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Bangladesh's mainstream pupils more radical than Islamic school graduates
[DW] A police study has revealed that more than half of the country's radicalized students complete their education in general schools. Experts say the government needs to shift focus while targeting potential Death Eaters.

The Anti-terrorism Unit of Bangladesh's police published the report, called Preventing Terrorism and Extremism through Community Engagement, last week. The study used data collected from 3,000 suspects who were arrested between 2015 and 2017.

"The common idea is that only Madrassas produce Death Eaters, which is absolutely wrong. It is evident that only the Madrassa or Islamic education system cannot be blamed for militancy," Additional Deputy Inspector General (Intelligence) Mohammed Moniruzzaman told DW.

Schooling in Bangladesh is divided into three chief systems. The general, or mainstream education system treats all religions equally and the curriculum is controlled by the government. Madrassas focus on Islamic education for their students and English-medium schools offer all subjects in the English language. There are around 100,000 primary schools in Bangladesh that follow the general system.

Data from the police study revealed that 56% of Islamic gunnies had been educated in the general system, while 22% each came from English-medium and Madrassa schools, although the English system has only 200 schools compared to 20,000 madrassas.

Speaking to DW, Shantanu Majumder, professor at the University of Dhaka said that the education system alone was not to blame for the influencing students negatively.

"One can be exposed to such [radical] ideas sitting in any type of school, whereas I still believe that the government should not take its hands off of monitoring the books or syllabus that are studied in some religion-based schools," he told DW.

The survey also revealed that 80% of those arrested were radicalized through the Internet while 20% were swayed by their peers. Police officer Moniruzzaman said that students of Bengali and English-medium schools used the internet more often compared to Madrassa students.

He said it was possible that frequent access resulted in more radicalization, but other surveys have proved the contrary. For example, a survey by Move Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Bangladesh, revealed that 75% of Madrassa students had access to the internet through their mobile phones and tablets. Their survey included 36 Madrassas across 12 districts of Bangladesh.

"On an average, students of Madrassas spend one and half hours on the internet every day," Saiful Haq, the head of the NGO told DW, adding, "Girls spend more time than the boys." However,
we can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by...
school administrators could not prevent students from using the internet when they were at home.

"Many of them use mobile phones and computers at home. They can use the internet there," Mawlana Mahfuzul Haq, principal of the Jamia Rahmania Arabia Madrassa in the capital of Dhaka told DW. He also said that his institution regularly held teachings to dissuade students from joining radical groups. "With references from the holy Koran and Hadith we tell them that there is no relation between religion and terrorism," he said.

In the last few years, several terror attacks in Bangladesh, including at the Holey artisan bakery in Dhaka, the murders of bloggers and liberal thinkers have led the government of Bangladesh to adopt a "zero-tolerance approach" towards Islamic radicalization. Among other initiatives to prevent the youth from joining Death Eaters, the police are increasingly monitoring educational institutions other than Madrassas.

"Especially after the Holey Artisan attack where students from private universities were involved, the common attitude of blaming Madrassas for spreading radicalization has changed drastically among people," the University of Dhaka's Shantanu Majumder told DW.

He thinks that government agencies have successfully countered terror acts, but there is a complex process through which radicalization occurs, and this has increased. On the other hand, cultural activities like theater, which create open attitudes and promote free thinking, have reduced.

Majumder feels that focusing on cultural movements could fight radicalization. "For that, we need to promote more cultural activities in schools, hostels and other places."

New JMB’s Selim in jail all along as ‘Dakat Khokon’
[Dhaka Tribune] New JMB recruiter Mahbubur Rahman Selim, who has been wanted by police for over a year, is already in Chittagong Central Jail under the alias Mahbubur Rahman Khokon.

Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) chief Deputy Inspector General Banaz Kumar Majumder told the Dhaka Tribune: "We have succeeded in locating Selim, who is in Chittagong Central Jail under the name Khokon. PBI’s Chittagong unit will plea before the court to take Selim in fresh remand, so that more information about New JMB’s finances and organizational structure may be collected."

Selim is the main associate of mid-level New JMB leader and bomb expert Lokman Ali alias Sohel Rana, who went kaboom! along with his wife and five kids at Nasirpur in Moulvibazar during Operation Hit Back on March 30.

According to the Police Bureau of Investigation, Selim was enjugged
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
on October 5, 2015, in a case for his part in a robbery and murder at the Shah Corporation in Chittagong. The crimes in question took place on September 24 the same year.

those who apply themselves too closely to little things often become incapable of great things...
law enforcement agencies have been scouring the country for the notorious myrmidon, who is suspected to be the recruiter for New JMB’s suicide squad.

