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Al-Qaeda operatives escape to Oman
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3 20:29 Deadeye Sproing4297 [22] 
1 18:28 tu3031 [32] 
16 21:06 mojo [28] 
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11 21:48 rjschwarz [25] 
7 17:44 Shinter Javirong9154 [10] 
1 15:11 Frank G [6] 
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1 06:18 American Delight [14]
9 20:34 Pappy [31]
1 04:25 GolfBravoUSMC [13]
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1 14:53 Ebbang Uluque6305 [12]
3 18:31 tu3031 [15]
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1 08:26 Besoeker [20]
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1 08:28 Percy Lover of the Wee Folk7711 [18]
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4 12:32 Charles [12]
5 19:37 JosephMendiola [16]
3 14:35 mojo [10]
4 20:46 Dale [16]
1 02:13 g(r)omgoru [18]
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1 17:14 Alaska Paul [14]
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2 21:33 JosephMendiola [23]
5 23:29 JosephMendiola [27]
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1 10:56 gorb [15]
8 23:16 Pappy [23]
7 16:12 Fester Clunter7205 [10]
4 14:45 g(r)omgoru [11]
5 21:16 JosephMendiola [33]
3 14:18 bman [13]
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6 14:03 Bigfoot Panda5310 [9]
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2 17:38 Bright Pebbles [13]
6 21:46 rjschwarz [19]
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3 23:31 newc [23]
2 13:02 DarthVader [10]
4 19:36 Thing From Snowy Mountain [27]
1 18:06 Lord Garth [12]
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9 16:25 Cholusing Sproing4698 [13]
Africa Subsaharan
Zuma vows to reclaim economy from 'whites'
[Saudi Gazette] South Africa's economy is still in the apartheid era and blacks must wrest control of the continent's financial and mining powerhouse from the white minority, President Jacob Zuma said Tuesday.

"The structure of the apartheid economy has remained largely intact and has not included higher or inclusive growth," Zuma said as he opened a key policy conference of the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

During talks with the apartheid regime before the end of white minority rule in 1994, the party "had to make certain compromises in national interest and these were absolutely necessary," Zuma said.

"The ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of white males as it had always been," he said. "The ANC must democratize and deracialise the ownership and control of the economy by empowering the African community and blacks in general."
Posted by: Fred || 06/27/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:


gut nuthin.

Does Zuma know the Hard Boyz geographically aren't that far away???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/27/2012 0:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Tired of eating, eh?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/27/2012 2:33 Comments || Top||

#3  "The ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of white males as it had always been,"

Soften it, soften it a bit Jacob my china. Use terms like.... "top two percent of wage earners" or "greedy Wall Street moguls". Those mines are yours for the taking, don't ruin it!
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/27/2012 3:12 Comments || Top||

#4  Can we turn South Africa into another Zim-Bob-we? Yes we can!
Posted by: Spot || 06/27/2012 8:38 Comments || Top||

#5  Shouldn't that say "....democratize and reracialise...."?
Posted by: Peter Carroll || 06/27/2012 10:49 Comments || Top||

#6  Democratize and deracialise as in armed robbery?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 06/27/2012 11:43 Comments || Top||

#7  Go ahead. It should serve as an interesting experiment in government and economics, and a fine example for others. I just want to know what they are going to do after Whitey done gone. Bring in the Chinese to run the place?
Posted by: SteveS || 06/27/2012 15:30 Comments || Top||

#8  SA is a tragedy in progress. The place is blessed with a tremendous amount of natural resources. Now the ANC is doing the communist way, and they will destroy the country. Nice going guys.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 06/27/2012 17:32 Comments || Top||

#9  How long until "Redistributin' B Hard" becomes a catchphrase?
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 06/27/2012 19:26 Comments || Top||

#10  Sheesh, in the vernacular, described as kaffirmation, been going on for years and has never worked. What the Rhodesians fought against written into a bigger wasteland at the expense of war debts and decolonization.i
Posted by: Deadeye Sproing4297 || 06/27/2012 20:00 Comments || Top||

#11  I understand patriotism and all but I will never understand Jews living in Germany or Whites living in Southern Africa. The time to leave is before the burning your property stage.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 06/27/2012 21:48 Comments || Top||

