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1 23:08 Skidmark [23] 
0 [14] 
1 17:03 Chris [17] 
3 23:10 Skidmark [43] 
2 23:11 Skidmark [23] 
10 23:13 Skidmark [22] 
2 10:35 Grampaw Fluper9312 [14] 
4 20:43 Frank G [29] 
8 18:18 swksvolFF [12] 
5 19:18 Chealing Chomotle4158 [12] 
14 23:16 Skidmark [20] 
13 17:39 Slineling Chusong5031 [20] 
16 12:51 Super Hose [19] 
12 16:17 Procopius2k [15] 
28 23:59 trailing wife [27] 
1 10:24 Skidmark [15] 
9 23:20 Skidmark [19] 
7 23:21 Skidmark [19] 
1 23:22 Skidmark [22] 
37 19:10 NoMoreBS [13] 
0 [11] 
0 [11] 
0 [9] 
0 [13] 
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6 23:24 Skidmark [29] 
0 [11] 
4 12:49 DooDahMan [14] 
7 15:50 DarthVader [17] 
2 15:30 Rob Crawford [16] 
4 23:26 Skidmark [22] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
3 12:22 Super Hose [29]
2 16:58 jpal [13]
0 [12]
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2 18:47 Skidmark [26]
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0 [23]
1 10:22 Frank G [29]
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2 07:57 Cthulhu of Ryleh [10]
0 [17]
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2 18:48 Skidmark [22]
9 18:46 Woodrow [16]
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10 18:12 swksvolFF [15]
5 23:28 Skidmark [23]
8 23:29 Skidmark [25]
7 18:37 swksvolFF [27]
12 18:55 Woodrow [16]
9 23:31 Skidmark [16]
0 [10]
Page 6: Politix
2 19:01 Woodrow [14]
4 23:32 Skidmark [28]
7 23:34 Skidmark [25]
2 08:53 Omomolet Phutch9064 [26]
17 23:36 Skidmark [29]
4 12:56 Skidmark [14]
28 19:17 KBK [10]
4 19:00 Woodrow [14]
Madeleine Albright, 1st female secretary of state, Tango Uniform at 84
[ABC] Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as U.S. secretary of state, died Wednesday from cancer at age 84, according to her family.

Albright was nominated for secretary of state by President Bill Clinton and served in the role from 1997 to 2001. She was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1993 to 1997.

"As the world redefined itself in the wake of the Cold War, we were partners and friends working to welcome newly liberated democracies into NATO and confront the horrors of genocide in the Balkans," President Joe Biden said in a statement. "When I think of Madeleine, I will always remember her fervent faith that 'America is the indispensable nation.'"

President Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a statement called Albright "one of the finest Secretaries of State, an outstanding UN Ambassador, a brilliant professor, and an extraordinary human being."

"As a child in war-torn Europe, Madeleine and her family were twice forced to flee their home," the Clintons said. "When the end of the Cold War ushered in a new era of global interdependence, she became America's voice at the UN, then took the helm at the State Department, where she was a passionate force for freedom, democracy, and human rights."

Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The only way that hag could be Tango Uniform is if she were hog-tied and hung upside down by her ankles
Posted by: Slavish Speaking for Boskone2763 || 03/24/2022 0:08 Comments || Top||

#2  I hear North Korea gets Madam Halfbright's broach.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 03/24/2022 0:13 Comments || Top||

#3  Remember when Madeline Albright lied about Saddam having WMD? And then called for an invasion? This was all the way back in 1998.

The Reuters headline calls her a “feminist icon”. The media are in bed with people like this.

Here's Madeline Albright confessing to causing the deaths of 500,000 children on television. Like all evil psychopaths, she wasn't ashamed of it.

Everyone must understand the monstrous crimes that people like this committed in our name. We must loudly and publicly reject them and make it clear actions like killing half a million children are not in our interest.
Posted by: Omomolet Phutch9064 || 03/24/2022 1:13 Comments || Top||

#4  ^ killed by our sanctions. Which didn't change Saddam's calculations at all. How many people around the world will starve because of Biden's pointless sanctions?
Posted by: Herb Clunk7744 || 03/24/2022 1:53 Comments || Top||

#5  ^ I would worry more about America than the world. The world is taking care of itself.
Posted by: Cthulhu of Ryleh || 03/24/2022 2:13 Comments || Top||

#6  /\ Exactly correct. UN and Foggy Bottom shop gossip better slept through. Keep it simple, ignore the global clutter and concentrate on the pot roast back home.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 5:19 Comments || Top||

#7  Remember when Madeline Albright lied about Saddam having WMD?

Remember when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against the Kurds? The photos and chemical analyses were trumpeted all over the world — you can’t have missed it. Remember when vast bunkers containing endless barrels of insecticide — the poor man’s nerve gas — were found in Iraq?

/Fish. Barrel. Some assembly required.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 8:30 Comments || Top||

#8  ...I knew several folks who had occasion to be in the same place as her in the performance of their duties, and to a man their opinion was the same: she was a thoroughly unpleasant, entitled snob.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 03/24/2022 8:32 Comments || Top||

#9  Not to worry. Vicky Nudelman's picked up the torch.
Posted by: Deadeye Jamble9632 || 03/24/2022 8:37 Comments || Top||

#10  She at least had the good taste to have herself embalmed / mummified decades ahead of her recent demise.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 8:51 Comments || Top||

#11  Re: #2 - CF's comment. When you reveal your current foreign policy stances by choice of brooch du jour, you're not a serious person
Posted by: Frank G || 03/24/2022 9:02 Comments || Top||

#12  #7 Jesus the level of denial is astounding. Even the deep state admitted there were no WMD.


> The former US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, admits in his memoirs that he made a mistake in claiming that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction sites round Baghdad and Tikrit, one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq invasion.

> Rumsfeld says now: "I made a misstatement." What he meant to say is there were 'suspect sites'.

Here they are making a full confession on video:

I just don't know how people don't change their views in the face of overwhelming, direct evidence like this. I just don't.
Posted by: Omomolet Phutch9064 || 03/24/2022 9:11 Comments || Top||

#13  ^ See: Flat Earth Society.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 9:19 Comments || Top||

#14  Jesus the level of denial is astounding. Even the deep state admitted there were no WMD.
For neo-runts like Albright and Nudelman, denial is a way of life
Posted by: Butch Ebbaitle1522 || 03/24/2022 9:20 Comments || Top||

#15  Those remote desert labs with massive centrifuges were tomato blight research facilities. The animal cages were utilized for staff pets.

Rihab Rashida Taha aka "Doctor Germ." Why will no one believe me ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 9:30 Comments || Top||

#16  #14 For neo-runts neocons like Albright and Nudelman, denial is a way of life FIFY
Add David Frum and that hysterical chienne Anne Applebaum
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 9:55 Comments || Top||

#17  "claiming that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction sites round Baghdad and Tikrit" Anyone with half a brain would note the very specific geography of this admission.
Posted by: ruprecht || 03/24/2022 10:58 Comments || Top||

#18  No nuclear weapon technology were found. The terminology of what WMD meant was changed to remove chemical and biological so the left could bash on W Bush as a liar. Admissions by anyone after the fact are accepting of the new terminology or part of the rehabilitation of W Bush in order to attack Trump and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Posted by: ruprecht || 03/24/2022 10:59 Comments || Top||

#19  The only thing chemical and biological weapons destroy is lives. The left hated the idea of the neutron bomb for exactly that reason. For them to split hairs semantically about what NBC weapons can do and why that very specific genie needs kept tightly stoppere4d in the bottle is utterly illuminating.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 11:03 Comments || Top||

#20  Neocons fucked up Iraq, Libya, Syria and now they're trying to drag us into a war with Russia because "Putin is evil." Fuck them and their war tourists
Posted by: Thusotle Snamble3929 || 03/24/2022 11:28 Comments || Top||

#21  fucked up Iraq, Libya, Syria

Say we didn't improve the existing situations and leave it at that...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 11:39 Comments || Top||

#22  Neocons fucked up Iraq, Libya, Syria

Who knew Obama and Hillary were Neocons.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 12:10 Comments || Top||

#23  W fucked up Iraq
Hilary and Victoria Nuland fucked up Libya
Nuland fucked up Ukraine
Posted by: Fat Bob Lumumba8410 || 03/24/2022 12:13 Comments || Top||

#24  Biden is fucking up the world
Posted by: Hupoter Hatfield9085 || 03/24/2022 13:37 Comments || Top||

#25  Biden is fucking up the world
Fucking up the Middle East and Africa anyway. And causing another 10 or 20 million starving migrants to flood into and fuck up Europe. Danke, Joe

Get ready for ‘hell,’ UN food chief warns amid Ukraine shockwaves
World Food Programme flags famine risk in Africa and the Middle East as Ukraine war hits supplies.
Posted by: Thick Wholurong3826 || 03/24/2022 13:50 Comments || Top||

#26  #17, #18

Jesus Christ. We have Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush, on tape, admitting that there were no WMD in Iraq. What more do you need!!!

I never realized that people in 2022 still believed the WMD lie. They came out and confessed they lied over a decade ago! Incredible. How do you maintain your belief in the face of such direct first-hand evidence?

And to get back on topic about Madeline Albright's psychopathy about killing 500,000 children - more than died at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden combined - Halliday the U.N. humanitarian coordinator of the Oil-for-Food program during the 1990’s sanctions resigned and called them “genocide”.

Again, how much evidence do you need? Evil elites acting under our name perpetrated great crimes. Is it so hard to publicly reject them?
Posted by: Omomolet Phutch9064 || 03/24/2022 13:54 Comments || Top||

#27  Again, how much evidence do you need? Evil elites acting under our name perpetrated great crimes. Is it so hard to publicly reject them?

I always have argued that Bush II had the authority to liberate Iraq on the bases of two causes:

1) That Saddam had repeatedly violated the no fly zone by firing and attempting to fire on our pilots.

2) That Saddam sought to assassinate Bush the Elder.

IMO, the WMD search was a sideshow, and an unnecessary one at that.
Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 14:16 Comments || Top||

#28  Ref #26: We have Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush, on tape, admitting that there were no WMD in Iraq. What more do you need!!!

This topic comes up here with some frequency OP. Yes, what the leadership said at the time was that.... "there was no WMD in Iraq." What they didn't say...

* Always take note of what isn't said.

...They DIDN'T say that there had never been any, or they had destroyed it all. Also not said by the leadership at that time, "existing WMD had been moved elsewhere".... by whomever. Many people in the WMD and non-proliferation community figured the Russians (hate to blame them for everything), back wen they had trucks with good rubber, moved the stuff to Syria. In fact I believe there was some imagery at the time that identified a convoy or two.

As you may remember, the US goal at the time was regime change. That goal was accomplished. Any WMD slipping away to neighboring countries was probably not viewed as an administration positive outcome.

The WMD 'slipping away to neighboring countries' could also indicate a coordinated removal effort. Perhaps something that the administration did not wish to discuss. Again, just perhaps.

Bottom line, Saddam had WMD and would have very much liked to have had a nuke. As you may recall, Saddam was in an ongoing conflict with Iran. Both Iraq and Iran were lusting after nukes. Iran obviously still is.

