country to grapple with the threat of terrorism as it arrested three people with links to al Qaeda who posted an online video threatening attacks against Austria and Germany. Austrian Interior Minister Günther Platter said on Wednesday, Sept. 12, that the trio suspected of producing the video, which demanded German and Austrian soldiers leave Afghanistan, had confessed to having links to al Qaeda.

The three, however, had not built an independent terrorist cell and at no time was Austria directly in danger, he added. "Austria was not under threat of an attack at any time," Platter told a news conference. "We could determine that based on the actions of the three."

All three are second-generation Austrian citizens with Arab origins.
The three, who were under covert police surveillance for months, were arrested by anti-terror forces in Vienna. All three are second-generation Austrian citizens with Arab origins. They include a 20-year-old man and his 21-year-old wife and another man of 26.

The online video, aired in March this year, shows a masked speaker urging Austria and Germany to cease their support of the United States in Afghanistan. The speaker said Austria, reliant on tourism for an important part of its revenue, would be damaged if it were targeted by militants, and asked why Germany would risk its economic interests to help US President George W. Bush.

Austria had four military officers in Afghanistan at the time the video was posted. Germany has nearly 3,000 troops stationed in the country.

The arrests in Austria are the latest in a string of Islamist terrorism plots uncovered by authorities in European countries. Since the Sept. 11 terror attacks in the US six years ago, Europe has suffered far more than the United States from new attacks and reported plots.
There's a reason for that .... a couple actually. First, altho DHS is screwed up, we're actually looking to protect this country and not apologize for Islamicists instead. And second ... the Islamist-apologists aren't in power here, quite. Not yet, at any rate.

And third, we treat our immigrants better.
Earlier this month, Danish security officials arrested eight men in and around Copenhagen on suspicion of preparing a terrorist bombing inside the country or abroad. Jakob Scharf, head of Danish security intelligence service (PET), told reporters that the eight men were "militant Islamists with international connections including to leading al Qaeda members."

A week ago, Germany said it foiled an Islamist militant plan to carry out "massive bomb attacks" on US installations in the country which authorities said could have created worse carnage than attacks in Madrid and London in recent years. Germany arrested three men in connection with the attempted attacks. On Tuesday, Sept. 11, the Islamic Jihad Union, a group affiliated to al Qaeda and with roots in Uzbekistan, claimed responsibility for the foiled plot.

Platter said he was not aware of any links between the German and the Austrian suspects, but said the surveillance had produced evidence the Austrians had contacts to al Qaeda. "The technical (surveillance) measures of the last months have shown that the persons were in touch with the terror network al Qaeda," he said, but he declined to elaborate on how or with whom contact had been made.Ž

In a sign that Europeans are increasingly nervous about their vulnerability to terrorism, a recent survey by the German Marshall Fund of the United States showed a sharp increase in the number of Germans who fear international terrorism. The survey said that 70 percent of Germans felt they might suffer a terror attack, a 32 percent increase over 2005. That brings the fear of terror among Germans close to the level of fear among Americans, which stood at 74 percent in a similar survey

On Wednesday, a report by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) gave further cause for concern. The growth of international terrorism will remain one of the main challenges for 2008 after the recent discovery of terrorism plots in Europe, the report said. The plots showed that "core" al Qaeda was "adaptable and resilient," it added.
Posted by: lotp || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  All three are second-generation Austrian citizens with Arab origins.

Not your Italian, Dutch, Irish, English, Scots, French, German, Swedish, Finish, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, Romanian, Croatian, Spanish, Portuguese, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuania, Denmark, Switzerland, Austrian, Belgium, Netherlands and Serbia... etc, immigrants who have come to America and then like millions before them fully assimilated becoming Americans in Full!!.
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  All three are second-generation Austrian citizens with Arab origins.

Kinda makes you wonder just how radicalized the third generations are going to be.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 0:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Just see how people come back from Ramadan this year.
Posted by: newc || 09/13/2007 1:39 Comments || Top||

#4  The survey said that 70 percent of Germans felt they might suffer a terror attack, a 32 percent increase over 2005. That brings the fear of terror among Germans close to the level of fear among Americans, which stood at 74 percent in a similar survey

So are we 'afraid' or are we just being logical?
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/13/2007 3:07 Comments || Top||

#5  > And third, we treat our immigrants better.

Sort of, but not quite. You don't subsidise sloth, so immigrants have to interact with the community through work.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 09/13/2007 5:01 Comments || Top||

#6  It's more than that, Bright Pebbles. People come here with the intention of working very hard, people go to the EU with the intention of going straight on the dole. The selection starts at the airport ticket counter. Then, too, we haven't the percentages y'all do. Concentration has been shown to make a difference.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/13/2007 6:49 Comments || Top||

#7  Muslims should attack Austria because they are fighting Islam in Iraq, right?

If the second generation Muslims radicalize enough, maybe there won't BE a third generation. 1924 Austria seemed a pretty decent place for semites, but by 1944 most all of them were gone.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 7:13 Comments || Top||

#8  And THOSE semites didn't even DO anything to deserve it.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 7:14 Comments || Top||

#9  Pebbles, don't fool yourself. There's a lot of Sloth Subsidizing here in the USA. (maybe our hoops our a bit higher or smaller?)
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 8:42 Comments || Top||

#10  But still, in the EUSSR you come in, work as a menial, or go on the dole, and live in an enclave and not be part of society. You will never be a Frenchman or a German. Here, if you want to be an American, you basically are.
Now, you can come here as a moslem or a Mexican and resist assimilation and our idiotic governments and social activists will help you. Still, the offer to assimilate is there, and it's real.
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds || 09/13/2007 8:52 Comments || Top||

#11  And third, we treat our immigrants better.

