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Iran and Syria Form United Front
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1 00:00 tu3031 [11]
Yemen Authorities Foil Terror Plot
Authorities in Yemen have foiled a militant plot to attack foreign embassies and security installations in the capital Sanaa after a suspect involved turned himself over to police last week, according to media reports yesterday. Security forces have arrested five members of the group at the center of the alleged plot, raided houses and apartments and seized weapons and explosives, the Ray News website said citing security sources. The suspects included a woman.

According to the report, the alleged attacker told the police of a "terror cell planning to carry out suicide attacks against foreign embassies and interests". The 22-year-old man was reportedly on his way to carry out a suicide attack, but he changed his mind and decided to surrender to the police. He revealed names of key members of the alleged group that "has been receiving funds from foreign parties". A police official told Arab News that the compound of the United Nations mission in Sanaa was supposed to be the first target of the militants.

A source from the security services said they had received last week threats from an unknown group which warned of attacks against Western embassies and interests in Sanaa if the authorities would execute those accused in the cases of the French tanker Limburg and the USS Cole destroyer. A source close to the investigation said the members of the group had enjoyed the backing of foreign parties to carry out what they described as "martyrdom" operations against installations belonging to Western countries. Members of the group were also accused of other illegal activities, including the forging currency and documents, as well as arms trafficking and smuggling, the source said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

7 arrests after Belfast bank heist
Police said they arrested seven people, including an official from the IRA-linked Sinn Fein party, and seized millions in cash Thursday suspected stolen two months ago from a Belfast bank, a crime that badly damaged Northern Ireland's peace process. Police raided a property near the southwest city of Cork, arrested three men and a woman, and recovered a reported £2 million ($3.8 million). They could not immediately confirm whether the money matched records of the notes stolen from the Northern Bank in Belfast.

Earlier, police said they raided another property in Dublin, where they arrested three men and seized at least £60,000. They also could not confirm whether this was money stolen from the bank, but confirmed that some of the money was in the Northern Ireland's own brand. The two connected raids, police said, were targeting suspected money-laundering operations of the outlawed Irish Republican Army. The seizures and arrests may represent the first major breakthrough in months of police work to identify the gang responsible for stealing £26.5 million robbery from the Northern Bank on December 20 -- the biggest cash theft in history.
Well, there went the IRA's IRA.
Police chiefs in both parts of Ireland have blamed the outlawed IRA, but until now have failed to recover any of the cash or charge anyone in connection with the robbery. Police, in keeping with usual practice, refused to identify any of the arrested people by name. Under powers of Ireland's Offenses Against the State Act, all seven can be interrogated without charge until Friday night or Saturday morning. Sinn Fein declined immediate comment. The party previously has stressed it believes IRA denials of involvement in the robbery.
Posted by: Steve || 02/17/2005 12:40:43 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  tu - think some of the perps are from Charlestown?
Posted by: Raj || 02/17/2005 13:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Why? Were they wearing their hockey jackets?
Posted by: tu3031 || 02/17/2005 13:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Northern Ireland's own brand If this confused you, its because It should have read - Northern Bank's own brand. A pecularity of Northern Ireland is all the local banks (there used to be 5) issue their own currency.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/17/2005 14:24 Comments || Top||

#4  I think in the old days all banks issued their own "bank notes". Only later did governments get out of specie and into paper money.
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/17/2005 19:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Exactly TW. I always figured folks eventually would demand the best, which I have drying in the basement.

Posted by: Barney Rubble || 02/17/2005 20:00 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Car boom narrowly misses Dagestani deputy PM, security chief
A car bomb killed three people near Russia's restive Chechnya region on Wednesday, but Dagestan's deputy prime minister and a security chief escaped the apparent bid to assassinate them, officials said. The bomb went off in the town of Kizlyar in Dagestan as the region's deputy prime minister and security council chief drove away from the government building in an armoured Mercedes. Neither was hurt. The dead were two passers-by, including a woman, and the driver of a car accompanying the officials, said Ibragim Aliyev, head doctor at Kizlyar's hospital. A further five people were injured, he said.

Dagestan has been infected by a spillover of violence from Chechnya, where rebels have fought Russian rule for a decade. It is also prone to criminal clashes. Amuchi Amutinov, the Dagestani deputy prime minister who escaped injury in Wednesday's attack, survived a previous assassination attempt that analysts blamed on a criminal gang. Amutinov also heads Dagestan's pension fund.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/17/2005 12:36:14 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Officials: Militants Targeted Eiffel Tower
Islamic militants under investigation for allegedly planning an attack on the Russian Embassy in Paris had other targets on their list, including the Eiffel Tower, police and judicial officials said Wednesday. Three men, all Algerians, were detained Jan. 11 in connection with an investigation into a network of Islamic radicals supporting Chechen rebels, the officials said on condition of anonymity. More than 20 people have been jailed in a series of arrests since December 2002 as part of an investigation into the network. The investigation revealed an alleged plot against the Russian Embassy and a planned chemical attack.

On Wednesday, judicial officials confirmed the three arrests, which were first reported by the daily Le Parisien. The newspaper said attacks in Britain were also allegedly planned and that those arrested in France had links to a group of Islamic radicals in Spain. According to judicial officials, the three men said among the targets was the veritable symbol of France, the Eiffel Tower. Also targeted were a clothing store in the central Paris district of Les Halles, which is a commuter link packed with people, Israeli interests and police stations, officials said. Money from a French network making false papers was allegedly taken to Spain to finance sending Islamic combatants to Chechnya, the paper reported without citing sources.