I hope this helps the understanding.

Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 15:24 Comments || Top||

#29  The 2nd Iraq War was a disaster
Half the reason most of the world will not side with us against Russia is that US credibility was shattered by a series of disastrous US interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya
Posted by: Galactic Coordinator Gleretle7435 || 03/24/2022 15:33 Comments || Top||

#30  Yes, have to agree with you on two of them. I've never been to Libya. Can't speak to that one, but have talked to those who did.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 15:37 Comments || Top||

#31  Obama's withdraw from Iraq was a bit of a cluster in itself.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 16:03 Comments || Top||

#32  ...they seem to forget.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 16:18 Comments || Top||

#33  Well in Duke Nuke'em they would have been in a sinister looking building at the end of a labyrinth, so unpossible.

...wait a second...

Yes, it was not too long after that ISIS raid when there was that 'chemical attack' in Syria a lot of people were suspicious about, the one when all the usual suspects wanted war with Russia and Kerry flubbed his scene making the case for war, 'if they remove all chemical weapons..' and Team Assad was like Deal! 5 seconds later and what wind in the warship's sail dissipated.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 17:27 Comments || Top||

#34  And of course all around the same time as that revolution in Ukraine...and here we have many of the (surviving) actors involved today.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 17:31 Comments || Top||

#35  2) That Saddam sought to assassinate Bush the Elder.

Tin pot, third world dictators need to know they can't get away with taking a shot at POTUS.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/24/2022 18:53 Comments || Top||

#36  That said, as soon as our guys bagged Saddam, we should have left the rest of those people to their own devices. Either that or install an American general as governor of the place and sit on it for a couple centuries until all the oil is gone. Nation building is for the birds.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/24/2022 18:56 Comments || Top||

#37  My understanding is that there were numerous Chem Artillery rounds, and other chemical materials found (Which constitutes a part of the validity of the WMD claim). Additionally, there were substantial comms intercepts between various military figures and Saddam et al talking about the weapons and the progress in making and acquiring non-nuke WMD weapons. Our belief in the WMD program was in substantial part based on these intercepts. Post war analysis suggests they were lying, at least in part, to cover for the graft and corrupt diversion of funding for their own uses/wealth. Less about lies by our side and more about poorly confirmed intelligence in my opinion.
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 03/24/2022 19:10 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Moment armed Peruvian mugger accidentally shoots dead his accomplice while the pair try to rob a frightened victim's bike
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 08:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Another promising criminal career cut short.
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 10:49 Comments || Top||

#2  When good things happen to bad people.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:11 Comments || Top||

Jeffrey Epstein's private islands to be listed for $125 million: Report
[Washington Examiner] Two private islands owned by the late Jeffrey Epstein are hitting the market for $125 million, reports say.

The proceeds from the sale of the properties, Great St. James and Little St. James, will be used to pay off outstanding lawsuits and the cost of the financier's extensive estate operations, Daniel Weiner, an attorney for the Epstein estate, told the Wall Street Journal.

Epstein first purchased Little St. James, which spans 70 acres and includes a main residential compound with four guest villas, in 1998 for $7.95 million. In 2016, Epstein bought the 165-acre Great St. James, which remains largely undeveloped, for $18 million, according to the outlet.

Allegations surrounding activities at the private islands have been at the center of several lawsuits.

In 2020, Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit against Epstein's estate, alleging that underage girls and young women were taken to Little St. James by him and his associates and forced into sexual servitude.

Last year, George added new allegations to the lawsuit, claiming that Epstein and his associates forced at least three U.S. victims into arranged marriages to avoid deportation.

A number of high-profile celebrities and officials have allegedly visited the island over the years, including President Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Kevin Spacey.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 02:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ghislaine has indicated window treatments and deck furnishings will remain.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 2:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Are the mass graves of 'snuffed' teenagers included? Who would buy such a property? The Clintons?
Posted by: Cthulhu of Ryleh || 03/24/2022 2:23 Comments || Top||

#3  I'd be interested in some of equipment in the SCIF, but I suspect it's been turned in already. I'm sure Jeffie's hand receipt was tight.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 03/24/2022 3:25 Comments || Top||

#4  /\ Ha, says it all. US Government voluntary 'Extraordinary Rendition' with seafood buffet and satin sheets.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 5:13 Comments || Top||

A former Liberal President to purchase one of the Islands and hire dozen 16 y/o hand-picked housekeepers.

When asked why?
He stated, because of all the fond memories he had there. Plus he has a lot of friends he plan's to invite over.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 03/24/2022 5:58 Comments || Top||

#6  Bill Gates' Bachelor Pad and Bio Lab
Posted by: Frank G || 03/24/2022 6:41 Comments || Top||

#7  Perhaps our elites can use the island as their Vault after they start WWIII with Vlad. Andrew Anglin says:

The US elite is actually too cowardly to start a nuclear war. The people claiming that we could win such a conflict are the same people who said that the Kabul government would stand for at least six months – they were off by roughly five months and 29 days.

So if you’re a pedophile or other pervert in Washington, or a deranged old man, then do you really have the nerve to bet that the US can win a nuclear war, that you won’t get nuked, and that if you do get nuked you can escape to an underground bunker and live out the rest of your life in a Fallout-style Vault?

We will see if hubris can trump rational self-interest and kick off WWIII. It’s certainly possible. But I’d say the chances are lower than 20%. I think there’s an 80% chance that the people in Washington are going to keep choking, and when the dollar collapses, they will just try to maneuver into becoming a third world type elite class.

(For those who don’t know, third world countries have massive peasant populations, and tiny ultra-wealthy elites who live in castles and drive around the crowded streets in Lamborghinis. No peasant will touch them, as they all know that the police exist for the sole purpose of protecting the elite.)
Posted by: Blackbeard tse Tung4719 || 03/24/2022 7:36 Comments || Top||

#8  I'd be interested in some of equipment in the SCIF

Hard to get through all the cement.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 7:58 Comments || Top||

#9  Have we ever heard about Epstein's will? Who did he leave his mysterious fortune to?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 8:01 Comments || Top||

#10  A will? He probably didn't have one since he didn't plan on killing himself
Posted by: Frank G || 03/24/2022 9:00 Comments || Top||

#11  What if, big what if, but what if the tizzy in Hollywood about Haiti being a shithole was as much about Bad Trump as it was about Port-au-Prince being a layover with a VIP lounge, where they got the best of the best treatment until their connecting flight?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 10:17 Comments || Top||

#13  ^ Nobody can grip about their neighbors like the rich.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 10:43 Comments || Top||

#14  Gripe. Though they are "gripping" too...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 10:43 Comments || Top||

#15  Slavering, clenching and shaking their tiny little fists in rage.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 12:30 Comments || Top||

#16  The Navy ought to buy it to replace Vieques.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/24/2022 12:51 Comments || Top||

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Omicron BA.2 now dominant covid variant in USA
[CNBC] Omicron’s more contagious subvariant, BA.2, has more than doubled in prevalence over the past two weeks in the U.S...

BA.2 has been steadily growing as a proportion of the Covid variants circulating in the U.S. since Feb. 5 when it represented about 1% of genetically sequenced virus samples, according to the CDC. BA.2 probably already accounts for 50% of new infections in the U.S.....

Though BA.2 is rising in the U.S., leading public health officials are not expecting another dramatic surge in new cases,
....not expecting? Ok, then..
largely due to the amount of immunity the population has from vaccination and the fierce outbreak during the winter omicron wave.

"The bottom line is we’ll likely see an uptick in cases, as we’ve seen in the European countries particularly the U.K.," White House Chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told ABC’s "This Week." "Hopefully we won’t see a surge — I don’t think we will."
Posted by: Lord Garth || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:


Glad (so far) it's not a totally different C-19/22 variant.

Meaning those of us that have had it, may have some immunity to re-infection.

BTW: Digging around I see the Life and Health Insurance industry have taken a Mega bottom line Hit.... but with Federal Aid, Tax Law adjustments, and some mergers, they are re-building.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 03/24/2022 6:16 Comments || Top||

No sooner than I type the above and on my Web Ferret system I find the following
AXIOS counter report.

It basically reads many Ins. Companies will remain highly profitable and expect even higher profitability in 2022.

The question now is: Do we trust DT or AXIOS report?
Posted by: NN2N1 || 03/24/2022 6:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Trust, but verify.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 7:40 Comments || Top||

#4  Covid? Oh yeah. I remember. That was the current thing before Ukraine.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/24/2022 12:37 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm completely immune, having had the original variant early on. It was a 10 day BAD flu experience with a 12 week full recovery period.
Posted by: Wheart White9347 || 03/24/2022 17:25 Comments || Top||

#6  I had it.
Took a week to dig in.
Another week of misery.
A week to cough it up.
Now I can smell the spring flowers!
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:24 Comments || Top||

Car slams into Texas gas pipeline causing massive explosion
Think globally, act locally?
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How many points is that on your license?
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/24/2022 12:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Depends if it was a drunk illegal.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 16:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Points against your license only matters if you survive the crash.
Posted by: ed in texas || 03/24/2022 20:30 Comments || Top||

#4  But if there's a fine it can be passed onto your inheritors.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:26 Comments || Top||

-Land of the Free
God Bless America Sung by Kate Smith - This is the Army 1943 HD
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The good old days had their faults but they were much better days. You get crankier as you get older especially if you recall the fifties. You can compare before and after.
Posted by: Dale || 03/24/2022 3:44 Comments || Top||

#2  So weird that out of the blue I watched this film for the first time in my life yesterday and it makes Rantburg today.
Posted by: Penguin_of_the_Desert || 03/24/2022 12:07 Comments || Top||

#3  We're here 4u Penguin.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 12:12 Comments || Top||

#4  And didn't the dickweeds on the left have her statue removed from outside the Philly Spectrum a few years ago because they scrounged up some work she sang or some mental retardation in their minds?
Posted by: DooDahMan || 03/24/2022 12:49 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Biden says Russia should be booted from G-20; Russia's economy has shrunk in half since invading Ukraine
President Joe Biden said Russia should be kicked out of the Group of 20 nations in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, a major step that would be up to all members of the G-20.

Russia’s membership in the group, which represents the world’s major economies, was discussed during an emergency meeting with key U.S. allies, Biden told reporters Thursday during a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

If the other members decline to revoke Russia’s membership, Ukraine should be permitted to attend G-20 meetings, Biden said.

The president's remarks came as the U.S. reinforced NATO’s support of Ukraine one month into Russia’s invasion, saying that they are determined "to hold Russia accountable for its brutal war."

Russian President Vladimir Putin was banking on NATO being split when he launched the invasion, Biden said. Instead, "NATO has never, never been more united than it’s been today."

Biden also said he hopes to meet with Ukrainian refugees while in Europe, giving away a part of his schedule that the White House had not announced.

"I plan on attempting to see those folks," Biden said, before adding, "I’m not supposed to say where I’m going."

The White House had announced that Biden will meet with leaders offering humanitarian assistance when he visits Poland this week. But they had not responded to questions about whether the president would see refugees.

