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Shootout near presidential palace in Mog
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Bomb suspects arrested in Afghanistan
AUTHORITIES in Afghanistan's southern city of Kandahar said Saturday they had arrested 11 suicide bombers in the past week, including two Pakistan nationals. Kandahar's intelligence chief Abdul Qayoom said nine alleged suicide bombers were arrested in various parts of the troubled city in the past week.

“They wanted to carry out attacks in different locations of Kandahar province. They were arrested with cars and explosives,” he said.

Two more were arrested yesterday, provincial governor Assadullah Khalid said. They were Pakistan nationals from Baluchistan province and had confessed, he said.

Meanwhile ...

The NATO-led military force in the province said meanwhile one of its vehicles was struck by an explosive device but there were no injuries to the troops. Five Dutch soldiers with the International Security Assistance Force were wounded in a similar attack in Uruzgan province on Friday, the Dutch news agency ANP said. ISAF confirmed the casualties but not their nationality.

In another attack similar to others blamed on Taliban last year, an explosion ripped through a tanker supplying fuel from Pakistan to the US main base in Kandahar and set ablaze several others late yesterday, the military said. The blast was likely caused by an explosive device. The trucks were parked outside the base before being allowed to enter, Afghan army general Rahmatullah Raufi said.
Posted by: tipper || 01/20/2007 08:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "an explosion ripped through a tanker supplying fuel from Pakistan"

Was the tanker targetted by an explosive device or was it part of an explosive device?
Posted by: Glenmore || 01/20/2007 10:34 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Somalia: Explosions rock the casbah
(SomaliNet) Heavy explosions at the presidential palace in the Somalia capital Mogadishu where President Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed resides could be heard tonight. The explosion and ensuing gunfire, which lasted several minutes could be heard in parts of the capital. Reports say that aout 15 unknown gunmen have attacked the interim government forces guarding Villa Somalia. “I woke up with the sound of horrible explosions and gunfire that rocked the area around 9:15 pm local time. It was another nightmare in the capital,” Siad Mohamed Roble, a local journalist living near Villa Somalia who spoke with Somalinet.

The assailants were reported to have hit the heavily guarded compound by Ethiopian and Somali forces with mortar shells. After the shootout, local residents said they could see two mini-buses full of militiamen, allegedly the attackers who seemed to be escaping. It is not yet clear the casualty of the latest attack. The attack came as the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi restated that his forces will withdraw from Somalia in the next few days before the AU peace keeping troops arrive.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

Ethiopia: Troops to quit Somalia in few days-PM
(SomaliNet) Ethiopian Prime Minister (PM) Meles Zenawi has said Ethiopian forces are to start leaving Somalia "in the next few days". Whereas Ethiopia helped Somalia's interim government oust Somali Islamists from the capital, it always said it does not want to stay long. According to the Ethiopian premier, the first phase of the withdrawal could start now that several key warlords had disarmed.

Meanwhile, the African Union (AU) is meeting to discuss sending a peacekeeping force to Somalia to replace the Ethiopians. The AU is considering a plan to send nine battalions of troops - some 8,000 men - with maritime, coastal and air support. The plan envisages that three battalions would be deployed as soon as possible, with the rest within six months.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  AU Peacekeepers? Somalis better hide their daughters. Well, that's if the Islamic Council didn't already cut them all up. At least they aren't sending in the UN "peacekeepers", the world already has enough child porn flicks without the french soldiers getting armed access to another state.

How about we just keep the AC130/U circling for for a few months?
Posted by: Whinens Griper7231 || 01/20/2007 13:27 Comments || Top||

#2  I do not know how much money the USA spent training and equiping the Ethiopians or other troops that went into Somalia, but it was a good use of tax dollars.
Posted by: whatadeal || 01/20/2007 21:45 Comments || Top||

Somalia: Another warlord lays down weapons
(SomaliNet) Omar Mohamed Mohamud known as (Filish), former warlord has Thursday handed over all his weapons to the transitional federal government – becoming the third warlord in Somalia capital Mogadishu who laid down his weapons. Mr. Filish who is now a member of parliament listed all his weapons and militiamen to the government committee for disarmament. He promised to work with the government in restoring law and order in the capital. The handover weapons took place in Filish’s base in southern Mogadishu where all his weapons including battle wagons, heavy and light machineguns were taken by the governmennt.

The move is part of earlier deal by the warlords and top government officials in Somalia on handing over the weapons of factional leaders. On Wednesday, warlords Mohamed Qanyare and Muse Sudi handed over their weapons and militias to the government. Hussein Mohamed Aideed, the deputy prime minister and interior minister also handed his weapons to the government.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Must have tweeny middle school homework due tomorrow.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/20/2007 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL JoeMan.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2007 5:33 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Moroccan court acquits five former Guantanamo inmates
(KUNA) -- A Moroccan court on Friday acquitted five Moroccans who had been detained at Guantanamo camp. The five had been accused of criminal gang membership, failure to denounce crimes harming state security, funding criminal organisations and passport forgery. They were acquitted by Rabat's criminal appeal court, Moroccan state news agency MAP said.
"Go forth, and jihad no more. Maybe youse should go to trade school, be a 'lectricians' helper or somethin'."
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  he five had been accused of criminal gang membership, failure to denounce crimes harming state security, funding criminal organisations and passport forgery.

Innocent of charges that were NOT the reason they were in Gitmo in the first place.
Posted by: Ptah || 01/20/2007 6:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Expecting a Muslim country to convict somebody for Jihad is like expecting a christian country (if there ware any still around) to convict Mother Tereza.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/20/2007 6:58 Comments || Top||

#3  Does Poland consider itself a Christian country?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 10:37 Comments || Top||

#4  Ask the Poles.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/20/2007 14:10 Comments || Top||

#5  France "considers" itself a Christian country, while practicing the worst excuses of secularism.

