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Westgate mastermind confirmed dead in Somalia airstrike
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9 23:13 newc [39] 
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1 12:14 Bill Clinton [20]
2 17:50 Shipman [27]
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3 12:26 Bill Clinton [19]
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1 11:03 USN, Ret. [17]
1 09:21 Herman the Batty9794 [23]
1 11:05 Hupineger Glomomp52169 [17]
1 01:30 Bov Flimbers [13]
1 13:48 Frank G [29]
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4 13:26 Frank G [17]
4 19:13 trailing wife [25]
7 21:02 Hupineger Glomomp52169 [36]
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2 20:52 OldSpook [18]
5 21:21 Anice Nim [30]
5 11:55 OldSpook [17]
2 09:02 Herman the Batty9794 [18]
3 12:21 Bill Clinton [13]
5 18:00 Shipman [31]
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Hamas Involved in Pedophile and Child Abuse Scandal
[The Algemeiner] According to Al Bawabh News, Hamas is trying to hush up a major sex scandal involving young boys in a Gaza mosque.

A prominent Hamas member is accused of engaging in sex acts with young boys after enticing them with promises of teaching them Jihad and the Quran.

According to the story, he pretended to be teaching the boys martial arts. He evaluated their "performance" and if he felt that they wouldn't resist, he would make his move. He told them that the sex acts were allowed under Islamic law if it was consensual, and he characterized the children who fell under his influence as "Mujahadeen Heroes."
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/21/2015 04:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [39 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He told them that the sex acts were allowed under Islamic law if it was consensual, and he characterized the children who fell under his influence as “Mujahadeen Heroes.”

Ahem, was the prophet not into this sort of thing?
Posted by: JohnQC || 03/21/2015 9:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Financed by Epstein and managed by Slick
Posted by: AlanC || 03/21/2015 10:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Has Harry Reid said anything about this pedophilia issue?
Posted by: Pappy || 03/21/2015 10:47 Comments || Top||

#4  "Scandal?"

Isn't this kind of thing more Islamic feature than bug?
Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp52169 || 03/21/2015 10:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Next time you enroll in a Moslem martial arts class, bring a goat for the instructor, might save your butt (literally)
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 03/21/2015 12:28 Comments || Top||

#6  Couldn't afford a ticket to Rotherham? Or was that the wrong gender?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/21/2015 13:10 Comments || Top||

#7  Fight the law? Face a furious clamour
And the ring of Mohammed's grim hammer.
Tired of raving and rape?
Few can ever escape
The Mohammedan self-guarded slammer.
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 || 03/21/2015 13:34 Comments || Top||

#8  Yes, and it's called islam.
Posted by: Hellfish || 03/21/2015 17:52 Comments || Top||

#9  Hashtag #askhamas

it's a riot all right.
Posted by: newc || 03/21/2015 23:13 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Westgate mastermind confirmed dead in Somalia airstrike
MOGADISHU -- Pentagon has confirmed the death of Ahmed Ahmed Isak (Adan Garaar) who allegedly engineered a deadly attack on upscale Kenya mall, Garowe Online reports.
Drone strikes that pummeled Al Shabaab bases near Gedo region town of Bardhere of southwestern Somalia on March 12 are said in statement to have left Garaar dead.

Garaar-senior Al Shabaab intelligence official and mastermind of one of the deadliest high profile attacks on Kenya soil-was killed in Drone missiles while travelling in a car along with another man in Aqbul area, 40km from Bardhere.

The death of the targeted official might deal blow to the Somali militant group- Al Qaeda franchise that claimed credit for Westgate mall attack in late 2013.

Missile strikes by US unmanned aircraft have been proliferating since last year, with high ranking Al Shabaab officials succumbed in Drone operations in southern and central Somalia.

On September 1, 2014 US killed Al Shabaab Chief Ahmed Abdi Godane in strikes made against Hawai bases in Lower Shabelle region.

On December 29, 2014 Drone attacks targeted senior official within the group, Abdinasir Hassan Barakow Tahlil in Middle Juba region of southern Somalia.

