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Nigerian-Cameroonian Troops Eliminate 35 Boko Haram fighters, Recover Large Weapons
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1 12:33 Skidmark [18] 
2 15:34 European Conservative [22] 
1 00:49 Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 [18] 
0 [15] 
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4 09:58 Sock Puppet of Doom [52] 
0 [18] 
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2 13:06 Skidmark [11] 
1 06:12 Frank G [17] 
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13 20:05 Charles [29] 
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2 20:34 Skidmark [30]
1 04:22 g(r)omgoru [15]
2 16:32 trailing wife [32]
0 [18]
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2 17:14 Skidmark [17]
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5 09:54 Sock Puppet of Doom [22]
1 09:52 ryuge [17]
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11 20:37 Skidmark [30]
11 21:09 swksvolFF [30]
15 21:04 swksvolFF [30]
1 07:53 Procopius2k [10]
12 21:21 swksvolFF [26]
1 13:09 Skidmark [18]
0 [22]
3 10:06 Skidmark [16]
20 22:27 Blossom Hupager6063 [35]
5 15:24 M. Murcek [21]
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9 18:46 Airandee [15]
1 07:51 Besoeker [22]
1 10:01 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy [23]
5 16:12 M. Murcek [21]
6 20:48 Skidmark [30]
3 12:42 Frank G [15]
9 20:49 Skidmark [41]
12 20:51 Skidmark [33]
1 00:57 newc [17]
1 07:51 Procopius2k [13]
0 [15]
1 15:20 M. Murcek [15]
11 22:21 Besoeker [25]
Page 6: Politix
10 21:37 746 [28]
14 12:20 Heriberto Ulung8215 [14]
12 13:10 rjschwarz [17]
10 13:05 Beseoeker [17]
Afghan president offers to recognise the Taliban
[Al Jazeera] Afghanistan's Caped President Ashraf Ghani
...former chancellor of Kabul University, now president of Afghanistan. Before returning to Afghanistan in 2002 he was a scholar of political science and anthropology. He worked at the World Bank working on international development assistance. As Finance Minister of Afghanistan between July 2002 and December 2004, he led Afghanistan's attempted economic recovery until the Karzais stole all the money. ..
has offered to recognise the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
as a legitimate political group, as part of a proposed process he said could lead to talks aimed at ending more than 16 years of war.

Ghani's offer on Wednesday, made at the start of an international conference aimed at creating a platform for peace talks, adds to a series of signals from both the Western-backed government and the Taliban suggesting a greater willingness to consider dialogue.

Ghani proposed a ceasefire and prisoner release as part of a range of options, including new elections involving the gang, and a constitutional review as part of a pact with the Taliban.

"We are making this offer without preconditions in order to lead to a peace agreement," Ghani said in opening remarks at the conference, attended by officials from about 25 countries involved in the so-called Kabul Process.
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Just the "political wing"?

Posted by: Frank G || 03/01/2018 6:12 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Stranded in Libya: ISIL's Tunisian women and children
[Al Jazeera] Dozens of relatives of Tunisians who fought with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant caught in diplomatic limbo
By this point, I've run out of tuts. I can't even manage a pair of them. I'm sure it was a great Islamic adventure for the wimmin, and I really do feel like I should be feeling sorry for the kiddies, but I don't, not really. No doubt it felt great, being a part of the Herrenvolk, strutting around and snapping out orders, but when your good thing comes to an end you gotta pay the price. No one thought to ask the ghost of Ilse Koch what happens when les bon temps rouler right out the camp gates.
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Africa Subsaharan
Violence divides CAR along Christian-Muslim lines
[Al Jazeera] Ibrahim Alawad, a "general" in an gang, is a portly man. He walks with a limp and carries a pistol tucked in the back of his trousers.

He has an easy smile and charisma that can easily draw you in. His limp, Alawad tells us, is from a bullet wound during fighting with a rival gang.

Alawad sits here in Bria, a strategic territory in the eastern Central African Republic (CAR) that has the biggest diamond mines in the country.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Seleka

Houthi prisoners reveal they were trained by Hezbollah experts
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
prisoners said the movement members were trained by Hezbollah experts before they were dispatched to the different fighting fronts.

In a video published by the Yemeni army’s media center on Tuesday night, a Houthi prisoner identified as Zakaria Mohammed Awda said he and dozens others were trained in Shawaba in Sanaa by Hezbollah experts around two months ago before they were sent to fight.

Another prisoner said the Houthis deceived them using national slogans and he called on others not to believe them. In the past two months, Houthi militias recruited plenty of young men and trained them before sending them to fighting fronts.