The Moroccans were limited to trying the former Guantanamo detainees for what would be crimes in Morocco. I'm sure these nutjobs will be kept under surveillance for a few decades, just to see which way they jump. Most islamonauts seem to always end up nose-first.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:09 Comments || Top||

CCTV tape shows plot accused buying "bomb" ingredients
(KUNA) -- Video footage of two of the alleged July 21 bomb plotters buying more than 200 litres of the main ingredient for their home-made rucksack bombs was played in court Friday. The CCTV pictures showed Manfo Kwaku Asiedu and Muktar Said Ibrahim grinning at each other and chatting casually as they completed the purchase of 52 gallons of hydrogen peroxide, just two days before the July 7 terror attacks. Their order, which comprised 13 boxes, each containing four four-litre bottles, was so large that the manufacturers had to make a new batch of hydrogen peroxide just to meet it.
So it's not the case that they were 'inspired' by the 7/7 bombiings to be copycats, as the MSM has been telling us.
At Woolwich Crown Court, east London, today, the jury in the July 21 trial was played CCTV footage from Pak Cosmetics, in Finsbury Park, north London, on July 5, 2005. It showed Asiedu and Ibrahim strolling into the store to pick up their order for 50 gallons of liquid peroxide at its highest available concentration. The pair could be seen casually chatting to each other and the store's staff as they waited at the counter to pay. After handing over 170 pounds in cash, which followed an earlier deposit of 100 pounds, the men were taken by a sales assistant to collect their bottles of liquid peroxide from an area at the back of the shop. The footage then showed both men, Asiedu first and then Ibrahim, wheeling the boxes out of the store on upright trolleys. The jury was told how they then loaded them into the boot and back seat of their car.

Asiedu and Ibrahim are accused, along with four other men, of plotting to carry out a series of suicide bombings on the London transport system using an explosive mixture of hydrogen peroxide and chapatti flour. It has already been alleged that the co-conspirators in the case purchased more than 400 litres of liquid peroxide from various stores in the weeks prior to their attempted attack on July 21, 2005, just two weeks after the July 7 bombings that killed 52 people and injured hundreds more.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pak Cosmetics, in Finsbury Park
We got 80,000 customers that want to be instantly blonde? Hell, two questions.

1. Didn't these idiots consider breaking up their order?
B. Didn't Paki Cosmetics think this was odd?

Thanks gawd they're usually stupidized by the hOLEy Q'Kur"A"eM(tilde upon it).
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2007 5:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Can I have ten thousand marbles please?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2007 8:59 Comments || Top||

#3  lol Flounder tu!
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 9:34 Comments || Top||

#4  Was Pak Cosmetics owned/run by Pakistanis? If so, were they really surprised by the outcome of this particular sale? One would hope the police/MI-5/MI-6 has been looking very closely and the company and its people.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 10:39 Comments || Top||

#5  "at its highest available concentration"

Would anyone happen to know exactly what this concentration was?
Posted by: exJAG || 01/20/2007 11:41 Comments || Top||

#6  Guilty. Start computing the length of rope please. Aw hell, don't bother, 6 meters drop for each ought to work fine.
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 01/20/2007 12:10 Comments || Top||

#7  Was Pak Cosmetics owned/run by Pakistanis?
A news segment interviewed the sales clerk. Definitely South Asian muslim.

what this concentration was?
The bottle labels showed 18%.
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2007 14:03 Comments || Top||

#8  6 meters drop for each ought to work fine

Especially if you put a three-meter long loop of double-base G-string piano wire around their necks. Need some place that's easy to clean up afterwards - like maybe a ship's hold, or the Tower Bridge.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:12 Comments || Top||

#9  18% would take the paint off a car. More dilute than what you'd find in a chemistry stockroom, but far, far higher than anything you'd need for cosmetic use. H2O2 fries hair -- no professional uses it in any quantity for blonde coloring. Curious indeed.
Posted by: exJAG || 01/20/2007 16:15 Comments || Top||

#10  Hydorgen peroxide was used in early rocket fuels. It is very caustic in a pure form.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/20/2007 17:58 Comments || Top||

#11  I think 25% is the high limit for peroxide, IIRC 100 point is around this concentration for cosmetic use.
Horticultrally I can get around a 22% solution for use on plants. Long time ago the greenhouse where I worked had a drum of 50%, that was nasty stuff. Pre 9-11 I asked the reps what abot 50% (that's the lowest range for rocket use, IIRC rocket grade is above 75%) They said the BATF was keeping a close eye on 50% customers. After the London bombings I thought oh that's why.
Posted by: bruce || 01/20/2007 18:03 Comments || Top||

#12  ExJAG, how do you know about blonde hair coloring?
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 19:20 Comments || Top||

#13  I'm a girl, sheesh! You don't really think I sit there and read 77 Hot New Accessories For Spring in Cosmo while my highlights set, do ya? ;)
Posted by: exJAG || 01/20/2007 20:05 Comments || Top||

#14  Sooo... You're saying that you're not a blonde?

Normally when I am getting my highlites... nevermind.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 21:11 Comments || Top||

Three detained in Turkey over journalist's murder
Police have taken into custody three people in connection with the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink on Friday and appear close to solving the case. "There are three people in custody. We are very close to solving the case. We have definitive evidence," Istanbul governor Muammer Guler told reporters.

The police were working in cooperation with a group of experts sent from the capital Ankara on "documents, footage and witness testimonies", Guler added.

