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Libyan PM survives assassination attempt in Tripoli
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14 18:30 DepotGuy [30]
The death of the father of terrorism
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] While mourning Omar Abdel-Rahman ‐ who died in his prison cell in the United States ‐ some try to depict him as a persecuted hero and an innocent victim. Abdel-Rahman is anything but that as he is the one who came up with the concept of modern day terrorism. His incitement to terror and violence preceded al-Qaeda leaders the late Osama bin Laden
... who is now among the dear departed, though not among the dearest...
and Ayman al-Zawahiri
... Formerly second in command of al-Qaeda, now the head cheese, occasionally described as the real brains of the outfit. Formerly the Mister Big of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Bumped off Abdullah Azzam with a car boom in the course of one of their little disputes. Is thought to have composed bin Laden's fatwa entitled World Islamic Front Against Jews and Crusaders. Currently residing in the North Wazoo area assuming he's not dead like Mullah Omar. He lost major face when he ordered the nascent Islamic State to cease and desist and merge with the orthodx al-Qaeda spring, al-Nusra...
Abdel-Rahman is probably the only one who spent his youth, grew up and died while believing in violence. He has lived as a conspirator and instigator since the days of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar al-Sadat and Hosni Mubarak
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

Afghanistan demands action against 85 Taliban leaders ‘present in Pakistan’
[GEO.TV] Afghanistan`s Ambassador to Pakistain said on Monday that he has handed over a list of 85 Afghan Taliban and 32 ’terror sanctuaries’ present in Pakistain to Foreign Office and GHQ.

Dr Omar Zakhiwal in his message on social media said that: "I had a very positive meeting with Mr Sartaj PrunefaceAziz
...Adviser to Pak Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on National Security and Foreign Affairs, who believes in good jihadis and bad jihadis as a matter of national policy...
, Advisor to the PM on Foreign Affairs and a constructive talk with the GHQ right after my return from Kabul
...the capital of Afghanistan. Home to continuous fighting from 1992 to 1996 between the forces of would-be strongman and Pak ISI/Jamaat-e-Islami sock puppet Gulbuddin Hekmayar and the Northern Alliance, a period which won Hek the title Most Evil Man in the World and didn't do much for the reputations of the Northern Alliance guys either....
today. As a result, I expect quick de-escalation of the current tension and the creation of a more positive environment for responding to each other's concerns and grievances in a cooperative manner."
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa North
Islamic State vows more attacks on Egypt’s Christians
[aisraelTimes] An Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group affiliate in Egypt released a video Monday showing the jacket wallah who killed nearly 30 people when he attacked a packed church in December and vowing more attacks on the country’s Christian.

A narrator says in the 20-minute video that the Egyptian Christians are the murderous Moslem group’s "favorite prey."

The video shows footage of Egypt’s Coptic Christian pope, Christian businessmen, judges and priests who either speak of the need to protect the minority or use derogatory terms to refer to Egypt’s Moslem majority. The narrator says Christians were no longer "dhimmis," a reference to non-Moslems in Islam who enjoy a degree of state protection. Instead, the group describes the Christians as "infidels" who are empowering the West against Moslem nations.

"God gave orders to kill every infidel," one of the Death Eaters carrying an AK-47 assault rifle says in the video.

Egypt’s Coptic Christians, who make up around 10 percent of the population, have been always a favorite target of Islamic murderous Moslems. Attacks on churches by Moslem mobs increased since the 2013 military overthrow of an Islamist president. Christians overwhelmingly supported the army chief-turned-president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, and hard boyz have used such support as a pretext to increase attacks against them.

The video carries the logo "Egypt" instead of the normal "Wilayat Sinai" or the state of Sinai. Wilayat Sinai, the name of the IS branch in Sinai, has grabbed credit for dozens of suicide kabooms and attacks, mainly targeting security forces and military across the country but primarily in Sinai Peninsula, where the army has been leading an anti-terrorism operation for years.

The IS message comes at a time when attacks on Coptic Christians have escalated in Sinai. In the past month, at least three Christians were bumped off in separate drive-by shooting attacks in the city of el-Arish.

Sissi has repeatedly assured Egypt’s Christians of his goodwill toward the community, visiting the seat of the Coptic Orthodox church in Cairo on major holidays, but many in the ancient community complain that very little has changed in their lives since Sissi took office in 2014, especially in rural areas where Moslem bully boyz frequently attack Christian homes and businesses over a range of issues, including the construction or restoration of churches, land disputes or sexual affairs between members of each community.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

Saudi deputy minister of Islamic affairs: Political Islam caused much bloodshed
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs in Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
Dr. Tawfiq al-Sudairi has expressed his disapproval for the "political interpretation of Islam" slogan, arguing that it is a "self-serving interpretation" for religion which resulted in a bloodbath of the impeccable.