On January 31, 2015 Al Shabaab lost internal operations and intelligence head Yusuf Dheeg in another Drone missile in Bay regional district of Diinsoor.
Posted by: Steve White || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [51 views] Top|| File under:

#1  is that the B-flat ululator or the D-ululator?
Posted by: Bov Flimbers || 03/21/2015 0:08 Comments || Top||

#2  B-flat, I can't hit the hit notes anymore...
Posted by: Steve White || 03/21/2015 11:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Simply a lucky hit. Please do not be deterred by these infidels. Allen needs you !
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/21/2015 12:48 Comments || Top||

#4  The lady in the picture is wearing 1978 Jeep Grand Cherokee Hub Caps on her chest.
Posted by: Jack Floluter7131 || 03/21/2015 14:20 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Police disperse pro-Morsi protesters after small-scale clashes in Cairo's Matariya
[Al Ahram] Clashes erupted Friday afternoon between a group of pro-Morsi protesters and security forces in the district of Matariya in Cairo, after the protesters reportedly attempted to block traffic into one of the district's main squares.

Security forces managed to disperse the protesters into the side streets.

Matariya has for months been the scene of weekly confrontations between supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi and police. Twelve people died during festivities with police on 25 January.

Protests are forbidden in Egypt, unless protest organisers apply for and receive prior permission from the interior ministry.

Five pro-Morsi rallies took place in Alexandria on Friday in protest at the execution of an Islamist man who was convicted of murder.

The man, Samia Shannan, was among the 183 defendants sentenced to death on charges of storming Kerdasa cop shoppe in Giza and killing coppers there in August 2013 following the dispersal of pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo.

Morsi supporters also organised a cycle of violence rally along the coastal highway, as well several rallies in small villages in the Damietta governorate in the Nile Delta.

Two local residents were maimed when the festivities erupted between protesters and angry local residents in one of the villages.

Residents accused the Morsi supporters of using firearms against them.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Egypt Arrests Nine Fishermen Off Gaza Coast
[AnNahar] Egypt arrested nine Palestinian fishermen off the coast of the Gaza Strip Friday, the fishing union said, amid tense relations between Cairo and Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas.

"The Egyptian navy arrested nine fishermen while they were out fishing on the line between Gaza and Egypt," union official Nizar Ayesh told AFP.

They were taken ashore in Egypt and detained, he added.

A similar incident in 2013 saw five Gazan fishermen jailed for a year.

Relations have deteriorated between Egypt and Hamas, which controls the Palestinian coastal enclave, since the Egyptian army ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July that year.

And an Egyptian court declared Hamas's armed wing a terrorist group in January.

Cairo has kept the border crossing with Gaza, blockaded by Israel, almost completely shut since October, when a bombing in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula killed 30 soldiers.

Under the Israeli blockade, fishermen are allowed to trawl the waters up to six nautical miles offshore, but have complained of being fired at by the navy before they reach that limit.

A fisherman was shot dead by Israeli forces earlier this month.

Egypt accuses Hamas of supporting jihadist militants in Sinai.

The army has also created a wide buffer zone along the Gaza border aimed at preventing infiltration by militants.

In January, Egyptian border guards shot at Gazans it said had illegally crossed the border, killing a 17-year-old boy.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  One more fisherman and they could become the 10 Disciples

Posted by: Herman the Batty9794 || 03/21/2015 9:28 Comments || Top||

#2  fishing for arms?
Posted by: Frank G || 03/21/2015 10:23 Comments || Top||

Anti-Hadi Officer Escapes Yemen Assassination
[AnNahar] A top Yemeni officer linked to the Shiite militia opposed to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi escaped an liquidation bid near the southern city of Aden, a security official said Friday.

Four people were killed in an ambush on the restive Lahj
... a Yemeni governate located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the stomping grounds on the southern secessionist al-Harak movement
-Taiz road but General Abdel Hafedh al-Sakkaf, the special forces chief in Aden, escaped unharmed, said the official from Lahj.

He said the attack took place in Al-Athawir as Sakkaf fled Aden overnight in a convoy to Lahj, on its way towards militia-held Sanaa.

"He escaped the liquidation bid but a bodyguard was rubbed out, while three others died when their vehicle overturned," said the official.

The attack came as forces loyal to Hadi tightened their control over Aden where the situation was calm early Friday after a day of deadly festivities.

Troops loyal to Hadi and their allied Popular Committees paramilitary manned checkpoints, an Agence La Belle France Presse correspondent reported.