The 53-year-old Dink, who angered nationalist circles and the courts with his views on the 1915-1918 massacres of Armenians, was shot dead outside the offices of the Agos weekly, which he edited, in the busy Sisli district in the European side of the city. Initial media reports had said that police were looking for a man in his late teens, wearing a denim jacket and a white cap, while Anatolia reported that witnesses saw a man in his late 20s running from the scene.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 10:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  As I was just reading on LGF, the MSM are falling all over themselves to whitewash any indications of jihad motivation - like the perp shouting "I shot the non-Muslim."
Posted by: xbalanke || 01/20/2007 17:34 Comments || Top||

Serbia: Bomb found under opposition leader's car
An explosive device was found under a vehicle used by the leader of the pro-Western Liberal Democratic Party late Friday, two days before Serbs vote in parliamentary elections, a party official said. A security guard noticed the explosive planted underneath Cedomir Jovanovic's sports utility vehicle, which had been parked in downtown Belgrade while the opposition politician was at a meeting nearby, according to party spokesman Vera Didanovic.

An anti-terrorist police squad was called to remove the device, Didanovic said. Police, who declined to comment, closed off a downtown area, but no residents have been evacuated.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bombs under Liberal Democrat's cars??? Could Serbia be paradise?
Posted by: Whinens Griper7231 || 01/20/2007 13:20 Comments || Top||

Cobra air fighters supported military attacks on south east Turkey
(KUNA) -- The Turkish army started Friday a wide scale land-air winter attacks against the separatists in south east Turkey. Turkish media reported that hundreds of paratroopers took positions close to areas of the separatists in Tongali city and the camps believed to house separatists were bombed. The police command employed two Cobra jet fighters that are still intensively bombing camps of the separatists Yesterday, Turkey welcomed a raid by U.S. and Iraqi forces on a refugee camp of Turkish Kurds in northern Iraq as a first step towards combating Kurdish rebels, but insisted the camp must be shut down.

Iraqi and U.S. troops conducted a search operation earlier at the Makhmur refugee camp in northern Iraq, which Ankara has long argued provides a safe haven for militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Ankara has been urging U.S. forces to crack down on the Turkish Kurd PKK rebels, who use Kurdish northern Iraq as a base.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Where's the earlier article about Kurds moving soldiers to Bagdad?

Seems strange to attack a set of allies.
Were they enrolled in the Bagdad occupation to diminish their forces?

Who's watching the ones in Bagdad?
Posted by: Skidmark || 01/20/2007 2:09 Comments || Top||

#2  What the hell is a "Cobra jet fighter"?
Posted by: Parabellum || 01/20/2007 9:58 Comments || Top||

#3  What the hell is a "Cobra jet fighter"?

This is probably a G.I. Joe reference. It means the Turks are in league with the bad guys.
Posted by: SteveS || 01/20/2007 10:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Probably simply the general stupidity of the media worldwide when it comes to military equipment : the US has supplied the Turks with Cobra attack helicopters and F-16s. So, some dumbassed reporter reports CAS by combining the two very different aircraft, giving a really cool tag name to run with.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 01/20/2007 16:19 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
US lawmakers seek to bar attack on Iran
We had this yesterday, too, but it's worthy of at least a couple days' discussion.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the US House of Representatives pushed legislation on Thursday to prohibit a US attack on Iran without congressional permission. The effort, led by Rep Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican who in 2005 joined calls from many Democrats for a phased US withdrawal from the Iraq war, came as lawmakers voiced concerns the Bush administration might provoke a confrontation with neighbouring Iran. “The resolution makes crystal clear that no previous resolution passed by Congress” authorises a US attack on Iran, Jones told reporters, referring to the 2002 vote by Congress authorising the US invasion of Iraq.

The joint resolution would have to be passed by the House and Senate and signed by President George W Bush to acquire the force of law. It would waive the congressional authorisation only if Iran attacked the United States or its armed forces, or if such an attack was “demonstrably” imminent. So far, Jones’ resolution has 11 co-sponsors in the 435-member House.

At the White House, Bush, asked whether there were any US plans to take action against Iran, told Sinclair Broadcasting: “I have made it clear that if they’re moving weapons inside Iraq that will hurt the cause of democracy and more particularly hurt our soldiers, we’ll take care of business there. We’re not going to let them. I made that abundantly clear the other day in my speech.”

Bush’s comment echoed remarks last week when he accused Iran and Syria of allowing the use of their territory for launching attacks inside Iraq. The White House has since made clear the plan was to disrupt weapons supply lines inside Iraq and that the United States was not preparing for military action against Iran or Syria.

Rep Martin Meehan, a Massachusetts Democrat, said that while he did not trust Iran or its intentions in the Middle East, he also did not trust the White House. Meehan said the resolution on Iran was needed because the Bush administration had “lied so many times” in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  IOW, iff Radical Iran is acknowledged by the USA + many world nations as the principal sponsor/
broker of Radical Islamist terror, then the US Dems are agz stopping anti-US, anti-Western, + anti-Democratic, etc. Iranian ambitions as achieved = enhanced thru terror. The Dems are indir? contributing to the further endangerment of our troops while also for the prolongment of the sufferings of the Iraqi people thru Iran-centric, Iran-led, inter-Muslim sectarianism within Iraq. OH YEAH, THAT'LL HELP THE DEMS WIN THE WH IN 2008.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/20/2007 0:12 Comments || Top||

#2  That's it in nutshell Joe.

The Democrats have bet their future on us losing, and losing big in the WOT. The more dead American soldiers for them to parade the better. They hope to win by showing the WOT as a disaster of epic porportions (and not by having any sort of plan themselves....).

