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Looters raid Arafat's house, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
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6 00:00 badanov [18] 
1 00:00 trailing wife [20] 
2 00:00 Shipman [12] 
7 00:00 Bright Pebbles [18] 
35 00:00 Zenster [24] 
11 00:00 Deacon Blues [16] 
4 00:00 Red Dawg [13] 
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3 00:00 Old Patriot [11] 
3 00:00 Redneck Jim [15] 
7 00:00 Redneck Jim [22] 
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4 00:00 Pappy [20] 
1 00:00 trailing wife [13] 
1 00:00 Redneck Jim [17] 
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1 00:00 Mark E. [14]
1 00:00 Shipman [16]
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2 00:00 ed [19]
2 00:00 Zenster [21]
5 00:00 Zenster [16]
1 00:00 Redneck Jim [18]
0 [15]
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2 00:00 gromgoru [18]
6 00:00 USN, ret. [17]
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6 00:00 Abdominal Snowman [22]
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1 00:00 Deacon Blues [16]
7 00:00 Bright Pebbles [21]
7 00:00 no mo uro [15]
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6 00:00 bigjim-ky [24]
3 00:00 Bright Pebbles [19]
2 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [19]
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0 [17]
Worst attack since Taliban toppled kills 35
IN the deadliest attack in Afghanistan since the Taliban regime was toppled six years ago, a suicide bomber has killed 35 people and wounded dozens in Kabul. Most of the dead were instructors going to work at the city's police academy. Bystanders and five foreigners were also killed, according to police.

President Hamid Karzai condemned the attack and said the country would continue to work towards reconstruction despite attacks from the "enemies of Afghanistan".

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, which reduced a police bus to a skeleton of black metal. Body parts and human flesh were flung across a wide area.

"We have got 35 people martyred and 52 wounded," Kabul province police chief Esmatullah Dauladzai told news agency AFP. "Those killed include mostly officers and civilians."

Among the wounded were two Japanese, a Korean and two Pakistani nationals, he said. The injuries could not be immediately confirmed by the relevant embassies.

"It is the work of terrorists, al-Qaeda and murderers of the people," said the city's criminal investigation department chief Alishah Paktiawal.

Mr Dauladzai said investigations indicated the bombing was carried out by an individual wearing black clothes who was aboard the police bus.

Claiming responsibility, the Taliban said the attacker had infiltrated the police on the orders of one of the group's most senior commanders, Jalaluddin Haqqani. "Under his direct orders, today he strapped explosives on his body and exploded himself inside the police bus," spokesman Saluhuddin Ayobi said.

There had been rumours that Haqqani, who was a minister in the 1996-2001 Taliban government, had died, but Ayobi said he was "alive and leading the jihad (holy war) against the US forces and the puppet Kabul Government".

The sirens of ambulances wailed across the city as the wounded were ferried to hospitals. 24 people were hospitalised, health ministry director general Salam Jalali said. The blast took place in a crowded part of the city centre. Two nearby minibuses were damaged and witnesses said bystanders may also have been hit.
Posted by: tipper || 06/17/2007 10:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A lot of muslims would be alive if they all adopted the Baywatch ensemble.
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 10:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Is this the beginning of the Dreaded Srping Offensive? Only four more days 'till summer!
Posted by: Bobby || 06/17/2007 11:35 Comments || Top||

#3  Sloppy security, And just exactly HOW did "an individual wearing black clothes who was aboard the police bus." GET aboard the police Bus? Hmmm?
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 11:50 Comments || Top||

#4  Sounds like a highly sophisticated attack from a resilient and increasingly organized resistance.

Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:02 Comments || Top||

#5  a highly sophisticated attack from a resilient and increasingly organized resistance.
Say that does sound like the NYT -- except you need to add "Go team!"
Posted by: regular joe || 06/17/2007 12:14 Comments || Top||

#6  Good idea, writing the byline now...
Posted by: NYT Reporter || 06/17/2007 19:35 Comments || Top||

#7  BBC filth describe the taliban as resurgent for killing a bunch of civilians.

I hope someone starts bombing the bbc bastards.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 06/17/2007 23:43 Comments || Top||

Five civilians killed in Kabul suicide attack
KABUL - At least four people were killed and six wounded when a suicide attacker targeted a US-led convoy in western Kabul on Saturday. The attack took place early Saturday morning, in the Company area, in Kabul’s 5th District, when a suicide attacker driving a taxi rammed the explosive-filled vehicle into a NATO convoy, killing himself and four civilians, Alishah Paktiawal, Chief of the Criminal Branch of Kabul Police, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. Paktiawal said that five civilians and a US soldier were wounded in the blast.

Following the attack a US soldier riding in a Humvee vehicle opened ‘indiscriminate fire’ on the crowd, killing one civilian and wounding three, Paktiawal said. Dozens of local people then gathered and wanted to carry out a demonstration but the police intervened and dispersed them, he added.
I doubt that -- the dead 'civvie' very likely had a weapon in his hands. Til he dropped it 'cause he was dead.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  US soldier riding in a Humvee vehicle opened ‘indiscriminate fire’ on the crowd, killing one civilian and wounding three,

Bullshit, I bet every round was aimed, most hit who he was aiming at, and then the guns they were holding and firing just magically disappeared into thin air (Yeah sure)

Don't they have even rudimentary forensics, check those "Innocent Victims" for powder residue.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 12:13 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Oxfam withdraws from Darfur's largest camp
British aid agency Oxfam said on Saturday it was withdrawing permanently from Gereida in Sudan's Darfur region, home to the largest population of Darfuris driven from their homes over four years of conflict. In a coordinated attack on three aid agency bases in Gereida in December, an aid worker was raped, an Oxfam staff member badly beaten and others subjected to mock executions. Since then most operations have remained suspended in the area controlled by the former rebel faction of Minni Arcua Minnawi, the only leader to sign a May 2006 peace deal with the Khartoum government.

"Despite our repeated requests, none of the perpetrators have been held to account, none of the assets stolen in the attack have been returned, and we have not received credible assurances that similar attacks would not take place if we did return," said Caroline Nursey, Oxfam's Sudan programme manager.
Perhaps it's because the janjawed and the gummint don't take 'requests'?
Oxfam provided water and sanitation, healthcare and livelihood education to 130,000 Darfuris encamped around Gereida town. The International Committee for the Red Cross will take over the provision of water. "As usual in Darfur, the people who will suffer most are the civilians who have already been attacked, forced from their homes and had their lives thrown into turmoil. For the last six months they have not had the level of assistance that they need," said Nursey.
Posted by: Seafarious || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Looks like Dafur is taking a page from the Paleo play book: Beat those that try to help you and then beg for help.....
Posted by: USN, ret. || 06/17/2007 11:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Looks like Darfur is taking a page from the Paleo play book: Beat those that try to help you and then beg for help.....
Posted by: USN, ret. || 06/17/2007 11:58 Comments || Top||

#3  And the stupid "Helpers" aren't smart enough to say "Fuck you" and walk away.

Make the refugees form a long line to carry their own food/water from truck parks FAR FAR away from where they are "Living/Camped" fence a narrow corridor, if you're outside the corridor, go back or be shot.

That should stop this shit, if they have to work a bit for their food, they'll get the message "Don't fuck with us", make the corridor longer each such "Incident". 1/2 mile to start should get the message across.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 12:06 Comments || Top||

Yemen, Houthi followers agree on a hudna
A Yemeni government official and a Shi'ite rebels leader said Saturday that the two sides have agreed on a cease-fire that would pave the way to end a three year rebellion in the country's north, believed to have claimed thousands of lives.

The deal was agreed to under Qatar's mediation, a Yemeni security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to give statements to media. Abdel-Malek al-Hawthi, a prominent Shiite rebel leader based in the Saada province, 180 kilometers (112 miles) north of the Yemeni capital, confirmed that the agreement was reached. "We announce the halting of the fight and commitment to the articles of the agreement," al-Hawithi said in a statement faxed to The Associated Press. The rebel leader said the Shiite group had agreed to lay down their arms in a "response" to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh's call for them to end the fighting.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

China arming terrorists
New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.

U.S. government appeals to China to check some of the arms shipments in advance were met with stonewalling by Beijing, which insisted it knew nothing about the shipments and asked for additional intelligence on the transfers. The ploy has been used in the past by China to hide its arms-proliferation activities from the United States, according to U.S. officials with access to the intelligence reports.

Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.

The Washington Times reported June 5 that Chinese-made HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles were being used by the Taliban.

According to the officials, the Iranians, in buying the arms, asked Chinese state-run suppliers to expedite the transfers and to remove serial numbers to prevent tracing their origin. China, for its part, offered to transport the weapons in order to prevent the weapons from being interdicted.

The weapons were described as "late-model" arms that have not been seen in the field before and were not left over from Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq.

U.S. Army specialists suspect the weapons were transferred within the past three months.

The Bush administration has been trying to hide or downplay the intelligence reports to protect its pro-business policies toward China, and to continue to claim that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism. U.S. officials have openly criticized Iran for the arms transfers but so far there has been no mention that China is a main supplier.
This means nothing to our elites who have gutted American manufacturing capacity, that took generations to build, and advance the development of totalitarian enemies. It's not like their kids would ever to called upon to defend their ill gotten gains.
Rest at link.
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 09:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  i always felt China and Russia were behind all of the west enemies whether Iran,Taleban and North Korea.
Posted by: Paul || 06/17/2007 10:21 Comments || Top||

#2  We could hurt china badly by passing even mild trade sanctions against it. Hell, if we just held them strictly to their trade agreements they would squeal.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/17/2007 10:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.

I have persistently maintained that China is the real foe. With Russia in eclipse, it is our confrontation with Beijing's communist Mandarins that will make the Global War on Terror look like a walk in the park. Much like with Arab oil, we pour money into the coffers of America's enemies who do not hesitate to buy off our politicians for mere pennies.

The words of Srdja Trifkovic ring ever more true:

The elite class has every intention of continuing to “fight” the war on terrorism without naming the enemy, without revealing his beliefs, without unmasking his intentions, without offending his accomplices, without expelling his fifth columnists, and without ever daring to win. Their crime can and must be stopped. The founders of the United States overthrew the colonial government for offenses far lighter than those of which the traitor class is guilty.
[emphasis added]

America and the West in general is being sold down the river by a closed shop of moneyed guild mentality elitists whose inherited or illicitly acquired wealth protects them ever having to legitimately support themselves by inventing or producing anything of actual use to mankind.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 11:11 Comments || Top||

#4  U.S. government appeals to China to check some of the arms shipments in advance were met with stonewalling by Beijing, which insisted it knew nothing about the shipments

Good, then when we destroy them you don't know anything about all those loud booms (You said so-and in print too) Gotcha, can't complain now without admiing that you lied. (Huge loss of "Face" there.)
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 11:44 Comments || Top||

#5  There should be a quiet program of creating accidents both to governments that do this shit, and the companies that make the weapons in the first place. Industrial accidents, catastrophic failures, that sort of thing.

Sort of like that little boo-boo that happened at Riga towards the end of the Cold War, in which the entire naval base became a crater.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 06/17/2007 11:48 Comments || Top||

#6  Damn 'Moose, you stole the words right off my keyboard, second the motion, some very loud factory "Disappearances" are in order.
Preferably when they're closed, the workers aren't at fault here. (Do they close Sundays?)
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 11:56 Comments || Top||

#7  Ahem. Before you Americans get all raighteously indignant---who arms Paleos?
Posted by: gromgoru || 06/17/2007 12:03 Comments || Top||

#8  And before all you non-americans get all indignant, Had any 9-11 equivalents in YOUR country?
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 12:24 Comments || Top||

#9  LOL Redneck Jim... ummmm.... bad move.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:27 Comments || Top||

#10  who arms Paleos?

Back-stabbing hypocrite sell-out elitist submoron politicians with their global government and multicultural agendas.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 13:01 Comments || Top||

#11  gro*m, why don't you guys win the next war with Hezbollah? it would be a big help in the WOT.

btw I have a few more suggestions..
Posted by: Red Dawg || 06/17/2007 16:12 Comments || Top||

#12  The Bush administration has been trying to hide or downplay the intelligence reports to protect its pro-business policies toward China, and to continue to claim that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism.

History will record George Bush Jr. as the biggest traitor in the history of America. Of course he's had help from the greedy bastards in business, and the Left.

This country is well and truly screwed! Even if the American people somehow wake up and realize what is going on, it's probably to late. I hope everyone here has made a list.
Posted by: Natural Law || 06/17/2007 16:24 Comments || Top||

#13  #7, check out the past editions of the Jerusalem Post to see how much ammo, money, intel, and other aid was given to Fatah by the sitting Israeli PM Olmert and his crew.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 06/17/2007 16:37 Comments || Top||

#14  Donald Rumsfeld knew China was the real enemy we needed to prepare to face.

That's why he was lukewarm on committing our whole army in Iraq and why he wanted to push serious transformation of equipment and doctrine.

Whether one agrees with his means or tactical choices, I think he was dead on re: the larger issues.
Posted by: occasional observer || 06/17/2007 16:45 Comments || Top||

#15  Who gives the paleos water and electricity?

Who feeds them and takes care of their wounded?

Who does the Jerusalem land grab?

Who gets over 2 billion every year from us and whines when someone else gets 86 million?

How many Paleo spies are in our prisons?

How many of our weapons have the Paleoa sold to China.

I know why the world hates the Jews, and it aint because they sent Christ to his death.
Posted by: Mike N. || 06/17/2007 16:52 Comments || Top||

#16  Tell me you are make the joke Mike. That's crazy talk.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 18:39 Comments || Top||

#17  The Jews are reputed to be complainers, Ship.

We tried to help them by helping Fatah defeat Hamas because if Hamas wins, Israel has zero chance of peace with its neighbor.

When a citizen of one of our welfare states complains about us trying to help them, ima gonna fire back.
Posted by: Mike N. || 06/17/2007 18:57 Comments || Top||

I have persistently maintained that China is the real foe. With Russia in eclipse, it is our confrontation with Beijing's communist Mandarins that will make the Global War on Terror look like a walk in the park. Much like with Arab oil, we pour money into the coffers of America's enemies who do not hesitate to buy off our politicians for mere pennies.

Then isn't it about time you started talking as if you actually believed that instead of wanting to turn the one and a half _billion_ Moslems on the planet into willing and convenient Chinese proxies by declaring full-out war on the whole religion?
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 21:12 Comments || Top||

#19  Mike, I sincerely most sincerely hope you misspoke, and therefore I misunderstand you.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2007 21:52 Comments || Top||

#20  Then isn't it about time you started talking as if you actually believed that instead of wanting to turn the one and a half _billion_ Moslems on the planet into willing and convenient Chinese proxies by declaring full-out war on the whole religion?

Isn't it about time you quit being a professional hand wringer and came up with some actual solutions instead of poking at those of us who at least make an effort?

In case you haven't realized it, Islam is our enemy. The few small pockets of "moderate" or benign Muslims are statictically insignificant. The Koran has a single end goal, the destruction of all other forms of religion and government, by violence or force as needed. This is much the same as with communism. Both require a similar suspension of disbelief and an equal degree of ideological fanaticism. Both are wholly inimical to modern Western culture and its inalienable rights.

A vast number of Muslims are already sufficiently hostile to America and the West whereby there would be little if any difference were they to become your fearsome "Chinese proxies". You may not have noticed that certain portions of Islam have already declared "full-out war" on America. It is only their lack of cohesiveness and modern weaponry that seems to mitigate the threat they present. In reality, there is no reduction in threat due to how exceedingly fragile the world's economy truly is. The 9-11 atrocity quite likely cost America over one trillion dollars. A mere handful of terrorist nuclear attacks at key global economic centers could send our planet into a decades long tailspin.

You sound as if you are willing or able to make some sort of accomodation with Islam, if not communism. It's difficult to tell from the vacuous nature of your posts, so why don't you let everyone in on your big plan to fight Islamic terrorism?
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 22:05 Comments || Top||

#21  #17: "The Jews are reputed to be complainers"

Complainers, Mike? Sounds like you've confused the Joooooos with the Arabs (otherwise known as those whiney-assed skinless people in a sandpaper world).

What's next for you - a mention that Jews "are reputed" to be good with money? Yeesh.

You seriously need to get a life.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 06/17/2007 22:22 Comments || Top||

#22  Zenster. You have the range, fire for effect. 8-)
Posted by: Natural Law || 06/17/2007 22:26 Comments || Top||

Isn't it about time you quit being a professional hand wringer and came up with some actual solutions instead of poking at those of us who at least make an effort?

