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Caribbean-Latin America
Carter was fooled says Harvard and MIT Profs
I'm using the Wall Street Journal report. Haven't found the original yet.
New evidence that Jimmy Carter got fooled [also that he is a fool] in Venezuela.
Thursday, September 9, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT
Both the Bush Administration and former President Jimmy Carter were quick to bless the results of last month's Venezuelan recall vote, but it now looks like they were had. A statistical analysis by a pair of economists suggests that the random-sample "audit" results that the Americans trusted weren't random at all. This is no small matter. The imprimatur of Mr. Carter and his Carter Center election observers is being used by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to claim a mandate.... The new study was released this week by economists Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard and Roberto Rigobon of MIT...
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 6:38:25 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That's not too difficult to do.
Posted by: eLarson || 09/10/2004 10:31 Comments || Top||

#2  It took Harvard and MIT to figure that out that Carter got conned? They could've just asked me. I could've told them that before it even happened.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 11:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Tu, it's nice to have a Harvard boy do the statistics -- hard for the LLL to argue with a Harvard boy.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/10/2004 12:04 Comments || Top||

#4  ummmm didn't W go to Harvard for an MBA? SW - that was sarcasm, wasn't it?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 12:19 Comments || Top||

#5  He only go fooled because he WANTED to be fooled.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 12:23 Comments || Top||

#6  "Carter was fooled"

Carter is a fool.

In other news, water is wet and the sun rises in the East.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/10/2004 12:24 Comments || Top||

#7  Can it be?
Jimmuh Peanut helped another of his Communist dictator pals stay in power?--Oh no!
I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 12:50 Comments || Top||

One in five Germans want Berlin Wall back
Fourteen years and a trillion euros after reunification one in five Germans would like to see the barrier that split the country during the Cold War put back, a survey has found. A poll by the Forsa institute released on Wednesday found a quarter of western Germans wishing the 15 million east Germans were cut off again by the Berlin Wall, living in a different state, while 12 percent of eastern Germans wanted out of the united Germany.

Many westerners said they were disgruntled because they have had to foot the bill for reunification -- 24 percent said they had suffered financially as a result. In the formerly communist east, which has twice the unemployment as in the west and where wages are still below western levels, one-third said they were no better off financially because of unification and the end of communism. The lingering divisions have erupted in recent months as Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government attempts to reduce unemployment and welfare benefits, touching a nerve in the east. Westerners are sometimes disparaged as arrogant know-it-all "Wessies" while easterners are at times referred to as 'Jammer Ossies' (whinging easterners) in the west. The Forsa survey, based on interviews with 1,002 easterners and 1,005 westerners, highlighted a feeling in the west that easterners are ungrateful for the financial support they have received since 1990 and they should do more to help themselves. Thirty-seven percent of west Germans said the 80 billion euros (54 billion pounds) the government pumps into the east each year was too much. But almost a third of east Germans thought it too little, Forsa said.
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 04:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Only 1 in 5?

I'm shocked; I would have thought it would be more than that.

At least in what used to be the "West."
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/10/2004 12:21 Comments || Top||

#2  "Many westerners said they were disgruntled because they have had to foot the bill for reunification -- 24 percent said they had suffered financially as a result." Hmm...me thinks at least as many Americans probably think the same way about the Marshall Plan and the trillions of dollars spent protecting Western Europe since 1945 with the grand gestures of support from France and Germany these last couple of years. Think we should have ploughed the money into the Navy and used the Atlantic as our wall?
Posted by: Don || 09/10/2004 13:37 Comments || Top||

#3  Mr. Gorbachev, build up that wall!
Posted by: RR || 09/10/2004 13:39 Comments || Top||

#4  If the Westerners are upset now, wait 40 years till the Easterners have caught up and then flip the Westerners off. What goes around comes around.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:43 Comments || Top||

UK Chancellor tells EU to get a grip on failing economies
You know our neighbours are up the creek when a Labour Chancellor's lecturing them on poor economic performance. On the other hand, the same Labour Chancellor talking about wanting "increased flexibility" for the UK is pretty impressive...
The EU must sort out its problems with economic growth, Chancellor Gordon Brown has warned ahead of talks with European finance ministers on Friday. Europe must escape its inward-looking mindset and tackle the growth problem, Mr Brown told the Financial Times. The chancellor identified several problems in the world economy but focused on Europe's low growth as a potential cause of instability. Mr Brown said those in positions of power in Europe needed to adopt a "sense of urgency" in tackling economic reform. And he adopted a bullish stance ahead of the debate on the British rebate saying a European Commission proposal for a 30% increase in spending was "unacceptable". The debate on the budget would become a test of whether Europe was "genuinely resisting grandiose but unrealistic ambitions".

Britain was still ripe for more reform, Mr Brown said, adding that he would use a pre-budget report later this year to focus on increased flexibility. He wants to boost UK productivity and is not afraid of pursuing controversial reforms. The chancellor warned that "risks in the continuing imbalances caused by divergent growth rates in the US, Europe and Japan" could threaten the global economy. Mr Brown did not attack high deficits in the US, instead focusing on European weakness.
(Earning a shocked tut-tut from the Beeb)
He said Europe had managed 3% growth in only one year in the past 10, while the US averaged 3% over the decade. The Financial Times suggested that Mr Brown's tough stance would do nothing to persuade people of the need for the new European constitution ahead of the planned referendum.
Something wrong with that?
Posted by: Bulldog || 09/10/2004 5:14:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  With the collapse of comunism, the growing evidence of the bankruptcy of the extreme welfare state and the rise of the career politician whose sole source of personal income is his state salary (and whatever bribes he can get), we have moved into an era of post-ideological politics. Modern politics is no longer about ideology but management of the state as a corporate enterprise.

In elections getting at least 51% of the vote is the name of the game. So candidates resort to triangulation to co-opt as many of their opponent's policy positions as necessary to reach 51%.

A further goal in elections is not to establish any immutable policy position but to appear more competent at managing the state corporate enterprise than the opposition.

In governing, the objective is to maintain approval of at least 51% of the population to assure re-election, not to implement any specific ideological program. Scraps may be thrown to the base from time to time to assure they stay in the 51% but they will not get anything that threatens the 51%. If they do, the politician will be retired by the people to be replaced by someone who will behave properly.

This is how all the successful post Thatcher/Reagan politicians have behaved, Clinton, Blair and Bush. Even Chiraq and Schroeder can be seen to have behaved in a similar fashion; it's just that their 51% is at a different spot on the spectrum than ours.

So it's no surprise that an ambitious Labout Chancellor would lay out a position that he believes will gain him the 51%; particularly now that nearly a decade has allowed enough mistakes to be revealed for the current incumbent to apear not as managerially competent as necessary to maintain office.

However, it is humorous to watch the Tories squirm about trying to find a program they can present to fetch the 51% of voters. They haven't yet a clue and if they don't get one soon, they may find that their base has been captured by the opposition, much as the Democrats here risk.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 9:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Oh, how Mr. Brown can go on and on and on! He is right about his EU neighbors but he is living in a glass house. Wait until the bill for the NHS, pensions and university fees comes in the next few years. Yes, the UK is an economic envy model now but he doesn't want to be too chuffy.
Posted by: Jack is Back || 09/10/2004 9:58 Comments || Top||

Great White North
U.S. Draft Dodgers Getting Recognized
Maybe Jimmy Carter can give the dedication speech and Kerry can throw somebody else's medal's at it.
NELSON, British Columbia - U.S. draft dodgers who fled to Canada are finally getting some recognition — in Canada.
Artists and activists in this picturesque lakeside town have announced plans for a bronze monument and festival to honor them.
Honoring the dishonorable. There's a concept.
"This will mark the courageous legacy of Vietnam War resisters and the Canadians who helped them resettle in this country during that tumultuous era," said Isaac Romano, director of Our Way Home, a celebration set for 2006. Dennis Klein, a sculptor and teacher at Kootenay School of the Arts, and artist Naomi Lewis have been chosen to make a memorial depicting Canadians embracing the hands of American resisters.
Any other suggestions for Dennis and Naomi? I have a few.
"I've met so many draft resisters over the years and some of them are local peers of mine that are artists and others are a part of the community," Klein said. "It would be nice to honor them and all those that actually took a step toward peace."
I've never been one to favor defacing monuments, but...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 3:26:35 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One of the very few good arguments for a draft is that it enables us to periodically export some of our more useless citizens. Of course, I've always felt a bit sorry for the countries that get stuck with those guys.
Posted by: Pat Phillips || 09/10/2004 15:42 Comments || Top||

#2  You know I agree with Pat about using the draft to rid our country of the great unwashed. Runthe draft for about 10 years and that would thin out the the left. Talk about majority!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 20:23 Comments || Top||

#3  How much more recognition does Clinton want?
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 23:13 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Transcript of Rather Blather
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 19:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OK, so Rather trots out a handwriting expert (soon-to-be-fallguy) who says that the docs have been "photocopied, faxed, scanned and downloaded" and are therefore far removed from the docs CBS started with.

OK, Herr Professor, which of those processes caused the documents to assume proportional font? But a good point to make if you're purely a handwriting expert.

Rather then argues, implicitly, that it doesn't matter whether the documents are forgeries or not because other evidence supports the CBS report. So I guess if the administration relied on a forged document about yellowcake, that really wouldn't be worth a mention.

And the fact that a major network is using forged documents, knowingly or unknowingly, is a trivil detail, I suppose.
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 20:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Rather did a great job.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 20:21 Comments || Top||

#3  of framing the issue for the Sunday Morning Talk Shows. And now the Blogosphere has 36 hours to prepare.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 20:21 Comments || Top||

#4  This just gets better and better. I love it when a jerk like Rather goes out to buy the shovel to dig his own grave. Kiss your legacy goodbye.
Posted by: Remote Man || 09/10/2004 20:32 Comments || Top||

#5  I suspect the media are going to undergo a lot of changes over the next 5-10 years. Their credibility as unbiased, honest sources of reliable information is rapidly circling the drain, with more and more people coming to see them as either lazy, or incompetent, or even downright dishonest. Or all three.

PREDICTION: In ten years, there will be no more broadcast news shows, and not very much on cable, either. What little there is will consist mostly of talking heads reading aloud from blogs.
Posted by: Dave D. || 09/10/2004 20:42 Comments || Top||

#6  SeeBS has released this photo of LtCol Killian typing his personal memos.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 21:12 Comments || Top||

#7  LOL!!!
Posted by: Dave D. || 09/10/2004 21:17 Comments || Top||

#8  Hey, don't laugh Dave D., I remember that typewriter; it is a Mark IV Man-Portable (okay, several *battalions* of men, but who's counting?) Auto-Kerning, Super-Duper-Scripting, Proportional Spacing, Battle-hardened Typewriter, (1).

Every Guard office was equipped with one.

And an auto-drip coffee machine. Now THAT was a cool toy for the time...
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 09/10/2004 21:26 Comments || Top||

#9  I almost choked on my dinner upon observing the "th" shifted upward...... :D
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 21:58 Comments || Top||

#10  I served for twenty years in the Air Force and they NEVER stocked an automatic drip coffee maker! Why do the guard units always get the best stuff? (you have to be a Guard member to get that satire)
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 22:37 Comments || Top||

#11  While dan Rather was on assignment a trustworthy substitute was brought in by CBS.
Posted by: GK || 09/10/2004 23:10 Comments || Top||

#12  This alone sinks the whole thing: (from Yahoo News)

"But CBS News said in a statement: "The documents are backed up not only by independent handwriting and forensic document experts but sources familiar with their content." Matley was the only expert cited, and he focused on signatures on the memos.

Matley and Rather acknowledged the memos were difficult to definitively authenticate because CBS has only photocopies, not the originals. Matley did not return a telephone message left at his office immediately after Friday's report." [gone fishing, huh?]

So all the "expert" did was to compare scanned in signatures" and that's that. This is just crazy. Of course the signatures are "real"... but they are copied.

I can only pray that this is not the usual "forensic expertise" that U.S. courts have to deal with.

Because if it is... I have a document from Mr Stuyvesant for you who sold me Manhattan for 100 dollars...
Posted by: True German Ally || 09/10/2004 23:52 Comments || Top||

#13  It will be interesting. The web wont be as forgetfull, as some hope, will it?
Posted by: Lucky || 09/11/2004 0:11 Comments || Top||

McAuliffe admits CBS documents are forgeries
Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe today said neither his organization nor John KerryÂŽs campaign leaked to CBS documents questioning President BushÂŽs service record, which may have been forged.
"Nope. Nope. Wudn't us."
He suggested White House adviser Karl Rove could be behind the documents. "I can unequivocally say that no one involved here at the Democratic National Committee had anything at all to do with any of those documents. If I were an aspiring young journalist, I think I would ask Karl Rove that question," Mr. McAuliffe said.
So McAwful admits the documents are fakes? Has he told Dan Blather?
Getting nauseous from the spin yet, McAwful?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/10/2004 7:03:25 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  bwahahahhaaaaaa! Looks like the Kerry campaign bailed the scene after throwing a grenade at CBS. Maybe he can get a purple heart when the shrapnel comes back and hits him in the ass.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 20:11 Comments || Top||

#2  God DAMN! This is like playing poker with children! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Posted by: Karl Rove || 09/10/2004 21:03 Comments || Top||

#3  ".. If I were an aspiring young journalist, I think I would ask Karl Rove that question," Mr. McAuliffe said.

