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1 00:00 Andrew Jackson [21]
2 00:00 JosephMendiola [16]
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19 00:00 swksvolFF [19]
5 00:00 trailing wife [10]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Barbara Rush aka Ellen Fields in "It Came from Outer Space" aka Margaret in "The Young Lions" aka Joan Dickinson in "The Young Philadelphians" (age 84)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 01/04/2011 4:34 Comments || Top||

One Killed, Five Wounded in Afghan Blast
[Tolo News] At least one civilian was killed and five others were maimed in a kaboom on Monday in western Herat city, officials said.

The incident happened when a police convoy was struck by an bomb planted in a rubbish bin near a police check post, Delawar Shah Delawar, acting police chief of Herat told TOLOnews.

The maimed were rushed to a nearby hospital in the city.

No groups including the Taliban have taken responsibly for the incident.

Militants use improvised bombs to target Afghan and Nato forces, but most of the victims often civilians.

More than 2043 non-combatants were killed and 3571 others were maimed in 2010, Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs said on Sunday.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

19 Insurgents Chieu Hoi in Helmand
[Tolo News] Nineteen Taliban Death Eaters have laid down their arms and surrendered to authorities in southern Helmand province in the past two days, provincial officials said.

An eight- member beturbanned goon group under Mullah Adbdul Bari joined the Afghan grinding of the peace processor on Saturday in Sangeen district of Helmand and laid down their guns, Helmand governor's media office said in a statement.

Eleven more Talibs also handed over their guns and surrendered to government in Musa Qala district, added the statement.

Taliban Death Eaters have yet to comment.

Six Taliban fighters had also surrendered to government on 30 December 2010 in Helmand.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  I have noticed that any reference to Taliban coming over to the govt. are always compared to how things went in Vietnam. I am not sure if this is a veiled reference to the failure of the South Vietnamese govt and the likely failure of the Afghanistan govt. But the same thing happened in the Philippines with far different results. Better to just let the facts speak for themselves rather than casting aspersions where they may not be deserved.
Posted by: killjoy || 01/04/2011 17:31 Comments || Top||

#2  I am not sure if this is a veiled reference to the failure of the South Vietnamese govt and the likely failure of the Afghanistan govt.

No, it's a veiled reference to the Vietnamese program offering amnesty and goodies to insurgents if they surrendered. Which failed.

Given that a) it's the "dreaded Afghan winter", to cite a formerly-overused phrase by the media and b) insurgents in Afghanistan tend to lay up during that "dreaded Afghan winter" and pick up their weapons in the Spring, I'd say the comparison is rather apt.

Better to just let the facts speak for themselves rather than casting aspersions where they may not be deserved.

It's called 'sarcasm' or as the internet-savvy like to call it, 'snark'.

Then again, some of us have been around the block a few times and are pretty good at recognising failure dressed in a new wardrobe.
Posted by: Pappy || 01/04/2011 21:28 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Egypt bomber planned blast inside church: police
A suspected suicide bomber who killed 21 people outside a church probably intended to set off the explosives inside so as to kill as many people as possible, Egyptian investigators said on Monday.

The main lead in the investigation into the New Year's Day attack in Alexandria, which no one has claimed, was a severed head found at the scene they said probably belonged to the bomber.

Police also believe that a severed foot, which the blast had thrown over the roof of a mosque across the street from the church, also belonged to the suspected attacker, who they said was a man in his thirties.

Officials suspect the bomber planned to enter the church, which was holding a New Year's Eve mass, but was blocked by police guards at its gates.

He then set off an explosives belt packed with between 10 and 15 kilogrammes of TNT, bolts and ball bearings as the congregants emerged shortly after midnight.

Police also found a still-unidentified hand amputated by the powerful blast, which overturned a car and damaged the church's facade.

Surgeons have been called in to try to reconstruct the head's features to determine its identity.
Posted by: tipper || 01/04/2011 16:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Religion of Peace™ again
Posted by: Frank G || 01/04/2011 20:13 Comments || Top||

#2  This is what Hussein O'Bummer plan to import in America, BEHEADINGS:

This must be "the muslim victim" the 'slimes and O'Bummer are talking about in this bombing!
Posted by: hotspur666 || 01/04/2011 21:46 Comments || Top||

The Church of Alexandria on a target list of al-Qaeda
[Ennahar] The Church of Saints of Alexandria in Egypt, targeted by a bloody attack on the night of New Year, was on a long list of Coptic places of worship since early December designated as targets by a website of Al-Qaeda.

The list was published on December 2 at the site Choumoukh al-Islam, which houses most of releases of Al Qaeda and forums led by activists gravitating in its orbit.

Under the headline "Get up and abandon the rest. It is an important notice regarding the bomb attacks against churches for Christmas celebrations," the author calls "every Mohammedan who cares about the reputation of his sisters to explode" these places of worship when "they will be full."

The list includes fifty Coptic churches in Cairo, Alexandria - where the attack left 21 dead and dozens maimed - and in other parts of Egypt, and Coptic churches in several European countries, including La Belle France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

Egypt minister pelted with stones as cleric accuses Pope of meddling
[The Nation (Nairobi)] Angry Christian demonstrators pelted an Egyptian minister with stones yesterday, as fears rose of sectarian unrest after a bombing at a church that killed 21 people.

Hundreds of Coptic Christians gathered inside the gates of Cairo's St Mark's Cathedral where the Coptic pope, Shenouda III, has his headquarters and heckled officials who came to pay condolences.

Demonstrators chased the state minister for economic development, Osman Mohammed Osman, to his car and pelted him with stones after he met Shenouda, while others clashed with police standing outside the gates.

A police official said at least 40 coppers suffered light wounds when the protesters pelted them with stones.

More than a thousand protesters broke through the gates and spilled into nearby streets, stopping cars, banging on their hoods and pelting them with stones. Meanwhile,
...back at the ranch...
Egypt's top Mohammedan holy man yesterday criticised Pope Benedict XVI's call for world leaders to defend Christians as interference in his country's affairs, the official MENA news agency reported.

The call, following the deadly car-bombing targeting a Coptic church in Alexandria northern Egypt, was "unacceptable interference in Egypt's affairs," Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the oldest Islamic seat of learning, told news hounds.

"I disagree with the pope's view, and I ask why did the pope not call for the protection of Mohammedans when they were subjected to killings in Iraq?" he said at a news conference.

The Vatican immediately rejected the accusation, saying the head of the Roman Catholic Church had shown solidarity with the Coptic community as well as concern for the consequences of the violence for the Christian and Mohammedan population.

"Therefore we cannot see how the pope's approach to bring everybody to accept non-violence can be considered meddling," ANSA news agency quoted Vatican front man Federico Lombardi as saying.

...back at the other ranch...
Egypt was on high alert today ahead of the Coptic Christmas holiday following the church bombing.

Police cancelled leave for senior officers and were tightening surveillance of airports and ports to prevent suspects from leaving the country, as new checkpoints were set up across the nation.

Security was also to be beefed up at churches for Christmas which Copts celebrate on January 7, security officials said.