Stockton California to file for bankruptcy
Most knew what the night held; bankruptcy has been a long time coming. Stockton has been in negotiations with its creditors since late March under AB 506, a new California law requiring mediation before a municipality can file for reorganization of debt. It was the first use of the law, and policy analysts who watched its torturous and tedious progress have titled their report on it "Death by a Thousand Meetings." Mediations ended Monday at midnight.
AB 506, designed by the Dems to protect their Union buddies.
How Stockton found itself so mired in debt can be seen everywhere in the city's core. There is a sparkling marina, high-rise hotel and promenade financed by credit in the mid-2000s, mere blocks from where mothers won't let their children play in the yard because of violence.

During the economic boom, this working-class city with pockets of entrenched poverty tried to reinvent itself as a draw to Bay Area refugees and a popular site for conventions. It offered generous city employee pension plans and benefits.

Vast housing tracts of two-story homes were built at the city's edges. Private citizens, like the city, bought on credit. Those neighborhoods would soon have among the highest rates of foreclosures in the nation.
The crime rate was out of control long before the housing crash. It helped make the crash worse when it finally took place.
Indeed, when the bust came, few places fell as hard as Stockton. The city has the second-highest rate of foreclosures in the country and the second-highest rate of violent crime in the state.
Awh, the beauty of Multiculturalism!
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 06/27/2012 16:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Awh, the beauty of Multiculturalism!

Except they keep forgetting in the mix is the Culture of Parasitism which is like asking Eris to come join wedding party.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/27/2012 19:17 Comments || Top||

#2  If you were going to give the Bay Area an enema, Stockton would be a great place to insert the nozzle. However, it has considerable competition.

Watch for the rest of the domino's to start falling.
Posted by: Secret Asian Man || 06/27/2012 20:21 Comments || Top||

#3  The Greece of the USA?
Posted by: Deadeye Sproing4297 || 06/27/2012 20:29 Comments || Top||

German Judges Rule Parents Can Be Brought To Court For CircumcIsing Children
When not performed out of medical necessity, circumcisions constitute a 'severe and irreversible interference into physical integrity,' Cologne judges rule

Parents having their sons circumcised can be brought before a judge for causing bodily injury, even if they did so for religious reasons, a regional court in Germany has ruled.

The recent landmark decision will likely draw the condemnation of Jewish and Moslem communities, although official representatives have refrained from commenting so far, saying they first want to study the reasons given for the judgment.

Following the judgment by the District Court of Cologne, neither the rights of parents nor the constitutional freedom of religion can justify interventions such as circumcision, according to Financial Times Deutschland, which first reported the story.

University of Passau jurist Holm Putzke told the FTD the decision could have far-reaching ramifications.

"As opposed to many politicians, the court was not deterred by fears of being criticized for anti-Semitism or hostility toward religion," he said. "This decision could not only influence future jurisdiction, it could also lead the relevant religions to change their attitude with respect to the fundamental nature of children's rights."

The case that prompted the ruling took place in Cologne, when a 4-year-old boy, circumcised by a Moslem doctor, began bleeding two days after the surgery and needed to be brought into the emergency room.

The state prosecutor's office learned of the case and sued, leading the district court to rule that the circumcision was a "severe and irreversible interference into physical integrity."

Today, there are about 200,000 Jews in Germany, about 5,000 of them in the western city of Cologne.

Legal experts told the paper they assume that other courts in Germany could deal with similar cases and that the question of religiously motivated circumcisions will end up in the country's Supreme Court.
The Jerusalem Post adds:
The online edition of the Jewish Press website quoted Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg, vice president of the Rabbinical Center of Europe, saying “the Court’s decision is unacceptable and gravely violates religious freedom.”

He added that “the decision is contrary to human rights
...which are usually open to widely divergent definitions...
charter of the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
, to which the German legal system is committed, and undermines the basic right to worship in the German Constitution.”

It is not the first time that Cologne’s prosecutorial and legal system has triggered national controversy in Germany.