It's pretty obvious that McAuliffe has been reading the Free Dictionary.com. :)

(scroll down to the line that begins, "U.S. President Richard Nixon's...")
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 22:04 Comments || Top||

#4  If I were an aspiring chairman of the DNC I think I would use of my three timeouts right about now.

"Awright guys, let's get the play straight. John, were you or were you not in Cambodia?"

"Gotta get back to you on that, Terry."

"Rats. Dan, forgeries or not?"

"We working the problem, Terry."
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 22:20 Comments || Top||

#5  If I were an aspiring chairman of the DNC I think I would use of my three timeouts right about now

It's only the start of the second half. The Kerry camp has to punt or take a safety.
Posted by: badanov || 09/10/2004 22:35 Comments || Top||

#6  Note: He said the DNC had nothing to do with it.

Didn't say squat about the Kerry campaign.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 23:45 Comments || Top||

#7  Memo to rats: LEAVE SHIP NOW
Posted by: True German Ally || 09/10/2004 23:53 Comments || Top||

Democratic National Committee 'Action Alert' E-mail
Dear [Supporter],

Back in February, President Bush sat down in the Oval Office for an interview with Tim Russert and spoke about his service in the National Guard. Bush told us, "I put in my time, proudly so." He said, "And I'm telling you, I did my duty." But now we know that Bush dishonored the Oval Office by lying to the American people.

New investigations from multiple media sources have revealed the truth about President Bush's service. New military documents show that Bush disobeyed a direct order from his commander to take a flight physical and "failed to perform to U.S. Air Force/Texas Air National Guard standards" -- and was grounded as a result.
They have a death wish, right? What else could explain this lunacy?
Posted by: cingold || 09/10/2004 4:21:46 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bureaucracy. They have built their whole campaign around this issue now and the kick off was two days ago. The wheels have come off already but not everybody realizes it. Especially the LLL's who only toak to eachother and get their news from the Globe, NPR and CBS news. Look for this kind of embarassment to continue next week. It's part of the self-destruction of the Democrat party.

After all, Dan Rather is going to breath new life into the campaign in less than 10 minutes.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 18:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Terry McAuliffe just said Karl Rove might be the one responsible for the documents. This gets better and better! Almost time for Dan to explain himself, too! Too great!

Here's the link with McAuliffe's words. I never can get these posted right:

Posted by: nada || 09/10/2004 18:28 Comments || Top||

#3  I just watched Special Report and they had an ACTUAL Texas ANG person, who ACTUALLY wrote memos at the same time, and was in the ACTUAL unit in question. He says that there is "NO WAY" those memo are real because they didn't have a typewriter there that could have made those documents. He also confirmed that 'Col Staudt' mentioned in the "CYA" memo retired a FULL year before the memo was written. Blather is fool to cling to this story, but I repeat myself.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 18:40 Comments || Top||

#4  cingold : It's called preaching to the (drugged) choir.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 19:00 Comments || Top||

#5  Bush dishonored the Oval Office by lying to the American people

Funny. I remember when Clinton lied, there wasn't anything even remotely dishonorable about that. Can you explain that to me, Mr. McAwful MacAuliffe?
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 21:39 Comments || Top||

$10,000 challenge to reproduce memos on a '72 typewriter
Hat tip: LGF. Edited for brevity.
[F]or anyone still willing to consider that these documents are anything other than cheap, childish forgeries, I am offering $10,000 right now to anyone who can find for me a typewriter from 1972 that could have reasonably made those documents. Payment will be made in the form of a cashiers check to the first individual who can do this. The typewriter must be using the same proportionally spaced font as the CBS documents, the same curly-quotation marks, the same impossible superscripted "th"s, the same 13-point line spacing, and create a document that looks as much (or more) like the alleged forgeries than does a Microsoft Word document with default fonts and margins.
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 3:23:29 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  CBS would pay $10 million for the same in a heartbeat. They've probably got battalions of interns rummaging through every junk shop in the country.

Maybe Hillary's got one.
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 15:29 Comments || Top||

#2  An intern? What's her name? Bull or cow?
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 15:39 Comments || Top||

#3  I bet these came from Hillary!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 18:42 Comments || Top||

#4  Even if you do find one, that doesn't make the documents authentic.
Posted by: Tom || 09/10/2004 21:36 Comments || Top||

CBS News stands by Rather
Bush Guard Memos Questioned
NEW YORK, Sept. 10, 2004
Questions are being raised about the authenticity of newly unearthed memos that say President Bush's National Guard commander believed Mr. Bush was shirking his duties.
Lotsa questions. Basic questions...
The memos, which were obtained by CBS News' 60 Minutes, say Mr. Bush ignored a direct order from a superior officer and lost his status as a Guard pilot because he failed to meet military performance standards and undergo a required physical exam. The network defended the autheniticity of the memos, saying its experts who examined the memos concluded they were authentic documents produced by Lt. Col. Jerry Killian.
"And they were experts, by Gawd! Know a lot more than you guys know, by Gum!"
But Killian's son, one of Killian's fellow officers and an independent document examiner questioned the memos.
"What the hell is this?" quoth he...
Gary Killian, who served in the Guard with his father and retired as a captain in 1991, said he doubted his father would have written an unsigned memo which said there was pressure to "sugar coat" Mr. Bush's performance review. "It just wouldn't happen," he said. "No officer in his right mind would write a memo like that."
"Pop was in his right mind. I'm not sure CBS is..."
The personnel chief in Killian's unit at the time also said he believes the documents are fake. "They looked to me like forgeries," Rufus Martin told the Associated Press. "I don't think Killian would do that, and I knew him for 17 years." Killian died in 1984.
Well, obviously you're wrong. I mean, CBS hired experts fergawdsake!
Independent document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines said the memos looked like they had been produced on a computer using Microsoft Word software.
Hey! Wotta coincidence! That's what we've been saying — and duplicating — too! I've seen about a dozen of them, starting with LGF. I did one myself. The only guy that couldn't quite bring it off was Daily Kos, and that was because his copy of the image was skewed. The letters are the right end of the line were above those on the original. Directly above those on the original.
Lines, a document expert and fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, pointed to a superscript — a smaller, raised "th" in "111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron" — as evidence indicating forgery. Microsoft Word automatically inserts superscripts in the same style as the two on the memos obtained by 60 Minutes, she said. "I'm virtually certain these were computer generated," Lines said to the Associated Press after reviewing copies of the documents at her office in Paradise Valley, Ariz. She produced a nearly identical document using her computer's Microsoft Word software.
Make that a baker's dozen, then...
In the Wednesday broadcast, 60 Minutes said the memos were "documents we are told were taken from Col. Killian's personal file."
The one his son says he didn't have...
In a statement, CBS News said it stands by its story. "This report was not based solely on recovered documents, but rather on a preponderance of evidence, including documents that were provided by unimpeachable sources, interviews with former Texas National Guard officials and individuals who worked closely back in the early 1970s with Colonel Jerry Killian and were well acquainted with his procedures, his character and his thinking," the statement read.
Were they well acquainted with his word processor?
"In addition, the documents are backed up not only by independent handwriting and forensic document experts but by sources familiar with their content," the statement continued.
Did they compare the signatures posted below?
"Contrary to some rumors, no internal investigation is underway at CBS News nor is one planned."
"We'd rather commit journalistic suicide. We're so dense, we don't realize this stuff on our faces is egg."
The White House distributed the four memos from 1972 and 1973 after obtaining them from CBS News. The White House did not question their accuracy.
"More documents, sir. CBS sent them over!"
"Well, release them to the press. Don't bother me with them."
Robert Strong was a friend and colleague of Killian who ran the Texas Air National Guard administrative office in the Vietnam era. Strong, now a college professor, also believes the documents are genuine. "They are compatible with the way business was done at the time. They are compatible with the man that I remember Jerry Killian being," says Strong. "I don't see anything in the documents that is discordant with what were the times, what was the situation and what were the people involved."
"Except maybe the font. And the superscript. And the fact that the signature doesn't match. And the paper's the wrong size..."
The documents were described in a 60 Minutes story that featured a retired Texas politician's claim that he pulled strings to get young Mr. Bush, then a college graduate at the height of the Vietnam War in 1968, into the Guard — a posting that made service overseas unlikely. Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes — then the 29-year-old speaker of the Texas House — told CBS News Anchor Dan Rather that he used influence on Mr. Bush's behalf at the request of a Houston businessman friendly with the Bush family, oilman Sid Adger. Mr. Bush has denied he received special treatment. The White House ascribed Barnes' remarks to political motives. Barnes is an adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry.
... and now lives down the road from Thurston and Lovie in Olde Natucket...
The president's service record emerged as an issue during the 2000 race and again this winter. The Killian documents revived the issue of Mr. Bush's time in uniform after weeks in which Kerry, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, has faced questions over his record as a Navy officer and an anti-war protester.
I don't think there's any doubt about his record as an anti-war protester...
In May 1968, Mr. Bush signed a six-year commitment to fly for the Air Guard. Mr. Bush was honorably discharged from the Guard in October 1973 and left the Air Force Reserves in May 1974. Early in his military career, Mr. Bush received glowing evaluations from Killian, who called Lt. Bush "an exceptionally fine young officer and pilot" who "performed in an outstanding manner." Documents released this week show Mr. Bush with scores of 88 on an airmanship test, 98 on aviation physiology and 100 on navigational abilities. The questions about Mr. Bush's service center on how Mr. Bush got into the Guard and whether he fulfilled his duties during a period from mid-1972 to mid-1973.
He got into the Guard by being a Yale graduate and volunteering to take flight training...
After taking his last flight in April 1972, Mr. Bush went for six months without showing up for any training drills. That May, Mr. Bush skipped a required yearly medical examination. In response, his commanders grounded him on Aug. 1, 1972. In September 1972 he received permission to transfer to the Alabama unit so he could work on a political campaign there. What the Killian memos purported to show is that Mr. Bush defied a direct order to appear for the physical, that his performance as an officer was lacking in other ways and that Mr. Bush used family connections to try to quash any inquiry into his lapses. In a separate revelation, the Boston Globe this week reported that Mr. Bush promised to sign up with a Boston-area unit when he left his Texas unit in 1973 to attend Harvard Business School. Mr. Bush never signed up with a Boston unit.
Didn't have to. He had his points for the year.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 2:17:55 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Standby your Dan

I will leave the rest for the students.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 14:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Actually, they stand "behind" him. That way it's easier to push him off the cliff if this thing doesn't "go away".
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 14:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Is there a way to drop CBS from your cable service? I don't want them on my TV anymore.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 14:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Mr Barnes is lying SOB. He was not Lt Gov when Bush entered service - therefore he couldn't have given any politcal favors....and that's just what he said before congress. So either he lied then (perjury) or he's lying now
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 09/10/2004 14:58 Comments || Top||

#5  Guys,

The chairman of Viacom, SUMNER M. REDSTONE
is supposedly a Military Intelligence vet from WWII:

"Mr. Redstone served in the Military Intelligence Division during World War II. While a student at Harvard, he was selected by Japanese history professor Edwin Reischauer (later Ambassador to Japan) to join a special intelligence group whose mission was to break Japan's high-level military and diplomatic codes. In connection with these activities, Mr. Redstone received, among other honors, two commendations from the Military Intelligence Division in recognition of his service, contribution and devotion to duty. He is also a recipient of the Army Commendation Award."

And this is an excerpt from his address to shareholders of Viacom on June 29, 2000. His last recorded speech was in early 2001...

"CBS, in particular, offers programming that reflects the wide variety of interests and lifestyles of our audience. From 60 Minutes to Letterman, from Survivor to City of Angels, from soap operas to cartoons, CBS has something for everyone. Indeed, this is the very definition of a "broadcast" network.

This is why having a broadcast license is such an important public trust. And this is why all of us at Viacom are so serious about preserving and protecting this trust … be it through preserving the integrity of the CBS News organization, or by increasing the diversity of our on-air and behind-the-scenes crews, or by serving the public with millions of dollars worth of public service announcements."

(emphasis mine)

As a vet shouldn't he know the seriousness of falsifying Military documents?

As a businessman shouldn't he be more concerned about the 'public trust' he mentioned in his speech?

The world wonders...
And the clock is ticking...
Posted by: DanNY || 09/10/2004 15:01 Comments || Top||

In a separate revelation, the Boston Globe this week reported that Mr. Bush promised to sign up with a Boston-area unit when he left his Texas unit in 1973 to attend Harvard Business School. Mr. Bush never signed up with a Boston unit.

This would be the same Boston Glob that printed pornography with the caption that they were prisoner abuse photos? The same Boston Glob that is still sticking by Dan Rather's cheap forgeries? The same Boston Glob that published a false story about one of the Swiftvets rescinding his claims? The same Boston Glob that continues to employ a Kerry hack as a "reporter"?