Hadi himself had to evacuate a presidential palace in Aden on Thursday after a fighter jet opened fire, hitting a nearby hill.

The president fled house arrest last month by the Shiite Huthi militia in Sanaa and has taken refuge in Aden.

At least seven special forces fighters and four members of the Popular Committees were killed Thursday, a security sources, and 54 were maimed on the two sides.

The festivities forced the closure of Aden's airport, where Sakkaf's forces tried to seize control but were repelled by pro-Hadi troops and paramilitary.

The northern rebels overran the capital in September and have since seized control of government installations.

Yemen, a key U.S. ally in the fight against al-Qaeda, has been gripped by unrest since ex-strongman President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
stepped down in early 2012 after a year-long popular uprising.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Yemen's Islamic State affiliate takes credit for attacks
[ARABNEWS] A group claiming to be a Yemeni branch of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group says it carried out a string of suicide kabooms in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, that killed a total of 137 people and injured 345 others.

The group posted an online statement saying that five jacket wallahs carried out what it described as a "blessed operation" against the "dens of the Shiites." The bombers attacked the Badr and Al-Hashoosh mosques, located across town from each other, during midday Friday prayers.

Leading Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
holy man Al-Murtada bin Zayd Al-Muhatwari, the imam of the Badr mosque, was among those killed, a medical source said.

The claim, posted in an online statement, could not immediately be independently confirmed and offered no proof of an IS role. It was posted on the same website in which the Islamic State affiliate in Libya grabbed credit for Wednesday's deadly attack on a museum in Tunisia.The Houthi militia's Al-Massira television said hospitals in the capital had made urgent appeals for blood donations.Footage aired by Al-Massira showed bodies lying in pools of blood outside the mosques, as worshippers rushed the maimed to hospitals in pick-up trucks.

Another suicide bomber went kaboom! outside a mosque in the northern Houthi stronghold of Saada, a source close to the militia said.

Only the assailant was killed in that kaboom and tight security at the mosque prevented the bomber from going inside, the source added.

The Houthis overran Sanaa in September and have since tightened their grip on power.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Al-Qaeda in Yemen takes control of southern city
[Ynet] Yemeni security officials say al-Qaeda's branch in the country has taken control of a southern city after security forces surrendered. The officials say that al-Qaeda hard boyz driving pickup trucks and flying black flags on Friday swept through the city of al-Houta, the capital of restive Lahj
... a Yemeni governate located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the stomping grounds on the southern secessionist al-Harak movement
province. They took over the main security barracks, the governor's office, and the intelligence headquarters, which houses prisons with al-Qaeda detainees.

The officials say that security forces loyal to deposed president President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
surrendered to the hard boyz without resistance. Those who resisted at the governor's office were executed, the officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Good Thing UK Banned Guns, Otherwise There Could Be Muslim-Anglo Violence
[PJ Media] Four men have been charged with the murder of a man who was stabbed at a Coventry nightclub. They are accused of killing Daniel Kirkwood, 18, who had knife wounds to the neck and was found outside the Society Club early on Sunday. Along with Mr Kirkwood, who died in hospital, another 18-year-old man was stabbed in the back and a teenager, 17, was slashed on the arm with a knife. The four charged are due to appear before Coventry magistrates, later.

You're going to be stunned when you learn the names of the "Britons" who killed the unforgivably white Kirkwood:
Names provided, but no fotos released of course. This isn't Ferguson, we're quite civilized here.
Saker Shireen Khan, 24, of Belchers Lane, Small Heath, Hasham Muqtaz Ali, 18, of Amberley Green, Great Barr, Ramez Murtaza, 20, of Bordesley Green East, Bordesley Green -- all Birmingham -- and Tobijah Thompson, 24, of no fixed address, are charged with murder and wounding.

The two other victims did not suffer life-threatening injuries.

According to British newspapers accounts, "Revellers took pics of a teen dying after being knifed in the throat -- then posted them on Snapchat."

Isn't muliculturalism grand?
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/21/2015 02:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, it's not like they flew civilian aircraft into a couple major buildings during the work day, now is it? (Do I need to put the /sarc there?)
Posted by: Procopius2k || 03/21/2015 8:56 Comments || Top||

#2  The quartet, who are all unemployed, are also charged with wounding and will appear at Coventry Magistrates Court this morning.

