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Iraqi forces bang AQI Mister Big in Diyala
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Eggs. I like 'em. They make good snacks.
Posted by: gorb || 11/23/2008 5:45 Comments || Top||

#2  she needs to shave or wax that hunchback, though
Posted by: Frank G || 11/23/2008 6:38 Comments || Top||

#3  +1 :)
Posted by: ShawnQP || 11/23/2008 10:22 Comments || Top||

#4  Is she brushing Cousin It?
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 11/23/2008 10:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Looks like the Wookie got lucky.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 11/23/2008 11:07 Comments || Top||

#6  Miss Carlisle isn't either naked -- she's wearing shoes!
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/23/2008 15:27 Comments || Top||

#7  [I keep spamming the same place. They keep dumping my ass. I keep coming back. I'm just dumber than dirt, ain't I?]
Posted by: WYSteven || 11/23/2008 18:17 Comments || Top||

#8  interesting, Steven. Is that a lost Wyoming dialect?

I thought not
Posted by: Frank G || 11/23/2008 18:20 Comments || Top||

#9  Hello

Ima spammer. I suck.

Posted by: goriljoforbidden || 11/23/2008 19:46 Comments || Top||

#10  ìèð ñõîäèò ñ óìà Î_î
Posted by: MarkGL || 11/23/2008 23:03 Comments || Top||

Afghan blast kills French soldier
Mine explosion has killed a French soldier and seriously injured another near the Afghan capital, Kabul, a French military spokesman said.

The blast occurred Saturday morning near the Darulaman camp, some 10 km south of Kabul, when the soldiers were on their way to a firing range. It was unclear if the mine was planted by Taliban or al-Qaeda-linked insurgents fighting the US-led forces in Afghanistan.
Condolences to the brave French soldiers and to the loved ones.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Gurkhas brave hail of fire for comrade's body
Gurkha soldiers refused to leave a dead comrade behind enemy lines even though they knew they would face 'extreme fire' from Taliban forces.

The first accounts of the courageous recovery of the body of the first Gurkha killed in Afghanistan can be revealed today as British troops continue to defend the strategic former Taliban stronghold of Musa Qala in Helmand province.

Braving withering fire from fortified Taliban positions, men from the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Gurkha Rifles, located the body of Rifleman Yubraj Rai and then carried it more than 100m across open ground.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: john frum || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I suspect the Taliban are about to learn a really terrifying lesson of what happens when you kill a Ghurkha.

A favorite classical technique of theirs is to sneak into an enemy camp, find two men sleeping together, and cut one of their throats. The net morning, the other man is the alarm clock to wake everyone else up.

In WWII, as few as half a dozen Ghurhas caused a fresh Japanese infantry battalion to surrender without firing a shot. They snuck into their barracks at night, and painted a word on the sole of every Japanese soldier and officers boot.

The preferred Gurkha method of silencing a sentry is to just a large Kukri knife to split their head in half, vertically. If they are wearing a helmet, the Gurkha approaches laterally and cuts their head clean off.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/23/2008 7:54 Comments || Top||

#2  dozen Ghurhas caused a fresh Japanese infantry battalion to surrender without firing a shot

Ima call BS.
Posted by: .5MT || 11/23/2008 9:33 Comments || Top||

#3  they used to sneak into the German sleeping quarters and cut of a few of the mens heads. After a week of this no one could sleep,
Posted by: Namaste || 11/23/2008 10:09 Comments || Top||

#4  Ayo Gurkhali!
Posted by: mojo || 11/23/2008 13:05 Comments || Top||

#5  I had a customer whose son was a Royal Marine over in Afghanistan. From what I heard all of the above is true,but wait there is more. They also whip up some of the best curries in the world.
Posted by: bruce || 11/23/2008 19:48 Comments || Top||

