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Death sentences for nine 'hardcore terrorists' in Pakistan
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Page 3: Non-WoT
1 17:02 DarthVader [25] 
2 13:56 jpal [7] 
1 14:17 Unelet Protector of the Sith2424 [18] 
10 23:59 Super Hose [25] 
0 [16] 
5 18:16 P2Kontheroad [28] 
1 00:49 Super Hose [12] 
8 15:19 European Conservative [49] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
1 10:58 Frank G [21]
2 15:32 M. Murcek [38]
3 12:57 Super Hose [18]
0 [13]
0 [15]
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0 [9]
1 00:52 gorb [19]
0 [18]
0 [18]
0 [23]
0 [18]
2 20:49 Frank G [28]
0 [19]
0 [18]
0 [15]
8 19:02 Alaska Paul [36]
0 [12]
7 15:39 M. Murcek [43]
0 [19]
2 12:53 Super Hose [17]
0 [20]
Page 2: WoT Background
7 17:05 Pappy [31]
0 [28]
6 12:03 Frank G [5]
0 [10]
0 [16]
0 [11]
2 00:28 JosephMendiola [16]
0 [10]
0 [24]
0 [22]
4 14:16 JohnQC [21]
0 [13]
Page 4: Opinion
0 [14]
0 [18]
0 [12]
3 21:34 Harry Sleanter6655 [18]
0 [16]
14 11:36 Bill Clinton [11]
Page 6: Politix
17 18:20 Shipman [31]
-Lurid Crime Tales-
Man headed to visit 'Facebook girlfriend' arrested with cache of weapons
[NJ] BRICK TOWNSHIP -- An Indiana man carrying an arsenal to visit his "Facebook girlfriend" in Brick Township was tossed in the calaboose
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
after police found him sleeping in his car, authorities said Thursday.

While conducting a routine check of the area, township patrolmen found Antonio J. Perez, 24, of Elkhart, Ind., sleeping in his car at the Boland Field Baseball Complex on Lanes Mill Road at 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday, said Brick Detective Sgt. Henry Drew, a police front man.

He said further investigation by Detective Robert Shepherd revealed Perez was headed to meet his "girlfriend" whom he had met on Facebook two years earlier but had yet to meet in person.

Police found with Perez four loaded weapons, 1,000 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, a canister of pepper spray and a gas mask, he said.

The guns were a Sig Sauer P226 40-caliber handgun a Smith & Wesson .38-caliber revolver, a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver and a WASR 10, which is an AK47-style weapon, with a loaded 30-round magazine, Drew said.

Drew said police do not know the actual nature of the relationship between Perez and the woman., who lives in Brick. He said police are also unsure whether she knew if he was coming but after checking on her, they determined she was unharmed. Police believe Perez was sleeping in his car after being tired from the long drive.

Drew said the woman lives in the area of the baseball complex but Sherlocks don't believe he was watching her.

Patrolmen Mark Nixon, Mark Catalina and Marc Alexander found him by chance when checking the area, Drew said.

Perez was charged with stalking, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, possession of a rifle, possession of other weapons, possession of destructive devices and possession of certain bullets. He was also charged with two counts of possession of large capacity ammunition magazine, possession of a handgun, disposition of weapons, disposition of an assault firearm, possession of marijuana, and having an unregistered vehicle.
Posted by: Fred || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Obviously somebody invited him to play Candy Crush once too often.
Posted by: Super Hose || 01/02/2016 0:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
-- Major T. J. "King" Kong
Posted by: badanov || 01/02/2016 1:09 Comments || Top||

#3  All this is legal in TN with a carry permit.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 01/02/2016 7:11 Comments || Top||

#4  The guns that is not the marijuana and unregistered vehicle.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 01/02/2016 7:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Come on!
The guy was sleeping.
Posted by: Elmegum Thrash9840 || 01/02/2016 10:43 Comments || Top||

#6  An Indiana man visiting his "Facebook girlfriend" was arrested.

