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Nawaz removes moratorium on death penalty
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6 22:24 JosephMendiola [21] 
4 22:34 JosephMendiola [40] 
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1 12:59 DepotGuy [16] 
13 13:22 newc [22] 
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2 18:09 Pappy [15] 
1 21:21 Mystic [25] 
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1 15:49 swksvolFF [14] 
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17 20:56 Frank G [23] 
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2 09:24 trailing wife [12] 
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5 14:49 The MOSSAD [15] 
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1 02:05 Besoeker [16] 
3 16:30 Shipman [20] 
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2 20:27 paul [16]
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2 22:13 JosephMendiola [23]
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9 23:38 newc [24]
2 01:18 Besoeker [11]
0 [20]
3 20:57 Frank G [27]
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2 04:46 Incredulous [18]
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1 22:17 JosephMendiola [24]
3 22:19 JosephMendiola [27]
2 10:46 3dc [12]
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5 16:53 swksvolFF [14]
2 08:14 AlanC [14]
6 15:03 Shipman [17]
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22 23:45 JonC [25]
1 15:01 Shipman [15]
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2 10:52 3dc [11]
4 20:59 Frank G [29]
1 01:47 Besoeker [18]
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16 22:25 Crairt Uneck6986 [24]
8 15:18 Bangkok Billy [16]
3 12:33 Ebbang Uluque6305 [10]
Page 4: Opinion
4 20:36 DLR [27]
1 16:12 AlanC [14]
3 20:10 Barbara [15]
2 18:38 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [17]
0 [6]
1 10:59 3dc [9]
3 12:16 g(r)omgoru [17]
2 20:08 Barbara [18]
1 02:28 Besoeker [19]
9 14:44 rjschwarz [12]
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2 18:29 Barbara [19]
1 13:19 DarthVader [13]
5 21:08 Omilet Thruck9417 [22]
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Happy Hanukkah!
to our Rantburg friends and visitors of Jewish Faith, we wish you a very blessed season

Frank G

Posted by: Frank G || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  thanks TW!
Posted by: Frank G || 12/17/2014 6:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Thank you for remembering, Frank G. Once again we see that Rantburg is a group effort.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 9:24 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Islamists Mount Air Raid near Key Libyan Oil Terminals
[AnNahar] Islamist militias launched an air strike near key oil terminals in eastern Libya on Tuesday, stepping up a battle for the government-held facilities, a security official said.

It was the first time that Fajr Libya, a coalition of Islamist militias, has carried out an air raid on the oil region of al-Hilal, which is home to the al-Sidra, Ras Lanuf and Brega terminals.

Ali al-Hassi, security front man for the region, told Agence La Belle France-Presse that a warplane fired missiles at a sector to the west of al-Sidra, without causing casualties or damage.

Anti-aircraft fire repelled the plane, which the official said could have been planning to target army fighters and helicopters parked on a nearby landing strip operated by Ras Lanuf oil company.

The air force sent reinforcements on Monday to defend the country's vital al-Hilal facilities.

Jets and helicopters over the weekend repelled advancing Islamist fighters, who also clashed on the ground with pro-government forces. No casualty figures were available from the fighting.

In Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
, a boom-mobile on Tuesday went kaboom! near the capital's security headquarters, without causing casualties, a security source said, declining to be identified.

Cars and buildings were damaged in the blast.

More than three years after strongman Muammar Qadaffy
...a reminder that a single man with an idea can change an entire nation, usually for the worse...
was toppled and killed in a NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A single organization with differing goals, equipment, language, doctrine, and organization....
-backed revolt, Libya is still awash with weapons and powerful militias, and has rival parliaments as well as governments.

Islamists have seized Tripoli and Benghazi in the east, and forces loyal to internationally recognized Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani are fighting to regain control of the cities.

The United Nations
...an organization which on balance has done more bad than good, with the good not done well and the bad done thoroughly...
Support Mission in Libya on Tuesday condemned the military escalation in al-Hilal and called for an immediate ceasefire "to give the Libyan political dialogue a chance".

"The Libyan oil belongs to the Libyan people and should not be manipulated by any group," it said.

"The latest military escalation is evidence that dialogue to reach a consensus is all too necessary and should be pursued with stronger determination."

A first meeting of members of the rival parliaments in Libya took place at the end of September but without producing results.

On the economic front, National Oil Company front man Mohammed al-Harari said oil production has slumped with the al-Sidra and Ras Lanuf ports closed because of the fighting.

According to industry experts, output is running at around 250,000 barrels per day compared to 800,000 bpd before the latest violence.

On another battlefront, government forces and Fajr Libya Death Eaters resumed fighting Tuesday in the west of the country near Ras Jedir border post with Tunisia, security sources said.

Seventeen Death Eaters were killed in an air strike by pro-government forces in the area on Sunday.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

312 Egypt Islamists to Face Military Courts
[AnNahar] Egypt has referred 312 Islamist backers of ousted President Mohammed Morsi to military trial accused of torching a court complex in the city of Ismailiya, a judicial source said Tuesday.

Since ex-army chief and now President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi deposed Morsi in July 2013, his followers have been the target of a relentless crackdown by the authorities, who are also accused of exploiting the judiciary in their fight against them.

In October, Sisi issued a decree allowing military trials for civilians suspected of attacking state infrastructure, after a wave of deadly strikes on soldiers.

The 312 Islamists are the latest to face a military trial since the presidential decree widening the jurisdiction of army tribunals was issued.

They are charged with "rioting, illegal assembly, torching police cars, assaulting public property, police and army personnel" when they allegedly set the court complex in the Suez canal city of Ismailiya on fire in the summer of 2013.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

15 Children among 25 Dead in Yemen Anti-Huthi Bombing
[AnNahar] Fifteen children on a school bus were among at least 25 people killed in a suicide car kaboom in central Yemen targeting a Shiite militia leader on Tuesday, security sources said.

The children were killed when their school bus was caught up in the attack targeting the home of a leader of the Shiite militia, known as Huthis, in the town of Rada, a security source told Agence La Belle France-Presse, blaming the attack on al-Qaeda Lion of Islams.

A medical source confirmed that at least 25 people had died in the attack.

The defense ministry, on its website 26sep.net, condemned "this cowardly terrorist attack on the home of a citizen and a school bus," and also held al-Qaeda responsible.