Hunt for Rashid Rauf that ended with hellfire
A British terror suspect was killed by US forces in Pakistan yesterday. MPs want to know: did they tell Britain first?
A long piece with much nutty goodness about Rauf's unfortunate demise combined with a lot of hand-wringing.
At 10pm on Friday night the tribesmen in the villages of North Waziristan heard a sound they have learnt to fear. The hum of American reconnaissance planes high above the lawless tribal lands that span the Pakistan-Afghan border usually presages an imminent strike by Predator drones, targeting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters who shelter in their midst.
Bhwa-ha-ha-ha ...
There have been more than 20 such attacks since August, but this time it appeared to be a false alarm. The locals were relieved when the sound faded at midnight.
Three hours later, however, they were woken by explosions in Khaisoor, as three Hellfire missiles from a Predator destroyed a mud-built bungalow in the village.
3 am? We're taking lessons from the RAB ...
Inside, among the five people killed and six injured, were Rashid Rauf, the British militant alleged to have masterminded a plot to blow up transatlantic airliners in 2006, and two senior Al-Qaeda comrades, Abu Nasr Al-Misri and Abu Zubair Al-Masri, according to Pakistani intelligence sources.
Give our regards to Himmler, boys ...

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve White || 11/23/2008 00:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [56 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Did Britain ask to be told first?
Posted by: ed || 11/23/2008 1:09 Comments || Top||

#2  In answer to the MP's question: we did not tell Britain first. Do we have to get permission to kill every a$$hole.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 11/23/2008 1:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Hmmm. That story fairly drips with sympathy for all the wrong people. Ain't it funny how all those MPs and "experts" can only feel good about themselves when filth like Rauf are safe and you and I are not?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 11/23/2008 1:21 Comments || Top||

#4  No. We did not tell you first. If your citizens turn to terrorism, we reserve the right to detain, dismember or destroy them by whatever means we desire to deploy.

In the future, we will continue to take such actions. You are hereby notified.

Also, if you need any help removing the red and blue from the Union Jack...
Posted by: USA || 11/23/2008 2:11 Comments || Top||

#5  If you go to the original link and read the comments to the article, nearly all the Brits are as pleased as punch about the killing of Rauf. A few limp-wristed politicians and journalists don't speak for the majority,
Posted by: Apostate || 11/23/2008 2:41 Comments || Top||

#6  One might suspect a few public-spirited citizens back in the U.K. might be pretty well done with plans to firebomb his old pad there. If the Muzz bastard who answered the door was pissed then, well, afterward he'd have a real reason to be. If he survived, that is.
Posted by: Jolutch Mussolini7800 || 11/23/2008 3:51 Comments || Top||

#7  But their location had been betrayed, either by their own use of a mobile telephone, or by the spies and special forces tracking them.

Was it Lenin who said that when something like this goes down that all you had to do to find the culprit was to look around and see who benefitted?

I sure hope they don't figure it out and execute any of our spies who stepped up to fill one of the positions that was vacated when everyone moved up.

Ahem. :-|
Posted by: gorb || 11/23/2008 5:44 Comments || Top||

#8  The hum of American reconnaissance planes high above the lawless tribal lands that span the Pakistan-Afghan border usually presages an imminent strike by Predator drones, targeting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters who shelter in their midst.

Damn de Brits, they got all the newspaper writers.

Posted by: .5MT || 11/23/2008 6:44 Comments || Top||

#9  Special Relationship? My history class hasn't gotten that far yet.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 11/23/2008 7:13 Comments || Top||

#10  Hasta la vista dirtbag
Posted by: DMFD || 11/23/2008 10:36 Comments || Top||

#11  Message to Turbans: Predators - when you hear em, they're there. When you don't hear em, they're still there. Sleep well
Posted by: Frank G || 11/23/2008 10:40 Comments || Top||

#12  But, the army wants 500 of these Sky Warriors and the air force wants a couple hundred.
I suspect the skies over Pakiwakiland are going to be filled with these things..
Sleep tight in Pakistan - Don't let the bed bugs bite....
Posted by: 3dc || 11/23/2008 11:04 Comments || Top||

#13  "Abu Nasr Al-Misri and Abu Zubair Al-Masri"
Just goes to show: Misri loves company.
Posted by: Darrell || 11/23/2008 12:32 Comments || Top||

#14  "For plants that cannot bloom by day must flower in the night."
Posted by: mojo || 11/23/2008 12:54 Comments || Top||

#15  A tip o' the hat to Mahmoud the Weasel

Might be better to tip the hat to Roger the Ridge Runner. Friend of mine just got back from his third trip to Afghanistan. What the average American doesn't know about the US Military is probably a good thing.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/23/2008 13:19 Comments || Top||

#16  We should ask those ball-less MPS if they'd prefer that we deploy the Predators over the Midlands.
Posted by: AlanC || 11/23/2008 15:09 Comments || Top||

#17  "Previously the Pentagon required "90%" confidence that a "high-value target" was at a location before approving a Predator strike. Now that threshold was dropped to 50%-60%."