Al Sudairi explained, during a seminar held in cooperation with King Saud University on the sidelines of the National Festival for Heritage and Culture Festival, that political Islam as a theory has influenced a lot of Moslems’ paths. And it is regarded as the crux of numerous theories and opinions that have ignited uprisings, were established by its theoreticians and advocates: Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Abul A'la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb and Hassan al-Banna.

He pointed out that the embracing of political Islam that prevailed in the corridors of contemporary Islamic philosophy, launching platforms for an assortment of Islamic movements, resulted in beliefs, creeds, worship and all Islamic laws, being considered as methods to institute a political system. Al Sudairi cited Wahiduddin Khan’s statement in his book "The political interpretation of religion, which was a rebuttal to Abul A'la Maududi, the spiritual leader of the political Islam movement.

women are made to be loved, not understood...
he viewed political aspects as a prime pillar of religion, the goal of the prophetic message cannot be defined without politics as well as understanding the full meaning of the beliefs and the significance of prayers and other acts of worship, to sum up, he added "without politics religion becomes void and unintelligible.’

The official considered such arrangement as an oblique utilitarian interpretation as observing the chief principle of religion as empowerment on earth, and not for people to worship the Creator, which is unfeasible but through a political coup, regime change, and the establishment of fair governments.

The beginning with al-Afghani
Dr. al-Sudairi regarded the Iranian abolitionist Jamal al Din al Afghani as the father of the interpretation of utilitarian political Islam gained through his connection with political movements, philosophy, Western contemplation and Masonic associations which, as a whole, represents the Western Philosophy stance from religion.

He considered "al-Afghani" as the inspiration for the political Islam movements, whose majority members are immensely motivated by his influence, nonetheless, his elitist rhetoric was not palatable by the ordinary Moslems, until the emerge of Hussan al Banna, the founder of "Moslem Brüderbund" movement, who transformed al Afghani’s intellectual theories about reform and changes from its scientific domain to general principles and concepts, to a youthful and popular movement distant from the Ulma’a
Al-Banna’s admiration for al-Afghani

Al-Banna’s admiration for al Afghan’s essence were clearly underscored on his writing where he mentioned in his memoir (advocacy and preacher): "Mustafa Kamel and Farid, before them Jamal aluldin al Afghani and Sheikh Mohammed Abdu built the renaissance of Egypt, if continue moving forward in this path without any shift, goals would be achieved, the least to say, it won’t retreat, made gains rather than losses."

In this context, Dr. al-Sudairi said: "Quite obviously Hassan al-Banna has resurrected al-Afghani’s dogma and marched with it away from the Ulams’ parade despite his young age, 22-year-old at the time, at the same time, lacking the religious understanding while influenced by the eastern and western ideas prevailing at the time."

"Perhaps the general circumstances led him to contextualize the interpretation of political utilitarian form his concept of Islam particularly after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, when the Moslem Brüderbund movement, soon after being founded, moved to fill the political vacuum, raising the issue of political power, governance, sociology, economy and the reconstruction of the land, establishing justice in the mundane affairs of life, the central core of inclusive religion, which is the goal of the prophecy, the message, the worship, and Shariah even the judgment day, resurrection, heaven and hell," he added.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

EU pushes migration talks with Egypt, Tunisia
[AlAhram] The European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
is offering simplified visa procedures and increased economic aid to Egypt and Tunisia in exchange for smoother deportations of unwanted African migrants colonists, two bigwigs in Brussels said.

The bloc has agreed steps to curb arrivals from Libya, the main embarkation point for migrants colonists seeking to get to Europe from Africa, and is now looking at its neighbours.

While the numbers of migrants colonists setting off from there is tiny in comparison with Libya, Cairo and Tunis have fully functioning governments and are able to police their borders, unlike Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
's U.N.-backed administration.

Officials and diplomats say Cairo has put a high price tag on any new help.

"Egypt has two concerns, socio-economic stability and security. And these are interlinked," said an EU official who visited Cairo in January for talks on migration.

"So we are working on establishing a dialogue that would look at that, to the benefit of both the migrants colonists there but also Egyptians from the most vulnerable groups."

Egypt's foreign minister is expected in Brussels for a foreign ministers' meeting on March 6. Another EU official said that would be a good moment "for Egypt and the EU to agree that they want to intensify this cooperation."

Talks with Tunisia include simplifying visa procedures in exchange for a readmission agreement that would make it easier for the EU to deport Tunisians staying illegally in Europe, or other nationals who arrived from Tunisia.

The bloc already has 17 such deals, including with The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
and Pakistain.

One of the most contentious elements of the EU's push to stem illegal immigration from Africa is its involvement in migrant camps.

The EU has agreed to provide financing for government-run sites in Libya, where - according to a U.N. report - people suffer consistent abuse, including arbitrary detention, forced labour, rape and torture.

The second official said these camps were "probably the closest we have to concentration camps in the 21st century" but defended the strategy, saying it was better to try upgrade them than do nothing.

