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2024-07-27 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
No, we're not all hostages; there are only 115 of them
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Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-07-27 02:58|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [9646 views ]  Top

Amazing how The Main Stream Media, now more like National Socialist-Democrat anti-Semitic mouthpieces. Have flipped the Hamas Terrorist genocidal attack, of murder, torture, rape and hostage taking. Into Israel being the bad person. Because, Israel had decided no more constant "tit-for-tat" attack efforts. But to eliminate a genocidal a well funded and supported terrorist group like Hamas and recover the civilian hostages, or at least their bodies.

QUESTION:What if a Terrorist group, say, seized the CNN, MS-NBC buildings, or say just The View?

Would the other Liberal Media outlets or the Democrat Party vilify CNN, MS-NBC or The View's Owners for rescuing their people and seeking out and eliminating the terrorists to free their people?

We must remember Gaza is not innocent.
* A 100+ miles of tunnels did not get dug overnight and go unreported for years.
* 1000's of Genocidal Terrorists did not get fed, armed, transported and housed out of the clear blue sky.
* 100's of Rocket launch locations were housed in public locations and private homes.
* Plus, HAMAS' well documented history of hiding in Public Hospitals, Refugee camps, attacking food & medical supplies convoys and other civilian locations. All of which also were seen by likely 1000's of Gazans. But never reported due to their support of the Terrorists.

Posted by NN2N1 2024-07-27 05:50||   2024-07-27 05:50|| Front Page Top

#2 NN2N1, Gaza is not innocent, you are correct. Neither is the consolidated efforts of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi's, and the ring leader Iran. In my opinion, Netanyahu's responses were responsibly executed and continue to be measured. I do feel for the people that are suffering, but Hamas is a Cancer that they, the suffering, voted into power. They are getting what they voted for.
Posted by 49 Pan 2024-07-27 10:24||   2024-07-27 10:24|| Front Page Top

#3 QUESTION:What if a Terrorist group, say, seized the CNN, MS-NBC buildings, or say just The View?
The View and Joy Reid would be quickly thrown in the ocean.
Posted by Deacon Blues 2024-07-27 19:10||   2024-07-27 19:10|| Front Page Top

#4 "And I made all that bread for those men,"
Clucked Joy Reid to a terrorist friend,
As outside in the street
All the peacock elite
Said, "No ransom for brittle Red Hen!"
Posted by Pancho Poodle 8452 2024-07-27 22:55||   2024-07-27 22:55|| Front Page Top

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