Separately, the trial of six men accused of targeting the U.S. Embassy in Paris ended Wednesday. The men denied plans for a suicide attack on the embassy and insisted they were simply friends, not a terror group. "I sleep well and I'm tranquil because I have done nothing wrong," the alleged ringleader, Djamel Beghal, told the court. "I have no network. I have friends."
"I have an MCI calling circle."
The verdict in that case — not connected to the Chechnya investigation — was deferred until March 15. More than 20 people have been arrested in France in the two-year investigation into the alleged network supporting Chechen rebels. Officials have claimed some of the arrests stopped a chemical attack in France. Investigators believe the heart of the network was dismantled in December 2002 with the arrests of nine suspects in two Paris suburbs. Three of those suspects trained with rebels and met "high-level al-Qaida operatives" in Georgia's Pankisi Gorge, near its border with Russia, the Interior Ministry said at the time.
But the Georgians assured us that the Pankisi Gorge had been cleaned out.
Among the top suspects is Menad Benchellali whose brother, Mourad, was held by the United States in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but was among four prisoners returned in July to France, where he remains jailed the French being venal but not stupid. His father, an imam, or Muslim prayer leader, his mother and another brother were placed under investigation in January 2004. The raids leading to the initial arrests turned up chemical formulas for explosives and a substance that, when subjected to heat or put in contact with water, would let off a highly toxic gas, judicial officials have said. Lists of chemicals and their price and a suit to protect against chemical attacks were among other items found.
This article starring:
DJAMEL BEGHALal-Qaeda in Europe
Posted by: tipper || 02/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:


OK OK You guys win. We Surrender. No more fashion shows, chess or kites. Women all in burkas, and shot if not escorted.

-Jacques "le Weasel" Chirac

Posted by: BigEd || 02/17/2005 17:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Send in "Team America"!
Posted by: AJackson || 02/17/2005 19:09 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bomb attack in southern Thailand
A bomb in southern Thailand has killed four people and injured at least 35, as Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra visited the troubled region. The bomb exploded in the border town of Sungai Kolok in Narathiwat province at 1905pm (1205GMT), police said.
It came hours after Mr Thaksin said he would use military muscle and economic sanctions to punish those villages that were sympathetic to Islamic rebels. Local leaders in the largely Muslim region strongly criticised the plan.
"Why is everyone picking on us?"

The bomb was planted in a car parked near the Marina Hotel, said police spokesman Nawin Nilwanith. Sungai Kolok is a popular tourist town on the border with Malaysia. It is not the first time the town has been the target of a suspected militant attack.
The bombing came as Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was touring the country's Muslim-dominated south, the scene of sectarian violence which has claimed more than 550 lives since January last year. During Thursday's tour, Mr Thaksin outlined his latest plans to tackle the ongoing violence - plans which the BBC's correspondent in Bangkok, Kylie Morris, says are his most controversial yet.
The gloves just came off

Some 1,580 southern villages have been surveyed for their co-operation with the government, and categorised as red, yellow or green, depending on the degree of violence found there. Villages are designated as red if they are frequently violent, if they refuse to co-operate with the authorities, and if more than half the residents are judged to be sympathetic to the aims of the insurgents.
Three hundred and fifty-eight villages are cited as red zones, including 200 in the province of Narathiwat. Mr Thaksin has said he will give more than $500m to villages across the country within the next 10 weeks, and each community's quota will depend on its colour code. Red zone villages will not get any money.

"We don't give money to those red villages because we don't want them to spend the money on explosives, road spikes or assassins," Mr Thaksin told villagers in Narathiwat. "If the money sanctions do not work, I will send soldiers to lay siege to the red zone villages and put more pressure on them," he added. "I will never allow anyone to separate even one square inch from this country, even though this land will have to be soaked with blood. So I'd like everyone to be friends with me. Don't be friends with bad guys," he said.
"Don't make me angey. You won't like me when I'm angry"
But Abdulrohman Abdulsamad, chairman of the Islamic Council of Narathiwat, said Mr Thaksin's ideas would only succeed in pushing villagers into the arms of militants. "When [the Muslim world] find that we are being ignored or sanctioned... they will step in," he said.
They already have stepped in, that's one of the problems.
Mr Thaksin is meeting both Muslim and Buddhist leaders on his three-day tour. More than 500 people have been killed in the south in a wave of violence blamed on Muslim insurgents. In the past months, Buddhist monks, teachers, police and soldiers have been ambushed and murdered on an almost daily basis.
This article starring:
ABDULROHMAN ABDULSAMADIslamic Council of Narathiwat
Islamic Council of Narathiwat
Posted by: Steve || 02/17/2005 9:06:58 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [41 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One of the biggest problems with dealing with Muslim extremists is that we continue to act in a "civilized" manner in waging this war. In places like Thailand, the gloves should indeed come off, and the extremists and their backers treated the same way they treat the Thais. Murdering Buddhist monks should be countered by destroying mosques. I think the violence will escalate for a bit, then die down to nothing - especially if the mosque destruction is always carried out on a Friday afternoon.

You can't fight barbarians with civilized methods. You either kill them or destroy them - nothing else works. If they don't want to die, they'll stop acting like barbarians.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 02/17/2005 22:21 Comments || Top||

#2  OP---it seems to me that the main problems that we are having with radical Islam has to do with places that the Wahabbists have funded with mosques and Madarassas. Gotta read the Freedom House paper on the Saudi hate literature in the US. We need to confront the Saudis publically on this. SoState Powell played too much footsie with the Saudis. They are the real enemy. How to do this is one thing, but their hate funding worldwide needs to be called.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 02/17/2005 22:29 Comments || Top||

Abu Sayyaf, MNLF planning to kidnap VIPs
APART from attacking military detachments in Sulu, loyalists of jailed Muslim leader Nur Misuari and the Abu Sayyaf planned to kidnap top government officials and foreigners to force his release from jail, a military official said on Wednesday.