Latest reports say an Al-Qaeda website had identified in December the church in Alexandria, Egypt, which was bombed as being among Coptic places designated as targets.

Al-Qiddissin (The Saints) church, where 21 people were killed and 79 maimed in Saturday's bombing, was on a list posted by the Al-Qaeda-linked Shumukh al-Islam website of 50 Coptic churches across Egypt.

Coptic churches in several European countries, including La Belle France, Germany and Britain, also figured on the list which was posted on December 2.

A message announcing "bomb attacks against churches during Christmas... when they will be most crowded" was posted alongside the list of would-be targets. "Get up and give up sleep," said the message.

"This is an important notice on bomb attacks against churches during Christmas," it said.

It urged "every Mohammedan who cares about the honour of his sisters to bomb these churches during Christmas celebrations, when they will be most crowded."
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I made the suggestion on another forum to a group of Catholics that it is past time for the Vatican to set up a volunteer militia, privately funded, that would go around the world to provide temporary security to Catholic civilians being menaced by a hostile local population.

The idea being that, while these were military men, they would teach the oppressed how to *protect* themselves, so that they didn't need to *defend* themselves.

Likewise, they would bring a comprehensive package of everything from litigation, national and international lobbying, etc. Even fundamentalist Muslim mullahs hate to be sued and dragged into protracted litigation.

Under the diplomatic auspices of the Vatican, the idea would be that local authorities couldn't as easily mess with them, etc., while the expense to the Vatican would be minimal.

They seemed to think it was a smashing idea.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/04/2011 8:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Nuking a few Islamist "holy cities" such as Qom would put a lot of this sh$$ to rest for good. Since I don't have a nuke stockpile, all I can do is ask the Man Upstairs for a nice super-hard ice comet - say 300M in diameter - to hit the same target, at about 120,000KM/H.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/04/2011 16:10 Comments || Top||

#3  #2  Nuking a few Islamist "holy cities" such as Qom would put a lot of this sh$$ to rest for good. Since I don't have a nuke stockpile, all I can do is ask the Man Upstairs for a nice super-hard ice comet - say 300M in diameter - to hit the same target, at about 120,000KM/H.
Posted by: Old Patriot   2011-01-04 16:10  

WoW If u feel that way go do something about it by yourself
Don't wanna hear what u did in the past bs
U don't own the planet nor will your god be so willing to fulfill
Such hate or is god the devil u believe in ?
Posted by: Play4Keeps || 01/04/2011 16:57 Comments || Top||

#4  I think you are confusing Jesus with God. One of the two didn't mind throwing a hammer around...or are you talking about that moon guy allen who seems to think the world belongs to him? Lot of men upstairs so to speak. Except for one religion quite a few women with names as well.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 01/04/2011 17:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Dude, this is not texting. Please use correct English (unless you're Joe or Muck4doo). They've been granted exemptions.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 01/04/2011 19:16 Comments || Top||

#6  Play4Keeps, how would you get these people to modify their behavior? Take your pick: either the governments of Muslim countries successfully preventing Muslim radicals from murdering and harassing those of other faiths, or the radicals choosing peaceful (if annoying) proselytizing over their current violent methods to achieve conversion.

Old Patriot has proposed a method that would work, however unpleasantly. You don't like his method, but the problem cannot remain unresolved. So how would you solve it?
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 19:31 Comments || Top||

#7  Well history has always shown that through society behavior will modify over time that is not to say that it will be for the good it may well in fact be a curse let that curse be its own self-destruction of that nation , but for us to introduce this process would be purely stupid and until that day comes where that one nation in one voice screams death to America and actually take measures to make that happen . Only then will a swift and fierce response will be excepted and what has helped us, get through out our craziest behavior roles Throughout history the United States its own people of course saved it and that's what we stand for the people.

So basically let them roll around in their own sh*t we don't have to be around to smell it and when they step in it. Oh well
Posted by: Play4Keeps || 01/04/2011 20:47 Comments || Top||

#8  where that one nation in one voice screams death to America and actually take measures to make that happen .

The problem is that nowadays it doesn't take the entire nation speaking in one voice. There was the Times Square bomber, the Christmas bomber, the gentlemen from Chicago who helped coordinate the Mumbai massacre, the recent suicide bomber in Copenhagen... If we could wall them off to, ask you say, "let them roll around in their own sh*t", we could even be content to let them continue murdering their own minority religions. But they insist on exporting it to us, and their government just formally sold two of their nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia.

So, much as we would like to, we can't leave them to destroy themselves, since enough of them have been working to destroy us -- with covert help from portions of their government -- before they succeed with themselves.

Play4Keeps, you need to present a workable solution that does not involve Old Patriot's suggestion. We've been wrestling with the problem here at Rantburg for years. Now it's your turn.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 21:08 Comments || Top||

#9  Sorry. That's as you say. PIMF!!
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 21:10 Comments || Top||

#10  #7 Well history has always shown that through society behavior will modify over time that is not to say that it will be for the good it may well in fact be a curse let that curse be its own self-destruction of that nation , but for us to introduce this process would be purely stupid and until that day comes where that one nation in one voice screams death to America and actually take measures to make that happen

Jeebus. I'm not an English-Instruction Schoolmarm™, nor am I stoned, but that was corporally punishable in english class for general run-on and intelligibility. You need to stay after class...
Posted by: Frank G || 01/04/2011 21:17 Comments || Top||

#11  "You need to stay after class."

If it has to stay after class, Frank Teach, don't expect me to stay too.

You can keep me after class some other day.

I do have standards, ya' know.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 01/04/2011 22:50 Comments || Top||

Egypt church bomb probe focuses on local group
[Khaleej Times] The police investigation into a New Year's church bombing that killed 21 people is focusing on a local group of Islamic hard-liners inspired by but not directly linked to Al Qaeda, Egyptian security officials said Sunday.

The attack in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria struck worshippers as they were leaving midnight Mass Saturday about 30 minutes into the new year and also maimed about 100. Dozens of grieving Christians returned to pray Sunday in the blood-spattered church, many of them sobbing, screaming in anger and slapping themselves in grief.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Egyptian officials it on foreigners and Al Qaeda, even before they completed an investigation. But on Sunday, security officials said police are looking at the possibility that Islamic hard-liners based in Alexandria were behind the attack, and perhaps were inspired by Al Qaeda but not under a foreign command.

Investigators were also examining lists of air passengers who arrived recently in Egypt from Iraq, where the local Al Qaeda branch has threatened Egyptian Christians. They said they are looking for any evidence of an Al Qaeda financier or organizer who may have visited Egypt to recruit the bomber and his support team from among the ranks of local Death Eaters.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation has not yet been completed, said 25 people have been nabbed for questioning, but none of them was thought to be linked to the attack. They said the 25 were mostly owners of cars parked outside the church at the time, storekeepers and Mohammedan neighbors known to be Islamic fundamentalists.

Egypt's government has long insisted that Al Qaeda does not have a significant presence in the country, and it has never been conclusively linked to any attacks here.