While Selim was primarily in charge of recruitment for the myrmidon outfit’s suicide brigade, Sohel Rana trained the recruits in a clay house situated in the remote hills of Baishari’s Lombabil Khorolia Mora area of Bandarban, said police sources.

They added that turbans arrested or killed at the recent raids in Ashkona, Sitakunda, Sylhet, Comilla and Moulvibazar were all recruited by Selim and trained by Sohel.

Selim hails from Ichhanagar of the Karnaphuli area in Chittagong. Under order of New JMB Chittagong Coordinator Sohel, he purchased the clay-made house at Baishari for Tk1.60 lakh in 2012.

During the September 2015 robbery, Shah Corporation Manager Satya Gopal Bhowmik was killed along with two of the robbers ‐ Rafiq and Rabiul. Two other robbers, New JMB Chittagong Divisional Commander Raisul Islam Khan alias Fardin and his associate Piyas, were maimed while fleeing the scene as they detonated explosives to cover their retreat.

YouTube training videos key tool for Bangladeshi militants
[Dhaka Tribune] Law enforcement agencies say homegrown bully boy krazed killer outfits are using readily available videos from the Internet to train their recruits in combat, ideology and organising skills.

The videos are widespread even in the world’s largest video sharing website, YouTube.

The Chittagong-based krazed killer outfit Shaheed Hamza Brigade was found to be fully dependent on online videos for the training of its members. The Hamza Brigade members took battle training with the help of these videos in remote hill areas of Banshkhali in Chittagong, said Rapid Action Battalion (RAB 7).

On Tuesday, RAB caught five members of the New Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (New JMB) including engineers who graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet) in Dhaka. The group had been taking combat training from online videos of foreign krazed killers, said RAB 10.

A cursory search on YouTube using the terms "jihad training" results in many videos that show bandidos Lions of Islam from groups like the international terrorist organization Harkat-ul Jihad or the Iranian group Jaish ul-Adl exercising, doing weapons training, battle formations and hand-to-hand combats.

There are also thousands of videos from the Syrian war, filmed by al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli al-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front using GoPro.

The terrorist groups Ansarullah Bangla Team and Harkatul Jihad Bangladesh also use online videos to brainwash lower income and illiterate people into militancy and extremism, law enforcement members said.

Last year the bully boy organization Hizb-ut Tahrir, banned in Bangladesh, conducted an online video conference across the world for its members. Bangladeshi members of the group also viewed the conference, intelligence reports said.

Intelligence agencies and detectives said the bully boy groups had been using the Internet to recruit and groom its members due to the absence of government monitoring on the web.

As the government cannot impose any bar over viewing such videos on the web, the bandidos Lions of Islam can easily roam around the virtual world and enrich themselves in the ill-motivated sector receiving massive collection of krazed killer related videos and some others, said sources in BTRC.

Experts say the government should introduce techniques to stop such instigating videos in the same manner that pornographic websites and videos were controlled in the country recently.

Law enforcement sources said the leaders and the top people in these terrorist groups took krazed killer training from abroad by joining international groups in Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistain and other parts of the world. On the other hand, new recruits use the shortcut way of taking training through videos.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit Deputy Commissioner (Cyber Crime) Md Alimuzzaman said: "We often request the YouTube authorities to take down militancy related videos. They sometimes respond to our requests according to their policies.

"We have to introduce a combined system to stop the viewing of such videos." Most of the videos that the bandidos Lions of Islam or potential recruits were watching were made somewhere else, he added.

"It is rare for these videos to be made in Bangladesh," he said.

Respective cyber crime units in various law enforcement agencies have done good work on this issue, sources said. But the government should impose strong vigilance on the web by taking different measures, they said.

Bangladesh Police Headquarters’ Assistant Inspector General (Media) Sahely Ferdous told the Dhaka Tribune: "We have plans to ban such videos. It is an ongoing process with the government. Already we talked to Facebook and got a positive response. In the future, we will hopefully contact YouTube and other popular online sites."

The head of Police Bureau of Investigation, Deputy Inspector General Banaz Kumar Majumder, said: "The practice of using the web is not new for krazed killers. The krazed killer organizations use social media and other websites for their communication and training.

"Although there are no direct restrictions over such media, we are keeping watch on the viewers and arresting those who are involved with krazed killer activities in the country."

Prof Dr Md Ziaur Rahman, chairman of Department of Criminology at Dhaka University, said such practices are a threat to the country’s security. Although the problem cannot be fully solved, it can be controlled, he said.

Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Secretary Md Sarwar Alam declined to make any comment about the issue.

