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Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Paris as Israeli air strikes continue
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1 14:43 jpal [64] 
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2 14:34 Grom the Reflective [92] 
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1 10:43 Deacon Blues [67] 
0 [52] 
2 10:04 Grom the Reflective [56] 
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1 06:36 Skidmark [31] 
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4 12:30 swksvolFF [33]
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9 22:30 trailing wife [51]
13 22:52 DooDahMan [81]
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7 10:45 Procopius2k [42]
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3 18:21 Blinky Shilet6999 [42]
13 18:43 DooDahMan [41]
0 [69]
1 19:05 Blinky Shilet6999 [39]
4 07:33 DooDahMan [39]
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8 21:40 Silentbrick [70]
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3 09:03 Skidmark [56]
5 12:28 Abu Uluque [40]
9 12:49 swksvolFF [32]
6 11:41 magpie [34]
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6 16:54 magpie [42]
6 18:35 KBK [46]
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1 05:32 Grom the Reflective [48]
0 [32]
1 03:50 Dale [41]
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0 [36]
2 13:08 Abu Uluque [49]
0 [44]
0 [36]
2 07:01 Skidmark [32]
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1 03:46 Dale [42]
1 07:22 Skidmark [37]
Page 6: Politix
3 13:12 NoMoreBS [54]
2 10:35 swksvolFF [48]
16 17:13 NoMoreBS [39]
Good Morning

US Military is Tracking High-Altitude Balloon Over Colorado %u2013 Pentagon Scrambles Jets to Investigate

Saudi-backed authorities reopen Ma'rib-Sana'a
road in major step towards peace in Yemen
New British and US aggression strikes hit Hodeidah province
Tensions escalate between Saudi and UAE forces on Socotra
Saudi authorities arrest female
pilgrim for raising Palestinian flag
Al-Quds Brigades ambush Zionist forces in central Khan Yunis
Africa North
Egypt receives over 160,000 asylum seekers from Sudan: UN
Notorious double child killer Howard Steven Ault will be executed over infamous 1996 sex killings of two young sisters aged 7 and 11, which saw him rape oldest victim in front of her younger sibling then strangle both

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 12:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [64 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Quoting a bit of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
Posted by: jpal || 02/24/2024 14:43 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Seven civilians killed in artillery shelling of Khartoum neighbourhood
[SUDANTRIBUNE] Activists in the Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
ese capital said on Friday that seven non-combatants were killed in an artillery shelling that targeted a neighbourhood south of Khartoum.

The South Belt Emergency Room, a humanitarian group representing the Mayo, al-Nahda, and al-Azhari neighbourhoods, stated on Friday that seven non-combatants were killed by three artillery shells that fell on al-Nahda’s Squares 1, 3, and 4.

The statement did not pinpoint the source of the shelling but noted that the area has been under the control of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) since the war’s start in April 2023. Neighbourhoods in the South Belt region have seen repeated artillery fire, resulting in casualties.

The emergency room’s statement, compiled by humanitarian activists, confirmed that the dead included women and kiddies, with injuries ranging from critical to minor. Victims were transported to Bashaer and al-Raqi Hospitals.

The statement further identified a female healthcare worker, her mother, and children, including a South Sudanese national, among the dear departed.

The neighbourhood was shelled on December 6, 2023

Since mid-April, the war between the Sudanese army and the RSF erupted in Khartoum before spreading to several states in the Darfur, Kordofan (west), and al-Jazeera (central) regions.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [52 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Sudan: Desperate malnutrition crisis in Zamzam camp, North Darfur
[AFRICANEWS] Displaced people living in the Zamzam camp in North Darfur are suffering from high levels of malnutrition amid insufficient humanitarian aid almost one year since the violence began.

Some 300,000 people displaced by the war in Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
are living in difficult conditions in the camp, located 15 kilometres (nine miles) south of El Fasher, the capital of the state.

Children are the most affected by the poor conditions due to lack of care and food.