Going to have a little "rough sex?"
Going dear hunting later?
Caught her cheating on Match.com?
The possibilities are endless.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 01/02/2016 11:56 Comments || Top||

#7  Antonio Perez - good Facebook customer, Marky Zuck's kind of guy...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 01/02/2016 15:44 Comments || Top||

#8  Hose, tell us the story again pleeeeeese? It's been a year at least.

/Shamu sent me
Posted by: Shipman || 01/02/2016 18:05 Comments || Top||

#9  That's an arsenal? I fart in your general direction. Piker.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 01/02/2016 18:12 Comments || Top||

#10  Shipman, I am Super Hose because the Army of Steve was full. My nickname is Super Hose from time gone by when I hosed the pavement of Sea World of Ohio during the summer break of my high school years where my under age status to work third shift was overlooked because I was the best to ever hose vomit, ABC gum, cigarette butts and duck pooh down the sewer holes that bleed a goulash of refuse into the greater Geauga Lake.
I was the best that ever opened up a nozzle on straight stream, I could hose four stadiums in one night even if one was just a pint sized arena where Boomer preformed his doggie tricks. I was so good that they gave me my own Cushman vehicle to pull my hose reel and gave me assistant lead status without extra pay or anybody to lead. I think the “promotion” mostly allowed me to drive the Cushman, but it wasn't like anyone else was using it at two in the morning.
Then there was the night where Super Hose faced his greatest adversary other than the ones with duck feathers that crapped on freshly hosed blacktop - no respect. The hose was laying a fine spray pushing discarded paper products around the holding tank where Shamu swam throughout the night, when Shamu decided to investigate the commotion.
Being a thorough show off in all occasions Shamu came us with his big scary face extended above the retaining wall and watched me for a bit. Then the hose noticed that the clowning orca had opened up his mouth and was extending his tongue for the hose to give him a flossing pet on his bristling red mouth organ. I considered briefly, but the fact that the pool was deep and no safety monitor was present made my contemplation an illicit tongue pet a non-starter.
Feeling slightly embarrassed at my lack of bravery I considered also very briefly giving the great big ham a free dental cleaning with my 100 psi Water Pick, but that evil act I did not do and instead shrugged him off and continued my work. The hose didn't abuse animals other than a few quick occasional shots at the alligators who scared me by moving around in their swim hole in the middle of the night. No the hose was kind to animals for the most part and besides he knew that Shamu was the star of the show. Super Hose needed the employment for walking around money until he matriculated to the Boat School and began his naval service.
Thus ends the ballad of the Super Hose. Apologies for the misuse of bandwidth.
Posted by: Super Hose || 01/02/2016 23:59 Comments || Top||

Chicago Rings in New Year With First Homicide
[ABCNEWS.GO] Mere hours after reliably Democrat Chicago, aka The Windy City or Mobtown
... home of Al Capone, a succession of Daleys, Barak Obama, and Rahm Emmanuel,...
rang in 2016 with fireworks along its famous riverwalk, the city reported its first homicide.

A 24-year-old man was shot in the chest a few minutes after 2 a.m. in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, according to police. He was pronounced dead at the scene and the shooter is on the lam, a police spokeswoman said. The investigation is ongoing.

Another man, 38, was hurt in the brawl, according to police. He transported himself to a nearby hospital and is listed in good condition after being shot in his hand, officials said.
Posted by: Fred || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Can he still win the 50-50 raffle?
Posted by: Super Hose || 01/02/2016 0:51 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm surprised it took 2 hours.
Posted by: DarthVader || 01/02/2016 1:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Does he win a prize?
Posted by: gorb || 01/02/2016 4:33 Comments || Top||

#4  Gorb, his prize is: He doesn't live in Chicago's Bronzeville anymore.
Posted by: ed in texas || 01/02/2016 9:54 Comments || Top||

#5  And they're off!
Posted by: P2Kontheroad || 01/02/2016 18:16 Comments || Top||

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Arms race between Ebola virus and bats, waged for millions of years