Yeah, if you look at some of those Predator videos the "Probability Indicator" is generally grayed out. The planes loiter around until the meter hits "55" and then blast whatever is in the crosshairs at the time.
Posted by: crosspatch || 11/23/2008 16:21 Comments || Top||

#18  Don't we need 1000 more machines that "hum" like Predators? Don't we need 500 Predators that do not "hum"?
Posted by: whatadeal || 11/23/2008 20:17 Comments || Top||

#19  Are you sure the Predators always hum...
and the Sky Warriors can cruise at 29K feet... not sure that hum would carry.
Posted by: 3dc || 11/23/2008 20:44 Comments || Top||

Army takes control of Kabal in Swat
Security forces have taken complete control of Swat's Kabal tehsil, a military statement said on Saturday. It said the Taliban had fled the area after heavy casualties and a team of engineers was detecting and removing landmines and remote-controlled bombs that Taliban had planted in the area.

It said the fleeing Taliban had robbed several houses and offices.

Minister's brother: An unidentified gunman shot dead NWFP Forest Minister Wajid Ali Khan's brother in Mingora on Saturday, witnesses and officials said. Farooq Khan, an NWFP Police inspector in Mingora, was heading on his motorbike for a market in Mingora city, officials told Daily Times. The gunman then escaped on foot from the scene on the outskirts of Mingora, local police official Khaista Rehman told AFP.

"It was a targeted killing. The militants threatened him several times," he said. Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan told Daily Times the inspector was not on the Taliban 'hit-list'. But he owned the attacks on Awami National Party (ANP) leaders and relatives of provincial ministers from the district in the recent past.

ANP called the killing 'terrorism' against Pashtuns. "The terrorists are out to kill Pashtuns," Asfandyar Wali Khan said. "But the ANP will not step back from its struggle for the rights of the Pashtun people." "The day has come when the (Pashtun) nation stands up to protect itself and cleanse the land from the anti-Islam enemies of peace," the ANP leader said in a press statement issued in Peshawar.

Taliban flog: Locals said Taliban punished two men with 39 whips each on charges of adultery in Kabal tehsil. In Charbagh tehsil, they also punished two alleged drug peddlers with 20 whips each. The punishments followed rulings of their own 'shariah courts'.

Video shop: In Mingora, unidentified men set fire to a CD and video film store. No group has claimed responsibility for the incident so far, but Taliban have owned such incidents in the past.

Seven killed in Bajaur: Four Taliban and three women were killed in bombing by fighter aircraft in Bajaur Agency on Saturday. Officials said the aircraft attacked suspected hideouts in Kas, Gatki and Kharki areas of Mamoond tehsil. Locals said one of the bombs was dropped on a stream where women had gathered to fetch water. Officials did not confirm the killing of women.

Security forces claimed to have made swift advances in Nawagai teshil and taken over several areas that were under Taliban control.

Northern Areas: Inspector General of Police for Northern Areas Khursheed Alam Khan said on Saturday that police would conduct a grand operation against criminals by the end of the current month. A statement said that around 150 commando detachments would be formed for the operation, while security arrangements on Karakurram Highway for Chinese engineers and foreign and local tourists have been completed.