Manazir Bakhit Ahmed said that they have received "nothing" since arriving to the camp. She added that they used to have food cards, but now even these have stopped, leaving them with no food.

Masajed Ahmed Basher, a displaced person at the camp, described her experience with her sick child.

She said that most hospitals have been closed because of the conflict, meaning that the nearest hospital is two and a half hours away.

This has made it difficult for her to get treatment for her son.

"He is still sick," she said.

Jean Guy Vataux, chief of the MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF or Doctors Without Borders) mission in Sudan, described the situation as "truly catastrophic."

He said that the mortality rate at the camp was "almost ten times" higher than what was expected and two and a half times higher than the emergency rate.

Vataux also said that the nutritional situation at the camp was "not good," saying that one in four children are acutely malnourished whilst 7% are in a state of severe acute malnutrition.

He added that these malnourished children will die "within weeks" if left untreated.

MSF has called for the mass mobilisation of the international community and a rapid humanitarian response in order to save lives.

According to MSF, an estimated one child is dying every two hours from the malnutrition crisis in the Zamzam camp.

Sudan plunged into chaos last April with street battles between the generals’ rival forces in the capital, Khartoum, that spread to other areas.

Western Darfur, which was wracked by bloodshed and atrocities in 2003, has been an epicenter of the current conflict, an arena of ethnic violence where paramilitary troops and allied Arab militias have been attacking African ethnic groups.

Earlier in February, United Nations
...an organization originally established to war on dictatorships which was promptly infiltrated by dictatorships and is now held in thrall to dictatorships...
Secretary General António Guterres
...Portuguese politician and diplomat, ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations. Previously, he was the UN High Commissioner for Refugees between 2005 and 2015. He was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and was the Secretary-General of the Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002. He served as President of the Socialist International from 1999 to 2005. In both a 2012 and 2014 poll, the Portuguese public ranked him as the best Prime Minister of the previous 30 years...
urged the international community to mobilize and do everything possible to stop the war in Sudan.

He said it was time for the warring rivals - army general Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, general Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo - to start talking about ending the conflict, which has killed at least 12,000 people and sent over 7 million fleeing their homes.

According to MSF, since the start of the war in Sudan, 1.6 million people have fled the country seeking safety, including an estimated 610,000 who have crossed into Chad.

Humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths and U.N. refugee chief Filippo Grandi have appealed for $4.1 billion in international support for embattled civilians in Sudan.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [56 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  Reporting on the warfare in Sudan is horrible. Who are the ethnics found at Zamzam? Where did they move from? Located just outside of the capital Al Fasher, what support is coming from the government? Is the government functioning in North Darfur, and if so, who is in control? Are the roads open to Chad? Libya? Etc., etc., etc.
Posted by: Huputle Cherelet4131 || 02/24/2024 10:02 Comments || Top||

#2  ^If it not Gazans, nobody cares. And if it was Egypt and not Israel ...
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 02/24/2024 10:04 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Egypt receives over 160,000 asylum seekers from Sudan: UN
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The United Nations
...a formerly good idea gone bad...
refugee agency (UNHCR) said it recently registered 7,300 new asylum-seekers from Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
in to Egypt, bringing the number of asylum seekers to 168,250 since the start of Sudan’s crisis in April 2023.

Additionally, the agency said in its latest update, 17,950 individuals received registration appointments last week, making the total 367,000 since April last year.

According to the agency, an agreement was signed with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports to promote social cohesion, ensure refugees’ effective access to all youth centres across the country and enhance their digital literacy.

"The community centres will also intertwine the value of sports, with a plan to introduce a training programme targeting Egyptian and refugee youth — including Sudanese, entailing leadership and sportsmanship activities aimed at promoting social cohesion between refugees and the hosting population," it stated.

The UN refugee agency further revealed that it agreed with the Egyptian Ministry of Education to build an additional 28 classrooms in areas with a high density of refugee school-age children, particularly Sudanese newly arrived children.

