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Abdur Rahman Abdur Rahman JMB Bangladesh 20060307 Link
  Abdur Rahman Jamatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20060315 Link
  Abdur Rahman Jamatul Mujahedeen Afghanistan/South Asia 20050914 Link
  Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujaheddin Bangladesh Bangladesh 20060616 Link
  Abdur Rahman Jagrata Muslim Janata Afghanistan/South Asia 20050922 Link
  Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Afghanistan/South Asia 20050827  
  Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahedin Afghanistan/South Asia 20050822  
  Abdur Rahman al-Qaeda Afghanistan/South Asia 20040212  
  Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia Bangladeshi Deceased 20050903  
  Abdur Rahman Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia 20050908  
Abdur Rahman Ayub Abdur Rahman Ayub Jemaah Islamiyah Down Under 20030730  
Abdur Rahman ibne Abdullah Abdur Rahman ibne Abdullah Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20060317 Link
Hafez Abdur Rahman Hafez Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20051226 Link
Maulana Abdur Rahman Maulana Abdur Rahman Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh 20051019 Link
Maulana Abdur Rahman Faruki Maulana Abdur Rahman Faruki Harkatul Jihad Bangladesh 20051019 Link
Mohammad Abdur Rahman Mohammad Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia 20050912 Link
Shaekh Abdur Rahman Shaekh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20060130 Link
Shaiekh Abdur Rahman Shaiekh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20060228 Link
Shaikh Abdur Rahman Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaat ul Mojahideen Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia 20050927 Link
  Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahedin Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia 20050825  
  Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen, Bangladesh Bangladesh 20051019 Link
  Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh Bangladesh 20051101 Link
  Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahidin Bangladesh Bangladesh 20051221 Link
  Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Afghanistan/South Asia Bangladeshi Deceased 20050922 Link
Shayek Abdur Rahman Shayek Abdur Rahman Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Afghanistan/South Asia 20050831  

3 Arsa members held for killing Rohingya man in Ukhiya camp
[Dhaka Tribune] Law enforcers held three members Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa)
... in Arabic Harakah al-Yaqin or Harkat ul Yaqin (Faith Movement, HaY), they’re led by a committee in Saudi Arabia and commanded on the ground by a group of 20 jihadis fronted by one Ata Ullah a.k.a. Hafiz Tohar a.k.a. Jununi, etc., who was born in Karachi and reared in Saudi Arabia. ARSA may or may not be a false-nose-and-mustache front for Aqa Mul Mujahideen, a minor jihadi group linked to al-Qaeda. At any rate, ARSA has the vocal support of al-Qaeda’s Bangladesh offshoot Ansar al-Islam as well as Hizbut Tahrir, and has been running amok in the Cox’s Bazaar refugee camps...
for their alleged involvement in killing a Rohingya man in Cox's Bazar's Ukhiya camp.
They have those Red Kettle things too?
The detainees are Asmat Ullah, Abdur Rahman, and Abu Shama.

Additional Superintendent of Police of RAB-15 Abu Salam Chowdhury said that the joint team of RAB-15 and APBN-8 raided the Rohingya camp no 18 on Friday, and arrested three members of the Rohingya group Arsa.

Ukhiya cop shoppe Officer-in-Charge (OC) Sheikh Mohammad Ali said that some 12-13 masked miscreants had kidnapped the victim, Rafiq, and took him to camp no 11. He was later shot to death.

The dear departed, Rafiq, 35, was a resident of Block A/9 at camp no 19.

The body has been sent to a local hospital for an appointment with Dr. Quincy.
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army: 2023-02-03 In Bangladesh’s borderland with Myanmar, 2 Rohingya militant groups fight for dominance
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army: 2023-01-19 Rohingya settlement on Bangladesh-Myanmar border torched amid fighting between militant groups
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army: 2022-12-03 Rohingya rebel group ARSA denies killing Bangladesh intelligence officer

Taliban Accused Of Forcibly Evicting Ethnic Uzbeks, Turkmen In Northern Afghanistan

Not even a hint of this in our usual Afghan sources, except the eviction of Hazeras in September and complaints from Panjshir Valley after the Talibs put down the rebellion.
...Arabic for students...
fighters have been accused of forcibly evicting more than 1,000 people in northern Afghanistan, with the evictions targeting members of the ethnic Uzbek and Turkmen communities.

