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Iraqi troops nab 'prince of princes'
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1 00:00 Edward Yee [12]
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11 00:00 Deacon Blues [13]
FBI forensics team inspects site of Beirut blast
A team of forensic experts from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived in Lebanon to assist investigations into the murder of anti-Syrian journalist Samir Kassir. The team arrived after the Lebanese government requested help from both Washington and Paris. A five-man team from France was expected to arrive in the early morning hours. Lebanese security sources told The Daily Star that four FBI forensic experts visited the blast site at 5.30 p.m. yesterday evening, accompanied by two members of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces.

The team arrived in Beirut immediately after Lebanese Justice Minister Khaled Qabbani sent an urgent appeal to the U.S. and France to send experts to assist with the investigation. It is understood that their immediate arrival on the site has led to speculation that they were already in Lebanon. When contacted by The Daily Star, a U.S. Embassy spokesperson refused to confirm or deny the FBI presence. She said: "We have no comment on that issue." But the French Embassy in Beirut confirmed a team of forensic experts was scheduled to arrive in Beirut last night. It is understood both the American and French teams will meet with Qabbani later today.
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm sure some value will come from checking this stuff out for the Lebanese and for our intel data but I wish the FBI would also get their own house in order first, for our nation's sake.
/leaking tools for pols/ferret out double-agents/foreign spys/hiring someone that knows more about computers/software than me(-0)/dumping PC 'crime' inforcement etc.
Posted by: Red Dog || 06/04/2005 1:24 Comments || Top||

Marines Find Weapons Caches, Huge Bunker
Hundreds of Iraqi and U.S. troops searched fields and farms Saturday for insurgents and their hideouts in an area south of Baghdad known for attacks, and the Marines said they discovered 50 weapons and ammunition caches and a huge underground bunker west of the capital fitted out with air conditioning, a kitchen and showers. The joint U.S.-Iraqi force operating in Latifiyah to the south was backed by American air power and said it had rounded up at least 108 Iraqis, mainly Sunnis, suspected of involvement in the brutal insurgent campaign to topple the Shiite-led government.

To the west of the capital, the 2nd Marine division said its forces had discovered 50 weapons and ammunitions caches over the past four days in restive Anbar province. The military said the find included a recently used "insurgent lair" in a massive underground bunker complex that included air-conditioned living quarters and high tech military equipment, including night vision goggles. That bunker was found cut from a rock quarry in Karmah, 50 miles west of Baghdad. The Marines said the facility was 170 yards wide and 275 yards long. In its rooms were "four fully furnished living spaces, a kitchen with fresh food, two shower facilities and a working air conditioner. Other rooms within the complex were filled with weapons and ammunition," the announcement said. The weapons included "numerous types of machine guns, ordnance, including mortars, rockets and artillery rounds, black uniforms, ski masks, compasses, log books, night vision goggles, and fully charged cell phones."

In Latifiyah, 20 miles south of Baghdad, Iraqi and American forces launched a raid as part of Operation Lightning, a week-old assault aimed at rooting out insurgents conducting raids on the capital and sapping militant strength nationwide. While Iraqi forces were in the forefront of Saturday's sweep though the semi-rural region, it was clear the U.S. military was still the driving force. About two hours into the operation, for example, American forces voiced concern that an area covered in tall grass had not been searched. An Iraqi commander said he was reluctant to send his troops into the field for fear of an insurgent attack. "This is a dangerous area. We need helicopters and the American army," Iraqi Brig. Gen. Najim al-Ekabi said.

The American soldiers, who had spent months training Iraqi soldiers, tried to persuade al-Ekabi to send his troops, saying it was likely that weapons were hidden in the fields and alongside an irrigation canal. Army Capt. Jason Blindauer of the 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division told al-Ekabi the force had orders to search the area. "No one is going to do it better than your group," Blindauer said.

Al-Ekabi asked for a private meeting with the Americans and departed shortly afterward in a large convoy, ostensibly to conduct the search. Maj. Ronny Echelberger later went into the area with American forces and searched a few homes, saying was not been sure the Iraqi search had been sufficiently thorough. The Iraqi army's reliance on U.S. troops was evident in other ways. Echelberger had to show an Iraqi brigade commander his location on a map shortly before Iraqi troops launched the operation, and a few minutes later Iraqi soldiers fired hundreds of rounds when they mistakenly thought they saw an insurgent. "These guys are doing baptism by fire. It takes time," Blindauer said.
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 17:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You can be sure there are several other bunkers of this type in existence, and more under construction.
Posted by: gromky || 06/04/2005 18:00 Comments || Top||

#2  hopefully the next bunkers caught will be occupied as they're turned to rubble
Posted by: Frank G || 06/04/2005 18:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Damn, them boyz is good!
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 22:52 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
One killed in bomb blast in eastern Pakistan
A powerful blast ripped through a market in eastern Pakistan yesterday, killing one person and wounding seven others, some of them critically, a senior police official said. Zaeem Ahmed, an area police chief said it was not immediately clear what caused the blast near Aimanabad, a town about 80km northwest of Lahore. "The blast was so powerful that it reduced the body of a man into pieces. Maybe he was carrying an explosive device or some other explosive material, but we are not certain about it," he said.

