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2024-06-27 Africa North
ICC convicts al-Qaida-linked leader of atrocities in Mali
[AFRICANEWS] The International Criminal Court has convicted an al-Qaeda-linked Islamic bully boy leader of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Mali’s Timbuktu.

Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohammed Ag Mahmoud was accused of playing a key role in a reign of terror unleashed by bandidos Death Eaters on the historic desert city in northern Mali in 2012.

He was accused of involvement in crimes including rape, torture, persecution, enforced marriages and sexual slavery. Prosecutors say he was a key member of Ansar Dine
...a mainly Tuareg group that controlled areas of Mali's northern desert together with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and MUJAO in early 2012...
, an Islamic bully boy group with links to al-Qaeda that held power in northern Mali at the time.

Al Hassan faces up to life imprisonment when a sentence is handed down at a later date.

Prosecutors say he was a key member of Ansar Dine, an Islamic bully boy group with links to al-Qaeda that held power in northern Mali at the time.

Women and girls suffered in particular under Ansar Dine’s repressive regime, facing corporal punishment and imprisonment, the court's then-chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said at the start of Al Hassan's trial nearly four years ago.

"Many were forced into marriage," Bensouda said. "Confined against their will and repeatedly raped by members of the gang." Al Hassan was involved in organizing such marriages, the prosecutor told judges.

Posted by Fred 2024-06-27 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [72 views ]  Top
 File under: al-Qaeda 

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