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German coppers raid Arab charity group
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Polish firing squad?
Two teenage boys were hospitalized in Michigan City, Ind., with gunshot wounds after they and other boys encircled an older man on the street and began firing at him. The man was not hit.
With apologies to Poland...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:02 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Actually it's very common in american industry. The company organizes a meeting to examine a transgression. It consists of an even number of members plus the 'one' who is then placed in the center................
Posted by: Anonymous || 08/17/2002 10:41 Comments || Top||

Malaysian commando's chute fails to open...
A Malaysian army commando crashed through a university roof after his parachute failed during a skydiving demonstration, the national Bernama news agency reported. Students and teachers watched in horror as Sgt. Mohd Salleh Seman, 35, fell to his death at the Sultan Idris Shah university, about 62 miles north of Kuala Lumpur late Friday. The building was empty.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:23 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Everything is inshallah (god's will).
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 08/17/2002 7:50 Comments || Top||

Democracy's a Jewish plot. Really.
From the Markaz ad Dawa website, by Naveed Qamar:
Democracy is a wretched tree which was planted by the Jews. This tree has very bitter fruit, its roots make the soil barren and its branches are thorny. It is a tree that has only poisonous effects. The Jews have designed the philosophy of democracy to destabilize other societies particularly Muslim Ummah. The secret Jewish organization Free Masons pledged two hundred years ago to promote the philosophy of democracy to destroy the non-Jewish nations, and that they themselves would not adopt it...

Now let us see can we adopt this system of democracy in other walks of life. Can the students of a school, college or university be given the right to elect their principal or vice-chancellor through elections? Can the staff of an office be allowed to elect their boss? Can the soldiers be allowed to elect their commanding officer through elections? Likewise can people be allowed to elect doctors, engineers and other professional through elections? Of course, not! Instead of holding elections, we only consider the qualification and experience of a person while selecting or appointing him. We have departments which recruit or appoint professionals and experts against certain positions.
So naturally, government is best left in the hands of pious, God-fearing men, with automatics weapons. They will decide what's best for the common folk, who will live happily ever after — or else. It's all in the Koran...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 09:20 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [49 views] Top|| File under:

Warlords meddling in Pak tribal areas...
Top officials of Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province have offered the tribal people of Mohmand Agency their all-out support against "Pakistan government's excesses". A letter obtained by Daily Times in Mohmand Agency headquarters Ghalnai on Thursday said: "Afghanistan will not remain a silent spectator when the people of Khoizai tribe are faced with Pakistani excesses."
Seems like the Afghans have enough troubles of their own — but I guess it makes sense if you think in terms of Greater Pashtunistan...
The letter, written in Pushto, was sent to a number of tribal chieftains by Alhaj Malik Syed Rehman, deputy commissioner of Ghoshta district in Nangarhar, and military commander Pehlawan Syed Umar. However, it did not specifically state the nature of support they would extend to the Khoizai tribesmen.
That way, if they're actually called on to do something, they can say "We didn't mean that..."
The hand-written letter was addressed to prominent Khoizai tribesmen living close to the Pak-Afghan border. "To stop the continued excesses against the people of the Khoizai tribe by the Government of Pakistan, the Afghan government and the people will extend every possible help. Whatever sacrifices you people (Khoizai tribesmen) offer for independence God will reward them," the letter read. It prayed for the "success and bright future" of the Khoizai tribe.
"Us Pashtuns gotta stick together against all them infidels that hates us for no reason..."
A senior government official in Peshawar played down the significance of such "interference" from Afghanistan. "These things do not concern the Pakistan government. We know who is doing this and why," the official said, requesting anonymity. He said Afghan warlords were involved in interference in Mohmand Agency to exert pressure on Pakistan and gain something in return.
'Nother words, they're a bunch of blowhards...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 09:37 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Axis of Evil
Bush Says He Is Listening to Criticism on Iraq
President Bush said he knows that top members of his own party are breaking with his strategy on Iraq and he is "listening."
That's a good sign. He's not rushing into it blindly...
"I am aware that very intelligent people are expressing their opinions about Saddam Hussein, Iraq, and I'm listening carefully to what they have to say," Bush told reporters Friday. Senior Republicans in Congress and from past administrations have challenged that strategy, saying it is precipitous and lacks support from key allies. These critics include former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, who was national security adviser to Bush's father; Lawrence Eagleburger, who served as secretary of state under Bush's father; and House Majority Leader Dick Armey.
Some of it's carping, some of it's timidity, some of it's the desire to be in charge — and he has to sift through it all to find which comments are valid.