Yemen has been rocked by instability since the Shiite fighters seized control of the capital Sanaa in September.

The Huthis have since been expanding their presence throughout the country but are facing fierce resistance from Sunni tribes and al-Qaeda's powerful Yemeni branch.

Tuesday's kaboom was the second to target Huthis in Rada in little more than a month.

On November 12, a jacket wallah killed dozens of people gathered at the residence of a tribal chief in Rada.

The mixed Sunni-Shiite town has seen heavy fighting since the Huthis took over parts of it in October, while al-Qaeda has set its sights on taking over Rada.

State authority has weakened in the face of the rivalries on the ground.

Armed Huthis on Tuesday surrounded the defense ministry in Sanaa after having been denied access, a military source said.

Another group of Shiite turbans broke into the offices of Ath-Thawra newspaper demanding the dismissal of the chairman of the board, Faisal Makram, a source at the official daily told Agence La Belle France-Presse.

The militiaman said they were following orders from their leader, Abdelmalik al-Huthi, "to end corruption in all state institutions."
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  with the dead children in Pakistan and Yeman, we infidels will think it was a bad day for the children of the Islamic world

but that's our opinion,

if you believe that the children were disobeying God by studying secular subjects (Pakistan) or practicing heretical shiite ritual (Yeman), the killing prevents them from further sin
Posted by: lord garth || 12/17/2014 11:53 Comments || Top||

#2  How can one sin if Allan is in control of everything?
Posted by: Anice Nim || 12/17/2014 13:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Is there a Presbyterian in the House?
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 16:30 Comments || Top||

Twin Car Bombs in Yeman: more than 30 fatalities
At least four people including two children have been killed after two car bombs exploded in Radaa city of central Yemen, local and medical sources said.

Houthi-linked TV channel Almasirah, however, put the death toll at 30.

One car bomb reportedly exploded near a checkpoint manned by Shia Houthi rebels while a school bus was passing. The second car exploded near the house of an official in the area said to be supporting Houthi rebels.

The Houthi rebel group has blamed the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) group for the attack.
Posted by: lord garth || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Seven Held in Spain, Morocco in Probe on Women Jihadists
[AnNahar] Seven people were locked away
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
in Spain and Morocco on Tuesday for allegedly recruiting young women via the Internet to join the jihadist Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group fighting in Iraq and Syria.

Spain's interior ministry said four women, one of them a minor, and three men were arrested in Barcelona, Spain's North African enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta, and in the nearby Moroccan town of Fnideq, or Castillejos in Spanish.

"All of the arrested are accused of forming part of a network that recruited and sent women to the Syria-Iraq front to the terrorist organization Daesh," a statement said, using one of the terms used to designate the Death Eater IS group.

The operation was carried out in cooperation with Moroccan security forces.

The group used social media sites such as Facebook to recruit the women, offering a "completely false and idealized vision" of their future lives in "what they call the Caliphate of the Islamic State," the statement added.

The group had so far managed to recruit 12 women, mainly from Ceuta and Melilla, targeting young women with poor job prospects who used social networking sites without much supervision.

The two men detained in Fnideq, just across the border from Ceuta, were the leaders of the network, Morocco's interior ministry said in a separate statement.

They were in contact with "Moroccan combatants in the heart of Islamic State who were planning attacks" in Morocco, it added.

Moroccan authorities believe more than 2,000 nationals, including some with dual nationality, are now fighting in Syria and Iraq with the IS group.

In September, the government approved a draft law to tighten anti-terrorist legislation, aimed particularly at stopping people from joining jihadist groups.

About 100 Spaniards have joined "militias" in Syria and Iraq, Spain's ambassador to Iraq, Jose Maria Ferre de la Pena, said last month.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Home Front: WoT
Texas plumber's logo on terrorist truck is now causing him grief
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 12/17/2014 17:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I got rid of my old 1983 F250 diesel in March. I was the original owner and just had 156,000 miles on it. I wouldn't be surprised to also see it on the evening news. It just needed the loving attention of a decent mechanic to turn it into a weapon of terror.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 12/17/2014 20:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Coming up next week: IS selling advertising space on their techicals.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 12/17/2014 20:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Several years ago, I was coaching an AYSO girls soccer team and one of the parents had their brand new Suburban stolen.

Six weeks later it showed up on the news as being the vehicle the chief of police of Tijuana was driving when he was shot down...showed up on the LA news with license plates, bullet holes and custom chrome running boards...
Posted by: Mystic || 12/17/2014 21:15 Comments || Top||

#4  How dumb do you have to be to allow a piece of personal property leave your ownership without obliterating this kind of information before letting it go?
Posted by: Crairt Uneck6986 || 12/17/2014 21:49 Comments || Top||

#5  How dumb do you have to be to allow a piece of personal property leave your ownership without obliterating this kind of information before letting it go?

I don't really know, shall we ask F&F wizards, the BATF, FBI, and Homeland Defense? No, on second thought...forget it.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/17/2014 22:12 Comments || Top||

#6  So IIUC, one or more of the Mexi Cartels gave or sold the vehicle to the Hard Boyz or their intermediaries which is how it ended up in combat in the ME???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/17/2014 22:24 Comments || Top||

photos from the school massacre
Posted by: Ulinemble Chaling6409 || 12/17/2014 12:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [40 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I don't like looking at such things, but you really don't, then:

The pictures are relatively mild considering, guessing there was a bit of a delay between building secured and photos allowed, though I don't think the auditorium was where the big evil was occuring.

I did notice those gayballs like to share guns, and are quite proud of their boogerhooks. I appreciate the dumbasses who had to hold the banner up. Nice ballduster Mauly, I can only guess why your mustache is shaved.

You see kids with modern haircuts, women without headbondage (in the background of two friends one sipping juice). Collars, ties, jackets, well groomed. School marm (one who was burned) has that look like you do it the first time she asks, preferably before she does. I can see why the cavemen found them as targets. I don't have the words.

Excuse me, I have some range time to schedule.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 12/17/2014 14:57 Comments || Top||

#2  And I don't suppose the public outrage will even put a dent in the support for these animals...

Amazing, I doubt if one bit of change will occur and I doubt if Pakistain will do a thing to change it.
Posted by: Mystic || 12/17/2014 21:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Meanwhile, NOT to be outdone by the Kiddie,Teen Killers of Peshawar ... ...



Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/17/2014 22:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Am still hearing Crickets + massive silence where US, International Feministas/Feminazis + aligned should be.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/17/2014 22:34 Comments || Top||

Nawaz removes moratorium on death penalty
[DAWN] Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday approved the removal of moratorium on death penalty after the carnage in Peshawar killed 141 people.

Addressing an All Parties Conference (APC) in Peshawar, the premier announced that the moratorium on death penalty, which was imposed under international pressure, has been lifted.

“The prime minister has abolished the moratorium on death penalty in terrorism-related cases,” an official from Nawaz's office said.

Soon after resuming office, the newly-elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had said it wanted to reinstate the death penalty in a bid to crack down on criminals and militants.

In this respect, the government had decided to hang four convicts on death row in August last year. However, a temporary stay was ordered on these executions following objections from Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari and rights groups.
Posted by: Fred || 12/17/2014 12:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [41 views] Top|| File under:

Afghan Taliban condemn Peshawar school attack
[DAWN] The Afghan Taliban have condemned a raid on a school in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
that left 141 dead in the country's bloodiest ever terror attack, saying killing innocent children was against Islam.

Survivors said hard boyz bumped off children as young as 12 during the eight-hour onslaught in Peshawar, which the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) said was Dire Revenge for the ongoing North Wazoo operation.

"The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has always condemned the killing of children and innocent people at every juncture," the Afghan Taliban, which often target civilians, said in a statement released late Tuesday.

"The intentional killing of innocent people, women and kiddies goes against the principles of Islam and every Islamic government and movement must adhere to this fundamental essence."

"The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the official name of the Taliban) expresses its condolences over the incident and mourns with the families of killed children."

The Afghan Taliban are a jihadist group loosely affiliated to the Pakistain Taliban, with both pledging allegiance to Mullah Omar
... a minor Pashtun commander in the war against the Soviets who made good as leader of the Taliban. As ruler of Afghanistan, he took the title Leader of the Faithful. The imposition of Pashtunkhwa on the nation institutionalized ignorance and brutality in a country already notable for its own fair share of ignorance and brutality...

The Afghan Taliban often distance themselves from attacks that kill many civilians, but they also deliberately target non-combatants.

Last week they grabbed credit for a suicide kaboom at a theatre show in the French cultural centre in Kabul that killed one person and injured 15.

The United Nations
...where theory meets practice and practice loses...
says the majority of civilian casualties in Afghanistan are caused by the Taliban and other gangs.
Posted by: Fred || 12/17/2014 12:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Muqam Escapes Bomb Attack
[Dawn] PESHAWAR: Pakistain Moslem League-N senior vice-president, Amir Muqam, escaped unhurt, while three police constables got injuries when a bomb went off on the Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
city’s Ring Road on Tuesday evening, police said.

Officials said that police were escorting the central PML-N leader from the Governor House to his residence in Hayatabad when a remote controlled device went off near the police van. Three constables, including the police van’s driver suffered injuries and were shifted to hospital. However,
there's no worse danger than telling a mother her baby is ugly...
Mr Muqam remained unhurt in the kaboom, said the officials.

They said that Mr Muqam was returning to his residence after visiting the hospitalised victims of the terrorist attack on the Pakistain Army Public School, when the bomb targeted him at Pish Takhar area of the ring road on the outskirts of Peshawar.

The police said that the motive behind the attack could not be known as either the target was PML-N leader or the police.
Prob'ly just politics as usual. They play rough in Pakistan.
...back at the Senate, the partisans of Honorius went for their knives and the partisans of Stilicho went for the doors...
the officials said that another bomb went off on the same route, but it didn’t cause any damage.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Terrorists Had No Intention Of Taking Hostages: ISPR
[Dawn] PESHAWAR: The forces of Evil who attacked a school in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
, had ?no intention? of taking hostages, rather they wished to kill as many people as possible.

This was said by DG ISPR Asim Bajwa during a media briefing in Peshawar on Tuesday night.

Bajwa described an assault that seemed designed purely to terrorize the children rather than take anyone hostage to further the bully boy group's aims.

?Their sole purpose, it seems, was to kill those innocent kids. That's what they did,? he said.

He briefed the media with details about the attack carried out by forces of Evil on a Peshawar school and said that 141 people were killed in the atrocity.

The dead included 132 children and 9 staff members of the school.

The DG ISPR said that 1099 children were registered at the school and that 960 people were rescued from the location.

?They started shooting the moment they entered the school premises,? he said.

?No one could have imagined that forces of Evil would have targeted innocent children like this,? Bajwa said.

He said that all seven dead forces of Evil had suicide jackets on them.

?Forget about being Moslems, these forces of Evil are not even human,? he said.

The DG ISPR said that the operation against the bully boyz would continue and would not stop until every one of them were finished.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  Forget about being Muslims, these terrorists are not even human.

Sorry bub but we refuse to forget that these terrorists are Muslims. Before they went on their rampage they were given the green light by Islamic clerics citing passages from their Holy Handbook justifying their impending carnage. After the massacre they gave praise to their god and elevated their brothers to martyrdom. You see, in their minds, those slaughtered children were not innocents. As uncomfortable as it may be for many Muslims to admit there are numerous passages in the Koran to support those beliefs. Indeed those same words are used to justify their daily savagery. So it may be convenient for you to pretend the Taliban are somehow not Muslims. For the rest of the civilized world it’s impossible to forget.
Posted by: DepotGuy || 12/17/2014 12:59 Comments || Top||

Most Of Victims Shot In The Head
[Dawn] PESHAWAR: Most of the victim students of the Army Public School received bullets in the head and they were targeted from a point blank range by the attackers, according to the students and a minister.

The students said that the attackers scaled the boundary wall from the adjacent graveyard and started firing while moving towards the classrooms and auditorium. They said that a large number of students had gathered in the auditorium to get first aid training.

?Most of the students have received bullets in the head,? said provincial information minister Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani while talking to mediapersons at the Lady Reading Hospital (LRH). He said that most of the bodies were received in the Combined Military Hospital and around 30 at the Lady Reading Hospital. Of the injured students, 25 were at death's door, the minister said.

The parents, who usually wait outside the school to pick their children at the closing time, were seen crying . They were frantically searching for their children in the LRH and CMH as they wanted to know about safety or condition of their kids after the attack.

Besides the parents and relatives, the people visiting both the hospitals were also seen mourning on seeing the bodies and injured students in their blood-stained school uniform.

