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The UN Secretary General is all smiles meeting in Baghdad with the grinning terrorist Qais Khazali
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5 16:52 Super Hose [21] 
2 15:26 swksvolFF [11] 
12 19:42 Frank G [33] 
8 12:43 Super Hose [29] 
1 12:15 Super Hose [13] 
21 19:46 SteveS [21] 
0 [17] 
11 13:56 Besoeker [37] 
6 14:05 swksvolFF [16] 
4 12:06 Super Hose [18] 
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1 08:48 Procopius2k [19]
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5 18:34 DooDahMan [32]
1 11:37 Chris [32]
1 05:26 Skidmark [17]
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1 22:29 Super Hose [27]
1 22:21 Super Hose [37]
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2 11:48 M. Murcek [22]
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1 07:09 Skidmark [11]
10 17:58 swksvolFF [20]
1 18:50 Otto Ebbugum7366 [26]
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6 23:32 Mad Eye Omeretch7959 [27]
3 10:28 M. Murcek [20]
2 16:05 M. Murcek [12]
4 15:50 M. Murcek [17]
4 11:22 M. Murcek [12]
5 10:55 swksvolFF [10]
9 13:49 Besoeker [13]
8 17:42 swksvolFF [13]
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2 13:57 Deacon Blues [10]
4 18:19 magpie [17]
5 17:18 Slavising Unineting5672 [8]
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4 10:57 magpie [21]
3 10:31 M. Murcek [12]
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1 19:27 Anomalous Sources [21]
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3 13:28 Slish Angunter7690 [10]
0 [13]
3 23:47 Dale [22]
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13 20:16 SteveS [15]
0 [8]
13 23:41 Mad Eye Omeretch7959 [22]
3 17:32 Jeremiah Spiper6159 [12]
0 [7]
-Great Cultural Revolution
Senate kills Biden ESG investment rule in stunning rebuke
[FoxNews] Biden may issue his first veto after Congress voted to repeal his administration's ESG rule

The Senate on Wednesday passed a disapproval resolution, formally killing a Biden administration Department of Labor rule that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environment, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for over 150 million Americans.
Leftist politics instead of fiduciary interest
The measure, which only required a simple majority to pass, passed the threshold in a 50-46 vote. The House of Representatives passed it Tuesday in a 216-204 vote, with only one Democrat voting for the bill.

"President Biden wants to sacrifice seniors’ retirement savings to fund his political agenda," Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana, who led the bill, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. "Both the Senate and the House have now sent powerful, bipartisan rebukes of the Biden ESG agenda. I’m proud to stand up for Americans’ retirement savings to stop this harmful rule."
Posted by: 3dc || 03/02/2023 05:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Biden’s puppet master has him acting like a second term president with nothing to lose. Joe is too far gone to understand that he is not re-electable other than by massive fraud.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 15:08 Comments || Top||

#2  "Can we pull off 85 million?"

"Sir, we didn't really pull off 81 million cleanly at all. That's 20 million more than Obama over Romney, and for basically a dead guy."
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/02/2023 15:26 Comments || Top||

Publisher scraps book from 'Dilbert' creator Scott Adams after 'racist rant'

[NYPOST] Penguin Random House is dropping its plans to publish a book by "Dilbert" comic strip creator Scott Adams, marking the latest fallout over the cartoonist’s recent alleged racist rant.
Oh no! Not raaaaycism!
Adams’ "Dilbert" comic strip was dropped last week by hundreds of newspapers after the 65-year-old creator advised white people to "get the f—k away" from black people during his online show "Real Coffee with Scott Adams."
Not because they're responsible for 55 percent of violent crime while constituting 12 or 13 percent of the population?
Portfolio, a Penguin Random House imprint, said it is ditching its plans to publish the book titled "Reframe Your Brain," according to a report from the Wall Street Journal late Monday.
Don't go trying to relate cause with effect now...
Adams confirmed to the Journal that Portfolio won’t be publishing "Reframe Your Brain."
"They've invited me to an auto-da-fe at their offices next Wednesday though."
Portfolio did not immediately respond to request for comment.
"We don't talk to racists. You wanta get our headquarters burned down?"
The move to cut ties with Adams comes after he reacted last week to a Rasmussen Poll that said a small majority of black Americans agreed with the statement "It’s OK to be white."
Barely half, that is. Slightly less than the number of violent crimes committed by blacks.
"If nearly half of all blacks are not OK with white people ... that’s a hate group," Adams said in the video, which was posted to his YouTube channel last Wednesday.
You're not allowed to point to the 600 pound gorilla in the room. He'll rob your delicatessen.
"I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people ... because there is no fixing this."
It'll be interesting to see how many readers we have after this little rant. And if Comcast drops our service.

Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nicely done Fred.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 2:41 Comments || Top||

#2  I usually don't go where I'm not wanted. That's self-protection, not raycism.
Posted by: Frank G || 03/02/2023 6:57 Comments || Top||

#3  More to the point, never explain yourself or your motivations. Especially to strangers.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 7:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Now that a cartoonist has pulled back the curtain, somewhat related but equally as disgusting.

Delaware lowers passing score on bar exam in push for racial diversity: 'Not supposed to be a barrier'
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 7:35 Comments || Top||

#5  "When you need an attorney, you want a pitbull in a necktie an affirmative action hire.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 7:38 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Dopey Sforza4099 || 03/02/2023 8:59 Comments || Top||

#7  I am pretty sure he can publish his own book.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 12:11 Comments || Top||

#8  Help yourself out. Skip the books that are mostly pictures. Especially the ones with non-historical pictures.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 12:14 Comments || Top||

#9  Ref #7: Yes, and move rapidly to numerous follow-on editions. The WOKE crowd and leftest media (redundant i know), have just made this fellow a ton of money.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 13:46 Comments || Top||

#10  Hodge Twins have great opinions and always worth listening too, and make some good points.

Officer Tatum makes good points as well.

And so did, back in the day, Chris Rock.

Perhaps Scott Adams would like to share the videos which finally broke him?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/02/2023 13:49 Comments || Top||

#11  I suspect Adams, Musk, Rock, and Carlson might make excellent senior Trump or DeSantis administration senior advisors.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 13:56 Comments || Top||

Woke rewrites of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' Bond, other classics: foolish AND sinister
[NYPOST] First, they came for Roald Dahl.
You could just substitute the text of a politically correct story,maybe Heather Has Two Mommies.
Anyone who thought the politically correct rewriting would stop at the irreverent author of such children’s classics as "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Fantastic Mr. Fox" was, of course, sadly mistaken.
I believe they've already screwed with Mark Twain.
Mostly removed things like Huck Finn from libraries and curricula, more’s the pity. Though the vocabulary wouldn’t suit modern sensibilities, the escaped slaves in Huck Finn, for instance, are heroic and fully rounded in their own right, not NPCs.
The news that hundreds of changes have been made in Dahl’s classics is now followed by word that Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, is getting an emergency rewrite as well.
Look out! It's a Chigro!
This is a very bad idea.
See what they come up with when they tackle Henry Fielding.
For a start, where does it end? There’s no limiting principle that would prevent the editing of nearly every great writer in the Western canon.
I've got an idea. Why don't they start with bad writers?
Homer is a cauldron of toxic masculinity
...the liberal concept (the science is settled!) that men are knuckle dragging bastards who spend all their time watching football, drinking beer, burping, farting, and thumping their women. This doesn't apply if the men are girls transitioning to boys, or boys transitioning to girls, or either transitioning to sheep...
. Chaucer, who has been removed from curricula at various universities, would need extensive re-working — for the offense of relaying 14th-century attitudes toward women, if nothing else.
I think nearly everyone reads Chaucer in translation. Those who don't go mad and say things like ""Thus, swyved was this carpenteris wyf, / For al his kepyng and his jalousye, / And Absolon hath kist hir nether ye, / And Nicholas is scalded in the towte. This tale is doon, and God save al the rowte!" Their personal pronouns become "he/hit/heo" and they develop a rash on their genetives.
As for Shakespeare, has anyone read "Othello"?
A story about a colored guy? And the Merchant of Venice should also be Bowdlermeat, give or take a pound of flesh or two..
We get the word "bowdlerize" from Thomas Bowdler, who published a version of Shakespeare more appropriate for families in the early 19th century. He meant well, but his name has become synonymous with ham-fisted editing of texts for political or social reasons.
Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Class Action Suit: that is not the item you advertised.
Posted by: magpie || 03/02/2023 10:51 Comments || Top||

#2  "They're censoring mentions of trivial stuff from books."