Does the Glob bother to explain why someone who had been discharged/released from duty would need to "sign-up" with another unit?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 15:02 Comments || Top||

#7  DanNY. Great find.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 15:04 Comments || Top||

#8  The FCC's coddling of the networks and the baby Bells is a disgrace. Screw big media. Let a thousand blogs contend.
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 15:05 Comments || Top||

#9  CBS's approach -- continuing to dig despite being in a hole -- reminds me of the line from the Billy Joel song (which is about Vietnam I believe): "And we will all go down together."
Posted by: Tibor || 09/10/2004 15:18 Comments || Top||

#10  Uh oh, more bad news for the good guys original Bush documents from the same era.

via milty at LGF
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 15:34 Comments || Top||

#11  Not to Beat a dead horse but...

The United States Postal Service Zip Code lookup online engine shows the following for 34567:

"The following errors were found:

ZIP Code 34567

The ZIP Code you entered could not be found in our database. Please confirm the ZIP Code and try again.

If you are certain the ZIP Code you entered is valid, please send an email to incsc@email.usps.gov describing the problem. "

Hmmm, maybe I should fire off a note to them?
After all, Dan Rather is telling us these documents are authentic...
Posted by: DanNY || 09/10/2004 16:01 Comments || Top||

#12  Fewer things are more clear than the fact that these papers are forgeries. I'm starting to understand how Hitler managed to do what he did.

This is probably one of the more shocking revelations in my life regarding how simple it is to fool people. Just tell a lie and repeat it. It's that simple. If people want to believe it, they will.

Stalin, Hitler, Goebbles, would be impressed. Someday these people will be ashamed of how foolish they are, but I bet, even then, they won't admit it.

Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 16:02 Comments || Top||

#13  Danny, good catch. But sometimes zips from military bases don't show on those databases.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 16:03 Comments || Top||

#14  Usually they do show on the USPS website. The USPS knows that it is a APO. Unless it was retired for some base that was closed and has not yet been returned to service elsewhere.
Posted by: Jame Retief || 09/10/2004 16:08 Comments || Top||

#15  Also people make typos. I should know.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 16:09 Comments || Top||

#16  Rex. Apparently Barnes' daughter agrees with you. I read an article this am where she says that in 2000 he told her he absolutely did not get Bush in, but just recently told her he was changing his story. She thought it had something to do with the book he was going to publish.
Posted by: Mercutio || 09/10/2004 16:38 Comments || Top||

#17  DanNY: wasn't 34567 a PO Box, not a ZIP code? Houston-area ZIP codes start with 7.

Also, it's possible that ZIP codes have changed since the '70s. They may include slightly different territory, or disappear altogether. In theory, I mean: I don't know this for sure.
Posted by: Angie Schultz || 09/10/2004 16:41 Comments || Top||

#18  Re #17

Angie, good point. But it raises another . . . Why would the Guard be using a regular P.O. box instead of an APO? Also, anything seem strange about 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 ?
Posted by: cingold || 09/10/2004 18:03 Comments || Top||

#19  The number of primes exceeds the number of non-primes?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 18:13 Comments || Top||

#20  Ummmm. . . . Correct Mrs. D but not quite what we were looking for. :)
Posted by: Doc8404 || 09/10/2004 18:51 Comments || Top||

#21  Dan Rather Tonight

"You gotta believe meeee. Pleez - Pretty pleeez"

Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 19:45 Comments || Top||

#22  This is the bottom line. . .

Dan Rather says that there are three places you can find typewriters and printers with the type of font exhibited in the memos in 1972/3. . .

1) Major printing houses
2) Major newspapers
3) An Obsure National Guard Office in Houston, TX
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 19:59 Comments || Top||

#23  Ooops!

My bad, I glanced quick and grabbed the wrong number! :(

Posted by: DanNY || 09/10/2004 22:46 Comments || Top||

Rather Authenticates Memos


CBSNEWS anchor and 60 MINUTES correspondent Dan Rather publicly defended his reporting Friday morning after questions were raised about the authenticity of newly unearthed memos aired on CBS which asserted that George W. Bush ignored a direct order from a superior officer in the Texas Air National Guard.



DAN RATHER, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I know that this story is true. I believe that the witnesses and the documents are authentic. We wouldn't have gone to air if they would not have been. There isn't going to be -- there's no -- what you're saying apology?

QUESTION: Apology or any kind of retraction or...

RATHER: Not even discussed, nor should it be. I want to make clear to you, I want to make clear to you if I have not made clear to you, that this story is true, and that more important questions than how we got the story, which is where those who don't like the story like to put the emphasis, the more important question is what are the answers to the questions raised in the story, which I just gave you earlier.


Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 1:02:29 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  and that more important questions than how we got the story,

And there you have it.
Even if this is a forgery the stories still true, because I just know it is, and if this stories not true other stories that we don't know about are true so it evens out in the ratings. Follow?
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 13:11 Comments || Top||

#2  and that more important questions than how we got the story

Nice epitaph, Dan.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:15 Comments || Top||

#3  Rather's a fraud.

I know all of us know that. I just had to say it.

How dare he say that his source isn't the story. Did he take that stand with the Swiftvets?

Rather and his source -- Ben Barnes, IMHO, and through him Kerry's campaign -- should be run out of the country on a rail.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 13:22 Comments || Top||

#4  Bellvue Abulance
Need Dispatch to
51 W 52nd ST

You need to pick up this man:

Has lost touch with reality.

Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 13:23 Comments || Top||

#5  Rather and CBS will dig in and try to sell the argument that, 'you have to prove our extraordinary claim is wrong' instead of, 'we have to prove that our extraordinary claim is correct'.
Posted by: Pat Phillips || 09/10/2004 13:29 Comments || Top||

#6  Also, CBS shareholders should be calling corporate HQ, syaing, "ENOUGH"

Also proves Rather is computer illeterate.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 13:30 Comments || Top||

#7  Rather: Why did George W. Bush kill all the unicorns?

Blogosphere: There is no evidence that unicorns ever existed.

Rather: That's beside the point! Answer the question!
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 13:31 Comments || Top||

#8  more important questions than how we got the story

Dan, would one of those questions be, Do you spell Arrogance with one r or two?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:32 Comments || Top||

#9  Holy Mother of God!!! Please...MAKE IT STOP!!!!
Posted by: Dan Rather || 09/10/2004 13:32 Comments || Top||

#10  Rather and his source -- Ben Barnes, IMHO, and through him Kerry's campaign -- should be run out of the country on a rail.
Couldn't agree more, Robert, but FOR GAWD'S SAKE, don't send Barnes back to Texas!
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 13:32 Comments || Top||

#11  Thanks Big Ed for asking a question that I can't help but wonder about. Who is responsible to the stockholders for this act of corporate suicide?

I'd be dumping my MSM stock - if I had any.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:33 Comments || Top||

#12  Dan Rather: "You people are sick! The next thing you'll be trying to tell me is that the world is round, the moon ISN'T made out of cheese, and Osama Bin Laden ISN'T Jewish. Sheesh!"
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 13:37 Comments || Top||

#13  CBS News Link - scroll to the "Contact Us" link at the bottom if you'd like to share your thoughts. Be polite, but persuasive. Terms like: fraud, bias, lost integrity, lost credibility, "I'm contacting your advertising sponsors", and such... are persuasive
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 13:39 Comments || Top||

#14  I am sure the papers can be scientificcally analysed. Like paper age, ink etc. I would ask them to release the papers.
Posted by: Anonymous6361 || 09/10/2004 13:42 Comments || Top||

#15  Nice description of Barnes' reputation in Texas - "If he told people it was raining and they were hip deep in water, they'd doubt his truthfulness."
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 13:44 Comments || Top||

#16  Hello Mr Blather, welcome to Pink Slipville. Population: YOU.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 09/10/2004 13:46 Comments || Top||

#17  B, The sheeple aren't going to stop watching CBS and the advertisers aren't going to stop paying to show their stupid ads to them. Enjoy the blogosphere while no one has figured out how to make big money out of it.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:46 Comments || Top||

#18  Mrs. Davis, au contraire--The Internet helped shut down that mockumentary about the Reagans on CBS last fall.

Thanks for the link, Frank!
I gave them a piece of my mind...LOL
Anyone know who the advertisers on "60 Minutes" are so we can send them emails, too?
Are we good "digital brownshirts" or not?!?
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 13:51 Comments || Top||

#19  Read Rather's words carefully - he's not vouching for the authenticity of the docs - he's saying he "believes" in their accuracy. I bet the lawyers are telling him what to say to avoid the lawsuits.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:55 Comments || Top||

#20  He insists that his piece is legit, without providing any proof that it is, other than his word?

Authenticated, my ass.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 13:57 Comments || Top||

#21  Enjoy the blogosphere while no one has figured out how to make big money out of it.

sniff, sniff..sadly you are so right.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:58 Comments || Top||

#22  Some things are more important than money like saving our country, winning the War and promoting Truth, Justice and the American way of life.
Blogosphere=Meme Superman!
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 14:00 Comments || Top||

#23  B, you are correct about the word play, but I think he's so arrogant he doesn't consult attorneys and that is what will ultimately lead to some part of his anatomy getting caught in the ringer.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 14:05 Comments || Top||

#24  Rush is laughing so hard he's about to fall off his chair. He says he's watching a TV broadcast: Terry McAuliffe is blaming "Rather's authentic documents" on Karl Rove.

Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 14:11 Comments || Top||

#25  I still don't know what the frequency is.
Posted by: Kenneth || 09/10/2004 14:13 Comments || Top||

#26  BigEd: Thankd for that! Looks like Bush just won the election
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 09/10/2004 14:31 Comments || Top||

#27  What's the font, Kenneth?
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 14:34 Comments || Top||

#28  Pardon my French, but


This has to rank right up there with Marie Antoinette's 'Let them eat cake'!

I think after making comments to CBS and their advertisers, a few judicious words to the FCC and the Federal Elections Commission might be in order. Oh, and Viacom, CBS' corporate parent also.
Posted by: DanNY || 09/10/2004 14:36 Comments || Top||

#29  Enjoy the blogosphere while no one has figured out how to make big money out of it.

Figure out how to marry streaming technology to blogging and you're on the way. Bloggers need to displace CBS, not the NYT.
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 14:36 Comments || Top||

#30  Well, I'm screwed. Might as well take up windmill repair. At least that'll piss Cronkite off, that overrated stiff.
Posted by: Dan Rather || 09/10/2004 14:41 Comments || Top||

#31  I can still beat your ratings hurricane boy.
Posted by: Unca Walter || 09/10/2004 14:49 Comments || Top||

#32  Lex, Blogger HAVE replaced CBS, NYT, et al. They just haven't authenticated that memo yet! Blather just sunk 59 Minutes. Who want to watch a show that is BLATANTLY dishonest. For shame CBS, for shame!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 14:49 Comments || Top||

#33  The sheeple aren't going to stop watching CBS and the advertisers aren't going to stop paying to show their stupid ads to them.

Is this really correct as regards people under 35 years old? The networks' demographic is probably the least desirable one possible for an advertiser.
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 14:54 Comments || Top||

#34  True, Lex. but remember CBS is owned by Viacom. If the CBS brand is tarnished to the point it can't be rehabilitated they'll just shift to VH-1 or whatever new brand reaches the desired demographic. Viacom doesn't care. It has plenty of channels to deliver viewers to advertisers.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 14:56 Comments || Top||

#35  Mission accomplished. I don't care about VH-1 or frou-frou; I want to take down the spinning incompetents at the viewsnewschannels.
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 15:01 Comments || Top||

#36  I am so loving this. It is even better that Rather and CBS are digging in their heels. It all comes back to smack Kerry and his MSM supporters. It is just a riot!!!
Posted by: remote man || 09/10/2004 15:04 Comments || Top||

#37  Lex, enjoy. Days like this don't come often.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 15:06 Comments || Top||

#38  I just sent the following to CBS using the link provided by Frank G:

Regarding the documents impugning President Bush's Texas Air National Guard Service, I have the following questions:

1. Where did CBS get the documents (i.e., from whom did they receive the documents)?

2. Were the documents received from a Killian family member who might have had access to "personal" files of Lt Col Killian, or were they received from another source without such access?

3. Did CBS contact anyone in the Killian family to seek their opinion on the authenticity of the documents?

4. What document and military experts did CBS use to authenticate the documents?

5. Did CBS consult an expert on 1972-3 era typewriters or an expert on fonts available during those years?

6. Did the military personnel consulted by CBS know President Bush at the time he was known as 1st Lt Bush?

7. Are the document and military experts consulted by CBS registered Democrats or have they contributed to the Kerry campaign?

8. Has Dan Rather or any of the producers or writers of the 60 Minutes II segment contributed to the Kerry campaign?

9. In light of the fact that numerous respected document experts have questioned the authenticity of the documents, will you permit them to examine the copies actually received by CBS?

10. Was Dan Rather aware that Mr. Barnes had previously indicated (in 1999) that he was not asked by anyone in the Bush family to "pull any strings" to get President Bush into the Texas Air National Guard?