Biden's remarks came as Russia was also strapped with more sanctions Thursday — even as Putin's economy has shrunk to half the size it was before the invasion, according to the White House. A senior administration official told reporters that independent assessments indicate Russia’s last 15 years of economic gains will evaporate this year and inflation will spike to 15%.
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 14:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, until today.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:08 Comments || Top||

Russian defense Minister holds conference call with Armenian defense minister
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited

Shoigu resurfaces

From the Russian ministry of defense Facebook page

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army S. K. Shoigu held telephone talks with the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia S. R. Papikyan.

The heads of military departments discussed the current situation in the region and areas of the execution of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorny Karabakh, as well as other issues of mutual interest.

Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 14:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

UK to ‘ramp up’ lethal aid to Ukraine, says PM
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 14:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How about just sending the weapons and shut up.
Posted by: Chris || 03/24/2022 17:03 Comments || Top||

Russia Struggled to Capture a Ukrainian Town. Intercepted Radio Messages Show Why-NYT
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 14:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [43 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Attacking is harder than defending. Traditional wisdom was you needed a 3 to 1 advantage to even think about it. Or a lot of artillery and time.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/24/2022 18:46 Comments || Top||

#2  5:1 is the ratio for combat in built-up areas or difficult terrain (including river crosings)
Posted by: Chealing Chomotle4158 || 03/24/2022 19:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Defenders don't win, they attrit.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:10 Comments || Top||

Ukraine destroys Russian landing ship after state media revealed its location with propaganda footage: Huge fireball rises over port that had been taken by Putin's forces
[Daily Mail] I don't think the UK's needed state media to tell them what was sitting in their old port
  • Ball of flames and smoke seen rising from Berdyansk, a Ukrainian port under the control of Russian forces

  • Kyiv's navy claimed to have hit and destroyed the Orsk, a 370ft Alligator-class Russian landing ship

  • If confirmed, it would be the largest vessel that Ukraine has struck and another embarrassing loss for Putin

  • Russian state media revealed the ship's location just days earlier, showing it unloading armoured vehicles
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 08:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Here we just set our own on fire.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 9:31 Comments || Top||

#2  I hope there weren't any nuclear weapons onboard.
Posted by: Penguin_of_the_Desert || 03/24/2022 10:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Wonder what they could do with a few Harpoons?
Posted by: Chealing Chomotle4158 || 03/24/2022 19:19 Comments || Top||

#4  Sunburn Chinese stock. Let the recriminations begin?
Posted by: Frank G || 03/24/2022 20:43 Comments || Top||

Spreading Democracy & Human Rights: Ukrainian civilians stripped, tied up and beaten by vigilantes in shocking videos
Posted by: Tholing Ulaising6002 || 03/24/2022 07:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think these folks were caught looting homes.
Posted by: Penguin_of_the_Desert || 03/24/2022 9:17 Comments || Top||

#2  ...coming to a city near you.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 9:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Wish Russia would shell Seattle
Posted by: Ebbusoter Panda7277 || 03/24/2022 12:19 Comments || Top||

#5  I wish you would move to Russia and leave the people of the USA alone. Putin needs some infantry volunteers anyway.
Posted by: Omaing Stalag1261 || 03/24/2022 13:01 Comments || Top||

#6  Move to Yavoriv. Ukraine needs replacements. Bring your mobile phones
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 13:20 Comments || Top||

#7  Wish Russia would shell Seattle

Wouldn't even be an act of war at this point....
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 16:07 Comments || Top||

#8  Yeah, those Che-Shirt wearing Hammer & Sickle 4Ever! Antifa commies have been rather silent recently.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 18:18 Comments || Top||

Russia's Ministry of Defense Head Sergei Shoigu reportedly missing, hasn't made public appearances in 12 days
[FOX] The head of Russia's Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu has not been seen in public for 12 days and is possibly missing, according to reports and messages circulated on Telegram on Wednesday.

Investigative journalists from the Russian independent news outlets Mediazona and Agentstvo claimed on Wednesday that the normally media savvy Shoigu has not appeared in public since March 11.

There are rumors that Shoigu is in poor health and is experiencing heart problems, while other messages are swirling online suggest Shoigu might have been fired from the ministry and is on house arrest, according to Russian journalists. Fox News has not yet independently verified these allegations.
"Try the sushi"
Shoigu was last seen in public on March 11 presenting awards to Russian troops occupying Ukraine during what Russian President Vladimir Putin dubbed a "special military operation" but what the West has condemned as a full-scale invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 07:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Use or Lose leave ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 7:15 Comments || Top||

#2  ^ Is he eligible or the voluntary leave donation program?
Posted by: DooDahMan || 03/24/2022 7:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Naw. He and Clarence Thomas ran off together....
Posted by: Mercutio || 03/24/2022 8:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Something fishy here. The ink was still wet on his advanced directive. Any fresh digging in the forest around Yekaterinburg ?

Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 8:59 Comments || Top||

#5  Nikolai Yezhov is probably of value in this story.
Posted by: Chealing Chomotle4158 || 03/24/2022 19:18 Comments || Top||

Russian officer says war a ‘madhouse’ in call allegedly intercepted by Ukraine
[IsraelTimes] A Russian officer tells his superiors the war in Ukraine is a "madhouse" according to a call allegedly intercepted by Ukraine.

According to a translation posted online, the officer says the war is going worse than Russia’s war in Chechnya in the 1990s. The officer continues to say that around half the troops have frostbite, they are unable to evacuate the hundreds of dead, and don’t have enough tents and body armor.

He says the operation is a "madhouse" after higher-ups thought it would go relatively easy, according to the translation.

"Our task was to get to Mykolaiv. And we are sitting here," the officer says.

The translation and authenticity of the call could not be independently verified.

[Twitter] If some of our Russian speakers would listen to see if the translation is reasonably accurate, and that the speaker does indeed sound like a real Russian soldier, that would be helpful. More translation in the Twitter thread.

Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 01:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Welcome to the front, Boris.
Posted by: Cesare || 03/24/2022 9:16 Comments || Top||

#2  This is an intercepted cellphone call, not an intercepted radio call in channels.

I did not detect any stress in the caller's voice until he mentioned the fighter attacking.
Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 9:39 Comments || Top||

#3  I still think no one can top William Tecumseh Shman: "War is hell"
Posted by: Tom || 03/24/2022 11:48 Comments || Top||

#4  Should be "William Tecumseh Sherman." New keyboard doesn't work well with my clumsy fingers.
Posted by: Tom || 03/24/2022 11:49 Comments || Top||

#5  People down here spell his name a lot worse than that.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 12:16 Comments || Top||

#6  I think TW was poking our newly resident russians, Bad.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 12:31 Comments || Top||

#7  Oh my goodness, Skidmark! Would I do such a thing?
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 13:07 Comments || Top||

#8  Ask your Jewish oligarch pals to translate for you
Roman Abramovich, Moshe Kantor, Mikhail Fridman, and Petr Aven
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 13:15 Comments || Top||

#9  I’m afraid I don’t move in those circles, Vespasian Omereque5237, and our little website here is not the kind to interest big donors of any stripe. Were my father not dead over a decade, and profoundly deaf before that, I could have asked him about the translation. But accents, I fear, were not his forte; even half a century after emigrating, he still sounded like a greenhorn Slav in all his languages.

A pity you will not be helpful in this matter — one likes to have more than one opinion, however familiar badanov is with both Russian and Ukrainian after reporting on the first few years of the excitements in the Donbas for us. Still, the fact that no one popped up to indignantly insist that of course the recording is a fake, he sounds exactly like a Ukrainian pretending to be Russian — the way South Americans mock Mexican speech patterns and the Dutch mock the Flems’ more musical version of their shared language as hillbilly — is suggestive.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 14:14 Comments || Top||

#10  that no one popped up is suggestive
You're imagining things. You should take a break, get some air and clear your head
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 14:19 Comments || Top||

#11  ...how quickly they forget.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 16:00 Comments || Top||

#12  oops wrong posting :/
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 16:17 Comments || Top||

Russia orders a number of American diplomats out of Moscow in retaliation for 12 Russians expelled by Washington - just as Biden flies into Europe to deliver warning to Putin over Ukraine invasion
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Russian soldier 'drives a TANK over his commanding officer to protest the huge number of losses they have suffered', Ukrainian journalist claims
[DM] "Rachel Corrie, St. Pancake, pray for me"
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Niedermeyer - is that you?
Posted by: Raj || 03/24/2022 10:18 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL
Posted by: Frank G || 03/24/2022 10:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Makes "fragging" seem a bit understated...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 10:23 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 10:43 Comments || Top||

#5  An act of mutinous protest or Private Xhomer Paiul f**king up yet again?
Posted by: SteveS || 03/24/2022 10:57 Comments || Top||

#6  Well, if the Russian officers are getting out in front their troops, and this is happening, it's all good, in the long run...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 11:00 Comments || Top||

#7  The PM card called for tred greasing.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/24/2022 12:53 Comments || Top||

#8  We could have sold tickets!
Posted by: Woodrow || 03/24/2022 19:04 Comments || Top||

#9  Where's the video?
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:20 Comments || Top||

Russian FSB Col. Igor Girkin's father in law dies in Donetsk
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Ukrainian officer Anatoliy Shtefan spread the information that the father-in-law of the terrorist Igor "Strelkov" Girkin Sergey Sitolenko was killed in the war.

The collaborator was killed near Avdiivka. Sergei Sitolenko, alias "Satiy," has been fighting against Ukraine since 2014, that is, since the occupation of Crimea and the creation of pseudo-republics in the Donbass. Sitolenko's son-in-law Igor Girkin was one of the "founders of the DPR."

Igor Girkin himself confirms this information on his page on the social network.

Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Family pride!
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:22 Comments || Top||

US formally accuses Russian forces of committing war crimes in Ukraine
[ABC] Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday announced that the State Department has made a formal assessment that Russian forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine.

"Based on information currently available, the U.S. government assesses that members of Russia's forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine. Our assessment is based on a careful review of available information from public and intelligence sources," Blinken said in a statement.

The assessment does not come with any new U.S. sanctions, but it backs a global push for accountability for Russia's artillery and airstrikes on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

President Joe Biden has said he believes Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a "war criminal," an accusation that the Russian government said threatened diplomatic relations between the two countries, already strained to their breaking point over Putin's war against Ukraine.

But whether the war crimes assessment means Putin himself is a war criminal will depend on an individual court of law, according to U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Western Perspective: Invasion Day 27 – Summary
The map didn’t change much on Tuesday. Russia seems to halt all operations in order to regroup and resupply its units. The primary focus is on Mariupol and the last cities under Ukrainian control in Luhansk Region at this moment. Russian jets bombed a railway station in Pavlohrad and damaged the railway, which was used as the primary supply route for Ukrainian troops in Donbas.

Go to the site. They have improved greatly the graphics presentation of the maps.

Strongly recommend you read the rest at the link
Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Perspective of the Breakaway Republics: Military summary of the LDNR. The situation on the line of contact on March 23 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

21:45 The mayor of Mariupol left the city

21:35 The NM of the DPR inflicts fire damage on the units of the 25th airborne brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is fighting for the capture of the settlements of Kamenka and Novobukhmutovka.