?I saw 17 bodies at the CMH and all of them had received bullets in the head,? said a journalist who was covering the event. He said that some of the bodies were mutilated.

Mohammad Zeeshan, a student of grade-7, told Dawn that he and many other students were getting first aid training in the school hall when they heard the gunfire. ?Our trainer told us to lie down on the floor,? he said, adding that in the meantime the gunnies entered the hall.

Mr Zeeshan said that the gunnies started shooting the students in their heads at a close range. ?They killed our class-fellows and then left us in the main hall. I received a bullet in my foot,? he said.

Another injured student said that gunnies were firing on the students in classrooms. ?They also killed one of our teachers,? he said.

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak told mediapersons at the LRH that the bandidos gunnies were wearing FC uniform. The attackers scaled the boundary wall from the adjacent graveyard, he said. He also announced three-day mourning in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
. The chief minister announced Rs500,000 for the killed students and Rs200, 000 for the injured.

...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
chief Sirajul Haq
...current head of the Pak Jamaat-e-Islami. Siraj was born in 1962 and entered politics shortly after that...
said on the occasion that it was the responsibility of the federal and provincial governments to provide security to the people. A government, which can?t provide security to its children has no right to rule, he said.
Now is not the time for politics, Mr Haq. Wait at least until the bodies have been buried.
Awami National Party
founded by Abdul Wali Khan in 1986. Part of the PPP-led cabinet 2008-13. The ANP is considered left wing, advocating for secularism, democratic socialism, public sector government, and economic egalitarianism....
?s provincial president Ameer Haider Hoti said that children of the nation were killed brutally. He called for united stand by the political parties against militancy.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  Even considering how senseless most of the fanatical Islamic violence is, this is the most puzzling.

Why on earth attack a school and kill all of the kids, in direct conflict with the Quran (the document the Taliban are so proud to be so pious in observing) regarding the killing of innocents.

Any pronouncements from the psychopaths as to the breathtakingly irrational motive for this?

Posted by: Mystic || 12/17/2014 0:28 Comments || Top||

#2  Remember Marlon Brando's story to Martin Sheen about inoculating Vietnamese children?

Same base premise but in the real world.
Posted by: Skidmark || 12/17/2014 4:20 Comments || Top||

#3  What
Posted by: badanov || 12/17/2014 6:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Mystic -- the unholy Koran defines "innocent" as "anyone 100% in agreement with all the bloodthirsty Muslims". Any deviation -- having the wrong parents, in this case -- is grounds for slaughter.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 12/17/2014 6:51 Comments || Top||

#5  The army attacked the hard boys so the hard boys attacked the "logistics" train for the army, kill the "recruits" early.

Easier to drown the kittens than hunt down the cats.
Posted by: AlanC || 12/17/2014 7:37 Comments || Top||

#6  Those taliban village wells make a mighty easy target for the "total war" escalation the taliban just requested.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 12/17/2014 7:51 Comments || Top||

#7  Mystic. There are some haddiths (sayings attributed to Muhammad) telling children must not be killed but Coran itself is silent about that subject.

Muhammmad's biography shows him sparing children but taking them as slaves and the scene where Muslims disrobe male children in order to check if they have grown pubic hair (those that have are killed) points to some unpleasant things happening after.

Anyway basic precept in Muslim sacred texts is that everything banned can be declmared lawful if it benefits Islam or Muhammad. There are dozens of examples of something desired by Muhammad or futhering the cause of Islam (violating truces, marrying six year old girls, murdering a pregnant woman or a brother) that were supposed to be forbidden and suddenly Allah sends dream (no witnesses) to Muhammad allowing it.

More than a thousand years later a German politician (guess which one) told: "Right is what benefits the German nation, wrong is what harms it". About the same general idea.
Posted by: JFM || 12/17/2014 8:25 Comments || Top||

#8  Remember: Hillary says we should empathize with the Taliban (as one of our enemies)
Posted by: Frank G || 12/17/2014 8:54 Comments || Top||

#9  If only the Israelis would stop oppressing paleos, this would stop happening yesterday.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 9:57 Comments || Top||

#10  ...a German politician (guess which one) told: "Right is what benefits the German nation, wrong is what harms it".

Helmut Kohl?
Posted by: Raj || 12/17/2014 10:43 Comments || Top||

#11  @Raj: Cold, cold. Try a few decades earlier.
Posted by: JFM || 12/17/2014 11:21 Comments || Top||

#12  Bismarck, I think.
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/17/2014 11:59 Comments || Top||

#13  Founded by a psychopath, this is NOT a religion. It is a nasty political movement.

All 3 billion of thee are Godless blasphemers.
Posted by: newc || 12/17/2014 13:22 Comments || Top||

Three TTP Militants Arrested
[Dawn] GUJRAT: The Gujrat police claim to have captured three more murderous Moslems belonging to the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP, Asmatullah Moaviya group) wanted in the murder of two religious figures.

The accused had slaughtered Dr Naqi Husain Shah of Lalamusa and Mubarak Ahmed of Toba Tek Singh after kidnapping them separately for ransom back in 2009 and 2010, respectively.

The two main leaders of the group, Afzal Fauji of Kunjah and Hafiz Wajid of Kotla Arab Ali Khan, had already been placed in durance vile
Please don't kill me!
by the law-enforcement agencies. Both are on physical remand from the Gujranwala Anti-Terrorism Court.

These murderous Moslems are yet to appear before the Faisalabad
...formerly known as Lyallpur, the third largest metropolis in Pakistain, the second largest in Punjab after Lahore. It is named after some Arab because the Paks didn't have anybody notable of their own to name it after...
Anti-Terrorism Court in connection with the murder and kidnapping of Mubarak Ahmed as they had been in Gujrat police custody in connection with the killing of Dr Naqi Husain, a homeopath.

Gujrat District Police Officer Rai Ijaz Ahmed confirmed the arrests but did not share the identity of the third one who was captured from Toba Tek Singh.

He told Dawn the other two arrested murderous Moslems were Nazim alias Kalu of Tibbi Ganda village of Kunjah and Ghulam Mustafa of Mandi Bahauddin. They would be presented before the Gujranwala ATC for physical remand.

He said one of the suspects had been an official of the Gujrat jail police who was dismissed later.

