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Good Morning

Dem education official refuses to enforce Washington's Parents' Bill of Rights, claims students should be able to keep gender identity secret
Friday 06/07/2024

Maude Fealy 8860
Africa Horn
RSF assassinates journalist
and family members in Khartoum suburb
Africa Horn
Fighting intensifies in El Fasher
as Sudanese army airdrops supplies,
Hezbollah 'dealing seriously'
with Israeli threats, mobilizes fighters
Africa Horn
Somali Military Court Executes
Three Men for Murder of Two Brothers
Hamas demands permanent end to Gaza war
Hezbollah kills one Israeli soldier in cross-border clash
Pantsless Florida man in ladies blouse crashes car into jail to 'kill everyone,' says devil made him do it

Posted by:Fred

#5  National Donut Day 2024: Here's where to save some 'dough' on donuts
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-07 06:55  

#4  Sez Maude…
Posted by: Ululating Platypus   2024-06-07 06:19  

#3  â€œAs for cheerfulness, it’s the greatest tonic in the world “
Posted by: Ululating Platypus   2024-06-07 04:16  

#2  Never mind the knives, hide the ax!

Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance   2024-06-07 01:16  

#1  Hide the knives!
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-07 00:09  