But Egypt does have a rising movement of Islamic hard-liners who, while they do not advocate violence, adhere to an ideology similar in other ways to Al Qaeda. There have been fears they could be further radicalized by sectarian tensions. The hard-liners, known as Salafis, have a large and active presence in Alexandria.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...hard-liners based in Alexandria were behind the attack, and perhaps were inspired by Al Qaeda but not under a foreign command.

Let's be clear. AQ is not the inspiration here - it's a manifestation of the same stimulus. Face it, these particular savages didn't need any external insight into which infidels to slaughter. Bottom line, this language is intentionally used to divert blame from the true root cause. It's the same obfuscatory technique used to promote the illogical concept of " Islamic Self Radicalization". Gee whiz...it's almost as if the wordsmiths at the Egyption Tourist Ministry went to the same schools as Western journalists and bureaucrats.
Posted by: DepotGuy || 01/04/2011 10:53 Comments || Top||

Egypt: Cleric blames Israeli and US intelligence for Church bombing
I think we all knew this was coming...
[ADN Kronos] US and Israeli intelligence were behind the deadly bombing of a church in the northern Egyptian city of Alexandria early on Saturday, an Egyptian holy man kidnapped by CIA and Italian secret service agents in the northern Italian city of Milan in 2003, told Adnkronos International (AKI).

"Israel's Mossad and the CIA are behind the attack in Alexandria," Osama Hasan Mustafa Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, told AKI.
Hey, Frank. Let's go to Abu's house and move the furniture around again.
Heh heh heh. Sounds good, Avi. Maybe do the Saran Wrap on the toilet thing too...

No one has grabbed credit for the suicide kaboom which killed 21 people and injured dozens outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, but suspicion is likely to fall on Al-Qaeda linked or inspired Islamist radicals, according to analysts.

"After the (31 October) attack against the church in Storied Baghdad, it is Egypt's turn," Nasr said, referring to the terrorist assault on a Catholic church in which 58 people including two priests died and a further 80 were maimed.

The Egyptian government earlier boosted security outside churches after the Islamic State of Iraq issued a threat in late October against Copts, who form 10 percent of Egypt's population.

US and Israeli secret services have spent millions of dollars sowing deep divisions between Mohammedans and Christians in Egypt to destabilise the country, according to Nasr.

"That is why I and others think that the US and Israel are behind the attack in Alexandria," he said, adding that he condemned the attack.

"No Mohammedan can condone such an act," he stated. "It has nothing to do with the Egyptian people and Mohammedans."
Nope. We can't do that...stuff. It sez so in the Koran.
Egyptian authorities are reported to have stepped up security around all minority Christian churches since Saturday's attack, but hundreds of Copts have demonstrated in Alexandria - Egypt's second city - and clashed with police for the past two days to protest the bombing.

In a landmark ruling in 2009, an Italian court jugged 23 CIA agents in absentia and two Italian agents over Nasr's abduction in broad daylight from a Milan street in February 2003.

Nasr alleges he was flown to Egypt and tortured in prison there. He was released in 2007 and now lives in Alessandria. He is suspected of recruiting Mohammedan fighters to train in Afghanistan and said he will set up an Islamist party with any legal damages he is awarded.

Nasr and his wife are seeking 15 million euros in compensation for his ordeal.

He could still face arrest if he returns to Italy.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Israel's Mossad and the CIA are behind the attack in Alexandria," Osama Hasan Mustafa Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, told AKI.

It's the Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooos. Couldn't be an innocent, misunderstood follower of mohamhead.
Posted by: anymouse || 01/04/2011 1:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, there is something to it. They'd rather kill Jews. But Jews not being available...
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 01/04/2011 6:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Obama's suck up speechs to the Moslem world and the anti Israel rhetoric was supposed to catalyze love and peace.

It has had the opposite effect. Virulent Islamics figuring Obama was too weak to support Israel figured he'd be too weak to worry about Christians.
Posted by: lord garth || 01/04/2011 8:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Some of these belligerent Islamic "clergy" need a euphemism comparing them to pagan high priests and tribal shaman. "Molochite high priest" might be fitting.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/04/2011 8:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Good idea. I may add it in today.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 8:57 Comments || Top||

#6  Copts = Joooos by proxy?
Posted by: Frank G || 01/04/2011 9:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Copts = Joooos by proxy?

Christians were always persecuted -- to a greater or lesser extant -- as well as Jews under Muslim rule, also as a tax source and also to encourage conversion. The Christians may have done it first, but that hasn't meant they got preference later.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 11:48 Comments || Top||

#8  The way I understand it Christians and Jews are 'People of the book' and as such they can practice their religion under very heavy restrictions. Can't build a church without permission (which is seldom if ever granted - see Indonesia), no crosses or other visible symbols, no singing audible outside the church, etc.... Oh and they have practically no legal rights whatsoever.

In fact I seem to recall a few years ago that some Christian parents were almost given the death penalty for simply for inviting their chidren's muslim friends to an Easter party in 'moderate' Indonesia. Or at least the 'moderate muslims' demanded it and the government seriously considered it.

The Copts probably have it much worse.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 01/04/2011 12:10 Comments || Top||

#9  tw: The Copts literally had the short end of the stick even then, as back in the Byzantine empire they had to pay large amounts of jizya-like taxes for being the wrong sect. This, along with the rigid caste structure, was a big factor in the collapse and contraction of the Byzantine Empire during the first years of Islam.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 01/04/2011 12:13 Comments || Top||

Three soldiers wounded in Shabwa Province
[Yemen Post] At least three soldiers were maimed in Shabwa province after the building of General Security and Central Security was attacked in Atek district on Sunday.

Eyewitness said that gunnies, believe to be members of AQAP, fired at the building using heavy weapons, maimed three soldiers who were standing at the gate of the building. There were no reports of casualties.

Two days ago, Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) grabbed credit for implementing 49 attacks against Yemeni forces and foreign targets during the second half of the 2010.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

AQAP Announces Responsibility for 49 Attacks in Yemen during 2010
[Yemen Post] Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) grabbed credit for implementing 49 attacks against Yemeni forces and foreign targets during the second half of the 2010.

In a statement posted on the internet, it said that they carried out attacks on Yemeni forces, checkpoints, camps, and military vehicles which resulted in killing and wounding many soldiers and officers in security, military, and intelligence apparatus.

It added that they carried out at least 13 military operations targeting security officers and leaders in five provinces, six of them in Abyan, killing at least five security officers, the last being the attack on Ahmed Al-Mesary, the Governor of Abyan and his bodyguards, which killed eight troops and officers, including his brother.

According to the same source, AQAP targeted three officers in Hadramout province and two others in Lahj province; however, the attacks resulted in killing only three of the officers. On the other hand, AQAP was also behind the killing of a bigwig in Mareb province, as the statement mentioned, and seized general Ali Al-Hsam, the vice manager of the political security in Sa'ada province.