And fourth, Americans are armed. Jihadis may yearn for self-immolation but - perhaps paradoxically - they fear being gunned down like rabid dogs.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/13/2007 8:55 Comments || Top||

#12  Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Malay,Hmong, Philippino,Tongan,Samoan,Aussie,Kiwi,Thai,Nepali,Tibetan,Chinese,Cambodian,Laotion,
does this group assimilate as well as the European immagrants? I think for the most part, but still we all tend to group ourselves by some sense of national originality. Look at the Italian sections of the city or the China townsor the Scandanavian areas. We do however, realize that there is an assumed sort of equality here ion the USA and thats why everyone likes it, it makes the most sense when you live in it, way more than some "OLD" country with all it baggage of Kings and Provincial Warring history.
Posted by: Oscar Theater2320 || 09/13/2007 11:24 Comments || Top||

#13  Sort of, but not quite. You don't subsidise sloth, so immigrants have to interact with the community through work.

That IS treating them better, Bright Pebbles. It means we treat them as adults who are capable of contributing to society.
Posted by: lotp || 09/13/2007 11:35 Comments || Top||

#14  thanks Oscar Theater2320, I did use etc. BUT excellent point, I left out Asia even tho I have Asians in my extended family...

All second generation Japanese, Chinese, East Indians, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Aussie, Kiwi, Thai, Nepali, Tibetan, Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian, are adapting, and are assimilating, some faster than others.. Some adapt in one or two years of immigrating, Aussie, Kiwi, because of a similar background and race to many Americans.

I don't know any large populations of Malaysians in the USA. But Malaysians are head pounders and I will never trust them, 9/11.

The Hmong in Ca. are having a considerable gang problems.

The Tongan and Samoans I've know can be rather clannish but make good soldiers once they commit. ..and NFL linemen, SUMO wrestlers LOL!
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 12:52 Comments || Top||

#15  In the United States, new immigrants usually stay in enclaves - mostly for the familiarity in a strange and sometimes frightening land. First-generation begin to move outside the enclave, but usually remain nearby. By the third generation, they live where they can find work and are fully integrated. In Europe, they simply pile up. The most striking difference is that in the United States, 95+% of us are immigrants of one sort or another. Being an "American" is a state of mind, not a drone in a mindless State.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 14:18 Comments || Top||

#16  If the second generation Muslims radicalize enough, maybe there won't BE a third generation.

Heh, Glenmore.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 15:24 Comments || Top||

#17  OP:

The other big difference with us is we accept THE immigrant not the IDEA of immigration as our left-wing secular humanist duty like in Europe. I know from living there. Immigration is a given and they willingly accept them and put them in enclaves but never go beyond that - full acceptance, assimilation etc. They then make the excuse that "its up to them to integrate, not up to me to accept them". That to me is the big difference. Even in Dearborn they root for the Tigers, Lions and Redwings but can party when Iraq wins the Asia Cup in soccer. Split loyaltys are okay - I still follow County Mayo in Irish Football because my Mom was from there. Think about it - if it wasn't for the arab-american community in Dearborn where we get the first string of interpreters, etc.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/13/2007 15:34 Comments || Top||

Turkish troops kill 4 Kurdish rebels after foiled bomb plot
Turkish troops killed four Kurdish guerrillas in a southeastern province on Wednesday, a day after police defused a bomb in the capital that authorities believe may have been planted by Kurdish rebels. The clash erupted in the southeastern province of Siirt, the local governor's office said, and was the latest bout of fighting this year between soldiers and the separatist rebels, who have bases in neighboring Iraq and have been battling the Turkish state since 1984.

On the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, authorities discovered more than 600 kilograms, or 1,320 pounds, of explosives packed into a minibus parked near a marketplace in Ankara, preventing a possible bomb attack. Police were looking for the driver of the minibus, reported the state-run news agency, Anatolia. A witness said an unidentified man parked the minibus at a multilevel parking lot near a market place around 4 pm Monday, saying he was bringing goods to sell at the food market, the agency said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Sweden apologises for cartoon
A Swedish envoy groveled and apologised to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference for the exercise of free speech publication of a blasphemous cartoon in Sweden, the OIC crowed said on Wednesday. The Swedish ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Jan Thesleff, met OIC chief Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu on Tuesday at the organisation’s headquarters in Jeddah and kowtowed to the big turban offered his “deepest apologies for the controversy created by the publishing of the hurtful depiction,” the 57-nation bloc said in a statement.

The publication of the sketch in the Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda on August 18 sparked a fiery debate in the Swedish media. Ihsanoglu conveyed to Thesleff his “concerns that this kind of provocative incitement in the name of defending freedom of expression ... was leading the world towards more confrontation and division,” the OIC said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  And I was hoping the Swedish would atleast consider the "Singleton Ratio" as it apply to the Muslims (The percentage of immigrants from Muslim countries can't total more than they're acceptance of Swedes into they're country)! But then again, maybe Sweden could use alittle less blonde diversity.
Posted by: smn || 09/13/2007 1:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Idiots!
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 1:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Yep, smn, Sweden is starting to seem like a blonde joke.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 7:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Time to write and demand an apology from Sweden for betraying civilization, reason and the light.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/13/2007 9:00 Comments || Top||

#5  When will they learn? Radical Islam only asks you to bow before it so that it can more easily stab you in the back.
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/13/2007 11:02 Comments || Top||

#6  Why? Did they print it?
Go bother Nerikes Allehanda for your apology, troglodytes, and see if they don't tell you to fuck off...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:46 Comments || Top||

#7  The only apology should be to Swedish citizens for accepting these muslim barbarians in the first place, then deporting them to the OIC.
Posted by: ed || 09/13/2007 12:14 Comments || Top||

#8  Pussies.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 09/13/2007 14:33 Comments || Top||