19:46 Ukrainian media report that the mayor of Mariupol fled the city to be in touch with the Ukrainian authorities and remotely help the residents of the city.

19:00 Since the beginning of the current day, Ukrainian Nazis have fired more than 250 shells at the DPR, using 122mm artillery, 120mm mortars and Grad MLRS. 13 settlements were under fire. One civilian was killed and seven people were injured. 30 residential buildings, 11 infrastructure facilities and two cars were damaged.

19:00 Since the beginning of the current day, the forces of the People's Militia of the DPR have destroyed 17 Ukrainian invaders, five firing points, two infantry fighting vehicles, one armored personnel carrier and one truck. Two 122mm self-propelled artillery mounts 2S1 "Gvozdika", one command and staff armored vehicle and a field artillery depot were captured.

19:00 Today, seven more Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily laid down their arms and went over to the side of the DPR.

18:28 Under fire from Kiev militants, three civilians of Yasinovataya (DPR) were injured: two men born in 1952 and 1947, as well as a woman born in 1949.

18:22 Ukrainian Nazis fired at the village of Panteleimonovka in the DPR. They fired eight shells at him, caliber 122mm. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

17:36 Today, as a result of Ukrainian shelling, seven apartment buildings in Yasinovataya (DPR) were damaged.

16:58 Eyewitnesses report that Ukrainian militants attacked the area of ​​​​the settlement of Komsomolskoye near the capital of the DPR.

15:37 A resident of Yasinovataya (DNR), born in 1951, died under the shelling of Ukrainian Nazis.

15:35 As a result of shelling from the Ukrainian Nazis, a resident of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk suffered. A woman born in 1949 received a bruised wound of the frontal part on the left. Two houses were also damaged.

15:26 Ukrainian Nazis fired at the territory of the DPR, as a result of which the mine named after. Chelyuskintsev was de-energized. A total of 14 miners remain underground.

15:16 As a result of shelling from the Ukrainian Nazis, three apartment buildings in Pervomaisk (LPR) were damaged.

14:17 Over the past day, 562 people, including 110 children, have been evacuated from Mariupol to Bezymennoye by the People's Militia of the DPR.

14:16 During the day on March 22, 26 residents of the DPR were injured.

14:14 Several more civilians of the DPR were injured as a result of aggression by the Ukrainian Nazis. Wounded: two residents of Donetsk, a resident of Yasinovataya, three residents of the liberated part of Mariupol and a resident of Volnovakha.

13:37 The People's Militia of the DPR and the Russian army control about 70 percent of the development of Mariupol.

12:56 The western part of Gorlovka is under fire from the Ukrainian Nazis.

12:05 On the part of Mariupol liberated from the Ukrainian Nazis and in the village of Sartana, as a result of shelling from the side of Kiev militants, 17 civilians were injured, including a girl born in 2008. All the wounded were taken to the medical facilities of the DPR, where they receive the necessary medical care.

12:04 As a result of the shelling of the village of Mikhailovka (DPR), a residential building caught fire. power lines were also damaged.

11:28 An explosion thundered in the LPR, which was felt by the entire north of the republic. Presumably, it took place in a large ammunition depot near Rubizhne.

11:12 The air defense forces of the People's Militia of the DPR shot down a Tochka-U fired by Ukrainian Nazis over Yenakiyevo.

11:10 Ukrainian Nazis again shelled the village of Mikhailovka (DNR). As a result of the shelling, the village is de-energized. A field is burning near the cemetery in Mikhailovka on Zuev Street.

11:09 The forces of the People's Militia of the DPR and the Russian army left the Armed Forces of Ukraine without the opportunity to rotate troops - the head of the republic Denis Pushilin.

10:32 Over the past day, the Kiev security forces have fired 67 shots across the territory of the LPR, using artillery with a caliber of 122mm and mortars with a caliber of 120mm. Four settlements were under fire.

10:19 Over the past day, the forces of the People's Militia of the DPR destroyed 76 Ukrainian invaders, 28 firing points, two tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, two armored vehicles and the Bukavel-AD electronic warfare station. Four tanks, one infantry fighting vehicle, three armored vehicles, two sets of communications of the tactical link "Harris" were captured. In addition, 19 soldiers from the 54th and 36th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine voluntarily laid down their arms.

10:16 Over the past day, Ukrainian Nazis fired more than a hundred shells at the DPR, using 152mm and 122mm artillery, 120mm mortars, Grad MLRS and tanks. A total of 12 settlements were under fire. A total of 13 residential buildings, eight infrastructure facilities and eight cars were damaged and 28 civilians were injured, including a child.

09:45 Ukrainian Nazis fired two mines with a caliber of 122mm at the city of Yasinovataya in the DPR. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

08:58 Ukrainian Nazis organized an ammunition depot in the house of the former mayor of Donetsk in Maryinka.

08:55 As a result of shelling from the Ukrainian Nazis in Pervomaisk (LPR), the college building and the department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were damaged.

08:53 As a result of shelling by Ukrainian Nazis in Bryanka (LPR), three houses, eight outbuildings, a medium-pressure gas pipeline and secondary school No. 4 were damaged.

08:51 Ukrainian Nazis fired 22 shells of 122mm caliber in Donetsk and Panteleymonovka (DPR). Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

08:47 Kiev punishers fired at the territory of the LPR eight times in a day. Four settlements were under fire.

8:43 The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, announced the complete defeat of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This should make it easier to advance in certain areas of Mariupol.

8:15 Ukrainian Nazis fired at the Petrovsky district of Donetsk and the settlement of Donetsk in the LPR. In total, 16 shells were fired at them.

Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Russian Perspective: Operation to denazify Ukraine: operational summary March 23 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

21:57 The forces of the RF Armed Forces hit 86 military facilities of Ukraine. Among them: 6 command posts, two multiple launch rocket systems, 8 field artillery guns, three ammunition depots, 49 areas of accumulation of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

21:20 Russian air defense systems destroyed nine Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of settlements Izyum, Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv.

20:39 Russian Armed Forces units advanced another 2 km during the day.

19:37 Subdivisions of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a battery of 152mm D-20 howitzers of the enemy in the Chernihiv direction.

18:38 AFU shelled the village of Zhuravlyovka, Belgorod region. The shells hit the house. There are people injured.

17:39 Columns of smoke over the suburbs of Kyiv in the city of Irpin, fighting continues

16:59 Ukrainian S-300 destroyed in Kyiv

16:01 In Ukraine, since the beginning of the special operation, 184 aircraft and helicopters, 246 UAVs and 189 air defense systems have been destroyed.

15:19 Fighting will continue in Kamenka, south of Izyum. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to counterattack with small tank groups, 2-3 vehicles each. In the morning, another air and artillery strike was inflicted on Kamenka

14:18 Aviation and missile forces of the Russian Federation destroyed 8 Ukrainian air defense systems in a day, including 6 Buk and one S-300

14:00 Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-24 and 16 drones in a day, including three Bayraktar TB-2

13:30 An artillery position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is located in the Hydropark area in Kharkiv. A truck and an armored car proceeded there from the center. After bringing up ammunition and rotating personnel, they returned back along the same route.

13:09 The Russian army destroyed eight tanks, five infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 9 vehicles and tractors, three pillboxes, seven field artillery guns and mortars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

12:05 Over the past day, the forces of the Russian Armed Forces hit 97 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine

11:42 At the arsenal in Orzhev, 14 kms northwest of Rivne, a large arsenal with weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, including those received from Western countries, was destroyed

11:25 One of the divisions of the 96th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit near the Danilovka settlement

10:50 AFU placed the AN/TPQ-48 radar station on the Kharkiv high-rise building

09:44 Russian Ministry of Defense published footage of the destruction of the hangar of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by army aviation helicopters.

09:27 A checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed near Chernihiv. The Russian army launched an artillery strike on him.

08:55 Ukrainian politician and journalist Anatoly Shariy said that as a result of the strike on the barracks of the 79th Special Operations Brigade in Nikolaev, 294 Ukrainian militants were killed.

08:49 The Kiev regime is rapidly running out of weapons and ammunition. The West did not count on such swift hostilities and did not prepare additional supplies to Ukraine.

8:41 Fighting in the suburbs of Kyiv continues. Smoke rises over Irpin.

Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

From Ukrainian Perspective: Russian invasion of Ukraine, March 24th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate

21:50 Today, 4,550 people have been evacuated, Vereshchuk said. Difficulties, according to her, were only with the Mariupol direction, where buses were sometimes not allowed to pass. Of the nine humanitarian corridors, seven have worked.

21:45 Key figures of the power and economic bloc of Russia have disappeared from the public space. More about this - in the material Shoigu disappeared, Chubais fled - what is known about this .

21:20 In Chernihiv, as a result of the shelling of one of the food enterprises, the main ammonia pipeline and one container with ammonia were damaged. The head of the Regional State Administration, Vyacheslav Chaus, assured that the State Emergency Service was keeping the situation under control, there were no victims or injured.

21:18 Scholz, in a telephone conversation with Putin, called for a truce and improvement of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, after which he spoke with Zelensky, the German Cabinet said.

21:00 Blinken officially confirmed the US position that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine: “Today I can announce that, based on the information currently available, the US government believes that Russian troops have committed war crimes in Ukraine. Our assessment is based based on careful analysis of available information from government and intelligence sources.”

20:58 Roskomnadzor reported that access to the News.Google service is now restricted in Russia.

20:56 The Russians fired at the checkpoint in Slavutych, Kiev region today. The city is blocked and it is impossible to leave it, Mayor Yuri Fomichev said.

20:51 Oksana Baulina, a journalist from The Insider, died in Kiev - she filmed the destruction after the shelling of the Podolsky district of the capital by Russian troops and came under new shelling. Another civilian died with her, two people accompanying her were wounded and hospitalized, the newspaper reported.

20:39 The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that they had handed over to the US Embassy in Moscow a note with a list of deported American diplomatic staff declared persona non grata. The American side was informed that any "hostile actions of the United States" against the Russian Federation would receive a "decisive and adequate response."

20:27 The Kinzhal missile is almost the main pride of the Russian military industry. Russia says it's a hypersonic weapon. Allegedly, the Russians have already used it in Ukraine, but there were problems confirming this. More details - in the material Powerful weapon or the myth of the Russian Federation .

20:04 The European Investment Bank transferred two more payments of 100 million euros to Ukraine this week.

19:59 Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas visited Kiev today, Reznikov said.

19:55 Sending peacekeepers to Ukraine is possible only if such a decision is approved by the UN Security Council, said the representative of the UN Secretary General Stephane Dujarric. But since Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power, a positive decision is out of the question.

19:23 From under the rubble of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration building, which was shelled on March 1, the bodies of 24 dead were removed. The rubble is still being cleared, according to local authorities.

19:16 A number of European officials said that according to the contracts, payment for Russian gas is carried out in euros, there is no other contractual basis.

19:10 Chaotic mining of the area and the destruction of agricultural equipment threatens the sowing campaign in certain regions, the General Staff reports.

19:08 More than half of Ukrainians (53%) lost their jobs due to the war, showed the results of a survey by the Rating group.

18:55 Klitschko said that the Podolsky district of Kiev was fired again. The parking lot was damaged, one person died, two were injured.