Ethnic Uzbeks and Turkmen allege that Pashtuns seized their homes and land in the northern province of Jowzjan with the help of the Taliban, a predominately Pashtun group.

The evictions came as Taliban fighters have expelled hundreds of Shi’ite Hazara
...a grouping of Dari-speaking people of Sino-Tibetan descent inhabiting Afghanistan and Pakistain. They are predominantly Shia Moslems and not particularly warlike, which makes them favored targets...
families from their homes and farms in five provinces since the bandidos holy warriors seized power in Afghanistan in August.

Rights groups say the Taliban’s forced displacement of residents is an attempt to distribute land to their own supporters and collectively punish communities that backed the former government.

Abdullah says he is among those who have been displaced in Darzab, a remote district in Jowzjan.

He says Taliban fighters accompanied by Pashtun nomads forced more than 1,000 ethnic Uzbeks and Turkmen from their homes and farms in Darzab and Qush Tepa, a neighboring district in Jowzjan, on November 27.

Abdullah, who requested that his real name not be used out of concern for his safety, told RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi that the provincial Taliban authorities had promised to send a delegation to investigate the alleged land seizures. But he said on December 8 that the delegation had yet to arrive.

"This has been our land for hundreds of years," he says. "We have cultivated it and it belongs to us."

Faizullah, a resident of Qush Tepa, says Pashtun nomads with the help of the Taliban seized more than 20,000 acres of their land.

"Nobody could resist," he says. "If we raised our voices, we would be killed."

Ghulam Sarwar Alizai, a representative for Pashtun nomads in Jowzjan, says land ownership is often unclear because the disputed properties are on government land.

He says the nomads want to return to the pastures that they were prevented from accessing for around two decades.

"Some of our [Uzbek and Turkmen] brothers acknowledge that the land is owned by the government, but they had worked hard to cultivate the barren land," he told Radio Azadi. "A tribal council comprising five people from each side will be the best setting to find a solution."

The Taliban did not respond to calls and text messages from RFE/RL seeking comment.

But in comments to the BBC on November 29, Taliban front man Bilal Karimi denied any forced displacements had taken place in Jowzjan.

"No such thing has happened and the situation in Qush Tepa is calm," he said, adding that the authorities were investigating the issue "and would not allow anyone or any group to encroach on anyone's property."

Disputed sample censuses dating back to the 1970s estimate the Pashtun population at just over 40 percent, followed by ethnic Tajiks at less than 30 percent with Hazara and Uzbeks at around 10 percent. Various smaller minorities account for the rest of the population.

Since regaining power, the Taliban has been accused of forcibly evicting thousands of people across the country.

In October, the Taliban forcibly evicted hundreds of Hazara families from southern Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
Province and the northern province of Balkh.

In late September, some 700 Hazara were forcibly evicted by the Taliban in the central province of Daikundi. The Taliban claimed that they were implementing a Taliban court order that required the land to be returned to what it said were its original owners.

The evictions have not only targeted non-Pashtuns. The Taliban also evicted fellow Pashtuns in the southern province of Kandahar. The evictions targeted those who had served in the former government or its armed forces.

"The Taliban should cease forcible evictions and adjudicate land disputes according to the law and a fair process," Patricia Gossman, associate Asia director at Human Rights Watch (HRW), told RFE/RL.

Gossman said northern Afghanistan has a long history of collective punishment and forced evictions. She said that after the U.S.-led invasion in 2001 toppled the Taliban regime from power, the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance "engaged in evictions of local Pashtuns."

The former Northern Alliance, a coalition of anti-Taliban groups that resisted Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, consisted mainly of ethnic Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazara.

Before the Northern Alliance, the "Taliban did it against other groups," Gossman adds.

