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2024-06-24 -Land of the Free
Louisiana law isn't about Ten Commandments. It's Christian nationalist bait for Supreme Court.
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Posted by Fred 2024-06-24 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [295 views ]  Top

Posted by Skidmark 2024-06-24 00:13||   2024-06-24 00:13|| Front Page Top

#2 Christian converts sentenced to total of 25 years in jail by Iranian judiciary - report
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-24 01:49||   2024-06-24 01:49|| Front Page Top

#3 Be careful louisiana
Nothing will stop islamists demanding sharia compliant public places and schools if you put religion back in
Posted by Anon1 2024-06-24 03:13||   2024-06-24 03:13|| Front Page Top

#4 #3 Only one way to communicate with Muslims.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-24 03:41||   2024-06-24 03:41|| Front Page Top

#5 A reminder that Christian Nationalism is 100% an FBI op.
If anyone tries that "Judeo-Christian" line on you, remind them that the Jewish faith requires access to abortion.
Posted by Pearl Hapsburg1419 2024-06-24 05:52||   2024-06-24 05:52|| Front Page Top

Reverse LAWFARE.

Do something that pushes the one religion over another to get it shot down by the US Supreme Court.

Then use the ruling to ban Christianity, and/or require equal ISLAMIC, SATANIC teachings and representation in schools.
Posted by NN2N1 2024-06-24 07:01||   2024-06-24 07:01|| Front Page Top

#7 It's a historical document whether it touches on religion or not.

BTW, the concept of 'separation of church and state' is a judicial creation/fiction rather than what the Founders intended. Their intent was to ban an official state religion/sect be it as the Church of England or the Roman Catholic church as was found in Europe at the time. It was not to ban a culture which Christianity as a whole is.
Posted by Procopius2k 2024-06-24 07:08||   2024-06-24 07:08|| Front Page Top

#8 We live in a post Constitutional banana republic. This is fair game and good move.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2024-06-24 08:22||   2024-06-24 08:22|| Front Page Top

#9 dont call it the ten commandments, call it the bill of rights and add two more...
11: no preference for skin color or shape
12: all elections hand counted paper ballots
Posted by irish rage boy 2024-06-24 08:24||   2024-06-24 08:24|| Front Page Top

#10 Save us from people who want to forcibly convert us to their religion, Christian or Muslim. Jews don't seem to do it for some reason.
Posted by jpal 2024-06-24 08:27||   2024-06-24 08:27|| Front Page Top

#11 Isn't much of our law based on Judeo-Christian precepts? The 10 Commandments are a part of these precepts.
Posted by JohnQC 2024-06-24 11:38||   2024-06-24 11:38|| Front Page Top

#12 The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. The Ten Commandments are Old Testament, that is to say, pre-Christianity.

If the TC offends athiests and non- Christians, I'm OK with that. It tells me a lot about where they are coming from, morality wise.
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-24 11:49||   2024-06-24 11:49|| Front Page Top

#13 Certainly, the country was founded by people that incorporated teachings from the Old and New Testaments into the Declaration and Constitution. In the 50’s and beyond activist judges booted God out of public life using rhetorical devices that continue to infect stupid people. Nature abhors a vacuum, so secularism filled the void in a way that has attacked all aspects of our moral character, the nuclear family and has spread misery throughout. The pendulum of iniquity has now stopped and is ready to swing in the opposite direction causing consternation among the demon possessed and journalists, but I repeat myself.
Posted by Super Hose 2024-06-24 12:35||   2024-06-24 12:35|| Front Page Top

#14 Judeo-Christian is literally a thing that does not exist. Jews do not agree to be erased or co-opted by your Noahide religion.
Posted by Pearl Hapsburg1419 2024-06-24 13:55||   2024-06-24 13:55|| Front Page Top

#15 Jews are certainly welcome among us Christians. Others who demand that we cease being Christians or confine our beliefs to an hour on Sunday are not welcome. The Declaration, Constitution, Federalist Papers, and all case law up until the last few decades will back up what I say.
Posted by Super Hose 2024-06-24 15:24||   2024-06-24 15:24|| Front Page Top

#16 Well, Pearl, Yeshua* was a Jew, his parents (regardless of linage was Jewish), his apostles were Jews.

*The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin IESVS/Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus
Posted by Procopius2k 2024-06-24 15:29||   2024-06-24 15:29|| Front Page Top

#17 Is Herb branching out into theology now, or is this "religion expert" (#14) someone else?
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-24 15:34||   2024-06-24 15:34|| Front Page Top

#18 #17 Is Herb branching out into theology now

His name is Legion
Posted by grom the introspective 2024-06-24 15:39||   2024-06-24 15:39|| Front Page Top

#19  Judeo-Christian is literally a thing that does not exist. Jews do not agree to be erased or co-opted by your Noahide religion.

Are you Jewish, Pearl Hapsburg1419? Because I am, and I would argue that Judeo-Christian is most definitely a thing, encompassing those things Jewish and Christian faiths and cultures have in common, and which form a cornerstone of Western civilization.

Nor do I believe that Christianity coopts Jews by recognizing those commonalities.

Separately, anyone interested in the Jewish, original Old Testament version of the Ten Commandments, the Chabad website, among many others, has it here.

The Jews went through a conversion-by-the-sword stage when the Maccabees ruled — that’s why King Herod was Jewish instead of worshipping whichever pagan gods his ancestors had been into a few generations previously. But neither the Romans nor the Persians put up with that kind of nonsense by client kings and subject peoples — and then both Christendom and the Ummah made it very illegal for the Jews to convert anyone, even if they came asking to be converted.
Posted by trailing wife 2024-06-24 20:15||   2024-06-24 20:15|| Front Page Top

#20 Ima culturally appropriate some pastrami on rye.
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-24 20:27||   2024-06-24 20:27|| Front Page Top

#21 <3
Posted by trailing wife 2024-06-24 22:35||   2024-06-24 22:35|| Front Page Top

23:38 Greter Dingle8734
22:54 SteveS
22:35 trailing wife
22:31 M. Murcek
22:27 SteveS
22:17 SteveS
20:42 Griter+Slash1619
20:39 Griter+Slash1619
20:27 Ebbuger Whuque4103
20:27 M. Murcek
20:15 trailing wife
20:11 Lord Garth
19:56 Lord Garth
19:48 Lord Garth
19:19 M. Murcek
19:17 swksvolFF
19:16 Besoeker
19:16 M. Murcek
19:08 swksvolFF
19:08 Pearl Hapsburg1419
18:40 Frank G
18:26 M. Murcek
18:15 Fred
18:10 M. Murcek

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