Boycott Zia family, Hasan Mahmud to BNP leaders
[Dhaka Tribune] Ruling Awami League's Publicity and Publication Affairs Secretary Hasan Mahmud called upon the big shots of the BNP to boycott party chief the loathesome Khaleda Zia
Three-term PM of Bangla, widow of deceased dictator Ziaur Rahman, head of the Bangla Nationalist Party, an apparent magnet for corruption ...
and her son Tarique Rahman
...the elder son of former President of Bangladesh Ziaur Rahman Bir Uttam, and Khaleda Zia, former Prime Minister of Bangladesh. He is the Senior Vice Chairperson of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). His nickname is Pino. There are allegations that Pino took a rakeoff from every foreign investment into the country while Mom was in office...
in the upcoming national council.

The BNP has decided to hold its long overdue national council by March to revamp its rank and file.

Referring to Khaleda Zia's recent remarks over the number of Liberation War deaders, the publicity and publication affairs secretary of the Awami League said: "The BNP leaders, who believe in the spirit of the Liberation War, should boycott the members of BNP founder Ziaur Rahman in the upcoming national council for the unacceptable remarks of Khaleda Zia."

Hasan Mahmud made the call while addressing a discussion meeting arranged by Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote at Shilpakala Academy on Sunday.

he said: "The destructive political practice of BNP chief Khaleda Zia and her son Tarique Rahman, senior vice-chairman of the party, has split the party.

"Not only the big shots but Khaleda's relatives also started boycotting her."

On January 21, AKM Mohiuddin Majumder Shamu, son of Khaleda's cousin Azharul Haq Majumder, along with nearly 100 BNP leaders and activists joined the Awami League.

The former minister urged the BNP chief to practice constructive and peaceful politics, shunning the path of violence.

20 suspected militants held
Police have incarcerated
Drop the rosco, Muggsy, or you're one with the ages!
20 suspected bully boys, including nine children, from Bapta Pilot area in the Sadar uapzila early Tuesday.

Of them, six were identified as Abdul Baki, 29, Maulana Akram Hossain, 40, Abdus Salam, 25, Abdur Razzq, 35, Masum Hawlader, 35 and Md Belal, 35. They hailed from different districts including Bhola, Sirajganj and Noakhali.

Police said the arrestees were the members of Kalema Dawat, a wing of Islamic bully boy group.

The arrestees also admitted that they were the followers of 'Kalema Dawat' chief Majid Professor and they rented a house at Bapta Bari Masjid area 15 to 20 days ago to publicise and spread Islam.

Sadar circle superintendent of police Ramananda Majumder said they had arrested them for their suspicious movement.

Conspiracies on to thwart polls
[Bangla Daily Star] Prime Minister the loathesome Sheikh Hasina
...Bangla dynastic politician and current Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She has been the President of the Bangla Awami League since the Lower Paleolithic. She is the eldest of five children of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of Bangla. Her party defeated the BNP-led Four-Party Alliance in the 2008 parliamentary elections. She has once before held the office, from 1996 to 2001, when she was defeated in a landslide. She and the head of the BNP, Khaleda Zia show such blind animosity toward each other that they are known as the Battling Begums..
yesterday said different quarters are conspiring to thwart the January 5 elections that are important for continuing the constitutional process in the country.

"The conspirators of 1/11 of 2007 are back with multifaceted plots and schemes to foil the upcoming elections and bring undemocratic forces to power," she told an election rally at Mirpur Adarsha High School ground in the capital.

The address by Hasina comes three days before the national polls boycotted by the majority of political parties, including the main opposition BNP.

Saying the elections would be held in a free, fair and neutral manner, the AL president urged people to exercise their democratic right to vote, and resist those who try to foil the elections.

In the meantime, the BNP-led 18-party alliance threatened to foil the elections and continue its blockade programmes across the country.

Hasina also spoke at two other rallies in Mirpur and Uttara and sought votes for AL-nominated candidates Kamal Ahmed Majumder, Ilias Uddin Mollah and Shahara Khatun.

The premier said, "A group of civil society members, who brought to power the unconstitutional government through the 1/11 political changeover in 2007 and wanted to form the king's party, is still working to create a similar situation."

She added, "The civil society members, who think they are eminent persons, want to destroy democracy time and again because they feel ignored when a democratic government is in power."

They become more important if there is an undemocratic and unconstitutional government, said Hasina, alerting people about those who want no good for the country and its people.

She said the government has tried everything to hold dialogue with BNP Chairperson the loathesome Khaleda Zia
Three-term PM of Bangla, widow of deceased dictator Ziaur Rahman, head of the Bangla Nationalist Party, an apparent magnet for corruption ...
to solve the ongoing political impasse, but the opposition leader refused to take the opportunities.