Ahmed said at this stage police were not able to give any other details. No other government officials were immediately available for comment. However, another police official told the Associated Press that the slain man was a local labourer, who picked up an abandoned bag from a road and was trying to open it when it exploded. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said officers were trying to determine who had left the bag there.
"Honey! Have you seen my bomb?"
"I don't think you had it with you when you got off the bus, dear!"
"Damn! I must have left it at the bus stop!"
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 14:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Man gets death sentence for masterminding mosque attacks
A Pakistani court awarded the death sentence on Saturday to a man for masterminding suicide bomb attacks on Shiite mosques in May 2004 that killed 45 and wounded 129 others. Gul Hassan was accused of organizing the May 7 and May 31 attacks on the mosques in the city of Karachi in which both the suspected bombers, Ali Haider and Akbar Niazi, were also killed. He was arrested two weeks after the second attack. Two accomplices in the attack absconded. Hassan's lawyer Mushtaq Awan said they would appeal against the decision within the stipulated seven-day period.
"We fully expect the Lahore High Court to let him off, if he doesn't die of old age before they hear the case!"

This article starring:
AKBAR NIAZILashkar e-Jhangvi
ALI HAIDERLashkar e-Jhangvi
GUL HASANLashkar e-Jhangvi
Hassan's lawyer Mushtaq Awan
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 14:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  execute a few of these, along with some MMA cream, and things might resemble a nation..
Posted by: Frank G || 06/04/2005 19:04 Comments || Top||

One killed, five arrested in hunt for militants behind Afghan mosque blast
Afghan security forces have killed a man and arrested five as they step up a hunt for militants behind the Kandahar mosque bombing that left 21 dead this week, officials said on Saturday. Police shot dead one man who refused to stop his motorcycle at a checkpoint Friday night, as security forces combed the southern city for the suspected Al Qaeda perpetrators behind the country's worst bomb attack in two years.
[BANG!] "Stop or we'll shoot!"
"We've arrested five people in connection with the bombing," Niaz Mohammed Sarhadi, district chief of Panjwayi, told AFP. One of the captured men was wounded as he attempted to escape through a police checkpoint, he added. Wednesday's bomb blast killed 21 people and wounded more than 50 as mourners gathered for the funeral of a Muslim cleric who was gunned down after speaking out against the former Taleban regime. The visiting Kabul police chief, General Akram Khakriazwall, was among those killed in the attack, blamed by security officials on Al Qaeda militants. Dozens of police, soldiers from the US-trained National Army and intelligence agents have launched a search for the militants involved, said an official in the provincial intelligence department who asked not to be named.

The offical said the suicide bomber was part of a five-member team of Al Qaeda-linked militants who had entered Kandahar to carry out attacks on government and US targets. "We've intelligence reports that he was not alone," the official said. "They were five people. One of them blew himself up, and we're searching for the others."
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 14:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is just good sensible advice, since I have never tried it myself. Never, I say never try to ram your way through a military checkpoint with a motorcycle. Not even one of those big ones with a sidecar.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 23:07 Comments || Top||

Iraqi troops nab 'prince of princes'
Iraqi forces have seized a senior militant leader linked to Jordanian mastermind Abu Musab Al Zarqawi and accused of overseeing an array of deadly attacks in Iraq, the Defence Ministry said on Saturday. A spokesman for the ministry said Mullah Mahdi, sometimes known as Prince of Princes or Abu Abdul Rahman, was detained after a raid backed by US troops on Friday in the northern city of Mosul, where insurgents have built a base of operations. "This is a very significant achievement. Mullah Mahdi is one of the most dangerous terrorists in the country," the spokesman said.