18:44 According to UN estimates, more than 3.5 million people have already left Ukraine, the number of refugees may increase by another four million.

18:35 Russians in Ukraine have already fired at 58 ambulances and killed six doctors, Lyashko said.

18:25 NATO leaders today will agree on the creation of four new battle groups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, the Secretary General said.

18:21 The head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Vitaly Savelyev, said that due to sanctions, Western lessors demanded that Russia return more than 500 aircraft worth $20 billion to them.

18:19 Israel has banned Ukraine from buying Pegasus spyware, which allows listening to Russian telephone conversations, fearing that this will be seen as an act of aggression against the Russian special services, write The Guardian and The Washington Post.

18:15 The Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council called today's statements by the leadership of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation that shells allegedly flew from the territory of Ukraine, as a result of which there were dead, as a provocation. According to the Kremlin, such provocations should be the reason for the announcement of a general mobilization.

18:02 Yermak commented on Putin's decision today: "Russia's decision to convert payments for gas into rubles is an attempt to strengthen the ruble and declare an economic war on the EU. But the West can strike Russia with an oil embargo, which will lead to the fall of the Russian economy. Now this will be key economic battle, and the collective West must win it."

18:00 In the Chernihiv region, Russian invaders are distributing propaganda leaflets, in which they assure that Russia is not at war with the civilian population, but guarantees its safety and freedom of speech. The occupiers are calling on local residents to assist them and report on "sabotage groups" and "negatively minded nationalist elements."

17:54 EU ambassadors approved the provision of an additional 500 million euros to Ukraine for military assistance.

17:52 Zelensky, in an address to the French parliament, said that France should play a leading role in the new post-war security system. He also called for a decision on Ukraine's accession to the EU and to strengthen military assistance, as well as to increase sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation.

17:48 According to a recent survey by the Rating group, 19 percent of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes during the war, but the vast majority (93 percent) plan to return home as soon as it is safe. About 44 percent of Ukrainians had to temporarily separate from their loved ones.

17:46 Syria fails the plan to attract militants to the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. According to Ukrainian intelligence, to date, the promises of the Syrian authorities on the systematic supply of mercenaries for the Russian army are not being fulfilled. The majority of the Syrian military is not ready to risk their lives for the sake of an illusory monetary allowance.

17:34 Podolyak urged all speakers not to provide the general public with any logistical information that could be useful to the enemy: "28 days of war were not enough for us to understand the main thing: the Russian Federation is no longer fighting against the Ukrainian army, but only against our logistics centers, humanitarian convoys , centers for the supply and distribution of food, clothing, medicines. And against civilians who want to leave the places of fighting or encirclement."

17:20 Aksyonov said that the "authorities" of Crimea are considering the possibility of nationalizing hotels whose owners support Ukraine.

17:07 Russia will cease to be a party to the European Convention on Human Rights on September 16. This decision was made by the ECtHR after the Russian Federation was expelled from the Council of Europe on March 16, the press service of the Council of Europe reports. This means that the ECtHR will continue to consider complaints against Russia until September 16.

16:59 Ukrainian citizens can stay in the European Union under a visa-free regime or a temporary protection directive, as well as receive refugee status. For more details, see the article How Ukrainians can find housing and work in EU countries .

16:54 Biden considers a real threat of chemical warfare in Ukraine. "I think this is a real threat," he answered a journalist's question about the likelihood of Russia using chemical weapons against Ukraine.

16:41 Stoltenberg said that "Belarus will not start a war against Ukraine, because it is already participating in it."

16:37 Ukraine's ability to win the war against Russia rests on three pillars: its resilience, arms supplies and Western sanctions, Kuleba said.

16:21 President of the European Council Charles Michel said that "Putin must be defeated - this must be a common goal." He is convinced that this is a security issue for the future of Europe and for the future of the world.

Michel also revealed that Zelenskiy had been invited to speak at a European Council meeting that Biden would personally attend.

16:10 Finland will not issue a license for the nuclear power plant being built by Rosatom, said Economic Development Minister Mika Lintilä.

16:08 Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has allowed the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 joint projects with Russia to be frozen. He stated that at the moment economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and Japan is impossible if it concerns "only business" and not national interests.

16:03 Podolyak commented on Putin's decision to transfer payments for gas into rubles: "The Russian Federation has opened an anti-European front. Financial. Putin announced the transfer of payments for gas into rubles and the rejection of dollars and euros, which will provoke operational failures, pressure on public opinion. This is the second a step towards escalation The first one is threats of strikes against Eurologistics centers for helping Ukraine.

15:57 The head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer, after a many-day stay in Ukraine, arrived in Moscow, where he intends to "raise urgent humanitarian problems" and insist on "alleviating the suffering of people affected by conflicts in Ukraine and in other contexts."

15:55 Johnson said that Putin's actions have already "crossed the threshold of barbarism," and the West should not hesitate to increase sanctions and provide further defensive military assistance to Ukraine.

15:53 ​​Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, ex-head of Rosnano Anatoly Chubais left Russia. He also resigned as Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Sustainable Development.

15:49 China said it would not support Russia's exclusion from the G20. The Chinese Foreign Ministry believes that the G20 needs to continue to cooperate to solve common problems, and the Russian Federation is an "important member" of the group.

15:46 Nestlé announced the termination of the supply of products to and from Russia, as well as the further suspension of its brands in the Russian Federation. The company promised that it would not pay any more taxes in Russia for the foreseeable future and would use any profits made to help humanitarian aid.

15:36 Mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko is not in the city, but is constantly in touch, said the head of the Donetsk OVA Pavel Kirilenko. He explained this by the fact that there is no connection in Mariupol.

15:34 NATO leaders will provide Ukraine with additional assistance in the field of cybersecurity and protection against chemical and biological attacks, as well as radiological and nuclear threats , Stoltenberg said.

15:22 The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called Belarus' decision to reduce the number of Ukrainian diplomats "another unprovoked unfriendly step" and promised "not to leave Belarus' actions without a proper response."

15:20 The Belarusian military has already begun to contact representatives of the Ukrainian authorities with a request to take them prisoner in case of war, said Vladimir Fityo, press officer of the command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

15:18 The International Labor Organization announced the termination of cooperation with Russia. The ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dealing with the regulation of labor relations. Today it includes 187 states.

15:09 Ukraine has enough food supplies for two years. 30 million hectares of farmland have been mined in the country, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported. They also added that the sowing campaign has already begun.

15:06 Until April 15, Belarus allowed visa-free entry from Ukraine to citizens of "all foreign states" who leave the war zone.

15:02 Arestovich said that near Mariupol, a Ukrainian sniper eliminated the commander of the 810th Marine Brigade of the Russian Army, Colonel Alexei Sharov. He was appointed commander in 2021, and considered the phrase "Where we are, there is victory" as his main slogan.

15:01 Ukrainian air forces shot down two Russian aircraft in the southeast of the Kharkiv region, the air command of Skhid reported.

14:56 According to the State Special Communications Service, Mariupol, Vorzel, Irpen, Bucha, Gostomel and Izyum remain without mobile communications.

14:53 Putin instructed to transfer payments for Russian gas supplies to Europe into rubles "in the shortest possible time". He also said that "the collective West, by freezing Russian reserves, declared a default against Russia and drew a line under the reliability of its currencies."

14:48 Russian oligarchs are extremely dissatisfied with Putin's policy, one of them, Pyotr Aven, said at a meeting in Moscow with Kazakh billionaire Alexander Mashkevich. According to Ukrainian intelligence, during the meeting it was said that representatives of Russian big business are looking for ways to influence Putin or his close circle from the power bloc.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Putin is in strict isolation and practically does not let anyone near him. Some oligarchs are even discussing paying for the physical removal of the dictator.

14:44 The authorities of the Isle of Man have deregistered the planes of eight Russian billionaires, including Abramovich and Usmanov.

14:34 Belarus decided to reduce the number of Ukrainian diplomats to five people and close the Consulate General of Ukraine in Brest.

14:15 The mayor of Irpin, Alexander Markushin, reports that 80% of the city is under the control of the terrorist defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, strong shelling continues: since yesterday, a very powerful shelling has been carried out from mortars and MLRS Grad. There are up to 4-4.5 thousand residents left in the city who refuse to leave. There are also many sabotage groups and marauders in the city.

13:53 In the Nikolaev area will allow to sell alcohol on Saturday and Sunday, Vitaly Kim reported.

13:51 The Russian army is trying to turn Chernihiv into a second Mariupol, Arestovich said.

13:49 In the area of ​​​​Izyum, Kharkiv region, the defense forces of Ukraine liquidated 60 percent of the occupying troops, the General Staff reports.

13:44 Vereshchuk denied Moscow's information that two prisoner exchanges had allegedly taken place.

13:35 Podolyak said that negotiations with Russia are difficult: "In short: the negotiations are constantly online. The negotiations are quite difficult, because the Ukrainian side has clear and principled positions."

13:32 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have encircled Irpen, Bucha and Gostomel near Kiev. At the same time, the Russian occupiers continue to constantly fire at the Makarov, Buchan, Irpin and Dmirovo communities, the Buchansk city council reported.

12:57 Residents of Energodar knocked down a flagpole with a red "flag", which was hung by the Russian invaders, and burned it.

12:54 The occupiers used prohibited phosphorus ammunition over the northwestern outskirts of Kiev, said the mayor of Irpen, Alexander Markushin. According to him, the approximate affected area is Gostomel and Irpin. The use of such types of ammunition against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

12:48 Poland is expelling 45 Russian diplomats on charges of espionage , the Russian ambassador said. They must leave Poland at various times, but a maximum of five days, he said.

12:46 The EU approved an agreement with Ukraine, which will allow the provision of classified information to Kiev, including satellite images, writes Bloomberg.

12:41 Russia's combat power in Ukraine for the first time since the beginning of the war fell below 90% of its pre-invasion level, The Guardian writes, citing a senior US Department of Defense official.

12:20 Russia has almost completely turned into a no-fly zone for civil aviation. According to media reports citing Flight Radar data, more than 80% of the aircraft in the skies of the Russian Federation are transit flights of Chinese airlines.

12:11 The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that Kiev and Moscow held two prisoner exchanges.

11:56 Peskov said that Russia does not trust the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, and "the Russian military does not shoot at civilians, does not strike at them, but helps them."

11:51 In Oleshki, Kherson region, Russian invaders kidnapped the director of the Kherson Regional Music and Drama Theatre, a deputy of the regional council, the organizer of the world-famous theater festival Melpomene of Tavria, an activist of pro-Ukrainian rallies, Oleksandr Kniga. They broke into his home and took him away in an unknown direction.

11:35 The Cabinet of Ministers for the period of martial law allowed drivers of category B (cars) to drive vehicles of category C, C1 (trucks).

11:34 Fedorov said that the Ministry of Digital Transformation is using artificial intelligence to search social networks for accounts of dead Russian soldiers using photos of corpses in order to inform friends and relatives about their deaths, as well as dispel the myth of a "special operation" in which "there are no conscripts" and "nobody dies."