The AL chief said the opposition leader boycotted the elections, as Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
could not take part in the polls following a High Court order that declared illegal its registration as a political party.

"The Awami League always acts on whatever people want, but the BNP always goes against their wishes," she said. She added that the execution of war criminal Abdul Quader Mollah, which was a popular demand, has effaced the stigma of the nation.

Referring to the BNP-led alliance's ongoing movement, the premier said it is not a movement, but terrorism, as people are not involved in it. She alleged the BNP chairperson has resorted to killings through bombings and arson attacks by hired criminals.

Hasina remarked that her government has curbed terrorism and militancy while the BNP chairperson has harboured them.

She highlighted various developments made by her government in the last five years, and pledged to undertake many more development projects if voted into power again.


2 'robbers' beaten dead in Lakshmipur
Coincidentally, the Hindu goddess of luck is Lakshmi. It sounds like she was really cheezed at these guys.
[Bangla Daily Star] Two robbers were beaten to death and 15 people, including a policeman, injured as a mob attacked a gang of robbers around 2:00am in Kazirchar village of Raipur upazila in Lakshmipur.
Where do you find a mob at two in the morning? Try Lakshmipur!
The armed gang of 15 to 20 robbers forcibly entered brothers Mizanur Rahman and Shariful Islam's house.
"Arrr! Lemme in there! [CRASH!]"
Mizanur, the elder brother, at that point managed to inform the police
"HELP! Police!"
and some of his neighbouring relatives using his mobile phone of the incident, said Raipur Police Station Officer-in-charge Monirul Islam Majumder.
"Yup. That's whut he done."
Neighbours surrounded the house hearing the noise made by all the family members before police came to the spot.
"It's Mizanul and Shariful! They're infested by gangsters!"
"Where's my torch?"
"Here, use one o' mine!"
"Watch it with that pitchfork!"

On sensing police presence,
"My spider sense! It's tingling!"
"It's da cops!"

the gang started shooting at the people and police.
The law enforcers returned fire, said OC Monirul.
"Maw! Hit the floor!"

The robbers attempted to escape,
"Lemme outta here!"
and two of them were chased down and beaten to death by the mob on the spot.
"Aaaiiieee! I am undone!"

The rest of the gang managed to flee.
"Outta my way, Mom!"
"Curly-toes slippers, don't fail me now!"
"Comin' through!"

The dead robbers could not be identified immediately, reported our ace Noakhali correspondent.
"You recognize any of them, sir?"
"I've seen that elbow before, I'm sure of it!"

The bodies were sent to the Laximipur Sadar Hospital morgue for autopsies
"Doctor Quincy! To the white courtesy phone!"
and police recovered a gun and two bullets from the scene, said the OC.
"Put these with the others, Sergeant Shafiq! You never know when we might need them!"
Mizanur, Shariful, the Raipur Police Station Assistant Sub-inspector Abdur Rahim, Kabir Khan, Alauddin, Saddam Hossain, Kamrul Hossain, Omar Farooq, Azad Hossain and Kamal Hossain five others sustained injuries.
"Oh, man! That hadda hurt!"
Sources confirmed that 10 of the victims were admitted to the Raipur Upazila Health Complex, while the other five were taken to different private clinics.

Rajib was targeted for his blog
[Bangla Daily Star] Online Jamaat-Shibir activists had branded the slain blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider as an atheist who they said should have been resisted.

Rajib, better known by his online identity as Thaba Baba, was one of the main initiators of the movement at Shahbagh, demanding death penalty for war criminals, according to a web post on Sonarbangla, a blog run by Jamaat-Shibir activists.

An image of Rajib's Facebook page was also posted on the same blog.

On February 11, a Sonarbangla blogger with a pseudonym, Sporsher Baire (Out of Touch), wrote about the organisers of the ongoing Shahbagh movement.

Rajib was also named on the site.

After Rajib was brutally murdered in Mirpur in Dhaka on Friday, the Facebook page was not found on the site.

The Daily Star, however, had captured an image of this blog page.

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission blocked the Sonarbangla blog yesterday morning.

The Bloggers and Online Activists Network has been demanding that the government block the page since it launched the protest on February 5 hours after an international crimes tribunal awarded Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah life term for war crimes.

Ahmed Rajib Haider used to write as Thaba Baba on different blogs. In his last Facebook status posted Friday afternoon, he called for banning the institutions owned by the Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
, an ally of the BNP-led 18-party opposition, in Bangladesh.