He said that around 400 non-locals have been expelled from the areas, and peace committees are being formed in the villages. He said that police officials have been asked to eliminate crime by November 25 or face stern action.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, I have a feeling there will be no "Spring offensive" in 2009. Those Talibs will be plum tuckered out come March.
Posted by: crosspatch || 11/23/2008 0:37 Comments || Top||

#2  If the cops busted your next door neighbor and then had to come in and clear landmines and boobytraps, it'd be in the news for weeks. Out in Swat, it's just another quaint local custom...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 11/23/2008 0:56 Comments || Top||

Two protestors killed in Kashmir
Indian paramilitary forces have shot and killed two yoots youths in Kashmir, on a second day of protests against Indian rule by Muslim protesters.

Police opened fire to control crowds of stone-throwing demonstrators in Baramulla town, about 55 kilometres (34 miles) north of the summer capital Srinagar, killing two people including a teenage student, a police officer said.

The violence came on the eve of the second round of seven-stage state elections which wind up in late December.

Violence in the past four months has left nearly four dozen dead and hundreds wounded in Kashmir.

The region has also been beset by mob violence triggered by the allotment of land for a Hindu shrine -- a decision that caused a sharp divide between Hindus and Muslims. Indian authorities have detained several separatist leaders.

Hundreds of thousands of people have attended four previous marches organized by separatists, who favor independence from India.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Three coppers banged in Bannu
At least three policemen have been killed and one injured when militants attacked a security check post in Bannu city in North West Pakistan.

According the officials, the attack was carried out in the Mandaan police station late on Friday night. The assailants used grenade and mortar fire to launch their attacked that resulted in the death of three men and then escaped unscathed.

On Saturday in the Hangue district also in North West Pakistan, a bomb blast killed five people including, two children and injured another 25 others.

A bomb went off in a mosque in the Thall area of the district while worshipers were leaving the evening prayer ad creating the carnage a local official told a Press Tv correspondent. The injured people were moved to a local hospital, some are in critical condition, a local official added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

2 kabooms in Lahore
(APP): As many as two persons received trivial injuries in two consecutive bomb blasts in the cafeteria of Punjab Institute of Languages here on Saturday night. According to police officials, time device was used in the blasts. SSP operations Ch Shafiq and other police officials have reached the spot and are investigating.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Pakistani court indicts five over Bhutto murder attack
ISLAMABAD - An anti-terrorism court on Saturday formally indicted five people in connection with the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, media reports said.

Bhutto was murdered in a gun-suicide attack in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, which is adjacent to the capital Islamabad, during an election rally on December 27 last year.

The authorities accused Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in the restive tribal district of South Waziristan of masterminding the slaying of the former head of the now ruling Pakistan People’s Party. The commander, who has links with al-Qaeda and leads a 5,000- strong militia, has denied the allegations.

Five other suspects were arrested associated with the crime in the following months and indicted on Saturday by the Special Court Judge, Chaudhry Habibur Rahman, on various charges. Three accused - named as Aitzaz Shah, Sher Zaman and Abdul Rashid - were accused of having prior information relating to the terrorism activity of which they did not inform the police and other relevant authorities, the Urdu-language Geo news channel. The two others - Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain - were accused of helping in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Bhutto and helping the suicide bombers involved in the attack.

All the five accused rejected the charges.
"Lies! All lies!"
Police have claimed Hussain and Gul confessed they were seeking revenge for the death of a comrade killed in a July 2007 commando assault on Islamabad’s Red Mosque, where radical Islamists were smoked out by security forces following a week’s fighting.

According to the Pakistani authorities, over 100 people, including a dozen soldiers were killed in the operation. But Islamist claim over 3,000, including women and children, studying at the Islamic seminary adjacent to the mosque died. The suspects were outraged by US support for Bhutto, who had vowed to intensify the fight against militants in tribal areas, a senior police official Abdul Majeed told reporters in February.