Funny, I thought you were doing a fine job of being a professional handwringer yourself. I'm not poking at the people in the armed forces who are actually making an effort, or sitting around saying that everything is doomed, DOOOMED, until we unlock the nukes and start exterminating people.
In case you haven't realized it, Islam is our enemy. The few small pockets of "moderate" or benign Muslims are statictically insignificant. The Koran has a single end goal, the destruction of all other forms of religion and government, by violence or force as needed. This is much the same as with communism. Both require a similar suspension of disbelief and an equal degree of ideological fanaticism. Both are wholly inimical to modern Western culture and its inalienable rights.
Then why aren't we fighting a billion and a half people in Iraq or Afghanistan? Why do the "insurgents" need to bring in support and people from other countries? Iraq has an overwhelming Moslem majority population, if what you're saying about them is true, they wouldn't need to bring in suicide bombers from Yemen or anything like that.

If they were all Implacable Islamic Enemies, we wouldn't be able to have an armed presense of 140,000 or so soldiers in a country with 27 million. (I think that's the current number of "occupiers" with the surge: about 1 US soldier per 200 people).
You sound as if you are willing or able to make some sort of accomodation with Islam, if not communism.

No. But to extend an analogy: Reagan didn't get himself too worked up in a lather talking about the need to exterminate Russians (or, for that matter, Poles and Czechs) in order to deal with the threat of Communist party theologians in Moscow. He had something to advocate besides basic survival that would resonate with people.
It's difficult to tell from the vacuous nature of your posts, so why don't you let everyone in on your big plan to fight Islamic terrorism?

It's difficult to fight proxy wars like this with a "master plan" in mind. It's sort of like asking Truman in '51 how he planned to destroy the Soviet Union.

If he didn't have a plan, does that mean he shouldn't have fought the Korean War?
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:29 Comments || Top||

#24  Phooey. I should have used preview one more time, I think I forgot a backslash.
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:30 Comments || Top||

#25  Another thought occurs to me: If the Ummah had the sort of social cohesiveness you thought it did, they wouldn't be trying to hard to acquire nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare.
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:41 Comments || Top||

#26  Oh, and although I don't have a master plan... I think the following would work:

a) get out of the WTO.

b) substitute instead bilateral, country-to-country agreements, like we have with Mexico and Canada.

c) Possibly inform the Chinese government that they're gonna have to decide which market they care more about: the shoulder-fired missile market in Southwest Asia, or the consumer goods market in the US. "What puts more food on your table?"
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:45 Comments || Top||

#27  Oh, and d) Do you really wanna go along with certain other countries' plans to start a big infrastructure destroying war between your main market for manufactured goods and your main suppliers of oil?
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:47 Comments || Top||

#28  (Oh, and in case the context isn't evident: d) would have been directed at the Chinese ambassador).
Posted by: Abdominal Snowman || 06/17/2007 22:48 Comments || Top||

#29  Yikes! My bad! My bad! I typed faster than I was thinking! I intended to point out that the comment fit the stereotype. I missed the target completely. Threw a boomerang instead.

Simple fact is, the Jews are our most reliable partner in the WoT, even moreso than half of Americas political class.
Posted by: Mike N. || 06/17/2007 22:54 Comments || Top||

#30  I'm not poking at the people in the armed forces who are actually making an effort, or sitting around saying that everything is doomed, DOOOMED, until we unlock the nukes and start exterminating people.

Neither am I. Feel free to cite any posts of mine where I do. Otherwise, stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Then why aren't we fighting a billion and a half people in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Where do you think the insurgents terrorists get the money to support their atrocities? Have you ever heard of zakat? It comes from those “billion and a half people”. They just take the easy way out through tithing and get to maintain the appearance that they aren’t directly attacking their host countries, which might get some of them deported or executed.

Why do the "insurgents" need to bring in support and people from other countries?

Try turning the question around. Why aren’t the vast majority of Iraqis or Afghans actively killing the terrorists whenever and wherever they rear their ugly heads? While the population may not be in direct opposition to Coalition efforts, they are nowhere near unanimous in thwarting the terrorists.

Iraq has an overwhelming Moslem majority population, if what you're saying about them is true, they wouldn't need to bring in suicide bombers from Yemen or anything like that.

I advise you to read up on “slow jihad”. Iraq’s Muslims may not be fighting us in the streets, but that in no way lessens their hatred for America or their intention of seeing Islam attain global domination. Have you ever bothered to consider how Saddam’s ruthless suppression of radical Islam permitted surrounding countries to generate a much larger base of fanatics? Maybe it’s a lot easier to persuade those fanatics to enter Iraq and kill, not just Americans, but other Iraqis than it is getting Iraqis to kill each other.

If they were all Implacable Islamic Enemies, we wouldn't be able to have an armed presense of 140,000 or so soldiers in a country with 27 million.

Again, you demonstrate a diminished comprehension of Islam and its overall designs. The Koran directly instructs its followers to lie, cheat or do anything else needed to bide their time until they attain demographic or military superiority. Just because Iraq’s Muslims are not fighting us hand-to-hand does not make them our friends.

But to extend an analogy: Reagan didn't get himself too worked up in a lather talking about the need to exterminate Russians

That’s because America had MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction), which was a credible deterrent against communist Russia. The principal of MAD is of little to no consequence as a disincentive to the world’s largest death cult.

It's difficult to fight proxy wars like this with a "master plan" in mind. It's sort of like asking Truman in '51 how he planned to destroy the Soviet Union.

Just because it’s “difficult” to originate some overall strategy doesn’t eliminate the need for intellectual integrity in this discussion. If you don’t have a plan, just say so. It will make dismissing your constant nitpicking a lot easier.

If he didn't have a plan, does that mean he shouldn't have fought the Korean War?

Straw man argument. Come back when you have something better to offer.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:23 Comments || Top||

#31  If the Ummah had the sort of social cohesiveness you thought it did, they wouldn't be trying to hard to acquire nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare.

Even a truly monolithic Islam still would not have the military (or even terrorist) might to defeat the nuclear armed West. That is why they are pursuing nuclear weapons. They want a deterrent shield for their continued proxy wars. While MAD does not work against Islam, it does work against the West. It is precisely this sort of asymmetry that makes significant escalation of the Global War on Terrorism so important. Time is not on our side.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:27 Comments || Top||

#32  I think the following would work:

a) get out of the WTO.

Why not just get China ejected? It would be far more effective.

b) substitute instead bilateral, country-to-country agreements, like we have with Mexico and Canada.

Been following any news about the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)? The exact opposite of what you suggest is happening.

c) Possibly inform the Chinese government that they're gonna have to decide which market they care more about: the shoulder-fired missile market in Southwest Asia, or the consumer goods market in the US. "What puts more food on your table?"

And that would stop any clandestine efforts exactly how? China would merely agree to halt support and continue it under the table through proxies.

You still haven't responded on the the more central issue of fighting global terrorism. While China is this thread's topic, your own challenges have always been with respect to my anti-terrorist strategies. You've yet to respond accordingly. Nor have you provided any cites for where I am "poking at the people in the armed forces who are actually making an effort, or sitting around saying that everything is doomed, DOOOMED, until we unlock the nukes and start exterminating people." If you are going to accuse me of such things, you'd better cough up some direct quotes.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:38 Comments || Top||

#33  d) Do you really wanna go along with certain other countries' plans to start a big infrastructure destroying war between your main market for manufactured goods and your main suppliers of oil?

In case you haven't noticed, while China thinks that they play a deep game, they truly are incredibly short-sighted. The communists will do anything to thwart Western interests. They have bought off enough of our politicians to effectively neuter us. If China can manage to damage America's economy badly enough, they figure that the Middle East's oil fields will be their's for the taking, much like the Soviet Union once dreamed of.

I'm still waiting for some cites and a realistic strategy for fighting terrorism.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:44 Comments || Top||

#34  I've committed a transgression against Gods Chosen People. For that I apologies. To the Chosen People and to God.

Now I'm gonna find out if I mysteriously die in my sleep.
Posted by: Mike N. || 06/17/2007 23:47 Comments || Top||

#35  Slither away, Abdominal Snowman.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:56 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Walter Reed, Part II
Front-page Sunday WaPo continues the anti-war crusade, but at least today's issue is not that the war is lost, only that the military is lost.