But mysteriously, most of the writings by Thaba Baba are not available on the internet from yesterday. A few of his writings are available, but whether those were written by Thaba Baba is not clear.

According to different bloggers' posts in Facebook, Shibir cadres have continued campaigning against the activists of the movement.

For example, a person named Dhansiri Wahid in his status on Facebook termed several of Shahbagh activists as atheists.

"It is a duty of all Moslems to kill those atheists," he said.

Wahid named Thaba Baba, Asif Mohiuddin, Bami Shial, Arif Jebotik, Doctor Aizu, Nijhum Majumder and other bloggers, saying he wanted to kill them himself.

Another Facebook account holder Farabi Shafiur Rahman in a post said the imam who conducted the namaz-e-janaza of Rajib yesterday at Shahbagh would also be killed.

This person also suggested throwing Rajib's body to tigers at the Mirpur Zoo.

Last month, another blogger Asif Mohiuddin was stabbed at Uttara in the capital by some unknown people but he survived. Asif is a friend of the activists of Shahbagh movement.

Azad linked with 2 acts of genocide
[Bangla Daily Star] The prosecution of the international crimes tribunals yesterday submitted formal charges against expelled Jamaat member Abul Kalam Azad in connection with crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War.

Sahidur Rahman, prosecutor of the case, told The Daily Star that Azad, also known as Bachchu Razakar, has been accused in 10 types of crimes against humanity.

The crimes include genocide, killing, rape, abduction, confinement, torture, arson, looting, forced religious conversion and deportation.

Sahidur had submitted the 64-page formal charges through the Registrar's Office of the international crimes tribunals.

He said the former leader of Islami Chhatra Sangha, the then student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
, was involved in the killing of at least 14 people and in two acts of genocide in Faridpur during the war.

On July 26, the investigation agency completed its enquiry and said it had found "strong evidence" against Azad in connection with 10 types of crimes against humanity.

It handed over the report to the prosecution on July 29.

Azad went into hiding around seven hours before International Crimes Tribunal-2 issued an arrest warrant against him on April 3.

The prosecutor, however, said in accordance with the law, the war crimes trial against Azad could start in his absence.

Sahidur said as a member of the Islami Chhatra Sangha, Azad during the Liberation War was a close associate of Jamaat leader Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed, another war crimes accused at the tribunal.

About the formation of Razakar and Al-Badr in Faridpur, two auxiliary forces of the Pakistain army, Sahidur said in the first half of May 1971, the Razakar was formed under the leadership of Azad and later the Pakistain army appointed Azad the chief of the Al-Badr force in Faridpur.

Azad and his associates occupied the homes of Badri Narayan, Hira Lal Mukter and Charu Majumder in Faridpur town and Azad himself trained local collaborators there, said the prosecutor.

He said in cooperation with the Pakistain army, Azad committed numerous crimes during the war.

On two incidents of genocide, Sahidur said Pak soldiers led by Major Akram Koreshi on April 21, 1971, went to Faridpur and Azad, Afzal Hossain, and Chand Quazi and other leaders of anti-liberation political parties advanced to Goalchamat to receive them.

They killed eight priests of Prabhu Jagatbandhu Ashram as they entered Faridpur town with the Mighty Pak Army, he said.

Narrating another incident, the prosecutor said, in the third week of May, 1971, Azad, some of his cohorts along with 30-35 Mighty Pak Army personnel attacked Hasamdia, a Hindu-dominated neighbourhood of Boalmari in Faridpur.

They killed many people and looted their homes before torching them, he claimed.

He said later they went to Mayendia Bazar and looted 50-60 shops, mostly owned by the Hindus and Azad shot two people there.

Azad and his accomplices raped two women in Natibadia of Boalmari upazila in Faridpur and through issuing threats, he and his armed cohorts forced 15-20 Hindus of Sahapara of Nagarkanda upazila to convert to Islam, claimed the prosecutor.

Many Hindus of Faridpur district had to leave the country during the war after becoming victims of Azad's atrocities, he added.

12 'parties' warn govt against war crimes trial
[Bangla Daily Star] "Twelve Islamic and like-minded parties" yesterday said if the ongoing war crimes trial was not stopped, they would try "India's agents" after the end of Awami League rule in the country.

They warned that the government must meet their demands within 30 days, or they would go for tough agitation programmes such as hartal
... a peculiarly Bangla combination of a general strike and a riot, used by both major political groups in lieu of actual governance ...
and blockades.

The demands include putting an end to the war crimes trial, keeping the words "Absolute faith and trust in the almighty Allah" in the preamble to the constitution, scrapping the women development policy and stopping "conspiracy against Islam".