#9  In 10 years this means that the Swedish Bikini Team will be in burqas. How sad.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/13/2007 15:36 Comments || Top||

#10  How long until this world realizes that an apology to any Muslim for anything only invites more demands ad nauseam? If this constant harrying keeps up, soon enough, Isalm will receive the West's final apology:

"We're sorry that we had to kill you all."
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 20:30 Comments || Top||

President attack case accused bailed
Judge of the Special Anti Terrorist Court No. 1 Chaudhry Habib-ur-Rahman granted bail to Shazia Mubashir on Wednesday in a case that had been pending since December 2003. Shazia was arrested in connection with a suicide attack on President Musharraf’s convoy in Jhanda Chichi. Shazia’s lawyers pleaded that the Attock court had bailed her out on August 23, 2005. Therefore she should be granted bail.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  "Better luck next time, honey."
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 7:16 Comments || Top||

#2  I guess it was too hard for Perv's goons to kill her in jail...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 14:19 Comments || Top||

40 N.Wazoo turbans killed in Razmak
Up to 40 suspected tribal militants were killed in a military operation backed by gunship helicopters and artillery in North Waziristan on Wednesday, the army said. “According to local sources, 30 to 40 militants were killed in the operation,” military spokesman Major General Waheed Arshad said of the operation south of Razmak town. He could not say if any foreign militants were among the dead.

Security forces launched the operation on Tuesday night. “The miscreants were occupying mountaintops to launch several attacks on troops. We used artillery and Cobra gunship helicopters to dislodge them,” Gen Arshad told AFP. “The ground troops have started reaching the area for mopping up operations once the firing ends,” Arshad said, adding that the clash was ongoing.

Security forces said they had killed a top pro-Taliban militant commander, Ismatullah Khan, last week in the same region along with five other militants. A purported spokesman for Taliban militants in North Waziristan, however, said he knew of no operation around Razmak town. “We have no reports of any such operation nor did we hear of the loss of so many comrades,” Ahmedullah Ahmed told Daily Times.

18 kidnapped: Earlier, Taliban militants kidnapped 18 security personnel and injured three – two paramilitary soldiers and a policeman - after attacking the Baran Bridge check-post in Bannu district with rockets in a pre-dawn raid. Gen Arshad told AP the militants abducted 18 police officers and left behind two others injured in the attack. He gave no more details. “More than 100 militants coming in vehicles first attacked the post with hand-grenades and rockets and then made the security personnel surrender,” a senior police officer at Cantt police station in Banny city told Daily Times by phone. Two seriously injured security personnel were rushed to Peshawar for treatment, he said and added the militants “looked like Taliban with their long hair”.

The militants abandoned one wounded paramilitary soldier, Jan Alam, who told local police that the militants were taking the kidnapped soldiers in the direction of Mir Ali, North Waziristan. The militants also took Rs 200,000 in cash, 23 7.6-bore rifles, two Klashnikovs, one light machine gun and 7,300 rounds of ammunition after overrunning the post. They also damaged a standing armoured personnel carrier, the police official said.

Hostage warning: Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Baitullah Mehsud group holding over 200 soldiers in South Waziristan warned the government against military operations. “We will start killing them in batches of three soldiers if the military operations do not stop,” spokesman Zulfiqar Mehsud said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  "The miscreants were occupying mountaintops..."

Got a chuckle out of the Major's unique word choice.
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 8:27 Comments || Top||

NGO workers kidnapped in Hangu
Three officials of the Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) NGO were kidnapped on Tuesday in the Doaba and Azeemi Banada areas, and taken along with their vehicle to an undisclosed location, an SRSP official said.

The kidnapped SRSP personnel are engineer Asadullah, social organiser Rais Khan and driver Waheed Khan. They were headed to Hangu city from Doaba in a double cabin pick-up when they were abducted, reported the official. Doaba Police Station officials verified the kidnapping report. Later, Umar Khan, an SRSP Kohat region official, and Hangu District Police Officer (DPO) Ghulam Mohammad reached Doaba later to oversee efforts to recover the SRSP staff. The DPO said the administration was making efforts to recover the hostages, including setting up check posts on roads in the area.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When looking at the pic bleary-eyed this morning, I thought the teaser said "Murder of a Shutter Gun."
Posted by: Normal Hsu || 09/13/2007 21:50 Comments || Top||

92 Al-Qaida Jugged, 3 Qualify for Virgin Allotment
Al-Qaida in Iraq takes heavy losses

Al-Qaida militants in Iraq have taken heavy losses in two joint U.S.-Iraqi raids north of Baghdad, the U.S. military reported Thursday.

In one operation involving more than 1,000 U.S. troops and Iraq Special Forces in the Hemreen mountain area and Diyala river valley, three al-Qaida fighters were killed and 80 others were arrested, the Army statement said.
Sigh. Mahmoud, order up some more virgins!
The report said four of the arrested men are considered senior leaders in the terror group, Kuwait's KUNA news agency reported. U.S. air support was used to conclude the raid, after which a major weapons cache was found, the statement said.

Elsewhere in Salah Al-Din province, U.S. forces arrested 12 al-Qaida suspects and destroyed an entire house packed with explosives and weaponry, the report said.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/13/2007 12:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Are they hoping to swamp coalition forces with a zillion POWs?