Troops Are Returning From the Battlefield With Psychological Wounds, But the Mental-Health System That Serves Them Makes Healing Difficult

Army Spec. Jeans Cruz helped capture Saddam Hussein. When he came home to the Bronx, important people called him a war hero and promised to help him start a new life. The mayor of New York, officials of his parents' home town in Puerto Rico, the borough president and other local dignitaries honored him with plaques and silk parade sashes. They handed him their business cards and urged him to phone.

But a "black shadow" had followed Cruz home from Iraq, he confided to an Army counselor. He was hounded by recurring images of how war really was for him: not the triumphant scene of Hussein in handcuffs, but visions of dead Iraqi children.

In public, the former Army scout stood tall for the cameras and marched in the parades. In private, he slashed his forearms to provoke the pain and adrenaline of combat. He heard voices and smelled stale blood. Soon the offers of help evaporated and he found himself estranged and alone, struggling with financial collapse and a darkening depression.

At a low point, he went to the local Department of Veterans Affairs medical center for help. One VA psychologist diagnosed Cruz with post-traumatic stress disorder. His condition was labeled "severe and chronic." In a letter supporting his request for PTSD-related disability pay, the psychologist wrote that Cruz was "in need of major help" and that he had provided "more than enough evidence" to back up his PTSD claim. His combat experiences, the letter said, "have been well documented."

None of that seemed to matter when his case reached VA disability evaluators. They turned him down flat, ruling that he deserved no compensation because his psychological problems existed before he joined the Army. They also said that Cruz had not proved he was ever in combat. "The available evidence is insufficient to confirm that you actually engaged in combat," his rejection letter stated.

More at link, but you get the idea.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/17/2007 08:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  By the way, my wife visited a doctor recently who worked at Walter Reed. He told me the hospital was the finest in the world, but the number of troops served caused the hospital to buy adjacent properties, which just happened to be surrounded by some of the not-too-nice areas surrounding (a.k.a. slum). I didn't see that in the WaPo. That makes me suspicious about Jesse's story, too - unfortunately.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/17/2007 8:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Related story this past week about the Seattle VA hospital: conflicting rules about mental ward patient safety ( suicide prevention) and ADA compliance had Senator Patty Murray (D-tennis shoe gramma) all a twitter. you can bet that if the ADA assistive devices were not in place and a patient fell down, her song would be a bit different. Last line of the story was that in the entire life of the Seattle facility, there have been 2 suicides. how does that stack up with others? that is not mentioned.
Posted by: USN, ret. || 06/17/2007 12:08 Comments || Top||

#3  I've been dealing with the VA for about 16 years now, so I know how the system works. Unfortunately, too many VA counsellors DON'T, and hand out some pretty poor advice. Nor am I surprised that this veteran's first application was turned down - I think the VA does that to EVERYONE the first time. If you're not serious, or if you're REALLY stressed out, you don't reapply, and they save time, effort, and money having to deal with you. Also, the VA rating system is a fraud. It, too, is weighed heavily against the veteran. You need two things to resolve the problems with the VA in your favor: an excellent doctor that either knows the system, or will listen, and a good attorney specializing in VA compensation cases.

The military in general isn't up to dealing with psychological problems, especially PTSD. That system, too, is weighted against the veteran. I constantly get diagnosed as suffering from "depression" - my real problem is that I have constant, unremitting, unresolved PAIN issues. I've learned to live with that, but the psychologists can't understand that. To them, everyone who has a chronic pain problem is depressed: I have a chronic pain problem, so I also therefore suffer from depression. PTSD is TOTALLY beyond them. The active duty providers are no better than most of the VA or civilian practitioners. Guys like this get caught in the VA paper mill, and end up in deeper trouble because they don't get the help they need. It's a national disgrace.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 06/17/2007 13:15 Comments || Top||

#4  but the psychologists can't understand that. To them, everyone who has a chronic pain problem is depressed: I have a chronic pain problem, so I also therefore suffer from depression.

OP, I hear ya.. but getting old build character! lol

It's also a CONtest too sometimes, pretending you can still kick ass and take names with a dinged up body! LOL..

If you complain about pain to a new Dr. it's a strange thing to watch and listen while they fish trying to winkle out why you are depressed when you are NOT.. this holds true at Ft Miley and UCSF etc. Seems to me that it's endemic to all Drs. in Gubmint or Private settings.

I think, they think us guys are incapable of detecting the symptoms of depression or can't express ourselves adequately.

I find it helps to blame Drs. for my aches and pains and my phantom depression!
Posted by: Red Dawg || 06/17/2007 16:54 Comments || Top||

Man injured trying to bomb women's institute
MARDAN: An alleged terrorist fell from the wall of the Women’s Vocational Training Institute here while attempting to bomb the institution and a grenade exploded in his hand. He was rushed to Mardan District Hospital and later shifted to a Peshawar hospital. Police identified the attacker as Imtiaz Ali, resident of Daman Qila. The principal of the institute said she had received a letter exactly a month ago asking her to either close the institute or make the students wear veils.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Another example of the resiliance of the Islamist terrorists.
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/17/2007 0:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, at least this Muzzie has his other hand with which to continue on wanking his way through life. A sad, somber tale.
Posted by: Crurt Lumplump3873 || 06/17/2007 1:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Too bad the maroon didn't have the grenade in his mouth while climbing that wall.
Posted by: Dar || 06/17/2007 8:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Unfortunately for Imtaiz, Ask the Imam sez he goes to hell for wanking with the left hand.
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 9:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Seriously, ed? I would've thought (inasmuch as such things must be thought upon) only the dirty left hand could be used for such activities. Muslims eat with the right hand, after all.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2007 9:34 Comments || Top||

#6  Busted. So I might have overlooked posing that particular question at Ask the Imam.
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 10:28 Comments || Top||

#7  There's a huge error here, why take him to a hospital at all, take him to the nearest Mosque, he then can live or die by Allah's will (I'm betting die, and good riddance)
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 12:20 Comments || Top||

Dupe entry: Terrorist Tally
June 13: 7
June 14: 3
June 15: 10
June 16: 11
June 17: 10 so far

Remember that MNF is only releasing about 1 in three enemy losses, so this would appear to be a very productive week for our boys and girls.
Posted by: Uluque Flalet9590 || 06/17/2007 13:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Three hips and a hurrah for our productive boys and girls!
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2007 22:51 Comments || Top||

Two key Iraqi terrs detained in Baghdad
BAGHDAD - US and Iraqi forces captured two top militants overnight including one from a gang that may have been involved in the abduction of five Britons in Baghdad in May, the US military commander in Iraq said on Saturday.

General David Petraeus named the two militants as Al Hilfi and Abu Tiba. He said Hilfi was the leader of a secret cell of ‘extremist elements’ within the Mehdi Army militia of anti-American Shia cleric Moqtada Al Sadr. He told a news conference with visiting US Defence Secretary Robert Gates that Abu Tiba was a member of the Ajur Al Dulaimi gang, which ‘may be associated with some of the British citizens who were kidnapped recently’.

Petraeus, who did not give the full names of the militants, did not say if Abu Tiba was part of the Mehdi Army, or whether the gang he mentioned had links to it. Speaking about Hilfi, he said: ‘Al Hilfi is the head of the secret cells in the Jaish Al Mahdi (Mehdi Army) for all of Baghdad, so that’s a very significant capture.’

The US military said in a separate statement that one militant was killed and 10 detained in the operations, which Sadr City residents said took place early on Saturday. Police said six people were killed and 20 wounded.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They're just rolling them up over there. Well done, all!
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2007 9:36 Comments || Top||

Israel Fires Back Into Lebanon
HT to Gateway Pundit
Taibe, Lebanon - Israel retaliated to the three rockets fired by unidentified militants from South Lebanon by firing five shells into Lebanese territory. Palestinian militants are suspected of instigating the attacks.

The shelling came moments after two rockets slammed into northern Israel from Lebanon without causing any casualties, in the first such fire since last summer's conflict with Hezbollah.

Israeli troops fired five shells at south Lebanon while the army was searching for the guerrillas who fired rockets on northern Israel, Lebanese security forces said.

Five shells slammed on the mountainous areas of Birkat Naqqar and Jabal Saddaneh near the town of Shebaa in the eastern sector of the border with Israel, they said. There were no reports of casualties.