Sources in law-enforcement agencies, however, identified the third holy warrior as Ahmed who had formerly been the head of the religious organization ?Ahmedul Furqan? but later on he abandoned the organization and joined holy warrior group?s activities.

A bigwig told Dawn Afzal Fauji was the criminal mastermind of terror and sectarian activities occurred in and around Gujrat district in the last few years whereas Hafiz Wajid had once been the head of the TTP (Moaviya group) in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

ISIS Militants Execute 13 People From Al-Jabour Tribe
[IraqiNews.com] According to eyewitnesses and photos shared on ISIS-allied websites, ISIS Death Eaters executed 13 people from al-Jabour tribe by firing squad after accused them of fighting with Fursan al-Alam militia in Salahuddin.

Several ISIS forums have released a number of photos showing at least 13 people on their knees wearing an orange uniform, with their hands tied behind their back, similarly as found in previous execution videos released by the group.

Noteworthy, the ISIS group kidnapped 30 youths from al-Jabour tribe after raided their houses and drove them to an unknown location, according to one of the tribal leaders, known as Taha al-Banian.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Suicide Bomber Surrenders For ISF
[IraqiNews.com] A jacket wallah wearing an explosive vest surrendered himself to the Iraqi Security Forces in the Iraqi Capital, Baghdad on Tuesday.

Security source reported to IraqiNews.com ?A suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest surrendered himself to the ISF and provided information about a shelter for other gunnies in Yarmouk area of western Baghdad.?

?Based on the tips provided by the suicide bomber, ISF managed to arrest two gunnies hiding in a shelter in Yarmouk area and discovered two explosive vests and other ammunition,? the source added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

ISIS Besieges 5,000 From Albu Nimir
[IraqiNews.com] Intervention Needed Before New Massacre Happens, Says Tribal Chief

On Tuesday, the leader of Albu Nimir tribe, sheikh Na?eem al-Ka?oud called the government to intervene in order to save the lives of 5,000 people besieged by the ISIS group snuffies in northeast of al-Ramadi.

?ISIS snuffies are still besieging around 5000 people, including women and kiddies from Albu Nimir tribe in al-Thurthar area in northeast of Ramadi?ISIS has been besieging those people since more than two months,? Ka?oud said.

?Their lives are in danger?The government should intervene to save them before a new massacre happens,? he added.

Noteworthy, Sheikh Ka?oud stated last month, that the ISIS group snuffies executed around 70 people and besieged hundreds of others, including women and kiddies from Albu Nimir tribe in northern Ramadi.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Dozens Of Families Escape From Mosul To Raqqa To Avoid Air Bombing
[IraqiNews.com] On Tuesday, a security source in Nineveh province said, that dozens of families in djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
have begun escaping from the city, fearing from being bombed by the international coalition warplanes.

The source informed IraqiNews, ?Dozens of residents of the city of Mosul began to leave and go to al-Raqqa, an ISIS-seized city in northeast of Syria,? noting that, ?Mosul families began to escape fearing from being bombed by the international coalition warplanes, especially after the ISIS group Death Eaters started digging a ditch around the city.?

Noteworthy, officials in the Kurdistan Democratic Party revealed earlier this week, that ISIS Death Eaters started digging a ditch around Mosul and Baashiqa for the purpose of resisting offensive operations by the government forces.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Good! Get all the rats in one place, then ARCLIGHT it. My money is that these families are those of former Hussein henchmen that have joined ISIS. There should be no mercy shown them.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 12/17/2014 13:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Drink up...
Posted by: Pappy || 12/17/2014 18:09 Comments || Top||

Key ISIL Leader Killed Northwestern Ramadi
[IraqiNews.com] A security force killed a key ISIL forces of Evil who was called ?Emir of Sabaa Kilo area? of northwestern Ramadi.

Security source stated to IraqiNews.com ?A security force of the Federal Police killed Musa Hameed al-Jilaibawi, who was called the Emir of Sabaa Kilo area of northwestern Ramadi.?
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Is being an Emir for ISIS kind of like being the number two guy in Al Qaeda?

Lots of Emirs and #2s get killed.

I'm waiting for some one to laser guide a big one on Baghdadi's hookah.
Posted by: Mystic || 12/17/2014 21:21 Comments || Top||

ISIL Key Leader Arrested Northeastern Tikrit
[IraqiNews.com] A key ISIL leader was incarcerated
I ain't sayin' nuttin' widdout me mout'piece!
by the security forces of northeastern Tikrit.

Security source stated to IraqiNews.com ?The security forces arrested what is so called the Ruler of Hajaj within the ISIL terrorist organization of northeastern Tikrit.?
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Iraq Jihadists Release Pictures of Mass Execution
[AnNahar] The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) group on Monday released pictures of the execution of 13 men described as anti-jihadist Sunni tribal fighters near Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit.

Three pictures published on a jihadist forum and pro-IS social media accounts show the execution of the men wearing orange jumpsuits.

Local residents confirmed to Agence La Belle France Presse that a mass execution had taken place on a large roundabout six kilometers (four miles) east of the city of Tikrit at around 3:30 pm (1230 GMT).

The first picture shows 11 men kneeling, heads bowed, with one black-clad and masked gunman behind each one and black IS flags in the background.

The next picture shows the gunnies brandishing their handguns after the execution and in the third a small gathering of onlookers, including children, can be seen near 13 bodies, which have been dragged off the roundabout's central island and onto the road.

Residents said the roundabout is at an intersection for roads leading to Tikrit, Kirkuk and the town of Al-Alam.

They said the men who were executed were members of an anti-IS group of Sunni tribal fighters known as the Knights of Al-Alam who were captured by jihadists in Tikrit and Al-Alam around 10 days earlier.

The city of Tikrit has been under IS control since the beginning of the jihadists' major offensive in Iraq six months ago.

Iraqi government forces, backed by Shiite militia and in some areas by Sunni tribal fighters have inflicted a string of defeats on the jihadists in recent weeks.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Seems to be a lot of activity around Tikrit.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 12/17/2014 15:49 Comments || Top||

Police Arrest Head Of Anti-Assimilation Group Lehava
[IsraelTimes] Police nabbed
Drop the rod and step away witcher hands up!
the head of extreme Jewish anti-assimilation group Lehava early Tuesday morning, amid suspicions that he and others in the organization incited to violence and acts of terror.