In 2010, the public prosecutor ruled that a cartoon exhibit, widely believed to be anti-Semitic, did not meet the criteria of incitement to hate because it did not constitute hatred of Jews and the petitioner, who objected to the exhibit, was not Jewish. One cartoon shows a man sporting a Star of David on his bib as he devours a young Paleostinian boy with a fork draped in an American flag and a knife with the word “Gazoo.” A glass filled with blood stands next to to his dinner plate. Gerd Buurmann, the non- Jewish resident, who termed the exhibit anti-Semitic, has waged a two-year campaign to prevent the permanent cartoon and photo exhibit to be displayed on the central square in Cologne.

He filed a criminal complaint against Walter Herrmann, the organizer of the anti-Israel exhibit, for violating Paragraph 130, an anti-hate-crime law that bars incitement against minority groups. Cologne’s prosecutor rejected the complaint.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/27/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I don't understand a Jew willing to live in Germany, anyways.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/27/2012 2:16 Comments || Top||

#2  The state prosecutor's office learned of the case and sued, leading the district court to rule that the circumcision was a "severe and irreversible interference into physical integrity."

Are we still "tood to go" with Intraamniotic Injection of Saline?

Posted by: Besoeker || 06/27/2012 3:19 Comments || Top||

#3  "When not performed out of medical necessity"
Well, you could say every circumcision is out of medical necessity and safety but whatever.

This is Europe. We fled that stinking place.
Posted by: newc || 06/27/2012 10:41 Comments || Top||

#4  "Schmucks."
Posted by: mojo || 06/27/2012 12:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Walter Russel Mead weighs in, as do his readers.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/27/2012 12:28 Comments || Top||

#6  ...the court was not deterred by fears of being criticized for anti-Semitism

Are German courts traditionally deterred by them?
Posted by: Secret Master || 06/27/2012 17:36 Comments || Top||

#7  They had this same sort of penilelitist issue on the ballot in The National Socialist People's Rainbow Republic of San Francisco but cooler heads eventually prevailed, and the issue was yanked.
Posted by: Shinter Javirong9154 || 06/27/2012 17:44 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Pakistani stowaways arrive in Newark
Authorities stormed an arriving cargo ship believed to have Pakistani stowaways on board - some of which are reportedly dead.
It's a long trip, y'see, and Mahmoud suspected his Mom of having illicit relations with somebody who wasn't a close relative so he killed her. That was two days out from Karachi.

But then her cousin Chaudry had to take Dire Revenge™ for the murder of his kinswoman so he killed Mahmoud and Mahmoud's little brother Dildar.

Mahmoud's and Dildar's second cousin Ali, whom everybody in the shipping container suspected of being a Shiite because of his name, was just going for Chaudry with a box cutter when they called a jirga. That was on day four, so the stench was already pretty ripe.

Whilst the ship was being boarded by pirates in the Gulf of Aden the shipping container elders argued the merits of the case based on Islamic law. They finally decided to give Mahmoud's 4-year-old daughter, Fatima Bibi, to Ali in marriage, citing the appropriate passage from the Sura of the Cow, and everybody was if not friends then at least cohabitants of the shipping container. Everybody actually felt pretty good when the Danish navy showed up and arrested the pirates.

After that the voyage to Noo Joisey was actually uneventful except for a few acid splatters here and there and Ali grunting like a boar hog every time he mounted Fatima Bibi, which was three or four times a day.

The ship came in to New Jersey's Port Newark this morning to waiting Port Authority police, Customs Enforcement, Border Patrol and Coast Guard officials.
"Ready men?"
"Ready chief!"
"Cheeze! What is that smell?"
"What's that grunting sound?"
"Is that the shipping container? The green one that looks like it has the corner rotted out by acid?"

Coast Guard spokesman Charles Rowe told NBC New York that crew members on the Ville D'Aquarius heard what sounds like people in a shipping container on the ship.
"Narcisso, what is that sound?"
"Which sound, Ramon?"
"There. That one!"
"You mean 'grunt-grunt' and then 'Oh, cousin-uncle!'"
"Yeah. That's the one."
"Dunno. I been hearing it since a few days after we left Karachi."
"Maybe we should call the Coast Guard!"
"Good idea. It may be ghosts."
"Or Paks!"
"Bite your tongue!"

