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2024-06-07 Government Corruption
Dem education official refuses to enforce Washington's Parents' Bill of Rights, claims students should be able to keep gender identity secret
[THEPOSTMILLENNIAL] Washington’s Superintendent of Public Instruction has refused to enforce parts of a Parents' Bill of Rights that passed the Washington Legislature with bipartisan support in March. The initiative had garnered hundreds of thousands of signatures from Washingtonians. The reason for the refusal is to aid students in keeping gender identity secret from their parents.

Initiative 2081 emphasizes, and in some cases augments, rights already granted to parents under state and federal law but does not change them. The law requires schools to notify parents before medical services are offered to their child, except in emergencies, as well as of medical treatment arranged by the school. The law also gives parents the right to review their child’s medical and counseling records and expands when parents can opt their child out of sex education classes.

The bill came before the legislature after hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians signed the parental rights initiative backed by the citizen action group Let’s Go Washington.

Despite the bipartisan passage of the bill, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, along with other groups, challenged the law, claiming that it violated the state Constitution, which requires new laws not to revise or revoke old laws without stating so. On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Commissioner Mark Hillman ruled against the ACLU and said the challengers to the law didn’t show that it would create imminent harm necessary to warrant blocking it until a trial court judge can consider it, according to KSTP.

In response to the ruling, Washington’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal announced that he will not be enforcing parts of the law.

On Wednesday, Reykdal claimed that the bill could violate student privacy rights and announced that the contested parts of the law by the ACLU and others wouldn’t be enforced. Reykdal said in a statement, "The initiative states that parents and legal guardians have the right to inspect their child’s public school records."
Posted by Fred 2024-06-07 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [91 views ]  Top

#1 Then resign, asshole
Posted by Frank G 2024-06-07 11:51||   2024-06-07 11:51|| Front Page Top

#2 Sounds like grounds for termination when you refuse to enforce applicable laws. Fuck with his pension as well.
Posted by Raj 2024-06-07 12:11||   2024-06-07 12:11|| Front Page Top

#3 Custodial Interference

Strip away the guy's immunity.
Posted by CrazyFool in Texas 2024-06-07 23:02||   2024-06-07 23:02|| Front Page Top

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