Ebola virus and bats have been waging a molecular battle for survival that may have started 25 million years ago, according to a new study. The findings shed light on the biological factors that determine which bat species may harbor the virus between outbreaks in humans and how bats may transmit the virus to people.
Article at link is pretty short but it looks like bats may be the long sought reservoir for Ebola.
Posted by: 3dc || 01/02/2016 11:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gak! How hard can it be to stop eating bats?
Posted by: gorb || 01/02/2016 12:45 Comments || Top||

#2  In sub-Saharan Africa bats eat you.
Posted by: jpal || 01/02/2016 13:56 Comments || Top||

Back from the dead: Russian man wakes up in morgue after too much drinking, goes back to party
[RT] A man in Russia’s Far East woke up in the morgue after having been declared dead, local media report.
"Ohhhh! My head! I really put one on! I feel like I died!"
Before the incident, he had been doing vodka rounds with friends – and after the “miraculous awakening,” he went back to the party.
"Shay! I wuzh jusht here! Wuzhn't I?"
The man who was mistakenly taken for dead passed out after drinking too much, local Khasanskiye Vesti newspaper reported Wednesday.
"Hey, y'all! Hold my vodka and watch what happenzh when I do thish!"
However, it is not clear when exactly the incident took place. Khasanky Region is a coastal area in Russia’s Far East, which is home to some 35,000 people scattered over the territory of 4,100 square kilometers.
It's in Primorsky Krai, and it borders North Korea and China. The primary activities noted in Khasanski Raion are guarding the border and drinking.
His friends called an ambulance
"Hello? Hello? Is this the ambulance?"
"No. This is the driver!"

and medical staff hastily declared the man dead
"Hmmm... What's your opinion, Dr. Quincy?"
"I'd say he was titzup."

before taking him to the morgue, according to the daily.
[Clang!] "Have a nice sleep!"
However, the man eventually came back to his senses (somewhat) – only to find himself in a mortuary freezer.
"Whoof! Colder'n a mortuary freezer in here!"
“That night the local morgue was filled to its capacity,
"Shay! Wassha matta wit' youse guys? Dis is da deadest party I've ever been at!"
the bodies were not only on the shelves, but also on the floor of the freezer room, where our ‘dead’ hero was allocated,” Aleksey Stoyev, a police spokesman, told the newspaper.
"Scuzhe me! 'Scuzhe me! Sorry!"
“At some point, the man woke up, failing to understand where he was.
[Hic!] "Any o' youse guys know where we are?... Well, don't ever'body answer at once!"
It was very dark and cold. In addition his brain was foggy due to the influence of alcohol.
"Whoa! M'brain feelzh all foggy! I wonder why?"
In the darkness, he felt someone’s completely cold limbs and in fear rushed to the door. But it was locked.”
"Hey! Unlock th'goddamm door!"
He started screaming for help
"Help! Help!... C'mon youse guys! Help me holler!"
and pounding on the door. His calls drew the attention of the morgue’s guard,
"Hmmm... Noise. We don't usually get a lot of noise around here."
who reported the situation to the doctors.
"Y'know, do, this is the noisiest morgue I've ever guarded!"
The latter thought that the guard was imagining things, according to the local report. Nonetheless, out of cautiousness the doctors called police.
"Operator! Gimme the police!"
Opening the door police were met by the ‘resurrected’ man who in panic ran out of the room, according to the department of criminal investigations. Police questioned the man and released him.
"What do you mean, 'you used a dead guy as a battering ram?' The door opens inward!"
Returning to the place of the party, he found his friends were still drinking, but this time commemorating him.
"Poor Whatsisname!"
"Yeah. Poor Whatsisname! Pour me another!"

The person who opened the door was so shocked that he fainted, Khasanskiye Vesti says.
[THUD!] "Is he... dead?"
"I don't think so!"
"Are you?"
"I'm not sure. Gimme a drink."