Due to the escalating violence in Sudan in recent months and the limited prospects for a near-term ceasefire, the civilian population continues to be forced to flee a country on the brink of famine, according to the UN agency.

Since the conflict in Sudan erupted in April last year, however, the number of Sudanese seeking protection in Egypt has dramatically increased in nine months to 450,000 at the end of January, official figures from the world body indicate.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [67 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  But none from Gaza. Gee, I wonder why.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 02/24/2024 10:43 Comments || Top||

Saudi-backed authorities reopen Ma'rib-Sana'a road in major step towards peace in Yemen
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] Member of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, Mohammad Ali al-Iran's Houthi sock puppets
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The legitimate Yemeni government has accused the them of having ties to the Iranian government. Honest they did. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews They like shooting off... ummm... missiles that they would have us believe they make at home in their basements. On the plus side, they did murder Ali Abdullah Saleh, which was the only way the country was ever going to be rid of him...
, welcomed the announcement by one of the members of the Presidential Leadership Council loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, Sultan al-Arada, about the re-opening of the Ma’rib-Nihm-Sana’a road.

In a post on his account on the X platform, al-Houthi said that "ending the siege on Sana’a by the US-British-Saudi-Emirati coalition and its allies by announcing the opening of the Ma’rib-Sana’a road is good if it continues and allows the Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
is to cross it in the future."

Al-Houthi expressed his hope that the coalition forces would open the other two crossings, the Ma’rib-Serwah-Sana’a and Ma’rib-Bayda roads.

He also called for lifting the siege on the rest of the roads in all provinces, removing the militarisation of the roads, and releasing those kidnapped from the roads who were arrested during transit while traveling during the past years.

In February 2020, Mohammad Ali al-Houthi announced Sana’a’s readiness to open the Sana’a-Ma’rib road via Nihm District, but this announcement did not receive a response at the time from the coalition forces.

The Ma’rib-Nihm-Sana’a road had been shut down by the Saudi invaders and their allies ever since 2015, as part of the blockade against the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. The reopening of the road for the first time in almost nine years marks a major de-escalation and major stride towards possible peace.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [66 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

New British and US aggression strikes hit Hodeidah province
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] The US-British aggression forces launched on Friday a new aerial aggression on Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
’s western provinces of Hodeidah.

A security source in the province confirmed that the US-British aircraft launched three Arclight airstrike
s on the Rass Isa area in the Salif district.

These airstrikes come less than 24 hours after the US-British warplanes launched a similar aggression in the same province, with four airstrikes targeting the al-Jabana area west of the city of Hodeidah.

On Wednesday, the US-British aggression aircraft conducted five airstrikes on the Rass Isa area in the Salif directorate.

The US-British aggression has escalated its airstrikes on the province over the past two weeks with more than 60 airstrikes, in an attempt to deter Yemen from its supportive stance towards Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
and to limit the capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces, which have remained unaffected despite the aggression.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:29 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [92 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  Alternative headline:
"Houthis have won the coinflip and ask to 'get some'. They will receive"
Posted by: Frank G || 02/24/2024 10:54 Comments || Top||

#2  How about "An Israeli soldier attacks a palestinian woman and steals her suicide belt"?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 02/24/2024 14:34 Comments || Top||

Tensions escalate between Saudi and UAE forces on Socotra
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] Tension continues to escalate between Saudi forces and forces loyal to the UAE, on the Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
i island of Socotra, local sources reported.

According to the sources, the Saudi 808 duty forces issued a warning to the protesters stationed in front of the headquarters of the Saudi forces.

The sources clarified that the Saudi forces demanded the protesters, who had set up tents in front of the gate of the Saudi camp for the third consecutive day, to remove the protest camps.

The sources mentioned that the commander of the Saudi forces in Socotra, Maneef al-Mutairi, held a meeting with the protest leaders yesterday, Thursday, during which he called on the protesters and the sons of Socotra not to be swayed by what he claimed to be malicious propaganda targeting the Saudi forces.