Following a series of meetings late last year, the two Muslim rebel groups agreed to take "extreme measures," like "kidnapping high-profile government officials or foreigners to be used as leverage for the release of Misuari," said the official who requested anonymity.

The former leader of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is detained at a police camp in the municipality of Sta. Rosa in Laguna province while on trial for rebellion.

At least three teams, led by MNLF commanders Bashiri Jailani and Tahir Sali, and Abu Sayyaf leader Radullan Sahiron will carry out the abductions, the same source said.

In another meeting last November 16, Jailani, Sali, and Sahiron met in barangay (village) Pandan, Kalingalan Kaluang town, Sulu province also allegedly planned a siege on three schools in Zamboanga City, the official said.

Military spokesmen were unavailable for comment.

Fighting between government troops and Misuari loyalists had raged in Sulu since early last week, killing at least 70 on both sides.

On Wednesday, the government seized the Misuari loyalists' Camp Ujod Jabal in barangay (village) Bitan-ag, Panamo town, which they renamed Camp Dennis Villanueva, in honor of an Army battalion commander, who died there last Thursday.

In a related the development, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) warned that the current military offensive in Mindanao was "doomed to fail" like the "all-out war" that the Estrada government launched in 2000. "It is more prudent for this government to agree to a ceasefire now than later when its military solution will prove to be futile and disastrous," MILF chief information officer Mohaguer Iqbal said in a statement. "That is more insulting and face-shattering."
This article starring:
BASHIRI JAILANIMoro National Liberation Front
MOHAGUER IQBALMoro Islamic Liberation Front
NUR MISUARIMoro National Liberation Front
TAHIR SALIMoro National Liberation Front
Abu Sayyaf
Moro Islamic Liberation Front
Moro National Liberation Front
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/17/2005 12:42:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Captured MNLF Camp in Jolo Now a Military Base
Hundreds of troops yesterday occupied a fortified rebel garrison in the heartland of Jolo in the southern Philippines, as security forces continued their offensive against the former separatist group Moro National Liberation Front, blamed for the death of dozens of soldiers in a string of attacks on the island. Battle-hardened soldiers raised their weapons and flashed the victory sign inside the sprawling six-hectare garrison called Camp Ujod Jabal in the hinterland village of Bitanag in Panamao town. The military now call this Camp Dennis Villanueva, named after an army commander who was killed last week in a bloody gun battle to capture the base, used by rebels as springboard to launch terror attacks in Jolo, about 950 kilometers south of Manila.

Soldiers said the place was littered with explosives and booby traps and they also discovered dozens of bunkers and tunnels the rebels used in their escape. Officials said the rebels, estimated at around 800, have fled, but troops were pursuing them and sporadic fighting continue in the town. "We will pursue them and we will neutralize them and there is no escape," said Lt. Gen. Alberto Braganza, commander of military forces in the southern Philippines. Braganza led about 500 troops in a simple flag ceremony inside the former rebel camp. It was the first time in 30 years that a Philippine flag was raised inside an MNLF camp, one soldier said. "This day is very special to us and we dedicate this victory to our fallen comrades," the soldier said. Braganza also awarded 11 soldiers, including a former MNLF rebel, with the Gold Cross medals for their bravery after they fought hundreds of rebels who tried, but failed to capture several government detachments in Jolo.
Posted by: Fred || 02/17/2005 11:51:58 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

TERRORISTAN: Iran and Syria Form United Front
Iran and Syria, who both are facing pressure from the United States, said Wednesday they will form a "united front" to confront possible threats against them, state-run television reported.
With the US killing their mortal Wahabi enemies, why wouldn't Assyrian and Persians feel in a position of strength? They are well aware that the recent Iraq election was nothing but a pre-determination circus, the outcome of which was dictated by the Persian terrorists. Teheran now owns a corridor of friendlies, that stretches to Jerusalem, and is legitimated by State Department largesse.
Syrians, not Assyrians. Assyrians today are mostly Christian, and live in Iraq. Syrians are majority Allawite, and live in Syria.
"In view of the special conditions faced by Syria, Iran will transfer its experience, especially concerning sanctions, to Syria," Mohammad Reza Aref, Iran's first vice president, was quoted as saying after meeting Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otari. "At this sensitive point, the two countries require a united front due to numerous challenges." Otari concurred, saying, "The challenges we face in Syria and Iran require us to be in one front to confront all the challenges imposed (on us) by others."
This scum should be on their wretched knees, begging for their filthy lives.
But they're not, so it's a problem to be dealt with, without going into hysterics. It's a formalization of a relationship that's existed for awhile: Syria is to Iran as Lebanon is to Syria.
The report did not specifically mention the challenges, but both countries are under U.S. economic sanctions and the targets of intense American pressure.
While the Persian-Assyrian Axis spends profusely to support terror and terror preparations in Iraq and Israel, Condi is tossing rhetoric-bombs, while opposition starves in those tyrannies.
She's using diplomatic tools, which is her job as Secretary of State. Opposition has been starving in those tyrannies for some time. Internal opposition in both countries are tools that can be used, and neither you nor I have a handle on exactly what's being done with them. It's just that the handle you don't have is bigger than the one I don't have.
Iran, which President Bush had labeled an "axis of evil" with North Korea and prewar Iraq, was named an "outpost of tyranny" last month by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
But, only sticks and stones break bones.
That's a truism. Another truism is that you can't do everything at once, even if you'd like to...
The United States has accused Iran of seeking to produce nuclear weapons, while relations with Syria have deteriorated, especially since Monday's assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Many Lebanese blamed Monday's car bombing in Beirut on Syria, but the Syrian government has denied responsibility. Washington is recalling its ambassador from Syria in apparent response to Hariri's killing.
Finger-pointing is so scary.
Fingerprinting can be even scarier...
Washington also accuses Syria of aiding anti-Israeli militants and supporting insurgents in Iraq. Tehran and Damascus have been strategic allies for years. Syria was the only Arab country that continued its warm relations with Iran during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.
Assyrians are not "Arabs." Language does not determine ethnicity. And Aramic use is on the rise there, with the widespread local belief that Jesus Christ was an Assyrian.

