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2024-06-25 Government Corruption
Trump classified documents prosecutor forced into groveling apology after Judge Aileen Cannon snapped in court: 'I don't appreciate your tone'
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Posted by Besoeker 2024-06-25 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [207 views ]  Top

#1 I know the Burg generally loves Trump

But ask yourselves this. Do you actually love Trump the man

Or do you love what he promised you?

a secure southern border

and fighting off the globalists

Well fighting off the globalists means ending the corporate corruption - the oligarchy that controls US policy.

What you love about Trump is that he appears to be the solution to this

They hate him and are putting him in court

so you naturally think he must be against them since they are fighting him.

But this is not the case

The corrupt democrats are launching hundreds of lawsuits because they want to keep power

But the reason for their corruption - the corporate oligarchy above them that runs policy - they like Trump.

They are not sorry at all

If the democrats lose and Trump wins, then they still win

Trump will do what they say and you know this is true because it's what he did last time.

It's not just the wall.

He promised a lot of things he didn't do. Eg: the muslim ban. Eg: bring all the troops home and rebuild america. Eg: end lobbying by banning government employees from lobbying for 10 years after leaving office. Eg: removing the Obama/Hillary hold-overs from the public service (and thus draining the swamp) - he never did this much less 'lock her up'.

he didn't do anything. He gave the corporations and lobbyists everything they wanted.

He never took on silicon valley. He never stopped the censorship. he sat back and watched as Alex Jones was taken off the air. He never freed the J6-ers (after taking them to the Capitol in the biggest honeypot in recent memory).

So if you value what Trump stood for (or said he did) then you have to get over your tribalism and look at RFK jr.

He is the only anti-globalist candidate. He is the only one who would remove the corruption from government.

He is the only one they fear, which is why he is not allowed in the debates and cannot get media coverage at all (remember Ross Perot? like that).

So yes, rantburgers, you are right, it's not my country it's yours. You are captains of this ship.

But if you want anything to change you have to break out of your two-party tribalism

and you have to wake up to the fact that Trump is just a marketing exercise. The corporations love him. He isn't against them at all. He is their creature. He is the swamp. He is the establishment.

They know that the more lawsuits they hurl at him the more popular he gets.

That's why they finance it.

The democrats and republicans are just the left and right legs of the corporatist security-state oligopoly

You don't have a constitutional republic anymore you are run by the corporate oligopoly and the spies - and that's why nothing changes.

Only RFK would do something about this.
Posted by anon1 2024-06-25 02:24||   2024-06-25 02:24|| Front Page Top

#2 As if. RFK is a squawking left-over from a family of $$$$ galoots who wanted to run everything. Not just a few things but everything. He has the tiniest following but I will say this for them: they're really loud. By the way, you forgot to mention the healthcare planks that disappeared from Trump's website on the night he was elected.
Posted by Canuckistan sniper 2024-06-25 02:47||   2024-06-25 02:47|| Front Page Top

#3 RFK Jr. is a joke, Anon1. All you are doing with the logorrhea is confirming yourself in our eyes
Posted by Frank G 2024-06-25 04:52||   2024-06-25 04:52|| Front Page Top

#4 Only his family and God loves Trump. Generally speaking Rantburg wants to see the evil dictatorial bureaucracy obliterated and Constitutional government restored. DeSantis is a good man who was backed by all the usual suspects. RFK has no chance and picked a leftist version of Nikki Haley as his replacement after the CIA completes the triple play. For us, Trump is just a breaching charge to begin the decades long process of putting us back in control of our lives.
Posted by Super Hose 2024-06-25 09:21||   2024-06-25 09:21|| Front Page Top

#5 Was it really "groveling"? Because,when it comes to groveling I have very high standards and something tells me she wasn't even close.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2024-06-25 09:45||   2024-06-25 09:45|| Front Page Top

#6 I will say it again, if the deep state has been rigging the elections for God knows how long ( 20-30 years?) then it stands to reason that they also had TRUMP ELECTED. what better way to polorize the population?
Posted by 746 2024-06-25 11:10||   2024-06-25 11:10|| Front Page Top

#7 Only RFK would do something about this.

Not gonna happen, anon1. No point going on about it.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-06-25 11:18||   2024-06-25 11:18|| Front Page Top

#8 The only "Republicans" who will vote for RFK Jr. are the ones who weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. And those are votes Jeo's handlers will have to make up at 3am.
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-25 11:21||   2024-06-25 11:21|| Front Page Top

#9 So Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan. Sorry. It's politics. You take what you can get. You have to ask yourself, Who is worse, Biden or Trump? Then you vote for Trump.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-06-25 11:22||   2024-06-25 11:22|| Front Page Top

#10 RFK Jr. is a green (global warming) communist at heart. Just because he objected to the vaccines doesn't mean he's any less of a communist.
Posted by Crusader 2024-06-25 15:53||   2024-06-25 15:53|| Front Page Top

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