Three Katyusha rockets exploded near the northern Israeli border town of Kiryat Shmona. There were no casualties, but roads and vehicles were damaged. Lebanese troops carried out patrols and erected checkpoints in search of a civilian vehicle from where the rockets were apparently fired into northern Israel, they said.

Lebanese troops were seen cordoning off an area between the villages of Adaysseh and Taibe, in the central sector of the border zone, where a rocket was apparently left behind by the guerrillas.

Israeli and Lebanese security sources said they believed a Palestinian group had fired the rockets. Israel said it would not "succumb to provocation".

The Lebanese group Hezbollah has denied any involvement in the attack. No-one has yet claimed responsibility for it.

It is the first time Israel has come under such an attack from Lebanon since last year's conflict with Hezbollah.

The rockets exploded near the northern town of Kiryat Shemona, hard hit during last summer's war, when almost 4,000 rockets were fired at the occupied territories. The mayor of the town, Haim Barbivai, called for a tough response from the Israeli forces.

'Not drawn in'

The rockets came from the Lebanese village of Taibeh, 4km (2.5 miles) from the border with Israel, Lebanese television station LBC reported. One hit a factory, the other hit a car.

A Hezbollah spokesman in Beirut told Reuters news agency his group was not involved in the attack, saying: "We had nothing to do with this."

The incident came as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert arrived in New York for a three-day visit to the US. He had been informed of the attack.

An Israeli official travelling with Mr Olmert said: "It seems that it was Palestinians, not Hezbollah."

Israel believed Palestinians were trying to trigger a military response but it would "not be drawn in", the official said.
Posted by: Frank G || 06/17/2007 16:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Israel retaliated to the three rockets fired by unidentified militants from South Lebanon by firing five shells into Lebanese territory. Palestinian militants are suspected of instigating the attacks.

why bother?
Posted by: Red Dawg || 06/17/2007 17:32 Comments || Top||

#2  why bother?

Because counterbattery oeprations will figure very prominently in round two against Hezbollah and the "Palestinians."
Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2007 18:09 Comments || Top||

#3  Damn, Leb army at least shows up, I'm amazed. BadMan you got an OB for the Lebaneese army?
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 18:52 Comments || Top||

#4  why bother?

why bother?

Posted by: Red Dawg || 06/17/2007 20:13 Comments || Top||

#5  I almost fell out of my chair because our local news mentioned the rocket firing into Israel. Now I know why they mentioned it.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 06/17/2007 20:36 Comments || Top||

#6  BadMan you got an OB for the Lebaneese army?

Wikipedia sez 11 mech brigades each with the likely approximate combat strength of an Israeli light battalion
Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2007 21:12 Comments || Top||

Rockets Fired From Lebanon Fall on Israel's North
Two Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon fell on northern Israel Sunday afternoon, police and the military said. No one was hurt, but there was some damage, they said. They were the first rockets fired from Lebanon since last summer's war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas, when almost 4,000 rockets were fired at Israel.

Sunday's attack raised the possibility of an Israeli reprisal raid and a new flareup between the two countries. It came as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was arriving in the United States for talks, and a new defense minister, former premier and army chief Ehud Barak, was about to take over from Amir Peretz, defeated in a party primary election.

One of the rockets hit a factory and the other hit a car. Channel 2 TV's Arab affairs analyst, Ehud Yaari, said a splinter Palestinian group in Lebanon was probably behind the attack, and not Hezbollah.
No, no, certainly not! The differences are obvious, obvious, man!
In Beirut, there was no immediate comment from the Lebanese army, Lebanese security officials or the Hezbollah group.

The rockets exploded near the northern town of Kiryat Shemona, hard hit during last summer's war. The mayor of the town, Haim Barbivai, called for a tough response from both the Israeli and Lebanese government. "Heaven help us if we have another summer like the last one. That would be a tragedy," he told Channel 2. An eyewitness told Channel 2 TV that she saw one of the rockets explode and heard the other one. Eli Bin, director of the Magen David Adom rescue service, said no one was hurt.

There was no immediate response from Israeli officials.

Area police commander Nir Mariash told Channel 2 that residents in Israel's north were not instructed to enter bomb shelters, rather, "to maintain normal life."

Channel 2 said the rocket fire came from the southern Lebanese village of Adaiseh, just across a ridge from northern Israel. Channel 2 showed footage of a small crater in a street, and a damaged car. The station's military reporter said that based on the limited damage, the rocket was small.

A sign at a mineral water factory in the northern part of Kiryat Shemona was pockmarked by shrapnel from one of the rockets.
Posted by: Uleasing Claviper7579 || 06/17/2007 11:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  and UNIFIL did exactly what? Pull their thumb out of their ass and issue a denial? This is the prelude to the two front war the Iranians and Syrians have planned. Hope Barak's got his testerone up - and Olmert slinks away soon enuf
Posted by: Frank G || 06/17/2007 12:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Arab affairs analyst

Gawd amighty, tuning into the Mind of the Arab must be a hoot. Quick snort of crystal meth, 2 'ludes and a ballpeen hammer to the head before attempting.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:16 Comments || Top||

Palestinians loot at Erez crossing
Hundreds of Palestinians on Saturday looted Palestinian police positions at the Erez crossing into Israel, drawing Israeli warning fire, witnesses said. The looters walked off with scrap metal and furniture. The Israeli army said it was checking the report of shooting at the crossing, which has largely been closed for the past week. Since the fall of Gaza to Hamas, Israel has permitted some senior Fatah officials to pass through Erez, via Israel, to the West Bank.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The looters walked off with scrap metal and furniture.

How'd they tell the difference? Enquiring minds want to know!
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 1:56 Comments || Top||

#2  When do those putzes run out of food?
Posted by: McZoid || 06/17/2007 3:46 Comments || Top||

#3  Mczoid: I honestly think they eat eachother at times. Seriously, with the borders closed so often and humanitarian aid going in at a halt because of the whole mess, I think they will, if they haven't already, started eating eachother. Ever wonder where all those "Martyrs" bodies go after the fight?
Posted by: Charles || 06/17/2007 8:35 Comments || Top||

#4  Also in the YJCMTSU category Hamass looter broke into Arafishes house and stole his Novel Peacwe (sic) Prize. I have to call in an enmergency popcorn delivery.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 06/17/2007 9:00 Comments || Top||

#5  I saw and article last night that Gazans rushed out yesterday to stock up on water and canned goods yesterday, in what they seem to expect to be a lull in the fighting. And don't forget the large number of smuggler's tunnels under the border with Egypt -- I imagine at the moment they're trucking in necessities instead of guns and kassem rockets. If I recall correctly, the tunnels are owned by individual families, who've defended them before against Palestinian officialdom.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2007 9:41 Comments || Top||

#6  When do those putzes run out of food?

Not soon enough.
Posted by: Natural Law || 06/17/2007 9:54 Comments || Top||

#7  Dennis Kusinich (I-Idiot Philly) was whining on fox that the Paleos didn't have food, water, or medicine. Seems to me that the "Problem" will fix itself with time. I tried to get a tear going but then I remember that THEY elected terrorists so they get what they deserve.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 06/17/2007 12:51 Comments || Top||

#8  In other news, the Pope announces he is still Catholic and bears still defecate in wooded areas.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 06/17/2007 14:35 Comments || Top||

Hamas, Fatah control map for West Bank
The Guardian provides a simple map showing present control of the West Bank by Fatah and Hamas. Hamas has a bigger footprint there than I thought.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bigger footprint on the west bank, especially, Steve.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 06/17/2007 2:43 Comments || Top||

#2  The map is really not an indicator of a footprint of this thug's or that thug's territory. For the most part, this reflects the last elections, but generally, Fatah has far more boots on the ground, especially in cities, and controls practically all "security" outlets, as well as police, in West Bank. According to the map, Ramallah is in Hamas territory, but as you can see from one of the articles, it was a piece of cake for Fatah to discourage Hamas supporting government employees from coming to work. One may say they were given a pink slip.