"Efforts after 2001 to reform the land ownership system failed because of the power of strongmen and warlords, including those in the administration and parliament," she said.

Many of the land disputes in northern Afghanistan are a legacy of the forced and voluntary resettlement of Pashtuns in the region in the 19th century. Starting from the 1880s, Afghan King Abdur Rahman Khan, a Pashtun from the south, forcibly relocated thousands of people from rival Pashtun communities from eastern Afghanistan to the north, where there was only a tiny Pashtun population. The Pashtun settlers were often given free land and received tax exemptions. In the 20th century, Pashtuns also voluntarily settled in northern Afghanistan.

"Both the forced and voluntary migrants colonists were allocated land by the central government, a development that fostered tensions with communities that consequently lost access to farmland and pastures," said a HRW report released in 2002.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, refugees from Central Asia also arrived in northern Afghanistan. Many of them fled Tsarist Russia’s invasion of Central Asia and the emergence of the Soviet Union.
Jowzjan: 2021-11-17 Taliban arrest man for selling 130 women in Afghanistan
Jowzjan: 2021-08-08 US State Department called on Americans to leave Afghanistan immediately
Jowzjan: 2020-10-07 Taliban Red Unit Commander Killed in North Clashes
Balkh: 2021-12-05 Afghan Military Aircraft Abroad Being Returned: Officials
Balkh: 2021-12-05 Normalization: Reopening embassies, meeting Talib ‘acting’ FM
Balkh: 2021-12-03 Taliban, US conclude their two-day negotiations in Doha
Daikundi: 2021-12-05 Normalization: Reopening embassies, meeting Talib ‘acting’ FM
Daikundi: 2021-12-01 MoI Rejects HRW Report of '100' Extrajudicial Killings
Daikundi: 2021-11-27 Armed Taliban men kill a young physician in the western Herat province
Kandahar: 2021-12-09 Anas Haggani: World's Terms for Govt Recognition 'Unjust'
Kandahar: 2021-12-05 Normalization: Reopening embassies, meeting Talib ‘acting’ FM
Kandahar: 2021-12-01 MoI Rejects HRW Report of '100' Extrajudicial Killings
Helmand: 2021-12-01 MoI Rejects HRW Report of '100' Extrajudicial Killings
Helmand: 2021-11-24 Islamic Emirate Appoints 27 Senior Officials
Helmand: 2021-11-20 Opium Price Spikes in Recent Months: UNODC

2 ISIS sympathisers part of Quran Circle charged by NIA
[OneIndia] The National Investigation Agency has filed a chargesheet against two ISIS sympathisers from Karnataka.
Back in the old days we called it Mysore, for those who remember such things. The capitol is still Bangalore, if that’s any comfort, though sometimes they call it Bengaluru.
The two persons are Ahamed Abdul Cader and Irfan Nasir. Both the accused persons were part of a terrorist group which identified impressionable Moslem youth and further motivated, radicalised them and also provided funds for their visit to Syria to further the ideology and activities of banned terrorist organization ISIS.

The case was registered by the NIA in September last year after the examination of Dr Abdur Rahman in an Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
Khorasan province case, who was motivated and sent to Syria to join the ISIS in 2013-14 by the terrorist group formed by the accused in the case, according to the NIA official.

The NIA had busted the ISIS module wherein, the names of various persons responsible for radicalising and funding the visits of Moslem youth from Bengaluru/Karnataka to ISIS-controlled areas emerged, the official said.

Cader, Nasir and some of their associates, who are members of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir, an international Islamist and fundamentalist organization, had formed a group namely 'Koran Circle' to further their ISIS-related activities, the NIA official said.