The Yemeni army’s media center noted that this is all evidence to Iran’s involvement in supporting the Houthis and supplying them with arms and providing them with experts to implement its destructive agenda in the region.
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Fear of US Sanctions: German military forced to fuel Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif's plane in Munich
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Who forced them I wonder?
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/01/2018 12:22 Comments || Top||

#2  The German defense minister of course, who also attended the conference.
Posted by: European Conservative || 03/01/2018 15:34 Comments || Top||

Angela Merkel admits there ARE 'no-go' areas in Germany that 'nobody dares' to enter
  • Chancellor said there are parts of her country police and others fear going to

  • She argued a zero-tolerance approach to crime must not tolerate such areas

  • Her spokesman Steffen Seibert declined to name the specific locations today

  • He said Merkel's words speak for themselves, leaving some officials speechless
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  Just wait for another Five years and you will be living in one you Bitch.
Posted by: newc || 03/01/2018 0:40 Comments || Top||

#2  They must miss East Germany.
Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 || 03/01/2018 0:47 Comments || Top||

#3  there ARE 'no-go' areas in Germany that 'nobody dares' to enter

Well surely somebody can enter them. I wonder who.
Posted by: gorb || 03/01/2018 1:04 Comments || Top||

#4  She has visited Atlanta. Who knew ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/01/2018 3:23 Comments || Top||

#5  ...or Chicago, Baltimore, et al
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/01/2018 7:55 Comments || Top||

#6  BTW, the German special forces turned in a credible job in Afghanistan, and the Germans do not have a Posse Comitatus Act to restrain themselves with. Just saying.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/01/2018 7:56 Comments || Top||

#7  South of Kandahar and along the Pak border, the Albanian SF did as well. Strange isn't it, the TB never wanted to fok with them. Strange, very strange.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/01/2018 7:58 Comments || Top||

#8  and the Germans do not have a Posse Comitatus Act to restrain themselves with.

Even to think such a thing proves to the German elites that you are a rightwing, rayciss Neonazi, Procopius2k, and need to be jailed post haste.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/01/2018 13:51 Comments || Top||

#9  Not in Bavaria
Posted by: European Conservative || 03/01/2018 14:45 Comments || Top||

#10  "the Germans do not have a Posse Comitatus Act to restrain themselves with"

We have. The Basic Law severely restricts operations of the Bundeswehr inside the country.
Posted by: European Conservative || 03/01/2018 14:48 Comments || Top||

#11  Not in Bavaria

It’s true that Bavaria is a special place, European Conservative. I treasure the memories of our visit there, though I found the local accent challenging in a way that Hesse’s was not. But in an Austrian village I had to ask the local post office clerk to write down the price for a stamp, so that establishes my brackets.

The Basic Law severely restricts operations of the Bundeswehr inside the country.

And now we know. Thank you, my dear.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/01/2018 15:44 Comments || Top||

#12  Most Germans would find the Bavarian accent challenging :-)

Berlin definitely has hotspots, also Frankfurt and Duisburg.

I wouldn't compare these places with no go areas in the Parisian banlieue, but Berlin-Neukölln may be getting close.

The area around Munich Central Station is rather unsafe at night but definitely not a no go area.
Posted by: European Conservative || 03/01/2018 17:58 Comments || Top||

#13  What changed? Because for Merkel to come out and say this, SOMETHING has happened. Poll numbers? Intelligence? Revolt of her own party?
Posted by: Charles || 03/01/2018 20:05 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
US civil rights groups decry 'anti-Muslim' bill in Idaho
[Al Jazeera] A spate of bills in state legislatures across the United States have been decried by civil rights groups as Islamophobic.

Most recently, the Council on American-Islamic Relations
...designated a terrorist group by the UAE...
... the Moslem Brüderbund's American arm ...
(CAIR), a Washington, DC-based Moslem civil rights group, has called on Idaho's Senate to vote against a bill recently passed by the state's House of Representatives that seeks to ban the implementation of "foreign law" in the state.

According to CAIR, the bill, known as HB-419, targets Moslems and fits into a long pattern of "unconstitutional" bills that demonise Moslems by barring Sharia, or Islamic law.

HB-419 was passed by Idaho's House of Representatives at a time when similar bills are being considered in several US states, including Montana, Oregon and Wisconsin.

In an open letter to Idaho State Senator Jeff C Siddoway, Chairman of the Senate State Affairs Committee, CAIR's Government Affairs Director, Robert McCaw, described HB-419 as "contrary to our nation's values of not elevating or marginalising one faith or community".

Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  and only one system of laws and enforcement, assholes
Posted by: Frank G || 03/01/2018 6:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Link to Idaho House Bill 419

Interesting to note that the text is worded rather specifically to foreign law:
"It shall be the public policy of this state to protect its citizens from the application of foreign laws when the application of foreign law will result in the violation of a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution of the United States or the constitution of the state of Idaho"

But: "foreign law" shall not mean, nor shall it include, any laws of the Indian tribes in this state.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/01/2018 13:06 Comments || Top||

Uproar in Pakistan over 'torture and sexual abuse' of Christian youths
[DW] Rights groups have condemned the alleged torture and sexual abuse of two Christian youths by investigating officials. The latest blasphemy controversy highlights the plight and vulnerability of Pak Christians.

On Friday, Sajid Masih, a 24-year-old blasphemy suspect, leapt from the fourth floor of the Federal Investigation Agency's (FIA) Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  A Christian man had a dispute with a resident over kite flying and it became a religious controversy.

The rapture cannot come soon enough.
Posted by: Ulaigum Ebbineng7056 || 03/01/2018 0:49 Comments || Top||

Govt confirms Pakistan will be placed on FATF terror financing watchlist in June
[DAWN] Ending the nearly week-long confusion over Pakistain's placement on a ’grey list’ of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the Foreign Office confirmed on Wednesday that in June the country is set to be added to the watchlist of countries where banned Lion of Islam outfits have allegedly been raising funds.

Speaking at a weekly news briefing, FO front man Dr Muhammad Faisal revealed that a decision to place Pakistain on the watchlist was taken at the FATF plenary held in Gay Paree last week. He, however, ruled out the possibility that Pakistain could even be placed on the international watchdog's blacklist over a lack of compliance.

An action plan to eradicate terrorist financing is being prepared and will accordingly be shared with the international body, he said.

"Pakistain will be assigned to the ’grey list’ in June, once an action plan has been mutually negotiated," the front man said, adding that Pakistain will cooperate with FATF in every possible way.

Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Ministry announces 2.6 million Iraqi displaced people return home
Baghdad (Iraqinews.com) ‐ Over 2.6 million Iraqis have returned to their homes in the areas recently liberated from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group, a ministry front man was quoted as saying Wednesday.

Speaking to Baghdad Today news website, Sattar Nawroz, a spokesperson for the Migration and Displacement Ministry, said his ministry will "send a list of displaced and repatriated families to the Independent High Electoral Commission in order to be able to vote in the upcoming elections."

Nawroz revealed that Iraqi families still in displacement will return to their home regions once basic accommodate needs are met there.

Nawroz further uncovered that his ministry has provided the "electoral commission with 1,000 caravans to help displaced people cast their ballots in the upcoming parliamentary elections, slated for May 12."
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

#1  Wonder how many have just buried their black flags?
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/01/2018 12:33 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Indonesia brings together former terrorists and terror victims
Follow up on this story from a few days ago.
[Reuters] Indonesia's anti-terrorism agency on Wednesday held a controversial meeting of 124 former Islamist militants and 51 survivors of a series of attacks in the country, including the Bali bombings. The gathering was part of a wider deradicalization push by authorities in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country.

Chusnul Kotimah, who was badly burned in the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings, said he was prepared to forgive those behind the attacks. He said, "I can accept the situation. I can forgive them," adding that he had told former militants that as a fellow Muslims there was no justification for such terror.

Nonetheless, the head of a survivors’ group who did not attend criticized holding a mass meeting under the glare of the media. Other survivors said they needed more support and medical help from authorities.

But Indonesia’s chief security minister, Wiranto, said he wanted such events to be held regularly. Also attending were the country’s social, higher education and manpower ministers, who pledged to help survivors with health care and employment.

“I think this is the most effective way of deradicalization, because in the past there were some terrorists who (until they met the victims) were not aware that their deeds were wrong,” said Sofyan Tsauri, who was convicted of supplying weapons to a militant training camp in the province of Aceh.

It is only human to still hold on to anger, said Deny Mahieu, a police officer injured during 2016 bomb and gun attacks in central Jakarta, after meeting one of the suspects in his case.

“But... if we still feel vengeful it will not solve the problem,” he said.
Posted by: ryuge || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Head of Khamenei’s Imperial guards mysteriously disappears, possibly arrested
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Iranian sources have reported the disappearance of General Vahid Haghanian, the commander of Iran's Supreme Leader guards nearly about a month ago, amid speculations that he might have been detained or sent to his room.
Ooh! Ooh!
We seen dis movie!