Of course, one should not underestimate Hamas and with some luck, quite a few losers on both sides may be not dependent on oxygen fairly soon.
Posted by: twobyfour || 06/17/2007 3:02 Comments || Top||

#3  I notice the map place Betheleham in Fatah control for all the good it does. If the blow up the Church of the Nativity instead of just using it as a crapper this time maybe we'll get authorization from Benedictus to form small groups and..."Safegaurd" some sites. Hell, give the Isrealis permission to set up temporary military outposts to protect the Christian Holy Sites. Bet a few dozen IDF snipers would love that.
Posted by: Charles || 06/17/2007 8:14 Comments || Top||

Four Fatah members killed in Khan Yunis
Four Fatah gunmen were killed from Hamas gunfire in the Gaza Strip early Saturday night, Palestinian medical officials said. Eleven more Palestinians were wounded in the gunfight which had ensued in Khan Yunis.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

More Festivities in Gaza as Hamas Cements Control
In Gaza, panicked residents stocked up, fearing growing shortages of food, fuel and other staples as the crossings of the fenced-in strip with Israel and Egypt remained closed. Hundreds of other Gazans rushed to the border crossing with Israel to try to escape Hamas rule, but found gates locked. Israeli troops briefly fired warning shots.

Senior officials of Abbas' Fatah movement, who had fled Gaza, started reaching the West Bank. The head of Palestine TV said he had crawled for several hundred yards to evade gunfire at the Gaza-Israel crossing before making it to safety. ``Hamas has always targeted me. Once they fired shots are my car. And they wrote on their Web site that I am broadcasting sedition,'' said Abdel Salam Abu Nada. Recently, he received an ominous text message on his cellphone saying, ``Your punishment is coming.''

Across Gaza, Hamas cemented control. Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, who has ignored Abbas' order firing him, replaced Fatah security commanders with his own men, and Hamas gunmen rounded up their opponents' weapons. In the southern town of Khan Younis, members of the most powerful local clan refused to hand over their guns, and a firefight erupted. Hamas fighters stormed the homes of clan members, saying they confiscated drugs and a weapons cache.

Two Fatah loyalists were killed Saturday, in what Fatah alleged were revenge killings. Also, the bodies of seven Hamas members were found in the basement of the Preventive Security Service headquarters, a Fatah stronghold captured Thursday, and the bullet-riddled corpse of a Fatah field commander turned up in southern Gaza. More than 100 people were killed a week of clashes.

In the West Bank, gunmen from Abbas' Fatah movement attacked Hamas-run institutions, taking control of the parliament and several government ministries. Chanting ``Hamas Out,'' they planted Fatah and Palestinian flags on rooftops. They attacked Deputy Parliament Speaker Hassan Kreisheh, an independent, and left only after warning that government workers with Hamas ties could not return.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Recently, he received an ominous text message on his cellphone saying, "Your punishment is coming.''

I get those all the time - maybe he used to date Melanie Fishbach too?
Posted by: WhiteCollarRedneck || 06/17/2007 20:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Recently, he received an ominous text message on his cellphone saying, "Your punishment is coming.''

Any good dominatrix always maintains contact with her best customers.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 23:55 Comments || Top||

Fatah officer: 'Our leaders betrayed us'
A Fatah security officer who surrendered to Hamas in the Gaza Strip said over the weekend that he and his colleagues did not fight because "we are very disappointed with our leadership."

In an interview by phone with The Jerusalem Post, the 48-year-old officer, who was released unharmed, said: "We decided to surrender to [Hamas's armed wing] Izaddin Kassam because we didn't feel that our commanders and leaders were behind us. Many of our commanders had fled to Ramallah and Cairo, where they were issuing orders to us from air-conditioned hotel rooms."

The officer, who asked not to be named out of fear for his life, said that he and his colleagues gave themselves up to Hamas on Thursday night.

"We were stationed near President Mahmoud Abbas's office in Gaza City," he said. "When we heard that Hamas had captured the headquarters of the Preventive Security and General Intelligence, we knew that this was the end. We were about 50 officers and we all decided to surrender and hand our weapons over to Hamas." The officer, who served in Abbas's elite Presidential Guard force, said the only orders he and his friends had received from their commanders were to try to prevent Hamas militiamen from storming Abbas's office.

"We were never told to fight against Hamas," he complained. "They just told us to stay where we are and to defend the office of the president. I didn't want to die defending an empty building while the president and Muhammad Dahlan are sitting in Ramallah."

The officer said he and his colleagues were anyway unhappy with Abbas because he had failed to pay them full salaries over the past 16 months. "Most of us have been unable to feed our children," he complained. "How can they expect us to fight on empty stomachs?"

The officer added that some of his colleagues had gone to Hamas a day earlier and offered to join the Islamic movement in return for clemency. "By the middle of last week it was very obvious that Hamas was going to win the battle," he said. "That's also why most of us did not feel that there was much we could do."
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And their point is?
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 1:32 Comments || Top||

#2  They learned "honor" from Arafat.
Posted by: McZoid || 06/17/2007 3:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Posted by: gromgoru || 06/17/2007 3:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Guys, you're too harsh. It only took him 16 months without a salary to get a clue. He's a gen-u-wine Palestinian genius.
Posted by: Swamp Blondie || 06/17/2007 7:18 Comments || Top||

#5  Why is it that tyrants never feel the need to adequately pay the men with guns who keep them in power? When I'm an evil dictator, I'm going to pay my evil henchmen well so they won't defect.
Posted by: gromky || 06/17/2007 8:45 Comments || Top||

#6  'Our leaders betrayed us'

Seems to be a recurring Arab theme. Suggest they adopt Lutheranism and learn to play baseball.
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 8:50 Comments || Top||

#7  And join a Monday bowling league.
Posted by: HalfEmpty || 06/17/2007 9:05 Comments || Top||

#8  When I'm an evil dictator, I'm going to pay my evil henchmen well so they won't defect.

I believe that's one of the Rules for Evil Overlords. If not in the original 100, then it's in one of the many additions.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 06/17/2007 9:24 Comments || Top||

#9  I cannot wait for the broadway musical:

You pulled a sneak attack
I thought that we were brothers
Then you stabbed me in the back
Oh boy, I'm so betrayed!
Like Samson and Delilah
Your love began to fade
I'm crying in the hoosegow
You're in Rio getting laid!
Let's face it, I'm betrayed!
Boy, have I been taken
Oy, I'm so forsaken
I should have seen what came to pass
I should have known to watch my ass!
I feel like Othello
Everything is lost
Leo is Iago
Max is double-crossed!
I'm so dismayed
Did I mention I'm betrayed?
I used to be the king
But now I am the fool
A captain without a ship
A rabbi without a shul!
Now I'm about to go to jail
There's no one who will pay my bail
I have no one who I can cry to
No one I can say goodbye to
I'm drowning! I'm drowning here! I'm going down for the last time.Then you ran to Rio
And you're safely out of reach
I'm behind these bars
You're banging Ulla on the beach!
Just like Julius Caesar
Was betrayed by Brutus
Who'd think an accountant
Would turn out to be my Judas!
I'm so dismayed
Is this how I'm repaid?
To be...

Posted by: regular joe || 06/17/2007 12:47 Comments || Top||

#10  Quagmire!
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 06/17/2007 13:43 Comments || Top||

#11  Love is the answer. See Youtube on Arafat's love spreading.

Posted by: McZoid || 06/17/2007 13:58 Comments || Top||

#12  Just a not so wild prediction. "The Paletinian State", which of course does not exist for good reason, will continue to deteriorate. Then Hamas of the future, despised across the world, even amongst Mislims, will pull a desperate act in an attempt to pull Mislims back to their side. They will blow up the Dome of the Rock and blame it on Israel.

The end result. Israel will take the mount and build their temple.
Posted by: Dopey Clating8616 || 06/17/2007 14:39 Comments || Top||

Abbas forms cabinet without Hamas; Embargo to be lifted
A new Palestinian Authority cabinet headed by Salaam Fayad will be sworn in at 1 p.m. on Sunday after Chairman Mahmoud Abbas turned down offers to meet with Syria-based Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal to try to defuse the Hamas-Fatah rivalry, PA officials here said on Saturday.

Abbas got a major boost in his increasingly bellicose showdown with Hamas on Saturday, with a US diplomat saying he expects a crippling 15-month-old foreign aid embargo to be lifted once he appoints an emergency government without Hamas.

A senior Hamas official in Gaza City said his men had captured more than 50,000 rifles and pistols during raids on the headquarters of the Fatah-controlled security forces. Hamas also seized dozens of vehicles and "important" military equipment, according to the official. "You can say that Hamas is much stronger than it was last week," he said. "We have also captured tons of ammunition and thousands of mortars and rocket-propelled grenades."