Based on the forensic examination of digital devices seized during the search and meticulous analysis of funds raised and provided by the members of Koran Circle, roles of various accused/suspects located abroad and in India, emerged which are under investigation in the case, the official said.
Karnataka: 2021-03-17 ISIS module which recruited in Kerala planned religious migration to J&K for terror acts
Karnataka: 2021-03-16 ISIS module case: NIA conducts searches in Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka; Three held
Karnataka: 2021-03-06 RedEcho cyber attack: Ports in TN, Mumbai, scores of power assets in India came under attack
Hizb-ut-Tahrir: 2021-03-07 3 suspected Hijbut Tahrir men arrested
Hizb-ut-Tahrir: 2020-06-06 'We will take over': Australian leader of extremist Islamic group says US riots are 'opportunity' for Muslims to seize global leadership, impose Sharia law
Hizb-ut-Tahrir: 2019-10-17 Knife-wielding Muslim in Brussels asks passersby if they are Jewish
Bengaluru: 2021-03-30 Cop, municipal councillor killed in terror attack at Sopore, Jammu and Kashmir, Lashkar e-Taiba dunnit?
Bengaluru: 2021-03-23 NIA charges Hizbul’s gun-runners who were sustaining political-terrorist nexus in J&K
Bengaluru: 2021-03-17 ISIS module which recruited in Kerala planned religious migration to J&K for terror acts

Bengaluru ophthalmologist Rehman was developing medical app to help injured ISIS terrorists
The Indians have apparently been interrogating again, and as a result connections are being revealed, followed by ever more arrests. It’s one of those virtuous cycle thingies.
[OneIndia] The ophthalmologist Abdur Rehman who was arrested by the National Investigation Agency in Bengaluru
...apparently Bangalore is too old fashioned, like Bombay...
was in the process of developing a medical application to help the injured Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....

He had visited an ISIS medical camp in Syria in early 2014 for treatment of ISIS hard boyz and stayed with Islamic State operatives for 10 days and returned to India, the NIA said. He was arrested on Tuesday in connection with the Islamic State Khorasan Province case.

During interrogation, arrested accused Abdur Rahman confessed that he was conspiring with accused Jahanzaib Sami and other Syria-based ISIS operatives on secure messaging platforms to further ISIS activities. He was in the process of developing a medical application for helping the injured ISIS cadres in the conflict-zones and a weaponry-related application for the benefit of ISIS fighters.

The case, it may be recalled was initially registered by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police in March 2020. The Delhi Police registered this case after arresting a Kashmiri couple Jahanzaib Sami Wani and his wife Hina Bashir Beigh from Okhla Vihar, Jamia Nagar in Delhi.

The couple was found to be having affiliations with ISKP, a banned terrorist outfit affiliated with the ISIS. The couple were found to be involved in subversive activities and were also in touch with Abdul Basith, who is now lodged in the Tihar jail in connection with another case being probed by the NIA.

The probe also led to the arrest of Sadiya Anwar Sheikh and Nabeel Siddique Khatri, both residents of Pune. They were allegedly part of the conspiracy to carry out subversive activities under the garb of protesting against the amended citizenship law.
More about Mr. Rehman and his arrest here.
Bengaluru: 2020-08-13 Good afternoon
Bengaluru: 2020-08-13 Three people killed during clashes with police in the Indian city of Bengaluru over an anti-Islam Facebook post
Bengaluru: 2020-04-07 Mosque Instructed Mob to ‘Manhandle’ Coronavirus Health Workers
Islamic State Khorasan: 2020-07-23 US Forces Exit 2 Bases in Nangarhar: Local Officials
Islamic State Khorasan: 2020-04-17 Afghan forces intercept Taliban fighters, find Jaish terrorists training for Kashmir
Islamic State Khorasan: 2020-04-17 ISKP leader captured.
Delhi: 2020-08-16 Two cops killed in J&K terrorist attack
Delhi: 2020-08-15 Militants kill two police in Kashmir ahead of India's Independence Day
Delhi: 2020-08-11 Terrorists trained by Pakistani commandos in Afghanistan planning attacks in Kashmir
Pune: 2020-02-24 More sleeping with sources in the swamp: Trump-hating DIA analyst pleads guilty to leaks to honeytrap reporter
Pune: 2019-05-04 Zakir Naik charged with money laundering by India's financial crimes investigation agency
Pune: 2018-12-23 A quarter of a million foreign thugs deported – thanks, Trump!