Pakistan also has asked UN to carry out an international inquiry into the terrorist action, which the family of Bhutto and her party suspected might have carried out by some rouged elements in Pakistan’s intelligence agencies sympathizing Taliban.
'Rouge elements'?
Posted by: Steve White || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  rouged elements

Hiding in caves does tend to bring out the pallor.
Posted by: Milton Fandango || 11/23/2008 15:59 Comments || Top||

Delhi Doctor Denies Link
with Malegaon Bombing
NEW DELHI - A doctor here on Saturday rubbished reports of his involvement in the Malegaon bombing or the Abhinav Bharat group that supposedly masterminded the terror attack. “I have no role in anything. I don’t (even) know what is the ideology of Abhinav Bharat,” R.P. Singh, an endocrinologist at a leading private hospital here, told news channels.
"Lies! All lies!"
Singh acknowledged that he knew the self-styled Hindu religious leader Dayanand Pandey, who is in the custody of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad. Singh said he was “working for Kashmir refugees” and believed in Hindutva ideology.
"Sure, I had sympathy for them and was in league with them, but that doesn't mean I done anything!"
Singh admitted he was present in Pandey’s office in Faridabad, adjoining Delhi, on January 26 this year where investigators believe the September 29 Malegaon bombing was planned. But he insisted he was not aware of any planning. “Yes, I was there but no conspiracy was hatched in front of me,” he said.
"I had my fingers in my ears and was singing 'la-la-la-la' the whole time!"
Posted by: Steve White || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

9 suspects, "terrorist" cell leader captured — MNF
Aswat al-Iraq: Ten suspects and wanted men were captured in separate operations conducted in Baghdad and Baiji, according to the Multi-National Force (MNF) in a statement on Saturday. "Seven suspects were arrested for involvement in acts of violence in a security operation in Baghdad," read the MNF statement received by Aswat al-Iraq. "A wanted man believed to be the leader of a terrorist cell and two other suspects were also arrested in another operation in Baiji," it added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

Iranian with forged Iraqi IDs arrested in Wassit
Awat al-Iraq: Quick response forces arrested an Iranian citizen who entered Iraq illegally, carrying forged Iraqi identification cards (IDs), and who hid himself in fuel tank, a source from Wassit police said on Saturday. "The Iranian was arrested while he was entering the country through Zerbatia border point, 90 km east of Kut," the source told Aswat al-Iraq. He noted that a large number of forged Iraqi IDs were found on the Iranian, in addition to Iranian cell phones scratch cards. "The IDs bear different Iraqi names," the source said. "It seems that those IDs are part of a campaign to forge upcoming provincial elections in Iraq," he added. He noted that the arrest operation relied on intelligence tips.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: IRGC

Wanted man nabbed in Wassit
Aswat al-Iraq: Joint Iraqi-U.S. forces on Saturday captured a man wanted by security authorities in a raid on his home, backed by Multi-National Force (MNF) warplanes, north of Kut city, a security source in Wassit province said. "The joint force captured a Kadhem al-Talqani, a wanted man, in a search raid in al-Numaniya district, (40 km) north of Kut, on Saturday evening," the source told Aswat al-Iraq. "Talqani's son, Iyad, is one of the most dangerous persons wanted by Iraqi forces. A picture of Iyad was at the entrance of al-Numaniya city," the source added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

Iraqi forces kill AQI leader, arrest 15 in Diyala
Aswat al-Iraq: An Iraqi army force on Saturday conducted a security operation in southern Diala province, killing an amir (leader) of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and arresting 15 others, a security source said. "A force from the Iraqi army's 5th Division carried out an operation inside Youssef al-Hilan village, south of Buhrez district, (5 km) south of Baaquba city, killing Ibrahim Hekmat, alias Abu Qatada, an AQI amir who is top aide of the network leader in Diala," the source told Aswat al-Iraq. "Fifteen AQI members others were arrested in the operation," the source added.

Buhrez is one of the hotspots in Diala that occasionally witness armed confrontations between al-Qaeda operatives on one hand and security forces and sahwa (awakening) tribal fighters on the other.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Qassams strike western Negev in latest threat to fragile truce
Three Qassam rockets were fired at the western Negev on Saturday. The rockets landed in open fields and no injuries or damages were reported. The rockets are believed to have been fired from the northern Negev, in the area where the Jewish settlement of Dugit was once located.

On Friday, Palestinian militants fired two mortar shells at an Israel Defenses Forces patrol near the Kissufim crossing between Israel and Gaza. There were no injuries in the attack, which was claimed by the Popular Resistance Committeees.

After some two weeks of rocket barrages by the dozens, Hamas has said it stopped firing rockets and is working to rein in the smaller groups. One Qassasm rocket hit the western Negev Thursday.