They know that if Iran gets nukes and takes out Tel-aviv (which DinnerJacket has sworn he would do) they can simply blame bush'es failed policies.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 01/20/2007 0:28 Comments || Top||

#3  This is the Donks idea of a preemption doctrine.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 0:33 Comments || Top||

#4  Don't do anything but they have no ideas on what should be done.

Oh, and by the way, the commander in chief can take any action deemed warranted short of declaring war. The CIC does need to go to Congress for a sustained war effort.
Posted by: Captain America || 01/20/2007 1:18 Comments || Top||

#5  Perhaps, W has reconsidered "Negotiating" with Iran (Aryan) after all.
Posted by: doc || 01/20/2007 9:37 Comments || Top||

#6  From Docs link.

Although Iranian government officials said no negotiations with the U.S. had been scheduled, Mr. Bush described the talks as a “unilateral diplomatic initiative that will be under way before they know it.”

I really have to stop in at ScrappleFace more often.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 11:57 Comments || Top||

#7  Meehan said the resolution on Iran was needed because the Bush administration had “lied so many times”

...and you'd know lies when you saw them, wouldn't you Mr. Term Limits?
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/20/2007 12:00 Comments || Top||

#8  I think it's about time to declare war on the idiocy that is Washington, DC. What is it with these idiots? Is there LSD in the local water supply? Is someone smoking pot commercially in the House and Senate office buildings, and pumping it through the ventilation system? This is just plain stupid, cubed.

Tom Tancredo's running for president. He's beginning to look more and more appealing with every word that comes out of DC. I know he doesn't have a snowball's chance, but at least he STANDS FOR SOMETHING, instead of standing AGAINST everything intelligent.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:18 Comments || Top||

#9  OP: Some have called for a Ron Paul/Tom Tancredo ticket. Paul's a little out there to me (Libertarian), but Tancredo's basically the only one calling the shots on illegal immigrations that EVERY farkin' citizen in the U.S. has asked for! I'm all behind him makin' a BIG fuss over illegal immigration.

And, I don't get why Walter ("Cooter" from Dukes of Hazzard fame) Jones is sponsoring this. I (somewhat) understand it in terms of the Constitutional aspect of declaring war, but we haven't done that *officially* since WWII, have we?
Posted by: BA || 01/20/2007 20:55 Comments || Top||

Army fired laser-guided missiles in Waziristan
Pakistan used laser-guided precision missiles in Tuesday’s pre-dawn airstrike on three houses in which eight people were killed, as bereaved families rejected the government’s claim that the presence of foreign militants had led to the attack. The residents of Kot Kalay in northeast South Waziristan showed a group of journalists on Friday an unexploded 500-pound missile that had pierced through a rooftop and went four feet into the ground. The provenance of the missiles wasn’t clear.

Military spokesman Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan told Daily Times over the telephone from Islamabad that laser-guided precision missiles had been used in the attack. “We fired the missiles from fighter aircraft. This is not the first time we have used this weapon,” he said. However, it is the first time the military has acknowledged using laser-guided precision weapons against militants in Waziristan. Sultan said that three out of five missiles had failed to explode because of “possible technical malfunction”. He said the military would make efforts at some stage to recover the unexploded missiles.
Another case of Inshallah Maintenance™?
“Five missiles were fired from the north and then four helicopters appeared from the same direction and opened fire on the people,” Muhammad Sharif, a medical technician, told reporters. Sharif, who said he had witnessed the entire incident, said the helicopters kept firing on people who were running towards the forest for cover. The three houses – one completely destroyed and the other two partially damaged – are situated at a considerable distance from Kot Kalay, near the forest. Residents said that woodcutters used the houses. Pro-Taliban militants led by Baitullah Mehsud had organised the journalists’ visit to the area.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Safe guess these are Chinese missiles?
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 0:59 Comments || Top||

#2  good thing that Medical Technician™ was there to witness the whole thing. Was his wife Morgan Fairchild there with him?
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 1:16 Comments || Top||

#3  60% failure rate? Jeez, where did the Pakis get these missiles from, Wiley Coyote's garage sale? The US switched a major weapons contract due to one manufacturer having a 2% failure rate on cluster munitions, and the Pakis can live with 60%?
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 01/20/2007 2:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Made in China or the "Former U.S.S.R."
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 01/20/2007 3:27 Comments || Top||

#5  Bet the bombs were fine until someone with a good heart gave the explosive element to the Widows Ammo Fund.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2007 5:48 Comments || Top||

#6  The residents of Kot Kalay in northeast South Waziristan showed a group of journalists on Friday an unexploded 500-pound missile that had pierced through a rooftop and went four feet into the ground. The provenance of the missiles wasn’t clear.

No, they didn't. Let's see if we can figure out what was really dropped there, shall we?
First of all, we can pretty much rule out that the press has identified this thing properly at all. Missiles explode on impact- if the fuze doesn't work, unburned rocket fuel DOES. They are also fairly lightly built, so they don't survive an impact and then four feet of penetration into the Earth.
Bombs are another matter entirely. Even the most basic 500 pounders have a thick steel case that, if the fuze doesn't explode, will allow the weapon to survive impact and bury itself fairly deep - and I believe what we're seeing here is a Pakistani laser guided bomb, probably a Chinese LT series. We've never given the Pakis LGB technology for fear they'd use it on the Indians.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 01/20/2007 8:27 Comments || Top||

#7  Rantburg U rulez! Just wait 'til I drop that little tidbit into a dinner party conversation! ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 10:43 Comments || Top||