"People say they are atrocious and they shouldn't even exist," the first official said. "But they do and we can only see if we can help."

Some EU governments, including Hungry and Austria, want to go further and develop sites in north Africa to hold and screen people, and then allow only confirmed refugees to Europe.

The feeling in Brussels is that such "external processing" would require extensive operations on the ground at an extremely high legal and security risk. The two officials denied this was the subject of talks with Tunisia or Egypt now.

But the EU is training the Libyan coasties to have it take migrants colonists intercepted in the sea back to camps in Libya, which non-governmental organizations working on migration, as well as some EU politicians, call inhumane.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/21/2017 00:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

Syrian teen on trial in Germany over bomb plot
[AlAhram] A 16-year-old Syrian refugee went on trial in Germany Monday accused of planning a kaboom on behalf of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
jihadist group.

The youngster was tossed in the clink
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
at an asylum shelter in the western city of Cologne
...a lovely city in Germany. They invented perfume there...
in September, with the authorities describing him as a "serious threat".

Police at the time said the suspect's mobile phone showed he had been in touch with an IS contact abroad and had expressed willingness to carry out an attack.

Investigators found online chat messages on the phone that included "concrete instructions" for building an bomb, prosecutors added.

Officers searching his accommodation discovered a battery pack, 70 sewing needles and several butane gas cartridges -- items that could be used to prepare a bomb, DPA national news agency reported, citing the charge sheet.

The trial at the district court in Cologne, scheduled to last until March 20, is being held behind closed doors because the accused is a legal minor.

A court front man said he had to answer charges of planning "a serious act of violence threatening state security".

If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of five years' detention under the juvenile penal code.

The teenager and his family were among the nearly 900,000 migrants colonists and refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015, a record influx that has fuelled security concerns.

The youngster was brought to police attention after residents and employees at the refugee shelter where he was staying voiced concerns that he had been radicalised, as did a local mosque.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

The Grand Turk
Turkey dismisses 227 FETO-linked judges, prosecutors
[AA.TR] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
’s highest judicial regulatory body in Ankara dismissed 227 more judges and prosecutors on Monday over alleged links to the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), according to a bigwig.

The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) Deputy Chairman Mehmet Yilmaz also said 3,886 judges and prosecutors have been dismissed so far since the July 15 coup attempt.

The move is part of an ongoing probe into the defeated coup that left 248 martyred and nearly 2,200 maimed.

Yilmaz said 200 judges and prosecutors, who were previously dismissed from office, would be reinstated. He also noted there were many others who remain under investigation.

Led by U.S.-based Fetullah Gulen, FETO is accused of orchestrating Turkey’s July 15, 2016, coup plot as well as being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and the judiciary.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Turkey, Free Syrian Army 'could support Raqqah attack'
[AA.TR] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
and the Free Syrian Army
... the more palatable version of the Syrian insurgency, heavily influenced by the Moslem Brüderbund...
(FSA) could join the U.S. in an "Al-Bab-style" operation to retake ISIS’s Raqqah stronghold, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has said.

He said the FSA, who have been fighting ISIS across northern Syria with the backing of Turkey and are currently mopping up in the town of al-Bab, could be the lead forces in the Raqqah operation.

"There will be an Al Bab-style fight in Raqqah," Yildirim told journalists at a security conference in Munich. "There are Turkish troops in the region supporting FSA fighters."

The premier was talking on Sunday following a meeting with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence in the Bavarian capital.

Discussing the relationship with the new administration in Washington, Yildirim said Turkey had turned a "new page" with President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
’s government and said his discussions with Pence had focused on Syria and the potential extradition of U.S.-based Fetullah Gulen, who Ankara accuses of orchestrating the July coup attempt.

In Syria, Turkey wants to see the U.S. end its support for the PKK/PYD -- the Syrian affiliate of the PKK, which has waged war on Turkish soil since 1984 and is listed as a terror organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU.

"We told them that using PYD/YPG elements to fight ISIS was not the right method of fighting," Yildirim said. The YPG is the armed wing of the PYD.

"It is not correct to use a terror group to fight another terror group. So the job should be done worthily of a strategic partnership, a NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A single organization with differing goals, equipment, language, doctrine, and structure....
alliance. I think they will take this sensitivity into consideration."

He said the U.S. was considering its ties to the PKK/PYD. "They are in an evaluation process," he added. "We should wait for the result. I guess they will evaluate and take a decision soon."
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Turkey Puts 47 on Trial for ‘Coup Plot to Kill Erdogan’
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] Almost 50 suspects went on trial on Monday accused of plotting to assassinate Turkish President Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
... Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him...
at a luxury Aegean hotel on the night of the botched July 15 coup.

Forty-four suspects, mainly soldiers, are under arrest, while three others still on the run are being tried in absentia at the court in the southern city of Mugla.

The suspects, several smartly dressed in suits and ties, were led into the court by security forces in front of television cameras, AFP correspondents said.