They just need jobs according to our Buffy the Vampire Marie Harf (sarc).
Posted by: JohnQC || 03/21/2015 9:04 Comments || Top||

Fifth Man Arrested over Copenhagen Shootings
[AnNahar] Copenhagen police said on Friday they had tossed in the calaboose
... anything you say can and will be used against you, whether you say it or not...
a fifth man suspected of being an accomplice of gunman Omar El-Hussein who killed two people in deadly twin attacks last month.

The man was "suspected of complicity in the perpetrator's actions on February 14 and 15," police said in a statement.

"Like yesterday, a number of raids are being carried out in connection with the arrest," it added.

A fourth man was arrested on Thursday in a downmarket area of Copenhagen, bordering the Noerrebro neighborhood where El-Hussein lived.

Custody hearings held on Friday for the men, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were not open to the public.

The two, aged 25 and 30 respectively, faced preliminary charges of helping El-Hussein get rid of an M95 assault rifle he used outside a cultural center hosting a debate on free speech and Islam, where he rubbed out a filmmaker, tabloid Ekstra Bladet wrote.

They were also charged with helping him get rid of clothing after the attack and for providing "other equipment" for the shooting that took place a few hours later outside a synagogue, where a Jewish man was killed.

The charges, which both men deny, did not specify what type of equipment they had given him before the second attack.

Both men had ties to Brothas, a criminal gang El-Hussein had been linked to and which is based on the housing estate where he grew up.

The 30-year-old reportedly wore a red hoodie when entering the court and threw a kiss at his girlfriend, who cried when the charges were read. The 25-year old wore a black hoodie.

Two other alleged accomplices have been detained since February 16 and a third since February 27, on suspicion of helping the 22-year-old gunman obtain and dispose off weapons.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

Great White North
Guilty verdicts for Palestinian, Tunisian suspects in train terror plot
[Ynet] Two men accused of plotting to attack a Via Rail passenger train travelling from New York to Toronto were found guilty Friday of terror-related charges. Raed Jaser, a Canadian citizen of Paleostinian descent, and Chiheb Esseghaier, who is of Tunisian descent, were tossed in the slammer
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
in 2013. Jaser faced four terror-related charges while Esseghaier faced five. They had pleaded not guilty
"Wudn't me."
On Friday, the 10th day of deliberations, a Toronto jury found Esseghaier guilty on all five terrorism charges against him. But the jury was deadlocked on one of the four charges that Jaser was facing. Judge Michael Code told jurors on Friday that he has the power to accept their unanimous decisions on the eight other charges.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Zombies?

No, cheating on placement exams in India.
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/21/2015 1:11 Comments || Top||

Police arrest Alberta teenager on terror charges
[Ynet] Royal Canadian Mounted Police say a teen has been jugged
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
in Alberta and charged with terror-related offenses. The 17-year-old was taken into custody Thursday in Beaumont, a bedroom community south of Edmonton.

Police said Friday that the teen is charged with trying to leave the country to fight in Iraq and Syria with the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group. The suspect is facing one charge of attempting to leave Canada to commit an act of terror. He also faces one charge of attempting to leave the country to join a terrorist group.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Now I know I am going out on a limb here - but could his name posiibly be McGregor, Smith or LeBlanc - just kinda takin a guess here
Posted by: Bov Flimbers || 03/21/2015 1:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Angus? Is that you?

Posted by: frozen al || 03/21/2015 11:07 Comments || Top||

Tank police trace minor's 'killer'
[DAWN] TANK: The mystery behind the murder of a minor boy was resolved as his teenage neighbour allegedly confessed to the crime here on Thursday, stating that he was copying a video in which Lions of Islam were shown beheading a person.

The suspect, Noor Mohammad (14), was presented before the media at the DPO office during a briefing here on Thursday.

SP Kifayatullah told media persons that the police had placed in durance vile
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
Noor Mohammad, the alleged murderer of Saeed Ullah, 7, a resident of Elahi Abad. Saeed went missing on March 1 and his body stuffed in a sack was found the next day on South Wazoo road.

He said that the suspect confessed to his crime and the police also recovered a sharp weapon used in the crime from his possession. Relatives of the missing boy had started the paperwork but haven't done much else against unknown persons with the Cantt cop shoppe.