The Hamas-Fatah fighting in the Gaza Strip ended late Thursday after Hamas completed its takeover of all the important PA institutions there, including Abbas's local headquarters and the offices of all the PA security forces. Scores of Fatah security commanders and political leaders fled to the West Bank and Egypt as Hamas announced that it had taken full control of the Strip.

Fatah's swift collapse drew sharp criticism from some of the faction's representatives. Hatem Abdel Kader, a top Fatah operative in the West Bank, called for a commission of inquiry to determine who was responsible. Another senior Fatah official in the West Bank launched a scathing attack on Abbas and the Fatah leadership, holding them responsible for the Hamas victory. "We want to know why we lost the battle in the Gaza Strip," he said. "Those responsible for the defeat must pay the price."
"Ahmed! Find out who was responsible and shoot him!"
"Duh, okay, boss!"
On Friday, Abbas asked Fayad, the internationally respected former finance minister who is an independent, to form a new cabinet that would replace the three-month-old Hamas-led unity government. Hamas dismissed Abbas's decision as illegal and said the unity government would continue to carry out its duties under PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. "Fayad will form a small government of technocrats," a senior PA official told The Jerusalem Post. "The new government will consist of 11 ministers only."

The official said the new ministers would be sworn in before Abbas in a ceremony in Ramallah's Mukata "presidential" compound. "The majority of the ministers will be from the West Bank," he added. "Haniyeh's government is not legitimate because it has been dissolved by the president."

Abbas rejected an offer by Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa to arrange a meeting between him and Mashaal in Cairo on the crisis, another official told the Post. "President Abbas believes that there is nothing to talk about with Mashaal after the military coup that Hamas staged in the Gaza Strip," the official said. "We will not talk to these Hamas murderers." Abbas aide Yasser Abed Rabbo said the PA leader would not engage in a dialogue with "killers."

Arab League foreign ministers who met in Cairo over the weekend expressed support for Abbas's authority and called for a commission of inquiry into the latest events in the Gaza Strip. Hamas responded by welcoming the Arab League's call for a dialogue with Fatah. The Islamist movement also expressed readiness to cooperate with an Arab League commission of inquiry. In response to Abbas's decision to fire him, a defiant Haniyeh said: "Abbas and his advisers did not consider the consequences [of the decision] and its effects on the situation on the ground. They made a hasty decision... We will continue our relations with all factions and continue with a national unity government."
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey! Maybe a Fatah West Bank can flourish and co-exist, while the Hamas Gaza devolves into ... gee, what could be lower?

Well, I think it would be interesting, anyway....
Posted by: Bobby || 06/17/2007 8:51 Comments || Top||

#2  I doubt it. They're all Paleos. Money flowing in means money to be raked off. They'll buy more guns, pay the al-Aqsa Martyrs 12 months a year and the sanitation workers, electrical grid workers, and water works employees -- if any -- will get shorted.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 9:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Screw giving Abbas another single stinking red cent. This jerkoff couldn't manage a popsicle stand without someone getting shot before breakfast. Let his Arab kin pour their hard earned petro-dollars down the Palestinian rathole 24/7 and see how they like it. America needs to redraw the boundaries of exactly who gets any support from us. The Palestinians don't belong anywhere on that map.
Posted by: Zenster || 06/17/2007 11:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Man, I'm bet the Paleo electrical grid has some damn intersting variance.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:30 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
5 shot dead by southern Thai terrorists
A former member of provincial council and an assistant village head were gunned down in separate attacks in Narathiwat.

Former provincial council member Ding Bado was killed by an unidentified gunman at his home in Chanae district Saturday morning. Shot with an assault rifle in the torso, he died at the scene. In the same incident, his friend Nusuding Hayeeseng was severely wounded and was rushed to hospital, where he is being treated. According to an initial investigation, the two victims were sitting in front of the house when four attackers, dressed in Muslim traditional outfits parked their motorcycles and one opened fire on the two men.

In Sri Sakhon district, two gunmen fired on four villagers sitting in front of their home on Friday evening. Assistant village head Adinun Yago was seriously wounded and died at hospital, while three others emerged unscathed.


In the adjacent province of Pattani, a gunman on a motorcycle opened fire at a car, killing a local government chairman and two village heads. Another village head in the car was seriously wounded.

Also in Yala, another school was torched on Thursday night. Two buildings and a satellite receiver used in the schools distance learning via satellite project were damaged. Police found a personal evidence link to a suspected arsonist, who broke into the school building and set fire to the building with gasoline.
Posted by: ryuge || 06/17/2007 01:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I dunno, seems too obvious to mention, if you're a repressive Religion, destroy all possible means of education, all authority, and all forms of real justice.
Then there's no way your "Religious Slaves" can possibly know they've been fucked.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 13:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Is it my imagination, or is the killing getting worse in Southern Thailand?

Posted by: Frozen Al || 06/17/2007 14:02 Comments || Top||

#3  Round up all the "youts" between the age of 15 and 35, cut off their right hand, and dump them on the Malaysian border, with bayonet-wielding troops behind them. The problem will end quickly enough. Failure to do this will only make the problem get worse.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 06/17/2007 14:09 Comments || Top||

The missing link to mayhem
Behind the attacks on British troops in Iraq lies an Iranian plan to fuel the chaos. Now an Iranian general has disappeared. America claims he has defected, his wife says he has been kidnapped — and we’re paying the price
Posted by: ryuge || 06/17/2007 08:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Lebanese army heavily shell Nahr Al Bared camp
BEIRUT - The Lebanese army heavily shelled with artillery on Saturday positions manned by Islamist terrorists militants in the northern sector of the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr Al Bared. The heavy shelling caused clouds of smoke and flames from several fires could be seen rising over the Fatah Al Islam posts.

The heavy shelling followed an army statement on Friday in which it vowed to continue to ‘expand its seige zone, control the camp and paralyse the movements of what remains of the band of terrorists.’ The army also announced it had destroyed a big ammunition depot of Fatah Al Islam, and reiterated its demand for the Islamist terrorists militants to surrender.

Around 2,000 Palestinian refugees are believed to remain in the camp which was home to 40,000 before fighting erupted on May 20.

Four soldiers from the army’s engineering squad were killed and others wounded when a booby-trapped building which they were searching collapsed on them. A fifth died of his wounds on Saturday, bringing the toll to 143 so far, including 67 soldiers, and over 50 terrorists militants. The violence has forced thousands of people to flee the camp to the nearby refugee camp of Beddawi.

Fatah Al Islam terrorists members have vowed to stay fighting rather than surrender.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They were using 155mm before. I wonder if they are using it in direct fire.
Posted by: Penguin || 06/17/2007 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Hope so. Tell these bastards they've got two choices: surrender or die. Those that surrender, flog hell out of them and throw their beaten, bleeding bodies over the Syrian border.
Posted by: Mac || 06/17/2007 3:06 Comments || Top||

#3  Shelling a refugee camp. Where is World's indignation? Where's Terje "smelling thousands of corpses? Where's George shaking his finger and saying "It has to stop, immediately"?
Posted by: gromgoru || 06/17/2007 3:41 Comments || Top||

#4  We know what the answer is. Deal with it.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/17/2007 11:27 Comments || Top||

Siniora sets by-election date
After yet another assassination, Lebanon's anti-Syrian politicians accuse the government in Damascus of trying to end their rule by killing members of the parliamentary majority one by one. This week's slaying of anti-Syrian lawmaker Walid Eido in a massive Beirut car bombing has sparked a new political battle here, fueling rifts that are putting Lebanon's democracy at the risk of a total breakdown.

With Eido's death, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's majority in parliament has been whittled down to only four seats. If he loses those — either by deaths or defections — his government could fall, a goal of the pro-Syrian opposition led by the Hezbollah militant group.

Samir Geagea, a leading Christian member of the anti-Syrian coalition, accused Syria on Friday of killing Eido — a claim echoed by many of the government's supporters and denied by Damascus. "Eido was assassinated to reduce the parliamentary majority in order to bring the government down," Geagea said at a news conference. Geagea led the main Christian militia during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war and was imprisoned for 11 years on charges of killing a prime minister, an accusation he said was cooked up by the Syrians.

Similarly the Lebanese parliament majority leader , Saad Al-Hariri, has accused Syria of murdering Lebanese MP Walid Eido. Al-Hariri called on the Arab League to bear the responsibility for the "regime of terror that violates Lebanon's sovereignty, harms its security, and murders its intellectuals and politicians," and stated that the league had to defend Lebanon or boycott this regime of terror.