The arrest of Benzi Gopstein and nine others in the group came several weeks after Lehava members allegedly torched a bilingual Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem and left racist graffiti at the site, in an attack that shocked many Israelis.

Police said in a statement that the arrests came after a complex and extensive undercover investigation into the activities of Lehava, which works to prevent intermarriage and coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel.

The group is known for holding protests and marches that sometimes turn violent, including outside mixed Jewish Arab weddings.

In August, four people were arrested when the group held a large protest outside the Rishon Lezion wedding of an Arab man and a Jewish woman.

The arrest raids were carried out by police in Gopstein?s hometown of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank, as well as by units in Jerusalem, Netivot, and Petah Tikva.

In addition to the arrests, cops also carried out extensive searches of the suspects? homes.

The activists were to be brought before the Jerusalem Magistrate?s Court later Tuesday to be remanded in jug on suspicion of incitement to commit violent acts and terror for racial motivation.

Gopstein?s lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir declared that the arrest was political.

?Politicians from the left applied pressure and the police acted against the Lehava organization, even though it is clear to them that this is a legal organization that operates openly against assimilation,? he said. ?It is a disgrace.?

On Monday, three Lehava members were formally charged in the arson and vandalism attack last month on Jerusalem?s Max Rayne Hand in Hand School school, after having confessed to committing the crime during questioning.

Security officials said that the suspects, Yitzhak Gabai, 22, and brothers Shlomo and Nahman Twitto, aged 20 and 18 respectively, admitted to torching the Jewish-Arab school because of anti-assimilation ideology.

On November 29, two first-grade classrooms and a playground were set on fire during a nighttime attack on the school. The suspects spray-painted messages that read ?There is no coexistence with cancer?; ?Death to the Arabs?; and ?Kahane was right,? a reference to the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, a mentor of the Jewish ultranationalist movement.

The attack drew condemnation from politicians across the spectrum, and hundreds rallied in support of the school in the days following the attack.

According to a report from Channel 2, one of the suspects claimed on Monday that the Shin Bet security services had offered to cut him a deal of a cash payment and a reduced sentence if he testified that the Lehava group was also involved in the arson attack.

The suspect reportedly turned down the offer.

The Shin Bet denied the claim.

Although the three suspects were charged with arson, breaking and entering a building that was not their place of residence, and vandalism, they were not charged with crimes of a nationalistic or racist nature.

In Israel, nationalistic crimes can include terrorism charges.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinian Killed In Early Morning Clash With Troops
[IsraelTimes] Israeli forces killed one Paleostinian man and maimed another in a firefight in the West Bank early Tuesday morning, officials said.

The army said special forces shot the man after coming under fire during an arrest raid in the Qalandiya refugee camp north of Jerusalem during an operation.

The killed Paleostinian man was identified as Mahmoud Adwan, 20, the Paleostinian Ma?an news agency reported. He was hit in the head with a bullet, according to the report.

Troops shot up the man after he hurled an improvised bomb at them, the IDF said in a statement.

Several bombs were thrown at troops during the clash, according to the IDF.

The army said it ?confirmed a hit? and another man was maimed and detained for questioning. The nature of his injuries were not clear.

There were no injuries on the Israeli side, according to media reports.

The army said it had opened an investigation into the incident.

Seven Paleostinians, including a Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, member, were jugged
I ain't sayin' nuttin' widdout me mout'piece!
during raids across the West Bank overnight, the IDF said.

Qalandiya has been the site of a number of violent festivities between troops and Paleostinians. In August 2013, three Paleostinians were killed and over a dozen more injured when Israeli troops opened fire after coming under attack. The killings prompted harsh condemnations from Ramallah and threatened to derail peace talks.

On July 25, 2014, two Paleostinians were killed after Israeli troops opened fire during a large riot near the Qalandiya checkpoint, which links Jerusalem to Ramallah. The army later said its troops had been fired upon.

Tuesday morning?s clash is the first serious exchange of fire in several months between Israeli troops and Paleostinians during overnight raids in the West Bank, though the same period saw an uptick in attacks on Israeli civilians.

The shooting came two days after Ramallah said it would maintain security ties with Israeli forces, despite having threatened to end cooperation in the wake of the death of a senior Paleostinian Authority official after a confrontation with troops last week.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Arafat Gave Us Arms For Second Intifada Attacks, Hamas Official Says
[IsraelTimes] Paleostinian leader Yasser Arafat allowed Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, to carry out terror attacks against Israel following the failure of the Camp David peace talks in July 2000, and transferred weapons to the Islamic terror group through a previously unknown organization in Gazoo, a senior Hamas official said.

Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and its former foreign minister, explained the historic background of reconciliation talks with Fatah in an interview with his movement?s Al-Aqsa TV channel on Sunday.

Following six years of political persecution by the Paleostinian Authority beginning in 1994, he said, Yasser Arafat came to the conclusion that peace talks with Israel were futile, as negotiations brokered by US president Bill Clinton
...former Democratic president of the U.S. Bill was the second U.S. president to be impeached, the first to deny that oral sex was sex, the first to have difficulty with the definition of is...
collapsed. Israel and Clinton later blamed Arafat for the failure of the talks, which were followed by the eruption of the Second Intifada and an onslaught of suicide kabooms on Israel.

?[Arafat] sent someone from the Preventive Security Agency to Sheikh Salah Shehadah who told him: ?I have no problem with Hamas carrying out operations,'? al-Zahar said. Shehadah was a Hamas terrorist leader killed by Israel in 2002

Later, a previously unknown gang emerged in Gazoo, calling itself the Omar Al-Mukhtar Forces. Hamas?s leadership was divided on how to treat the new group, he went on. Some believed that Omar Al-Mukhtar was linked with Israel, while others supported seizing the moment and carrying out joint attacks with the group or using its weapons for Hamas attacks.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Palestinian Teen Arrested For Trying To 'Stab Zionist To Death'
[Ynet] 15-year-old Paleostinian detained by Israeli forces after civilian calls emergency hotline regarding suspicious youth armed with knife.

A 15-year-old Paleostinian was placed in durance vile
Drop the rosco, Muggsy, or you're one with the ages!
Tuesday evening for allegedly attempting to stab Israelis at an intersection in the West Bank. The suspect was detained pending investigation by the IDF and police.

The local police said that a civilian called emergency operators and reported that he stopped his vehicle at a popular hitchhiking spot in Gush Etzion on the way to Hebron. Police added that the driver was suspicious of the Paleostinian teen and decided to call the station.