The police said that Saeed and Noor were friends and living in the same locality.

They said that during investigation the suspect divulged that he and Saeed would often exchange videos regarding slaughtering people. He allegedly told police that one day when his parents went to attend a wedding ceremony of a relative in another village he called Saeed to his home.

The police quoted the suspect as saying that while enacting the video he fastened hands and legs of Saeed with rope and 'rubbed' his throat with a knife. He said that when he saw blood he got nervous and stuffed the body in a sack and threw it in bushes.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Three more executed at Adiala
[DAWN] RAWALPINDI: Three, including two brothers, convicted in non-terrorism cases were executed at Adiala Central Jail on Thursday at dawn.

Nine others have been hanged at Adiala since the moratorium on the death penalty was lifted by the government.

Brothers Asghar Ali and Ghulam Hussain were convicted for murdering two relatives in 1996 in the Jatli area of Gujar Khan. The third convict Gulistan Khan was convicted for a murder in Kalar Syedan in 1998.

According to security sources, eleven convicts were to be hanged at the central jail at Adiala, the second phase of executions currently being carried out. However,
those who apply themselves too closely to little things often become incapable of great things...
the execution of one of the convicts Qadeer Ahmed was halted after a reconciliation agreement between the convict and the heirs of the victim.

One more execution will be carried out after March 25.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Six Die in Indian Kashmir Militant Attack
[AnNahar] Two suspected rebels stormed a cop shoppe in Indian Kashmire on Friday, killing three officers and a civilian before being rubbed out by government forces, police said.

The heavily armed forces of Evil hijacked a private jeep and killed the driver before lobbing grenades into the station, triggering a shootout with government forces, inspector general of police for the region Danish Rana told Agence La Belle France Presse.

"Both the forces of Evil were killed in the following shootout," Rana said, adding that one police officer and two paramilitary troops were also left dead after the shoot-out.

Two other troops were maimed in the attack, the first to hit India's only Moslem-majority state since the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took power this month in a coalition government.

Kashmire has been divided between India and Pakistain since independence from Britannia in 1947. Both claim the Himalayan territory in its entirety.

Several rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces since 1989 for independence or a merger of the territory with Pakistain.

The fighting has left tens of thousands dead, mostly civilians. Armed encounters between rebels and government forces occur regularly, though violence in the region has substantially declined during the last decade.

India blames Pakistain for arming the rebels -- a charge Islamabad denies.

No rebel group immediately grabbed credit for the attack on the cop shoppe near Kathua, 350 kilometers (220 miles) south of the state capital Srinagar.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Suicide bombers attack army men, mosque in Karachi
[ARABNEWS] At least two people were killed and seven others maimed after a bomb planted on a cycle of violence went kaboom! outside a mosque in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
on Friday, police said.

The blast took place in the congested Aram Bagh area of Pakistain's biggest city, outside a mosque.

Pakistain has been hit by a rising wave of sectarian violence in recent years. A police front man said two were killed in the blast and seven maimed.Saif-ud-Din, a witness, said people were coming out of the mosque after Friday prayers when there was a huge blast and many people fell to the ground.

"I was inside the mosque when the bomb went kaboom! and I saw people falling to the ground," Din told AFP.

Umer Khatab, a senior officer at the police Counter Terrorism Department, told news hounds that about two kilogrammes (4.4 pounds) of explosives were used in the bomb, which exploded with a timer. "The bomb was planted to target the people coming out of the mosque," Khatab said.

Many worshippers in bloodstained clothes gathered outside the mosque, searching for relatives. The blast destroyed the shutters of several nearby shops and shattered windows.

In a separate incident a jacket wallah on Friday evening rode a cycle of violence into a vehicle carrying paramilitary troops in the east of the city killing two paramilitary soldiers.

"A suicide bomber riding on a motorbike hit the mobile van of (paramilitary) rangers in the neighborhood of North Nazimabad killing two soldiers," senior police official Faisal Noor told AFP. He said three other soldiers in the vehicle were maimed and one was at death's door.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Iraqi Miscellanies
IAF kills 3 ISIS leaders, destroys rockets warehouse in Anbar

[IraqiNews.com] The Ministry of Defense announced Thursday, that 3 top ISIS leaders were killed in an air strike by the army's air force on ISIS sites in Anbar province.