Solzhenitsyn and Galileo look up from their cards:

Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 10:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Disney new trailer on woke Peter Pan, Tinkerbell is now black, and the Lost Boys have black girls, and Pan is an Indian. YJCMTSU!
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 03/02/2023 12:20 Comments || Top||

#4  I wonder what a 'woke' version of the Bible would be like?

Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance || 03/02/2023 12:36 Comments || Top||

#5  " To Kill a Mockingbird", which is about the evils of racism, has been removed from a lot of school libraries. It contains bad words. Harper Lee is rolling in her grave.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/02/2023 14:03 Comments || Top||

#6  The Commie Manifest as paraphrased by the editors of Out Magazine.

Remember, if you don't have a copy, you don't have a copy.

I also envision a future where you may hook up your DVD, or even VCR, to watch The Olde School version of your favorite flick, but because the TV etc. is hooked to the internet it will show The Current Truth, your Blue-Ray DVD copy of Major League will star The Cleveland Guardians and will be three hours long with 20 minutes of original footage, starring Sam Smith as Mild Thing. Tom Berringer will be CGI edited out because The Killjoys think Platoon reminds people of Tropic Thunder.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/02/2023 14:05 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Muppet who allegedly faked racial identity resigns from social justice group
[NYPOST] A Moslem progressive activist who has allegedly been lying for years about her ethnic identify, claiming to be a woman of color, has resigned from her position as senior inclusion officer of a Philadelphia-based social justice group.

"Raquel Saraswati, who is facing public allegations that she misrepresented her background and past associations, has informed us of her intention to separate from the organization," American Friends Service Committee rep Layne Mullett told USA Today.

Saraswati, 39, who was born Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, was the chief equity, inclusion and culture officer of the Philadelphia-based, progressive Quaker group that fights "violence, inequality and oppression."
Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  White people can climb the social justice ladder. All it takes is bronzer.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 12:15 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
An Interesting Perspective of Garland from Sundance
See also here and here.
[ConservativeTreehouse] Senators Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland About a Weaponized DOJ, Yet Miss the Person Doing the Weaponization

Much has been made today surrounding a Senate hearing where Attorney General Merrick Garland was grilled about a host of issues highlighting the political weaponization of the DOJ. Many ’right side’ articles are noting Garland came across as weak, unsteady and nervous as he attempted to obfuscate specific examples and larger points of criticism.

Unfortunately, almost everyone is missing something. AG Merrick Garland has a control operative behind him. That person is the uber political Deputy AG Lisa Monaco. AG Garland isn’t the one calling the shots on these specific examples being cited, DAG Monaco is. Watch this questioning from the perspective that Monaco, not Garland, is the one calling the shots on the weaponization specifics.

Current Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco was Barack Obama’s former homeland security advisor and former legal counsel in the White House. Monaco was the tip of the spear in using political activism under the guise of ’homeland security’ to target political opposition. That type of political targeting is her specialty. Lisa Monaco is now the Deputy Attorney General of the United States.

As a direct result of her skill-set in combination with her current position, it is a guarantee that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco authored the DOJ targeting memorandum that AG Merrick Garland eventually signed and sent to the FBI that became explosive around the issue of the FBI targeting parents at school board meetings. Again, weaponizing internal political targeting under the guise of homeland security concerns is what Monaco is specifically famous for doing.

You might remember, even before becoming President Obama’s key Homeland Security Adviser, Lisa Monaco was the head of the DOJ National Security Division. You might also remember the DOJ-NSD was at the center of the "small group" collaboration between DOJ-NSD and FBI Counterintelligence unit. Remember, it was the DOJ-NSD (via Sally Yates) who would not allow OIG Oversight. (John Carlin quit; Mary McCord quit; David Laufman quit, all to protect themselves from incoming Trump)
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed || 03/02/2023 06:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A fascinating read, and it reverberates with the reality that we can see. The Puppet Show is Obama 3.0, just look t th major players the article cites:

"The overarching Lawfare framework, the issues which are being cited by the Senate today, was created by President Obama’s former White House Legal Counsel and current U.S. Asst Attorney General Lisa Monaco. DAG Lisa Monaco is also the connection between the DOJ targeting efforts of the J6 members, and the bridge to Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Just as Andrew Weissmann was really the control operative behind Robert Mueller, so too is Lisa Monaco the control operative behind AG Merrick Garland.