Police officer arrived from Hebron and searched the suspect, discovering a large knife. Police sources say that in the initial interrogation the teen said he intended to "stab a Zionist to death."

The police also noted that the Paleostinian teen was not cooperating at this stage.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Nearly 200 Dead as Syria Bases Lost to Qaida
[AnNahar] Nearly 200 combatants on both sides were killed in 24 hours when the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda took two regime bases in Idlib province, a monitoring group said on Tuesday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is based in Britannia but gleans its information from a wide network of activists and medics on the ground, said Al-Nusra
...the current nom de guerre of al-Qaeda in the Levant, which isn't to be confused with al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant...
Front attackers also captured more than 100 regime soldiers.

"There were at least 100 dead on the regime side and 80 among the attackers, killed in festivities, bombardments and by mines," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.

He said at least 120 soldiers were taken prisoner and about another 100 fled south in vehicles and on foot towards the town of Morek in the neighboring province of Hama.

Seizing the key Wadi al-Deif and Hamidiyeh military posts on Monday also gave the jihadists control of most of the northwestern province, in a major blow to Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Oppressor of the Syrians and the Lebs...
's regime.

The jihadists advanced on the bases in coordination with Islamist rebel groups Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
and Jund al-Aqsa, the Observatory said, adding that a string of villages in the area also fell.

It was also another defeat for Western-backed rebels who were driven out of most of Idlib last month by Al-Nusra Front fighters.

Mainstream rebel forces had been battling to take Wadi al-Deif and Hamidiyeh for around two years, but despite repeated attempts had failed to do so.

Idlib was among the first provinces to fall, soon after the March 2011 outbreak of the armed revolt against Assad's rule.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  It's so hard to pick a side to cheer for. May they both lose.
Posted by: Glenmore || 12/17/2014 8:51 Comments || Top||

#2  It's working!
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 10:01 Comments || Top||

#3  YPJ, Kurdish Women's Defense Units are organizing in 5 major refugee tent cities in Turkey. Their initial goal is the get the kids into makeshift class rooms and to insure the populations of the tent cities have basic necessities.

Clashes between ISIS and Kurdish forces in Kobane have subsided as ISIS has been defeated and is on the retreat in that area of the Middle East.

The people who took a stand against a somewhat mechanized (due to the Obama Regimes failed Iraqi withdrawal) radical Islamic armed force, ISIS.

Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 11:49 Comments || Top||

#4  While the above events are occurring in Kurdistan, Syria and Kurdistan, Turkey, in Iraq Kurdish forces have launched a three pronged attack against ISIS forces in Shingal.

At the same time, during the past few hours Kurds have overwhelmed ISIS forces in 7 villages of the Zumar area.
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 12:16 Comments || Top||

#5  How the Kurds adore Americans (Fox News).


Everywhere you go a hint of red, white and blue can be bought and sold. One store tucked away in a local bazaar in this city, owned by a middle-aged man by the name of Zawzad, sells only pro-American merchandise and U.S. military-inspired clothing.

The American flag is seen everywhere, even on the backseats of taxicabs. Here, the American Bald Eagle decorates the front seats. (FoxNews.com)
“It's just beautiful," Zawzad says softly, as he reverently unfolds a giant flag, holding it up with great respect.

Taxis are routinely adorned with seat covers starring the iconic bald eagle pattern, an array of household, electronic and fashion items from screwdrivers and pots and pans to guitars, phone covers, hats, shirts, shoes and bags are widely available in stars and stripes patterns.

Local police and military forces proudly sport American brand 5.11 Tactical gear and clothing – which can be found in both real and counterfeit varieties in scores of stores. An American flag patch is often sewn on.

It's not uncommon to have your drink served with a U.S. flag etched on the side of the glass, or to see American presidential memorabilia behind the workplace desk of a local Kurd. A significant number of official rooms display some sort of official certificate showing a connection between the Kurdish territory and the United States.

(I have seen a shoulder patch of the American flag, dark green field of stars and strips with light green for the white strips worn by some of the 150 Iraqi Peshmerga who initially went to defend Kobane.)
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 13:02 Comments || Top||

#6  In Syria, ISIS was seen firing a mounted Dushka from the bed of a Ford F250 pickup struck that still had the sign and phone number of a Houston, Texas plumbing company.

The owner of the plumbing company said they sold the pickup to Auto Nation. Auto Nation would not disclose who they sold it to. The Plumbing company said they will be removing signs from their vehicles from now on before selling their trucks.
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 13:06 Comments || Top||

#7  Plumbing Company should capitalize on it:

We clean out all sorts of rat-infested sewers!

You wouldn't believe the places we chase and clean out 'Brown Trout'...

The list can be endless....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 12/17/2014 14:01 Comments || Top||

#8  Great idea Crazy but the plumber's F250 is in the hands of ISIS against its will. Hopefully it can be liberated so its horsepower can be used to flush its captors down the toilet.

Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 14:22 Comments || Top||

#9  F-250s? Are you sure of the model?
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 14:57 Comments || Top||

#10  Drink up twice.

I read a report that the ISJV used TOW missiles, unconfirmed.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 12/17/2014 15:02 Comments || Top||

#11  Ah... I misread. I thought it was being used against ISIS. In that case the company might want to change it's name...
Posted by: CrazyFool || 12/17/2014 16:01 Comments || Top||

#12  Yep Ship. Here is a link with pictures and video.

Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 16:30 Comments || Top||

#13  swksvolFF

Obama is being very irresponsible and loose in his management of our arsenal. Starting with F&F.
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 16:37 Comments || Top||

#14  Kurds launch campaign against ISIS in Sinjar. Another video is just too gruesome, showing many dead ISIS in detail.

Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 18:33 Comments || Top||

#15  If you will, I close my updates for today on the Kurdish struggle against ISIS and with Kurdish Super Star Dashni Morad who visited Kurdish troops in Erbil to encourage them agaisnt their fight against ISIS and who stands for women's rights for ALL women in the Middle East.

Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 || 12/17/2014 19:04 Comments || Top||

#16  Thanks EH it'll be a dry evening. I canna drink to an F-250, it would be unseemly.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 19:08 Comments || Top||

#17  F-150. There you go
Posted by: Frank G || 12/17/2014 20:56 Comments || Top||

Hezbollah Claims To Expose Mossad Mega-Spy In Its Ranks
[IsraelTimes] Lebanese terror group Hezbollah recently exposed a senior spy working for the Israeli Mossad intelligence agency within its foreign operations branch, a Lebanese news agency reported Tuesday.