He would not give details of the operation but said six others, including Mahdi's brother, were also seized. Mahdi is believed to be a senior member of Army of Ansar al-Sunna, one of Iraq's most feared militant groups, responsible for a series of spectacular attacks in Iraq, including a blast inside a US military mess hall in Mosul late last year. Ansar al-Sunna is believed to have links to Al Qaeda in Iraq, the group led by Zarqawi, Washington's most-wanted man in Iraq, with a $25 million award being offered for information leading to his capture or death.
This article starring:
ABU ABDUL RAHMANArmy of Ansar al-Sunna
MULLAH MAHDIArmy of Ansar al-Sunna
Army of Ansar al-Sunna
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 14:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  These people have more senior militant leaders than I had zits when I was young.
Posted by: plainslow || 06/04/2005 17:05 Comments || Top||

#2  Everybody gets to be a "Senior Leader", just like every city gets to be a "Holy City" and every action by every American is an "atrocity". If it wasn't for oil I'd be content to let these folks sit on their asses and sell sand to each other!!
Posted by: Justrand || 06/04/2005 18:16 Comments || Top||

#3  These people have more senior militant leaders than I had zits when I was young.

Looks good on the Jihadi resume. "Let's see - cut off a few heads, recruited some idiots martyrs to be suicide bombers ... and oh yeah, I was a senior militant leader for a day when the boss was hungover praying.
Posted by: DMFD || 06/04/2005 19:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Senior Leaders are a dime a dozen what you wanna be is a noted MasterMind.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 19:55 Comments || Top||

Africa: Subsaharan
Mooselimbs fight it out in northwest Nigeria
Hundreds of Sunni Muslims have burned a local government office in Nigeria's far northwestern city of Sokoto, defying a massive troop deployment sent to quell fighting, witnesses said. Politically charged fighting between Sunni and Shia Muslims has killed about a dozen people in the ancient city on the fringes of the Sahara desert in the past two months.
"Go fer yer scimitar, Mahmoud!"
Sunni fighters, enraged that their leader was arrested for instigating earlier violence on Friday tried to burn down a radio station; but additional troops and police deployed in the city prevented them from doing so. "The whole secretariat was totally destroyed. Only the walls were left standing," said a witness, adding that 25 cars were also burned in the local government compound. A police officer at the scene said: "We found three people with a gallon of petrol and we arrested them."
"Drop the gas can and step away witcher hands up!"
The government deployed about 500 additional troops and riot police to guard the central mosque and other key areas of the city earlier on Friday, ahead of Muslim prayers that are sometimes a catalyst for violence. "The government will deal with anyone caught breaking the peace, and already some arrests were made. Adequate measures were taken to protect people, lives and property," Sokoto State Governor, Attahiru Bafarawa, said in a state-wide broadcast before the arson attack.
That worked well, didn't it?
Religious, ethnic and communal conflicts have killed more than 20,000 people in Nigeria since it returned to democracy six years ago.
"Democracy" is a fairly loosely defined term in that neck of the woods...
The nation of 140 million people is split roughly evenly between Muslims in the north and Christians in the south. The Sokoto dispute is ostensibly about doctrinal differences between Shia and Sunnis and access to the central mosque.
"It's our mosque, and you can't have it!"
"We built that mosque! Beat it!"
"You'll get this mosque over my dead body!"
[BANG!] "Hokay!"
But Bafarawa, who belongs to an opposition party, has accused members of Nigeria's ruling People's Democratic Party of instigating the violence for political reasons. The Sunni governor's stance that Shia should have access to the mosque has made him unpopular with some Sunnis. The region's religious authority, the sultan of Sokoto, has appealed to Sunni and Shia leaders to help stop the violence. A letter has been circulating in Sokoto since Monday in which Shia are threatened with attacks unless they leave town or renounce their faith at the central mosque. Worshippers say at least 200 Shia have done so.
Boy, that appeal worked really well...
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 13:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How does that go again? Aaah, Yes! Now I remember: "The Religion of Peace".
Posted by: GK || 06/04/2005 13:52 Comments || Top||

#2  The Shia and Sunni compete everwhere. They should agree on more orderly competition groundrules. You never here of the Pepsi guy and the Coca Cola man burning down a convenience store over primo endcap space. Maybe they cou;d have the Pope divide up the Moslem countries like South America was divided between Portugal and Spain.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/04/2005 21:56 Comments || Top||

#3  Islam, the religion of peace and love.

When are the lefties going to admit that we are smack dab in the middle of a pan-islamic uprising?
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 23:01 Comments || Top||

Gaza brownshirts detain Paleo envoy
Armed men have blocked Gaza's road leading to the Egyptian border and detained a Palestinian diplomat who attempted to cross. About 35 members of a group known as the Fatah Hawks detained Shaker Abu Eida, the Palestinian Authority's ambassador to North Korea.
Oh no! The Kim Jong Il study group will be left without a Dear Leader!
Abu Eida told journalists on Saturday that he had not been harmed and that he would be allowed to return to Gaza City if he wished. However, one of the masked men said the envoy's diplomatic passport had been confiscated. "Nobody from the Palestinian Authority will travel to Egypt today."
"Ain't nobody doin' nuttin', 'less we okays it!"
The group said it had caused traffic disruption to highlight what it claims is an unfair police recruitment policy. Speaking to Aljazeera, the unnamed spokesman said the group had been excluded from a recent Palestinian Authority drive to recruit 5000 police officers because they were older than the maximum stipulated age of 23. They insisted that former Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza should have been merged into the security services. A Palestinian Interior Ministry official was in contact with the gunmen and trying to resolve the situation. Palestinian security forces in the Rafah area did not immediately intervene.
This article starring:
SHAKER ABU EIDAPalestinian Authority
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 13:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I don't get it.