Lisa Monaco is running the Dept of Justice.

Victoria Nuland is running the State Dept (Ukraine)

Avril Haines is running the Intelligence Community.

Samantha Power is running USAID.

Mary McCord is running the Jack Smith Special Counsel operation….

… and the great pretending continues."
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 03/02/2023 12:09 Comments || Top||

#2  You beat me to it NoMore.
Sad thing is most of the pubs know it.
Posted by: Bill Greans6336 || 03/02/2023 12:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Good stuff NoMore
Posted by: mossomo || 03/02/2023 12:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Ref #1: The term "control operative" or 'handler' is very appropriate. It becomes readily apparent that the fellow talking is NOT the one doing the planning or orchestrating. They have no ability to dive beneath the approved talking points or script. Their frustration is palpable. One could almost feel sorry for them in a Nuremburg Trial sort of way.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 13:36 Comments || Top||

#5  Metaphoric summary - Garland is wearing a red shirt and has been beamed down to the planet surface. His remains will be transferred to an affiliated university where they will feign to teach a boring and worthless curriculum. Monaco is wearing a blue shirt and will return to the ship to control advise Garland’s replacement.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 16:52 Comments || Top||

Democrat Congressman Mocks God During Congressional Hearing — Makes Social Media Gaffe Afterward
[THEGATEWAYPUNDIT] In a Congress full of morons, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) certainly fits right in.
Actually, I think he pulls the curve down.
Recall Cohen is the same genius who deemed it a good idea to bring a bucket of KFC to a House Judiciary Committee hearing back in May 2019 to mock then-Attorney General William Barr for not showing up.
I fail to see the connection, but I only have a three digit IQ.
Cohen only made himself look disgusting.
He'll always be disgusting in my teeny tiny mind.
Redstate.com reported that during Tuesday’s Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Cohen denigrated Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and other conservative justices by mocking the fact our rights come from God.
So does free will. So does stupidity.
“I just wondered when God decided to give women the right to vote and why God didn’t decide to give women the right to vote back in the 1700s. The Constitution was drawn up in the 1780s. I can’t believe God would say “no, women shouldn’t have the right to vote.”
Why would God allow men to exercise free will and their own judgment?
And when God decided slavery would be illegal. God was okay with slavery until we have a war where millions of people were killed and then God changed his mind? That’s hard to fathom.
I was communing with the ghosts of Priam and Hector the other night -- that's the sort of thing that happens when I don't take my pills -- and we wondered why the gods allowed the clash of opinions. Then Achilles showed up and tried dragging Hector around the walls of Ocean City behind his chariot and it all devolved into a shouting match. So I took a pill and went back to sleep. I dunno how it turned out.
He concludes his rant by reiterating his mistaken views. “God did not decide to keep African-Americans as slaves and then change his mind,” said Cohen. “And I don’t believe God didn’t decide women could not vote until 1918.”
I'm pretty sure God allowed Vlad Tepes to wipe out 30,000 Wallachian Saxons. He had a short temper. Vlad, not God.
Here’s a reality check for Cohen: the government is not an arbiter of freedom. They decide what rights they will rip away from you.
Like they say, "With God all things are possible." With men any damn thing can happen. There's a qualitative difference.
Then Cohen committed a brutal faceplant after the hearing concluded. Cohen went on Twitter and accidentally endorsed a post calling him a racist for his remarks on blacks.
"I ain't no daggone ray-ciss. Dilbert is!"
Just a reminder your tax dollars fund not only Cohen’s salary but also his embarrassing stunts. Even sadder is the fact that voters in Cohen’s congressional district are fine with his performance in office.
Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  the government is not an arbiter of freedom. They decide what rights they will rip away from you.