Respectfully, what would be your proposed Plan B. A Pak-Sunni had this to say in the Daily Times, last weekend, "The Bush administration is under the false impression that the elections in Iraq have heralded the era of democracy in Iraq and thus justify the Bush pre-emption doctrine. What, it seems, they cannot see is that the US has just facilitated a major transfer of power in the Arab World — from Sunnis to Shiites. Thanks to the US the Arab Shiites will now control Baghdad — the jewel in the Islamic crown — after a millennium. They did not rule over Baghdad even under the glorious Fatimid dynasty (909-1171) that governed Egypt, North Africa and Syria but had only a tenuous hold over Baghdad, briefly under the Buwayhid tribal confederation, before the Turkic Seljuks invaded and captured the city with help from the Abbasids." Semitic culture is rooted in the Tigris-Euphrates territories. Persian terrorists feel they been delivered an enormous strategic salient. When that sinks in with all Sunnis, they won't be thinking about State Department chiliastic "democracy" but obedience to some self-proclaimed ghazi (warrior-priest) will become an imperative. Inherent-slavery denial (re the Muslimutt ethos) is superceding Holocaust denial, as a force of intellectual depravity. Show me how the Middle East Democratic Intiative can possibly work, and I will get online.
This is the third time you've posted this particular piece. The first one I responded to, the second one I dumped. I'm getting tired of arguing the same point.

Sunnis, both in Iraq and in Pakistan, are rivals to the Shiites. Iranians — both Persians and other ethnic groups within Iran — have also historically been rivals to the Arabs. Today's Semitic culture is not rooted in the Tigris-Euphrates, but in Arabia, specifically the sandy part of Arabia. The Gulf Arabs have historically been more civilized, along with being richer. You'll find there are differences between the Najaf and Qom schools of Shiite thought, just as there are differences within the Sunni schools. The Najaf school has been held down for many years by the Sunni rulers of Iraq, while the Qom school isn't (or historically wasn't) as respected as the Najaf school. Persian dominance of Mesopotamia traditionally hasn't worked well, mainly because of the cultural differences between the Semites and the Medes and Persians. All those are handles for political and diplomatic exploitation.

Relying on military force exclusively is a dumb idea. All jobs aren't hammer jobs; some take screwdrivers, some pliers or wrenches and some take chain saws. Just like diplomacy, military force is a tool of national policy. Diplomacy is a lot cheaper than using military means. The corpse count is usually lower, too.

As I've pointed out before, we use the term "democracy" as shorthand for "liberty" or "personal freedom." There's an entire area of the world where "democracy" is occasionally given some sort of form, but liberty is still viewed as something frightening. That's ingrained in Islam, which attempts to control every aspect of life. We know here all about the illiberal aspects of Islam. We've seen it for three and a half years. The problem is defined, really. Now we're much more concerned with a solution. But solutions are dependent on constraints: we're not going to convert everyone in the area to agnosticism or Buddhism or Cao Dai. There's no tradition of participatory democracy to build on. The neighbors — virtually all of them — are hostile. We, as a civilized people, don't want to simply nuke the entire area, making a desolation and calling it peace. There are also limits to the amount of strain we want to put on our economy as we fight a worldwide war on terror.

The inhabitants of the Middle East are real, actual people. I don't know if you've ever lived in another country, but even weird places like South Waziristan are inhabited by human beings. They're often goofy, their customs aren't the same as ours, they're frightened by the idea of their societies being changed by the great wide world. Killing and maiming real, live people isn't something you want to do lightly. Before it comes to that it is to everyone's advantage to explore all the other avenues that are available. That means we're probably not going to end up with results that are perfectly to our liking. But killing everyone in the area and sowing it with salt isn't a result to our liking, either. Therefore, I'd like to see the diplomatic moves continue, the international political moves continue, the covert operations continue, before we see a major military operation against Iran. Do I think it'll eventually come? Yes. Do I think dismantling Iran militarily will be much harder than taking Iraq apart was? No. But I'd be happy to see it done without a shot being (officially) fired, if that's actually possible.
Posted by: IToldYouSo || 02/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [74 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Minor correction Fred, while Alawites control Syria, they are only 10% or less of the population. 75% of Syrians are Sunni Arabs.
Posted by: phil_b || 02/17/2005 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Show me how the Middle East Democratic Intiative can possibly work, and I will get online.

I'd prefer to see "get off-line".
Posted by: Pappy || 02/17/2005 0:46 Comments || Top||

#3  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: IDidSoToo TROLL || 02/17/2005 1:59 Comments || Top||

#4  I have been on the Jazeera (Arab Peninsula) and in Turkey and Malaysia. I have also corresponded with Waziris, Balochis and Sindhis who would like foreign support for their opposition to Punjabi occupation. Democracy that supports Punjabi power won't help them. Knowledge and experience makes me an unashamed imperialist, and a mortal enemy of any murder cult that imposes slavery (abd) to a fictious deity (allah), in the name of elite status defense. We have to impose Secularism on Islamania, whether they like it or not. GWB needs to be pressured into one-button solutions to the problem of jihadism. The current Them v Us imbalance, needs to be reversed. It is time to make total war on Muslim aggressors, starting with repatriation of the Anglo-American oil fields to remove their principal strategic resource. Anyone who is prepared to accept a bloody 20 year slog of shot-gun war while Muslimutts prepare WMD, is a either a masochist or a Pollyanna. Americans cannot afford this type of war but, most importantly, won't put up with it, especially after Iraqi voters elected a slate of Shiite extremists.