This whole thing is very Islamic.

I must be missing the point, why the hell is this guy out in the middle of the desert stopping people?
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 23:04 Comments || Top||

Israel uses sound device to disperse riot
The Israeli army on Friday unveiled a new crowd-dispersal device emitting painful bursts of sound at a special frequency to help break up a violent Palestinian demonstration, military officials and witnesses said.

Israeli military officials confirmed soldiers used a new "nonlethal" tactic in the West Bank village of Bilin, where hundreds of demonstrators rallied against Israel's separation barrier. MSNBC scare quotes ... cause they're scared to see effective non-lethal means deployed
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity under army regulations, said the weapon uses special frequencies to disperse crowds. No further details were immediately available.

An Associated Press photographer said a military vehicle arrived toward the end of the demonstration, which lasted several hours and became violent at times.

Located about a quarter mile from the demonstration, the vehicle emitted several bursts of sounds, about one minute in length each time. Although the sound was not loud, it caused people to cover their ears and grab their heads in discomfort.

About 400 people, including Palestinians and foreign and Israeli activists, participated in the demonstration, marching toward a site where Israel is building its West Bank separation barrier.

The crowd was prevented from reaching the site, and began rioting and throwing rocks at soldiers, the army said. One soldier was moderately wounded in the eye.

In addition to the sound machine, soldiers used other means to disperse the crowd, including clubs and stun grenades.

Israel has completed about one-third of the planned 425-mile barrier, which it says is necessary to keep out suicide bombers from the West Bank. Palestinians say the barrier is a thinly veiled land grab because it dips into the West Bank in some areas.

I don't like some of the Israeli actions. They can be arrogant SOBs. But I'll feel sorry for the Palestinians and for muslims in general when they actually work towards a solution and stop bitching.
Posted by: seriously annoyed || 06/04/2005 08:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wait till they put it on the "brown noise" setting next time!

"Abdul! What happened to your pants?"

Posted by: Unose Whavitle7547 || 06/04/2005 10:26 Comments || Top||

#2  They coulda used a less humane means of controlling rioters.
Posted by: badanov || 06/04/2005 10:31 Comments || Top||

#3  140 decebels of "You know it wouldn't hurt for you to call sometime. Maybe comeby if it's not too far outa Dr. Fancypants way. I'm not going to live for ever you know. Don't sigh like that! I won't have it on this phone. Frankly, your Father's very tired. I worry. He leaves every morning at 8 comes back at 5. He's retired! Call him, for me.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 10:40 Comments || Top||

#4  it's the sound of bath water being run
Posted by: Frank G || 06/04/2005 10:49 Comments || Top||

#5  shipman, that's hilarious. I had no idea they also had a "nagging jewish mother" setting.
Posted by: Unose Whavitle7547 || 06/04/2005 11:18 Comments || Top||

#6  All mothers nag, d00d.
Posted by: badanov || 06/04/2005 11:41 Comments || Top||

#7  No fatalities? Hey, we should rip it off! :D
Posted by: Edward Yee || 06/04/2005 12:48 Comments || Top||

#8  I had no idea they also had a "nagging jewish mother" setting.

Isn['t that against the Geneva Conventions or something?

Oh and Edward, remember Noriega???? I think we used The Captain & Tenille or something awful like that on him ....
Posted by: too true || 06/04/2005 12:57 Comments || Top||

#9  Playing "Fiddler on the roof?".
Posted by: Brett || 06/04/2005 15:19 Comments || Top||

#10  The Israeli army on Friday unveiled a new crowd-dispersal device emitting painful bursts of sound at a special frequency to help break up a violent Palestinian demonstration, military officials and witnesses said.

It's an ice-cream van isn't it? The jolly music drives them mad!
Posted by: Jake-the-Peg || 06/04/2005 15:26 Comments || Top||

#11  "a military vehicle arrived toward the end of the demonstration"
Well duhhh! If a machine gunner arrived that would be toward the end of the demonstration too.
Posted by: Tom || 06/04/2005 20:38 Comments || Top||

#12  Overheard during the beginings of a riot in St. Pete FL.