ISIS release details of assailants involved in attack on Dr Abdullah
Follow up to this story from yesterday.
[KhaamaPress] The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group released the details of the assailants who carried out the deadly attack in Kabul city on Friday.

The offshoot of the terror group, ISIS Khurasan, posted a statement in Amaq News, claiming the deadly attack which left scores of people dead or maimed.

The statement further added that the group’s fighters, Ahmad al-Tajiki and Abdur Rahman al-Muhajir carried out the attack, killing or wounding at least 150 people.

The security officials said late on Friday that the attack which targeted the death anniversary of a prominent political leader in Kabul city left 32 dead and 81 others maimed.

The button men stormed the death anniversary ceremony of Anbdul Ali Mazari, a prominent Hazar leader on Friday as some of the key politicians including Abdullah Abdullah
...the former foreign minister of the Northern Alliance government, advisor to Masood, and candidate for president against both Karzai and Ghani. Dr. Abdullah was born in Kabul and is half Tadjik and half Pashtun. He also held the meaningless salaried sop position as CEO of Afghanistan, while Ghani was president...
and Mohammad Karim Khalili were present in the scene and were delivering speeches.

The Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
group rejected the involvement of the group’s fighters in the attack.

Yesterday’s attack followed a steep rise in attacks across the country following the signing of a peace deal between U.S. and Taliban following a 7-day reduction in violence.

The latest surge in violence including Taliban attacks has sparked concerns that the growing violence may further delay the launch of intra-Afghan talks and the grinding of the peace processor.

Multiple people wounded as back to back explosions rock Jalalabad city of Afghanistan
[KhaamaPress] Multiple sustained wounds in back to back explosions in Jalalabad city, the historic provincial capital of eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..

The Governor’s Office of Nangarhar said in a statement that six bombs went off in Jalalabad city earlier today.

The statement further added that the earth-shattering kabooms maimed at least 17 people in the 1st and 4th districts of the city.

Furthermore, the Governor’s Office said the security forces had earlier discovered and defused six bombs from various parts of the city.

...back at the alley, Bugs Moroni was holding Slats from behind while his brother Greasy Thumb was pounding his face into paste ...
the statement by Governor’s Office added that the health condition of three people has been reported as critical.

No individual or group including Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
has so far grabbed credit for the earth-shattering kabooms.
An Nahar adds:
Afghanistan's independence day was marred by bloodshed Monday when a series of explosions shook the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, wounding dozens of people including children.

As many as 10 blasts were reported in and around the city in Nangarhar province, authorities said, and casualty numbers appeared to be rising.

"The explosions were caused by IEDs in different parts of the city and as groups of people were celebrating independence day," Nangarhar governor's spokesman Attaullah Khogyani said, referring to improvised explosive devices.

Jalalabad is the scene of frequent bomb attacks, and the surrounding terrain is home to both Taliban fighters and the Islamic State group's local affiliate.

At least 19 people were wounded, Khogyani said. Zaher Adel, a spokesman for a local hospital, said about 40 wounded people had been brought in with more expected.

This year's August 19 celebrations mark 100 years of Afghan independence from British influence.
Tolo News provides a bit of history:
Although Afghanistan was never part of the British Empire, it gained its independence from Britannia after the signing of the Anglo-Afghan Treaty in 1919 ‐ a treaty that granted complete neutral relations between Afghanistan and Britannia.

And although not having been part of the British Empire, Britannia fought three wars in the country.

The First Anglo-Afghan War (1839-1842) led to the defeat of the entire British-led Indian invaders by Afghan forces under Abdur Akbar Khan. The Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880) first saw the British defeated in the Battle of Kandahar only for them to emerge victors ‐ which led to Abdur Rahman Khan becoming the new emir.
And from Dawn:
A series of bombings struck restaurants and public squares on Monday in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, wounding at least 34 people, officials said, as the country marked the 100th anniversary of its independence.