11:32 Zelensky addressed the Japanese parliament and called on Tokyo to take a leadership role in the unification of Asia in order to force Russia to stop the invasion. He also asked for stronger sanctions against the Russian Federation.

11:22 The European Union will allocate 2.5 billion euros for the food security of countries most affected by the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

11:16 In Russia, they are trying to lure Belarusians into war with Ukraine - in particular, they offer a reward of $1,000-1,500 a month and preferential education in Russian military universities for the fulfillment of "special tasks", the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reports.

11:15 In the Nikolaev area the Russian invaders fired at houses at night therefore two people were lost, Vitaly Kim reported.

11:13 The destroyed bridge to Chernihiv will not interfere with the supply of humanitarian aid to the city, Chaus assured.

11:10 If NATO sends its peacekeepers to Ukraine, this will be a direct clash between the alliance and Russia, Lavrov said. He also accused the United States of using sanctions to "remove the obstacle in the form of Russia on the way to building a unipolar world."

11:09 Russian Defense Minister Shoigu has not been seen since March 11. Also, from that day on, the head of the General Staff Gerasimov did not appear in public, according to Russian publications.

11:07 Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed that Zelensky and Xi Jinping will have a telephone conversation today.

11:06 The factories of Mariupol will not work under Russian occupation under any circumstances, Rinat Akhmetov said.

11:04 British intelligence reports that Russian troops are trying to surround the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which hold the defense in the east, approaching them from the north and south.

11:01 Deputies from United Russia were banned from leaving the Russian Federation without good reason. According to the Russian opposition media, deputies of all levels, as well as officials, civil servants, law enforcement and military, employees of the judiciary and prosecutors, and many others have already faced or may soon face a similar ban.

11:55 The General Staff announced the approximate combat losses of the enemy on the morning of March 23:

personnel - about 15,600 people,
tanks - 517,
armored combat vehicles - 1578,
artillery systems - 267,
MLRS - 80,
air defense systems - 47,
aircraft - 101,
helicopters - 124,
automotive equipment - 1008,
ships/boats - four,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 70,
UAV operational-tactical level - 42,
special equipment - 15.

10:49 According to Ukrainian intelligence, Putin is preparing to block the exit of Russians from Crimea. In particular, information was confirmed about the preparations for blocking traffic along the Crimean bridge towards the Russian Federation by the forces of the Russian Guard. Also, the occupying authorities will restrict the movement of the Parma crossing and air communication between the peninsula and the Russian Federation.

The formal reason for such actions is the fight against Ukrainian saboteurs and the prevention of possible terrorist attacks. In fact, the authorities are trying in this way to respond to panic among Russian citizens who illegally resettled in Ukrainian Crimea after February 2014. Many of them within the last month have started to sell their property and leave.

10:43 Arestovich writes that the Ukrainian military destroyed most of the Russian equipment remaining in Chernobaevka tonight.

10:39 The police resumed work in Irpen, Kiev region. Cleansing of the territory from saboteurs is beginning, but the main task now is to help and evacuate civilians who remain in the city, the National Police said.

10:20 Podolyak addressed the West: "Dear partners! Don't you want to see the dead eyes of murdered Ukrainian children in your dreams and feel the burning from Mariupol? Just four steps: modern air defense if you can't close the sky; cruise missiles/ammunition for heavy jet systems; severe oil embargo; total closure of ports for Russian ships."

10:14 At night the Ingulsky district of the Nikolaev area got under attack. According to the State Emergency Service, shells hit a residential building, a warehouse and cars parked nearby. As a result, fires broke out, two people died under the rubble of the house.

10:12 A state website has been created in Ukraine - https://help.gov.ua/, through which anyone can provide or receive humanitarian assistance.

10:10 Turkey said it does not intend to give up the Russian S-400s, which the United States had previously asked to transfer to Ukraine.

09:41 The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that the accusations of the KGB of Belarus in espionage of Ukrainian diplomats will further complicate relations between Kiev and Minsk.

09:38 As of today, humanitarian corridors have been agreed:

Mariupol - Zaporozhye: Berdyansk - Zaporozhye
Zaporozhye region: Pologi - Zaporozhye, Gulyaipole - Zaporozhye
Kyiv region: Velyka Dymerka - Brovary, Bogdanovka - Brovary, Borodianka - Bila Tserkva, Svetilnya - Brovary
Lugansk region: Rubizhne - Bakhmut, Nizhne - Bakhmut
In addition, the routes will pass through other cities: Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, Gorskoe.

09:17 The Security Council of Belarus stated that the country's armed forces are not going to leave its territory: "We will not allow us to be unleashed and drawn into any military conflicts, but we will defend our country, our territory."

09:04 According to the Kyiv City State Administration, as a result of the shelling of the capital, buildings in the Svyatoshinsky and Shevchenko districts were damaged. In particular, a shopping center, private houses and high-rise buildings suffered.

In addition, a housing estate in the Shevchenko district was shelled in the morning, now the fire is being extinguished in several private houses and high-rise buildings, four people were injured.

08:56 The Ukrainian military eliminated the commander of the marine brigade of the Russian Federation, said the speaker of the Odesa OVA Serhiy Bratchuk. According to him, this unit was supposed to storm Odessa.

08:55 Deputy Interior Minister Yevgeny Yenin urged citizens who were forced to leave their homes in the regions where active hostilities were taking place not to rush to return. He explained that "unpleasant surprises" could await them at home: abandoned weapons, ammunition, mines, "stretch marks" and much more. He urged to wait until the police or rescuers clean up the area.

08:46 The Pentagon called the Kremlin's rhetoric on the use of nuclear weapons "dangerous." "This is not how a responsible nuclear state should operate," said US Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby.

Earlier, Peskov said that Russia would use nuclear weapons if there was a "threat" against it.

08:44 In Rubizhne, Luhansk region, a Russian shell hit a high-rise building, three people were killed, two of them were children, local authorities report.

08:43 The invaders hit the Nivki district in Kiev from Gradov, there are victims, MP Goncharenko reports.

08:36 Zelensky on negotiations: "We continue to work at different levels and in order to encourage Russia to peace. Until this brutal war ends. Ukrainian representatives work at the negotiations, which continue almost every day. It is very difficult. Sometimes scandalous. But moving forward step by step."

08:07 In Chernihiv, the Russian military bombed the road bridge across the Desna, which connected the city with Kiev, said the head of the Chernihiv OVA Vyacheslav Chaus. Evacuation flights moved from Chernigov along this bridge and humanitarian aid was brought to the city.

08:00 In one of the special forces involved in the storming of Mariupol, less than 10 percent of the personnel are ready to continue participating in the war, the rest are killed, wounded, sick or demoralized, the General Staff reports.

07:57 In Belarus, representatives of the opposition forces and activists who condemn the assistance of the Russian Federation partially disabled the railway connection with Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

At the same time, there is an active movement of Russian and Belarusian military equipment in Belarus and its further accumulation along the Ukrainian border.

07:45 American retired lieutenant general, military analyst Ben Hodges believes that Ukraine will not only survive, but also win the war against Russia. The general notes that he was not surprised by the strength of the Ukrainian army - he was surprised by the weakness of the Russians. Their lack of experience is clearly visible, and arrogant behavior leads to huge losses among the generals of the army.

07:32 Ukrzaliznytsia offers a new service - transportation of a car by an evacuation train.

07:20 The Russian military has withdrawn its aircraft from the airfield in Chernobaevka near Kherson, writes The New York Times, citing fresh satellite images.

07:00 In Ukraine, daily monitoring of prices for socially significant goods is introduced, the State Food Service reported.

05:58 Zelensky: "Our Armed Forces made us happy today. Again Chernobaevka - again the defeat of the occupiers. Russian planes were shot down again. Especially important - a bomber over Mariupol. And so it will be with everyone who kills our people, civilians on our peaceful land."

04:01 Russian invaders plundered and destroyed the newest central analytical laboratory in Chernobyl, the State Agency for Management of the Exclusion Zone reported. On the basis of the laboratory there were highly active samples and samples of radionuclides - now they are in the hands of the Russians.

03:35 The White House is preparing new sanctions against Russia, which they plan to announce on Thursday, March 24, American media write.

02:17 British intelligence believes that the occupiers will try to suppress the protests in the occupied territories of Ukraine by force.

01:34 Macron talked on the phone with Putin for an hour, but could not convince him to stop hostilities in Ukraine, French media reported.

00:05 Yermak hopes that Zelensky's conversation with Xi Jinping can take place in the near future.

Posted by: badanov || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Ukraine-Russian War: Ukraine Bayraktar TB2 Drones Launch All-Out Attack on Russian Army Bases
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Putin Adviser Chubais Quits Over Ukraine War, Leaves Russia
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  Climate envoy.

Can we get rid of ours too?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 10:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Long-time advisor who helped Pooty get his start in what passes for politics in Russia.

The "leaves Russia" part is also telling.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 03/24/2022 15:30 Comments || Top||

North Korea launches its biggest intercontinental ballistic missile ever after pausing program five years ago when it launched smaller one it claimed could hit US: White House condemns launch and tells Kim Jong Un 'immediately cease'
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 08:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Commies

#1  US condemns North Korea's long-range ballistic missile test
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 10:17 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Grampaw Fluper9312 || 03/24/2022 10:35 Comments || Top||

Biden arrives at NATO headquarters as alliance chief vows to end ‘brutal war': Allies are set to announce plan to boost US natural gas shipments to Europe to break Russia's stranglehold on energy supply and pave the way for tougher sanctions
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 08:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  Real war is brutal.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 9:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Biden wouldn't know the meaning of real war. That's why he punishes the general population with cowardly sanctions, just as the Americans did in Iraq
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 9:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Fuel is fungible. The idea that Russia will not find a market for theirs is naive stupid.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 10:00 Comments || Top||

#5  The idea that Russia will not find a market for theirs is stupid
Sanctions as a way of making war is beyond stupid. Shooting ourselves in the foot and making us poorer, while stimulating efforts by other countries to devise new ways to make themselves independent of the US
Posted by: Otto McCoy9262 || 03/24/2022 10:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Europe is aiming to strike a deal with Biden to secure additional U.S. liquefied natural gas supplies for the next two winters and wean the continent off it its dangerous addiction to Russian energy.

Thereby creating shortages and increased prices for Americans, since he won't allow new drilling or fracking.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed || 03/24/2022 11:07 Comments || Top||

#7  The Biden administration has imposed new unreasonable regulations on natural gas drilling here to include environmental, climate, social justice, and racial justice implications. No new permits for natural gas have been issued since Biden took office. It's obvious his handlers want to completely destroy ant possibility of U.S. energy independance.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 03/24/2022 11:12 Comments || Top||

#8  Bidet's not going to be prexident forever. The commie wing of the dem party is not going to be permanently in charge either. The abundance that was created in the Trump years is necessary to the deep state's long-term plans and it will be back almost as quickly as it was gone, now that they have a war on the horizon to pay for.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 11:25 Comments || Top||

#9  Sending them our gas!?? What the fuck, my heating gas bill doubled this winter!!!
Posted by: Woodrow || 03/24/2022 18:48 Comments || Top||

#10  Me too, but mine's electric. I'm starting to see it.
Let them bear the raw costs of living in this world.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:13 Comments || Top||

Tesla to host 15,000-person grand opening next month at new Gigafactory in Austin, Texas
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Make sure the boys back in CA who are planning to unionize hear this.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 8:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Immigrated to Canada to avoid conscription into Nelson Mandela's communist army. Moves out of California due to high taxes and the threat of unionization. Refers to COVID as a government scam. Insists combustion engines are still necessary. Employs 50,000 US and Canadian workers. Has a lovely girl friend and more money than he'll ever be able to spend.