The ministry said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews, "The army's air force, based on accurate intelligence received by the military intelligence, conducted 3 air strikes on ISIS shelters in al-Anbar," pointing out that, "The air strikes resulted in killing 3 top ISIS leaders, known as Maher Ihsan, Abu Dagana, Abu Ihsan."

"The operation also resulted in destroying a rockets warehouse containing 140 rockets in Saqlawiyah," the statement added.
Ooooooohhh, secondaries!
Bomb explodes northern Baghdad

[IraqiNews.com] Nine persons were either killed or injured on Friday due to a bomb kaboom in northern Baghdad.

Security source reported to IraqiNews.com "A bomb went kaboom! in a local market in Sabae al-Bour area of northern Baghdad, killing a civilian and injuring eight others."

The source added "Security forces closed the kaboom area and transported the dead body to the morgue and injuries to the hospital for treatment."

Oil Ministry announces success in extinguishing Hamrin wells fire

[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, the Oil Ministry announced its success in putting out the fire that broke out in seven wells out of nine in Hamrin oilfield after being burned deliberately by the ISIS group, expressing hope for extinguishing the fire in the other wells soon.

Ministry front man Assem Jihad said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, "Technical and engineering teams in the North Oil Company was able to put out the fire in seven oil wells out of nine wells in Hamrin oilfield and control it permanently, after the terrorist gangs ignited he wells under their control, "expressing his hope for extinguishing the fire in the other wells soon.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Anbar Bomb Killed at Least 13 Soldiers, Not Coalition Air Strike
See? It really wudn't us.
[AnNahar] A bombing by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group in the city of Ramadi last week killed 13 Iraqi soldiers, defense ministry said Thursday, denying reports they died in an air strike.

The March 11 blast completely destroyed a house used by the army in Anbar historic provincial capital Ramadi, west of Baghdad, and damaged neighboring homes as well, the ministry said, announcing the results of a probe.

"The bodies of 13 of our heroic deaders were found lying at various distances from the site of the kaboom," it said, without specifying whether this was the final toll or if more might still be missing.

The blast occurred from the bottom up and there was evidence of a tunnel leading to the house, used as the headquarters of an army company, from the direction of IS lines, it said.

The ministry rejected reports that the blast was caused by an air strike, saying that neither Iraqi aircraft nor those from a U.S.-led coalition carrying out strikes against IS were active in the area at the time.

IS launched a series of 23 bombings in Ramadi that day, it said.

Anti-government fighters have held parts of Ramadi for more than 14 months.

The city has seen heavy fighting between security forces and IS, which spearheaded a sweeping offensive last June that overran large areas north and west of Baghdad.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi Defense: ISIS puts 'Caliphate fences' around Mosul
[RUDAW.NET] Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
faceless myrmidons in their self-proclaimed capital djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
have begun digging trenches and erecting other fortifications for the defense of the city, Iraq's defense minister has said.

''Daesh [the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State] has fortified the northern city of Mosul and started placing fortifications, some called 'Caliphate fences,' around the city for a fierce defense," said Iraq's Minister of Defense Khalid al-Obeidi.

Iraqi troops along with Shiite militias have been battling to retake the strategic city of Tikrit, the capital of Salahuddin province about 130 km north of Baghdad.

Capturing Tikrit would assist Iraqi joint forces in opening a major supply route for any future operation to retake Mosul. Military experts anticipate a tough battle for Iraq's second-largest city.

"In fact, the information I have is that most of the terrorist commanders that fled from Tikrit, Diyala and Beiji have headed towards Mosul. At the same time, the ISIS turbans' morale is not very high,'' Obeidi said.
Posted by: Fred || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

#1  Fences, trenches?

Meh, infiltrate some snipers, put them in high places to control main intersections, have attack copters on loiter for response at a moments notice, and insert troops as the snipers and copters do their work...deteriorate their defenses from the inside out...and oh by the way, never fight in the streets, travel by roof top and work your way down or blow holes in walls to go from building to building...the US learned that fighting in Europe in WWII, the streets are your enemy.
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 03/21/2015 12:10 Comments || Top||

Mosul: ISIS and Escapes
ISIS relocates 233 foreign leaders’ families from Salahuddin to Mosul

[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, Security Committee in Diyala provincial council revealed that the ISIS group has relocated 233 families of its leaders, of both Arab and foreign nationalities, from Salahuddin province to the city of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
before the beginning of 'Labbaik, Messenger of Allah' operations two days later.