The disappearance of Haghanian, who also serves as a political assistant in the private inspection office of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has since Jan. 31 raised questions and speculations that there are confusions in the house of the Supreme leader.
See, da Fearless Leader's kidnapped dis babe, see? And she got dese really big bazongas and wears half a ton of makeup, an' da good guy really fell for her, see?
The news was reported on Tuesday on "Saham News" of the "National Trust party (Etemad Melli)," led by Mehdi Karroubi, the leader of the Green Movement who is under house arrest.
So he infiltrates da Imperial Guard and he gets promoted really quick because he got dese big muscles an' everything...
Haghanian is described as "the supreme leader’s right hand," and there is a possibility that he was tossed in the clink
Drop the rod and step away witcher hands up!
, but no confirmation so far.
An' he gets arrested cuz da babe give 'im the eyeball an' Fearless Leader got jealous, an' they throw 'im in this dungeon, an' dere's dis guy, he's been dere for the past thirty years, an' another guy, he's been there even longer, but he's dead and just a skeleton hangin' by his hands...
General Haghanian last appeared in a video spread on social media sites and Iranian websites, in which he insulted Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri during his visit to the earthquake-affected areas in Sarpol-e Zahab and the Qasr-e Shirin in the Kermanshah Province.
An' den the old guy, he's about to peg out, so he tells the hero where da treasure is...
Jahangiri said that the former President Ahmadinejad was responsible for the houses that were destroyed as they were constructed during his reign.
An' da hero hollers "Guard! Guard! Help! Help!," an' da guard comes an' the old man pegs out, an' da hero knocks out da guard an' takes his scimitar an' his shirt gets ripped up an' he's showin' all dem muscles...
The Supreme Leader’s shadow figure
On various occasions, Haghanian, a leader in the Revolutionary Guard, appears behind the Supreme Leader and accompanies him in the most important meetings.
An' den he makes his way to da Fearless Leader's apartment an' he kills da guards an' he busts in just as da Fearless Leader's ripped off most of da girl's shirt an' her groodies are hangin' out mostly...
He was also called the Supreme Leader’s shadow figure.
An' da hero sez "So, Khamenei! We meet again!" an' den dey have this sword fight up an' down da stairs an' Fearless Leader plays all dese dirty tricks an' da good guy stabs da Fearless Leader through da brisket...
Haghanian served for long time as an assistant to Khamenei's chief of staff and as a personal secretary who had strong influence and impact on Iran, especially after the Green uprising in 2009.
An' he grabs da babe an' dey jump out da window onto a horse an' get away...
Some Iranian activists suspected that Haghanian was arrested for being involved in corruption cases, while others believed that he was arrested because of his differences with Ali Asghar Hejazi, the director of the private security office of the Supreme Leader Khamenei’ office.
An' den dey got this scene where dey're on da beach in Tahiti drinkin' stuff outta coconuts an' makin' kissy face an' you see her butt. It was really good. I forget what it's called though.

Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [52 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Fred's on a roll
Posted by: Frank G || 03/01/2018 5:49 Comments || Top||

#2  I forget what it's called though.

Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 03/01/2018 6:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Interesting, following a DPRK leadership practice.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/01/2018 8:12 Comments || Top||

#4  HE either got killed in Syria or Yemen or he is in mufti somewhere in the world stirring up the rubes for some mischief.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 03/01/2018 9:58 Comments || Top||

Lebanon's Hariri in Riyadh
[Al Jazeera] Saad Hariri arrives in Saudi Arabia, his first visit there since his abrupt 'resignation' from Riyadh in November.
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

US condemns Syria's 'contempt' for UN as Ghouta attack continues
[Al Jazeera] The United States has accused Russia and the Syrian government of violating the Eastern Ghouta ceasefire at a United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
Security Council meeting.

The 30-day ceasefire, enshrined in Resolution 2401, was voted for unanimously by members of the Security Council on Saturday.

It came on the back of an offensive launched by the Bashir al-Assad's forces, with the support of Russian warplanes, on the enclave that began on February 18 and has resulted in the deaths of more than 550 civilians, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said.

Speaking on Wednesday, the US representative to the UN Kelley Currie condemned the Syrian government's continued aerial bombardment on Eastern Ghouta, a rural area outside of the capital Damascus that has been under opposition control since 2013.

Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Terror Networks
ISIS becoming increasingly decentralized, US warns partners of threat
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] The United States warned judicial and law enforcement officials from around the world of the dangers posed by an increasingly de-centralized ISIS group spreading to new regions.