The commemoration ceremony was quickly revamped into a re-birthday party.
"Happy re-birthday to youse!
Happy re-birthday to youse!
Happy re-birthday dear Whatsisname..."
Posted by: Fred || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [49 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I thought if you died at a Russian drinking party they just pitched you out on the tundra until it's time to clean up. The triage team must have been doing Jell-O shots.
Posted by: Super Hose || 01/02/2016 0:38 Comments || Top||

#2  No word on whether his kidneys accompanied him back to the party.
Posted by: Halliburton - Foreign Affairs Division || 01/02/2016 1:51 Comments || Top||

#3  The inline really makes the story! The bar has been set for the year, and it is awfully high!
Posted by: Nguard || 01/02/2016 2:50 Comments || Top||

#4  Definitely Top 20 inline.
Posted by: Shipman || 01/02/2016 6:45 Comments || Top||

#5  Classics material. Definitely. Thanks Fred.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 01/02/2016 8:42 Comments || Top||

#6  Fred starts the new year in rare form
Posted by: Frank G || 01/02/2016 12:24 Comments || Top||

#7  I'll add to the choir, made my day too. :-)
Posted by: Sven the pelter || 01/02/2016 13:53 Comments || Top||

#8  Wonderful! Kharasho!
Posted by: European Conservative || 01/02/2016 15:19 Comments || Top||

-Land of the Free
This Week in Guns, January 2nd, 2016

By Chris Covert

This new year will bring a new executive order from the White House, which will give the ATF more power to determine if a seller of a firearms can be folded into the Federal firearms license system. The criteria will be whether a seller derives what percentage of his income from selling firearms. The new rule will likely force some private sellers into the FFL system.

This will affect how prices get reported in This Week in Guns. This column reports on prices offered for certain classes of firearms in private sales. As I look over the listings, I also look over every exemplar for each state to determine if that sales proposal is indeed private. If the seller in the description requires the sale go through an FFL, it qualifies as a dealer sale, and thus not a private sale. A number of dealers post on Armslist as unregistered private individuals, much the same as used car dealers "curbstone" some of their inventory to make it appear the vehicles are for sale by a private individual.

As a rule prices for firearms for those dealers are much lower than for private individuals, and is sometimes a dead giveaway as to who is selling.

The effect will likely be the median price for each state market will rise considerably, and the total average price for all states will rise only slightly, but they will rise. At the moment I am already seeing much higher prices for firearms in both rifles and handguns, but at the moment I can't tell if the rise is seasonal or due to the new proposed rules. Only time will tell.

An armed protest involving a number of militias is set to take place today, Saturday, January 2nd. I haven't followed this at all, but what little I do know is that the protest is against more federal government overreach. Oathkeepers has recommended against going. But who will follow their advice?

Another protest at Sugar Pine earlier this year was maintained by Oathkeepers effectively keeping militias out. Militias have a long memory.

Now a number of militias along with Ammon Bundy are issuing a call for militias to show up. And at the center of this effort is Ryan Payne.

Payne was at the center of the controversy at Bundy Ranch almost two years ago. He and a number of other militia leaders effectively ran Oathkeepers from the ranch after they decided to leave because of a spurious report of a federal government armed attack. Payne called Oathkeepers cowards, so it is sufficient to say he didn't win any friends.

Another beef Oathkeepers have is that Payne claimed to be a former Army Ranger, when he was not. What Payne did, was to run government-hired snipers off from the Bundy ranch, effectively collapsing the government effort.

Mike Vanderboegh called Payne an agent provocateur, but what if it is true? If Payne manages another government backdown, bad guy or not he is achieving the goals of Patriots and militias alike.

Switching gears, you know the saying about why have a .45? Because they don't make a .46? It appears they do...


Rantburg's summary for arms and ammunition:

Prices for pistol ammunition were mostly steady, while prices for rifle ammunition were steady.

Prices for used pistols were higher across the board while prices for used rifles were mixed.