Onlookers heckled the accused as they stepped out of the buses that took them from prison, shouting "we want the death penalty!" and "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Greatest").

The trial was taking place under the highest security with snipers posted on rooftops and helicopters circling overhead.

Erdogan, who was holidaying at a hotel in the upmarket Aegean resort of Marmaris with his family on the night of the coup, has said the plot left him 15 minutes from death.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Great White North
22 Migrants Flee US to Seek Asylum in Canada
On Friday nine were reported, over the weekend more than double. With this rate of increase every thirty-six hours, soon we will no longer have a Moslim colonist population to worry about. Prime Minister Trudeau, however...
[AnNahar] At least 22 migrants colonists fled the United States for Canada over the weekend, sneaking across the border in Manitoba province to request asylum, authorities said Sunday.

Twenty-two people, mostly from Africa, crossed the border on foot overnight Saturday into Sunday, said Greg Janzen, a local official in the city of Emerson. Eight others had arrived on Friday.

Emerson, 120 kilometers (75 miles) south of Winnipeg and close to the US states of North Dakota and Minnesota, has seen the mostly non-existent border -- in many areas with no official crossings -- drawing greater numbers of asylum seekers since US President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
's travel ban.

The Republican took office in January and promptly signed an order to temporarily ban US entry for nationals of seven Moslem-majority countries, and for all refugees.

Under a bilateral agreement, asylum-seekers from the United States are usually turned back at Canada's border crossings.

But this does not apply to those crossing the border illegally in other places.

Moslem colonists Migrants who crossed into Canada in early February faced harsh, frigid conditions: two had their hands frozen and needed to have several fingers amputated.

But temperatures were much milder this past weekend.

Migrant arrivals, mostly people who are undocumented in the United States, are rising sharply in Manitoba. Ninety-nine people crossed the border since the beginning of the year to seek asylum, local authorities say.

The trend has officials in Emerson fretting. They have asked federal and provincial authorities to increase resources to address the situation.

"Illegal crossings are dangerous and a burden on our local communities, and our laws must be enforced," Tony Clement, a Conservative front man for public safety issues, said on Twitter.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  I love my Canadian friends, but this made me laugh out-loud as naïveté met reality of Islamic colonization.
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 02/21/2017 12:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Sill no Hollywood 'celebrities', I see.
Posted by: Raj || 02/21/2017 13:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Anybody running into Mexico?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/21/2017 14:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Some should start a GoFundMe for a bus service to the border. It will make a fortune.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/21/2017 18:09 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Trump Causes Firestorm with Remark About 'Problems' in Sweden
[INSIDER.FOXNEWS] Tucker Carlson reacted this morning after President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
mentioned the "problems" in Sweden caused by large numbers of refugees from the Middle East. The president's mention of Sweden, during his campaign rally Saturday in Florida, was immediately ridiculed, since there have been no terror attacks in Sweden.
Perhaps he was thinking about the four Afghan rapefugees who broadcast themselves in action on Facebook (maybe it was Fezbook).
It wasn't immediately clear during the remarks what Trump was referencing with regard to Sweden.
Or he may have been referencing the fact that Malmö is reported to be a No Infidels zone? Even the Red-Green pols have suggested using the military to stop the butchery.
Many news commentators bashed Trump after the rally and on Sunday shows, accusing him of trying to mislead people about a terror attack in Sweden.
8 Feb 2017: A police officer who broke ranks to reveal that migrants are to blame for the vast majority of serious crime in Sweden is now under investigation for incitement to racial hatred.
Trump then tweeted yesterday that the remark was based on a "Tucker Carlson Tonight" segment that aired Friday night.
Seven Arab men kidnapped a woman at gunpoint and raped her in the basement of a restaurant in Helsingborg.
In that report, filmmaker Ami Horowitz discussed the surge in crime, including rape, since Sweden began accepting large quantities of refugees.
But you can't really say that because a request for data detailing the relationship between crime and immigration in Sweden has been blocked by the government. There ain't no proof.
Horowitz accused Swedish officials of being in denial about the problems.
What problems?
Carlson joined "Fox & Friends" to discuss the fallout, first noting that all U.S. presidents should be "precise" with their words so people know exactly what point they're trying to make.
He was precise in that he was referring to "Sweden," not to "Europe" or "foreign countries."
But he said the media is ignoring the real story, which is the "massive social cost" and political backlash in European nations as a result of accepting large numbers of refugees.
14 Dec 2016 A Jewish-American documentary maker was punched, kicked, and choked by five migrants after entering a “no-go” zone in Stockholm, Sweden.
Carlson said nations like Sweden and La Belle France have tried "really hard" and spent a lot of money on integration efforts and it "hasn't worked very well."
11 Nov 2016 A promised crackdown in Sweden on illegal migrants has stalled, as police have agreed to stop asking landlords and communities to help track clandestine residents following complaints that border control emails made people feel “uneasy”.
"Good for Trump and good for anyone else who raises at least that question. Let's have an honest conversation about how you bring tons of people in and make them fully vested in your society. If they can't do it, how are we gonna do it?" he asked.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [64 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  Trump has drawn attention to a problem Sweden tries to pretend doesn't exist. I can't see how this doesn't end badly for Sweden.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/21/2017 1:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Now they're confusing refugees/immigrants with terrorists?