They also announced responsibility for firing a rocket on a British embassy car in October 2010, while in the same time denying its responsibility for the bombing of Al-Wahdah Sports Club in Shiekh Othman district, Aden, which killed at least four people, and maimed 14 others on October 11.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

4 JMB suspects held in city
[Bangla Daily Star] Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) jugged four suspected members of banned cut-thoat outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
The JMB is said to be the youth front of Al Mujahideen, the parent organization that began working in the mid 1990s which remains obscure even today. Other organizations, such as Jama'atul Jihad, JMB, Jagrata Mohammedan Janata Bangladesh (JMJB), Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI), Hizbut Tawhid, Tawhidi Janata, Islami Jubo Shangha, Islami Shangha, Al Falah A'am Unnayan Shanstha and Shahadat-e al Hiqma are believed to be part of the Al Mujahideen network. The JMB at its peak was reported to contain at least 100,000 members, and an alleged 2,000-man suicide brigade, few of whom actually went kaboom!. JMB allegedly received financial assistance from individual donors in Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, Soddy Arabia and Libya. Reports have claimed that funding of JMB by international NGOs like Kuwait based Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage (RIHS) and Doulatul Kuwait, Soddy Arabia based Al Haramaine Islamic Institute and Rabita Al Alam Al Islami, Qatar Charitable Society and UAE-based Al Fuzaira and Khairul Ansar Al Khairia. The top leadership of JMB was captured in 2005 and hung in 2007, which pretty much shot their bolt.

How big are they now?
About six inches longer than before they were hanged...
(JMB) from the city's Kalabagan area late on Sunday night.
"Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!"
The arrestees are SM Abdul Goni, 25, Abu Huraira Bin Aman alias Shams, 22, Mohammad Shahnewaz Al Maruf, 22, and SM Ashrafuzzaman, 30.
"That mean you, too, Ashrafuzzaman!"
Goni and Shams are students of Darul Ihsan University, while Ashrafuzzaman, an ex-student of the university, is a software engineer and Maruf is an A-level student, said Rab officials.
"But I'm a software engineer!"
"Yeah, well program yer way outta jug!"

Ah, college boy? Good. You're in charge of the cell shitter bucket then.
The law enforcers recovered three laptop and three desktop computers,
"Hey! Those're mine!"
"Shuddup, Ashrafuzzaman!"

seven mobile phone sets,
All Windows Phone 7 though so no loss
some publications on JMB, a cycle of violence, huge number of CDs
"My Grateful Dead collection! Give it back!"
Anything good, sarge? I got an iPod for Christmas...
and a cash amount of Tk 68,000 from their possession.
"My dough!"
"Shuddup. You want a receipt?"
"I told you to shuddup!"

Rab officials claimed the four had been carrying out activities of the banned organisation
"What kind of activities?"
"Banned activities!"

under the banner of an IT firm, Spotic IT,
You're kidding. De Spotic IT?
housed in a residential building on Lake Circus Road.
"Russell! I just called the help desk at De Spotic IT and my computer exploded!"
Spotic IT. How can we help you...INFIDEL!!
According to Rab, Goni is the convenor and Maruf is a member of JMB's invitation branch (Dawati Shakha) while Shams is the chief coordinator of its recruiting and training unit and Ashrafuzzaman is a member of the outfit.
"Lemme go! I'm just cannon fodder! I don't wanna go to jail!"
"Shuddup. You ain't gonna be there long."
"[Gulp!] You don't mean..."
"Next secret meeting in the dead of night you can come along!"

The detainees were involved in reorganising the Death Eaters through face book and e-mail technologies, said Lt Col Ziaul Ahsan, director of Rab Intelligence Wing.
It's the Islamic version of Facebook. They call it Fezbook.
The Death Eaters? Sounds like the band's getting back together...
One night only in an upazaila way out in the country. Try the late show, around 3 am...
"They were making relationship with the leaders and members of banned organisation Hijb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh
... their recruiting arm...
Oh, good. The way it was phrased, it sounded inappropriate for a family blog.
and another cut-throat outfit Tajnim," mentioned Lt Col Ziaul, adding "Earlier they had met with nabbed former JMB chief Saidur Rahman and got involved in JMB politics through JMB leader Mostafiz, a former Dhaka University student."

Shams had been providing shelter to runaway JMB men at his house and he was earlier jugged by Bandarban police last year during a training programme, said the Rab official.
Jeez, sarge, remember when we used to just cruise around all night wasting Purba Banglar commies? I miss those days.
Good times, Mahmoud. Good times...
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

#1  So the RAB confiscated a 'cycle of violence,' huh? I thought that was only a myth, like Bigfoot, or Nessie, or OBumble's birth certificate. It really exists, WOW!
Posted by: USN,Ret || 01/04/2011 0:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Fred, just to let you know how much I appreciate the inserted explanations about party history and connections.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 12:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Will we see the return of the dreaded shutter gun?
Posted by: Old Patriot || 01/04/2011 16:46 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Mayhem in Monterrey: 4 Dead, 8 Wounded
Google Translate. For a map, click here
A total of four individuals including an Apodaca traffic cop were killed and eight were wounded in numerous shootings in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Monday and Sunday according to Mexican press accounts.

Carlos Gil Villalobos, 54, was shot aboard his official vehicle late Sunday night by armed suspects riding aboard a vehicle on avenida Reforma, near the Centro de Apodaca and the Palacio de Gobierno.

In San Nicolas de los Garza, a suburb of Monterrey, three Mexican Army soldiers were wounded in a car crash Monday morning as they were pursuing three San Nicolas de los Garza municipal police officers observed escorting criminal suspects who were aboard a suspicious pickup truck.

The army truck crashed into a food seller store on avenida Diego Diaz de Berlanga. Other elements of the army detachment captured the municipal police officers aboard two patrol vehicles, and took them into military custody.

An attempted bank robbery wounded two passersby in Monterrey Monday.

Armed suspects entered the Bancomer bank branch near corner of Avenida Eugenio Garza Sada and Bulevar Acapulco. A shootout took place, and as the suspect escaped two men, Marco Arturo Escobar Bernet, 43, nnd his brother Jesus, 47 were shot and wounded.

Three men were shot to death and another three were wounded in a shooting in Monterrey Monday afternoon.

Armed suspects in Francisco Villa colony fired on a group of individuals near the intersection of calles Juan Dosal and Juan Pablo Luna killing Brayan Adrian Juarez Sandoval, 13, José Mauro Rodriguez, 24, and Ivan Martinez Garcia, 29.

Wounded were Julio Juarez Sandoval, who is the brother of Brayan Adrian, Germain Rodriguez Torres, 35, and a third unidentified man.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

More Mexican Mayhem
31 Die in Northern Mexico

A total of 31 individuals were murdered in northern Mexico in ongoing drug and gang related violence, including three individuals, including a two year old child, shot to death in Caborca, Sonora.
For a map, click here
  • An unidentified man was found mutilated and shot to death near Chihuahua city Friday. The victim was found on kilometer 23 of the Chihuahua-Juraez highway with his hands severed. A message was left with the body saying the victim was a car thief.

  • An unidentified man was found dead and half buried in a remote area of Chihuahua. The victim was found on kilometer 52 of the Juarez-Porvenir road between Guadalupe and Praxedis.