The ship's manifest said the container in question was carrying machine parts to be unloaded in Norfolk, Virginia.
"By Allen's Hennaed Beard! That Ali is like a machine!"
"He's gonna kill that girl like that."
"Eh. It's only a girl."

Rowe said the boarding party didn't open the container at sea in an effort to control the situation, following protocol.
"What's protocol call for in this kinda situation, Ramon?"
"I dunno. We can't very well knock and holler 'open up in there!'"
"Why not?"
"It's locked from the outside."
"Oh. How about if we just bang on the wall and holler 'keep it down in there fergawdsake!"
Posted by: Fred || 06/27/2012 11:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Rowe said the boarding party didn't open the container at sea in an effort to control the situation, following protocol.

Yeah, that would do it...
Posted by: tu3031 || 06/27/2012 18:28 Comments || Top||

President's decree to protect Gilani's decisions challenged in SC
[Dawn] The presidential ordinance issued to give constitutional protection to all legislative and administrative measures taken by Yousuf Raza Gilani as the prime minister between April 26 and June 19, was challenged in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, DawnNews reported.

The petitioner, Shahid Orakzai, was of the view that the issuance of the presidential ordinance violates the parliament's right of law making.

The ordinance also tries to undermine the constitutional rights of the apex court, the petitioner said.
Posted by: Fred || 06/27/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Home Front: Culture Wars
CNN Sinks To 21-Year Primetime Ratings Low
Coming off its least-watched month in primetime in 20 years in May, CNN has taken another big ratings blow: The cable news network has registered to its lowest-rated quarter in primetime since 1991. For this year's second quarter, CNN hit a low among total viewers and the key adults 25-54 demographic, with all primetime programs posting steep declines. The network averaged 446,000 total viewers and 129,000 in the 25-54 demo in primetime. Compared to last year's second quarter, that's down 35% and 41%, respectively. Rival Fox New Channel, meanwhile, with 1.79 million primetime total viewers on average, was down 1% from its 2011 second-quarter numbers. FNC lost 14% in the 25-54, bringing in 355,000 viewers. MSNBC was down 13% in total primetime viewers, with 689,000 on average, and down 17% in the 25-54 with 217,000. The quarter ran March 26-June 22.
Posted by: Fred || 06/27/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yokay, I'll bite, who's the walking clusterfuck(s?) oer in Marketing Research - methink the true CNN "as is" demographic are actually those Older Males Age 40/45-54.

Males + Young People Age 25-39 or younger are all on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, IPAD + NOTEPAD, ETC. NET; Age 17-24 prolly don't even watch regular TV until the post-dinner evening hours, or the time just before they're ready to go to sleep.

That leaves Women or Young Females for most of the daytime + late afternoon, + IIRC the Babes didn't watch CNN that much anyhoo even at the height of its 1980's-1990's popularity. AFAIK Babes don't watch daily news as much as Men, let alone 24-7-365.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/27/2012 0:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Why doesn't CNN just start reporting the news honestly without slant or bias?
Their ratings would improve overnight.
But nooooooo! Ideology must come first.
Posted by: Mikey Hunt || 06/27/2012 0:35 Comments || Top||

#3  To answer your question Mike,

Why does a bear sh*t in the woods?

Because that's what they do!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 06/27/2012 0:37 Comments || Top||

#4  I know some CNN employees. They think they are doing poorly because they are not biased.
Posted by: lord garth || 06/27/2012 7:53 Comments || Top||

#5  The Obama-Messiah was in Atlanta yesterday. Things should be improving for CNN shortly.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/27/2012 8:56 Comments || Top||

#6  He did one thing right Besoker, he went to the Varsity
Posted by: Beavis || 06/27/2012 9:10 Comments || Top||

#7  What is CNN?
Posted by: newc || 06/27/2012 10:45 Comments || Top||

#8  Something you're stuck with hearing while waiting for a flight.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/27/2012 10:51 Comments || Top||

#9  Pappy, you need an iPod. You can put whatever you want on it and use it to drown out annoying noises in public places such as people chewing gum, babies crying or Piers Morgan.

