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2024-07-27 Europe
‘Degeneracy': Barely Clothed, Bearded Drag Queen Dances Seductively at Paris' Olympic Opening Ceremony
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Posted by Skidmark 2024-07-27 07:18|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [9649 views ]  Top

#1 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Recreates 'Last Supper' with Drag Queens & Trans Performers
Posted by Skidmark 2024-07-27 07:21||   2024-07-27 07:21|| Front Page Top

#2 There was nothing Olympic in the play, except the size of that dude. And since they were all in in inclusion I saw they had a young boy up there, I guess France and the Olympic committee support man boy love these days!
Posted by 49 Pan 2024-07-27 13:47||   2024-07-27 13:47|| Front Page Top

#3 ...seductively...
I do not think that word means what you think it means...
Posted by Mercutio 2024-07-27 13:50||   2024-07-27 13:50|| Front Page Top

#4 @#1: M*A*S*H did it first!

Posted by Anomalous Sources 2024-07-27 17:24||   2024-07-27 17:24|| Front Page Top

#5 Off the "no ALA people read Rantburg anyway" pile...

Librarian Xan had a plan
That was cryptic, elliptic, and ran,
In bland binding, [rude nudes]
"Expose kids to trans dudes."
After parents took years
To decode it, poor dears...
"It's a fookbook," they mooed! [To Perve Man]
Posted by Pancho Poodle8452 2024-07-27 18:23||   2024-07-27 18:23|| Front Page Top

#6 ^ Well played, sir! *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap*
Posted by SteveS 2024-07-27 18:52||   2024-07-27 18:52|| Front Page Top

23:52 DarthVader
23:51 DarthVader
23:49 DarthVader
23:49 Omeath Spaling8608
23:46 DarthVader
23:45 DarthVader
23:24 Elmerert Hupens2660
23:05 trailing wife
22:55 Pancho Poodle 8452
22:47 Pancho Poodle8452
22:15 ACA JOE
21:32 Frank G
21:29 Airandee
21:27 Frank G
21:26 Omeath Spaling8608
21:22 Frank G
20:36 NN2N1
20:08 NoMoreBS
20:03 49 Pan
20:03 Pancho Poodle8452
20:03 Skidmark
20:01 Skidmark
20:01 49 Pan
20:00 49 Pan

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