Committee Chairman Sadiq al-Husseini said in an interview for IraqiNews.com, "The Committee has confirmed information that ISIS has evacuated and relocated 233 families of its Arab and foreign leaders from different parts of Salahuddin toward Mosul, before the beginning of 'Labbaik, Messenger of Allah' operations two days later."

Security sources reported that ISIS leaders of foreign nationalities had fled with their families outside the city of Tikrit on March 10th during the joint forces advance, while the organization executed its fleeing elements.

Coalition strike kills dozens of ISIS militants in western Mosul
Good. More, please.
[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, a security source in Nineveh province said, that dozens of ISIS gunnies have been either killed or injured in an air strike by the international coalition in western djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
The source informed IraqiNews, "Warplanes of the international coalition conducted three air strikes against sites for the ISIS group gunnies in the districts of Badush and al-Ba'aj, located in west of Mosul," pointing out that, "The air strike resulted in killing and injuring dozens of ISIS turbans."

PHOTOS: ISIS destroys 4th-century monastery eastern Mosul

[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, Lions of Islam of the ISIS group blew up the Mar Behnam monastery which dates back to the 4th century in eastern djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
ISIS elements booby-trapped the monastery using bombs, after stealing all its contents in the district of Hamdania.

Mar Behnam monastery date back to the fourth century and was turned into the Syriac Catholics in the eighth century. It was restored and expanded in 1986.

The history of the monastery is linked to the story of Assyrian Prince Mar Behnam who converted into Christianity with his sister Sarah and 40 of his followers at the hands of the Syriac Orthodox Mar Matti. When his father King Sennacherib knew, he ordered to kill them all. He later regretted it and converted to Christianity and ordered to build the monastery to atone for his sin.
Let's hope it worked for King Sennacherib, because it looks like all that's left are the steps leading to the porch and some rubble.
MP: 34 Yazidi women escape the ISIL terrorists’ control to Kurdistan

[IraqiNews.com] The MP of Democratic Kurdistan Alliance, Majid Shinkali revealed that some captive Yazidi women arrived in Kurdistan Region today.

Shinkali told IraqiNews.com that "34 Yazidi women managed to run away from the ISIL terrorists' control in djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
and went to Al-Sinun district in Kurdistan county", adding that "they managed to arrive in a Kurdish checkpoint after three days walking escaping from the terrorists".
Heroes, all, though they'll probably never realize it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Adventures Around Salahuddin District
Security forces repel ISIS attack on Jazirah, Salahuddin

[IraqiNews.com] An official source in Salahuddin province said Thursday, that the security forces have managed to repel an ISIS offensive on the area of al-Jazirah, located in west of Tikrit.

The source stated to IraqiNews in an interview, "Security forces backed by al-Hashed al-Sha'bi militia fighters have managed to repel a massive offensive by the ISIS group bully boyz against sites for the security forces in the area of al-Jazirah, located in west of Tikrit," pointing out that, "The festivities between the two sides resulted in killing and injuring dozens of ISIS turbans, including seven suicidal elements who were wearing some boom belts during the attack."

Bomb blast wounds 7 police elements southwest of Samarra

[IraqiNews.com] On Thursday, a security source in Salahuddin province said, that nine elements of the federal police have been injured in an kaboom that took place in Samarra.

The source informed IraqiNews, "Today, a bomb that was emplaced on the side of Samarra-Thurthar road went off, suddenly, while a police rank was passing through the area," pointing out that, "The kaboom resulted in killing 9 elements of the federal police force."

"A security force shortly blockaded the area of the kaboom and transferred the injured to a near hospital," the source added.

22 ISIL terrorists killed northeastern Salah il-Din

[IraqiNews.com] 22 ISIL bad boyz were potted in an the joint security forces of northeastern Kirkuk.

Security source stated to IraqiNews.com "The joint security forces and the volunteers targeted the ISIL snuffies in al-Khasfa area of northeastern Salah il-Din to kill 22 of them."