Er, dunno because I never watch it myself but I'm told CNN has attempted to be less biased and that's the reason for the decline...not as rabidly leftist as MSLSD nor as rabidly right wing as FOX. What? You mean a non-biased outlet cannot survive? But, like I said, I never watch any of them. FOX, MSNBC, CNN...they're all BORING, superficial and shallow. When CNN first started the first thing I noticed was that after about half an hour they would start to repeat themselves. If you watched one half hour of it you saw just about all the content they had for an entire news cycle. It was like watching Dan Rather and the CBS Evening News over and over and over...all day long. I was hoping for a little more depth. My solution was to turn it off.

Gimme Anthony Bourdain. So now, CNN has stolen him from the Travel Channel and done just that.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 06/27/2012 12:07 Comments || Top||

#10  Maybe if the news/opinion people were forced to fight to the death in the area I'd watch.

And you have to play the Captain Kirk fight music during the matches.

Yeah, I'd PAY to watch that.
Posted by: Silentbrick - Schlumberger Squishy Mud Division || 06/27/2012 13:00 Comments || Top||

#11  Last I was in an airport, I was surprised by the number of not CNN channels on. Its like if half the dentist offices cancelled their Newspeak subscriptions they would go out of business too.

Bourdain. I find him to be a prissy know-it-all who seeths disdain for American culture yet not brave enough to become an ex-pat. He is at his best when in mooselimb countries making jokes about getting smashed at the local wedding. To his credit, he has made a fine career for himself, is witty, and his attitude works well for what No Reservations is.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/27/2012 13:22 Comments || Top||

#12  #4 I know some CNN employees. They think they are doing poorly because they are not biased.

The only way they could come to that conclusion would be if even they are not watching CNN.
Posted by: Snaing Peacock2931 || 06/27/2012 15:01 Comments || Top||

#13  You mean lowest ratings "so far".

Keep up the bullshit and we'll continue not watching.
Posted by: Andy Claique6507 || 06/27/2012 15:17 Comments || Top||

#14  Network news shows combined beats Fox News by a 10-to-1 margin, so this is kind of moot.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 06/27/2012 19:08 Comments || Top||

#15  IIRC the demographics indicate the the network viewers are literally dying off, very high on the older age bracket. Consider the unintended effect of Death Panels Obamacare on those Big Three.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/27/2012 20:10 Comments || Top||

#16  #WINNING!
Posted by: mojo || 06/27/2012 21:06 Comments || Top||

Misconceptions about things we know nothing about
By Fred Pruitt

So there I wuz, reading about a possible alien message we got in 1977 and haven't answered yet. I can understand that. I do it with emails all the time -- I want to think about what I want to say in reply so I don't look too dumb and there it sits in my queue until if I ever do actually answer it the sender's forgotten all about it and possibly about me.

I think it's great that we're finally going to answer. But one of the links included in the article led to "7 Huge Misconceptions About Aliens." This was enough of an exercise in reasoning based upon not much at all to set my teeth on edge. Since the site pushes a book called "Life's Little Mysteries" I'm guessing the rest of the mysteries they're addressing are just as wobbly.

The first of the "misconceptions" is that they'll "come in peace," in which they quote Stephen Hawking's opinion that the outcome of aliens arriving would be "much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America." Possibly that's so, but why would they want to invade us or enslave us or whatever? Think of the logistics that would be involved in mounting an invasion force: ship sizes, amounts of supplies, numbers of gnixels required to prevent snurb... It's probably much more likely they'll arrive out of curiosity, wanting to see what's on the other side of their own solar system. Why did we launch Pioneer or Voyager? Certainly not to conquer Ganymede, even if it was inhabited.

Next they say it's likely that "They didn't put us here," to whit, that there's no planet Nibiru that seeded the earth with life. I'm guessing Life's Little Mysteries is correct on that one. Occam's Razor suggests that since the evidence says we evolved here it's likely we did: no interstellar spores, no Arisians, no Gods from Outer Space. That means different evolutionary strains.

The idea of different evolutionary strains leads Life's Little Mysteries to the illogical conclusion that "They're immune to Earth's bacteria." I'm not sure one idea follows from the other. It seems to me that if you're going to get bitten by a bacterium it wouldn't take much of it to cause an alien's entire immune system (always assuming the alien has a system) to go plumb Oskarspiel. The bacterium would be chock full of DNA and Izzglk the Galactic Overlord would be full of EMB or something. He'd turn into a gigantic pus ball as the alien equivalent of white cells swarmed or he'd explode or maybe just peg out quietly with an overdose of the wrong kind of protein, kind of like a dose of snake venom. (Poul Anderson used that one in The Man Who Matters. I kind of identify with Nicolas van Rijn. Except for his bank account.) Nothing happening would probably be the least likely option.

