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2024-07-27 -Lurid Crime Tales-
America's most dangerous mountain, where Mexican cartels now have TOTAL control: 'It's like a scene from Sicario
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Posted by Skidmark 2024-07-27 09:35|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [9653 views ]  Top
 File under: Human Trafficking 

#1 Where's the 10th Mountain Division?
Posted by Skidmark 2024-07-27 09:37||   2024-07-27 09:37|| Front Page Top

#2 There's never an Inquisition when you need one...
Posted by Mercutio 2024-07-27 13:52||   2024-07-27 13:52|| Front Page Top

#3 #1 Fort Bliss, next door at El Paso, has the 1st Armored Division.

Wouldn't take much on the Executive to declare the first 3 miles from the border in unincorporated land to be a military zone, then move the necessary force in.
Posted by Procopius2k 2024-07-27 17:07||   2024-07-27 17:07|| Front Page Top

#4 The Texas Army National Guard now has the 3rd Squadron, 278 Armored Cavalry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division based at Fort Hood, Texas.

Gov Abbott should notify National Guard Bureau that he is mobilizing elements of the Squadron in a State Active Duty Status, and put A and B Troops (the ground combat elements) in support of the US Border Patrol to restore order and clear the area. M1A1 Abrahms and Bradly Fighting Vehicles will solve this in an afternoon. Posse Commitatus issues become moot as such activation is strictly governed by state law not federal and the restrictions of Title 10 US Code do not apply. The L.A. Riots give ample proof of how the military support to civil authority role of the Guard is effective in such cases.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2024-07-27 20:08||   2024-07-27 20:08|| Front Page Top

#5 *happy sigh* If only the big generals were clever enough to read Rantburg!
Posted by trailing wife 2024-07-27 23:05||   2024-07-27 23:05|| Front Page Top

23:52 DarthVader
23:51 DarthVader
23:49 DarthVader
23:49 Omeath Spaling8608
23:46 DarthVader
23:45 DarthVader
23:24 Elmerert Hupens2660
23:05 trailing wife
22:55 Pancho Poodle 8452
22:47 Pancho Poodle8452
22:15 ACA JOE
21:32 Frank G
21:29 Airandee
21:27 Frank G
21:26 Omeath Spaling8608
21:22 Frank G
20:36 NN2N1
20:08 NoMoreBS
20:03 49 Pan
20:03 Pancho Poodle8452
20:03 Skidmark
20:01 Skidmark
20:01 49 Pan
20:00 49 Pan

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