Here's the untouched picture, grabbed from Pak Daily Times, with the "missile." Assuming it's not just a file foto of a generic incident:
  • It's not a "500 lb missile." It's a bomb, and not 500 lb.
  • The bomb didn't go off. It's what's known in the trade as a "dud."
  • The village is populated by turban-wearing geniuses who tied a rope around one end of the dud and hauled it out of the hole to have a look at it.
  • The turban-wearing geniuses aren't aware of the fact that just because a dud didn't go off that doesn't mean it won't go off. So they're all posing for a nice group foto.
  • The next step is to try and pry the fuze out of the nose to present to the local satrap or holy man as a souvenir. These things go on pretty tight, so they'll probably have to use a cold chisel and a claw hammer to get if off.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 10:45 Comments || Top||

#9  :-) Darwin's law - demonstrated just so!
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 10:47 Comments || Top||

  • They're Muslims, so nobody will say "Here, hold my beer!"
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 10:49 Comments || Top||

#11  they'll probably have to use a cold chisel and a claw hammer to get it (the fuse) off.

Quicker to use a cutting torch, Ima thinking. Inshallah!
Posted by: SteveS || 01/20/2007 10:49 Comments || Top||

#12  Made in China, operated by Pak mules...it's a wonder that 2 out of 10 functioned at all, let alone hit the target.
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 01/20/2007 12:14 Comments || Top||

#13  Fred-

Thanks for the pic! Looks very much indeed like a Mk82 500lb GP bomb, an old and beloved companion of my misspent youth, but the Chinese have long produced -82 and Mk84 clones. From the looks of it, the weapon is tail fuzed, which is often the case with PGMs. A point that 'Burgers may find interesting and that may have some bearing on this is that for many years, the Soviets Russians and Chinese made many of their weapons and assorted fittings/parts to fit US weapons. One of the more unusual things I saw in my career was while examining a MiG-27 with fuselage racks made in the USSR - but that could quickly and easily be adjusted to carry US weapons. I was told at the time that that this was how the bird had come from its source. Given that the Pakis (like most Third World countries) often want the firepower without the expense, they may have just bought the LGB guidance and fuzing kits and MADE them fit. OTOH, if that's a Chinese weapon and/or guidance/fuzing, their QC has always sucked rather badly - it's income first, reliability second because they know that if the stuff doesn't work, the users will blame their own troops first.
And yes, the deely-boppers in the pic have NO idea what they're messing with. I'm guessing a work accident is imminent.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 01/20/2007 12:18 Comments || Top||

#14  Further to Mike's point, I recall a discussion long ago about Russian artillery. The Russians waited until US/NATO finalised their caliber then set there own caliber at 1 millimeter larger. So a Russian gun could fire captured Western shells, although with a loose fit, but not the other way around. A major selling point for third party arms sales. I always wondered if this was true.
Posted by: Grunter || 01/20/2007 13:27 Comments || Top||

#15  That has got to be horrible for the life of the barrel.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 14:07 Comments || Top||

#16  Grunter - it's true. What's not well-known is that NATO didn't want to use Russian equipment because so much of it killed its operators. Rather something in limited supply that worked CONSISTENTLY than something available in plenty but that worked, but not well.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:23 Comments || Top||

#17  Pakistan is not listed as current user of the GBU-12 or any of the other US LBGs that I could find, but their F-16s have the French ATLIS Laser designator that is compatible with US LBGs. Can't really tell from that angle the size but it has the shape of the Mk-82 500 pounder (or clone) but not the 1000 and 2000 lb US Mk-83&84 nor the Chinese LT-2. Could be the Pakistanis received some early deliveries of GBU-12 units from the latest US arms package or illegally by other means and mated it with an old Mk-82 bomb body.

In Oct 2006, Pakistan's buy of new F-16s was finalized. Included in that was:
500 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Guidance Kits: GBU-31/38 Guided Bomb Unit (GBU) kits
1,600 Enhanced-GBU-12/24 GBUs
800 MK-82 500 pound General Purpose (GP) and MK-84 2,000 pound GP bombs
700 BLU-109 2,000 pound bunker-buster bombs with the FMU-143 Fuse
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2007 15:32 Comments || Top||

#18  As the story goes, the Soviets anticipated using captured NATO ammo after surging through Fulda, which is why so many of their systems are compatible.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/20/2007 15:46 Comments || Top||

#19  Are y'all sure about that tailo fuse thingy? That end closest to those of us a safe distance away looks to my like a nose fuse prpeller thingy. I am not an Ordy, but have seen enough to know that when the bomb is released the arming wire stays with the airplane and then the little prop starts spinning, and when it reaches the right number of revolutions its live.
Regarding the NATO / USSR comments: compatibilty was not limited to just ordanance: a lot of aircraft ground support equipment and a/c fuel pressure nozzles / receptacles were also designed by the Russians to utilize captured NATO . US stuff, but not the other way around.
Posted by: USN, ret. || 01/20/2007 16:05 Comments || Top||

#20  I'm betting AcmeNoKo.
Posted by: doc || 01/20/2007 17:43 Comments || Top||

#21  USN-
Sir, definitely not a nose fuze. It looks more like the remains of the laser guidance unit after it hit.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 01/20/2007 18:38 Comments || Top||

#22  Difficult to tell where it's fuzed. Time to examine that rascal. Fetch the ToolKit Manolo!
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2007 18:42 Comments || Top||

#23  Facing the camera is the bomb body's tail section where the fin kit screws on.
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2007 18:59 Comments || Top||

#24  Northeast South Waziristan. I'm glad I'll never know exactly where that is.
Posted by: Unique Battle || 01/20/2007 23:45 Comments || Top||

20 U.S. service members killed in Iraq
At least 20 American service personnel were killed in military operations Saturday in one of the deadliest days for U.S. forces since the Iraq war began, and authorities also announced two U.S. combat deaths from the previous day.