On the arrival of 1 (one) Florida Highway Patrolman for an all coppers respond. 357 Up and Ready the crowd dispersed with little fan fare.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 21:03 Comments || Top||

Abbas and Sharon to meet in Jerusalem
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  As long as Sharon doesn't expect anything tangible to result...
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/04/2005 2:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Abbas and Sharon to meet in Jerusalem

Excuse me for not seeing the point of this, but...
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 06/04/2005 3:00 Comments || Top||

#3  Maybe Abbas has a good recipe for grilled rat?
Posted by: Iron Chef Sakai || 06/04/2005 9:30 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nuggets from the Urdu Press
Bush makes new Quran
According to Khabrain, a newspaper in Egypt disclosed that President Bush had ordered Jews to make a new 12-part Quran called Furqan Al Haq, which would twist and change the Quranic message, cause heresy amongst Muslims and render them apostate. A first edition has already been published, but the plan is to turn the Muslims away from Islam in four years.

No jihad in Waziristan
Quoted in the daily Pakistan, corps commander Peshawar General Safdar Hussain stated that the jihad in Waziristan was actually fasad waged after taking money from the Al Qaeda. He said that his troops had killed 300 terrorists, out of which 150 were foreigners. He said that there was a complete terrorist network in the agency, along with communication technology training centres and a treasury. He said that terrorism did not end after the death of Nek Muhammad, because there were thousands of Nek Muhammads in Waziristan. He said that after the military operation, the terrorists had been dispersed.

"Ghoonsay" in parliament
Sarerahe in Nawa-e-Waqt discussed the exchange of mughalizaat (dirty swear words) between law minister Wasi Zafar and JUI leader Hafiz Hussain Ahmad. After the two exhausted their nangi (naked) curses, they fell upon each other and exchanged ghoonsay (fists) too.

Chaudhry Zahur Elahi's death
The famous lawyer MA Rehman told the daily Pakistan that Chaudhry Zahur Elahi was a close friend of Justice Maulvi Mushtaq, who had hanged Bhutto. After Bhutto's death, he knew that Al Zulfikar was targeting him. He took MA Rehman in his car to see Maulvi Mushtaq. After that, they decided to go to condole someone's father's death. On the way back, their car was attacked. First the tyre was flattened with a bullet. After that, two grenades were thrown. One exploded and killed the driver, while its shrapnel entered the brain of Chaudhry Zahur Elahi who had insisted on sitting in the front seat. Maulvi Mushtaq too was hurt, but Chaudhry Zahur Elahi died of his wound. Bullets had been fired at them from a car.

Asra Numani not related to Shibli
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt, the surviving granddaughter of the famous Indian Muslim scholar Shibli Numani, Momina Numani, said in Karachi that Asra Numani — who had arranged the woman-led namaz in the United States — was no relative of hers. The 70-year old lady said that she had never heard of Asra in her family. Her husband Suhail Sultan Khan, 74, was a retired captain of the army and the pious couple did not allow even a TV in their house.

Col Ameer Imam speaks on the Taliban
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt, an ex-ISI officer who was at one time posted in Herat during the Afghan war, Col (Retd) Sultan Ameer Imam, said that the Taliban were not trained by Pakistan and that not a single army officer was involved in the Afghan civil war. He was speaking at the Area Study Centre, Peshawar University, along with General (Retd) Nasirullah Babar. He told the students that Afghan students were first trained in Pakistan in 1973 under Bhutto. He was called from Cherat and asked to report at the training camps to General Babar in 1973. Thus, he was the first to train the Afghans. When he arrived in Peshawar, he was made to meet some students from Kabul University, prominent amongst whom were Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Ahmad Shah Massoud. Briefing on the training plan was given by Major Sherpao, now the interior minister. He said the Taliban were first approved by the Americans.

Gas from Turkmenistan not feasible
Quoted in Khabrain, chairman Sui Northern Gas Pipeline General (Retd) Ghulam Safdar Butt said that the plan to import gas from Turkmenistan was not feasible because of the trouble in Afghanistan, but Pakistan would go ahead with the Iranian pipeline project from which Pakistan would get $150 million annually as royalty if India joined it. He said that it was wrong to say that royalty from this pipeline to Pakistan would be $500 million or more. He said that Qatar gas was another project which was also not feasible, because of the difficulty of maintaining undersea pipelines.