The only problems that count are terrorist attacks?

So the U.S. does not have a border drug problem because the cartels haven't flow airliners into San Diego buildings?
Posted by: Bobby || 02/21/2017 7:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Another product of Fake News and its consequences.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 02/21/2017 8:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Maybe he was being prescient.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 02/21/2017 11:07 Comments || Top||

#5  They have been having increased crime problems for some time. Some of this crime increase can be attributed to a clash of cultures.
Posted by: JohnQC || 02/21/2017 11:19 Comments || Top||

#6  a clash of cultures

The poetic/popularist evocation of 'French Fry' doesn't change the potato origin.

These are transient thugs free-ranging in pastures of sheep.

Posted by: Skidmark || 02/21/2017 13:07 Comments || Top||

#7  a clash of cultures

Err, isn't that supposed to be referred to as "cultural enrichment"?
Posted by: gorb || 02/21/2017 15:46 Comments || Top||

#8  test
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 || 02/21/2017 17:51 Comments || Top||

#9  Watched the Tucker episode that "ignited" the "firestorm."

Swedish journocritter Anne-Sophie Naslund twisted herself into knots while attempting to toe the "company line" that crime statistics indicating positive refugee:crime correlations are a myth. It was almost as though her job depended upon her giving the proper rebuttals/answers.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 || 02/21/2017 18:05 Comments || Top||

#10  Former US Ambassador to Sweden, Azita Raji, (actual diplomatic title: "Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary"), otoh, filibustered any connection to "refugees" and crime. Note that Ms. Raji, although a US Citizen (apparently through marriage) was born Iranian.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 || 02/21/2017 18:05 Comments || Top||

#11  As Fred points out, I'd bet many 'Burgers heard Trump and thought, what this time?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 02/21/2017 18:31 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
New wave of bomb threats at Jewish centers across US
[IsraelTimes] For fourth time in five weeks, JCCs evacuated, after phone calls threaten attacks in Minnesota, Texas, Wisconsin, Alabama and other states.

At least 10 Jewish community centers across the United States were targeted with bomb threats on Monday, for the fourth time in five weeks.

The threats have been called in to JCCs across the country, according to Paul Goldenberg, the director of Secure Community Network -- an affiliate of the Jewish Federations of North America that advises Jewish groups and institutions on security.

News reports indicated that threats were received by JCCs in St. Paul, Minnesota; Houston, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Birmingham, Alabama.

The threats were called in on Monday morning. It is not known if they were live calls or recorded.

"It appears to be the same serial caller" as in the prior incidents, Goldenberg told JTA.

Goldenberg said that some of the JCCs were evacuated and others were not.

"The JCCs are very well equipped to handle this," he said.

Goldenberg did not confirm where any of the threats occurred, saying they took place across the country and that his office "is monitoring the situation."

Goldenberg said the fact that the threats were made on Presidents Day, when more people might be in the buildings during the daytime, does not appear to be a factor in the threats.

The Harry and Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee, was evacuated at about 10:30 a.m. on Monday, and reopened at about 3 p.m., an hour after police and FBI officers said that everything was clear, according to local reports. A message on the JCC’s website read: "The JCC is currently closed and safely evacuated." It was the second time in recent weeks that the JCC was evacuated due to a bomb threat.

The Jewish Community Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, including an early childhood program, was also evacuated on Monday morning, according to Minnesota Public Radio. The students at the center were moved to a nearby fire station while police cleared the building and investigated.

A total of 48 JCCs in 26 states and one Canadian province received nearly 60 bomb threats during January. On Jan 31, some 17 JCCs across the United States were targeted with bomb threats. On Jan. 18, some 30 Jewish institutions in at least 17 states received bomb threats. On Jan. 9, such threats were called into 16 JCCs across the Northwest and South, forcing the evacuation of hundreds. All the threats were false.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

TSA allows JFK passengers to walk through security checkpoint without being screened
[NYDAILYNEWS] Eleven passengers walked through a security lane without being screened at Kennedy Airport early Monday because the TSA left the area open and unattended, law enforcement sources said.

A security camera captured a metal detector going off three times as the travelers walked through the screening lane, the sources said.

There was no one present to operate the magnetometer, the x-ray machine and do the pat downs and secondary screening, the sources said.

The breach happened just after 6 a.m. at Jet Blue’s Terminal 5, but two hours passed before Transportation Security Administration officials notified the Port Authority Police Department, the sources said.
It's a union job. Take it up with the shop steward.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  IIRC there was a big fight about making the TSA unionized when GWB folded to the Dems.