12. Is CBS aware of Mr. Barnes credibility problems?

13. Is CBS aware that Mr. Barnes is a Vice Chair of the Kerry campaign and has raised about $500,000 for Kerry?

14. Does CBS realize how bad it looks to have numerous experts question the authenticity of documents that support serious allegations it has levelled at the sitting President and then not allow these experts to examine the documents for themselves?

15. Similarly, does CBS think that Dan Rather's assertion that he is satisfied with the authenticity of the documents will make this go away?

16. Does CBS plan to interview John O'Neill or any member of Swift Boat Vetereans for Truth regarding the allegations they have made about Senator Kerry's Vietnam and post-Vietnam records?

17. Will CBS call for Senator Kerry to release all of his military records (by signing a SF-180), including his medical records (as President Bush has done), and his Vietnam-era journal?

18. Will CBS inquire as to why Senator Kerry has avoided interviews for over one month at precisely the time questions have arisen about his Vietnam and post-Vietnam activities?

Responses to these questions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by: Tibor || 09/10/2004 15:14 Comments || Top||

#39  im like nader but ima goin write em to! itn the princple of things! >:(
Posted by: muck4doo || 09/10/2004 15:18 Comments || Top||

#40  Somewhere, somehow, UFO is gonna pin this one on Mossad. Man, Mossad's been busy the last few days with the following:

* Killing 100s in Russia;
* Taking down the Kitty Kelly book (which accused W of cocaine use);
* Convincing the ONE source Kitty Kelly used on above story to come out and call her a liar;
* Typing up, printing, then getting to CBS faked documents on W's TX ANG service;
* Convincing both the former commander's wife and son to come out and say above docs were fakes;
* Somehow pin this all on a TX Demo. front man for the Kerry campaign;
* Convince Rather that the docs are real;
* Convince Ben Barnes' daughter to call her dad a liar about her dad's claim that he helped W get into the ANG to stay out of Vietnam;
* Call all the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy radio hosts to get all of this out;
* Post multiple responses here at RB;
* Hack the TX State website (which documents that Ben Barnes was actually Lt. Gov. a year or so after W entered the TX ANG);
* Finally, eat and get some rest underneath UFOs bed!
Posted by: BA || 09/10/2004 15:27 Comments || Top||

#41  Dear Tibor,



Can't Believe Stories
Posted by: CBS || 09/10/2004 15:28 Comments || Top||

#42  DRUDGE FLASH : 13:53 PDT
CBS EVENING NEWS WITH DAN RATHER to address, in detail, the issues surrounding the authenticity of the documents broadcast in the 60 MINUTES report on President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard... Developing...
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 16:52 Comments || Top||

#43  So, when does Devious Dan air to the east coast? Which RB will be watching?
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 16:57 Comments || Top||


Dan addresses the issues surrounding the authenticity of the documents:

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 17:29 Comments || Top||

#45  Killian Jr has just talked to Hannity. CBS is ignoring that which contradicts their point of view and fabricating that which will enhance their point of view.

CBS should be decertified as being allowed White House Correstpondents. They should be put in the class of the Weekly World News, who headlined a story about Saddahm's sex change.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 17:31 Comments || Top||

#46  AC : Baghdad Bob, and Broadway Boob.
Seperated at birth!
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 17:33 Comments || Top||

#47  AC...that is sooo funny!!!!
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 18:08 Comments || Top||

#48  Friday afternoon, CBS News addressed one of the authenticity issues raised, whether typewriters in the 1960s had the "th" superscript key. "CBS News states with absolute certainty that the ability to produce the "th" superscript mentioned in reports about the documents did exist on typewriters as early as 1968, and in fact is in President Bush's official military records released by the White House, CBS said in a statement. The issue will be addressed in Friday's Evening News broadcast, 6:30 p.m. ET.

Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 18:13 Comments || Top||

#49  Powerline & Hewitt :

There is a document of a "th" with a dot under it.
But that so odd. It is a special character. Sort of like foreign language typewriter with accents, circumflexes, and tildes.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 18:29 Comments || Top||

#50  What is it with these libs? Admit your mistake and pledge to make amends. Isn't that what any honest person/organization would do when faced with a situation like Rather and the phony docs?

Nope. They find themselves in a hole and their first instinct is "grab a shovel and dig".

I used to respect these idiots as worthy adversaries. Now they're just cretins to me.

We'll see who's laughing Nov. 3.
Posted by: Kirk || 09/10/2004 23:48 Comments || Top||

Bedside Chat #2
Kerry and Clinton Have Another Long Talk
Days after Democrat John Kerry and former President Clinton had a lengthy, late-night telephone chat to discuss campaign strategy, the two were at it again on Thursday. Only this time, politics weren't involved, says a Kerry aide.
er Mr President. . . .How did you deal with documents like this?
Well, John, I just let Hillary handle those. Remember the Rose Law firm billing records being missing and turning up mysteriously?

Kerry just wanted to check in and see how Clinton was doing as he recuperates in a New York City hospital after heart bypass surgery earlier this week, said Kerry spokesman David Wade. Before giving a speech Thursday to the National Baptist Convention, Kerry said he had spoken to Clinton and that the former president said to say, "Hello." Members of the country's largest predominantly black denomination cheered loudly at the mention of Clinton's name. Wade said the conversation between the two Democrats was brief. He described Clinton as being in good spirits and said Kerry did not ask for any political advice.
We are offering the Brooklyn Bridge on an eBay auction in order to try and pay off campaign debt.
"He only called to see how he was doing," Wade said. "They didn't talk politics." Last Saturday night, two days before the surgery, Kerry and Clinton talked by phone and Clinton reinforced that a strong campaign message can be hammered out of Bush's record on jobs, Iraq and other issues, said a Democratic official familiar with the talk. Bush has enjoyed a rise in the polls since the end of the Republican convention.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 12:17:03 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Hey, John, how'd you like those National Guard memos Hillary sent you? Real dynamite, huh?"
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 12:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, Jawn, when Bubba quits taking your phone calls, you'll know you're in the deep shit.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 12:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Matt: LMAO

Kerry said he had spoken to Clinton and that the former president said to say, "Hello." Members of the country’s largest predominantly black denomination cheered loudly at the mention of Clinton’s name.

1) Maybe all Kerry should say after every sentence is "Bill Clinton" then he'd get a response from every audience.

2) Kerry: "What? NO respect for the man that wants to be your second Black President? Come on where's the love...cricket...cricket..

Kerry:(whispers) "Bill Clinton"

Crowd: (Massive Applause)

Kerry: Yeah, who's your Daddy?
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:44 Comments || Top||

Headline should read "Rather takes gaspipe"
THE populist revolution against the so-called mainstream media continues. Yesterday, the citizen journalists who produce blogs on the Internet — and their engaged readers — engaged in the wholesale exposure of what appears to be a presidential-year dirty trick against George W. Bush. What the bloggers and their audiences did was call into profound question the authenticity of four documents proudly trumpeted by CBS News in a much-heralded investigative report on Wednesday night's edition of "60 Minutes" about the president's National Guard service in the early 1970s. These were "previously unseen documents . . . obtained by '60 Minutes,' " the network bragged Wednesday night on its Web site. Their author, supposedly, was Bush's squadron commander, Jerry Killian, who died 20 years ago.
... which puts him conveniently out of reach of questioners...
They "include a memorandum from May 1972," CBS reports, "where Killian writes that Lt. Bush called him to talk about 'how he can get out of coming to drill from now through November.' " A document dated "18 August 1973" complains that Killian is being asked to "sugar coat" Bush's record. "I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job," the document says. Liberals went wild with glee about the story, especially after the onslaught on John Kerry's Vietnam record by his fellow Swift-boat veterans. Kevin Drum, the most talented of the left-wing bloggers, wrote: "This story is a perfect demonstration of the difference between the Swift-boat controversy and the National Guard controversy. Both are tales from long ago and both are related to Vietnam, but . . . in the National Guard case, practically every new piece of documentary evidence provides additional confirmation that the charges against Bush are true." Drum simply assumed that the documents were above-board. So did The New York Times and The Washington Post, both of which put the story on its front page on Thursday. They were doubtless swayed by the fact that CBS said " '60 Minutes' consulted a handwriting analyst and document expert who believes the material is authentic."

Maybe "60 Minutes" should have tried another expert or two. CBS made the four documents available in their original form on its Web site Wednesday night. And by yesterday morning, they were being examined with a fine tooth comb. The Minneapolis lawyers who run powerlineblog.com were on the case early. Two of the blog's readers directed their attention to a note left on an Internet bulletin board on the freerepublic.com Web site — the 47th posting on the topic there. Post No. 47 pointed out that there was something off about these documents from the 1970s: The spacing between the letters and the words was proportional, and only a few IBM electric typewriters could achieve that effect back then. From there it was off to the races. Once anyone who had had experience writing and typing in the 1970s began examining the documents, it was impossible not to see some weird anachronisms that suggested they had been crafted not on a 1970s typewriter, but using Microsoft Word. Charles Johnson, who runs the wonderful littlegreenfootballs.com, simply typed one of the memos over using Microsoft Word's New Times Roman font and, lo and behold, the document came out exactly identical to the one on the CBS site, down to the letter spacing. The documents contain such features as superscript lettering, which is done automatically by Microsoft Word, and curly quotation marks. A brief glance at a Web site called selectric.org, run by an amateur typewriter fanatic, reveals dozens of IBM electric typefaces — and none of them has curly quotation marks.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 11:00:27 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "... what appears to be a presidential-year dirty trick against George W. Bush."

A dirty trick would be swapping out the sugar with salt for his coffee. Isn't this forgery illegal in some sense? Can't most of these lies be prosecuted in some way? Or is it just those dern Democrats havin' some fun? Yuck, yuck.
Posted by: nada || 09/10/2004 11:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Dan Rather: "DAMN YOU BILL GATES!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!"
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Oh, forgot to add that I read (think on Drudge) that Benny Boy's OWN daughter called Bullshite on him on a local radio station and said that he had bragged about doing this for the past couple of weeks.
BOY! Can Kerry put together a team or what? At least we know who'll fill that new Intel Chief post in a Kerry Administration. Bet Benny Boy already writes all his new memos in invisible ink.
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:36 Comments || Top||

Krugman: The Dishonesty Thing (From an Acknowledged Expert)
NYT - Reg Req so full posting.
Login: refuse / registration

By PAUL KRUGMAN - September 10, 2004
It's the dishonesty, stupid. The real issue in the National Guard story isn't what George W. Bush did three decades ago. It's the recent pattern of lies: his assertions that he fulfilled his obligations when he obviously didn't, the White House's repeated claims that it had released all of the relevant documents when it hadn't.
As usual, Rodent-Boy is way behind the curve. Fits rather well with his economic views. I'll bet he was foaming at the mouth when he watched 60 Minutes, lol!
It's the same pattern of dishonesty, this time involving personal matters that the public can easily understand, that some of us have long seen on policy issues, from global warming to the war in Iraq. On budget matters, which is where I came in, serious analysts now take administration dishonesty for granted.
Funny, that's what the public, at least those not in the MSM coma, do when they read your column.
It wasn't always that way. Three years ago, those of us who accused the administration of cooking the budget books were ourselves accused, by moderates as well as by Bush loyalists, of being "shrill." These days the coalition of the shrill has widened to include almost every independent budget expert.
Oh right. We'll take your word for it. Yew betcha.
For example, back in February the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities accused the Bush administration of, in effect, playing three-card monte with budget forecasts. It pointed out that the administration's deficit forecast was far above those of independent analysts, and suggested that this exaggeration was deliberate.
Do not accept simple explanations where a sinister Bushitler conspiracy is possible. First rule of NYT reportage. Second rule: Haliiburton did it.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 10:10:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh, Paul, you poor ignorant f*ckwit. Live in the now!
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 10:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Acme Document Authentication Service
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 11:55 Comments || Top||

#3  It's amazing how, after being exposed and discredited by various people, little weasel Krugman still manages to dispense his garbage on a regular basis.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 13:48 Comments || Top||

#4  I loved the O'Reilly debate with him when he declared that most all of his economic predictions were wrong. LOL
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:46 Comments || Top||

#5  its the old play:

LOOK OVER THERE LOOK LOOK LOOK (and ignore the train wreck right in front of your eyes).
Posted by: OldSpook || 09/11/2004 0:04 Comments || Top||

Cheney says Ebay will save economy. (sorta)
I'm posting the whole thing, because it doesn't make sense. If he did say that in the right context, then he's making goofy remarks. Thing is, I can't find a Transcript to Verify it. And given the great job our press is doing... I don't trust them.
Indicators measure the nation's unemployment rate, consumer spending and other economic milestones, but Vice President Dick Cheney says it misses the hundreds of thousands who make money selling on eBay. "That's a source that didn't even exist 10 years ago," Cheney told an audience in Cincinnati on Thursday. "Four hundred thousand people make some money trading on eBay."