The leaders were speaking at the national convention of 12 Islamic and like-minded parties at the Jatiya Press Club in the capital.

They alleged the government had been working to implement India's agenda, and in one such effort, it had set up the International Crimes Tribunal to harass Islamic scholars and wipe out Islam from this country.

The speakers also called for the immediate release of Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
and BNP leaders jugged on charges of crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War.

Addressing the convention, Jatiya Gonotantrik Party President Shafiul Alam Pradhan said, "Sayeedi [Jamaat's nayeb-e-ameer] is not a war criminal. He rather encouraged people to participate in the Liberation War. And Salauddin Quader Chowdhury [BNP politician] played a neutral role."

Abdur Rob Yusufi, nayeb-e-ameer of Khelafat Majlish, said the government must apologise to the people for "its acts against Islam".

Also present at the convention were, among others, Moulana Shah Ahmadullah Ashraf, ameer of Khelafat Andolon; Moulana Mohammad Ishak, ameer of Khelafat Majlish; Moulana Mufti Ijharul Islam Chowdhury, chairman of Islami Oikya Jote
... a political party in Bangladesh. In the 2001 elections the party won 2 out of 300 elected members in an alliance with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. It has a focus on building an islamic state, and has used the madrassas to gain support...
; Sheikh Shawkat Hossain Nilu, chairman of National People's Party; Abdur Rakib, chairman of Nejam-e Islam Party; Momtaj Chowdhury, chairman of Bhashani Front; Khondkar Golam Mortaza, chairman of National Democratic Party; Sheikh Anwarul Haque, chairman of NAP (Bhashani); Abdul Mobin, chairman of Islamic Party; Moulana Abdul Latif Nezami, secretary general of Nezam-e Islam Party; Moulana Isha Shahedi, chairman of Islami Oikya Gay Pareehad; Moulana Mahiuddin Rabbani, acting chairman of Sammilita Olama Mashaekh Gay Pareehad; and NDP Secretary General Alamgir Majumder.

First witness testifies in war crimes trials
[Bangla Daily Star] The International Crimes Tribunal yesterday recorded the first witness' deposition narrating how Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
leader Delwar Hossain Sayeedi
...Islamic orator and politician. He was a former Member of Parliament in the National Assembly of Bangladesh from 1996 to 2008, and is one of the most prominent leaders of the Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami...
and other collaborators helped the Pak occupation forces to commit atrocities and crimes against humanity in 1971.

Prosecution witness and freedom fighter Mahabubul Alam Hawlader of Pirojpur completed his deposition yesterday while witness and freedom fighter Ruhul Amin Nabin of the same district began giving his deposition to the court recollecting the events that took place 40 years ago.

Hawlader, who was 20 years old in 1971, worked as a spy for the freedom fighters.

He narrated how Sayeedi spearheaded groups of collaborators to loot over 60 houses and shops, and how he ordered the killing of Bisha Bali, a Hindu resident of Umedpur village of Pirojpur.

Sayeedi, now 71 years old, stood in the dock at the back of the courtroom during the five-and-a-half-hour proceedings, with an hour's break.

He is the first among the seven accused of war crimes during the Liberation War with 20 specific charges were brought against him on October 3. A total of 68 prosecution witnesses are supposed to give their depositions in the case.

Hawlader, who introduced himself as a businessman, was not allowed to reveal his address for security reasons.

He identified Sayeedi and said he knows Sayeedi. "During the war, I was serving as a freedom fighter in the Sundarbans freedom fighters' camp. My responsibility was to be a spy and collect confidential information for the freedom fighters," he said.

According to Hawlader, Major Ziauddin Ahmed and AKM Awal of the Sub-Sector-9 assigned him to be a spy.

"Throughout Pirojpur, the collaborators and peace committee members committed rapes, arsons, and murdered many innocent people and members of the Hindu community," he told the court. "They also handed many women over to the Pak occupation forces so that they could be raped.

"As a spy, I observed all these criminal activities and delivered the information to the Sundarbans freedom fighters' camp."

"During the war of liberation in 1971, I remained at my home," Hawlader told the court.

He recollected the historic speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 7, 1971, and how people from all walks of life prepared for war.

Many went to India for training. Many received guerrilla training inside the country. They collected weapons from their localities and formed resistance against the occupation forces, he said.

"With no solution in sight, the Pak forces formed an anti-liberation force, comprised of collaborators, called the Peace Committee with Ghulam Azam, Gulzar AKM Yousuf and Khan Mohammad Afzal of Pirojpur among others," he added.

Members of the peace committee directed Jamaat-e-Islami members in different parts of the country to form local peace committees and kill freedom fighters and Liberation War supporters in their areas.