  • An inmate at a Chihuahua prison was found hanged in his cell Saturday. Victor Flores Arzaga, 32, was found at the Centro de Readaptacion Social (CERESO) in Achilles Serdan hanged with a cord from the bars of his cell. Flores Arzaga was serving time for murder beginning June 2010.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death in Juarez Sunday afternoon. The victim was shot by armed suspects at his home near the corner of Teloloapan and Coatepin in the Galeana colony. Reports say the victim was a drug dealer. Several retail packages of marijuana and cocaine were found at the scene.

  • A man was fond shot to death on the Juarez-Porvenir road Sunday. Catarino Herrera, 34, was in his Toyota sedan parked at the San Jorge recreation center when he was shot.

  • Two unidentified men were found murdered in Juarez Saturday in two different crimes, according to the Mexican daily La Polaka. One victim was found shot to death near the intersection of calles Higuera and Dalias in the Insurgentes colony, while the second was found near the corner of calle Puerto de Palos and Libramiento Independencia with an axe to his head.

  • An unidentified man was found shot to death in northern Chihuahua, Chihuahua Sunday. The victim was found in a vacant lot near the intersection of calles Arroyo de Sacramento and Circuito Universitario in the Arroyas colony near his Ford Lobo pickup truck. The victim was apparently made an attempt to flee his attackers when he was shot.

  • A law office in Juarez was vandalized and burned Monday. The crime took place near the junction of Papaloapan and Bustamante in the Los Nogales colony where vandals vandalize the interior and set it a fire after leaving a message scrawled in the wall: "These whores are dying to pay a debt."

  • An unidentified man was kidnapped early Monday morning. The victim was taken from his Jeep Cherokee near the intersection of calles Cerocahui and Tomochi in the Villas Residencial colony. The SUV had indicators it had been fired on.

  • Two Chihuahua state police agents were ambushed in Juarez Monday, managed to escape death. The Policia Ministeriales were aboard their official pickup truck near the corner of calles Simona Barba and Plutarco Elias near the Plaza CELU when they were attacked by armed suspects. The agents returned fire forcing their attackers to flee aboard a Ford Aerostar van waiting near the intersection of calles Pedro Rosales and Valentin Fuentes.

  • A man was shot to death at a Juarez medical clinic Monday. Saul Tercero had been taken to the Cruz Roja Salvarcar by his brother, Jorge Tercero, and as he was receiving medical attention for an previous shooting, armed suspects burst into the clinic and killed him. Jorge Tercero was wounded in this attack at the clinic as well.

  • Two unidentified youths were shot to death in Juarez Monday afternoon. The victims were shot near the intersection of calles Luis Salgado and Calixto Contreras where a male and female team arrived and shot the pair. The shooting took place in front of the Luis Salcido elementary school, students of which were still on vacation.

  • Two unidentified men were shot to death in two separate crimes in Juarez Monday afternoon, according to the Mexican daily La Polaka. The first victim was found dead aboard his Nissan Altima sedan near the corner of calles Fosforo and Violetas in the Altavista colony in an area called La Cima. The second victim was found gagged and hands bound, shot to death near the corner of calles Zinacantecos and Quichez in the Azteca colony. The victim was apparently a kidnap victim.

  • An unidentified woman was found shot to death in a remote area in Chihuahua state. The victim was found on kilometer 192 of the Juarez-Delicias road gagged and shot.

  • Three unidentified individuals were shot to death in two different crimes in Juarez, according to the Mexican daily La Polaka. The first victim being being transported aboard a Volkswagen Jetta after a shooting in the Tierra Nueva colony when he was intercepted and finished off near the corner of calles Puerto de Palos and Puerto Alburquerque. Two men were shot to death near the intersection of calles Corindon and Marfil in the Libertad colony. One victim was found aboard a Chevrolet Astro van and another was lying dead on the sidewalk nearby.

  • Eight individuals were murdered in the first three days of 2011 in the Mexican state of Sonora, including a two year old child, according to the Mexican daily El Imparcial. Two men and a two year old child were shot to death in Caborca, Sonora by armed suspects using AK-47 assault rifles. The victims were identified as Jesus Manuel Baez Diaz, 29, Emilio Osorio, 24 and Jesus Valenzuela Beltran Geovany Rabago, 2. Also in Caborca at a residence later that afternoon Jesus Duran Estrada, 40, was shot to death. Oscar Avila Encinas, 25, was stabbed to death in Hermosillo, Sonora in the Las Minitas colony. In Yecora Ramon Ribota Amarillas, 28, Badiraguato, Sinaloa, was shot once in the temple after a fight with two other unidentified men. In San Luis Rio Colorado, Valentin Rivera Estrada, 25, died from a stabbing wound he received in a brawl. Lastly, Ernesto Zavala Bojorquez, 24, was shot to death outside a grocery store in Esperanza, Sonora.

  • An unidentified kidnapping suspect was shot to death by Mexican Marines near Puerto Penasco Monday, Four other suspects were arrested in the same incident. The victim attempted to flee arrest when he was fired on and crashed the sedan he was driving.

  • A deputy police chief of Empalme, Sonora was shot to death Sunday. Miguel Acosta Garcia was shot outside his home in the Juarez colony. Acosta Garcia was leaving his home for work when armed suspects aboard a vehicle intercepted him. AK-47 assault rifles were used in the shooting. Acosta Garcia leaves a wife and a son behind. Empalme is about 180 kilometers south of Hermosillo, Sonora.

  • Two men were found dead in Mexicali, Baja California Sunday in two separate crimes, according to the Mexican daily La Cronica. Fermin Camacho Duarte, 23, was found stabbed to death on Calle Estrella in the Villas del Rey colony. An unidentified an was found shot to death on Avenida Alfonso González García and Calle Ayuntamiento in the Ejido Coahuila colony. A single 9mm spent casing was found at the scene.

  • A man was shot and wounded in Tijuana, Baja California. José Ines Martinez Pulido, 18, was shot by four armed suspects riding aboard a sedan near the junction of calles Segunda and Benito Juarez in the Ejido Matamoros colony.

  • Two individuals were found dead in two separate incidents in Tijuana, Baja California, according to the Mexican daily Frontera. An unidentified woman was found shot to death near the corner of calles San Jorge and Mexicali in the Magisterial colony. The victim had a message left with her, the content of which was not revealed. A severed human head was found on a bridge in the Panamericano colony.

  • Five individuals were shot to death in three crimes in Durango state, according to the Mexican daily El Diario de Coahuila. Three men were found shot to death in the town of Poanas. Jorge Luis Soto Alvarado, 21, Alejandro Soto Alvarado, 25, and Santos Moreno, 31, were killed when armed suspects fired on them as they were aboard a vehicle on calle Juárez in the Zona Centro. A total of 50 spent shell casings from AK-47 assault rifles were found at the scene. Lisandro Alonso Rodriguez, 32, was found shot to death near the intersection of avenidas Valle del Guadiana and Tamazula in the Industrial Lagunero industrial park in Gomez Palacio. Casings from 9mm and .38 Super weapons were found at the scene. Lastly, in Toledo José Alonso Martinez, 23 was shot to death as he was driving his Chevrolet pickup truck with an unidentified female companion. The companion was not hurt in the shooting.
Posted by: badanov || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hypothetically, at what point does this anarchy turn into civil war?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/04/2011 7:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Hypothetically, at what point does this anarchy turn into civil war?