Umar Bakri, Umar Abdur Rehman and Dr Israr
Writing in the daily Pakistan, Tanvir Qaiser Shahid stated that British Islamist Umar Bakri had been in jail for verbal aggression. He was originally a Syrian who had run away from Hafez Al Asad and got British nationality. He took out a journal in London named Khilafah, in which he abused the Quaid-e-Azam while advancing the cause of the banned-in-Pakistan organisation Hizb al Tahrir, which was 'exported' to Pakistan from the UK. Umar Bakri's fiery speeches were identical to Egyptian Umar Abdur Rehman, who had tried to blow up the Trade Centre in New York in 1993 and was in jail in the US. In Pakistan, Dr Israr was in favour of Hizb al Tahrir, wanted khilafat to replace democracy and was at times insulting towards the Quaid-e-Azam. In Qaumi Digest (April 2005) he said that Islam could not be enforced in Pakistan because of Jinnah.
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  furst agayn fro nugents!
Posted by: muck4doo || 06/04/2005 0:02 Comments || Top||

#2  //Bush makes new Quran//

all bushes are meker litle korrans. studdee anatoemee sumday! thatn wat toylets ar fore.
Posted by: muck4doo || 06/04/2005 0:08 Comments || Top||

#3  No, no, no! What ignorant people: it's the Saudis who are rewriting the Koran, and destroying any of the old version that is brought to their shores.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/04/2005 2:25 Comments || Top||

#4  On the orders of the Jooos, tw. Instructions coming via diplomatic pouch straight outta Tel Aviv.
Posted by: Seafarious || 06/04/2005 2:33 Comments || Top||

#5  After the two exhausted their nangi (naked) curses, they fell upon each other and exchanged ghoonsay (fists) too.

You just can't make this stuff up.
Posted by: Rafael || 06/04/2005 4:05 Comments || Top||

#6  Oh you can, most of the "facts" are whle cloth. Yes people can be this ignorant.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 06/04/2005 4:21 Comments || Top||

#7  So how can anyone tell which copy is authentic? Dan Rather, call your office!
Posted by: john || 06/04/2005 8:43 Comments || Top||

#8  A first edition has already been published, but the plan is to turn the Muslims away from Islam in four years.

Hee hee, next up B-2s sliding in at mightnight with 35,000 copies of the Naked Lunch.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 10:16 Comments || Top||

#9  up second, B-2s sliding in at 0 dark thirty with 35,000 copies of Steely Dan.

Posted by: W. Spembel Burroughs || 06/04/2005 10:54 Comments || Top||

#10  up third, B-2s sliding in at 0 dark thirty with 35,000 copies of JDAM.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 11:51 Comments || Top||

#11  I read recently that some old scrolls were found in a cave recently concerning the early days of the RoP and translated by some German professors. As I recall, after the scrolls were translated, the Germans realized that some of the scrolls contradicted the Korran as now known. Further, if they published it, they might get fatwaed. So they decided to cover it up.
Posted by: Brett || 06/04/2005 12:50 Comments || Top||

#12  Yes! Another Spem has evolved!
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 17:04 Comments || Top||

Africa: Subsaharan
Kenya's Terror Conspiracy Trial Ends
A judge began deliberating Friday on the fate of three Kenyans accused of conspiracy to bomb an Israeli-owned hotel and of attempts to shoot down an Israeli airliner north of the Indian Ocean port of Mombasa. Prosecutors have pressed for the maximum penalty of three years in jail, but defense lawyers say the accused should be found innocent because authorities failed to prove they were involved in planning the attacks. As the trial ended Friday, Nairobi Chief Magistrate Aggrey Muchelule said he will deliver judgment on June 21.

The suspects — Kubwa Mohammed Seif, Said Saggar Ahmed and Salmin Mohammed Khamis — are charged with conspiracy related to the November 2002 car bomb attack that killed 15 people, including three Israeli tourists. They are also charged in connection with a near-simultaneous, but failed, attempt to shoot down an Israeli aircraft taking off from an airport in nearby Mombasa.
And they're up for a maximum of three years?
It's positively ... European.

This article starring:
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Sunnis Seek End to Iraqi Insurgent Sweep
An influential Sunni association called for an end to a weeklong counterinsurgency offensive in Baghdad, saying it overwhemingly targets members of their religious minority and has led to the detention of hundreds of people. Eight people died from insurgent attacks around the country, bringing to at least 830 the number killed since the Shiite-led government took office April 28 — an average of 23 deaths a day, not counting rebels. In the past 18 months, 12,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed, including more than 10,000 Shiites, Interior Minister Bayan Jabr said, citing data from a research center. But he said he figured the affiliations based on the areas where victims lived, not individual religious identifications.

Army Col. Mark Milley, who commands the 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, said intelligence indicated insurgents were using Baghdad's southern districts to stage attacks in the capital. U.S. and Iraqi troops swept through several southern neighborhoods Friday. Milley said 84 suspects were detained, while a "half a dozen suspected al-Qaida cell members" and several other fighters from Sudan, Syria, Egypt and Jordan had been captured since the operation began Sunday. "For two years I have been suffering from these terrorists, now it is my time," said Brig. Gen. Mohammed Essa Baher, an Iraqi army commander from the southern district of Mahmoudiya whose two sons had been killed by insurgents.