The day's worst loss came from the crash of a U.S. Army helicopter northeast of Baghdad that killed 13 service members. An attack Saturday night blamed on militiamen in the city of Karbala killed five soldiers. Roadside bombs killed another soldier in the capital and one in Nineveh province north of Baghdad.

The military gave little information on the crash of the Black Hawk during good weather in Diyala province, where U.S. and Iraqi forces have been battling Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias around the city of Baqouba for months.

Lt. Col. Josslyn Aberle, a U.S. spokeswoman, said the cause of the crash had not been determined. Navy Capt. Frank Pascual, a member of a U.S. media relations team in the United Arab Emirates, told Al-Arabiya television that the helicopter was believed to have suffered technical troubles before going down.

It was the fourth deadliest crash since the war started in March 2003. The worst occurred Jan. 26, 2005, when a Marine transport helicopter went down during a sandstorm in the western desert. Thirty Marines and one sailor were killed — the most U.S. personnel to die in a single incident in Iraq.

The U.S. military later reported that militia fighters attacked a provincial headquarters in the Shiite Muslim holy city of Karbala, killing five American soldiers and wounding three Saturday night.

The statement said "an illegally armed militia group" attacked the building with grenades, small arms and "indirect fire," which usually means mortars or rockets. "A meeting was taking place at the time of the attack to ensure the security of Shiite pilgrims participating in the Ashoura commemorations," said a statement from Brig. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, deputy commander of the Multi-National Division-Baghdad.
Rest at link.
Posted by: ed || 01/20/2007 19:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A bad day. Rest in peace with our gratitude for your loyal service.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 19:47 Comments || Top||

#2  And that sound you hear - the one that doesn't sound like normal people grieving - is the Lefties and the Donks (but I repeat myself) celebrating as they calculate all the ways they can use this against the hated BusHitler. *spit*

Rest in peace, gentle souls. You have served you country well.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/20/2007 19:53 Comments || Top||

#3  May they all now know the peace that passes all understanding.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 01/20/2007 20:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Yeah, the crocodile tears were flowing on NBC News tonight.

Of more importance, and recognized by NBC, was the deadly militia (Mahdi Army, probably) attack on US forces trying to arrange security for pilgrims. Gives us an excuse to take the gloves off.
Posted by: KBK || 01/20/2007 20:07 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Chenter Unimp7361 || 01/20/2007 20:21 Comments || Top||

#6  dittos Barbara. RIP
Posted by: RD || 01/20/2007 20:57 Comments || Top||

#7  Very well (and succinctly) stated, NS. The Peace that passes all understanding will guard those who know him. I pray for their families and loved ones too.
Posted by: BA || 01/20/2007 21:06 Comments || Top||

#8  God bless them and their families.

Time to send this militia group to hell.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 01/20/2007 21:06 Comments || Top||

#9  AP reports that:
In the Shiite holy city of Karbala, U.S. troops raided the headquarters of the provincial government looking for wanted gunmen but left with no prisoners, Gov. Akeel al-Khazaali said. The Americans used stun grenades, which led neighbors to report the building was under mortar attack, he said.
The attack on the Provincial Joint Coordination Center was probably in retaliation.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 01/20/2007 21:25 Comments || Top||

#10  The Wall Street Journal and other pundits want to play the Shiite card. I would force feed these morons with images of Karbalite pilgrims hacking themselves with knives, or self flagellating with chains. Pick the Sunnis, and they will turn on their own beheaders, once they have the opportunity. In any case, if the new Mahdi Army presence is not removed from the environs of Baghdad Airport, then that city cannot be made secure.
Posted by: Sneaze Shaiting3550 || 01/20/2007 21:38 Comments || Top||

#11  Crush Sunnis First, Sneaze. The Shi'ite problem will be far easier (in the security area), more than anything because as they've shown the last 3 years they utterly lack the skills, organization, and spirit that made the Sunnis dominant. Oh, Crush Shi'a Trouble-makers Second ....
Posted by: Verlaine || 01/20/2007 22:32 Comments || Top||

#12  I don't think there can be much time between the assault on the Sunni and the assault on the Shia. It would be nice to avoid looking like we are just going after the minority. Besides that, once the Sunni start calming down, the Shia will know its coming soon. Better to drill 'em when the don't know its coming.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 22:51 Comments || Top||

#13  what TW said
Posted by: liberalhawk || 01/20/2007 23:19 Comments || Top||

Militants attack mosque in south Baghdad
(KUNA) -- Unknown gunmen attacked a Shiite holy site in south Baghdad on Friday, leaving three guards killed or injured, Iraqi police sources said. A security source at the Iraqi Interior Ministry told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that unidentified militants attacked the Shiite Al-Sadreen Mosque in the Street 60 at Dawra in south Baghdad, killing two guards and wounding another, before detonating bomb explosives there.

Meanwhile, a chief Iraqi tourism official was assassinated in front of his house in Baghdad Friday morning, an Iraqi police source said.

Trucks carrying supplies to the US army in Iraq came under an armed attack near Al-Mushaheda in north Baghdad, an Iraqi police source said, pointing out that a truck driver was kidnapped by militants during the attack.

In the meantime, unknown gunmen killed a mosque imam in Kirkuk, while a Kurdish Peshmerga fighter was killed and two others were injured in a bomb explosion near Irbil in north Iraq.