Unnamed sources told the El-Nashra news outlet Tuesday that the ?collaborator,? exposed a few weeks ago, was an official in unit 910, responsible for ?external operations against specific Israeli targets.?

A resident of southern Leb whose initials are M. Sh., the man worked as a traveling businessman and was recruited by the Mossad in a ?western Asian country,? El-Nashra reported.

Leb?s security agencies periodically report the exposure of Israeli-recruited agents in the country, as well as of listening devices often planted in the south.

According to the report, the collaborator had been working for Israel for years and succeeded in thwarting a number of Hezbollah operations planned to avenge the liquidation of movement official Imad Mughniyeh in February 2008, ostensibly by Israel.

He also reportedly exposed other Hezbollah agents, including Mohammed Amadar, tossed in the slammer
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
in Peru in late October with TNT and detonators following a Mossad tip-off; Hossam Yaacoub, convicted in Cyprus for planning attacks against Israeli tourists in March 2013; and Daoud Farhat and Youssef Ayad, arrested in April 2014 in Bangkok for planning terror attacks against Israeli tourists in Thailand.

El-Nashra reported that the collaborator is also suspected of taking part in Mughniyeh?s liquidation in Damascus, using an bomb placed in his car seat, as well as the liquidation of Hezbollah official Hassan al-Laqis in December 2013.

?The most important thing is that Hezbollah has dealt a new blow to Israel. It believes it has detected a germ in its body and treated it properly,? the outlet reported.

Mughniyeh?s liquidation was considered a major blow to the terror group. Israel has never grabbed credit, but Hezbollah has blamed Jerusalem for the attack and vowed to take Dire Revenge.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  The Lebanese have caught onto the Standing Headline thing? Who knew?
Posted by: Raj || 12/17/2014 0:16 Comments || Top||

#2  How hard is it to spin this kind of thing to make them all start doubting/fearing each other?
Posted by: AlanC || 12/17/2014 7:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Uh oh, looks like cousin Martin in deep doo.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/17/2014 10:02 Comments || Top||

#4  whose initials are M. Sh.

Thank G*d, they've missed H. N..
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 12/17/2014 11:25 Comments || Top||

#5  Yep, that's him all right...
Posted by: The MOSSAD || 12/17/2014 14:49 Comments || Top||

Report: Aerial Footage Confirms Arms Caches in Arsal
[AnNahar] The front of the northeastern border town of Arsal and the various Syrian refugee encampments pose a danger to Leb, said a security source to As Safir newspaper on Tuesday.

It said that the encampments are a threat given the recent firing against a military helicopter, revealing that aerial footage confirm the existence of arms caches there.

Furthermore, it noted the spread of terrorist cells throughout Leb ?which explain the army and security agencies' arrest of various terror suspects? over the past months.

Leb meanwhile inked on Monday the first phase of the Saudi-French grant to the Lebanese army, which is aimed at improving the military's capabilities to combat terrorists.

The development will allow the army and security agencies ?to be more prepared and capable in confronting any terrorist adventure,? the security source told the daily.

?The army is not too far away from completely taking control of its confrontation with terrorists,? it added.

The source revealed that Leb urged the speeding up of the armament of the military ?allowing it to take the initiative that will lead to the release of the servicemen kidnapped from Arsal.?

Commenting on the case, the source said: ?The captive servicemen are a valuable card for the Islamists.?

?I do not think that they will let go of it even if all Roumieh Prison detainees are released,? it said.

The gunnies have been demanding the release of Islamist inmates from the jail in return for the release of the servicemen.

Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
and La Belle France inked in Riyadh in November a deal to provide the Lebanese army with $3 billion worth of French weapons, with Riyadh footing the bill.

The deal, first announced in December, comes as the Lebanese army is battling gunnies and jihadists, including from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group, in the north and along its northeastern border with war-torn Syria.

On Monday, head of ODAS company Admiral Edouard Guillaud signed with Army commander General Jean Qahwaji the first phase of the Saudi-French deal.

He is scheduled to travel to the Saudi capital Riyadh to deliver a list of arms and equipment required by the military.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Report: U.S. Warns of Cooperation between Army, Hizbullah in Battle against Terror
More of that clever diplomacy we've been hearing so much about.
[AnNahar] Washington has reportedly warned the Lebanese army against cooperating with Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
in its war against terrorism and takfiri
...an adherent of takfir wal hijra, an offshoot of Salafism that regards everybody who doesn't agree with them as apostates who most be killed...
s, hinting that any cooperation could impact the U.S. aid to the military.

According to a report published in al-Akhbar newspaper on Tuesday, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy Matthew Spence, who visited Beirut last week, warned in his meetings with Lebanese officials, in particular with Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji, of cooperating with Hizbullah as an partner in the war against terror.

A prominent source told the daily that the U.S. official stressed that Hizbullah is impeding the state project, which should be protected solely by the Lebanese army.

Spence also hinted that the army's success in battling jihadists, who overran the northeastern border town of Arsal in August, was due to the support that the U.S. granted.

Washington sought to bolster Leb's military by recently announcing it had delivered a new shipment of Hellfire missiles and would also supply light aircraft.

The prominent U.S. official reportedly described the performance of the Lebanese army as excellent and wise amid the sectarian tension in the country, noting that the war on terrorism created a new aspect that would allow the state to expand its authority on Lebanese territories at the expense of Hizbullah, indicating that the party cannot run the battle by itself.

The source quoted Spence as saying: The army has capabilities that Hizbullah lack, at forefront the U.S. support, which the Iranians and Russians cannot provide the party with.

The U.S. official also stressed that his country refuses to allow the war raging in Syria to move to Leb.

The report comes as the army and security forces had been carrying out in recent months raids in various regions throughout Leb in search for wanted runaways and suspected terrorists.

Lebanese troops have been battling Syria-based Islamist Lion of Islams, including the hard boy Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, in areas near the border.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/17/2014 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  The prominent U.S. official reportedly described the performance of the Lebanese army as excellent....

Yes, of course, quite excellent. That's why their knee deep in the shi* right ?
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/17/2014 2:05 Comments || Top||

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