Warren denies request from Iraq to US led coalition to support ISF in Tikrit

[IraqiNews.com] Pentagon front man Army Col. Steve Warren
...another member of the Army of Steve...
denied any request from the Iraqi government to the US led coalition to conduct Arclight airstrikes to support the operations of the Iraqi Forces to retake Tikrit.

Warren stated that "we haven't been asked by the Iraqi government to conduct Arclight airstrikes Tikrit", adding that " We don't conduct any strikes without the request and agreement of the government of Iraq or the Kurdistan Regional Government" referring that "the Iraqi Forces have encircled Tikrit but haven't advanced to control it yet".

Displaced citizens return home in Samarra

[IraqiNews.com] Informed source stated to IraqiNews.com that the displaced families returned to their residences in Samara.

The source added to IraqiNews.com "Many displaced families returned to their residcens in Samara of northern Salah il-Din province after securing their area by the Iraqi Security Forces and the Volunteers of the Public Mobilization."
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Southeast Asia
Abu Sayyaf sub-leader killed by nephew
A ranking Abu Sayyaf militant was killed by his nephew, also a member of the armed group, in Talipao, Sulu last Monday. Sub-leader Khalid Sali was shot by his nephew Yasser Sahiron. The Philippine military said Sahiron opened fire at Khalid's group, killing his uncle and wounding four others.

Sahiron was convinced by Abu Sayyaf sub-leaders Furuji Indama and Hatib Hajan Sawadjaan that his uncle was a military informant.

Following the incident, Sawadjaan's group headed towards Indanan, Sulu to evade law enforcement operations launched in the area by government troops.
Posted by: ryuge || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Car bombs kill at least 20 at Syrian Kurdish new year celebration
[Ynet] Two boom-mobiles killed at least 20 Syrians celebrating Nowruz, the Iranian new year, in the northeast city of Hassaka, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said on Friday.

Syrian state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
said the bombs went kaboom! in the al-Mufti district of the city. Nowruz is a very important festival in Kurdish culture in which people gather to play games, dance and eat.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Update from An Nahar:

Forty-five people, including five children, were killed in attacks on Syrian Kurds as they celebrated their new year, a monitor said Saturday, accusing the Islamic State group of responsibility.

"There are now 45 dead from last night's attacks in Hasakeh, as most of those who were in critical condition passed away," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, updating its toll after reporting that 33 were killed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 20:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Nowruz is a very important festival in Kurdish culture in which people gather to play games, dance and eat.

See, that's the problem. You can't have people getting together to play games and dance.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 03/21/2015 23:59 Comments || Top||

Report: More than 70 Syrian soldiers killed in ISIS attacks
[Ynet] More than 70 regime forces have been killed in attacks by the jihadist Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group in central Syria over the past 24 hours, a monitor said Friday.

The attacks in the provinces of Homs and Hama targeted checkpoints and positions manned by government loyalists, the Britannia-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 03/21/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2015-03-21
  Westgate mastermind confirmed dead in Somalia airstrike
Fri 2015-03-20
  46 killed, 100 injured in suicide attacks on 2 Yemen mosques
Thu 2015-03-19
  117 BIFF millitants, six soldiers killed so far
Wed 2015-03-18
  19 Killed in Attack at Tunisia Museum; 2 Gunmen Dead After Firefight
Tue 2015-03-17
  Baghdad seeks airstrikes to rid Tikrit of IS; Saddam tomb leveled
Mon 2015-03-16
  Iraqi forces poised for final Tikrit assault
Sun 2015-03-15
  Suicide bombers kill 14 people outside Pakistani churches
Sat 2015-03-14
  Iraqi offensive on Tikrit appears to stall
Fri 2015-03-13
  Clashes between Assad and Nusra forces kill 50
Thu 2015-03-12
  Iraqi army targets ISIS in Tikrit, regains major areas
Wed 2015-03-11
  Chad and Niger launch offensive against Boko Haram
Tue 2015-03-10
  Retreating ISIS blows up bridge in south Kirkuk
Mon 2015-03-09
  Yemen defense minister flees Sanaa to join president in Aden
Sun 2015-03-08
  Boko Haram leader pledges allegiance to IS
Sat 2015-03-07
  Advancing Iraq troops enter al-Dour

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