The Jalalabad bombs were planted near a market where hundreds of people had congregated after attending Independence Day events. Senior health official Fahim Bashari said at least 34 people were maimed.
Jalalabad: 2019-08-16 Prominent ISIS group members arrested in East of Afghanistan
Jalalabad: 2019-08-16 Airstrikes kill 3 Taliban militants, destroy captured Humvee and communication node
Jalalabad: 2019-08-11 Special Forces foil suicide attacks planned for Eid days in Kabul and Nangarhar
Islamic State: 2019-08-18 Explosion Targets Wedding Hall In Kabul; Casualties Feared UPDATE: 63 dead, ISIS claims it
Islamic State: 2019-08-18 Army inflicts heavy losses upon al-Nusra terrorist in Idleb’s southern countryside
Islamic State: 2019-08-18 Syria regime strikes kill mother, 6 of her children: monitor
Cowardly attacks: 2018-09-17 At least 23 dead in weekend of ethnic violence in Ethiopia
Cowardly attacks: 2018-03-15 Nancy Pelosi smacked down for calling ICE agents 'cowardly'
Cowardly attacks: 2016-12-15 ISIS suicide bombers hit Kurdish positions near Raqqa

Tabligh clash victim succumbs to burn injuries
[Dhaka Tribune] A man who was set on fire by a faction of Tablighi Jamaat
A peaceful group of itinerant Deobandi preachers who form one of al-Qaeda's recruiting arms...
succumbed to his injuries on Monday afternoon.

Abdur Rahim, a 30-year-old man, was set on fire by several assailants on the night of May 19 after Tarabi prayers in Kishoreganj’s Katiadi.

According to Rahim’s older brother Abdur Rahman, Rahim was a member of Maulana Muhammad Saad Al Kandhalvi’s Tablighi Jamaat faction, which has been involved in an internecine strife with Maulana Muhammad Jubair Hassan’s faction.

Rahman alleged that the attackers were followers of Saad Kandhalvi.

He said: “Everyone used to adhere to Maulana Saad’s instructions. But ever since the feud began with Maulana Jubair, there have been a lot of difficult situations, the worst being this.”

Rahim’s uncle Mamunur Rashid filed a case with the Katiadi police. Two suspects have been arrested so far.

Yaba kingpin Saiful killed in Teknaf ‘gunfight’
[Dhaka Tribune] Top yaba smuggler Saiful Karim‐mostly known by initials "SK" among his associates‐has been killed in a reported shootout with police in Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar.
"Aaaiiieee! I am undone!"
The incident occurred near the banks of the Naf river, along the boundary wall of Teknaf’s land port, around 3:30am on Friday.
"Chief! It's 3:30am!"
"Check your weapons, men!"

The three police personnel injured in the incident are: Sub-Inspector (SI) Russel Ahmed, 35, Constable Imam Hossain, 30, and Constable Md Solaiman, 36.

...back at the shootout, Butch shot Black Bart's gun out of his hand......
police recovered: nine firearms, 43 bullets, 33 shell casings, and 100,000 yaba pills‐worth approximately Tk1.3crore‐from the spot.
Not a single shutter gun?"
Saiful was listed, alongside former Awami League MP Abdur Rahman Badi, on the list of 1,151 drug smugglers and dealers that was prepared by the Home Ministry last year.
"Ay! He had the death sentence on twelve systems, he did!"
Confirming the matter to Dhaka Tribune, Teknaf cop shoppe Officer-in-Charge (OC) Pradip Kumar Das said: "The yaba kingpin was jugged
... anything you say can and will be used against you, whether you say it or not...
by police on charges of arms and drugs.
Which one? I'm confused...
"After thorough interrogation, he finally confessed that a large consignment of yaba pills were dispatched from Myanmar near the Teknaf Sadar land port area a few days ago."
"Tell Mister Big dat Acey got da stuff!"
He said police conducted a drive in the area, taking Saiful along with them, based on his information. However,
there's more than one way to stuff a chicken...
when the law enforcement agency members reached the spot, Saiful’s associate drug traders‐lurking there‐opened fired at them, leaving three members of the police injured.
"It's Jackie Chan! Run fer yer lives!"
"No! It's da cops!"