Somebody, anybody, correct me if I'm wrong but from all I've seen and heard and read it seems to be a number of different gang wars over turf and smuggling routes into the United States. The gangs, however, don't seem to mind attacking police, army and any civilians that get in their way either. Nobody seems to be in any position to threaten the federal government in Mexico City although the government's hold on places like Juarez and Tijuana seems pretty tenuous. Of course, one could argue that the government is the biggest criminal gang in the country. A case in point would be the brother of former President Carlos Salinas being tied to the drug trade. The cops have had a reputation as long as I can remember as being more interested in mordida than actual law enforcement. The theory I've heard on this is that they are so poorly paid that they have to supplement their income somehow. The government also encourages its poorer citizens to emigrate to the United States with or without benefit of proper documentation except for the infamous matricula counsular. IMHO our own government is complicit in both the flow of illegal immigrants and illegal narcotics into the United States and therefore responsible for a lot of the Mexican mayhem we read about here. I've met a lot of ordinary Mexicans on this side of the border and they are usually very friendly, honest, hardworking, family oriented people. It can be a lot of fun hanging out with them. The only reason I can think of why these people are so poor is because their government is so corrupt.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 01/04/2011 14:43 Comments || Top||

#3  And to those still willing to vacation in Mexico,
we will cry you a river when you turn up dead...

To Mexico's defense, I'll remind you that during the
middle ages, in the average small town, more people turned up dead on a week end than the whole Mexico today.

So what are the similarities?
An unarmed citizenry and a corrupt élite...

This was the argument of Niccolo Machiavelli
to arm the Republic's citizens to the teeth.

He was looking at the mess of France and England's absolute monarchies.

This mess cannot be imported because of too many armed citizens in the US...look at the ghetto
black riots...they stop at their border
and NEVER spread to the white neighborhoods!
Posted by: hotspur666 || 01/04/2011 22:07 Comments || Top||

Trial in France of a suspected case of financing Al-Qaeda
[Ennahar] Eight men, including the Franco-Algerian Ouassini Cherifi, appeared Monday before the Assize Court of Gay Paree in a special case of suspected financing of terrorism, banditry and mixing jihad, fanatics and suburbs bullies.

The trial, scheduled to last four weeks, began in late morning with an hour and a half late due to late arrival of one of four defendants appearing free.

Much of this first day was to be devoted to the reading of the order of indictment, the accused persons to be examined Tuesday.

Cherifi, alias "the Turk", 36, has already been sentenced in 2002 to five years in prison for trafficking in fake passports in connection with Islamist networks.

In the record held until 28 January by the Assize Court Force (comprised solely of professional judges), he is presented by the prosecution as the criminal mastermind of a criminal group whose robberies were used to finance networks Al-Qaeda.

The back room of a restaurant in Clichy-sous-Bois (suburb north of Gay Paree) acquired by Cherifi, "Le Rendez-vous gourmand", would have served as a logistics base for members of the group, according to testimony, who were holding violent words, uttered threats or wanted to die a martyr.
Mahmoud the Weasel or good police bugs?
Cherifi appearing alongside three other nabbed defendants; Feridhi Mourad, a 39 year old Tunisian already convicted three times, including for armed robbery, Manoubi Ben Hadj Brahim, a Tunisian, 34, and Hichem Ezzikouri, a French 31.
The Rab would have had a field day with this lot, wanted on twelve systems and all.
The four other defendants, including two brothers of Feridhi, appeared free under judicial supervision.

On information provided by one of the accused after his arrest, Sherlocks had discovered in a box of Clichy-sous-Bois, an arsenal of explosives and weapons of war.
How nicely was the accused asked, and were mustache wax and number four truncheons involved?
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  A group of Muslim men, some of whom recruited jihadists in prison or visited Islamists in Turkey, sought as much money as they could in order to transfer to Al Qaeda...

And it has nothing, NOTHING, you see, to do with Islam. They're just gardern variety crooks. Okaay.
Posted by: American Delight || 01/04/2011 10:26 Comments || Top||

#2  IRONICALLY, ION WAFF > WIKILEAKS: FRANCE IS THE "EMPIRE OF EVIL"... AND GERMANY KNOWS IT, as per France-led techs thefts + industrial espionage agz Germany + other Euro-States.

ARTIC = These wily dastardly Thefts + Espionage activities by FRANCE agz Germany + NATO-EU are repor more worse than anything similar by CHINA + RUSSIA???


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/04/2011 21:49 Comments || Top||

Punjab governor Salman Taseer assassinated in Islamabad
The governor of Pakistain's Punjab province, Salman Taseer, has died after being banged in the Pak capital Islamabad.

Mr Taseer, a senior member of the ruling Pakistain People's Party (PPP), was shot in a popular shopping district of the city by a member of his own security detail. He was taken to hospital where he died from his injuries.

His alleged assassin has been jugged.

Mr Taseer had recently spoken out against the country's blasphemy law, prompting protests by Islamists. The BBC's Aleem Maqbool, in Islamabad, says Mr Taseer was one of Pakistain's most important political figures and his death will further add to instability in the country.
Not sure how you could tell at this point. They're doing everything but eating each other...
The PPP-led government is facing a crisis that erupted after a coalition partner quit.

A witness at the scene said Mr Taseer was shot as he was getting out of his car at Kohsar Market, a shopping centre in Islamabad popular with Westerners and wealthy Paks.

"The governor fell down and the man who fired at him threw down his gun and raised both hands," Ali Imran told Rooters news agency.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said: "The police guard who killed him says he did this because Mr Taseer recently defended the proposed amendments to the blasphemy law.

"This is what he told the police after surrendering himself.

"But we are investigating to find out whether it was his individual act or whether someone else was also behind it."

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the liquidation and ordered an immediate inquiry into the killing.

The PPP has said it will observe two weeks of mourning over the liquidation of Mr Taseer.

Pakistain has seen a wave of attacks by Islamists in recent years, including the liquidation of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
Posted by: Water Modem || 01/04/2011 07:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Mr Taseer had recently spoken out against the country's blasphemy law, prompting protests by Islamists.
Posted by: Water Modem || 01/04/2011 7:45 Comments || Top||

#2  More on the story from Sky News.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 12:25 Comments || Top||

#3  This country is irrational people who will kill in the name of Allah even against fellow muslims.

I dont hold much hope for this country going forward whilst i do with the Iranian youngsters.
Pakistan is a failed state on the level of Yemen,Somalia and Sudan.
Posted by: Paul || 01/04/2011 12:31 Comments || Top||

#4  One doctor told the Associated Press that Mr Taseer was shot 26 times. The suspect was carrying a sub-machine gun.

Posted by: tu3031 || 01/04/2011 13:59 Comments || Top||

#5  One doctor told the Associated Press that Mr Taseer was shot 26 times. The suspect was carrying a sub-machine gun.

And Sky News (linked above) has it at two shots, then the security guard put his hands up and let himself be arrested. Pakistan, land where any conspiracy theory is preferred to simple facts.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 15:00 Comments || Top||

#6  Better get the Islamabad FD in there to hose down the scene.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/04/2011 15:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Odds are, this guy will be released in two or three years.
Posted by: AuburnTom || 01/04/2011 16:42 Comments || Top||

#8  Odds are, this guy will be released in two or three years.