The sources quoted participants in the protest as saying that the commander of the Saudi forces directly accused the Emirati forces of attempting to "destabilize security and stability in Socotra."

Last Wednesday, some of the people of Socotra set up protest tents in front of the headquarters of the Saudi forces in Hadiboh, demanding the departure of the Saudi forces from the island.

The friction between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi in Socotra comes within the framework of the escalating conflict between the two parties to control the eastern Yemeni provinces.

It is worth mentioning that the Saudi forces remained silent when the UAE expelled officials and forces of the "legitimate" Islah Party from Socotra in July 2020, prompting supporters of the Yemeni Islah Party to accuse the Saudi forces of complicity with the UAE in the occupation of Socotra at the time.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [69 views] Top|| File under: Southern Transitional Council

Saudi authorities arrest female pilgrim for raising Palestinian flag
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] Saudi security authorities arrested a female pilgrim from inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca for raising the Paleostinian flag.

The arrest of the woman from the Mataf (circumambulation) area in the Grand Mosque has been met with strong criticism from activists on social media.

Some considered the arrest as an act of suppressing any interaction or reminder of the Paleostinian cause by the Saudi authorities.

The Saudi authorities’ activities against the Paleostinian cause have notably increased during the genocidal massacres committed by the Zionist killing machine against the Paleostinian people in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
It’s worth noting that the propaganda spread by Saudi activists associated with the royal palace exhibits a hostile attitude towards the Paleostinian people and resistance.
Even without an Abraham Accords agreement, the Saudis have a cozy relationship with the Juices — very helpful against threats from the patrons of the Houthis.
The Saudi authorities have previously arrested several pilgrims for advocating for Paleostine in Mecca.
They have? When was this?
Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [71 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

US 'shoots down' three Houthi drones over Red Sea
[GEO.TV] The US Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed they had shot down three Iran's Houthi sock puppets
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The legitimate Yemeni government has accused the them of having ties to the Iranian government. Honest they did. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews They like shooting off... ummm... missiles that they would have us believe they make at home in their basements. On the plus side, they did murder Ali Abdullah Saleh, which was the only way the country was ever going to be rid of him...
drones over the Red Sea.

"On Feb. 23, between 3:30 and 5 a.m., CENTCOM forces shot down three Houthi one-way attack UAV near several fat merchantmen operating in the Red Sea. There was no damage to any ships," the agency said in a social media post.
Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  What will it take for a balloon over Montana?
Posted by: Skidmark || 02/24/2024 6:36 Comments || Top||

Al-Quds Brigades ambush Zionist forces in central Khan Yunis
[HODHODYEMENNEWS.NET] The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
Movement, said it had inflicted casualties on Israeli military units in several ambushes in the advancement axis in central Khan Yunis.

"After the return of our fighters from the combat areas, they confirmed their killing and wounding of a Zionist infantry force during an ambush with machine guns and anti-personnel weapons in the axis of advance in central Khan Younis," the al-Quds Brigades said in a statement on Friday.
"We moiderized 'em! Might have been thousands!"
Moreover, the group said in another statement that they bombarded Zionist enemy gatherings with standard 60-caliber mortar shells in al-Zaytoun neighborhood southeast of Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Additionally, al-Quds Brigades’ fighters trapped a Zionist engineering force and a D9 bulldozer in a tight engineering ambush, during which they detonated several highly explosive "Thaqib" barrel bombs in the area of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Younis.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [87 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Israel sounds sirens in Eilat, intercepts aerial target
[GEO.TV] Israel's military said it intercepted a target in the area of the Red Sea on Thursday after sirens warning of incoming rockets and missiles sounded in the southern city of Eilat.

"The target did not cross into Israeli territory and did not pose a threat to civilians. The sirens were sounded according to policy," the military said.