The Israel Air Force has responded to the rockets with air strikes of its own, killing a number of militants in recent weeks. The IDF has kept crossings into Gaza mostly shut over the last few weeks because of the ongoing rocket fire.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  working to rein in the smaller groups

Maybe there is room for a new Sternist group.
Posted by: .5MT || 11/23/2008 0:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Fragile truce? Did they mean fragile disbelief?
Posted by: gorb || 11/23/2008 1:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Truce. Cease fire.
They keep using those words. I don't the words mean what they seem to think they mean.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 11/23/2008 1:35 Comments || Top||

#4  All part of the Peace Process.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 11/23/2008 7:53 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan troops capture rebel training camp
Sri Lankan soldiers captured a Tamil Tiger rebel training camp, while air force helicopters bombed two rebel groups in the north, the military said Saturday.

Troops seized the training camp in Andankulam village in the rebel stronghold of Mullaitivu on Friday, the military said in a statement. Military helicopters also bombed two rebel groups in Kilinochchi district on the same day, the statement said without giving casualty details. Separately, the decomposed bodies of three rebels were found after recent fierce fighting along the northern Jaffna and Kilinochchi fronts, the military said. It was not clear when they died, it said. According to military reports, Sri Lankan troops have made rapid progress on the battlefield in recent months, clearing the island's entire west of rebels and forcing them to retreat into a shrinking territory in the northeast. Authorities have vowed to crush the guerrillas and end their decades-old separatist campaign.
Posted by: Fred || 11/23/2008 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

US foiled missile shipment to Iran from NK
Caught via AOSHQ -I think we had a speculation report on this earlier on RB
Correct, we did.
A few weeks before dropping North Korea from the United States' list of countries that sponsor terrorism, the Bush administration thwarted a shipment of missile parts, possibly including gyroscopes for guidance systems, from the far eastern country to Iran, the weekly news magazine Newsweek reported Sunday, quoting US officials.

On August 4, an aircraft operated by Pyongyang's state-controlled airline was given permission by India to fly from Burma to Teheran, traversing Indian airspace.

On August 7, The Indian Express newspaper reported that the office of India's prime minister "hurriedly" asked authorities to withdraw the clearance. The US officials said that clearance was annulled following a request from Washington.

The US then removed North Korea from its state sponsor of terror status in October, after Pyongyang agreed to halt its nuclear program. However, what seemed a brisk start began to stutter as Japanese and South Korean officials publicly proclaimed that North Korea had stopped the process of decommissioning its reactor, and was not standing up to other sides of its agreement with the US.
Posted by: Frank G || 11/23/2008 16:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Who's in the News
4Iraqi Insurgency
2Govt of Iran
1al-Qaeda in Iraq
1al-Qaeda in Pakistan
1Govt of Pakistan
1Govt of Sudan
1Govt of Syria

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2008-11-23
  Iraqi forces bang AQI Mister Big in Diyala
Sat 2008-11-22
  Rashid Rauf dronezapped in Pakistain: officials
Fri 2008-11-21
  US strikes inside Pakistain 'intolerable', says Gilani
Thu 2008-11-20
  U.S. Dronezap Kills 6 Terrs in Pakistain
Wed 2008-11-19
  Indian Navy destroys Somali pirate mothership
Tue 2008-11-18
  B.O. vows to exit Iraq, shut down Gitmo
Mon 2008-11-17
  Pirates take Saudi supertanker off Mombasa
Sun 2008-11-16
  Lankan Army seizes entire west coast from LTTE
Sat 2008-11-15
  Al-Shabaab closes in on Mog
Fri 2008-11-14
  U.S. missiles hit Pak Talibs, 12 dead
Thu 2008-11-13
  Somali pirates open fire on Brit marines. Hilarity ensues.
Wed 2008-11-12
  Philippines ship, 23 crew seized near Somalia
Tue 2008-11-11
  EU launches anti-piracy mission off Somalia
Mon 2008-11-10
  Somali gunnies kidnap two Italian nuns
Sun 2008-11-09
  Boomerette hits emergency room west of Baghdad

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