An Iraqi police source told KUNA that militants shot dead a mosque imam in Al-Orouba in Kirkuk. In a related development, a chief Iraqi army officer escaped an attempt on his life when his convoy came under a bomb attack on the Al-Rashad-Kirkuk road, southwest of Kirkuk, the source said, noting that only one vehicle was slightly damaged in the attack, but no casualties were reported.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

U.S. military accuses Iraqi officials of smuggling explosives
(KUNA) -- Two officials in the Iraqi province of Wasit, near the borders with Iran, were accused of smuggling weapons into the country, said the U.S. military on Friday The statement by the military indicated that the Wasit council officials were arrested on Tuesday after the Iraqi army and Multi-National Force (MNF) received information from the intelligence regarding the official's illegal operations.

The arrest operation ended up with no casualties sustained by the Iraqi forces or MNF troops, the statement concluded. An Iraqi security source told KUNA that the two officials were members of the Supreme council for Islamic revolution in Iraq headed by Abdulaziz Al-Hakim. On this account, Wasit regional council would put into hiatus until the officials were released.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  More seeds on display in Iraq. This is getting good.
Posted by: Mike N. || 01/20/2007 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  building the case, and exposing thr Iraqis who've sold their country out to their Mullah masters
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 0:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Whassup in Wasit?
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 01/20/2007 2:02 Comments || Top||

#4  Oh, SCIRI people.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 5:44 Comments || Top||

#5  WASIT all about, Al-Maliki?
Posted by: doc || 01/20/2007 9:39 Comments || Top||

#6  We are finally playing to win. YES!
Posted by: C-Low || 01/20/2007 9:40 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Daffy doorknob dead
The leader of the Philippines' most violent Muslim militant group is
really most sincerely
dead, military chief Hermogenes Esperon said on Saturday. He said U.S. forensic tests on a decomposing body found last month on the island of Jolo have confirmed the dead man was Khaddafy Janjalani, the most wanted man in the country with a $5 million U.S. bounty on his head. Janjalani is was on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's list of most wanted terrorists after being indicted by a U.S. court for the kidnap and killing of American missionary Martin Burnham in 2002. The Abu Sayyaf claimed responsibility for the Philippines' worst terror attack in February 2004 when a bomb crippled a ferry near Manila, killing more than 100 people.
Posted by: Gromogum Elmereter5708 || 01/20/2007 01:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He's pining for the fijords.

(They have fijords in the Philippines? Who knew?)
Posted by: Mike || 01/20/2007 8:49 Comments || Top||

#2  I kinda like the deader's All-Pro spitting gap...
Posted by: Raj || 01/20/2007 10:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Esperon's not smiling because his brib funds just dried with KJ's death.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 01/20/2007 10:29 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Lanka captures eastern town
Sri Lanka’s military said it captured a strategic rebel-held town in the island’s restive east on Friday as more than 10,000 refugees fled the area and Tamil Tiger rebels withdrew. The capture of the town of Vakarai around 150 miles northeast of Colombo comes after weeks of fighting between the Tigers and the military. Some on foot, others on tractors, the refugees left the rebel-held town of Vakarai on the island’s northeast coast at dawn and were heading south towards government-held territory a few miles away, some carrying white flags.

“Some of the people are making their way down the coast, others are coming through jungle in vehicles,” Selvaraj Jeyaraj, project coordinator for the Italian Red Cross, told Reuters by telephone from Batticaloa.

Sri Lanka’s military said earlier that government forces killed nine Tamil separatists in the latest clash on Friday between the two sides. Deputy Military spokesman Maj Upali Rajapakse said the pre-emptive strike against the Tamils was conducted as they were preparing to attack army troops in Batticaloa.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds like the Sri Lankans have given up on a "Tamil peace process" and decided to impose peace by themselves. If it works, go for it.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:27 Comments || Top||

Iran to start assembling centrifuges
Iran is ready to start assembling 3,000 centrifuges to produce enriched uranium - a possible pathway to nuclear arms - after finishing most preliminary work on an underground facility housing such machines, a diplomat and a UN official said Thursday. The two - who demanded anonymity in exchange for divulging confidential information - said much, but not all of the hardware needed for the installation of the centrifuges was now in place at the Natanz facility designated to house Teheran's industrial-scale enrichment program.
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The world prays for a cascade of mechanical misadventures in Iran.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 01/20/2007 2:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Those prayers would probably work if those doing the praying have as established a track record as I do. However, I doubt it: "When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" He'll find believers for sure, but being saved and being effective in prayer are NOT the same thing. When it comes to praying for God to kill people and break stuff, well, the guys in turbans are the ones who have more faith that Allah would do that than Christians. A misplaced faith that yields nothing, IMHO, which is why the Turbans don't kick back and expect Allah to do it, but instead engage in making their "prayers" come true. Mohammed was certainly evil when he constructed his "religion", but the fools in early Islam were the followers, not the leader.