Catholic bookstore in Florida sues over law requiring businesses use preferred pronouns: 'Part of a narrative'
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/02/2023 5:56 Comments || Top||

#2  His office is in Memphis. Nuff said.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/02/2023 8:48 Comments || Top||

#3  How far from Memphis to the New Madrid fault? God seems to be in a bit of a smiting mood lately.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/02/2023 10:49 Comments || Top||

#4  where's DeSantis on this???
Posted by: 746 || 03/02/2023 14:04 Comments || Top||

#5  First glance at pic and wondered what relevance Danny DeVito has to this……..(really need new glasses)
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 03/02/2023 15:33 Comments || Top||

#6  I would recruit a pastor to run against him. Cohen has provided enough footage for a complete add campaign. He seems out of step with Tennessee.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 15:33 Comments || Top||

#7  He seems out of step with Tennessee.

He only needs to be in step with his district.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 15:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Danny DeVito is a sh*tbag. I turn off Jersey Mike's commercials so I don't have to see or hear him.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 15:45 Comments || Top||

#9  where's DeSantis on this???

Governor DeSantis is busy running Florida, dear 746. He hasn’t time for all the nonsensical posturing in Congress that accomplishes nothing except to stroke powerless egos.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/02/2023 16:46 Comments || Top||

#10  He does look like Danny Devito. Memphis people are not atheists.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 16:57 Comments || Top||

#11  Now, now, Fred. It is certain that Mr. Cohen has a 3-digit IQ as well. I'm thinking somewhere around 070.

Even DENSA won't take him.
Posted by: Herb Chavins5030 || 03/02/2023 19:16 Comments || Top||

#12  ^ Heh heh
Posted by: Frank G || 03/02/2023 19:42 Comments || Top||

AG Garland Dodges on Failure to Crack Down on Protests outside Justices' Homes
[NATIONALREVIEW] During a Tuesday Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to take responsibility for the Department of Justice’s failure to prosecute protesters who regularly demonstrate outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, arguing that the federal marshals on the ground have the discretion to arrest the protesters and have chosen not to.

In his first appearance before the 118th Congress, Garland was grilled by Republican senators about the Department of Justice’s failure to enforce a federal law that prohibits protests outside the homes of judges and jurors, who might be intimidated into changing their thinking on pending cases in response to such displays. Since the draft opinion in the Dobbs case, which ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade, was released, protests outside the justices’ suburban homes in Virginia and Maryland have intensified.

"You just said yes, it’s a crime to protest at the home of a judge. Same goes for jurors, by the way, with the intent of influencing a case. But in the wake of the leak of the Dobbs decision, when rioters descended on the homes of six Supreme Court justices, night after night after night, you did nothing," Cruz said to Garland. "The Department [of Justice] did nothing."
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The most important case the rank and file agents have in the history of the FBI and the DOJ is the prosecution and conviction of Garland and Wray who are trying to destroy their agencies via weaponizing the agencies against Dem political opposition.
Posted by: Mad Eye Omeretch7959 || 03/02/2023 2:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Thanks Skid. Looks like we've got some impeachment work to do with Wray and Garland.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 7:00 Comments || Top||

#4  ...the federal marshals on the ground have the discretion to arrest the protesters and have chosen not to.

However, if one just stands silently across from an abortion clinic guess what the instructions are going to be to the fed sent to arrest.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/02/2023 7:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Y'all really need to give up hope on impeachment. Not gonna happen and nothing will be done to any of these mutherfuckers ever.
Posted by: Chris || 03/02/2023 11:49 Comments || Top||

#7  I'll settle for a Cromwell style disinterment later. Especially if "Dr. Jill" is still alive to be handed a shovel on pay per view.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 11:51 Comments || Top||

#8  Some dodging is as ineffective as doing the Watusi in a bullfighting ring. The important part of this process and an impeachment process is not the conviction- that won’t happen. Indictments, prosecutions and convictions are a possibility after the DOJ is cleaned out like the Augean Stables.

Any current hearings are more like a hostage taking for anyone not on their side. They are forcing the Dems to defend Garland’s cellophane rationalizations. There are 23 Dem Senate seats at issue in 2024. Will the Dems risk Senate seats to defend Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Wray or Garland? Will Biden’s puppet master pull the plug on some of these guys? It is hard to tell, but giving them a pass is a bad plan. The time for us to turtle is long past. If you see cordiality from a Republican to the traitors that is a RINO alarm.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 12:43 Comments || Top||

Lightfoot blames election loss on racism, gender
[NYPOST] Democratic reliably Democrat Chicago, aka The Windy City or Mobtown
...home of Al Capone, the Chicago Black Sox, a succession of Daleys, Barak Obama, and Rahm Emmanuel...
Mayor Lori Lightfoot
...the diminutive and vacuous Heronner da Mare of Chicago. When the corpse count rises she blames the guns, which are banned anyway...
blamed racism and her gender for her landslide defeat in her re-election bid, as Chicagoans weary of the rising crime on her watch celebrated her fall from "political rock star to rock bottom."

