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2012-10-22 Home Front: WoT
When An American U.S. Ambassador Is Missing
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Posted by Sherry 2012-10-22 00:11|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [29 views ]  Top

#1 A mob who was angry about the cartoons. Yeah right.

First: It must be the first time in history of humankind a demonstratioon starts at 10pm local time. And it lstas for several hours meaning the "spontaneous demonstrators" remained awake for the folling sevan hours, add an hour for returning home and they wouldn't get any sleep before at least 6am.

Second: They brought mortars to the fight. A weapon who weighs over one hundred pounds.

Third: Just a coincidence it was on 9/11. Had the wanted to say: "we are unrepentant about the Twin Towers" that wouldn't have picked another date.

Funny isn't it?

Aklso teh questioon is not why the US Military sent no aid but why its Comander in Chief did not issue orders about sending aid. Why? Why why?
Posted by JFM 2012-10-22 04:53||   2012-10-22 04:53|| Front Page Top

#2 ..because those who lust for power create a Mother-May-I management structure. Local or individual initiative is punished. You reap what you sow.
Posted by Procopius2k 2012-10-22 07:45||   2012-10-22 07:45|| Front Page Top

#3 Firefights, however, wax and wane from dusk to dawn. You cannot predict ahead of time when they will stop. Therefore a combat commander will take immediate action, presuming reinforcements will be needed.

Meanwhile back at home, the SECDEF orders high ranking military personnel to remain silent! No mention yet of any pleading for the execution of a NEO (Non Combatant Operation), or a Tier 1, In Extremis mission, but we will hear of them......after the election.

Strange is it not, as Willard's chances for the presidency appear to improve, how our Champ's words and deeds begin to look and sound like those of the enemy?
Posted by Besoeker 2012-10-22 07:50||   2012-10-22 07:50|| Front Page Top

#4 As I mentioned last night. I think they were unable to find Valorie Jarret to 'advise' Obama and make the decision.
After losing Bin Laden - she probably left very strict orders with Obama to not make any decisions without her 'advice'...
Posted by CrazyFool 2012-10-22 07:57||   2012-10-22 07:57|| Front Page Top

#5 Procopius, Initiative is one thing, indiscipline is another entirely different one. A commander no matter how high his rank cannot the decison of entering a country America is not at war with. The decision belongs to the President. What he can do is issue orders to his units to ready themselves so they can leave at the very moment the President gives the order.

But orders didn't came or they came but to to restrain action.

oh, and next day Obama was at a fund raiser.
Posted by JFM 2012-10-22 08:55||   2012-10-22 08:55|| Front Page Top

#6 Er, what's wrong with the following:

"Dear Libyan government -- some people in your country have decided to attack our consulate and our ambassador. As you know, this is a gross violation of law and custom, amounting to an act of war when committed by a state. We do not hold you accountable at this time, but do wish to let you know that within the next few minutes the attackers will be met with a few planes full of cluster bombs. We are defending our ambassador and territory, and will do whatever we can in the aftermath to assist you in cleaning out the criminals who have invaded your nation and attempted to provoke a war. Truly, etc."
Posted by Rob Crawford 2012-10-22 12:16||   2012-10-22 12:16|| Front Page Top

#7 Procopius, Initiative is one thing, indiscipline is another entirely different one.

More like indifference.
The names USS Liberty and Pueblo keep repeating themselves as people 'waited' to make action decisions after making crappy operational decisions to send good men into harms way without proper security/force protection. They all want the rank and perks, but never to stick'em on the line to make a judgement at the moment. CYAWP. They always sit wanting more 'intel' before making commitments. Managers, not leaders. Hey, no one get fired these days for playing it safe. Every thing but missiles can be recalled, but you wait to send anything else, it'll get there too late.

One marches to the sound of the guns.
Posted by Procopius2k 2012-10-22 15:06||   2012-10-22 15:06|| Front Page Top

#8 "our Champ's words and deeds begin to look and sound like those of the enemy"

Whaddaya mean "begin"?
Posted by Barbara 2012-10-22 15:06||   2012-10-22 15:06|| Front Page Top

#9 oouch! Ya got me Barb.
Posted by Besoeker 2012-10-22 15:12||   2012-10-22 15:12|| Front Page Top

#10 I am outraged at O's many clusterf***ks but There are a lot of inconsistencies with Nakoula's checkered history, but most reports say he is a US citizen and until proven otherwise, innocent by law. Why isn't everyone outraged at the top politicians and diplomats (lawyers no less!) in the land falsely and knowingly accusing him of inciting the mob to murder? They argue Gitmo detainees, non-citizens and not conforming to the Geneva conventions, are entitled to a defense yet frame a citizen? Something is very, very wrong with this picture.
Posted by Lumpy Elmoluck 5095 2012-10-22 17:23||   2012-10-22 17:23|| Front Page Top


The US can send a UAV, but NOT an F-18, andor Ac-130 "Spectre" full of Abn Arty Cannons + Gatlings???


* SAME > [Obama Admin] US "TOO SLOW TO ACT" [wid various USDOD Regional Mil Assets] AS DRONE'S CAM CAPTURED LIBYA HORROR.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2012-10-22 23:57||   2012-10-22 23:57|| Front Page Top

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