New Lows:


Pistol Ammunition

.45 Caliber, 230 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (4 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .25 per round, Unchanged)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Quality Made Cartridges, Store Brand, FMJ, Brass, Reloads, .25 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: Blok Tactical, Store Brand, TMJ, Reloads, .24 per round (From Last week: Unchanged (3 Weeks))

.40 Caliber Smith & Wesson, 180 Grain, Unchanged (3 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .23 per round, -.01 Each)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore, Tulammo, FMJ, Steel cased, .22 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: Ammo Mart, Legendary, RSFP, Brass, Reloads, .22 per round (From Last Week: +.02 Each)

9mm Parabellum, 115 Grain, From Last Week: +.01 Each After Unchanged (7 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .17 per round, +.01 Each)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: J&G Sales, Tulammo, FMJ, Steel Cased, .18 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: Cheaper Than Dirt!, Pojeda, FMJ, Steel Cased, .16 per round (From Last Week: +.01 Each)

.357 Magnum, 158 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (3 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .28 per round, -.02 Each)
Cheapest, 50 rounds: Surplus Ammo, Tulammo, FMJ, Steel cased, .26 per round
Cheapest Bulk: 1,000 rounds: J&G Sales, Tulammo, FMJ, Steel cased, .25 per round (From Last Week: Unchanged (6 Weeks))

Rifle Ammunition

.223 Caliber/5.56mm 55 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (2 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .23 per round, +.02 Each)
Cheapest, 20 rounds: BangItAmmo.com, Tulammo, steel cased, FMJ, .25 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: Sinclair International, Tulammo, steel cased, FMJ, .25 per round (From Last Week: Unchanged (3 Weeks))

.308 NATO 150 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (4 Weeks)

(From Q3, 2015: .39 per round, -.02 Each)
Cheapest, 20 rounds: LAX Ammunition, Tulammo, steel cased, FMJ, .37 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 500 rounds: J&G Sales, Tulammo, steel cased, FMJ, .34 per round (From Last Week: Unchanged (4 Weeks))

7.62x39 AK 123 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (3 Weeks)
(From Q3, 2015: .23 per round, Unchanged)
Cheapest, 20 rounds: Ammunition Depot, Wolf WPA, steel case, FMJ, .23 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 1,000 rounds: TrueCaliber.com, Wolf WPA, steel case, .23 per round (From Last Week: Unchanged (5 Weeks))

.22 LR 40 Grain, From Last Week: Unchanged (6 Weeks)
(From Q2, 2015: .06 per round, +.02 Each)
Cheapest, 20 rounds (10 Box Limit): Munire USA, Aguila, RNL .08 per round
Cheapest Bulk, 325 rounds (5 Box Limit): Target Sports USA, Aguila, RNL, .08 per round (From Last Week: Unchanged (6 Weeks))

Guns for Private Sale

.223/5.56mm (AR Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $551 Last Week Avg:$520 (+) ($616 (38 Weeks), $476 (14 Weeks))

California (194, 205): Mixed Build: $525 ($650 (48 Weeks), $400 (17 Weeks))
Texas (233, 248): Anderson Arms: $500 ($700 (43 Weeks), $350 (38 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (133, 155): Del-Ton: $600 ($700 (37 Weeks), $300 (25 Weeks))
Virginia (150, 153): Del-ton: $480 ($750 (43 Weeks), $480 (3 Weeks))
Florida (312, 327): Diamond Back DB-15: $650 ($650 (27 Weeks), $380 (39

.308 NATO (AR-10 Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $990 Last Week Avg: $1,000 (-) ($1,359 (37 Weeks), $820 (13 Weeks))
California (43, 46): CMMG: 1,000 ($1,700 (4Q, 2014), $850 (22 Weeks))
Texas (48, 51): Bushmaster: $1,000 ($1,500 (4Q, 2014), $800 (21 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (25, 24): Palmetto State Armory PA10: $900 ($1,500 (43 Weeks), $700 (14 Weeks))
Virginia (43, 49): DPMS LR-308: $1,050 ($1,650 (26 Weeks), $800 (9 Weeks))
Florida (62, 63): Armalite: $1,000 ($1,500 (4Q, 2014), $500 (13 Weeks))

7.62x39mm (AK Pattern Semiautomatic) Average Price: $509 Last Week Avg: $540 (-) ($626 (39 Weeks), $450 (24 Weeks))
California (43, 38): WASR 10: $599 ($700 (41 Weeks), $320 (4Q, 2014))
Texas (49, 43): WASR: $600 ($750 (41 Weeks), $350 (3Q, 2014))
Pennsylvania (41, 41): I.O: $400 ($750 (48 Weeks), $375 (33 Weeks))
Virginia (48, 49): Norinco Sporter Mac 90: $450 ($625 (44 Weeks), $350 (46 Weeks))
Florida (70, 83): Czech VZ-2008: $500 ($650 (37 Weeks), $300 (4Q, 2014))