What do they do with these guys anyway? I suggest they make great fertilizer.
Posted by: gorb || 09/13/2007 14:43 Comments || Top||

#2  I imagine it would be hard as hell to find out from what countries these al-Qaeda came. I also suspect that for several reasons, we have taken to calling Iranian operatives al-Qaeda. It avoids certain problems and creates some opportunities.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/13/2007 15:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Soilent Green ?
Posted by: wxjames || 09/13/2007 16:00 Comments || Top||

#4  80 + 12 = 93? Go back out there and nab another one to make the headline true.
Posted by: Angusoth Jones3773 || 09/13/2007 17:41 Comments || Top||


3 times 72 equals 216
Posted by: BigEd || 09/13/2007 18:45 Comments || Top||

#6  A.J. You must have had a liberal math teacher. The result does not count, only the fact that you try. In that case your math grade is "Attended". If you were referring to a baker's dozen then you are correct, 93.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/13/2007 19:01 Comments || Top||

Leader of Anbar Awakening killed by bomb in Ramadi
The most prominent figure in a revolt of Sunni sheiks against al-Qaida in Iraq was killed Thursday in an explosion near his home in Anbar province, police said. Abu Risha and two of his bodyguards were killed by a roadside bomb, said Col. Tareq Youssef, supervisor of Anbar police.
Happy Ramadan, y'all.
Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha was leader of the Anbar Salvation Council, also known as the Anbar Awakening — an alliance of clans backing the Iraqi government and U.S. forces. He was among a group of tribal leaders who met President Bush earlier this month at al-Asad Air Base in Anbar province.

No group claimed responsibility for the assassination but suspicion fell on al-Qaida in Iraq, ...
"Who you think dunnit, Clancy?"
"Dunno, Muldoon."
... which U.S. officials say has suffered devastating setbacks in Anbar thanks to Abu Risha and his fellow sheiks. It's unclear how his death would affect U.S. efforts to organize Sunnis against the terrorist network.

A senior member of Abu Risha's group, Sheik Jubeir Rashid, said the explosion took place at 3:30 p.m. as Abu Risha was returning to his home in Ramadi, Anbar's provincial capital. "It is a major blow to the council, but we are determined to strike back and continue our work," Rashid said. "Such an attack was expected, but it will not deter us."

A Ramadi police officer said Abu Risha had received a group of poor people at his home earlier in the day, to mark the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The officer, speaking on condition of anonymity out of security concerns, said authorities believed the bomb was planted by one of the visitors.

After the bombing, police announced a state of emergency in Ramadi and set up additional checkpoints throughout the city, Rashid said.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/13/2007 09:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sunnis are between Iraq and a hard place.
Posted by: Cheasing Wittlesbach4201 || 09/13/2007 10:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Sad news indeed. But it looks like alqaeda has another sunni Martyr to deal with.
Posted by: Galactic Coordinator Shins1195 || 09/13/2007 11:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Now if our guys had done something like this, the Times would say it only creates more terrorists...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Any Sunni wondering about their options these days just things (further) clarified for them!

(1) go back to being alQueda's slaves...and risk dying on an alQueda whim, say, for smoking a cigarette!
(2) fight, and yes maybe die...but have a chance at controlling or, at least influencing, your own destiny!

Same choice we have here in America.

Democrats (and a few round-heeled Republicans) are busy choosing Opion 1.

The rest of us are choosing Option 2.
Posted by: Justrand || 09/13/2007 11:56 Comments || Top||

#5  Wouldn't this trigger the "required revenge" clause in the Tribal contract? That's how Al Qaeda got in trouble with the tribes in the first place, if I recall correctly.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/13/2007 12:33 Comments || Top||

#6  Shades of Shah Masood in Sept 2001? Head's up!
Posted by: doc || 09/13/2007 15:30 Comments || Top||

#7  But then this solves one of Binny and Doc's biggest embarrassments - that Sunnis have turned on AQ. They are so impotent right now that they have to resort to red on red violence and killing. They haven't touched us (knock on wood) in 6 years but they sure have popped the cork on other muzzies. You're sitting in your cave in Waziristan and see your islamic world collapsing on top of you - what can you do?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/13/2007 15:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Well, if this murder makes the tribes switch sides and back AQ again, they deserve what they get. "Carthago Al Anbar delenda est!"

But I doubt the Sunni tribes will do it - they may be stupid, deluded, and all sorts of other negative descriptives, but they don't strike me as easily-forgiving, or cowards, or Euro-weenies.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 17:29 Comments || Top||

#9  Good spot doc...
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 09/13/2007 18:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Yes, great spot, doc. I full on expect that the President will mention this specifically tonight (in a few minutes).

"It is a major blow to the council, but we are determined to strike back and continue our work," Rashid said. "Such an attack was expected, but it will not deter us."

Compare this to Hillary's "suspension of reality" comment or Harry Reid's whining that we've lost already. These guys are bleeding and dying for their country while the Donks are trying to score political points. I pray the Anbar Awakening continues to be awake and doesn't go back to sleep.

What's most frustrating is that this leader took a chance (like Masood in Afghanistan) and may be a "signal" to further attacks. AQ, if anything, knows how to "time" an attack. With Petraeus's report Mon-Tues and the Pres's speech tonight, they know what this'll do in the media. Sad, but that's the "game" they play.
Posted by: BA || 09/13/2007 20:54 Comments || Top||

#11  I had planned to comment on this earlier, but got involved in another project, and forgot.

Expect to see as much of this kind of activity as possible over the next ten days to two weeks while the Congress is debating what to do about Iraq. A-Q HAS to make a big hit somewhere, or the concensus will be that the surge is working, and we'd be fools to leave. That doesn't mean the Donkeys won't still try to pull out, but the average Joe will be very confused about it.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 23:49 Comments || Top||

Bergner: Rocket associated with Iran
BAGHDAD - A fatal attack launched two days ago against the sprawling headquarters base of the American military in Iraq was carried out with a 240 mm rocket — a type of weapon provided to Shiite extremists by Iran, a U.S. general said Thursday. One person was killed and 11 were wounded during the "indirect fire" attack Tuesday against Camp Victory, which includes the headquarters of Multinational Forces-Iraq.