San Jose, Calif.-based EBay Inc. is an Internet auction site where anyone can sell just about anything, including clothing, cell phones, jewelry, memorabilia, trinkets and automobiles. Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards responded that Cheney's comments show how "out of touch" he and President Bush are with the economy. "If we only included bake sales and how much money kids make at lemonade stands, this economy would really be cooking," Edwards said in a statement.
Posted by: Anon4021 || 09/10/2004 1:32:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think he was referring to the whole underground economy. This includes every thing from E-bay, swap meets, gun shows, various barter clubs and working off the books by sevice personnell. I have seen estimates that this may make up as much 15 percent of the economy. That may be high but if you consider the fact that illegals sent as much as 15 billion with a b to Mexico each year it is not insubstancial.
Posted by: Old Fogey || 09/10/2004 9:45 Comments || Top||

#2  It's the ambulance chaser and the gold-digging boytoy who are out of touch. Web-based, home-based employment is growing rapidly and is already huge. The payroll jobs data do not accurately indicate the real level of employment in this economy.

Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 11:39 Comments || Top||


Video link on right.
Posted by: Anonymous4021 || 09/10/2004 11:50 Comments || Top||

#4  I have a friend that has a coin and stamp store here in town. He is in the process of hiring four people to run his eBay operation because it's grown so large. He estimates he makes 70% of his store's income from eBay. I know at least five other stamp dealers who work mainly on eBay and a few similar auction sites, while their physical stores are primarily there for acquisitions and their long-time regular customers.

I sell my writing exclusively on the Internet. I can't get published by one of the big boys, and most Print-on-Demand publishers want money I don't have. It's easy to download my books without paying for them, and quite a number of people avail themselves of this option. Still, I get a check a month on the average, ranging from $3 to $10. It's not big money, but many small-time writers don't make that much from Print-on-Demand or online electronic markets.

The truth is, the Internet has changed more than just information sharing. Everything that is possible is being done over the Internet. That accounts for a huge portion of the economy that the government establishment hasn't gotten a grip on yet, doesn't understand, and is mainly ignoring because it can't regulate, tax, and control it.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/10/2004 19:09 Comments || Top||

New York Leads U.S. in Taxes, Tennessee Is Last
New Yorkers pay the highest state and local taxes in the nation, shelling out nearly $131 for every $1,000 of income in 2002, according to a new study. Tennessee taxed its citizens the least -- they paid just under $84 for every $1,000 of income. Massachusetts, ridiculed in the 1980s as "Taxachusetts" fell to 40th in 2002, as its residents only paid $96 in taxes for every $1,000 of income, according to a Boston-based business group.
Is this accurate or are there hidden charges? Is it possible that a Boston-based business group might fiddle the numbers?
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 4:14:03 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Congrats Vols!
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 9:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Thank you Mrs. D. We did have a bit of a "tax reform" scare a couple of years ago. The outgoing Gov., Emperor Don, as I call him, was dead set on an income tax. A few bricks through the Capitol's and the Emperor's windows realigned their priorities. I had a nice view of the festivities from across the street. The whole state rose up to fight that one. Excepting Memphis which is our own little welfare enclave.
Posted by: Pyscho Hillbilly || 09/10/2004 9:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Having lived in Tennessee for the last 14 years I do appreciate the low taxes. I lived in Boston, New York City, and Portland Oregon. Oregon has no sales tax but the income tax and property taxes were extreme. When I was in Boston the income tax was pretty high, too. Off topic, Hillbilly, I'll be at the Battle of Franklin the first weekend in October.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 10:09 Comments || Top||

#4  Mr. Blues: participant or spectator? No Titans home game that weekend so traffic should be good.

But wait! Auburn is at UT that weekend! You're not going to Neyland?
Posted by: Pyscho Hillbilly || 09/10/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#5  I'll be a Cavalry trooper in the Confederate Army except for one scenario where we all dress Union. Th Tigers will have to get along without me.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 12:41 Comments || Top||

#6  What about Alaska? Doesn’t the state pay residents oil royalties? Shouldn’t that be factored into a state/local tax rate?
Posted by: Anonymous5032 || 09/10/2004 13:10 Comments || Top||

#7  5032, I thnk the numbers were calculated to make Massachusetts look good. Mass fell to 40 and the report is released by a Boston based business group. It appears to me that a Boston-based business group decided that massaging the stats would be good for a Boston-based business group.
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 17:05 Comments || Top||

Gore: Cheney 'Blackmailing Voters With Fear'
I would have titled the article: Gore accuses Cheney of stealing one from the Democrat Playbook
[...] "The claim by Bush and Cheney that the American people must give them four more years in office or else be 'hit hard' by another terrorist attack is a sleazy and despicable effort to blackmail voters with fear," Gore said. "They are going back to the ugliest page in the Republican playbook: fear. They're not even trying to convince you to vote for George Bush. Their only hope is to try and make you too afraid to vote for John Kerry. It's the lowest sort of politics imaginable."
No source on this...
Posted by: Anonymous4828 || 09/10/2004 4:07:58 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  To think this guy was so close to the Presidency makes me shudder.Thank God Gorebot wasn't President on 9/11.
Posted by: JerseyMike || 09/10/2004 8:52 Comments || Top||

#2  ...to blackmail voters with fear

You wanna blackmail me with fear? Tell me this deranged android is running again.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 9:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Another gem from the man that would be President.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 9:40 Comments || Top||

#4  What Chaney actually said was that if the two Johns are elected and we are hit again the response from the Two Johns Administration would most likely be a law inforcement response and not a military one. The MSM has really distorted his words and meaning. He didn't say if the Two Johns are elected we will be hit again and it will be the voters' fault as has been reported.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 10:02 Comments || Top||

#5  This just verifies that the 2000 election result was "devine provinence" and that the Supremes did the right thing. History will show that in 2000 the greatest nation on earth almost elected a moonbat as its president. Can you imagine a world post 9/11 with the following roster of Gore, Chirac, Putin and Schroeder?
Posted by: Jack is Back || 09/10/2004 10:05 Comments || Top||

#6  "Their only hope is to try and make you too afraid to vote for John Kerry."

I'd say sKerry is doing a pretty good job of that himself, along with his classy wife.

Al Gore. The political equivalent of a '70s has-been entertainer trying to make a comeback. Al, if you really care about America, please go away.
Posted by: nada || 09/10/2004 10:05 Comments || Top||

#7  Does this blackmail go with my brownshirt?
Posted by: BH || 09/10/2004 10:31 Comments || Top||

#8  It probably would the 'lowest sort of politics' if it weren't so true.
Posted by: Rawsnacks || 09/10/2004 11:12 Comments || Top||



Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 11:59 Comments || Top||

#10  Gore needs to be institutionalized.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 13:23 Comments || Top||

#11  BigEd: lmao

This guys a grade A has been. Maybe he should've called attention to the Democrapic party whose main platform has ALWAYS been scare. Scare the old people Mon, Wed, and Fri on Medicare, Tues and Wed on Social Security. Sound familiar?
Never have I seen such a has been loser as bad as him in my life...oh wait, Jimmy Carter. So it's a tie.
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 13:34 Comments || Top||

#12  Not a tie...Carter actually got elected President.

Thank God for miracles!
Posted by: RN || 09/10/2004 13:36 Comments || Top||

#13  amen
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:39 Comments || Top||

#14  "The claim by Bush and Cheney that the American people must give them four more years in office or else be ’hit hard’ by another terrorist attack is a sleazy and despicable effort to blackmail voters with fear," Gore said.

Hahahahahahaaa, everyone knows that where playing on people's emotions are concerned, the Democrats are uncontested masters of the craft.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 16:02 Comments || Top||

#15  Smells like Al's got digital brownshorts.
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 16:18 Comments || Top||

#16  Sorry, it was late. Here is the link. It's from Newsmax.
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 17:00 Comments || Top||

#17  Thanks alot Lex, I spit chewed peanuts and vodka all over my keyboard!
Posted by: wills || 09/10/2004 17:57 Comments || Top||

#18  i always remember to spit before i read rantburg i learned that after 3rd time here and had epik boiled peanuts and pepsi thru the nasal passage episode
Posted by: half || 09/10/2004 18:03 Comments || Top||

Congress Won't Renew Assault Weapons Ban
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 04:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  allahlooyah! ima have gun sex celbrate after work! :)
Posted by: muck4doo || 09/10/2004 9:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Gonna get it on with your thumb hole, eh Muchy?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 9:12 Comments || Top||

#3  I'm going to fire off several rounds from my 1862 Maynard Assault Gun. I'm going to fight Yankees in Kentucky this weekend.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 10:03 Comments || Top||

#4  So does this mean I can buy 25-round mags for my tricked-out 10/22?
Posted by: Raptor || 09/10/2004 10:42 Comments || Top||

#5  Awesome, God bless us one and all.
Posted by: Jarhead || 09/10/2004 11:57 Comments || Top||

#6  check your state laws - here in California, we need to conform to the Bay-Area Dem idea of a safe society - no scary guns
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 12:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Kerry just came out for extending the ban. Anyone who knows anything about guns knows the ban is a ludicrous hoax. Anyone can readily buy semi-auto AK-47's and AR-15 type guns just like what is banned. All you're missing is that deadly (not!) bayonet lug, flash suppressor, a few inches of stock collapse, and high cap mags, which you can buy as pre-bans ($$). Even though it should lapse, write your representatives now and let them know that if they try to extend it, you will vote accordingly.
Posted by: Anonymous || 09/10/2004 14:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Good!

Apparently Tom Diaz of the anti-gun Violence Policy Center agrees:

"If the existing assault weapons ban expires, I personally do not believe it will make one whit of difference one way or another."

Hat tip: Instapundit
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/10/2004 15:27 Comments || Top||

Forgeries traced to Kerry campaign
"The Prowler" @ American Spectator
EFL & emphasis added; hat tip to the Brothers Judd.

Can we get some sand over here? There's blood on the floor, and I don't want anybody to slip in it...
More than six weeks ago, an opposition research staffer for the Democratic National Committee received documents purportedly written by President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard squadron commander, the late Col. Jerry Killian. The oppo researcher claimed the source was "a retired military officer." According to a DNC staffer, the documents were seen by both senior staff members at the DNC, as well as the Kerry campaign. "More than a couple people heard about the papers," says the DNC staffer. "I've heard that they ended up with the Kerry campaign, for them to decide to how to proceed, and presumably they were handed over to 60 Minutes, which used them the other night. But I know this much. When there was discussion here, there were doubts raised about their authenticity."

The concerns arose from the sourcing. "It wasn't clear that our source for the documents would have had access to them. Our person couldn't confirm from what file, from what original source they came from." . . . A CBS producer, who initially tipped off The Prowler about the 60 Minutes story, says that despite seeking professional assurances that the documents were legitimate, there was uncertainty even among the group of producers and researchers working on the story. . . . The CBS producer said that some alarms bells went off last week when the signatures and initials of Killian on the documents in hand did not match up with other documents available on the public record, but producers chose to move ahead with the story. "This was too hot not to push. If there were doubts, those people didn't show it," says the producer, who works on a rival CBS News program.
So now it's the fact of the forgery that's too hot not to push...
Desparation makes for strange bedfellows.
Now, the producer says, there is growing concern inside the building on 57th Street that they may have been suckered by the Kerry campaign. "There is a school of thought here that the Kerry people dumped this in our laps, figuring we'd do the heavy lifting on the story. That maybe they had doubts about these documents but hoped we'd get more information," says the producer. "If that's the case, then we're bigger fools than we already appear to be judging by all the chatter about how these documents could be forgeries."
Using forgeries to discredit your opponent in an election reveals you to be dishonest and unworthy of political power. Using forgeries that are this easily disproved reveals you to be corrupt and sand-poundingly stupid.

Pop the popcorn, open a cold microbrew, and sit back to watch the mainstream media turn on themselves and on Kerry.
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 7:12:42 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That crunch sound you just heard was the swift boat of Kerry's campaign grounding on a reef!

With a little luck it will drag Dan Rather and the rest of the left wing media down with it.
Posted by: DanNY || 09/10/2004 7:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Sorry, using forgeries to discredit your opponent shows you to be a politician. But ones this obvious? That is sand-poundingly stupid.

So CBS is going to try to push it back on Kerry? This should be rich.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 7:37 Comments || Top||

#3  I find it hard to believe the DNC is that stupid and/or insane. Perhaps the same guy who shopped these to the DNC, also shopped them to CBS. The risks of passing suspected forgeries to a friendly media outlet to run, and risk burning CBS, destroying their credibility, is too great. CBS knows who gave the docs to them. And will have to burn their source in order to protect themselves.
Posted by: Ben || 09/10/2004 7:40 Comments || Top||

#4  I find it hard to believe the DNC is that stupid and/or insane

If the only Democrat operatives you know are both smart and sane, you are one lucky fellow. Where do you live?
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 8:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Oh my gawd, this is like watching a train full of Imams crush a busload of Al-Qaeda. In slow motion.