At a two-day conference in Washington that concluded Wednesday, the US State Department designated seven ISIS-linked groups as terrorist threats -- underlining the reach of the network.

The ISIS group’s former stronghold in its so-called "caliphate" in eastern Syria and northern Iraq has been all but destroyed by US-backed military operations, but the turbans are adapting.

And, with overt military targets harder to find, the next stage in the fight against the Lions of Islam will lean more heavily on law enforcement and civilian prosecution of suspected murderous Moslems.

"I think what we’re seeing is ISIS becoming increasingly decentralized," said the State Department’s counterterrorism coordinator, Nathan Sales, who addressed the meeting.

"ISIS is evolving and adapting," he said, explaining the decision to blacklist the ISIS regional groups under separate designations.

Motivated by same ideology
"You’re seeing groups from all corners of the world motivated by the same bloody and deadly ISIS ideology, using the same sort of techniques targeting innocent men, women and kiddies."

In Nigeria and the Lake Chad region a group that split from the local Boko Haram
... not to be confused with Procol Harum, Harum Scarum, possibly to be confused with Helter Skelter. The Nigerian version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban rolled together and flavored with a smigeon of distinctly Subsaharan ignorance and brutality...
gang and led by Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf’s son Abu Musab al-Barnawi is now designed as ISIS-West Africa.

In the Philippines, the list now includes ISIS-Philippines and its ally the Maute Group, which triggered the siege of the city of Marawi in May 2017 and has attempted to bomb the US embassy in Manila.

The ISIS-Somalia group began as a small 20-strong splinter from the al-Shabaab
... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
movement under Abdiqadr Mumin and his deputy Mahad Moalim, but has grown in strength and imported arms from Yemen.

Washington is also concerned about the group’s growing foothold in the Indian subcontinent, where the now designated ISIS-Bangladesh launched its campaign by killing an Italian aid worker in 2015.

In Egypt, the US terror designations now list ISIS-Egypt as a separate group from ISIS-Sinai province, with both having carried out attacks and the former claiming responsibility for a deadly 2016 church bombing.

The new designations also include Jund al-Khilafa, a Tunisian gang that has pledged allegiance to IS leader His Supreme Immensity, Caliph of the Faithful and Galactic Overlord, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
...the head of ISIS, or what remains of it, and a veteran of the Abu Graib jailhouse. Looks like a new messiah to bajillions of Moslems, like just another dead-eyed mass murder to the rest of us. So far he has been killed at least four times, though not yet by a stake through the heart...
The conference was hosted jointly by the State Department, INTERPOL and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law.

Washington is also urging reluctant partners such as Britannia and La Belle France to take custody of their citizens who joined the ISIS group and were captured in Iraq or Syria and bring them up for prosecution.
Posted by: Fred || 03/01/2018 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Who's in the News
5Islamic State
4Govt of Pakistan
3Boko Haram (ISIS)
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1Govt of Saudi Arabia
1Govt of Iraq
1Fulani Herdsmen (Boko Haram)
1Abu Sayyaf (ISIS)
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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2018-03-01
  Nigerian-Cameroonian Troops Eliminate 35 Boko Haram fighters, Recover Large Weapons
Wed 2018-02-28
  US designates 'Daesh-Egypt', other ISIS affiliates as terrorist groups
Tue 2018-02-27
  Drone strike kill 3 militants, injures 3 more in Laghman province
Mon 2018-02-26
  Police arrest widow of Jemaah Islamiyah leader Marwan
Sun 2018-02-25
  UN Security Council unanimously votes in favor of Syria ceasefire resolution
Sat 2018-02-24
  US says Jerusalem embassy to open in May, Palestinians furious
Fri 2018-02-23
  Deputy of Islamic State’s Baghdadi killed in Iraqi airstrike: Intelligence source
Thu 2018-02-22
  Mali Blast Kills Two French Soldiers
Wed 2018-02-21
  SWAT force arrests senior IS, Al-Qaeda commander in central Ramadi
Tue 2018-02-20
  9 abducted civilians found dead in Afghanistan
Mon 2018-02-19
  Syrian Army deploys entire artillery division of howitzers, field guns, mortars and Grad rocket launchers for east Damascus battle
Sun 2018-02-18
  Drone strike kills 2 al-Qaeda suspects in Yemen
Sat 2018-02-17
  Senior IS Leader Returned to Iraq from Turkey
Fri 2018-02-16
  Syria's Idlib IS-Free after 'Surrender' Tuesday
Thu 2018-02-15
  Rebels strike western Syria’s primary power grid to leave millions without electricity

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