The attack was overshadowed by congressional appearances by Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker in Washington.

But such an attack with a sophisticated weapon against a nearly impregnable compound — far less vulnerable than the Green Zone in the heart of the capital — sends a strong message to the Americans that nowhere in Iraq are they safe, even in the nerve center of the U.S. mission.

It represents a major confrontation between the U.S. and armed Shiite groups the Americans insist are supported by Iran.

Maj. Gen. Kevin Bergner said the rocket was launched from a populated area in the Rasheed district of west Baghdad, which he said was infiltrated by the Mahdi Army militia of anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Bergner said Shiite groups "have received" such weapons "from Iranian sources in the past" and "used them against coalition forces." A 240 mm rocket was fired against a U.S. base south of the capital in mid-August.

"The Iranian... rocket is the only 240-milimeter rocket found or fired in Iraq to date, and Jaish al-Mahdi is the only group known to fire that rocket," Bergner said, referring to the Mahdi Army by its Arabic name.
All the more reason to go Roman on the Mahdis.
Camp Victory, a huge area located near Baghdad International Airport, has occasionally come under fire, but attacks with such a large number of casualties and with such sophisticated weapons are rare.

On Wednesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected the congressional testimony of the top U.S. officials in Iraq accusing Iran of interfering in its war-torn neighbor. In an interview on Iranian state television, Ahmadinejad said Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker raised allegations of Iranian meddling solely because of the political debate within the United States over the war in Iraq. "Iran has no need to interfere in Iraq. The Iraqi government and nation are close friends of Iran," he said.

Bergner insisted the U.S. was certain that such rockets were of Iranian origin based on their color and markings on fragments. He said Shiite extremist leaders under U.S. detention had acknowledged that Iranian Quds Force operatives were providing 240 mm rockets to Shiite militias.

Last month, al-Sadr announced a freeze of operations by the Mahdi Army to give time to reorganize the force. "There are indications that some of his followers are fulfilling that pledge of honor," Bergner said. "We have seen other indications of others who are not fulfilling the commitment he made. We know there are some that are not operating within the bounds of his guidance."

Bergner said the victims of Tuesday's rocket attack were a mix of American military personnel, other coalition troops and civilian contractors. The fatality was a civilian contractor from a third country, meaning neither American nor Iraqi, he said.
This article starring:
Jaish al-Mahdi
Mahdi Army
Posted by: gorb || 09/13/2007 07:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Mahdi Army

#1  Bomb Iran now while Matt Lauer is there!!
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 8:44 Comments || Top||

#2  Bomb them thirty years ago and so much of this might not have happened.

By all means, bomb them now.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/13/2007 8:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Bomb them back to the stone age! . . . oh, nevermind.
Posted by: gorb || 09/13/2007 14:38 Comments || Top||

#4  Anyone think Bush is gonna mention Iran tonight in his speech?
Posted by: Sherry || 09/13/2007 15:27 Comments || Top||

#5  But such an attack with a sophisticated weapon against a nearly impregnable compound — far less vulnerable than the Green Zone in the heart of the capital — sends a strong message to the Americans that nowhere in Iraq are they safe, even in the nerve center of the U.S. mission.

What hysterical bullshit. One, repeat, ONE stinkin' rocket gets lobbed in with ONE fatality and suddenly there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The author would be far better off noting how this is yet another button on the coat when it comes to very good reasons for pummeling Iran into collective unconsciousness.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 17:02 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/13/2007 22:13 Comments || Top||

#7  OOOOOPSIES, forgot to add ISRAEL > FM SAYS ISRAEL WILL "WIPE IRAN OFF THE MAP", iff necessary.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/13/2007 22:15 Comments || Top||

Iraqi police: Gunmen ambush police checkpoint near Mosul, killing 6
Gunmen ambushed an Iraqi police checkpoint south of Mosul early Wednesday, killing six policemen and wounding four, police said. The attack occurred in the Gayara area, about 55 kilometers south of Mosul, said police Brig. Abdel-Karim al-Jubouri. Several gunmen piled into four cars screeched up to the checkpoint and opened fire on the policemen, al-Jubouri said. Other scattered violence left at least four Iraqis dead Wednesday, police said, including a civilian killed by a roadside bomb on Palestine Street, a popular shopping district in the Iraqi capital. The bomb targeted a passing convoy of SUVs, and left five other people wounded, police said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

Iraqi Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 21 terrorists
Members of 9th Iraqi Army Division detained sixteen suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists in two separate intelligence-driven raids Sept. 10 and Sept. 11 near Taji.

The targeted individuals are suspected of participating in improvised explosive device attacks against civilians, and Iraqi and Coalition Forces. One suspected terrorist is a known facilitator and manufacturer of vehicle-borne IEDs, while another extremist allegedly supplies weapons to an al-Qaeda in Iraq cell in Taji.

Nine AK-47 rifles with eleven loaded magazines, one anti-aircraft machine gun with a belt of ammunition, and one hand-held machine gun were seized during the raids.

In a separate operation Sept. 11, Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained a Shi’a extremist, who is suspected of using his position in the Ministry of Interior to kidnap and murder Sunni citizens in the Jihad area of Baghdad.

Additionally, the suspected terrorist cell he operates is allegedly responsible for IED and mortar attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces in addition to innocent citizens who stand against the group’s criminal activities.

Four AK-47 rifles, one Uzi sub-machine gun, two pistols, one machine gun, and computer equipment were seized while four other individuals, suspected of being linked to his cell, were detained. U.S. Special Forces were advisers during these operations and there were no Iraqi or U.S. injuries during these raids.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  all guilty!

except for our agent, who we had to arrest to keep his bona fides healthy...

One suspected terrorist is a known facilitator and manufacturer of vehicle-borne IEDs, while another extremist allegedly supplies weapons to an al-Qaeda in Iraq cell in Taji.