Horrifying, yet I can't not watch. And it feels so good.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 09/10/2004 8:29 Comments || Top||

#6  Having never witnessed it before, I always had a hard time understand why normally rationally good people would participate in the lynching of man because of the color of his skin. The mindless hate and suspension of being human it would take seemed unnatural. Now with the ABB crowd, in and out of the media, I now see but still can't understand the ease with which one can turn off their rational thought process without the aid of drugs or drink. Today George Bush is their N*****. Even with a solid reelection in November I seriously fear for the man in the atmosphere of hate and loathing these people, in and out of the media, have generated. The worst fear, is that President Chaney will not have the ability to hold back the retribution that awaits these people. But then again, tens of thousands of Tories, Crown Loyalist, were driven from the newly created United States and in perspective probably did the new country a blessing rather than a bust.
Posted by: Don || 09/10/2004 8:46 Comments || Top||

#7  I need to call my cousin Kelly. He's never seen a train wreck.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 8:53 Comments || Top||

#8  It gives me the vision of a plastic kerry doll being thrown into the fire.

60 minutes's credibility is toast. Their refusal to run the Swift Vet/Cambodia for "lack of evidence" and their willingness to run with such obvious forgeries, has left them naked.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 9:44 Comments || Top||

#9  Pop the popcorn, open a cold microbrew, and sit back to watch the mainstream media turn on themselves and on Kerry.

Looks like I've got new weekend plans!
Posted by: nada || 09/10/2004 10:12 Comments || Top||

#10  I can't think of a more fitting end to Dan Rather's career.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 10:29 Comments || Top||

#11  Ah yes... The media bias shown in all of its crowning glory. Never even bothering to check the facts. If it is bad for Bush, RUN IT!! Never mind showing the other side, swift boats, vets, Kerry's voting record....
I love watching the pompous jerks cook in their own juices. Maybe this will force them just to report the facts and leave the propaganda to the politicians. (I know, but I can dream can't I?)
Posted by: mmurray821 || 09/10/2004 10:48 Comments || Top||

#12  This is how blogging works. Fact checking, research and reporting. All at the speed of light. A story that it took CBS weeks to prepare was obliterated in a matter of hours.

This is the future of news. Old media will be held to the same standard that bloggers are. News has to be well researched, sources cited, corrections noted, and contributors linked. And it all has to be done quickly. The public's right to know is turning in to "the public knows". You don't need to graduate from j-school to write the news in the Internet age.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 09/10/2004 10:50 Comments || Top||

#13  I haven't had so much fun since that Peter Arnett story about poison gas melted down a couple of years ago.
Can I have my popcorn with a little extra melted butter? Thanks.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 09/10/2004 10:53 Comments || Top||

#14  So true, Chuck. BTW, nice link on Daily Pundit yesterday...
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/10/2004 10:54 Comments || Top||

#15  Holy smokes! I've just figured this one out. The Kerry campaign were given the forged documents by the Bush campaign! Had the Kerry campaign been smart or honest, they would have checked them out or sat on them. But they thought that they had a hot one, so they sent it to their buddies at CBS, who ran with it, with all the fact checking that the liberal media usually use--none.
An *instant* later, the Bush campaign, or its supporters, have *obvious* proof that they are forgeries. Ready to go as soon as the "60 Minutes" show aired.
So now it gets traced back to the Kerry campaign. No doubt they will bluff and bluster, still not realizing that they were snookered.
To quote Daffy Duck: "Obviously, I am dealing with inferior minds, here!"
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/10/2004 11:09 Comments || Top||

#16  Don, those Crown Loyalists ended up in Canada World's leading exporter of garbage and Hollywood talent You decide which is which. You're welcome to them back anytime. They spend the summers bitching and moaning about "those american bastards" but spend the winter in Tampa.
Posted by: john || 09/10/2004 11:13 Comments || Top||

#17  Were these documents purported to be absolutely original or copies of originals? A '70s original would be obviously impact printed.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 11:23 Comments || Top||

#18  copies several times over
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:28 Comments || Top||

#19  How long has 60 minutes been on? 30 years?

Did they just jump the shark?
Posted by: spiffo || 09/10/2004 11:30 Comments || Top||

#20  IMHO CBS will have to burn their source and it will turn out to be a DNC or Kerry operative. Do I smell toast?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:30 Comments || Top||

#21  60 minutes jumped the shark even before the Fonz did....

I'm sure the Kerry Campain will have a handy scapegoat handy and the MSM will run with it and tell the lie so often people will beleave it.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/10/2004 11:38 Comments || Top||

#22  Moose, Chris Lehane beat you to the punch. But he's one of Clinton's boys who's helping Kery, so that's not a surprise.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 11:43 Comments || Top||

#23  Let me get this straight, CBS is bitching that it got duped by Kerry operatives? When in reality it was CBS's fault for not doing basic journalistic fact checking? Now they blame someone else for their own screw up - pretty par for the course for msm weenies.......can't wait to see them turn on the skerry losers.....
Posted by: Jarhead || 09/10/2004 11:44 Comments || Top||

#24  American Spectator, not a paranoid publication. More like National Review's little brother.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 12:07 Comments || Top||

#25  Please make it go away...please make it go away...please make it go away...
Posted by: Dan Rather || 09/10/2004 12:34 Comments || Top||

#26  Suck it up, Dan!
You knew what you were doing...
What kind of slime spends their life interviewing scum bags like Ben Barnes and Saddam Hussein?
I love this scandal! It is absolutely delicious!
All the more tasty because it was driven by the blogger patriots of the New Media.
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 12:45 Comments || Top||

#27  Un-freaking-believable.

Where the hell is HST? This baby just cries out for his handling. How about "The Banshee Screams for Dan Rather" as a title?
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 12:48 Comments || Top||

#28  I love this scandal! It is absolutely delicious! All the more tasty because it was driven by the blogger patriots of the New Media

Amen to that Jen, baby!

This weekend will be one of the best weekends in years. Consider:

1) CBS, NY Times and Wapo, all turning and slowly roasting on a spit from a scandal they themselves generated.

2) The first weekend after the assault rifle ban is lifted. ( I'm going to the firing range, methinks. )

3) The start of the new NFL season.

4) The second week of NCAA football. Go Pokes!
Posted by: badanov || 09/10/2004 12:57 Comments || Top||

#29  For further reference, and future use, please see the following link, also mentioned elsewhere:

Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 13:01 Comments || Top||

#30  Let's not forget - this was an operation by the Kerry campaign, and a horribly incompetent one at that. They need to feel the heat just as bad as CBS. More popcorn!
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 09/10/2004 13:02 Comments || Top||

#31  Groove on, badanov!
Don't forget the (what I hope will be) HUGE Kerry Lied and Good Men Died Rally in Washington, D.C. on Sunday at 2:00 at the West front of the Capitol building for outraged Vietnam Vets and their supporters--Y'all come and bring your own blanket and beer!
(Of course, we will spend tomorrow respectfully remembering our fellow Americans who were murdered on 9/11/01.)
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 13:05 Comments || Top||

#32  We're gonna need so much popcorn, we're gonna need the giant Jiffy Pop from "Real Genius".
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 14:18 Comments || Top||

#33  I've heard a Clinton's angle on this. Basically the Kerry campaign was fed the docs by the Clintons to effectively take Kerry out and make room for Hillary in 2008.
Its hard for me to think who would be worse.
Posted by: Anonymous6386 || 09/10/2004 14:30 Comments || Top||

#34  Thats the theory anyways.
Posted by: Anonymous6386 || 09/10/2004 14:31 Comments || Top||

#35  All I can say, Dan, is better you then me, kid...
Posted by: Mike Wallace || 09/10/2004 14:32 Comments || Top||

#36  Carl in N.H.: LMAO

Hell, why didn't the Kerry Campaign just have one of their volunteer's kids write the letters in crayons for crying out loud.
Posted by: Anonymous6389 || 09/10/2004 14:54 Comments || Top||

#37  You should see the discussion threads over at DU. They can't decide whether the memos were written on a spiffy new proportional-spacing typewriter with kerned fonts and superscript (and therefore genuine) or were forged and planted by Karl Rove and the Republican-controlled media.

More popcorn and another Christian Moerlein, please.
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 15:40 Comments || Top||

1972 Email Casts Doubt on Bush Guard Service
(2004-09-09) -- CBS reporter Dan Rather today released the text of a recently discovered email from then-Lt. George W. Bush's Air National Guard commanding officer which casts more doubt upon the military service of the man who would become the 43rd President of the United States.

The revelation of the email comes just hours after questions were raised about the authenticity of typewritten memos from the same officer, shown yesterday by Mr. Rather on 60 Minutes.

According to the previously unseen email message sent in May 1972 by squadron commander Jerry Killian, Lt. Bush phoned Col. Killian because "his internet connection was on the fritz and he couldn't IM me."

Lt. Bush apparently wanted to talk about "how he can get out of coming to drill from now through November."

According to Col. Killian's email, the young Bush wanted to go to Alabama to work as webmaster for a Republican candidate's website.

Mr. Rather said the authenticity of the 32-year-old email has been confirmed by several Nigerian officials who specialize in electronic funds transfer by email.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 12:18:22 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  perfect!!
Posted by: Long Hair Republican || 09/10/2004 0:27 Comments || Top||

#2  ScrappleFace nails it again!
Posted by: Korora || 09/10/2004 0:27 Comments || Top||

#3  Forgot the credits:

This message prepared with MS Word 72
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 0:32 Comments || Top||

#4  What a total crock, everyone knows that Gordon Liddy was the Alabama GOP's webmaster in '72.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 1:09 Comments || Top||

#5  WashPost actually put the possible forgery information on the front page.
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 6:30 Comments || Top||

#6  Remember how long it took to load Office for CPM from the tape drive? Now those were the days.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 7:37 Comments || Top||

#7  Shipman, Tape drive? You had tape drives? We had to load MS-Word 71 from about 60 spools of punched tape.

Tape drives would have been heaven on earth!

(and the damn thing still crashed too damn often!)
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/10/2004 10:47 Comments || Top||

#8  Punched Tape? You had punched tape? When I was growing up we loaded WordStar 54 with Hollerith cards and we glad to have 'em.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 11:38 Comments || Top||

#9  I remember building my first computer form a discarded Jacquard loom.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 11:45 Comments || Top||

#10  Think ASR (No paper-tape punch capability) / KSR (With punch) 33's. Telex. TWX. Remember Andromeda Strain? The Wildfire notification that was missed because of a hanging chad between the clapper and the bell? A KSR-33. 110 BAUD. Hot shit. Danced across the room when a long msg came in.
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 11:56 Comments || Top||

#11  Think ASR (No paper-tape punch capability) / KSR (With punch) 33's. Telex. TWX. Remember Andromeda Strain? The Wildfire notification that was missed because of a hanging chad between the clapper and the bell? A KSR-33. 110 BAUD. Hot shit. Danced across the room when a long msg came in.
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 11:56 Comments || Top||

#12  a Wool Processor mrs d?
Posted by: half || 09/10/2004 13:21 Comments || Top||

#13  Kenneth, what's the font?
Posted by: lex || 09/10/2004 13:25 Comments || Top||

#14  half, you carder, you.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:25 Comments || Top||

#15  Think ASR (No paper-tape punch capability) / KSR (With punch) 33's. Telex. TWX. Remember Andromeda Strain? The Wildfire notification that was missed because of a hanging chad between the clapper and the bell? A KSR-33. 110 BAUD. Hot shit. Danced across the room when a long msg came in


Help me out here. Thats 110 bits per second, not 110 kbps, right?

And remember, folks: Unix in 1972 was less than 19 months old, that is the original Bell Labs Unix.
Posted by: badanov || 09/10/2004 13:29 Comments || Top||

#16  I remember 300bps modems. Heck I remember a 4800bps LAN that, if you knew the magic keystrokes and were on the right part, you could trick into doing a blazing 9600bps.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 13:54 Comments || Top||

#17  Coming up next on CBS. The discovery of Thomas Jefferson's emails to Nostrodamus...
Posted by: Dan Rather || 09/10/2004 21:16 Comments || Top||

#18  Think of the pressure that Scott Ott must be under with Scrappleface. Every day this campaign gets more and more absurd. Will he be able to think more absurdly than the Dimocrits for much longer? Rice wounds, Christmas in Cambodia, Vietnam re-enactments on home movies, MS Word 72, etc. Truth really is stranger than fiction this year.
Posted by: Tom || 09/10/2004 21:46 Comments || Top||

Rather / 60 Minutes investigated
Via Allah/Drudge

CBS NEWS executives have launched an internal investigation into whether its premiere news program 60 MINUTES aired fabricated documents relating to Bush's National Guard service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"The reputation and integrity of the entire news division is at stake, if we are in error, it will be corrected," a top CBS source explained late Thursday.

The source, who asked not to be named, described CBSNEWS anchor and 60 MINUTES correspondent Dan Rather as being privately "shell-shocked" by the increasingly likelihood that the documents in question were fraudulent.

Rather, who anchored the segment presenting new information on the president's military service, will personally correct the record on-air, if need be, the source explained from New York.

More legs than a centipede...

