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2024-05-11 Government Corruption
Dr. Deborah Birx With MASSIVE Confession Regarding VACCINES (video)
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Posted by Besoeker 2024-05-11 06:32|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [1 views ]  Top

#1 Texas woman, 34 and California man, 58, claim they've been left with lifelong disabilities and suffered strokes from Covid shots

Neuroscientist, 37, and nurse, 54, claim they were left brain damaged and paralyzed from Covid vaccines - as they say they've been 'dismissed and gaslighted' as anti-vaxxers
Posted by Skidmark 2024-05-11 07:35||   2024-05-11 07:35|| Front Page Top

#2 “They were very effective for what they were supposed to be used for, which was preventing severe disease and hospitalization or deaths."

I keep hearing that, from people who want to believe. I can't recall seeing any statistics, and can imagine how one would measure such 'prevention'. Which vaccine was better, and by how much?

All wishful thinking by those that believe, blatant prevarication by those who spread this disinformation.
Posted by Bobby 2024-05-11 07:38||   2024-05-11 07:38|| Front Page Top


Those of us that made up the early Real Data & Facts sharing group. Are still awaiting apologies.

All for pointing out pretty much the same things over the last 30+ months, during the mandatory Clot-Shots. All while mRNA funded Gov's pockets knew this suppressed adverse reaction data.
Posted by NN2N1 2024-05-11 08:39||   2024-05-11 08:39|| Front Page Top

#4 Indeed.
I still maintain that a medical procedure is an individual choice based on best data available.

That said:
“They were very effective for what they were supposed to be used for, which was preventing severe disease and hospitalization or deaths."

Is absolute copeium bullshit. Call the motivations whatever, regionally we were a control group. I can count on a hand the number who got sick enough - without comorbidities - to consider hospital and self cured with the noted battery of anti-flu supplements plus Ivermectim. I can count the same number on the other hand who have died suddenly. I can play the same game with those happy with their boosters and those who had some side effects.

But don't trust me, you can see for yourself. Everyone in the tank for Covid Masks then haven't touched one in ages, except for the Friends of Hamas who, four years ago were given a pass because Covid doesn't transmit during riots, are wearing them now 'for some reason'.
Posted by swksvolFF 2024-05-11 11:10||   2024-05-11 11:10|| Front Page Top

#5 Covid was real. I got sicker than I normally get for a cold. No study will be funded because the results are dangerous to powerful people and corporations. Birx is not in jail because the truth would damage all those powerful people.
Posted by Super Hose 2024-05-11 12:16||   2024-05-11 12:16|| Front Page Top

#6 Yes swk, either intentional or unintentional we were.....(or became) a control group.
Posted by Besoeker 2024-05-11 13:34||   2024-05-11 13:34|| Front Page Top

#7 Hang that scarf-wearing bitch with all of the rest of them.
Posted by DooDahMan 2024-05-11 13:50||   2024-05-11 13:50|| Front Page Top

#8 Covid was real. Review my notes there were many school activities cancelled because too many people were sick. In December - Covid discussion began in February.

Disclaimer: this is all anecdotal, yet are data points if you so desire.

I did everything 'wrong' and if I got it, didn't notice. Family: 1 with immediate side effects losing 10 points off the oximeter, 1 with unexpected cardio problems a few months later, 1 who was encouraged by doctor to take it and now doctor said knock it off, Say 8 with no effects (as of now).

2 younger than me forced to take it 'dying suddenly'.

2 who got ultra sick and were cured by the basic Z-Pack and ivermectin.

And say 4 who died 'with Covid' but I'll tell ya they were on the ropes already. Family denied a smooth transition if you will on account of Covid Protocols. Those piss me off. "Hey sorry your fam is dying, can't see 'em because you might get them sick. Now's the time on Sprockets where we dance."

As I said, personal health decision choice. I will point out that with all the homeless plus the Summer of Shove, bodies would have been choking the rivers if it was as bad as sold.
Posted by swksvolFF 2024-05-11 13:59||   2024-05-11 13:59|| Front Page Top

Yes Covid-19+ was real. The wife and I caught it from our RN/LPN vax'd family. We were in the hospital for me for 13days and wife 14 days. It seems vax'd persons got mild cases then became carriers for 7 to days afterwards.
Posted by NN2N1 2024-05-11 16:37||   2024-05-11 16:37|| Front Page Top

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21:13 DooDahMan
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17:03 Super Hose
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16:37 NN2N1

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