Eilat, on the Red Sea, has in the past been the target of long-distance launches by Yemeni Houthis, in solidarity with Palestinians since the outbreak in October of the Gaza war.
Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 2024-02-24 00:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [41 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Israel proposes 'humanitarian pockets' in Gaza
[GEO.TV] Israel is seeking Paleostinians who are not affiliated with Hamas
...the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,...
to manage civilian affairs in areas of the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Strip designed as testing grounds for post-war administration of the enclave, a senior Israeli official said Thursday.

The Israeli official said the planned "humanitarian pockets" would be in districts of Gaza from which Hamas has been expelled.

"We're looking for the right people to step up to the plate," the official told Rooters on condition of anonymity.
Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [42 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

29,514 Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza since Oct 7, says health ministry
[GEO.TV] At least 29,514 Palestinians have been killed and 69,616 injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since Oct.7, the Gaza health ministry said in a statement on Friday.
Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Paris as Israeli air strikes continue
[GEO.TV] Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
truce talks were underway in Gay Paree on Friday, in what appears to be the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Paleostinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released.

A source briefed on the ceasefire talks, who could not be identified by name or nationality, said talks had begun with Israel's head of Mossad intelligence service meeting separately with each party -- Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
, Egypt and United States.

"There are budding signs of optimism about being able to move forward toward the start of a serious negotiation," the source said. Egypt's Al Qahera TV News also reported that the talks had begun.

An official from Hamas
...a regional Iranian catspaw,...
said the fighter group had wrapped up ceasefire talks in Cairo and was now waiting to see what mediators bring back from the weekend talks with Israel.

Mediators have ramped up efforts to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, in the hope of heading off an Israeli assault on the Gaza city of Rafah where more than a million displaced people are sheltering at the southern edge of the enclave.

Israel says it will attack the city if no truce agreement is reached soon. Washington has called on its close ally not to do so, warning of vast civilian casualties if an assault on the city goes ahead.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh
...became Prime Minister of Gaza after the legislative elections of 2006 which Hamas won. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 June 2007 at the height of the Fatah-Hamas festivities, but Haniyeh did not acknowledge the decree and continues as the PM of Gazoo while Abbas maintains a separate PM in the West Bank...
met Egyptian mediators in Cairo to discuss a truce this past week on his first visit since December.

Two Egyptian security sources earlier confirmed that Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel would head on Friday to Gay Paree for the talks with the Israelis, after wrapping up talks with Haniyeh on Thursday. Israel has not publicly commented on the Gay Paree talks, which are expected to continue through the weekend.

The Hamas official, who asked not to be identified, said the fighter group did not offer any new proposal at the talks with the Egyptians, but was waiting to see what the mediators would bring back from their talks with the Israelis.

"We discussed our proposal with them (the Egyptians) and we are going to wait until they return from Gay Paree," the Hamas official said.

Posted by: Fred || 02/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [84 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2024-02-24
  Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Paris as Israeli air strikes continue
Fri 2024-02-23
  Iran won't play role in south Lebanon reconstruction
Thu 2024-02-22
  Troops kill 3 gunmen, detain 14 terror suspects in overnight Jenin raid – IDF
Wed 2024-02-21
  14 people injured in Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon
Tue 2024-02-20
  Israel threatens invasion of Rafah before Ramadan if hostages not released
Mon 2024-02-19
  Hamas scrambles to replace flailing, radio-silent Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar, Israel says
Sun 2024-02-18
  Special forces searching Khan Younis hospital detain over 100 terror suspects, IDF says
Sat 2024-02-17
  Navalny dies in prison
Fri 2024-02-16
  Senior Hezbollah commander and deputy killed in targeted IDF strike in south Lebanon
Thu 2024-02-15
  UNRWA has 'absolutely zero say' in how Israel responds: official
Wed 2024-02-14
  Senior Hamas official involved in West Bank attacks nabbed in Jenin raid
Tue 2024-02-13
  Lazzarini: UNRWA did not know what is under its headquarters in Gaza
Mon 2024-02-12
Sun 2024-02-11
  Israel carries out fresh air raids in Rafah, Khan Younis
Sat 2024-02-10
  Hezbollah fires large rocket salvo at Israeli-occupied Golan

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