We have friends there on base [Apache crew chief], one huge fricken base. Any RBees been there recently?
Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 0:53 Comments || Top||

#2  The targeted individuals are suspected of participating in improvised explosive device attacks against civilians
Uh huh- I guess they've finally figured out that Marines fire back.
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/13/2007 3:18 Comments || Top||

#3  They're finally allowed to.
Posted by: lotp || 09/13/2007 7:20 Comments || Top||

East Baghdad raid nets 16 suspected insurgents
Soldiers with the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division captured 16 suspected insurgents during a raid Sept. 10 in the Rusafa District of eastern Baghdad. The raid, carried out by Soldiers of Company D, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment, was part of the continuous effort to sweep out insurgent strongholds in the area. The suspects are being held for further questioning.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

Captives freed, kidnappers captured
Two people were freed from captivity and four others arrested and charged with kidnapping after a tip-driven raid was conducted by soldiers of the 4th Battalion, 5th Division, 6th Iraqi Army at the Salhiyah Apartments Sept. 8. According to Maj. Thomas Weiss, who is assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division and is the officer-in-charge of the District Joint Security Station in central Baghdad’s Karkh District, the tip was provided from the mother of one of the victims being held.

The tip was initially provided to the 5th Brigade, 2nd Division National Police, who oversee security in the area, and the mission of locating and freeing the individuals was then turned over to the 4-5-6 IA.

The soldiers performed a cordon and search of the apartment complex until they were able to locate and free the two individuals. After reaching the individuals, the Iraqi troops realized that one of the men who they had been sent to free was actually wanted by Iraqi Security Forces for questioning. He was detained along with the four other men being charged with kidnapping.

The five detainees were turned over and processed by the 5-2 National Police. Weiss said that the outcome of the mission goes a long way in building trust between the ISF and the people that they serve. “The fact that the 4-5-6 was able to take a resident’s complaint and successfully conduct this mission does wonders in building trust in the community,” Weiss said. “It lets them know that the IA is responsive to their needs.”
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  The first Arab army in history to serve their people instead of bully them. I never thought to see such a thing!
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/13/2007 6:55 Comments || Top||

#2  There's a few good "Iraqi's are finally coming around" stories on the Burg today. While that is amazing -- a true testament to our military personnel -- I don't think this "civilized" behavior will stick to the arabs. If we leave any time in the next 50 years and Islam is still in place the will revert.
Posted by: Captain Lewis || 09/13/2007 8:35 Comments || Top||

Old enemies kiss in triangle of death
Sunni insurgents side with U.S. against al Qaeda

Until recently, Yusufiyah was among the most dangerous places in Iraq. Located in the so-called "triangle of death," a violent area south of Baghdad, it was the site of frequent clashes between coalition forces and Sunni fighters. In May, two U.S. soldiers went missing in Yusufiyah and were never found, despite a massive search.

But today, Sunni tribal leaders in this town cooperate with U.S. forces in their battle against foreign fighters and al Qaeda in Iraq.

"It's all the roll of the dice. It's people and politics all intertwined down here," said Col. Michael Kershaw, commander of the Second Brigade, 10th Mountain Division.

Kershaw now greets his former enemies with kisses, hears their grievances, spends time in their homes and even shares meals with them. He is surprised at how far relations have progressed. "Our hope a year ago was to establish very basic inroads down here," Kershaw said. "We thought the insurgency was far too deep for us to be able to effectively root it out and develop the relationship with the locals."

As happened in Anbar province to the west, local Sunni leaders from this town south of Baghdad finally turned on the al Qaeda extremists in their midst when the death and destruction became too much to bear.

"Killing people, stealing goats, everything, you name it," said Sheik Hamid Karbouli, when asked why he and his men now oppose al Qaeda. Karbouli has recruited some 150 volunteers to man checkpoints and carry guns. Sunni sheik lists grievances against al Qaeda »

The U.S. military calls the men concerned local citizens. "I haven't had more than one IED destroy a vehicle in an area where concerned citizens were located ... in the past two months," Kershaw said.

To further encourage local tribesmen to turn against al Qaeda, the U.S. military pays local sheiks to provide security in their area; they receive up to $10 per man. It's a controversial policy, but one that has helped the U.S. military identify and stop insurgents, Kershaw said. "In the three months since this has started, we have gathered more insurgents up, more terrorists, than we did in the preceding nine months. And that's because they have pointed out to us these people within their own ranks," Kershaw said.

The next step is to have these young Sunnis join the Iraqi police. For that to happen, the U.S. military needs the cooperation of the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad. Cooperation, however, is slow in coming.

Iraq's central government is concerned these gunmen might turn into armed militias if the U.S. pulls out and civil war erupts. To assuage these concerns, Kershaw is registering as many of the local volunteers as possible, taking photographs and retinal scans, hoping leaders in Baghdad will agree to hire them as Iraqi police. "What we see as being the end state down here is these tribes being brought back full into the government process," Kershaw said.

The Second Brigade has lost 53 men in Iraq. Their photos are proudly displayed in the brigade's headquarters. Some of the U.S. soldiers here have a hard time forgiving the Sunnis for what they might have done in the insurgency.

"Were some of these people part of the insurgency? Sure they were," Kershaw said. "Our job over here isn't to do what's comfortable for us, and it isn't to do what we want," he said. "Our job is to do the nation's bidding. If this gets our nation closer to a solution for this country ... then that's what we're gonna do."
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Can you imagine how many Sunnis we killed, the Coalition killed [small #], the Iraqi Army killed, the Sunnis killed by accident [lol] and al-Qaeda.

Maybe the final motovator was that the Sunni Imams and Sunni Tribal Chiefs were getting whacked by al-Qaeda.