Musk is EVIL !!!!

Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 8:49 Comments || Top||

#3  If it weren't in Austin, I might go.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 12:42 Comments || Top||

#4  near the airport on the east side of town well outside the urbanized part

Posted by: Lord Garth || 03/24/2022 16:57 Comments || Top||

#5  It's in Travis County. Their DA is owned by Soros and allowed BLMAntifa to run riot - then charged 2 Police Officers with doing their job as ordered. Also big on Defund the Police and not enforcing 'minor' crimes.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 03/24/2022 17:24 Comments || Top||

#6  Somehow I think even a non-unionized auto worker will be able to put a hurt on any of the BLMmos or teefers without too much trouble.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 17:31 Comments || Top||

#7  Ah'l take the WarWagon.
It's strapped.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:21 Comments || Top||

BULLISH ON RUSSIA? Ruble Rallies As Putin Calls for Oil & Gas Payments in Rubles
[Bloomberg] The ruble did drop 40% against the dollar in the week after the reserves were frozen, but 10 days later it had recovered more than half that loss. The ruble is now down less than 25% against the dollar and only 18% against the euro since Feb. 25. Financial conditions in Russia have also recovered significantly, according to the Institute of International Finance in Washington. Some of this is more guesswork than normal because the country’s stock and bond markets aren’t fully trading.
Posted by: Crerelet Cheaper9206 || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nuka-Cola bottlecaps could also be used... Might be worth more.
Posted by: magpie || 03/24/2022 1:47 Comments || Top||

#2  Their requirement that Russian oil and gas be paid for in rubles will also increase demand for the ruble, thereby increasing its value.

And, simultaneously, decreasing demand for the US dollar, thereby decreasing its value. You have been warned.
Posted by: Tom || 03/24/2022 11:52 Comments || Top||

#3  We'll see if it works. But for now....

1 US Dollar =
94.75 Russian Ruble
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 14:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Their requirement that Russian oil and gas be paid for in rubles will also increase demand for the ruble, thereby increasing its value.

And, simultaneously, decreasing demand for the US dollar, thereby decreasing its value. You have been warned.

Wouldn't it be something if Biden is like, "Yeah and kick Russia out of the G20 and replace it with Ukraine!" and the G20 is like, "Well actually, since you set in motion an absolute economic wreck of the USA and keep trying to start a nuke war in Europe...well, here is a sealed correspondence for who is in charge. Please see they get it promptly." Hands letter to assistant.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 15:21 Comments || Top||

#5  So... the Russians are going to refuse to sell gas for dollars?

Because I can't imagine Europe has lots of rubles on hand.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 03/24/2022 15:27 Comments || Top||

#6  I wish they'd stop trolling us unless we paid them in rubles.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 03/24/2022 15:46 Comments || Top||

#7  Because I can't imagine Europe has lots of rubles on hand.

They don't. The idea is that countries buy Rubles from Russia and then buy the goods. It is a strategy as the Ruble has foreign currency to back it up and the exchange stabilizes and keeps inflation in check. How many countries go along with this is the question.
Posted by: DarthVader || 03/24/2022 15:50 Comments || Top||

Government Corruption
NPR update - A Jan. 6 Capitol riot suspect wanted by the FBI was granted refugee status in Belarus
More on this story from yesterday.
[NPR] Evan Neumann is under federal indictment in the U.S. for more than a dozen charges related to last year's Capitol insurrection. But Belarus, a Russian ally and neighbor to Ukraine, has granted him asylum, saying he is under its protection indefinitely.

"I am very grateful, and it is bittersweet," like eating cranberries, Neumann said in a video posted by state media Belta. "So, very happy and very sad at the same time."

Neumann is currently wanted by the FBI on multiple charges of assaulting police officers during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, including using a metal barricade as a battering ram. But he fled the U.S. one month after the insurrection, traveling to Ukraine before winding up in Belarus. And now Belarus, which is aiding Russia's attacks on Ukraine, has granted Neumann refugee status.

He received his new Belarusian identification document from the department of citizenship and migration office in Brest, with reporters looking on. Belarus claims that the U.S. charges against Neumann are politically motivated. He was granted refugee status almost exactly one year after the first criminal complaint was filed against him last March.

Belarusian officials say that when Neumann was in Ukraine, he became suspicious that he was under surveillance. Taking only a map, a rucksack and some belongings, they said, he crossed the border into Belarus in August of 2021, whereupon he was detained by military personnel. After arriving, he immediately asked for protection.

"Belarus is very nice," Neumann said, "and I feel safe in Belarus, especially compared to my compatriots in America."

Asked what he will do now, Neumann replied, "Right now, my plans are to stay in Brest. I have started a life here. Now that I have a document, I would like to travel to Minsk. I have not seen that yet."
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 02:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Belarus is very nice," Neumann said, "and I feel safe in Belarus, especially compared to my compatriots in America."

That would likely be his....fellow 'FBI compatriots' and stringers in America.

Evan's $1.6m Mill valley, CA. safe house sold nearly a year ago. No information currently available on Evan's former employment, academic history, travel, possible military service, clubs, friends, hobbies, pets, bank, credit cards and history, or family....other than a camera shy brother who knows little or nothing and has declined to share anything.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 2:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Almost sounds like a certain "hedge fund manager" who met a demise at MMC.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 03/24/2022 3:28 Comments || Top||

#3  ANOTHER foreign agitator?
I thought they were all here on Rantburg.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 7:56 Comments || Top||

#4  /\ Possible "Snark o' The Day"???
Posted by: Canuckistan sniper || 03/24/2022 12:16 Comments || Top||

#5  I thought they were all here on Rantburg
They all left for Ukraine.
Russian spies ‘infiltrated Ukraine’s international volunteers’ to launch missile attack

Dozens of British volunteer fighters narrowly escaped death after Russia launched the air strike. A source told the Sun: ‘A hundred yards difference you would be looking at hundreds of western casualties. There were so many passports in there — British, Brazilian, Canadian, American, you name it.

‘It was like the Star Wars canteen. There were gun nuts, biker gangs, tough guys, American religious people there to do God’s work, war addicts. One British guy was boasting that he’d killed someone in a bar fight.

‘Another Brit said he was a Royal Marine who wasn’t at liberty to disclose his rank or his unit — that’s a red flag right there. There’s no vetting, there’s no command and control, no chain of command. It’s a complete sh*t show.’

Posted by: Otto Grairt3290 || 03/24/2022 12:25 Comments || Top||

#6  There’s no vetting, there’s no command and control, no chain of command.

Just killing Russians.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 12:28 Comments || Top||

#7  If you avoided having to soldier, why would you go anywhere near people who play at it?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 12:28 Comments || Top||

#8  Just killing getting blown to bits by Russians FIFY
Posted by: Guillibaldo Omomomp9812 || 03/24/2022 12:35 Comments || Top||

#9  Here's a tough guy, surprised to find that "it's not like Iraq or Afghanistan!"

"...all of a sudden the gates of hell opened up on us. We got very close to getting whacked. I’ve never experienced firepower like that, I don’t think anyone of this generation ever has. Iraq and Afghanistan was totally different. The Russians are a conventional modern army.”

Imagine that: picking on someone your own size.

Next, Rambo gets arrested - by the Ukrainians, on suspicion of being a Russian spy. Then the fun starts:

They were taken to a security service base and interrogated for three hours. Jason said: “My head was slammed down by one of the guards. A different guy came in and I could tell by his kit that he was in an elite unit. He had cable ties and two hoods and I thought ‘S***, this is real’. They kept shouting Russian at me but obviously I said I was English. They whacked me around eight or nine times. I had quite a bad concussion and was bleeding heavily.”

Yeah, shout in English, mate. Just shout louder, that'll make the bloody wogs understand you.

Now we know who the shithead was who let the Russians know where the British mercenary-targets were located. No wonder the Ukrainians thought this idiot was betraying them -- because our genius was betraying their location with his phone:

“They looked at my phone and my messages which was a really scary moment."


Posted by: Otto Grairt3290 || 03/24/2022 12:52 Comments || Top||

#10  No word from NPR about all the January 6 riot suspects trespassers tourists being held without bail for over a year, without a speedy trial or even any formal charges.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/24/2022 12:59 Comments || Top||

#11  ^ We should ask Putin to send a Spetsnaz contingent to liberate the D.C. gulag prisoners
Posted by: Otto Grairt3290 || 03/24/2022 13:02 Comments || Top||

#12  NPR is big on the Jan6 deal. I think they want to have it declared a national holiday.
Posted by: jpal || 03/24/2022 15:53 Comments || Top||

#13  Imaginethat: picking on someone your own size.
LOL...You're not fighting shepherds in Kandahar anymore
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 17:39 Comments || Top||

New India-Russia currency swaps bypass US sanctions, skip the dollar; India and China move toward normalized relations, deepen trade ties
[Asia Times]
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Commies

#1  Don't do it halfway. Putin should moor his yacht in one of India's many ports, as a symbol of the new trade ties. And as collateral.
Posted by: Matt || 03/24/2022 8:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Michael Kugelman, senior fellow for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, says India’s stance is a consequence of its special relationship with Russia.

“New Delhi has long viewed Moscow as its most reliable and trusted partner, a perception shaped by many decades of friendship, going back to the early years of the Cold War. Indian leaders often speak of Russia as India’s closest and most reliable friend, a country that has never had any sort of crisis with India. And they see it as a country always willing to help India out on the global stage, including at the UN, where Russia’s voting patterns on issues like Kashmir have supported India.”

According to Kugelman, India’s Cold War nostalgia towards Russia continues to weigh in in their relationship. “It boils down to a simple calculation: Russia has our back and we will have its back as well,” he said.
Posted by: Spats Barnsmell1588 || 03/24/2022 8:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Exactly. Russians should sell their palatial accommodations in New York, London, and Biarritz and move to India where they will be more welcome.
Posted by: Matt || 03/24/2022 9:26 Comments || Top||

#4  Think again. Try Israel. All the oligarch rats fleeing Russia are Jewish. They're flying their private jets to and mooring their yachts at their Israeli safe haven
As Israel avoids sanctioning oligarchs, 14 private jets arrive from Russia
Posted by: Vespasian Omereque5237 || 03/24/2022 9:39 Comments || Top||

#5  All the oligarch rats fleeing Russia are Jewish.

*trigger warning*
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/24/2022 9:58 Comments || Top||

#6  The Jewish World’s Ambivalence About Russian Oligarchs
As Western governments sanction Putin’s inner circle, Israel and various Jewish organizations are more hesitant.
Posted by: Black Charlie Ebbaing4173 || 03/24/2022 10:46 Comments || Top||

#7  To some people, it's Terkels all the way down. They are confusing correlation and causation.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 10:58 Comments || Top||

#8  Western governments sanction Putin’s inner circle, Israel and various Jewish organizations are more hesitant.