Folding to the Dems is something the GOPe is good at.
Posted by: AlanC || 02/21/2017 7:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Big deal! Nobody got blowed up yet!

Posted by: Bobby || 02/21/2017 7:39 Comments || Top||

Four months after Quetta police college tragedy, newly-built wall collapses
[GEO.TV] The newly-constructed wall of the Quetta police training college reportedly collapsed on Monday, roughly four months after the attack on the facility that martyred 61 security personnel.

The wall of the training college was built again to enhance security arrangements for the college. The wall was built with millions of rupees.

Following a spell of rain, 60 percent area of the wall caved in.

On Oct 25, at least 61 security personnel were martyred and 117 injured when murderous Moslems stormed the Police Training College located on Sariab Road.

The murderous Moslems entered the hostel of the centre and opened fire on the security personnel. According to personnel in the hostel, the murderous Moslems started firing point blank.

Later on, it emerged that the police cadets present at the training facility had no firearms, whereas the mud-made boundary wall of the centre was also broken and of low height. The attackers managed to storm the facility through the broken wall.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  "The wall was built with millions of rupees."

More like thousand(s) of rupees, the rest went to pay "fees", "permits", "facilitation approval" and the like with a large part going into the "contractor(s)" pockets.

Hint, try using concrete instead of unfired mud to build the wall with.
Posted by: Seeking cure for ignorance || 02/21/2017 4:03 Comments || Top||

A new militant threat in Pakistan
[GEO.TV] Since its establishment in 2014, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar has proved to be a lethal terrorist group, by perpetrating some of the most brutal attacks in Pakistain. While the leadership is currently based out of Afghanistan, Ahrar has networks in Bajaur and Mohmand agencies of the Federally Administrative Tribal Areas, as well as support structures in others parts of the country.

The bad boy outfit is the brainchild of Omar Khalid Khorasani -- an ambitious Taliban capo and a former member of the Pak Taliban’s Shura - who parted ways with the Taliban after they pursued peace talks with the government.

From August 2014 to date, the group has been found involved in 116 terrorist attacks in Pakistain, against diverse targets ranging from security forces, tribal elders, and minorities to sectarian communities.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Ahrar

ISIS raping, torturing, forcibly marrying Sunni Arab women: HRW
[ARA] Fighters from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) are arbitrarily detaining, raping, ill-treating, torturing, and forcibly marrying Sunni Arab women and girls in areas under their control in Iraq, Human Rights Watch said on Monday.

In January 2017, HRW interviewed four women who said they were tossed into the calaboose by ISIS in 2016 for periods between three days and a month.

A fifth woman said an ISIS fighter, her cousin, forced her to marry him and then he raped her. A sixth woman said that ISIS fighters destroyed her home as punishment after her husband escaped ISIS and tried to forcibly marry her. Five of the six women said that ISIS fighters beat them.

Another woman said that in April 2016, she tried to escape Hawija with her three children and a large group of other families. ISIS fighters captured the group and held 50 women in an abandoned house. The witness said that over the next month, one fighter raped her daily in front of her children. She suspected that many of the other women held with her were also being raped.

On the first day, Hanan, 26, said that an ISIS guard took her and her daughter, 8, and sons, 6 and 3, to a separate room. ISIS fighters told her she was an apostate because her husband had fled ISIS-controlled territory and that she needed to remarry the local ISIS leader. She told them: "Kill me, because I refuse to do that."

"The same guy raped me every day for the next month without a blindfold, always in front of my children. My daughter suffers from an intellectual disability so she doesn’t really understand what she saw, but my older son brings it up often. I don’t know what to do," she said.

A month after she was captured, Hanan’s father was able to locate her and gave ISIS a car and paid $500 for her release, she said. He was forced to sign a document stating that if she escaped ISIS-controlled territory, he would be killed. The ISIS fighter who had been raping her said he wanted to marry her, but she and her father refused.

In January 2017, Hanan said that she escaped with the rest of her family to Kirkuk. She said she did not know what happened to the other women, but heard from a woman from Hajj Ali’s family that she had been forced to marry her rapist.

"Little is known about sexual abuse against Sunni Arab women living under ISIS rule," said Lama Fakih, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "We hope that the international community and local authorities will do all they can to give this group of victims the support they need."

"ISIS victims of gender-based violence suffer the consequences of their abuse long after they have managed to escape." Fakih added.