Why is the rather obvious cultural unification among Iraqi and Persian Shiites - manifest in joint blood-letting during Ashoura - not impacting here? The supposed Arab v Persian conflict among Shiites, is pure spin. Al-Sistani is a Persian. Al-Sadr took personal counsel from Rafsanjani, before launching his terror campaign.

Posted by: IToldYouSo || 02/17/2005 2:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Oh, baby. Ya can't get there from here.

Go start your own, son.
Posted by: .com || 02/17/2005 2:13 Comments || Top||

#6  Um, upwards of 70% of the Persians actually hate the Iranians, right?

Moreover, the UIA is a coalition of over 100+ parties covering just about every ideological orientation known to the region, including some Sunni candidates. They aren't likely to last as a viable electoral force when they get into the nitty-gritty details of running gobermint, so the idea of them imposing a theocracy in Iraq is nothing short of absurd, especially when you consider that such an attempt would trigger civil war with the Sunni Arabs and the Kurds - thereby negating any advantages the Shi'ites won at the ballot box!
Posted by: Dan Darling || 02/17/2005 2:38 Comments || Top||

#7  methinks the US trying to impose secularism on Pakistan would be the fastest way to get Waziris, baluchis and sindis on the same side as the Punjabis. Ditto trying to impose secularism on Iraq would unite Sunni Arabs, Shia arabs, and Persian Shias. Quaint to see unashamed imperialists, but there are reasons we aint, and that the Brits gave up. Imperialism works when youre NOT trying to change local culture much - otherwise its way too costly.

Undoable strategies, from kill em all, to convert em all, to give em everything they want and make em all happy, are all just distractions from REAL strategic debates, which we need to have.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 02/17/2005 9:51 Comments || Top||

#8  We have Fred, Dan, and LH leading the choir and making good sense. ITYS, you might want to start paying attention. Else, as .com says, you might want to go start your own blog and expound away. You'll be lonely in a Popular Front for the Liberation of Judaea kind of way but I don't think that particularly bothers you.

You have a choice, ITYS, you can learn from the people you encounter or you can be another Quiet American.
Posted by: Steve White || 02/17/2005 12:10 Comments || Top||

#9  man, I love a good spanking
Posted by: Frank G || 02/17/2005 12:15 Comments || Top||

#10  :>
Posted by: Shipman || 02/17/2005 12:19 Comments || Top||

#11  ...repatriation of the Anglo-American oil fields to remove their principal strategic resource.

Wonder what that means?
Posted by: Jules 187 || 02/17/2005 13:18 Comments || Top||

#12  Ohhh, Jules darling, that knife is sharp! ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 02/17/2005 19:10 Comments || Top||

#13  Wank, wank, wank.
Posted by: IDidSoToo || 02/17/2005 1:59 Comments || Top||

Iraqi's Most Wanted
MACDILL AFB, Tampa — The Iraqi Interim Government recently announced warrants for the arrest of 29 individuals who are either members of the Former Regime or part of the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi terrorist network. These individuals are responsible for funding and coordinating terrorist operations inside Iraq in an attempt to disrupt the country's march toward democracy and an autonomous government. Rewards for information leading to the arrest of these individuals range from $25 million to $50,000. These individuals are believed to be located either inside Iraq or within neighboring countries. Anyone with information regarding the location of these individuals is encouraged to call United States Central Command Headquarters at (813) 827-4468 or (813) 827-4469.
Welcome to Iraq's Most Wanted! The envelope, please

• 'Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri - As former Vice Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, 'Izzat Ibrahim Al-Duri was part of the inner circle and very close to Saddam. Al-Duri is believed to be the current leader of the New Regional Command and New Ba'ath Party. As such, Al-Duri provides guidance, financial support and coordination of the Former Regime insurgency. His financial support for the insurgency, derived from the expropriated wealth of Iraq, continues to facilitate attacks against coalition forces, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police and the Iraqi people. As a member of the former Saddam regime, 'Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri has been designated under United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1483 for stealing assets from the Iraqi people. Under this United Nations Security Counsel resolution all member nations must freeze any funds, other financial assets or economic resources associated with 'Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri and immediately return them to the Iraqi people. Any of these assets recovered from al Duri will be immediately dedicated to the reconstruction of Iraq. Additionally, the Multi National Forces in Iraq are offering a reward of $10 million for information leading to the capture of Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri.

• Muhammad Yunis al-Ahmad - Muhammad Yunis is a financial facilitator and operational leader of the New Regional Command and New Ba'ath Party. Younis is allegedly the number two man in the New Regional Command under Izzat al-Duri. As such, he is instrumental in providing guidance, financial support and coordination of insurgent attacks throughout Iraq. Yunis is charged with providing funding, leadership and support to several insurgent groups conducting attacks against the Iraqi people, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police the and Coalition Forces. It is believe that Muhammad Yunis al-Ahmad is now hiding in Syria. Additionally, the Multi National Forces in Iraq are offering a reward of $1 million for information leading to the capture of Muhammad Yunis al-Ahmad.