The Parer Haat peace committee of Pirojpur was formed this way.

Hawlader identified Sayeedi, Sekandar Ali Shikder, Danesh Ali Majumder, Mohammad Salehuddin, Mawlana Azhar Ali Talukder, Mohsin, Abdul Karim, Habibur Rahman Munshi, Sobhan Mawlana and Hakim Kari among others as members of the peace committee of Parer Haat.

Most of the members were from local madrasas and anti-liberation organizations, he said.

As Sayeedi joined student politics while studying in alim class at Pirojpur's Shashina Madrasa, the madrasa authorities suspended him, he added.

According to Hawlader, Pak occupational forces came to Pirojpur in the first week of May, 1971.

"On the morning of May 7, I was outside the house and heard that the occupation forces are coming to Parer Haat. And the Parer Haat peace committee members were waiting at the rickshaw stand to greet them," he said.

"I went to Parer Haat and hid myself near the rickshaw stand. I saw 52 Mighty Pak Army men arrive on 26 rickshaws and members of the peace committee greeted them," he added. Sayeedi, fluent in Urdu, spoke to Captain Ezaz, a captain of the occupation forces.

The collaborators then guided the Pak forces inside Parer Haat bazaar.

"They showed Captain Ezaz the shops and homes of Hindus and Awami League activists supporting the Liberation War," said Hawlader, "Captain Ezaz than ordered his forces to raid those [shops and houses]."

After the raid had started, Hawlader saw the situation getting worse and he distanced himself from the spot.

According to Hawlader, he later came to learn that some 30 to 35 shops and homes were looted in the raid.

"The items looted during the raid were distributed under the leadership of Sayeedi," he told the court. During the raid, the Pak forces found approximately 20kg of gold (22 sher) in an iron safe buried under the shop of Makhan Saha, who was a big businessman in Parer Haat, Hawlader said.

Sayeedi personally had led the raid at Makhan Saha's store, located in the northern side of Parer Haat, he claimed.

"After finding so much gold in one room, Captain Ezaz named it Shonar Parer Haat [golden parer haat]," he added.

The looted items were taken to Sayeedi's father-in-law's house in the same area. "The collaborators created a fund with the looted goods and the gold, which totalled to around Tk 15 lakh [at that time]," said Hawlader, adding that Sayeedi himself traded the looted goods.

"He used the money to make buildings and other assets in Khulna and Dhaka," said Hawlader.

While Sekandar Shikder and Danesh Ali Mollah were the leaders of collaborators, Sayeedi, being fluent in Urdu, had managed to build a close tie with Captain Ezaz, he said.

On June 2, Hawlader decamped with a group of freedom fighters as he heard that the collaborators were coming to get them.

Later that day, he came to learn that the collaborators led by Danesh, Sekandar, Sayeedi, Momin Hawlader, Hakim Kari and Habibur Rahman Munshi had attacked a Hindu-majority area near Umedpur village.

There they looted some 25 houses including those of Chitya Ranjan Talukder, Jahur Talukder, Bisha Bali, Shukur Ali and Anil Mandal.

According to Hawlader, the collaborators also tied ailing Bisha Bali to a coconut tree and beat him up. "Sayeedi then ordered the collaborators to shoot Bisha Bali. One collaborator shot him dead."

Recounting the events of the day, Hawlader said after the Pakistain army had sprayed the area with bullets, he along with a group of people hid inside a nearby jungle.

"Some people of the peace committee and the Razakar Bahini went to my home around noon that day. They put pressure on my bother Abdul Mazid and tortured him as he refused to tell them the whereabouts of freedom fighters and the Awami League men," he said.

"They entered the house, looted 10 tolas of gold ornaments, Tk 20,000 from an almirah and looted two tolas of gold from my mother's room, and vandalised furniture costing around Tk 30,000. They damaged our valuables worth around Tk 3 lakh."

"I seek trial of the people who committed crimes against humanity, war crimes, and killed lakhs of people during the Liberation War in 1971," he told the court concluding his around two-hour-long testimony.

Before Hawlader began his deposition, the three judges' panel headed by its Chairman Justice Nizamul Huq, rejected two petitions filed by Sayeedi.

One was filed seeking adjournment of the depositions while the other for necessary copies of some documents from the prosecution.

The tribunal ordered the defence to submit a list of their witnesses and documents before it by December 14.

In response to another petition submitted by the defence counsels, the tribunal said the superintendent of police will decide whether they (defence lawyers) would be given police protection when they visit places of offences allegedly committed by Sayeedi.