"Their care and rehabilitation requires a multifaceted response, with authorities providing the needed medical and psychosocial support and working to stamp out stigma around sexual violence within the wider community," she concluded.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  islamic state are sunni muslims. this sounds like one of those stories that is there to either make it seem like sunnis don't support islamic state (and vice versa), or that islamic state are an aberration of islam instead of a literal implementation of it.

sunni islamofascists fund islamic state. saudi, qatar, uae all have tacitly supported. turkey supports.

there has been a slew of pro-sunni, pro-saudi news lately from 'first woman head of stock exchange' to 'saudis first gender mixing comic con' to 'we are investing in green energy'

there is a full blown propaganda effort on now to make us like the islamotards again

coming from where?
Posted by: anon1 || 02/21/2017 16:48 Comments || Top||

Iraqi MPs condemn alleged Peshmerga abuses
[AA.TR] An Iraqi parliamentary committee on human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.
on Monday demanded that Baghdad and Erbil investigate alleged abuses by Kurdish Peshmerga forces against displaced Sunni-Arab civilians.

The demand followed the emergence of a video online purportedly showing Peshmerga forces assaulting Arab civilians who had fled ISIS-held parts of northern Iraq.

A Kurdish politician, for his part, said the video portrayed an "isolated incident", which, he asserted, was being exploited by "certain parties" for political purposes.

On Saturday, online activists shared a video on Facebook purportedly showing armed fighters -- who activists said were Peshmerga troops -- severely beating Sunni-Arab civilians who had recently fled the ISIS-held al-Hawija district south of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
"We condemn the brutal treatment meted out by Peshmerga fighters against displaced Arab civilians that occurred in the Molla Abdullah area of Kirkuk province," Abdul-Raheem al-Shammari, chairman of the parliamentary committee, said in a statement.

"These acts by Peshmerga forces are a flagrant rights violation against unarmed civilians," he added.

Al-Shammari also called for an investigation into the incident by officials in Baghdad and Erbil, the latter of which serves as administrative capital of northern Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region, where the incident allegedly took place.

Mohsen al-Saadoun, for his part, a politician for the Kurdistan Alliance party in Iraq’s parliament, said that what appears in the video was an "isolated incident".

Nor, he said, did it reflect on the overall performance of Kurdish Peshmerga forces, who, he said, had "provided protection for thousands of displaced Iraqis".
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Sadr proposes post-Mosul roadmap, conditions U.S. troops pullout
[Iraq News] Shia holy man Moqtada Tater al-Sadr
... the Iranian catspaw holy man who was 22 years old in 2003 and was nearing 40 in 2010. He spends most of his time in Iran, safely out of the line of fire, where he's learning to be an ayatollah...
has proposed a roadmap for the period following the anticipated liberation of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
from Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
, setting the withdrawal of foreign troops as a condition.

In a statement by his office on Monday, the firebrand
...firebrands are noted more for audio volume and the quantity of spittle generated than for any actual logic in their arguments...
holy man set out a 29-point roadmap for political and social co-existence in Iraq following the recapture of Iraq’s second largest city from the krazed killer group. Among those points was a demand for the Iraqi government to urge "occupier troops, even the so-called friendly ones, from Iraqi territories so as to preserve the state’ prestige and illusory sovereignty," as he put it.

Al-Sadr has been a central player in the political and militancy scene in Iraq, and had for sometime, following the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, been branded an enemy to the United States, being an ardent opponent to foreign military presence in the country.

The U.S. maintains nearly 5000 soldiers in Iraq, and is leading a 65-state international military coalition to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Other aspects of Sadr’s proposition include exclusive mandates for Iraqi government forces to take hold of recaptured Iraqi regions. He also demanded United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
-sponsored elections, a special body for minority affairs in Iraq and a national reconciliation debate.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

#1  Pull out, don't go back for anything! Fuck you
Posted by: chris || 02/21/2017 21:46 Comments || Top||

Trump's defense chief: 'We're not in Iraq to seize anybody's oil'
[REUTERS] The U.S. military is "not in Iraq to seize anybody's oil", Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said, distancing himself from remarks by President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
, as he held talks with Iraqi leaders on Monday.

Mattis was the highest-ranking Trump administration official to visit Iraq since Trump irked Iraqis with a temporary ban on travel to the United States and for saying America should have seized Iraq's oil after toppling Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Trump told CIA staff in January: "We should have kept the oil. But okay. Maybe you'll have another chance."

Mattis, however, flatly ruled out any such intent. "We're not in Iraq to seize anybody's oil," he told news hounds traveling with him late on Sunday, ahead of his arrival.

"All of us in America have generally paid for our gas and oil all along and I'm sure that we will continue to do so in the future," said Mattis, a retired Marine general who once led forces in Iraq.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

#1  Were not going to seize the oil. Damn, that's why I voted for Trump.
Posted by: JohnQC || 02/21/2017 11:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, instead of shipping it here to refine, then shipping it back for Army use maybe they could seize just a little.
Posted by: Skidmark || 02/21/2017 16:05 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Former Philippine cop recalls working in Davao deaths squads
[SCMP] Police carried out killings in the Philippine city of Davao under the instruction of then mayor Rodrigo Duterte, the current president, according to a former policeman who said he was part of a "Davao death squad" tasked with eliminating criminals.