• Rashid Taan Kazim - Rashid Ta'an Kazim was the former Central Ba'ath Party Regional Chairman in Al Anbar Province. Ta'an provides command, control, and finances for the ACF effort in Diyala Province. Ta'an is alleged to have offered one to three million Iraqi Dinar to anyone to carry out attacks against Coalition Forces. As a result of his close association with the Saddam regime, Rashid Ta'an Kazim has been designated under United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1483 as having stolen assets from the Iraqi people. Under this United Nations Security Counsel resolution all member nations must freeze any funds, other financial assets or economic resources associated with Rashid Ta'an Kazim and immediately return them to the Iraqi people. Any of these stolen assets that are recovered will be immediately dedicated to the reconstruction of Iraq. Additionally, the Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $1 million for information leading to the capture of Rashid Ta'an Kazim.

• Abd-Al-Baqi Abd Al-Karim Al-Abdallah Al-Saadun - Al-Sadun was the former Ba'ath Party Regional Chairman of the Diyala Province and Regional Chairman of Southern Iraq. Al-Sa'adun recruits and finances ACF activity in eastern and central Iraq. He is suspected of the distribution of former regime assets and funds that belong to the people of Iraq in order to facilitate violence toward the Iraqi government. Al-Sa'adun is also wanted for crimes against humanity in the 1999 regime uprising during his command of the Ba'ath Party District of Basrah. 'Abd-Al-Baqi 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Abdallah Al-Sa'adun has been designated under United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1483. As a member of the former Saddam regime 'Abd-Al-Baqi 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Abdallah Al-Sa'adun stole assets that belong to the Iraqi people. Under the United Nations Security Counsel resolution all member nations must freeze any funds, other financial assets or economic resources associated with 'Abd-Al-Baqi 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Abdallah Al-Sa'adun and immediately return them to the Iraqi people. Any assets recovered from Sa"adun will contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $ 1 Million for information leading to the capture of 'Abd-Al-Baqi 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Abdallah Al-Sa'adun

• Fadhil Ibrahim Mahmud Mashadani (aka Abu Huda)- Fadhil Ibrahim Mahmud Mashadani is reportedly a top member of the New Ba'ath Party and main facilitator of insurgent attacks in Iraq. Mashadani is believed to be personally responsible for coordination and funding attacks against the Iraqi people, coalition forces, the Iraqi Government and the Iraqi Police. Fadhil Mashadani is suspected of being a critical link between the senior Ba'athist leaders hiding in Syria and the insurgents within Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to the capture of Fadhil Ibrahim Mahmud Mashadani

• Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (aka AMZ)- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a grave threat to the Iraqi people, and in September he announced the merger of his terrorists with al-Qaida. Al-Zarqawi's foreign terrorists and criminals are undermining Iraq's security and have brutally killed over 500 Iraqis in the last year. They continue to target Iraqi government and civilian targets with the intent of inciting a civil war. His terrorist network has attempted to destroy police stations, recruitment centers, oil and humanitarian workers and those laboring to build a new Iraq. Zarqawi's criminal activities are also slowing the flow of humanitarian aid into Iraq and undermining reconstruction efforts. He has fled Fallujah during OPERATION AL FAJR. Multi National Forces in Iraq are offering a reward of $ 25 million for information leading to the capture of Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi

• Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti (aka Thafir Alsemak)- Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti is the half brother to Saddam Hussein and is now believed to be hiding in Syria. Sab'awi is financing on-going insurgent attacks that are killing Iraqi civilian and government workers. As a result of his close relationship with the Saddam regime, Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti has been designated under United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1483 for stealing assets from the Iraqi people. Under this United Nations Security Counsel resolution all member nations must freeze any funds, other financial assets or economic resources associated with Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti and immediately return them to the Iraqi people. These assets will contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is also offering a reward of $ 1 Million for information leading to the capture of Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti

• Muhammad Rajab al-Hadushi- Muhammad Rajab al-Hadushi was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Saddam regime and worked as the director of the Presidential Guard Service and a member of the Special Security Organization. He is now believed to be the leader of an insurgent group, which is conducting attacks against the Iraqi people, coalition forces, and the Iraqi Police and Government. The Multi National Force in Iraq is also offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Muhammad Rajab al-Hadushi

• Najim Abdullah Zahwan Khalifah Ujayli- Najim 'Abdullah Zahwan Khalifah Ujayli is a former commander of the Hammurabi Armored Division, 1st Republican Guard. He is now reported to be the leader of an insurgent group attacking the Iraqi people and coalition forces. He is believed to have fled Fallujah, during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Najim 'Abdullah Zahwan Khalifah Ujayli.

• Muhammad Khalaf Shakara (aka Abu Talha)- Muhammad Khalaf Shakara is a former Battalion Commander for Ansar al-Islam, aligned with the Zarqawi Network. He is wanted for his participation in attacks against the Iraqi government and civilians. His terrorist group has conducted kidnappings and beheadings, and has attempted to destroy police stations, recruitment centers, oil and humanitarian workers and those laboring to build a new Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Muhammad Khalaf Shakara.