"I’m a black woman in America. Of course," she replied when asked by a news hound if she had been treated unfairly.

But she called being Chicago’s mayor "the honor of a lifetime."

"Regardless of tonight’s outcome, we fought the right fights and we put this city on a better path," Lightfoot said, as she urged her fellow mayors around the US not to fear being bold.

Amid heavy criticism for the crime wave, homelessness and other troubles plaguing the city, the mayor had also injected race into the run-up to the election.

"I am a black woman — let’s not forget," Lightfoot, 60, told the New Yorker in a piece that ran Saturday. "Certain folks, frankly, don’t support us in leadership roles."

The Chicago Tribune called her loss a "political embarrassment" and argued that crime "skyrocketed" on her watch.

Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#2  Following picnic ant lady to another picnic area.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 7:14 Comments || Top||

#3  The head of the city police, I can see. Mayor gets to make that appointment.

What does an assistant US Attorney have to hide?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 7:40 Comments || Top||

#4  She must have been white and male when first elected.
Posted by: lord garth || 03/02/2023 8:08 Comments || Top||

#5  blamed racism and her gender for her landslide defeat

Maybe people are beginning to realize that if one does his or her job well, one doesn't need to hide behind discrimination veils to defend one's work results.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 03/02/2023 8:13 Comments || Top||

#6  /\ You mean like Jackie Robinson, Dr. Ben Carson, Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, the late SF LTC Earl Woods (father of Tiger Woods), Alveda King, the late Herman Cain, Congressman Tim Scott, Allen West ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 8:32 Comments || Top||

#7  She's just envious of Mayor Pete, another incompetent who gets a title but doesn't really work because of adjectival descriptives.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/02/2023 8:47 Comments || Top||

#8  Makes me think of a black Beetlejuice.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/02/2023 8:51 Comments || Top||

#9  Too bad about the election. Perhaps she might enjoy some Cahill.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 9:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Angling for Presidential Press Secretary.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/02/2023 10:22 Comments || Top||

#11  Admiral Ackbar. "It's a trap!"

Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 10:25 Comments || Top||

#12  Bee: Lori Lightfoot Blames Election Loss On 'Tricksy Hobbitses'
After suffering a humiliating defeat in Chicago's mayoral election, Lori Lightfoot blamed her stunning loss on "those tricksy hobbitses."

"They stole it from us!!" wailed Ms. Lightfoot. "Nasty, tricksy little hobbitses!!"

The campaign watched the disastrous results come in from a dimly lit sushi restaurant, where the enraged Ms. Lightfoot gorged herself on juicy-sweet raw fish. "Gone!! It's gone, precious!!" cried Ms. Lightfoot to supporters. "Filthy, sneaky hobbitses!! Wicked, tricky, false! Curse them! CURSE THEM!!!"

Long considered the electoral frontrunner, Ms. Lightfoot saw her lead evaporate as supporters became steadily more concerned about being murdered. "I just don't want to die," said local woman Brandi Buckingham. "I can look past a lot with Lori Lightfoot - the eyes, how she walks on all fours, all of it. I just can't look past the whole murder thing. I know she'll take the loss hard, but I really hope she finds a new path forward."

At publishing time, aides for the two campaigns heading to a runoff reported the strange sense that some sort of creature was following them.
Posted by: Frank G || 03/02/2023 11:17 Comments || Top||

#13  War Drums Johnny McSchssssssstain liked to talk about hobbitssssssssssch too.