Police fired back at them in self-defence, triggering the shootout. At one point, Saiful was injured by a bullet, but the rest of the yaba smugglers managed to escape, the OC added.
Funny, how that works out.
Critically injured,
"Sergeant Shafiq! Bring the other half of his head!"
"Yessir! Ewww!"

Saiful was taken to Teknaf Upazila Health Complex but the on-duty doctors referred him to Cox’s Bazaar Sadar Hospital for better treatment.
"Doctor Quincy, to the white courtesy phone!"
there's more than one way to stuff a chicken...
the on-duty doctor at the hospital declared him dead on arrival.
"He's dead, Jim!"

205th Corps adventures in Zabul: 53 Talib hostages rescued, Talib big turban toes up, 3 Talibs self-boom

Afghan forces rescue 53 hostages from a Taliban prison in Zabul province

[KhaamaPress] The Afghan security forces have rescued 53 hostages from a Taliban prison in southern Zabul province, the Ministry of Interior officials said.

Nasrat Rahimi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said the operation was conducted by Special Forces in Daichupan area of the province.

According to Rahimi, at least 8 militants were also killed during the same operation.

Rahimi further added that 4 Commandos of the Afghan army and 4 police soldiers were also among those rescued during the operation.

Taliban Commander killed in an operation of the Afghan-coalition forces in Zabul

[KhaamaPress] The Afghan military in the south has confirmed that a Taliban commander identified Abdur Rahman was killed during an operation of the Afghan and coalition forces in southern Zabul province.

The 205th Corps spokesman has confirmed that a Taliban Commander operating out of Shah Joy District of Zabul Province has been killed yesterday. Abdur Rahman was known to have operated in the areas of Shah Joy and Qalat as a weapons and IED facilitator. He was assumed to be responsible for attacks as recent as this month.

The operation to eliminate the Taliban commander was a joint effort by the 205th Corps and the coalition forces and was ultimately killed by a precision airstrike with no civilians in the area.

The 205th Corps have increased their security operations in Zabul as a way to eliminate future violence and attacks by the Taliban.

“We call on the Taliban to reduce the violence and work towards peace,” was the message sent to the Taliban by the 205th Corps as an effort to appeal to them to stop offensive operations.

3 Taliban blow themselves up in Zabul Province

[KhaamaPress] The 205th Corps confirmed Taliban operating in the Safa District of Zabul Province were attempting to move roadside bombs which accidentally detonated and blew up three Taliban and wounded an additional three.

The 205th Corps also stated that their engineering team in Zabul found and destroyed 12 mines in the Safa district which were intended to be used against security forces as they traveled through the area.

The use of roadside bombs is a common practice used by the Taliban against Afghan forces but unfortunately residents in the area are usually those who fall victim to these tactics.

AL: BNP, Jamaat, Oikya Front working against army under ISI prescription
[Dhaka Tribune] BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
, and Jatiya Oikya Front are spreading propaganda against the army based on the "prescription" provided by Pak intelligence agency ISI, Awami League Joint General Secretary Abdur Rahman has claimed.

He made the accusations at a presser held at the party president's Dhanmondi political office in Dhaka on Tuesday afternoon.

"The lies and deception spread by BNP, Jamaat, and Oikya Front have become profound," he said. "But acting on ISI's prescription, they have now targeted their twisted propaganda towards our symbol of pride and esteem‐our army."

Commenting on Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder and Oikya Front leader Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury's remarks against incumbent army Chief of Staff Abdul Aziz on a TV talk show on October 9, Abdur Rahman said: "Everyone saw how Zafrullah made ill-motivated and false statements against the Bangladesh Army, and its chief, to tarnish the army's image.

"Now these parties are opening fake Facebook IDs and websites in the army's name and trying to confuse the public," he said.

Abdur Rahman also said conspiracies against the army are nothing new for BNP-Jamaat. "After ascending to power with a false coup, BNP Founder Ziaur Rahman killed thousands of innocent army officials and freedom fighters through the so-called tribunal."

BNP and Jamaat have always worked to implicate the army in controversies, he said at the presser.