After Hawlader's deposition, Mizanul Islam, a counsel for Sayeedi, started cross-examining him yesterday. He asked the witness whether there is any evidence in the court that was seized by the Sherlocks from him.

Hawlader replied in the negative.

The lawyers for Sayeedi told the court that they were not prepared to cross examine Hawlader and that they want to start cross-examination of the witness on December 11.

The court then fixed December 11 for Hawlader's cross examination. After Hawlader, second prosecution witness Nabin began his deposition. He is scheduled to resume his testimony today.

Nabin, who was 21 then, said he heard over the radio and television that the International Crimes Tribunal was formed in Bangladesh and that the investigation team of the tribunal would probe the crimes committed during the Liberation War.

"I submitted a compliant to the tribunal chief on July 20 last year seeking justice against the war crimes and this is my statement," he said.

Nabin said the Pak occupation forces formed peace committee, Razakar, Al Shams and Al Badr militia forces with the help of some agents and leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami.

Past BNP-led govt patronised militants: PM
[Bangla Daily Star] Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wednesday alleged that it was the BNP-led alliance government that had supported beturbanned goons to blast bombs at some 500 spots across the country during their regime.

"I'm sure the then four-party alliance government had extended cooperation to the beturbanned goons to commit such heinous job; otherwise, it was totally impossible," she said at a mass reception accorded to her at Hotel Inter Continental in La Belle France by Awami League, La Belle France chapter.

Hasina accused the BNP-Jamaat government of tarnishing the image of the country during their tenure. The present government, with hectic efforts during its last two and half years, had regained the country's lost image, she said.

"Now you can feel proud abroad as the present government has built up the image of your country," she told the expatriate Bangladeshis.

The prime minister also accused opposition leader Khaleda Zia
Three-term PM of Bangla, widow of deceased dictator Ziaur Rahman, head of the Bangla Nationalist Party, an apparent magnet for corruption ...
of using her power while in the government to make black money and allow her family members do so.

"They (Khaleda and her family members) made black money trough endless corruption and whitened the black money through paying extra taxes. But black money is black money; it can never be white," she said.

Hasina assured the expatriate Bangladeshis that the Awami League-led grand alliance would not encourage any corruption, militancy and extremism in the country that might again tarnish the image of the country abroad.

"We are voted to power for the welfare of the country and its people. Bangladesh is a country with immense scope for prosperity; we've to utilise that," she said.

The PM called upon the expatriate Bangladeshis to stand beside the country at times of need as they had done in the past and extend cooperation to turn the country into a science and technology-based `Digital Bangladesh'.

She also asked them to work for the country from their respective position so that the nation could uphold its dignity in the international community.

About the gold medal and certificate of diploma she was awarded by famous Dauphine University of La Belle France, Hasina dedicated the medal to the countrymen.

She said her government, in line with its election pledges, has been implementing various programs to raise the living standard of the common people and sought the cooperation of the expatriate Bangladeshis to this end.

She admitted with gratitude that with the remittance of the expatriate Bangladeshis country's foreign currency reserve rose to 11 billion dollars and her government, for the first time after Bangabandhu's government, had bought gold for the country utilising the reserve.

The prime minister urged the pro-liberation patriotic forces especially the expatriate Bangladeshis to beware of any conspiracy against the country and its constitution.

She also thanked the expatriate Bangladeshis for their strong support to her when the last caretaker government had obstructed her entry into the country and subsequently sent her to jail.

Hasina assured the non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) that her government would always remain with them as it had been in the past.

Mentioning their cooperation in every development efforts of the government, she said that soon after assuming the office, her government has taken various measures to resolve their problems and ensure their wellbeing.

In this regared, she mentioned the setting up of Expatriate Welfare Bank for providing collateral-free loans to mitigate the migration cost for aspiring overseas workers as well as for easy and hassle-free remittance of their hard earned money to the country.

The PM observed that without uninterrupted democracy, the desired development of the country would not be possible, as democracy is the precondition of all developments including economic uplift.

She said to stabilise the prices of food grains as well as to remove the sufferings of the people of low income group, her government is procuring food at higher prices from the international market and selling those at lower prices in the domestic market.

"We'll do whatever is needed to ensure food security in the country."

Hasina also listed many other steps that her government has taken for the overall development of the countrymen and the country as a whole.

State Minister for Woman and Children Affairs Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, All-Europe Awami League president Anil Das Gupta, UK AL president Sultan Mohammad Sharif, La Belle France AL leaders Jahanara Sultana, Nargis Sultana and Sheuli Akhter, and famous mime artist Partha Pratim Majumder were, among others, also spoke at the reception.

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