Similarly , Lebanese Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt accused Syria of the murder: " it was Syria and its lackeys in Lebanon who murdered Lebanese MP Walid Eido" he said. He added that as long as Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad remained in power, there would be no stability in Lebanon, and that the Arab countries must realize that Assad was a danger to them. Jumblatt also attacked Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, and postulated that the instructions he was receiving from the Syrian and Iranian intelligence apparatuses were stronger than his political will.

On Saturday, Siniora's Cabinet called for a by-election to be held Aug. 5 for Eido's seat and that of Industry Minister and lawmaker Pierre Gemayel, who was assassinated in November, Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said. Lahoud's signature will be needed to ask parliament to approve the by-election, but he refused to provide it after Gemayel's slaying in November.

At Eido's funeral Thursday, legislator Mohammed Kabbani, speaking for the Future Movement, the main bloc of the parliament majority, supported an election to avert the "plan to reduce the parliamentary majority through murder."

If Lahoud refuses to sign an election decree, it "would make him a participant in that plot ( of assassinations) and consequently a participant in the murders," Kabbani warned. "Elections must take place even if Emile Lahoud rejects it."

Even if Lahoud approved such an election, the 128-seat parliament would then need to pass it, and pro-Syrian parliament speaker Nabih Berri has refused to allow the legislature to convene for months. Lahoud, Berri and the opposition do not recognize Siniora's government, saying it is unconstitutional since all five Shiite members and a Christian ally ( Lahoud's representative in the cabinet) quit in November. The constitution requires that all major sects be represented in the Cabinet. There are already calls from the majority to go ahead with the by-election anyway irrespective of what the president and parliament speaker do.

Another political crisis is also looming over the presidency. The legislature must vote on a replacement when Lahoud's term ends in November, but it is unlikely that Lebanon's divided leaders can agree on a candidate or even meet — threatening a power vacuum, or even the creation of two rival governments.

Some majority lawmakers are already calling for Lahoud's impeachment if he impedes the by-elections, but that, too, requires a legislative session. All sides — including Syria's ally, the Shiite Hezbollah — have condemned Eido's killing in a blast Wednesday that also killed his son and eight other people. He was the seventh anti-Syrian figure slain in the past two years, including two other lawmakers. The assassinations began with the massive suicide truck bombing in Beirut that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 others. Eido's slaying came just three days after an international tribunal ordered by the U.N. Security Council went into effect.

Government supporters blame Syria in all the assassinations. Syria, which opposes the international tribunal, denies any role. Hezbollah and its allies say the killings have been carried out by unknown parties aiming to enflame Lebanon's political crisis. So far, Lebanon's leaders have kept a cap on reprisal violence. But the political feuds that lie ahead could push either side to the breaking point. Government and opposition supporters battled in the streets for several days earlier this year in violence that killed 11 people and took on a dangerous sectarian tone in a country sharply divided between Christians, Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lahoud needs a lead headache. He's nothing but a Syrian whore
Posted by: Frank G || 06/17/2007 8:14 Comments || Top||

Lebanon army in final push to finish off Fatah al-slam
The army appears to be in total control of the battle. It has occupied several buildings in the camp and is currently dismantling the mines that Fatah al-Islam has planted inside these buildings. "The army has occupied several buildings and apartments that the terrorist organization of Fatah al Islam". Munzer Murouby , the Lebanese National News Agency reporter said Military analysts are saying that the army is in its final push to finish off Fatah al-Islam.

There are reports that fighting has erupted at the Al Badawai Palestinian refugee camp between the Fatah mainstream organization and Hamas in response to what happened in Gaza. The Lebanese are hoping that Lebanon does not become another Gaza for the Palestinians, for settling scores.

According to military analysts Fatah al-Islam are confused and in complete disarray. The army has reported that several criminals who are wanted by the Lebanese courts are fighting alongside Fatah al-Islam. The new spokesman for Fatah al-Islam, the Moroccan shahine Shahine who also claims to be their new leader was reportedly wounded today in his left arm according to eyewitnesses. Eyewitnesses also reported seeing Abu Hureira , the deputy of the fugitive leader of Fatah al islam , Shaker al Absi wounded in his arm. Still no word about the whereabouts of Shaker al-Absi, who has been missing for over a week. Some have reported that he may have fled to Syria.

There are reports that members of the Association of Palestinian Islamic Scholars are currently inside the camp trying to mediate to end the fighting between the army and Fatah al-Islam. The army has repeatedly said it will not stop until all Fatah al-Islam terrorists surrender and give up their arms. Fatah al Islam is resorting to sniper fire. According to military experts they are using Dragunov Sniper Rifles.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If they're shooting from buildings, use artillery and drop the buildings on top of them. Teach these bastards an example they won't soon forget. Remember Hama Rules, baby!
Posted by: Mac || 06/17/2007 3:29 Comments || Top||

#2  I can't believe the Lebanon Army is holding together. Damned amazing. I'm still not overly optimistic.... vaguely hopeful tho, Franco-American cooperation here?
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:53 Comments || Top||

Good morning
Nifong DisbarredLooters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace PrizeNorth Korea invites UN nuclear inspectorsMan injured trying to bomb women's instituteHaniyeh appoints new security command for GazaSiniora sets by-election datePeretz accuses Barak of playing 'Rambo'Poirot quits the International Criminal Court
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 08:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Geez, why bother wearing the dress at all?
Posted by: Jonathan || 06/17/2007 9:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Trying to post an article but does not show up. Get messages:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/www.rantburg.com/htdocs/ePoster.php on line 72

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/www.rantburg.com/htdocs/ePoster.php:72) in /home/www/www.rantburg.com/htdocs/ePoster.php on line 176
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 9:49 Comments || Top||

#3  I think that's from hitting the submit button multiple times. There were three copies in the holding tank. It's up now.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2007 10:12 Comments || Top||

#4  Thanks Fred. I got the message 3 times, each time that I submitted. I assumed an error and tried it multiples times to copy the error message. Do all submissions now go to the tank?
Posted by: ed || 06/17/2007 10:15 Comments || Top||

#5  Reminds me, put Cantaloupes on the grocery list.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 06/17/2007 11:46 Comments || Top||

#6  Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "LL" at character 56 in /home/www/www.rantburg.com/htdocs/bb.php on line 86

Fatal error: Call to undefined function pg_error() in /home/www/www.rantburg.com/htdocs/bb.php on line 86

On trying to change cookies in O-club. Can't get in OC at all.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 11:54 Comments || Top||

#7  On trying to change cookies in O-club. Can't get in OC at all.
Posted by: Shipman|| 2007-06-17 11:54

that's not an error. that's "instituting standards"

Posted by: Frank G || 06/17/2007 12:36 Comments || Top||

#8  LOL!
where's my damn list
Posted by: Shipman || 06/17/2007 12:48 Comments || Top||




Ima Hungry!

The Standards

Posted by: Red Dawg || 06/17/2007 16:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Oh, Lorraine! Oh, Lorraine! Ohhhhhh.....Lorraine...!

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 06/17/2007 18:12 Comments || Top||

#11  Sweet Lorainne let the party carry on.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 06/17/2007 19:08 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2007-06-17
  Looters raid Arafat's house, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Sat 2007-06-16
  US launches new offensive around Baghdad
Fri 2007-06-15
  Abbas dissolves unity govt
Thu 2007-06-14
  Beirut boom kills another anti-Syrian lawmaker
Wed 2007-06-13
  Qaeda emir in Mosul banged
Tue 2007-06-12
  Hamas Captures Fatah Security HQ in Gaza
Mon 2007-06-11
  Gunmen fire on Haniyeh's house in Gaza; no one hurt
Sun 2007-06-10
  Hamas-Fatah festivities renew in S Gaza, only 2 killed
Sat 2007-06-09
  Olmert 'offers Golan Heights in peace deal'
Fri 2007-06-08
  Lebanon Security Forces find 3 car bombs in Bekaa village
Thu 2007-06-07
  HuJi boss Hannan, 5 others to be charged
Wed 2007-06-06
  Kabul to trade Deadullah's carcass for hostages
Tue 2007-06-05
  Terror suspect surrenders in Trinidad
Mon 2007-06-04
  Clashes in Ein el-Hellhole between army and Syrian sock puppets
Sun 2007-06-03
  UAE gives $80 million to Palestinians

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