Jabr said the sweep, known as Operation Lightning, had captured 700 suspected insurgents and killed 28 militants. Before the operation, the biggest Iraqi offensive since Saddam Hussein's fall two years ago, authorities controlled only eight of Baghdad's 23 entrances. Now all are under government control.

Sunni clerics in Baghdad took advantage of Friday prayer services to call for an end to Operation Lightning, which many Sunnis say target members of their own religious minority. Sunni Arabs are thought to make up the overwhelming majority of the insurgency. "I appeal to every official here in Iraq to stop humiliating people and (end) the raiding campaign," Sheik Mahmoud al-Sumaidie said in the Um al-Qura Mosque, which also serves as the headquarters of the influential Association of Muslim Scholars.
This article starring:
SHEIK MAHMUD AL SUMAIDIEAssociation of Muslim Scholars
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds like the sweep is going well.
Posted by: Captain America || 06/04/2005 0:54 Comments || Top||

#2  An end to Sunni terrorism is, of course, too difficult.
Posted by: someone || 06/04/2005 2:01 Comments || Top||

#3  If they're complaining, it's working. Keep the pressure on.
Posted by: PBMcL || 06/04/2005 2:18 Comments || Top||

#4  authorities controlled only eight of Baghdad's 23 entrances. Now all are under government control.

Wonder if this might be the whole point of the action.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#5  They always try to apeal to "MR. Nice Guy" when they know their number is up. I think the Marines got screwed in Ramadi once by that crybaby crap, it's not going to work anymore.Ha! Ha!
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 06/04/2005 11:56 Comments || Top||

#6  authorities controlled only eight of Baghdad's 23 entrances. Now all are under government control.

This should have been done from day one, and not just Baghdad.
Posted by: Rafael || 06/04/2005 12:54 Comments || Top||

#7  Ooo. They're back to being the "influential" Ass. of Mus'm Scholards again. Not once, but twice. So they must be extra influential this time.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 06/04/2005 17:36 Comments || Top||

Three US soldiers to face court-martial
DENVER - Three 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment soldiers have been ordered to stand trial at Fort Carson for murder in the alleged suffocation death of an Iraqi general. Maj. Gen. Robert Mixon, commander of Fort Carson, ordered a court-martial for Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer, Chief Warrant officer Jeff L. Williams, and Spc. Jerry Loper, Army spokeswoman Kim Tisor said on Thursday.

They are accused in the death of Maj. Gen. Abed Mowhoush, who died during an interrogation on Nov. 26, 2003. The three soldiers also are charged with assault and dereliction of duty during combat operations for their actions at a prison in western Iraq called Blacksmith House. If convicted of all three charges, they face life imprisonment without parole, forfeiture of all pay and dishonorable discharges. No date was set for their court-martial.

Through their attorneys, all have denied wrongdoing, saying commanders had sanctioned their actions.

Hearing officer Capt. Robert Ayers had recommended dismissal of all charges against a fourth soldier, Sgt. 1st Class William Sommer. Ayers presided over a preliminary hearing for Williams, Loper and Sommer in April. Welshofer waived his right to a preliminary hearing. Welshofer and Williams were interrogators, Loper a prison guard, and Sommer an interpreter.

Ayers recommended Sommer receive a reprimand for failing to protect Mowhoush and be given immunity so he can testify against the other soldiers, according to a report obtained last month by The Denver Post. Ayers also recommended that Williams face reduced charges of involuntary manslaughter and assault instead of murder charges. "It is possible his actions were inherently dangerous, but more than likely government counsel will only be able to prove at court-martial that CW2 Williams acted with culpable negligence," Ayers wrote in his report dated May 5.

Army prosecutors say Mowhoush had been put headfirst into a sleeping bag, wrapped in electrical cord and knocked down. The soldiers then sat and stood on him, prosecutors said. Previously secret court testimony indicates the Iraqi general's body was badly bruised and he may have been severely beaten two days before he was suffocated to death.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  saying commanders had sanctioned their actions.

Good luck with your blame authority defense. Somehow I think it will be a tough sell that these actions were sanctioned:

Mowhoush had been put headfirst into a sleeping bag, wrapped in electrical cord and knocked down. The soldiers then sat and stood on him, ...the Iraqi general’s body was badly bruised and he may have been severely beaten two days before he was suffocated to death.
Posted by: 2b || 06/04/2005 0:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Nov. 26, 2003

That's when the insurgency began blowing people up fulltime.
Posted by: seriously annoyed || 06/04/2005 8:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Sounds like Murder 1 if proven.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 10:35 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Kashmir Korpse Kount
SRINAGAR - Suspected Muslim rebels on Friday gunned down a municipal councillor in the main city of revolt-hit Indian Kashmir in the latest in a string of political killings, police said. Mohammed Ashraf was killed in a residential street of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir where a deadly insurrection has against New Delhi's rule has raged since 1989. "Militants pumped bullets into his body. He was rushed to hospital but died on the way," the spokesman said.