I hereby certify the authenticity of the above statement.
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 11:52:40 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

I hear the sound of wing beats...wait...look, up there! What is it? It is the slap fairy coming to pay CBS a visit!
Posted by: CiT || 09/10/2004 0:12 Comments || Top||

#2  holy sheet--Man, could it be any more obvious? If that signature on the right was typed using a '72 era typewriter, The first "o" in "Colonel" should line up exactly with the "y" in "Jerry". And the second "m" in "Commander" should line up with the "C" in "Colonel". Pure fabrication from the CBS "experts" who are moonlighting on the Kerry campaign--oh, but they're not biased!
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 0:15 Comments || Top||

#3  I'll be interested to see if CBS outs the 'source(s)' of this fraud. Popcorn's ready!
Posted by: PBMcL || 09/10/2004 0:19 Comments || Top||

#4  Maybe the looney left can accuse Michael Ledeen of forging these too, seeing how their Niger charges kinda collapsed ...
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 0:21 Comments || Top||

#5  Dan Rather and the left have been putting the USofA Security in jeopardy for way to long. Let's be clear here , CBS network has fallen and can't get up. We know now and every American will soon learn that the old Media Monopoly has been lying to them . Once this hit's the front page tomorrow or the next day, I think the heart of the US citizens will change on how they look at the evening news and the dead tree press.
Hail to the bloggers and the talk show hosts of today's conservative AM radio. Long live Rush Limbaugh who started this incredible revolution!!

Posted by: Long Hair Republican || 09/10/2004 0:24 Comments || Top||

#6  "BWAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha!"
-- Karl Rove
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 0:43 Comments || Top||

#7  Big Media needs to drop its advocacy and go back to reporting the news, Sgt Friday style: Just the Facts ma'am.

It has been repeatedly spanked by blogs and talk radio - and this demonstrates the duplicity of MSM, and thier liberal bias that leads them to fraud like this.

Nice side effect: Kitty Kelley is going to be grilled when her book comes out. Seems the nuclear explosion over the "AWOL Forgery" is going to be fratricidal given all the innuendo and lies in her slash attack on Bush.
Posted by: OldSpook || 09/10/2004 1:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Obviously, the adage "dead men tell no tales" is in play for the Dummycrats.
Posted by: Capt America || 09/10/2004 1:53 Comments || Top||

#9  Obviously, the adage "dead men tell no tales" is in play for the Dummycrats.
Posted by: Capt America || 09/10/2004 1:53 Comments || Top||

#10  Remember the indignance of the MSM media to the fact that the CIA allowed forged documents to be used in the case for invading Iraq? Remember how condescending they were about how important fact checking was?
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 4:30 Comments || Top||

#11  Typefaces and kerning: why do they hate us?

/gunga Dan
Posted by: MrO || 09/10/2004 6:08 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 6:28 Comments || Top||

#13  This is going to be hilarious!

1) Rather & 60 Min. runs with forged documents.

2) Kitty Kelly's book found to be mostly fabricated.

3) Ben Barnes is called a liar by his own daughter.

Too freaking funny!, I wouldn't be surprised that in the aftermath of this debacle we learn that the whole sordid mess was somehow orchistrated by that DNC dumbass Terry McCauliff(sp?).
Posted by: RJB in JC MO || 09/10/2004 6:28 Comments || Top||

#14  If there's even a hint that these documents came from the Kerry campaign, they should send some forensic guys over there to check on the authenticity of Kerry's service records posted on his web site. Better yet get Kerry to release source documents from Navy files.
Posted by: GK || 09/10/2004 6:31 Comments || Top||

#15  #12...AC...great logo...

Suffice it to say it'll be a REAL long time before any MSM will post documents on their website in support of their story line. They'll tell us..."we've got the documents to prove the story and you'll just have to trust us."
Posted by: Mark Z. || 09/10/2004 6:36 Comments || Top||

#16  If there's even a hint that these documents came from the Kerry campaign

I suspect their source was Ben Barnes, who happens to be the vice-chairman of the Kerry campaign in Texas and is on the short-list for appointees if Kerry gets elected.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 6:41 Comments || Top||

#17  RC, the LGF minions have been zeroing in on Barnes as the likely suspect (start at about #240).
Full disclosure: "Shiplord Kirel" and my humble self are the same person, er, lizard.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 09/10/2004 6:49 Comments || Top||

#18  I suspect the MSM will go back under their rocks and stay away from anything negative about Bush from anyone.
Rather is deservedly damaged goods. I wonder how CBS will justify keeping him employeed? Rather a liberial democrat texan gets this crap from another liberal democrat texan who actually got it from moveon.org who got it from some of the "new" hires to Keery campaign who are too dumb and young to know there were no " personal computers" in the 1970's because they are so young there always have been personal computers. Wonder if CBS gives up their source to redeem themselves? Whats the criminal penalty for faking these kinds of papers?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 09/10/2004 6:52 Comments || Top||

#19  Last night I replicated Charles Johnson's feat of duplicating one of the Killian memos using MS Word on its default settings, and got an EXACT MATCH to the memo on CBS's web site. Piece of cake.

When I was in the Army from 1970-1973, my weapon of choice was the Smith-Corona manual typewriter (I spent the last year of my tour of duty writing course materials for the U.S. Army Signal School). There were no Selectric typewriters or any other electric, as they were too expensive. Also, needless to say, there were no PCs nor any Microsoft Word.

Someone ought to get his ass handed to him for this stupid stunt, that's for sure. Personally, I won't be satisfied by anything less than Dan Rather doing a "Bud Dwyer" on the next edition of 60 Minutes. (Bud was a Pennsylvania politician who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar back in the 80's; he blew his brains out with a .44 Magnum during a live news conference.)
Posted by: Dave D. || 09/10/2004 7:09 Comments || Top||

#20  Ben Barnes says he was Lt Governor of Texas when he helped Pres Bush get into the Air National Guard.
Here is a list of Texas Lt Governors.
Barnes became Lt Governor of Texas at the beginning of 1969.

The President entered the Texas Air Guard in May 1968 after his graduation from Yale.

Time to scratch ones head I guess. . .
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 7:38 Comments || Top||

#21  Dave D so you are the man I cursed. 05b pack mule here.
Posted by: incarnate of lee atwater || 09/10/2004 8:37 Comments || Top||

#22  I just read on Drudge that Killian's widow has some serious doubts about the memos. She said this on Larry King which has got to drive the LLL media NUTS. I hope Blather get canned, but I doubt it.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 09/10/2004 9:38 Comments || Top||

#23  Both Fox and CNN are running this story on there websites. NICE!
Posted by: domingo || 09/10/2004 9:53 Comments || Top||

#24  hell - i got out of the USMC in 1997 & i was still using a typewriter for memos.

Posted by: Rawsnacks || 09/10/2004 10:01 Comments || Top||

#25  A story within the story here is how the other MSM outlets are going to cover this. I bought the print edition of the NYT today to check (and besides, my cat is trained to rip it to pieces.) They run a story on page A-19 (right next to "Foreign Minister of Liechenstein Blasts US Beet Policy, As Bush Continues to Falter.") The article refers only to Col. Killian's son "questioning" the memos, and omits any reference to the font and signature issues, or to the role of bloggers in bringing the story to light.
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 10:23 Comments || Top||

#26  Dan Rather is a liar. Or guilty of extreme journalistic malpractice, to coin a phrase. To be fired is too good for him.
Posted by: eLarson || 09/10/2004 10:29 Comments || Top||

#27  I hope, at the least, the lib MSM turns inward and feeds on itself to shred CBS. Seeing any one of these liberal propaganda machines collapse is a victory for truth--and to see them eat one of their own would just make it that much more entertaining.
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 10:31 Comments || Top||

#28  Between this and the Navy's investigation of SKerry's Silver Star (which the MSM obviously refuses to report - but it will get out since they no longer have a monopoly). I think (and hope) the Dems are in for a rude awakening.

I don't think the MSM will 'feed on itself' but go into full ass-covering mode. They still think that they have a monopoly and all they need to do is ignore it or outright lie about it and it will be taken care of. If CBS does out their 'source' they will probably lie about who it was.

I would not trust them if they told me my own name.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/10/2004 10:42 Comments || Top||

#29  Dan Rather is a lying piece of crap, and I expect his resignation on my desk by Monday morning.
Posted by: Chris W. || 09/10/2004 10:42 Comments || Top||

#30  http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Politics/Vote2004/bush_documents_040909-1.html
"More than half a dozen document experts contacted by ABC News said they had doubts about the memos' authenticity.

"These documents do not appear to have been the result of technology that was available in 1972 and 1973," said Bill Flynn, one of country's top authorities on document authentication. "The cumulative evidence that's available … indicates that these documents were produced on a computer, not a typewriter:"

Among the points Flynn and other experts noted:

The memos were written using a proportional typeface, where letters take up variable space according to their size, rather than fixed-pitch typeface used on typewriters, where each letter is allotted the same space. Proportional typefaces are available only on computers or on very high-end typewriters that were unlikely to be used by the National Guard.
The memos include superscript, i.e. the "th" in "187th" appears above the line in a smaller font. Superscript was not available on typewriters.
The memos included "curly" apostrophes rather than straight apostrophes found on typewriters.
The font used in the memos is Times Roman, which was in use for printing but not in typewriters. The Haas Atlas — the bible of fonts — does not list Times Roman as an available font for typewriters.
The vertical spacing used in the memos, measured at 13 points, was not available in typewriters, and only became possible with the advent of computers."

Doesn't exactly shred CBS but the point is implicit when you shred CBS's 'evidence' Hopefully it will get more explicit over a time. I think the story will have legs. And might run all the way to the DNC. IDIOTS! HA!

Posted by: domingo || 09/10/2004 11:06 Comments || Top||

#31  Pat Caudell, Dem Pollster and former Carter communications guy on Fox just now sez: "If this is traced back to Kerry operatives (and CBS will eventually have to give up their source names) then the election's over... I'm being honest because I'm trying to save my party"
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:21 Comments || Top||

#32  I'll never figure out Caudell, weird fella.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 11:43 Comments || Top||

#33  I too duplicated the "18 August" memo using my computer (Mac), Word X, default settings, Times-Roman 12 pt. Freaking scary in a way, and appalling that the folks at CBS, who apparently had some questions about the authenticity of the memos, went ahead with the story anyway. Demonstrates pretty well the depth of hatred the CBS News team has for GWB.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/10/2004 12:19 Comments || Top||

#34  I've read lots of speculation as to how this happened.
Could it be that the Donks simply think that we are too stupid to know the difference?
Posted by: SR-71 || 09/10/2004 12:25 Comments || Top||

#35  It would be just too rich if Dan Rather turned out to be the one to put the final nail in Kerry's coffin. If Bush wins, I may have a few "Thanks, Dan" bumperstickers made up.
Posted by: Matt || 09/10/2004 12:30 Comments || Top||

#36  Rather vouches for the docs. Powerline has a latest post questioning where Gunga Dan would've got the docs. Hint: remember the Ben Barnes interview...

Rather's done.
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 12:49 Comments || Top||

#37  Re Comment 17: Hey Atomic Conspiracy... why not just use your real name on both sites?

(And which of "Shiplord Kirel" and "Atomic Conspiracy" is the real name, and which is the pseudonym, anyway?)

Anyway, I'm laughing my ass off about the whole thing. The Kerry campaign is being laid low because they depended on Microsoft.

This has GOT to be causing heavy cognitive dissonance over at Crashdot.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 09/10/2004 12:49 Comments || Top||

#38  I don't think the people who perpetrated this think people are too stupid to notice these are forgeries. What I think is they hoped and did get these "memos" out on MSM and since it is CBS 60 Minutes people will believe anyway even if CBS airs a retraction. It really depends on how vociferous CBS is in doing the retraction. Think NYT.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 12:51 Comments || Top||

#39  Do any of us question, that if it were not for the advent of "new media", that this story would have been buried by the lamestream media - never to see the light of day?

MSM is as credible and hip as the Tammy Fay Baker show. They have fans that love them and that's all they choose to see. They are CLUELESS that the majority of the US population thinks they little more than cheap, transparent, charlatans counting on suckers to turn a quick buck. They won't "wake up" any more than Tammy Fay and her followers did. Their circle will just become smaller and tighter and their airtime will be reduced to 30 or 60 minute cable spots supported by informercials and book sales.

Barbra Waa, waa already looks eeirly similar to Tammy Faye.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 12:51 Comments || Top||

#40  Phil - WTF? Blaming MS? It's get a grip time - you're ABM t-shirt needs a wash, duud. Sheesh. Wotta stretch.
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 12:53 Comments || Top||

#41  Oh, God!!! Please make it stop...please make it stop...PLEASE MAKE IT STOP....
Posted by: Dan Rather || 09/10/2004 12:54 Comments || Top||

#42  Deacon Blues, I think you are absolutely right - but I think they underestimated the ability of the blogs to conclusively expose this and publicize it.

Mark your calendars. 9/9/04 markes the day that the MSM was confined to their wheelchairs.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 12:57 Comments || Top||

#43  Daily Kos defends the document's authenticity over at:


Frankly, without:

- access to the original documents
- access to comtemporanous documents from Killian's 'letters to myself' file (if such things exist),
- access to someone in the unit who remembers the equipment

I don't see how this subject can be put fully to rest.

Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 13:00 Comments || Top||

#44  Off Topic: B, can you drop me an email...
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/10/2004 13:03 Comments || Top||

#45  mhw - You're kidding, right? Are you listening to the technical arguments? Just the kerning / leading issues in superscripts (in a smaller font face) and proportional fonts - features not available on typewriters in circa 1972 - ALONE makes this a non-starter.
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 13:06 Comments || Top||

#46  Dan,

Do I hear the fat lady singing?

Time to consider your options.
Posted by: RN || 09/10/2004 13:09 Comments || Top||

#47  Like I would so believe Kos Files over Powerline and LGF's Charles Johnson!
('Course Mickey Kaus doesn't have a pro-Dimocrat agenda...NOT!)
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 13:11 Comments || Top||

#48  .com

no I'm not kidding

I'm pretty skeptical
I've skeptical of things I want to believe in; even including things I do believe in.

For example, IBM might have made a small batch of times roman, proportional spacing, raised subscript typewriters for the Space program that were surplused and somehow obtained by the 111th.
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 13:15 Comments || Top||

#49  .com, D00d, pull up Microsoft Word for yourself and check... try typing in "4077th" in regular typing mode, and watch as it AUTOMATICALLY turns the "th" into a special superscripted glyph.

Or at least it did when I tried the demo yesterday.

Whoever typed this probably didn't even NOTICE they were doing it at the time.

(I believe this feature/bug/whatever can be turned off if you're technically adroit enough. But you have to actually THINK about what you're doing.)

I guess this is just another illustration that one man's bug is another man's feature. :-)
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 09/10/2004 13:17 Comments || Top||

#50  mhw...wow! sometimes you just gotta look reality in the face. There's a difference between wearing rose colored glasses and being willfully blind.

I didn't take you for a lemming.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:19 Comments || Top||

#51  mhw - read elsewhere that there were some expensive proportional spacing typewriters around but not in that font and there were no "th" keys available. Forgeries!
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 13:19 Comments || Top||

#52  I wonder if a tipping point has been reached. Kinda like "Oh, good, my dog's found the chainsaw."
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 09/10/2004 13:19 Comments || Top||

#53  Rather has reached the Tipping Point. See the recent post "Rather Authenticates Memos"
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:22 Comments || Top||

#54  For example, IBM might have made a small batch of times roman, proportional spacing, raised subscript typewriters for the Space program that were surplused and somehow obtained by the 111th.

O.K., so now the cat's outta da bag. The 111th was assigned to fly air security over Area 54, giving them access to computer systems on board the Alien space craft located there.
Posted by: RN || 09/10/2004 13:22 Comments || Top||

#55  B
not a lemming more of a probabilitiest.

At the moment there is a greater than 99% chance that they were forgeries.

But you must remember that the law of large numbers assures us that every day a few billion to one chances hit.
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 13:24 Comments || Top||

#56  fair enough - but your odds would be much, much, better betting the farm on a lottery ticket.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:31 Comments || Top||

#57  ... or capturing Putin for $20 million.
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 13:33 Comments || Top||

#58  B
I should also tell you I like your handle.
Its what Faith called Buffy.
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 13:38 Comments || Top||

#59  Well, there is also the matter of vertical spacing. The spacing in this alleged memo matches that of Word, but does not match ANY known typewriters OR typesetting systems from the early 70s.

Remember, in a typewriter, what is, is -- the spacings can't change except in increments of a fixed height = to the typehead size.
Posted by: anon || 09/10/2004 13:49 Comments || Top||

#60  RN :

I think the "humans" in this photo are the ones with IBM proportional type font typewriters.

Area 54
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 13:50 Comments || Top||

#61  Anon, Selectrics had continuous feed platens where you could push in on the left side and adjust with the right to any height. That's how they did the form feed precisely for each line on the memo meticulously adjusting the leading to resemble wordprocessors to be invented 20 years later. Pretty clever.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:55 Comments || Top||

#62  That's them alright!

Quick! Dan, see if you can get an interview. Something about seeing GW at the Area 54 canteen having a beer, while moving his arms in circles.

"watch closely, the wrist with the watch is the boggie"
Posted by: RN || 09/10/2004 13:56 Comments || Top||

#63  Maybe the fat lady will eat Dan Rather and end the misery for us all?
Posted by: Silentbrick || 09/10/2004 14:39 Comments || Top||

#64  Slashdot does cover it. The leftist who run it just choose to leave it off the front page.

Bush Service Memos Questioned

Some of the links are pretty nice.
Look at this one comparing Msword typed document to Rathers....
Image with Rather's document in Red and MS-Word one in Blue

Case closed! No question of forgery with partial spacing and such.. If I go dig an old Royal or Underword - or even a Selectric out of the basement ... fonts, spacing nothing look like that word processed Demorcatic Forgery.
Posted by: 3dc || 09/10/2004 18:53 Comments || Top||

#65  Gad-zooks 3dc -

There aren't any blue background dots.

Guess we are in trouble. . . . .NOT
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 19:05 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Egypt Billboard May Portend Aspirations
The visibility of the Egyptian president's son, seen by many here as his father's chosen political heir, has grown to Olympian dimensions: His photograph is on a four-story-tall billboard on Cairo's busiest square. The billboard celebrating Egypt's Olympic achievements was erected in Tahrir Square days after the Egyptian team returned from Athens with five medals, the most for the country in 56 years. President Hosni Mubarak and Gamal Mubarak have repeatedly denied they plan a father-son succession. But Gamal Mubarak has indicated he would not turn down a nomination, presumably to run in one of the one-candidate affairs that have returned his father to power every six years for more than two decades. The next presidential vote is expected in 2005.

Gamal Mubarak is a 41-year-old former investment banker touted in the Egyptian media as savvy about the economy and in touch with the common man. Billboards featuring Hosni Mubarak are part of Cairo's landscape. Newspapers, which are carefully guided by the government, carry his photographs on their front pages almost daily, along with headlines praising his wisdom and leadership. The new billboard is the first to give the son such prominence. He is pictured in a business suit on one panel greeting wrestling gold medalist Karam Ibrahim. Another panel shows Ibrahim in action on the mat, a third shows boxing silver medalist Mohamed Aly in the ring and the fourth shows all five medal winners. Amid questions about the 76-year-old president's health, democracy activist Ahmed Seif el-Islam said he expected the National Democratic Party at its national conference later this month to "take a decision to renew (the mandate of) Hosni Mubarak or choose his son as the next president." Seif el-Islam described the Olympic billboard as another attempt to highlight Gamal Mubarak's common touch, along with newspaper photographs showing him at sporting events. El-Islam was among a coalition of opposition figures who issued a statement Thursday denouncing the possible "inheritance of the presidency."
I always try to show my "common touch" by having my picture put up on a 4-story billboard. It makes me look folksy.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 8:18:33 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds like they use the same PR guy as Kimmie.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 20:42 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Bangladesh starts bus service exclusively for women
DHAKA: Bangladesh's state-run transport company on Thursday launched a bus service exclusively for women, the government said. Ten women-only double-decker buses will run on major roads in the capital Dhaka during peak hours, the Press Information Department said in a statement. Drivers and conductors will be male. With more and more Bangladeshi women going out to work, vying for a seat or standing space among jostling male passengers on Bangladesh's overcrowded public transport is a daily tussle for many. And in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country where tradition dictates women and men keep their distance that can be a harrowing experience.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:52:03 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Africa: North
A movement opposing inheriting presidency in Egypt, announced
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 13:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dammit! Make that billboard EIGHT stories high!
Posted by: Mubarak, The Lion of Egypt || 09/10/2004 20:45 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Population Growth Rate of Indian Muslims Declined
India's census officials yesterday released "adjusted figures" that show the population growth rate of the Muslims has dipped and not risen as shown earlier. The earlier figures had raised concern among the Hindu extremist parties with the BJP planning a nationwide campaign to highlight the fall of population rate among Hindus. According to the latest figures, the growth rate of the Muslim population fell from 32.9 percent between 1981 and 1991 to 29.3 percent over decade ending 2001. Figures for the Muslim population given out earlier in the week showed that the community's numbers had fallen over the same period.

Census registrar general J. K. Banthia told the Indian Express newspaper that the discrepancy was because the figures released earlier in the week did not take into account the fact that Muslim-majority Kashmir state was not included in the 1991 census. A door-to-door survey of Muslim households was conducted in Kashmir in the latest 2001 census. "What we gave out was without any adjustments... we did say that Kashmir and Assam had been excluded," he said.

The latest adjusted figures have made an estimate of the Muslim population in Kashmir in 1991 and then calculated the growth of the entire community in India over the decade until 2001. "The Muslim population is not ballooning at all. They have a higher growth rate than Hindus, but it is falling, not increasing," Deputy Registrar General of Census Commission R.K. Mitra said yesterday.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 10:32:51 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “The Muslim population is not ballooning at all." Hmmm, perhaps it would be more correct to say, "Muslim population exploding".

Seeing as how this article isn't about birth rate, but growth rate,
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 11:12 Comments || Top||

#2  They blow up so fast, these days....
(ducking the shower of thrown eggs and tomatoes, and leaving the room swiftly)
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 09/10/2004 14:14 Comments || Top||

Acid attack on boy who 'refused sex with Muslim cleric'
On his hospital bed last week, 16-year-old Abid Tanoli sat listless and alone, half of his body covered by burns that all but destroyed both his eyes and left his face horribly disfigured. The teenager talked, with difficulty, of how his life had been destroyed since the fateful day in June 2002 when he refused to have sex with his teacher at a religious school in Pakistan. The boy was horrifically injured in an acid attack after he rebuffed the Muslim cleric's sexual advances. Now, he has alarmed Pakistan's powerful religious establishment by pressing charges against his alleged assailants.

A teacher at the school, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and two of his friends are in prison awaiting trial for attempted murder and rape. All three deny the charges. A fourth alleged attacker is still at large. It is the first such case to be brought against a Muslim cleric and threatens to expose a scandal of sex abuse within Pakistan's secretive Islamic schools. Abid was blinded and maimed in the assault, which he says came shortly after he rejected sexual demands from the Islamic teacher at a madrassa in a crowded, lower middle-class district of Karachi. Abid, who was 14 at the time, told neither parents nor friends what had happened because, he said, he was ashamed. A few days later, as he played with his brothers and sister at home, he said that his religious teacher - accompanied by three associates - broke into the house, bolted the door and threw acid over him, screaming: "This should be a lesson for your life." Abid was taken to a public hospital, where doctors told him that he would be scarred for life.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 09/10/2004 6:37:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And the Muslims say, they hate the Christians. If you ask me, the Muslim cleric's and Catholic priest's have a lot in common. Two peeees in a pod.
Posted by: Poison reverse || 09/10/2004 9:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Think I'll move to the Middle East and open up a chain of acid stores. Acid B' Me. I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams in no time.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 9:45 Comments || Top||

#3  tu31
here are some other stores you can open in the Umma

- Nothing but Burkhas
- Wife Abuse Toys are US
- Clitorectomy While you Wait
- Used Nazi Literature
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 10:03 Comments || Top||

#4  Sure you could sell it to all the organized Etch yur Catch teams.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 10:03 Comments || Top||

#5  lmao you guys!
Posted by: muck4doo || 09/10/2004 10:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Hey, litle fellow, want to come to the Mosk and see my etching?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 10:19 Comments || Top||

#7  ...his religious teacher - accompanied by three associates - broke into the house, bolted the door and threw acid over him, screaming: "This should be a lesson for your life"...

Is the lesson that religious leaders are murderous perverts or that the RoP is modernizing and the kid should get with the new sex program?
Posted by: jules 187 || 09/10/2004 11:00 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm all for sick jokes, but those are a bit much. Acid attacks are common in Muslim countries, esp. against women who refuse sexual advances. In this case it's a boy who's speaking out, which is pretty rare considering the Islamic ideas of manhood. He, and his family, are all at risk of being killed. They are quite courageous to stand up to those sex-crazed murderous imams.

Posted by: growler || 09/10/2004 11:06 Comments || Top||

#9  g - nobody commenting disagrees with that. The Imam and friends need long terms (life)in a cell and physical separation from genitals. I feel the same way about Pedophile priests defiling my RC religion
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:26 Comments || Top||

#10  Second what Frank said, growler. Acid attacks are horrific. Students I had from Vietnam and Thailand first opened my eyes to the horror of acid attacks and told me how they were justified in some people's eyes. It is done to ruin people for marriage (sometimes done by women to other women when informed of their husbands' plans to take second wives),or simply to get power over people by making the community shun the disfigured victim. It's not only done by Muslims-it's a barbaric practice that occurs throughout Asia.
Posted by: jules 187 || 09/10/2004 11:39 Comments || Top||

#11  Sometimes, growler, ya gotta laugh so you don't cry.
Posted by: Secret Master || 09/10/2004 13:51 Comments || Top||

#12  Looks like Secret Master got my point.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 20:59 Comments || Top||

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