He will be treated as a hero no doubt, inside and outside prison!
Posted by: Paul D || 01/04/2011 16:50 Comments || Top||

#9  I can believe he was shot at 26 times and hit twice by a Paki security guard with a sub machine gun.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 01/04/2011 17:49 Comments || Top||

#10  I can believe he was shot at 26 times and hit twice by a Paki security guard with a sub machine gun.

Nimble Spemble, I do believe you are an accuracy snob. ;-)

According to an NPR report this afternoon, the guard was proud of what he had done, killing the anti-Muslim supporter of blasphemers. No doubt he will not get the punishment the governor prescribed for Muslim radicals -- being pegged to the earth for three months, how the governnor was punished by General Zia for speaking out against military rule, back in the day. As the governor said, these modern radicals are mollycoddled by the government.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 20:03 Comments || Top||


The TASEER ASSASSINATION may prove to be a major catalyst for collapse judging by the PAK News this AM???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/04/2011 20:51 Comments || Top||

Eight held for targeted killings sent on remand
[Dawn] A subordinate court on Monday sent eight suspects said to be activists of a proscribed outfit, Sipah-i-Muhammad
This is the Shiite version of Sipah-e-Sahabah Pakistain. We don't hear as much from them, but then there are more vicious Sunnis in Pakistain than there are vicious Shiites.
on a two-day-remand. They were jugged on Sunday and were allegedly involved in several incidents of assassination in the city.

Speaking at a presser at the office of the Special Investigation Unit, Capital City Police Chief Fayyaz Ahmed Leghari said that five suspects were jugged following a shoot-out with the police near the NED University early on Sunday. The suspects were using a car with a fake registration number plate of the government of Sindh.

The CCPO said the suspects -- Tanveer Abbas, Abrar Husain Rizvi, Pervaiz Zaidi, Rifat alias Jehangir and Hasnain Abbas -- were jugged on Sunday morning and on their disclosure, the police jugged their three accomplices, Sikandar, Ali Mehdi and Komail.

Identifying Tanveer Abbas as the ringleader of the group, CCPO Leghari claimed that Tanveer Abbas used to pick and select young men for different tasks and would send them for basic training.

Motorcycles and arms and ammunition for carrying out the task were provided by Abbas, the CCPO added.

Similarly, Abrar Husain used to select targets and carry out reconnaissance of the target, the city police chief claimed.

He named 12 victims who were allegedly killed by the jugged suspects.

Dr Babar Manan was killed within the remit of the Mominabad cop shoppe, Dr Javed Shakoor in Nazimabad, Dr Khursheed in Orangi Town, Mohammad Nisar in New Bloody Karachi, Mauvia in Taimuria, Mukhtar Ali in Khawaja Ajmair Nagri, Ashraf Haroon in Orangi Town, Mushtaq Ahmed in Bilal Colony, Qari Iqbal in Surjani Town, Mohammad Imran in Shahra-i-Noor Jehan, Naeem Ahmed and Mudassar were killed within remit of the Sir Syed cop shoppe.

The suspects got Rs7 million as finances to carry out the assassinations in the city, the CCPO claimed without disclosing the source of the funding. He said the alleged gang comprised 18 men.

"Ten associates of the jugged suspects are still on the lam. Some of them have been identified as Zaki Kazmi, Shafat Husain, Mohsin, Farhat, Danish and Zeeshah Ali Abbas," the CCPO said.

The police seized an AK-47 rifle, two 9mm pistols, a mauser, a hand grenade, three TT pistols and a 9mm rifle from the suspects.

A list of names described by the police as a "hit list" was also recovered from the suspects which contained names of some coppers and holy mans, the CCPO added.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Shahzain Bugti, supporters sent to jail
[Dawn] The Judicial Magistrate one Quetta, Mohib Ullah Tareen's court has sent JWP's provincial president Shah Zain bugti and his 26 colleagues to jail on Monday.

The police remand of Bugti and his guards was ended on Saturday.

Strict security arrangements were in place on the arrival of Bugti and his colleagues at the District Court.

Outside the court room Bugti was optimistic while talking to the press about going to Dera Bugti on January 28 and lead the long march, however declared his brother as his replacement in case of his absence.

Paramilitary troops had jugged Shahzain Bugti and the 26 security guards on Dec 22 after allegedly finding a huge quantity of illegal arms and ammunition in vehicles of his convoy coming from the border town of Chaman.

The sessions court will begin bail plea hearing of the case on January 06.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Ulfa softens on independence
[Bangla Daily Star] A top Death Eater group fighting Indian forces in the country's remote northeast for almost three decades has dropped its demand for independence in talks with New Delhi, softening its stand in an insurgency that has killed thousands of people.

The United Liberation Front of Asom (Ulfa) is one of the deadliest separatist groups in the northeast, and progress in resolving the insurgency, which has been a drain on resources, would boost New Delhi in a region rich in oil and tea.

Arabinda Rajkhowa, also known as Rajib Rajkonwar, chairman of Ulfa, said on Sunday his group was for the first time willing to talk to the Indian government without condition.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

MQM joint sector incharge shot dead in Karachi
[Geo News] Muttahida Qaumi Movement's joint sector in-charge of Gulbahar has been rubbed out in Nazimabad, Geo News reported Monday.

According sources, Adil Jafri, joint sector in-charge of MQM was bumped off in Paposh Nagar area of Nazimabad.

The incident sent a wave of panic across the area where shops and markets have been closed down.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I work with an MQM supporter, and he would happily dose the entire Northwest Frontier Province, with napalm. A Sindhi-Punjab alliance against the arabist-wannabe scum from the north, has only been thwarted by the last 2 jackasses who polluted the White House.

Unleash the MQM!
Posted by: Shemp Fluck6002 || 01/04/2011 17:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Interesting, Shemp Fluck6002. I find myself unhealthily seduced by the idea of so easily clearing the NWFP (was Pakhtunwallah the name was recently changed to?) of jihadis. But it wasn't the NWFP jihadis who sold Pakistan's nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia, was it -- and what's to be done about the Arabist-wannabe scum from Punjab, busily sponsoring terrorist attacks in India at the behest of the ISI, and in Europe and Times Square on their own account? We simply can't napalm an entire country, uncontrolled outer provinces and all, no matter how tempting. It just isn't done.
Posted by: trailing wife || 01/04/2011 20:15 Comments || Top||

6 mortars hit U.S. base in Babel
BABEL / Aswat al-Iraq: Six mortar shells hit the U.S. base in north of Hilla on Monday, according to a police source from al-Mahaweel police station.

"U.S. forces contacted al-Mahaweel police station after six mortar shells hit the U.S. base in al-Musayab region, north of Hilla, and asked the police to investigate the incident," the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Hilla, the capital of Babel, lies 100 km south of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Babel 911. How may I direct your call?"
Posted by: Anonymoose || 01/04/2011 8:20 Comments || Top||

U.S. military vehicle damaged by IED in Diwaniya
DIWANIYA / Aswat al-Iraq: A U.S. military vehicle was damaged on Monday by an improvised explosive device in west of Diwaniya, according to a military source.