GolfBravoUSMC, thanks for the article, IIRC you were there in al-Anbar what say you?

Posted by: Red Dawg || 09/13/2007 0:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Old enemies kiss in triangle of death

Ewwwwww..isn't that what Yassir died of? [To take from Seinfield] Not there's anything wrong with that.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 09/13/2007 16:37 Comments || Top||

#3  Killing people, stealing goats, everything, you name it

Killing people was bad enough, but when you steal a man's goat, you are gonna hang!
Posted by: N Guard || 09/13/2007 19:02 Comments || Top||

#4  There is a saying in the Muslim world, "Women are for having children, boys are for sex and goats are for ecstasy". Stealing goats is serious business.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/13/2007 19:12 Comments || Top||

#5  IIRC, "melons for ecstacy..." and they don't bite :-)
Posted by: Frank G || 09/13/2007 20:08 Comments || Top||

Coalition Forces nab three suspected militants
An air assault mission south of Baghdad Sept. 10 yielded three suspected militants who were detained after they were discovered with explosives.

The mission, dubbed Operation Falcon Fury, was led by 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade’s attack and assault elements and supported on the ground by Company B, 3rd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, currently attached to Task Force Marne. “This intelligence-driven operation was designed to disrupt enemy forces in their perceived safe havens,” said Lt. Col. Robert E. Wilson, 3rd CAB executive officer. “The air assault methodology is ideally suited for combining our aerial capabilities with a top notch and dynamically-led infantry company to keep the enemy guessing as to the Marne Division’s next move.”
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

One terrorist killed, 13 suspects detained as Coalition targets al-Qaeda in Iraq
Coalition forces killed one terrorist and detained 13 suspected terrorists during raids Wednesday to disrupt al-Qaeda in Iraq’s ability to operate in central Iraq.

Coalition forces raided several buildings southeast of Baqubah during an operation targeting an al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leader in the area. When one man refused to follow the interpreter’s instructions and moved to retrieve a weapon, Coalition forces engaged the man in self-defense, killing him. KAPOW! "We said 'Halt!', dammit!"
The ground forces detained two suspected terrorists during the raid and found weapons and military-style assault vests on scene.

Coalition forces conducted two operations to disrupt car-bombing networks in the Tigris River Valley. In Tikrit, the ground forces captured an individual believed to operate a car-bombing cell and allegedly associated with Haytham Sabah al-Badri, the mastermind behind the Samarra Golden Mosque bombing, who was killed in a Coalition operation Aug. 2. North of Taji, Coalition forces captured a suspected car-bombing operative from the Baghdad network. Four additional suspected terrorists were detained in the two operations.

Coalition forces further disrupted the Baghdad terrorist network when they detained five suspected terrorists during an operation targeting foreign terrorist facilitators on the south side of the city. “Our operations will continue to target both terrorist leaders and their operatives,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We want to ensure al-Qaeda in Iraq remains unable to recover from the damage inflicted by Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.”
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

15 suspects detained in operations targeting al-Qaeda in northern Iraq
Coalition forces detained 15 suspected terrorists during operations Wednesday targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders and their networks in the northern part of the country. Coalition forces captured two wanted individuals in Mosul believed to be finalizing plans for an attack on the Mosul airfield during Ramadan. The two are also suspected of conducting attacks against Coalition forces and planning the attack on the Mosul airfield during Ramadan in 2006.

Near the Syrian border, Coalition forces captured a mortar expert wanted for his suspected involvement in August attacks on Kurdish government buildings in Sinjar. The ground forces detained six additional suspected terrorists during the raid and discovered a cache of weapons, including machine guns and vehicle mounts. After clearing civilians from the area, Coalition forces called in an air strike to destroy the cache.

Iraqi and Coalition forces in Kirkuk captured a suspected terrorist wanted for his ties to senior al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders. The ground forces detained five additional suspects during the raid. “Al-Qaeda in Iraq has tried to move its operations and avoid the pressure we’re putting on them, but there’s no safe haven for terrorists in Iraq,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We will continue to attack their network, no matter where their operatives hide.”
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Palestinian security forces uncover arms stockpile in Nablus mosque
Palestinian security forces on Wednesday uncovered an arms stockpile in a Nablus mosque, Israel Radio reported. A Palestinian intelligence officer said that machine guns, pistols, ammunition, and propaganda materials were found during the operation. The officer also condemned Hamas for turning mosques into weapon stockpiles.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  The officer also condemned Hamas for turning mosques into weapon stockpiles.

Thanks, Inspector Reynaud...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Is there such a creature as a mosque that *doesn't* have a weapons stockpile?
Posted by: SteveS || 09/13/2007 15:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Mosque -- the holy ammo depot of Religion of Pieces.
Posted by: twobyfour || 09/13/2007 16:19 Comments || Top||

#4  Perhaps these Muslim ammo dumps each need one more munition added. 500-2000 pounds, air-delivered.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/13/2007 17:31 Comments || Top||

#5  Were the infamous Holy Hand Grenades™ there?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/13/2007 23:07 Comments || Top||

IDF troops stage limited Gaza incursion
IDF ground troops entered central Gaza Wednesday night, a day after rocket fire from the Gaza strip wounded 69 soldiers, but the military said the incursion was a low-scale "routine operation". The military said troops went into Gaza but that the operation was not part of a large-scale mission. It gave no further information.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Beersheba suicide bombing foiled
Security forces arrested a Popular Resistance Committees member on his way to commit a suicide bombing in Beersheba, security officials announced on Wednesday. The 22-year-old Rafah resident said he had reached Israel through Sinai from the Gaza Strip and was instructed to detonate his explosives in a crowded place. The alleged terrorist will be indicted next week.