I've got the outline of a protocol that might prove effective, but past experience indicates that it will definitely need polishing. This means actually targeting a specific individual rather than a centralized organization, AND to make things easy, I believe this individual has to be a jew hater. These constraints lead me to being stuck, since there are a LOT of assholes out there to choose from. Jimmy Carter? Amini-nutjob?
Posted by: Ptah || 01/20/2007 7:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Anguper Hupomosing9418
There is a story about an old Jew who's been all praying his life to win a lottery . Finaly, G*d had enough and told him "Meet me halfway, buy a ticket"
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/20/2007 7:32 Comments || Top||

#4  I meant praying all his life.
Posted by: gromgoru || 01/20/2007 7:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Iran buys centifuges. Iran assembles centrifuges. Is it going to use them???
What a suspense!
Posted by: SwissTex || 01/20/2007 9:05 Comments || Top||

#6  Ptah, can you pray that the unnamed mechanic who wields the screwdriver to assemble the bloody things is consistently one twist too short?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 10:47 Comments || Top||

#7  LOL Grom, fine example of Zionist self-ethnic deprecating humour.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/20/2007 11:25 Comments || Top||

#8  These types of centrifuges spin incredably fast.Just a teensy weensy missalignement and they fly apart.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/20/2007 14:16 Comments || Top||

#9  And UF6 leaking all around is no clam bake, either.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 01/20/2007 14:55 Comments || Top||

#10  Pray for large earthquakes and "great movement of the firmament". Sooner or later, God will answer your prayers. Geomorphology is a tough subject if all you ever read is the Koran. A nice 9.3 at Isfahan would do wonders.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 15:31 Comments || Top||

#11  ...and the donks wanna sit on their asses and let it happen...
Posted by: Elmereter Hupash6222 || 01/20/2007 18:12 Comments || Top||

#12  "and the donks wanna sit on their asses and let it happen..."

Now, now, #11 EH - let's give the DemocRats their due.

Many of them want to help it happen.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/20/2007 19:28 Comments || Top||

#13  If these centirfuges are not protected to the nth degree by surge protectors a surge in electrical power is enough to disrupt their centifrigal momentum. Hit the power source and the problem solves itself.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/20/2007 19:52 Comments || Top||

Good morning.
CCTV tape shows plot accused buying bomb ingredientsSomalia: Another warlord lays down weaponsSomalia: Explosions rock the capitalMilitants attack mosque in south BaghdadOmar-in-Quetta story refuses to dieArmy fired laser-guided missiles in WaziristanNasrallah predicts Olmert and Peretz will also resign'Fake documents have landed 1,264 Pakistanis in foreign prisons'
Posted by: Fred || 01/20/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  sunny side up, slightly hard, please
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 0:14 Comments || Top||

#2  I thought the saying was naked as a jay bird
Posted by: Jan || 01/20/2007 0:18 Comments || Top||

#3  When the boss sez it's eggs, then eggs it shall be.
Posted by: Seafarious || 01/20/2007 0:26 Comments || Top||

#4  ;)
a which came first moment
Posted by: Jan || 01/20/2007 0:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Susan Hayward was also: crazy as a loon. Speaking of crazy: check out blowed-up Roger Daltrey (The Who) on the Smothers' Brothers Show (1967).
Won't get fooled again.
Posted by: Sneaze Shaiting3550 || 01/20/2007 0:31 Comments || Top||

#6  nahhh The Who were awesome, Daltrey fine, Keith Moon, now....that was some "teh crazy"
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 0:37 Comments || Top||

#7  watching that video Daltrey hadn't yet started swinging the microphone around much yet
Posted by: Jan || 01/20/2007 0:41 Comments || Top||

#8  She has skinny elbows. She is way beyond my standards.
Posted by: Thoth || 01/20/2007 1:07 Comments || Top||

#9  errr..."below" my standards.

/I was probably right the first time. :/
Posted by: Thoth || 01/20/2007 1:08 Comments || Top||

#10  Walls. Why do they hate us!
Posted by: Skidmark || 01/20/2007 2:45 Comments || Top||

#11  Take comfort, Skidmark, it's only a little folding screen; you could probably knock it over with an accidental flying elbow. ;-)

My vote for snark of the month:
In a rare instance of Israeli-Hezbollah-Rantburg unanimity
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/20/2007 5:39 Comments || Top||

Defender Srimitar and the Times-Picayune

In rare instance Iraeili-Hezbollah-Rantburg unaminity; Lieberman notes that 'Peretz is an Idiot'.

when the moon is in Aquarius hits your eye like a biga pizza pie it's the morning..


Susan Hayward

AM, "Over easy Suz"
Posted by: RD || 01/20/2007 5:59 Comments || Top||

#13  Nuttin' better than to wake up to three jugs in da mornin'.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 01/20/2007 7:49 Comments || Top||

Posted by: pioneerrr || 01/20/2007 10:13 Comments || Top||

#15  X-ray vision, don't fail me now!
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/20/2007 14:35 Comments || Top||

#16  crazy as a loon.

Crazy is OK for a little while. At least until the stabbing/shooting starts.
Posted by: SteveS || 01/20/2007 15:07 Comments || Top||

#17  yep. it's all fun and games til somebody loses an eye
Posted by: Frank G || 01/20/2007 15:09 Comments || Top||

#18  Hi all!
Sorry, this is my test the internet ; moderate: please remove this topic. Sorry for your time.
Good luck!
this test
Posted by: pioneerrr || 01/20/2007 10:13 Comments || Top||

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  Tater aide arrested in Baghdad
Thu 2007-01-18
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Wed 2007-01-17
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Tue 2007-01-16
  Yemen kills al-Qaeda fugitive
Mon 2007-01-15
  Barzan and al-Bandar hanged; Barzan's head pops off
Sun 2007-01-14
  Somalia: Lawmakers impose martial law
Sat 2007-01-13
  Last Somali Islamist base falls
Fri 2007-01-12
  Two US aircraft carrier groups plus Patriot missile bn planned for ME
Thu 2007-01-11
  US Warships picking up Al-Q hardboyz at sea
Wed 2007-01-10
  Troop Surge Already Under Way
Tue 2007-01-09
  Major battle on Haifa street in Baghdad
Mon 2007-01-08
  US Gunship Hits Al-Qaeda In Somalia
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  Iraqi Papers Sunday: Iranian Coup Plot Foiled?
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