Ashraf, who belonged to the main opposition National Conference, was slain as he was headed towards his municipal council office.

Municipal elections were held early this year in Indian Kashmir after a gap of nearly three decades that was partly due to restive conditions in the state. Militants opposed the polls, saying they were no substitute for the right to self-determination, and issued death threats against those taking part. So far, rebels have killed half-a-dozen candidates and councillors, police say. Among those slain was a front-runner for the job of Srinagar mayor.

No group has claimed responsibility for the latest death.

The killings have terrified many councillors and party workers into resigning. Some have published newspaper advertisements pleading for forgiveness from the rebels. Others have stood up during prayer congregations on the Muslim holy day Friday begging the militants to pardon them.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The killings have terrified many councillors and party workers into resigning. Some have published newspaper advertisements pleading for forgiveness from the rebels. Others have stood up during prayer congregations on the Muslim holy day Friday begging the militants to pardon them.

Dhimminitude in action.
Posted by: Ptah || 06/04/2005 7:14 Comments || Top||

#2  Those killed are muslims. Its more like a low level civil war between different muslim factions.
Posted by: phil_b || 06/04/2005 7:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Darwin in action. The Sunni's wanted a civil war. It didn't seem to occur to them what it would mean if they got one. duh.
Posted by: 2b || 06/04/2005 7:43 Comments || Top||

#4  Delhi Police nab terrorists

NEW DELHI: Delhi Police on Saturday announced that they arrested three terrorists of Hizb-e-Islami in the capital and seized 0.5 kg RDX and Rs 1.10 lakh from them.

While two of the terrorists identified as Ejaz Ahmed Wani and Shabir Ahmed Peer were nabbed in Nizamuddin area on May 28, the third Nazir Ahmed Khan was arrested today from Lajpat Rai market area of north Delhi on Saturday, police said.

Police recovered 0.5 kgs of RDX from Nazir, who was nabbed soon after his arrival from Kashmir, Deputy Commissioner of Police Ajay Kumar told reporters.

Police also seized Rs 60,000 from Wani and Rs 50,000 from Peer, he said, adding the money was meant for funding militant operations in Jammu and Kashmir.
Posted by: john || 06/04/2005 9:35 Comments || Top||

#5  John, maybe I don't get it. Isn't that dawg bites man?
Posted by: Shipman || 06/04/2005 10:18 Comments || Top||

Five killed in suspected Taleban attacks
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Suspected Taleban rebels have killed at least five people in four separate gun and explosives attacks in southern Afghanistan, officials said on Friday. A remote-controlled bomb killed a local militia commander in the provincial capital of Lashkargah in Helmand on Friday, Helmand's intelligence chief Amanullah Jan told AFP.

In another attack the same day a government driver was killed and his assistant badly injured when rebels ambushed their vehicle in neighboring Zabul province, said local police commander Qaim Jan.

The previous day, suspected Taleban gunmen killed a truck driver and another man and torched their oil tanker on the road between central Uruzgan province and Kandahar, the birthplace of the fundamentalist Islamic movement. The tanker had been transporting fuel for US forces, local military commander General Muslim Hamid told AFP.

Earlier the insurgents had stopped a taxi on the same road and killed an Afghan soldier, wounding four passengers in a shootout. The rebels "took control of the road for several hours", Uruzgan governor Jan Mohammad Khan said.

Hamid said the rebels had fled left by the time Afghan security forces arrived.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/04/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

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Sat 2005-06-04
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Fri 2005-06-03
  Virgin Airbus Jet Emitting Hijack Signal Lands In Canada; False Alert
Thu 2005-06-02
  Bomb kills anti-Syria journalist in Beirut
Wed 2005-06-01
  At least 27 dead in Afghanistan mosque suicide blast
Tue 2005-05-31
  At least six killed in Karachi mosque attack
Mon 2005-05-30
  Doc faces terror charges in Palm Beach
Sun 2005-05-29
Sat 2005-05-28
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Fri 2005-05-27
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Thu 2005-05-26
  Iraqi Officials Confirm Zarqawi Is Wounded
Wed 2005-05-25
  Huge US raid on al-Qaim
Tue 2005-05-24
  Syria ending cooperation with the US
Mon 2005-05-23
  Mulla Omar aide escapes Multan raid
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  Cairo Blast Suspect Dies in Custody
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