30-30 Winchester Lever Action Average Price: $389 Last Week Avg: $397 (-) ($489 (45 Weeks), $296 (27 Weeks))
California (8, 9): Winchester Model 94: $400 ($500 (22 Weeks), $180 (29 Weeks))
Texas (21, 20): Marlin 336W: $400 ($550 (44 Weeks), $300 (49 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (15, 16): Winchester Model 94: $300 ($450 (47 Weeks), $250 (4Q, 2014))
Virginia (6, 6): Winchester Ranger: $475 ($475 (3 Weeks), $250 (5 Weeks))
Florida (19, 22): Mossberg 464: $370 ($500 (43 Weeks), $250 (29 Weeks))


.45 caliber ACP (M1911 Pattern Semiautomatic Pistol) Average Price: $433 Last Week Avg: $376 (+) ($450 (43 Weeks), $350 (16 Weeks))
California (156, 160): Rock Island Armory: $500 ($600 (45 Weeks), $300 (23 Weeks))
Texas (163, 187): American Tactical Imports 1911: $425 ($600 (4Q, 2014), $325 (19 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (140, 142): CAI: $350 ($550 (35 Weeks), $300 (29 Weeks))
Virginia (130, 147): Rock Island Armory: $549 ($550 (37 Weeks), $250 (4Q, 2014))
Florida (291, 294): Tisas: $345 ($475 (48 Weeks), $250 (42 Weeks))

9mm (Beretta 92FS or other Semiautomatic) Average Price: $355 Last Week Avg: $297 (+) ($336 (40 Weeks), $268 (18 Weeks))

California (130, 132): Springfield XD30: $425 ($450 (45 Weeks), $200 (8 Weeks))
Texas (201, 221): Smith & Wesson 459: $350 ($355 (44 Weeks), $200 (17 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (181, 185): Ruger P85: $250 ($350 (4Q 2014), $200 (24 Weeks))
Virginia (162, 162): EAA: $425 ($425 (CA: $400 (37 Weeks)), $250 (24 Weeks))
Florida (359, 376): Smith & Wesson SD9VE: $225 ($375 (4Q, 2014), $220 (17 Weeks))

.40 caliber S&W (Glock or other semiautomatic) Average Price: $355 Last Week Avg: $320 (+) ($368 (34 Weeks), $300 (3Q, 2014))
California (82, 86): Smith & Wesson SD40: $350 ($425 (18 Weeks)), $250 (4Q, 2014))
Texas (101, 118): Smith & Wesson M&P .40C: $400 ($425 (4Q, 2014), $250 (3 Weeks))
Pennsylvania (67, 71): Smith & Wesson SW99: $300 ($350 (25 Weeks), $250 (45 Weeks))
Virginia (63, 62): TAURUS Millenium: $325 ($450 (34 Weeks), $275 (50 Weeks))
Florida (136, 134): Beretta 9000S: $400 ($400 (45 Weeks), $200 (18 Weeks))

Used Gun of the Week: (New Hampshire)
Winchester Model 70 Chambered in .308 NATO

Chris Covert writes for Rantburg.com. He can be reached at grurkka@gmail.com and on Twitter
Posted by: badanov || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Subsaharan
Rwandan President-for-Life Announces He Will Seek 3rd Term
[ABCNEWS.GO] Rwandan President Paul Kagame declared Friday he will run for a third term in office after his second seven-year term expires in 2017, a move opposed by the U.S., a key ally.

The announcement in his end-of-year message follows last month's constitutional referendum in which 98 percent of Rwandans voted to approve a revised Constitution to allow Kagame to extend his tenure in office.