• Abu-Ayyub al-Masri - Abu-Ayyub al-Masri is an associate of Abu Musab Zarqawi, and his foreign terrorist and criminal network. This organization has killed over 500 Iraqis in the last year and continues to target Iraqi government and civilian targets with the hope of inciting a civil war. Abu-Ayyub al-Masri is believed to have fled Fallujah, during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is also offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Abu-Ayyub al-Masri

• Abu Anas al-Iraqi - Abu Anas al-Iraqi is associated with Iraqi Hizb-e-Islami and is an expert in explosives. He is believed to be operating in the Sammara or Mosul areas. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Abu Anas al-Iraqi

• Abd-al-Hadi al-Iraqi - Abd-al-Hadi al-Iraqi is a foreign terrorist that is part of the foreign terrorist network that is conducting brutal attacks against the Iraqi people, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police and coalition forces. The Multi National Force in Iraq is considering offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Ahmad Hasan Kaka al-Ubaydi- Ahmad Hasan Kaka al-'Ubaydi is a former Iraqi Intelligence Service officer, and is now believed associated with Ansar Al Islam affiliate. He is believed to be a leader of an insurgent and criminal network that is conducting attacks against coalition forces, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police and the Iraqi people. The Multi National Force in Iraq is also offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Sayf al-Din al-Rawi- Sayf al-Din al-Rawi is an associate of Izzat Al-Duri's son Ahmed, as well as "Chemical Ali's son, Ali Hassan Al Majid. He is believed to be supporting the insurgency in Iraq that is conducting attacks against the Iraqi people and infrastructure. It is believed that he is now hiding in Syria. As a result of his close association with the former regime, Sayf al-Din al-Rawi has been designated under United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1483 for stealing assets from the Iraqi people. Under the United Nations Security Counsel resolution all member nations must freeze any funds, other financial assets or economic resources associated with Sayf al-Din al-Rawi and immediately return them to the Iraqi people. These assets will contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is also offering a reward of $100,000 for information leading to the capture of Sayf al-Din al-Rawi

• Abu Abd-al-Aziz (aka Hamza)- Abu 'Abd-al-Aziz is believed to have provided leadership to a foreign terrorist cell operating in Fallujah. He is believed to have fled Fallujah, during OPERATION AL FAJR, but continues to conduct attacks against the Iraqi people. The Multi National Force in Iraq is considering offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to the capture of Abu 'Abd-al-Aziz.

• Hamin Bani Shari- Hamin Bani Shari is a member of the AI Shura Council and an associate of the foreign terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He is believed to have fled Fallujah, during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is considering offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Sheikh Abdalluh Abu Azzam (aka Amir of Anbar)- is considered to be a lieutenant of the foreign terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He has issued a statement that threatened the Jama'at Al Tawhid would hunt down Iraqi officials and symbols of the current government; he has also claimed the attacks of Izz Al Din Salim, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior and the killing of the Mosul Governor. Sheikh Abdalluh Abu 'Azzam is considered a grave threat to the Iraqi people and to the rebuilding of Iraq. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Abu Abdalluh 'Azzam.

• Mahir al-Shami (aka Milad al-Lubnani)- Mahir al-Shami is a senior associate of the foreign terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He is believed to have been involved in the planning of terrorist attacks against coalition forces, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police and the Iraqi people. The Multi National Force in Iraq is considering offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Muhammed Hardan Hashim (aka Abu Said)- is considered to be a lieutenant of the foreign terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. As a member of Zarqawi's terrorist organization Muhammed Hardan Hashim has been implicated in attacks on Iraqi government and civilian targets, the destruction of police stations, recruitment centers, and attacks on Iraqi oil and humanitarian workers and those laboring to build a new Iraq. He is believed to have fled Fallujah during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Muhammed Hardan Hashim.

• Malik al-Tunisi- Malik al-Tunisi is a facilitator for the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's foreign terrorist network. As a member of Zarqawi's terrorist organization al-Tunisi has been implicated in attacks on Iraqi government and civilian targets, the destruction of police stations, recruitment centers, and attacks on Iraqi oil and humanitarian workers and those laboring to build a new Iraq. He is believed to have fled Fallujah during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Malik al-Tunisi.

• 'Abd al-Latif Humaym (aka Abu Tamuz)- 'Abd al-Latif Humaym is the former religious advisor and close associate of Saddam Hussein. Before the fall of the regime, he ran several branches of the Iraqi Islamic Bank and is now known to be financially supporting insurgent elements in their attacks on the Iraqi government and people. His support for terrorist attacks has undermined the rebuilding of Iraq and the lives of the Iraqi people. He is suspected of fleeing Iraq and is now hiding abroad. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of 'Abd al-Latif Humaym.

• Luay Ben Mohammed Saka- Lu'ay Ben Mohammed Saka is believed to be a facilitator for the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi terrorist network. He is responsible for terrorist attacks against the Iraqi government and people. He is believed to have fled Fallujah during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Lu'ay Ben Mohammed Saka.

• Umar Husayn Hadid Salman al-Khalifawi AKA Abu Khattab, Abu Abdallah — is an associate of the foreign terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi terrorist network. As a member of Zarqawi's terrorist organization Hadid has been implicated in attacks on Iraqi government and civilian targets, the destruction of police stations, recruitment centers, and attacks on Iraqi oil and humanitarian workers and those laboring to build a new Iraq. He is believed to have fled Fallujah during OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Shaykh Mahmud Al-Hasani al-Sharqi- Shaykh Mahmud Al-Hasani al-Sharqi is a former Shia clerical student at the An-Najaf Hawza. He is responsible for attacks on coalition forces and undermining the reconstruction of Iraq. In October 03, he organized the ambush in Karbala that resulted in the death of two Iraqi policeman and four coalition soldiers. Hassani is also implicated in the 11 Feb 2004 attack on Spanish forces and Iraqi Police in Diwaniyah. He is believed to be hiding in the Karbala/Najaf areas and may be disguising himself by dressing as a woman. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Shaykh Mahmud Al-Hasani al-Sharqi.

• Shaykh Ahmad Husayn al-Dabash- Shaykh Ahmad Husayn al-Dabash has been identified as a insurgent leader in the Abu Ghraib area. He has ties to a foreign terrorist network that is conducting attacks against the Iraqi people, coalition forces, and the Iraqi Police and Government. The Multi National Forces in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the capture of Shaykh Ahmad Husayn al-Dabash.