Of course they realise they could be next. The US is not being run by conservatives or democrats or any distinction of political leadership you have seen so far.

It is being run by people whose mission seems to be to run it and all its allies into the fucking ground. Why the conservatives at this site have such a new found loyalty for the Biden non-presidency is beyond me.
Posted by: Cthulhu of Ryleh || 03/24/2022 11:36 Comments || Top||

#9  Abramovich, Fridman, Aven...
Putin's Oligarchs' Rush for Israeli Luxury Rentals, Preferably in Cash
As sanctions following the Ukraine war start to bite, Russian oligarchs are looking for homes to rent for $30,000 to $50,000 a month, usually in the Tel Aviv area
Posted by: Mad Eye Clineque8258 || 03/24/2022 11:38 Comments || Top||

#10  the oligarch rats fleeing Russia are Jewish. They're flying their private jets to and mooring their yachts at their Israeli safe haven

Yes, for three decades Israel has been a haven for filthy money stolen from Russia and Ukraine. The US is finally starting to pay attention

U.S. Growing Alarmed Over Israel's Safe Harbor for Russian Oligarchs
Posted by: Thumper Squank7020 || 03/24/2022 11:49 Comments || Top||

#11  With India and China, you have 30% or so of the entire population of the world. And two rapidly growing economies.

The dumbest businessman knows you don't encourage the competition. But the current administration, having never run anything in its life, is oblivious to the consequences of cutting off major commodities and countries from our own currency and systems (SWIFT.)
Posted by: Tom || 03/24/2022 11:55 Comments || Top||

#12  China and India are the #1 and #3 economies in the world, both of them growing much faster than the US. The countries that refuse to join US sanctions comprise most of the world's GDP and over 80% of its population. Sanctions on Russia are the stupidest policy imaginable
Posted by: Jans Big Foot3879 || 03/24/2022 12:11 Comments || Top||

#13  oblivious to the consequences of cutting off major commodities and countries from our own currency and systems (SWIFT.)
Perhaps not.
How the SWIFT System Works
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 12:41 Comments || Top||

#14  Sanctions on Russia are the stupidest policy imaginable
America's foreign policy is like a senile elephant, trampling everything in its path and shitting all over the place. The rest of the world are forced to clean up afterwards. Ukraine has nothing whatsoever to do with India, yet Indians are now being punished with the fallout from Biden's foolish sanctions. To hell with him and them

Indians tighten belts as Ukraine war drives up prices of necessities

Consumers in India are battling the first hikes in five months this week in the prices of diesel and petrol, as well as more expensive vegetable oils.

Many Indians are cutting down on fried food and even vegetables as the Ukraine war inflates the prices of items from edible oils to fuel, threatening a sputtering recovery in the consumption-based economy after two years battling Covid-19.

Consumers in Asia's third-largest economy are feeling the bite as companies pass on a surge in costs since the invasion, battling the first hikes in five months this week in the prices of diesel and petrol, as well as more expensive vegetable oils.
"God only knows how we will manage this level of price rise," said Indrani Majumder, the sole earner in a family of four in the eastern city of Kolkata, adding that the past two years of the pandemic had brought a halving in salaries.
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 14:02 Comments || Top||

#15  The discussion of western sanctions is just a diversion from the fact that Putin launched a disastrous war that is killling both Ukrainians and young Russians. Here's a fine looking young officer. Western sanctions didn't kill him -- Putin did. I feel for his loved ones. Why did he have to die? Stop the war. Or at least send the children of the siloviki and oligarchs to fight it.
Posted by: Matt || 03/24/2022 16:07 Comments || Top||

#16  For us it's not a "diversion." Your stupid policy will literally kill millions of innocent people in the global South who want nothing to do with the West's civil wars. It's not our business or our problem. Why are you dragging us into it?
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 17:36 Comments || Top||

#17  It is being run by people whose mission seems to be to run it and all its allies into the fucking ground. Why the conservatives at this site have such a new found loyalty for the Biden non-presidency is beyond me.

As I keep pointing out to the Antiheroes with a Thousand 'Nyms, they're the only people who think Joe Biden is actually fighting against Putin.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 03/24/2022 17:39 Comments || Top||

#18  India has bitter experience of US sanctions. They were imposed on us in 1998 and they only succeeded in driving us further away from the US.

Listen to the US Ambassador to India (2004-2009), David Mulford, in this discussion from a week ago, "The Strategic Value of India."

At the 40th minute. Ambassador Mulford says, "The effect of imposing sanctions on India for its nucular [sic] weapons testing program was a very hard experience for us [the U.S.] ... You cannot have a policy of dictation toward India. India is a sovereign state. It takes its sovereignty very very seriously."

If only more Americans thought this way.

Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 18:00 Comments || Top||

#19  It seems no matter how bad the US treats it's "allies," they always come back for more. Sugar, that is...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 18:01 Comments || Top||

#20  India is not a US ally and never has been. Americans' attitude of "either you're with us or you're against us" blinds them to all sorts of distinctions
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 18:07 Comments || Top||

#21  Does India support Russia's war on Ukraine? You are free to interpet the word "support" with as much nuance as you choose. Do you approve of the shelling of Mariupol? Again, you are free to intepret the word "approve" in a non-American nuanced way. Just tell me if you have a position on the Ukrainian war, and give me some clue as to what that position might be. Educate me. I want to hear what you have to say.
Posted by: Matt || 03/24/2022 18:30 Comments || Top||

#22  I have no position on that war. But I do have a deep seated aversion to US sanctions.
Posted by: Slineling Chusong5031 || 03/24/2022 18:41 Comments || Top||

#23  A fair answer, for which I thank you. But if I may press you a bit, would you support these sanctions?
Posted by: Matt || 03/24/2022 19:03 Comments || Top||

#24  Don't like the US? Fine, let's see how you get along without all the money those H1B's make when we cancel their visas and send them home, and start onshoring the jobs that have been exported to India.

I think they dont realize just how small an economy they are tying up to, and how much being dumped out of the US would cost them.
Posted by: Chealing Chomotle4158 || 03/24/2022 19:07 Comments || Top||

#25  ^ I like that!
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:19 Comments || Top||

#26  without all the money those H1B's make when we cancel their visas and send them home

Typical American ignorance. The 330,000 Indian H1B's are a rounding error for one of the largest economies in the world, with 1,330,000,000 people
Posted by: Herman Slack4657 || 03/24/2022 23:42 Comments || Top||

#27  Rounding error in number of people, to be sure. But how much money do they send home, money that they would not be able to earn in India?

Remittances from legal and illegal Mexican expats in the US are a significant portion of the Mexican economy. Ditto remittances sent home to Egypt from expats and the Egyptian diaspora.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 23:57 Comments || Top||

#28  According ti Wikipedia:

Remittances to India stood at US$68.968 billion in 2017 and remittances from India to other countries totalled US$5.710 billion, for a net inflow of US$63.258 billion in 2017.[3][4][5]
As per the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), remittance is received from the approximately 35 million members of the Indian diaspora.[6]
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/24/2022 23:59 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
COVID loss of smell and taste... 'but wait, there's more'
[Aljazeera] Now, researchers at the University of Oxford have conducted the first major peer-reviewed study comparing the brain scans of 785 people, aged 51 to 81 of whom 401 had contracted COVID and 384 had not. There were, on average, 141 days between testing positive for COVID and the second brain scan.

The study revealed that, when compared to the scans of a control group, those who tested positive for COVID had greater overall brain shrinkage and more grey matter shrinkage and tissue damage in regions linked to smell and mental capacities months after the initial infection.

Although the research does shed some light on the ongoing symptoms of long COVID, I would caution against generalising the findings to the population at large before more research is conducted.

Researchers said even though the effects were more pronounced in older people who had been hospitalised for their symptoms, even those with mild symptoms had some changes.

"Despite the infection being mild for 96 percent of our participants, we saw a greater loss of grey matter volume, and greater tissue damage in the infected participants, on average 4.5 months after infection," said Professor Gwenaëlle Douaud, lead author on the study. "They also showed greater decline in their mental abilities to perform complex tasks, and this mental worsening was partly related to these brain abnormalities."

The study was conducted when the Alpha variant was dominant in Britain and is unlikely to include anyone infected with the Delta variant. The researchers also did not say if vaccination against COVID had any impact on the condition.

The scans they did reveal changes in several parts of the brain after people contracted COVID, including:
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 05:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Maybe you know what a Zombie is ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 6:00 Comments || Top||


I have to agree with the Taste and Memory Fog findings.

It took me over a month to regain the taste of Coffee, some meats & potato items. Some foods (Eggs & Beef) still don't taste right or have any taste at all.

But Peanut Butter and Apple Jelly sandwiches tasted like they always have before and after?

I am willing to bet a lot of Restaurants are getting unearned poor food taste ratings by post C-19 infected dinners also.

The C-19 Brain Fog is still showing itself in stupid daily errors and slow down issues.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 03/24/2022 7:29 Comments || Top||

#3  "The researchers also did not say if vaccination against COVID had any impact on the condition."

Why, of course it didn't. That's study #2 I've read in recent days that didn't mention any possible vaccine effects.

#2 - Look up the Kassam (sp?) Protocol on possible ways to work on recovering sense of taste/smell.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 03/24/2022 7:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Newborn babies’ smell has opposite effects on parents - study
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 8:58 Comments || Top||

#5  Since the jab, I've experienced a almost daily craving for Kung Pao Chicken. No problem with memory loss... that I can recall.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/24/2022 9:03 Comments || Top||

#6  ^ Damn. I haven't had KP Chix in a long time. Used to be my favorite. There's a Thai place here that serves the hottest food (spicy wise) I have ever eaten, and that's where my Asian food budget goes now.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 9:21 Comments || Top||

#7  similar findings : https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/covid-19-a-biological-weapon-targeting-ethnicity-and-body-systems/
Posted by: 746 || 03/24/2022 10:04 Comments || Top||

#8  Since the jab, I've experienced a almost daily craving for Kung Pao Chicken. No problem with memory loss... that I can recall.

Every hour you post that.

Suspected wife had been exposed after a three hour bender of Rosanne.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 03/24/2022 10:15 Comments || Top||

#9  Where is that M. Murcek?
Posted by: Woodrow || 03/24/2022 19:09 Comments || Top||

#10  So you're saying COVID makes some people stupid and tasteless?
Posted by: Chealing Chomotle4158 || 03/24/2022 19:12 Comments || Top||

#11  COVID makes some people stupid and tasteless

Nothing you can't fix with a dry rub or marinade, depending on your cooking method.
Posted by: SteveS || 03/24/2022 19:48 Comments || Top||

#12  COVID makes some people stupid and tasteless
Wow! I was finally ahead of the curve!
Posted by: ed in texas || 03/24/2022 20:24 Comments || Top||

#13  Woodrow. The place is Thai Mango
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/24/2022 21:21 Comments || Top||

#14  My lovely wife says ah'm tasteless in all things but love.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/24/2022 23:16 Comments || Top||

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