“The bomb exploded near a U.S. convoy in al-Shamiya district, west of Diwaniya, damaging a U.S. vehicle,” the source, who asked to remain anonymous, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“American forces cordon off the whole region, preventing vehicles coming from Najaf to enter the province for hours,” he added, without giving further details.

Diwaniya lies 180 km south of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Gunman Kill Christian Woman in Her Baghdad Home
[Asharq al-Aswat] Iraqi officals say a Christian woman was killed after gunnies broke into her house in downtown Storied Baghdad.

The assault is the latest in a string of attacks on Iraq's dwindling Christian community since 68 people died in the October siege of a Storied Baghdad church.

A police official said gunnies broke into the woman's house in Storied Baghdad's Karradah district at dawn Monday.

Police said they shot the woman, who is believed to have been in her 50s, and stole cash and gold.

Police added that the incident is under investigation and is considered an armed robbery.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Hurray for Nation Building.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 01/04/2011 6:37 Comments || Top||

Police added that the incident is under investigation and is considered an armed robbery.

Go ahead. Shoot the Christian. Just be sure to steal her cash and gold after you shoot her so the police can call it an armed robbery instead of a hate crime or ethnic cleansing.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 01/04/2011 14:57 Comments || Top||

#3  And in Canada, you can be jailed for giving a 'slime a dirty look.

A woman in Drummondville, Quebec, was fined $25,000 for calling her raghead neighbor an "idiot"...
Posted by: hotspur666 || 01/04/2011 22:28 Comments || Top||

Attack on intel service in northeast Iraq wounds 28
[Arab News] A suicide car boomer attacked an office of the Iraqi intelligence services in a city northeast of Storied Baghdad on Monday, wounding 28 people, officials said.

Abdul-Nassir al-Mahdawi, governor of volatile Diyala province, said a roadside kaboom blew up shortly before the car boomer attacked the intelligence office's compound in the city of Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) northeast of the capital.

Mahdawi said 28 people were maimed in the blasts. The majority of them were female students from a next door school.

An Interior Ministry source in Storied Baghdad put the toll at one person killed and 22 maimed, while a local police source said 15 were maimed. It was not clear whether the dead person the source was referring to was the attacker.

The jacket wallah was stopped at the gate to the compound, said Major Ghalib Attiya al-Jubouri, a front man for the police force in Diyala.

Overall violence has fallen sharply in Iraq since 2006-07, the height the sectarian slaughter between once dominant Sunnis and majority Shi'ites triggered by the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

The number of civilians killed in 2010 was the lowest since the invasion, according to monitoring group Iraq Body Count.

ButSunni Islamist groups like al Qaeda still battle U.S. troops and Iraqi security forces, particularly in Diyala, Storied Baghdad and the turbulent northern province of Nineveh.

Suspected snuffies have stepped up their attacks on Iraqi coppers and soldiers in an effort to undermine faith in the security forces before a full U.S. military withdrawal due by the end of this year.

Separately, two U.S. soldiers were killed in central Iraq on Sunday night, the U.S. military said in a statement. It did not provide any further details.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

British Consulate staff suspected of aiding plotters of stadium rocket attack
[Haaretz Defense] Israel said on Monday it had charged two local employees of the British Consulate General in Jerusalem with arms trafficking as part of an investigation into an alleged plot to fire a rocket into a major sports stadium in the capital.

A British Foreign and Commonwealth Office front man confirmed the arrests and said Britain was urgently seeking confirmation of the charges.
I guess the UNRWA staffers were unavailable...
"We have been told by the Israeli authorities that the investigation into our two employees is unrelated to the work they do at the consulate," the front man said.
Good they could separate their work and their...hobbies.
The Shin Bet said the two Paleostinians were indicted recently on the weapons charges in connection with an alleged plot by two other Paleostinians to attack Teddy Stadium, home to the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team, with a rocket.

The Shin Bet said the consulate staffers helped the two other suspects, alleged members of the Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, Islamist group who were charged in court on Sunday, to obtain guns.

No rockets were found by authorities, who said the plot to attack the stadium had been in its preliminary stages.
Posted by: Fred || 01/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That's breaking the rules. The consulates are supposed to employ only certified Fatah members!
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 01/04/2011 6:36 Comments || Top||




Posted by: JosephMendiola || 01/04/2011 20:54 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Thai bomb squad deaths blamed on equipment
The leader of Narathiwat province's bomb squad has blamed poor and ineffective equipment for the death of two bomb squad officers and injuries to nine others in a blast on Saturday in southern Thailand.

The bomb exploded as 50-year-old Pol Sen Sgt Maj Kitti Mingsuk and Pol Sgt Maj Kritsada Thong-or were attempting to defuse it. They responded after police received a report two men on a motorcycle had placed a suspicious box on Chattrawarin Road.

The chief of Narathiwat police's bomb squad said terrorists militants used powerful C4 explosive with the intent to killing bomb squad officers. "The explosive powder used on Saturday could have produced 20-30 bombs normally used in terrorist activities."

Chaen said devices used by the squad to try to block phone calls failed to function because of the signal poles of a private phone company 100 meters from the scene which sent a stronger telephone signal.

"Our devices only worked for 5-10 minutes. They could not offset the powerful signal of the telephone company. This was the weak spot that allowed militants to work successfully.'

Chaen called for higher officials to cooperate with the private firms to cut phone signals for 30-50 minutes to allow bomb disposal police to work at the bomb sites.

He said the bomb suit that Kitti wore was old. He got it in 2004 and it was only supposed to be used for five years. And it was made to withstand only an explosion by a 1.5 pound device, the bomb on Saturday was 5 kilograms.

The bomb squad also had problems with the robot, which did not function properly on that day. It was produced by Lanna Technical College in Chiang Mai and is not considered to be as efficient as imported ones.

"I have seen bomb detector robots in the US which are controlled by remote control or computers in a room. They are equipped with missiles and a camera. Our robots are controlled in open space and not via remote control function. Officials risk their lives since they have to work close to the bomb scene," Chaen explained.

Deputy Police Chief Maj-General Adul Saengsingkaew made a follow-up visit to the area. He admitted that equipment malfunctions were responsible for the deaths of the two officers. But he said terrorists militants are now using controls from car anti-theft devices instead of phones to set off blasts - and this police cannot yet block.
Posted by: ryuge || 01/04/2011 02:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The bomb squad also had problems with the robot, which did not function properly on that day. It was produced by Lanna Technical College in Chiang Mai and is not considered to be as efficient as imported ones.

Thailand isn't that a poor a country. Heck, even the Indonesian security services buy expensive American stuff. I suspect the bomb squad equipment budget went into some Thai official's Singaporean (East Asia's equivalent of Swiss) bank account.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 01/04/2011 17:17 Comments || Top||

#2  After reading this, it's probably gonna be kinda tough to fill their two new job openings.
Posted by: tu3031 || 01/04/2011 17:24 Comments || Top||

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