Story in there somewhere...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 11:20 Comments || Top||

#14  Classic.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/02/2023 11:22 Comments || Top||

#15  Live in the NW suburbs. Used to look for reasons to overnight downtown- concerts, plays etc and would spend around $500 each visit on tickets, dinner and breakfast and hotel. Averaged 3-4 visits a year.
Since she came into office we have been downtown ONCE and it was in the morning for a Prince exhibition. No overnight stay. When “Yutes” started carjacking on Tuesday mornings in front of the old Sears Tower, we were advised by a CFD paramedic to not go downtown anymore.
Nothing to do with your gender or race Bettlejuice… you just suck at your job.
Posted by: Capsu78 || 03/02/2023 11:23 Comments || Top||

#16  Stayed at the Palmer House and saw the Merchandise Mart in its heyday. Haven't been back since. Have no plans to go there.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/02/2023 11:30 Comments || Top||

#17  Here is a thoughtful article on the 3 key issues Chicago will need to embrace to reverse course. Before you can go North you must stop going South… probably won’t see it in my lifetime.

Posted by: Capsu78 || 03/02/2023 12:08 Comments || Top||

#18  Palmer House and dinner at the Sears Tower 95th floor restaurant at sunset, a superb experience, in 1985. Cannot imagine doing it today! Pity.
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 03/02/2023 12:18 Comments || Top||

#19  "Lightfoot blames election loss on racism, gender"

She didn't blame it on her own racism and gender, naturally.

She failed so bad that she'll lose what got her elected, and turn into a single white male.
Posted by: Chunky Fillmore6385 || 03/02/2023 16:00 Comments || Top||

#20  Apparently Jessie Smoulett's maga crowd are voters and not just tourists in Chicago.
Posted by: ruprecht || 03/02/2023 18:37 Comments || Top||

#21  The crime was getting into the nice places. The numbers don't really matter as long as you can keep the criming confined to certain areas. When the moneyed classes are getting carjacked, there is a problem.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/02/2023 19:46 Comments || Top||

DA tells the truth on crime, but progressives won't listen
[NYPOST] David Soares is district attorney of Albany County, NY — where politics is paramount, where facts seldom matter, and where apostasy isn’t tolerated.

No surprise, then, that Democrat Soares — an eloquent contrarian — is on the outs in the Democrat-dominated capital city.

Soares is black, which historically wasn’t an asset in his county’s Irish-Catholic, machine-dominated political environment.

He was elected DA in 2005 with the backing of the noxious disruptor George Soros
...either Ernst Stavro Blofeld or Auric Goldfinger come true...
— much to the dismay of local safe-streets advocates.

But Soares takes his oath of office seriously. He most certainly is no Alvin Bragg — a Soros acolyte so caught up in hard-left, racialized ideology that he might just as well be the local public defender.

Indeed, Soares was among the first to warn against the now-notorious criminal justice "reforms" in 2019.

It seemed obvious then that easing up on violent mostly peaceful criminals would generate more violent mostly peaceful crime — but it took bravery to say so, and Soares appears to have courage in abundance.

He’s now demanding reforms of the "reforms," and his heresy — he’s a black, progressive Democrat arguing persuasively that innocent black New Yorkers are the principal victims of the 2019 changes — has been noted. Especially by the black progressive Democrats now running the state Legislature, who apparently have had enough of his impudence.

Posted by: Fred || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Attorney General Garland says every prisoner 'deserves dignity' when asked if 'biological males' should be in female jails as Republicans grill him on the Hunter Biden investigation, fentanyl deaths and rising crime
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] Deserves dignity? What does that have to do with fully male adult men in dresses raping their female fellow prisoners?
  • AG Merrick Garland testified before Senate Judiciary about Department of Justice oversight

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham asked about treatment of transgender prisoners
  • Of course he did
  • Sen. Charles Grassley sought assurances on Hunter Biden probe
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/02/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm not sure why we bother having prisoners. 12 gauge therapy is a fully proven cure and deterrent to committing further crime, especially when delivered via a 4 man squad armed with AA-12's with 20 round drums. Be sure to offer them their choice between slugs and buck before hand.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 03/02/2023 3:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Deserves dignity

You mean like the J6ers kept in solitary?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/02/2023 7:07 Comments || Top||

#3  I was impressed with the "dignity" provided prisoners at the new Mega prison near Tecoluca, El Salvador.

Link to CNN story.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/02/2023 7:11 Comments || Top||

#4  Seems like trans dignity overrides women’s dignity.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/02/2023 12:06 Comments || Top||

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