On Sunday, A Palestinian boy carrying three explosive devices was apprehended at a checkpoint outside Nablus. According to the IDF, the boy had planned to transfer the explosives to a suicide bomber, who was to blow himself up in Tel Aviv in the next few days.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Popular Resistance Committees

Shaker al-Abssi issued belated jail sentence in Jordan
After leading Fatah al-Islam to kill over 165 of Lebanon's soldiers, terrorist Shaker Abssi was finally sentenced to jail in Jordan. The verdict however had nothing to do with al-Abssi's actions in Lebanon. Al-Abssi and 16 other terrorists were sentenced to jail by a Jordanian military tribunal Wednesday for plotting to join Iraqi insurgents.

Abssi, the Palestinian-born leader of the Al-Qaida-inspired Fatah al-Islam group, was among five fugitives given a five-year prison term each by the state security court for their involvement in trying to infiltrate Syria to join Iraq rebels. Another 11 defendants who have been present in court since the trial started in March received jail terms ranging from 20 months to three years, while the remaining suspect was acquitted for lack of evidence.

Abssi was listed in the charge sheet as one of the defendants but no details were given about his role in the case, involving Jordanian suspects seeking to recruit fighters to join Iraq rebels and train them in Syria.

Abssi's fate remains a mystery after conflicting reports that he was killed in northern Lebanon's Nahr al-Bared refugee camp earlier this month at the end of a bloody 15-week standoff between the Lebanese army and his Fatah al-Islam group.

On Monday, Lebanon's attorney general said DNA tests on the body of a man thought to be Abssi had proved negative, and that he may have escaped from the refugee camp. But his wife has insisted that her husband was dead and that she had identified his body at a morgue in Lebanon. "When I first saw him I was shocked by the extent of his wounds, but I knew it was him," Rishdiyeh al-Abssi, 50, told AFP in Beirut in a telephone interview on Tuesday. The 17 defendants sentenced in Jordan had been indicted in February on seven counts, including unlicensed possession and sale of weapons.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Fatah al-Islam

Israeli air strike on Syria jammed Lebanon cell phones
The jamming of the communications system in Lebanon in recent days was apparently caused by Israel's air strikes on Syria, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh uncovered. Hamadeh said that while the source of interference has not been officially determined, the jamming coincided with Israel's aggression against Syria on Thursday.

"What we have witnessed over the past four or five days started with the aggressive Israeli infiltration on Syria," Hamadeh said in remarks published by the daily An Nahar on Wednesday. He said the interference has dwindled toward a stop by late Tuesday. It was the biggest jamming of cell phones since last summer's Israel's offensive against Lebanon, Hamadeh added.
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  I call it well thought out logistics and preopts required. The operation's flight plans would not be 'shielded' as such should enemy communications and or civilian sitings 'tailed' the jets. My advice to Syria...you jam, they jam, we all jam; get over it or invest in antijam communications from this point on!
Posted by: smn || 09/13/2007 0:21 Comments || Top||

#2  And brought on a surge in global worming.
Posted by: gromgoru || 09/13/2007 6:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Syria, don't get your panties in a wad, we were just celebrating the Jewish New Years and helping you usher in Ramadam.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/13/2007 12:10 Comments || Top||

#4  So was it done by the IAF as part of the srike or a result of the strike? maybe a low-level EMP event?????
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/13/2007 14:18 Comments || Top||

Good morning
Pakistan 115th most peaceful countrySomali Islamists, opposition unite to fight governmentBeersheba suicide bombing foiled40 N.Wazoo turbans killed in Razmak'Advisors to Assad pressuring him to respond with force'Shaker al-Abssi issued belated jail sentence in Jordan'Cousin marriage should be discouraged'
Posted by: Fred || 09/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Anyone seen my hedge clippers?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/13/2007 0:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Call in a deflowering defoliant strike!
Posted by: Zenster || 09/13/2007 1:46 Comments || Top||

#3  I must save her! That plant is devouring her! That is my job!
Posted by: gorb || 09/13/2007 2:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Ferns: why do they hate us?
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/13/2007 2:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Quite enough to make your toes curl.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/13/2007 3:43 Comments || Top||

#6  Tickle, tickle, tickle.
Posted by: Gleck Unavising7367 || 09/13/2007 5:49 Comments || Top||

#7  I have never seen one of these at the Garden Center.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/13/2007 8:52 Comments || Top||

#8  Zenster alludes to the original inspiration for Agent Orange - "necessity is the mother" and all that.
Posted by: Thaitch Hitler4451 || 09/13/2007 11:27 Comments || Top||

#9  Tha's quite a fungus you have there, miss...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/13/2007 11:38 Comments || Top||

#10  Hey Dorothy, are you sure that isn't poison ivy or sumac?
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/13/2007 12:00 Comments || Top||

#11  Reminds me of a few comments I heard in the military, something about grass?????
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/13/2007 13:45 Comments || Top||

#12  Ferns, the other white meat.......or not.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/13/2007 13:57 Comments || Top||

#13  Must be shot in Pierson, Florida "Fern Capitol of the World".
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/13/2007 15:20 Comments || Top||

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Thu 2007-09-13
  Pakistan 115th most peaceful country
Wed 2007-09-12
  Suicide bomber kills 16 in Pakistan
Tue 2007-09-11
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Mon 2007-09-10
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Fri 2007-09-07
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Thu 2007-09-06
  Germany foils massive terrorist campaign
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  Bomb blasts kill 25 in Rawalpindi cantonment
Tue 2007-09-04
  Danish police arrest 8 in terror plot
Mon 2007-09-03
  Afghans bang 120 resurgent Talibs
Sun 2007-09-02
  Nahr al-Bared falls to Lebanon army
Sat 2007-09-01
  Knobby gives up veto in return for consensus on new president
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