Along the same lines, "Life's Little Mysteries" is of the opinion that "They won't eat us." Probably they won't if they're not immune to earth's bacteria. They'll be dead. If they're protoplasmic it would still be iffy -- depends on what kind of protoplasm, doesn't it? There are lots of things that have evolved right here that are inedible even though they're protoplasmic. And if they've got copper-tinged blood they certainly won't like us, assuming they've got blood rather than sap or ichor or something we haven't thought about yet. Who knows? Maybe they're solid all the way through. But it's just as likely they'll find us just tasty with a bit of horseradish.

It's entirely likely that "They won't mate with us," given the above. Science fiction used to be overrun with aliens who were human except for their antennae or pink hair or whatever, presumably to include their pee-pees. Then the aliens became green with bug eyes or lizards or Admiral Akbar of the Calimari. Every once in awhile a writer (think Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle) would come up with aliens who weren't even bilaterally symmetrical. There were even horny robots. It's pretty hard to imagine having sex with something that isn't bilaterally symmetrical, though there are some people who don't insist on their partners being bipedal. I think we can all draw the line where the mating process is similar to earthworms or carp or something.

The next jump of illogicality is that "They won't come in 'person'." The idea here is that the alien supercivilization will send robots to do its exploring instead. "[A]ny race of beings would be expected to advance in a similar fashion to humans, gradually becoming more and more efficient through the invention of machinery." But we've just admitted that they may not be bilaterally symmetrical and that they might mate like earthworms, so why should they do anything similarly to humans? They may become more efficient in spurts, rather than gradually becoming more and more, or they might become more efficient and then less efficient. Or they might very reasonably distinguish between 'efficient' and 'effective.' Or they might be logical (Live Long and Prosper!) and thus sufficiently similar to humans that they use the machines as tools to eliminate where they don't want to bother going in person, saving the good stuff for themselves.

Finally "Life's Little Mysteries" gets around to admitting that "They might not exist." They could have put that one first and saved themselves a lot of typing. But just given the number of stars in our galaxy it's virtually certain that life does exist and probably lots of it. The law of averages turns into the law of certainty when you hit numbers with lots of zeroes to base 10. Or even to base 2. The problem isn't with the aliens' existence, but with getting to them -- given the limitation of the speed of light they might as well not exist. But until we do get there we won't know, will we?

Unless they answer our reply to their email.
Posted by: Fred || 06/27/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's entirely likely that "They won't mate with us,"

Unless they meet Captain James T. Kirk. He'd screw anything
Posted by: Frank G || 06/27/2012 15:11 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2012-06-27
  Al-Qaeda operatives escape to Oman
Tue 2012-06-26
  U.S drone strikes al-Qaeda vehicles in Aden
Mon 2012-06-25
  Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi Declared Egypt's President
Sun 2012-06-24
  Yemen Army Takes Control of Qaida Bastion Azzan
Sat 2012-06-23
  Turkish Warplane Vanishes over Syria Border
Fri 2012-06-22
  It's Over: A Dozen Dead After Taliban Take Hostages In Kabul Hotel
Thu 2012-06-21
  29 Soldiers among 58 Dead in Violence across Syria
Wed 2012-06-20
  'Al-Qaeda militant' takes hostages at bank in Toulouse
Tue 2012-06-19
  IDF hits terror cell near Gaza fence
Mon 2012-06-18
  Nigeria: 21 killed, 100 wounded in church blasts
Sun 2012-06-17
  Baghdad bombs target Shiite pilgrims, 32 killed
Sat 2012-06-16
  Yemen army seizes Shuqra after Qaeda pullout
Fri 2012-06-15
  Syria Violence Kills More Than 60
Thu 2012-06-14
  Army takes over in Egypt
Wed 2012-06-13
  At Least 73 Dead in Shelling and Clashes across Syria

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