Arturo Lascanas, a retired Davao policeman, said on Monday he had previously killed a radio host critical of Duterte at the behest of a driver and close aide of the mayor, and that Duterte had paid money to police for carrying out liquidations.

Duterte has repeatedly denied involvement in vigilantism either as president, or during his total of 22 years as Davao mayor until late 2015. He and the police have denied the existence of a Davao death squad, describing it as fiction.

"Of all the killings we did in Davao City, either we bury them or throw them into the sea, it is paid [for] by Mayor Rody Duterte," told a news conference at the Senate in Manila. "Most of the time 20,000 pesos sometimes 50,000 and depending on the status of the target, sometimes 100,000."

Breaking into tears at one point, Lascanas said he was speaking up because he was bothered by his conscience, including his role in the deaths of his two brothers, whom he ordered killed because they were drug users.

"I had my own two brothers killed. Even if I end up dead, I’m content because I’ve fulfilled my promise to the lord to make a public confession," he said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

Iran warns Turkey to avoid ‘pushing Tehran’s patience to limits’
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi has cautioned Turkish officials to "watch their words about Iran" on Monday, warning that Iran’s patience has a limit.

"The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
is one of our important neighbors and it has enjoyed much of our assistance, especially after the failed coup (in Turkey last year)," FARS news agency quoted Ghasemi as saying.

"We hope that they speak about Iran more wisely to not make us respond. We will be patient with Turkey but patience has limits," he added.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s said that the Iran strategy and role played in the region has a destabilizing nature with an end goal of making both Iraq and Syria two Shiite states.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference a day earlier, Cavusoglu said that Tehran must cease its continued disruption to regional security and stability.

Iran’s foreign ministry had also dismissed Cavusoglu’s "unconstructive" recent anti-Iran claims.

"Those who have carried out meddlesome, illegal and illegitimate measures, supported terrorist groups and caused bloodshed and escalation of tensions and instability in the region cannot evade liability for such moves by playing a blame game," Ghasemi said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  If they didn't have nukes, they'd have a lot more patience. Thanks, 0bean.
Posted by: gorb || 02/21/2017 12:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Popcorn
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 02/21/2017 12:18 Comments || Top||

#3  "Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s said that the Iran strategy and role played in the region has a destabilizing nature with an end goal of making both Iraq and Syria two Shiite states."

he could have added Lebanon and Yemen to that list.

Posted by: lord garth || 02/21/2017 12:26 Comments || Top||

#4  I wonder if this tiff is why the s-400s are being deployed around Moscow? NATO sure isn't a threat.
Posted by: Skidmark || 02/21/2017 12:58 Comments || Top||

Sayyed Nasrallah: US is the Source of Terror in the World
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
The satrap of the Medes and the Persians in Leb...
said that the United States is the source of terrorism in the world.

"The United States is the mother and head of terror in the world."

In an interview with Iran’s State TV, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the Zionist entity has a terrorist and illegitimate essence.
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Le Pen in Lebanon Holds First Head of State Meeting
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] La Belle France’s far-right leader and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Monday met for the first time with a foreign head of state, holding talks in Beirut with Leb’s President Michel Aoun
...a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hizbullah...
"We discussed the long and fruitful friendship between our two countries," the National Front (FN) leader said after her 30-minute encounter at the presidential palace in the hilltop suburb of Baabda with Aoun.

Le Pen, who is leading polls of voters’ intentions for the first round of La Belle France’s presidential election on April 23, said they also discussed the refugee crisis in Leb, where more than one million Syrians have fled their country’s conflict, making up one in four of the Lebanese population.

"We raised... the concerns we share over the very serious refugee crisis," she said. "These difficulties are being overcome by the courage and generosity of Leb but this cannot go on forever."
Posted by: Fred || 02/21/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2017-02-21
  Libyan PM survives assassination attempt in Tripoli
Mon 2017-02-20
  Iraq Digs Anti-IS Trench around City of Ramadi
Sun 2017-02-19
  62 ISIS Bad Guys die in airstrike in Mosul
Sat 2017-02-18
  Breaking: Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman Dies in Prison
Fri 2017-02-17
  At least 70 dead as bomb rips through Lal Shahbaz shrine in Sehwan, Sindh
Thu 2017-02-16
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Wed 2017-02-15
  Report: Turkey arrests alleged Reina nightclub attack planner
Tue 2017-02-14
  Islamic State leadership targeted in air strike, Baghdadi fate unclear: Iraqi military
Mon 2017-02-13
  Tahrir al-Sham: Al-Qaeda's latest incarnation in Syria
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  Queens ISIS wannabe pleads guilty to attacking FBI agent with a knife in the name of the terror group
Fri 2017-02-10
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Wed 2017-02-08
  100 Syrian Refugees Rush into Country After Seattle Judge Halts Trump Executive Order
Tue 2017-02-07
  Firing in Afghan consulate in Karachi leaves diplomat dead

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