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2006-03-29 Iraq
US Military: Iraqi's Staged Phoney "Massacre"
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Posted by Sleth Hupaise1082 2006-03-29 01:11|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [11 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 In Islamic arab culture image is valued over truth.

This is just the latest example of what a broken and dangerous culture they have - the very basis for Wahabbists and their ilk.
Posted by OldSpook 2006-03-29 11:56||   2006-03-29 11:56|| Front Page Top

#2 It's obvious that both the Sunnis and Shiites have psyops units that can go in immediately after a raid with actors, props, and moulage to re-create the scene and turn a battle into a massacre. There was the case of the border town wedding in either 2003 or 2004. None of the childrens' bodies could be found and the doctors that testified were from a town many miles away and not the obivious choice for emergency medical care. My favorite was the credulous western reporters who were shown fighting trenches (complete with firing steps as was clear in the photos) before the second battle of Fallujah and faithfully parroted the jihadi line that they were "graves." Graves dug so that the poor innocent townpeople could bury their children, fluffy bunnies, and baby ducks after the ruthless infidel assualt.

I'm sure that someone is making finding and destroying those psyops units a high priority, especially after the SECDEF came right out and said what a lousy job we are doing in the information war.
Posted by 11A5S 2006-03-29 12:31||   2006-03-29 12:31|| Front Page Top

#3 whats interesting is that US troops, with friendly Iraqi forces (reports are the commando unit involved was mainly Kurdish) seem to have turned on Sadr, or at least are sending him a very pointed warning. Roggio and Katzman have more on this, as Strategypage. Speculation is that the US is fed up with the negotiations toward a new Iraqi govt, and wants to get rid of Jaafari entirely. This is a warning to Sadr not to interfere, and the talks with Iran are to warn them to keep hands off.
Posted by liberalhawk 2006-03-29 13:04||   2006-03-29 13:04|| Front Page Top

#4 Links, please, liberalhawk? Thanks!
Posted by trailing wife 2006-03-29 13:58||   2006-03-29 13:58|| Front Page Top

#5 I don't think this charade is strictly for Arab consumption. Sadr's stupid, but he's not STUPID. He knows the eagerness of our MSM to parrot the most despicable lies about their own military and government, and the eagerness of the deluded left among us to believe them.

It's a Tater two-fer.
Posted by kirk 2006-03-29 18:19||   2006-03-29 18:19|| Front Page Top

#6 Jeningrad rides again.
Posted by gromgoru 2006-03-29 20:53||   2006-03-29 20:53|| Front Page Top

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