He added: "Yesterday [Monday], Jatiya Oikya Front chief Dr Kamal Hossain mentioned Yahya Khan's‐the man responsible for 1971's genocide‐name at a presser. If Kamal Hossain stands in front of a mirror, he will only see Yahya's reflection."

The joint general secretary accused Dr Kamal Hossain of harbouring anti-liberation war sentiments. "He has started adopting a Pak mentality."

Accusing BNP, Jamaat, and Oikya Front leaders of causing violence and disruption in different parts of the country before the December 30 polls, Abdur said: "BNP, Jamaat, and Oikya Front are using their own people to vandalize the election offices of Awami League and their allied parties, to sabotage their campaign activities."


Bangladesh police say top Islamic extremist shot dead
[DAWN] Bangladesh police on Tuesday said they had killed the chief of Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), an holy warrior group accused of murdering secular activists and inspiring a cafe siege that killed 22 people.

Khorshed Alam, described as the "emir" of Bangladesh's deadliest Islamist outfit, was bumped off early on Tuesday morning in the northern town of Shibganj, police front man Sonaton Chokraborty said.

"He died before we could bring him to hospital," Chokraborty told AFP of the 38-year-old myrmidon.

Police say Alam emerged after JMB's old guard was weakened by the execution of its former commander Sheikh Abdur Rahman, and five other top chiefs, in March 2007.

He is accused of criminal masterminding a number of attacks across Moslem-majority Bangladesh, including most recently the murder of atheist writer and publisher Shahzahan Bachchu in the central district of Munshiganj in June.

He also spearheaded a daring ambush on a prison van in 2014 that allowed two senior JMB foot soldiers to escape, police said.

In recent years, a splinter faction inspired by JMB's earlier leadership
...known cleverly as “New Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB)”...
grabbed headlines after five of its young members stormed an upmarket Dhaka cafe in July 2016 and murdered 22 people, including 18 foreigners.

Bangladesh police launched a massive crackdown on bandidos bandidos Death Eaters since the cafe siege, killing more than 80 suspected Islamists and arresting hundreds more.

Writer, publisher Shahjahan Bachchu’s killers still in Bangladesh
[Dhaka Tribune] Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) Death Eaters, who killed publisher and freethinking writer, Shahjahan Bachchu, in Munshiganj, are yet to flee abroad, police say.

The primary individual accused in Bachchu murder case, Abdur Rahman, was killed in an alleged shootout on June 28‐but police are yet to arrest the other three suspects.

Police have not released the names of the three suspects who bumped off 60-year-old Bachchu on June 11, in Sirajdikhan upazila.

"The bully boyz involved in the killing do not seem to have left the country. We are tracing them and it will be possible to arrest them soon," Munshiganj police Superintendent Md Zayedul Alam told the Dhaka Tribune.

Police said Rahman was tossed in the slammer
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
in Gazipur with two pistols, 21 bullets, and four grenades. He had admitted to being involved in Bachchu’s killing during an initial interrogation. He told police that he was the military commander of JMB’s Dhaka division.

About three months before the killing, the Death Eater rented the house of expatriate Yakub Ali, in Sirajdikhan’s Khasmohol Baluchar.

The house is currently empty. Locals said Yakub has been abroad for several years. His wife rented out the house and lives with her parents.

After police paid a visit, locals came to know that bully boyz were living there. The house is surrounded by a wall made of tin. There are no houses opposite from Yakub’s residence.

Baluchar’s ward 6 Union Gay Pareehad member Md Moslem Uddin said: "We did not know who rented the house. We learned that bully boyz lived there only after the police came."

...back at the the conspirators' cleverly concealed hideout Montefiore's foot was still stuck and the hound had completely soaked his uniform with slobber...
the Bachchu murder case has been transferred to Munshiganj Detective Branch. DB police’s Officer-in-Charge Md Yunus Ali declined to comment about the case, saying the matter "is very sensitive."

"We cannot disclose the names of the suspects, for the sake of the investigation, but we will arrest them soon," he said.


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