"You requested me to lead the country again after 2017. Given the importance and consideration you attach to this, I can only accept," Kagame said

Kagame became president in 2000 after being Rwanda's de facto leader since the end of the country's genocide in 1994. He is credited with stabilizing the country and promoting economic growth after the mass killings, but critics say he is an authoritarian ruler who does not tolerate opposition and he is accused of human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.

Rwanda's political opposition criticized the referendum as undemocratic and the U.S., a key Rwandan ally, has opposed Kagame's bid to stay in power.

Appearing to address that, Kagame said "even misguided or deliberately harmful criticism can be the start of a conversation ... what is important is that we respect each other."

Other leaders in East and Central Africa have prolonged their rule.

In 2005, Ugandan politicians changed their Constitution, allowing President Yoweri Museveni to seek re-election in 2006 and 2011. He is running again in 2016.
Posted by: Fred || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When your predecessor oversaw large scale slaughter, it is probably easy to convince others that your leadership is an excellent alternative.
Posted by: Super Hose || 01/02/2016 0:49 Comments || Top||

Thanks to technology, we're not going to run out of oil
Posted by: DarthVader || 01/02/2016 17:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But we are going to destroy the planet with man made global warming with it, so we can't use it, so freeze you serfs while your rulers fly around the world in luxury!
Posted by: DarthVader || 01/02/2016 17:02 Comments || Top||

Balochistan govt probes degrees of 50,000 teachers
[DAWN] The education department of Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
government has launched an inquiry to verify the appointment orders and educational certificates of more than 50,000 teachers across the province.

Provincial Secretary Education Saboor Kakar said that education officers of 32 districts have been directed to launch probe into educational certificates and appointment orders of the teachers.

Earlier, an anti-corruption court sentenced three government officers to seven years in prison over recruitment of fake teachers in Balochistan's education department.

The department has launched the verification process in the aftermath of repeated reports about presence of hundreds of fake and ghost teachers in Balochistan.

The scrutiny and verification process of teachers' appointments and educational certificates would take two months to complete. "We will not spare any fake teacher", said Kakar.

Deputy commissioners and treasury officers are also taking part in the verification process besides district education officers.
Posted by: Fred || 01/02/2016 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Who's in the News
11Islamic State
5Govt of Pakistan
2Govt of Saudi Arabia
1Govt of Pakistain Proxies
1Govt of Syria
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A multi-volume chronology and reference guide set detailing three years of the Mexican Drug War between 2010 and 2012.

Rantburg.com and borderlandbeat.com correspondent and author Chris Covert presents his first non-fiction work detailing the drug and gang related violence in Mexico.

Chris gives us Mexican press dispatches of drug and gang war violence over three years, presented in a multi volume set intended to chronicle the death, violence and mayhem which has dominated Mexico for six years.
Click here for more information

Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2016-01-02
  Death sentences for nine 'hardcore terrorists' in Pakistan
Fri 2016-01-01
  New Year's Eve terror attack thwarted in NY
Thu 2015-12-31
  ISIS executes 40 civilians in Ramadi
Wed 2015-12-30
  Blue on Blue: 38 Bad Guys die in bombing attack in Nangarhar
Tue 2015-12-29
  North African al-Qaeda says top figure killed in ambush
Mon 2015-12-28
  Iraqi airstrike kills ISIS Top Dawgs
Sun 2015-12-27
  Syrian Rebels Mourn Loss of Leader, Name Replacement
Sat 2015-12-26
  One Killed as Bomb Blast Rocks Ahmadi Mosque in Bangladesh
Fri 2015-12-25
  30 ISIS Bad Guys die in Fallujah
Thu 2015-12-24
  ISIS troops forced out of Ramadi
Wed 2015-12-23
  Driver Shouting 'Allahu Akbar!' Runs Down 11 French Pedestrians
Tue 2015-12-22
  Tunisia dismantles cell recruiting women for Islamist militant
Mon 2015-12-21
  Afghanistan: Taliban 'take centre of Helmand district'
Sun 2015-12-20
  Terrorist and Hezbollah commander Samir Kuntar... Tango Uniform
Sat 2015-12-19
  Yemen Government Forces Capture Capital of al-Jawf Province as Peace Talks Go on

Better than the average link...

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