• Nuhad Naji al-Adhari al-Dulaymi- Nuhad Naji al-Adhari al-Dulaymi was a prominent member of the Saddam regime and served Saddam as the Director General of the Iraqi Intelligence Service. He is believed to be providing financial support to the insurgents that are conducting attacks against the Iraqi people, coalition forces, and the Iraqi Police and Government. He is suspected of fleeing Iraq and is now hiding abroad. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $200,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Abdullah al-Janabi — Abdullah al-Janabi is a self-proclaimed sheik and Sunni cleric. However he has provided financial, manpower, leadership, and spiritual support to the insurgents and foreign terrorist elements that were operating in Fallujah. He is believed to have fled Fallujah during the beginning of OPERATION AL FAJR. The Multi National Force in Iraq is offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to his capture.

• Ibrahim Yusif Turki al-Jabburi- is a former senior Ba'ath Party member operating in Mosul. He is reportedly the leader of a terrorist cell and is responsible for conducting attacks against the Iraqi people, the Interim Iraqi Government, Iraqi National Guard, the Iraqi Police and coalition forces in Mosul area. We believe that he has fled Iraq and is now hiding in Syria. The Multi National Force in Iraq is considering offering a reward of $50,000 for information leading to his capture.
This article starring:
ABD AL HADI AL IRAQIal-Qaeda in Iraq
ABU ABD AL AZIZal-Qaeda in Iraq
ABU AIYUB AL MASRIal-Qaeda in Iraq
ABU HUDAIraqi Insurgency
ABU SAIDal-Qaeda in Iraq
ABU TALHAAnsar al-Islam
ABU TAMUZIraqi Insurgency
ALI HASAN AL MAJIDIraqi Insurgency
AMIR OF ANBARal-Qaeda in Iraq
HAMIN BANI SHARIMujaheddin Shura Council
MAHIR AL SHAMIal-Qaeda in Iraq
MALIK AL TUNISIal-Qaeda in Iraq
SAIF AL DIN AL RAWIIraqi Insurgency
THAFIR ALSEMAKIraqi Insurgency
Ansar Al Islam
Ansar al-Islam
Posted by: Steve || 02/17/2005 12:53:36 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think rantburgers, en masse, should do a shot if they catch one of these guys, two if they kill him.

Or, if you don't drink, have at least a ululatte, which is the same as a regular latte, except with goat milk.
Posted by: Penguin || 02/17/2005 14:03 Comments || Top||

#2  Not enough for a deck of cards. Can we add our own favs to the list?
Posted by: Blackhorse || 02/17/2005 14:57 Comments || Top||

#3  How about my mother-in-law?
Posted by: Sobiesky || 02/17/2005 15:16 Comments || Top||

#4  Not enough cards for Texas Hold'em poker, but surely enough for Go Fish.
Posted by: Seafarious || 02/17/2005 15:34 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nazim, 7 others, killed in Balochistan attack
Gunmen fired on three vehicles in Balochistan on Wednesday, killing a town nazim, his deputy and six other people in a family feud, The Associated Press reported.
"Take that, yew varmints!"
The vehicles were ambushed near Bhaag, a town about 200 kilometres southeast of Quetta, local police chief Gul Khan Sasoli said. The attack on Mohammed was the result of an old family feud, he said without elaborating. Bhaag Nazim Wali Mohammed, his deputy Allah Rakhiya, five bodyguards and one of the mayor's friends were killed instantly, Sasoli said. Two other friends of the mayor's were injured but survived. The gunmen attacked the vehicles from inside a security checkpoint before overpowering four policemen posted there and stealing their weapons, Sasoli said.
Posted by: Fred || 02/17/2005 00:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Aha! I thought it was the Hatfield Clan, lol! Much better than what I could google up on the McCoys...
Posted by: .com || 02/17/2005 4:30 Comments || Top||

Intended boomer nabbed
Police arrested a man suspected of was planning a suicide attack on Shias, officials said on Wednesday. Faisal Rafiq, 24, was arrested on Tuesday night at a telephone booth in Quetta, said Balochistan IG Chaudhry Mohammed Yaqoob. Rafiq was allegedly a member of the outlawed Sunni militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and "we suspect he was preparing to carry out a suicide attack against Shias" in Quetta, Yaqoob said. A senior police official said on condition of anonymity that Rafiq had strapped about half a kilogram of explosives to his body with a strip of cloth, but it was not primed to go off, along with a hand grenade and a pistol.
This article starring:
FAISAL RAFIQLashkar-e-Jhangvi
Posted by: Fred || 02/17/2005 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

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Thu 2005-02-17
  Iran and Syria Form United Front
Wed 2005-02-16
  Plane fires missile near Iranian Busheir plant
Tue 2005-02-15
  U.S. Withdraws Ambassador From Syria
Mon 2005-02-14
  Hariri boomed in Beirut
Sun 2005-02-13
  Algerian Islamic Party Supports Amnesty to End Rebel Violence
Sat 2005-02-12
  Car Bomb Kills 17 Outside Iraqi Hospital
Fri 2005-02-11
  Iraqis seize 16 trucks filled with Iranian weapons
Thu 2005-02-10
  North Korea acknowledges it has nuclear weapons
Wed 2005-02-09
  Suicide Bomber Kills 21 in Crowd in Iraq
Tue 2005-02-08
  Israel, Palestinians call truce
Mon 2005-02-07
  Fatah calls for ceasefire
Sun 2005-02-06
  Algeria takes out GSPC bombmaking unit
Sat 2005-02-05
  Kuwait hunts key suspects after surge of violence
Fri 2005-02-04
  Iraqi citizens ice 5 terrs
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  Maskhadov orders ceasefire

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