There's the danger, because we whacked Sammy and his minions so hard in the Gulf War, of expecting to do the same thing again. Part of Schawtzkopf's victory was due to his intentional overestimation of the Fouth Largest Army in the World™. He treated them like they were a real army, and if they'd been a real army they'd have given us a fight. Franks isn't Schawtzkopf. The carpers were out in full force leading up to Gulf War I, too, using most of the same arguments, by the way...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  To wit yesterday's opinionjournal.com, Kissinger is not opposed to war on Iraq as much as he insists that we make a comprehensive committment to post-bellum reconstruction; certain liberal elements want to delay the war and make it seem like there is more division then there is.
Posted by: Brian || 08/17/2002 8:46 Comments || Top||

#2  I don't think it matters if there are "divisions" as long as the Tomahawks are on back-order. Once Fedex drops them off to the fleet things'll move faster...
Posted by: Fred || 08/17/2002 9:00 Comments || Top||

Dear Leader takes in a show...
General Secretary Kim Jong Il saw the closing mass gymnastic and artistic performance Arirang and on Thursday. Seeing the performance with him were leading officials of party and military organs and working people's organizations.
Oh, how nice! They made it an outing...
Arirang has been performed on over 90 occasions since the premiere was given on April 14 amid great interest and expectation of all the Korean people and the world's progressive people. The performances were enjoyed by an estimated four million Korean people, servicemen and overseas compatriots and a large number of foreigners from the five continents.
Really. It's all people have been talking about for ages...
The performers fully demonstrated the heroic spirit, indomitable will and the might of the singlehearted unity of Kim Il Sung's nation building a powerful state of Juche under Kim Jong Il's leadership. After the performance Kim Jong Il waved back to the enthusiastically cheering performers and audience and congratulated the performers on their successful performance.
That's just so touching. I get all teary-eyed when he waves back...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 03:07 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Rafsanjani misunderestimates...
Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani here Friday recounted US' weak spots, including its worsening economic situation, saying Washington's 'adventurism' in the aftermath of the September 11 terror attack was rooted in that country's internal problems. "America's moves are arising from its weakness. Let's not make a horrendous ogre out of America to frighten people in vain," he told worshipers at the weekly Friday prayers. "America's adventurism is not rooted in the September 11 event; it is rather related to that country's fundamental problems at home. Thus, the September incident is only a pretext for the US to achieve its goals."
So there we have it. The war on terror is only a pretext for attaining hegemonistic goals. All that democracy stuff's a crock. In fact, Merkins are yearning for communism theocratic rule, rule by pious, God-fearning men, men with turbans, men with automatic weapons. Only in that manner can Merka achieve the prosperity and domestic tranquility that is Iran's...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 03:17 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

German coppers raid Arab charity group
Police in two German cities carried out new raids against an Arabic charity suspected of funneling money to Hamas. Police searching for documents relating to the Al-Aqsa organization seized documents and computers at apartments and the office of the Islamic association in Solingen and Braunschweig. Investigators were sifting through the material. Earlier this month, police seized more than 150 crates of documents at Al-Aqsa's Aachen offices after the government banned it under a post-Sept. 11 law targeting religious organizations that support extremism or terrorism. The group's leader has denied the accusations, saying it only provides assistance, such as arms and ammunition food medicine and clothing, to needy Palestinians. Its lawyer has announced legal action to overturn the ban. But Interior Minister Otto Schily has said documents found in the group's headquarters support the government's belief that the charity was assisting Hamas, which has claimed responsibility for many of the suicide attacks in Israel.
Hamas is chock full of needy Paleostinians...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:09 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front
Hijackers' remains raise questions
Among the human remains painstakingly recovered from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites of Sept. 11 are those of nine of the hijackers. The FBI has held them for months. Deciding what to do with the bodies of these despised enemies of the United States is a politically and emotionally charged question for the government. With the one-year anniversary approaching, State Department officials said yesterday they had received no requests for the remains. The department would be responsible for handling such a request from any government seeking the return of a citizen's body. Officials have said that eight of the nine hijackers recovered had connections to Saudi Arabia. The other was Lebanese.
I think we're being entirely too sensitive about this. Just toss them out with he rest of the garbage and forget about them.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fred:
You are starting to sound like me.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 08/17/2002 7:52 Comments || Top||

#2  Slather the remains with pig fat and dump them at sea. No relics of martyrs for the Islamofascists!
Posted by: BarCodeKing || 08/17/2002 10:06 Comments || Top||

#3  I like BarCodeKing's suggestion. I would recommend, however, that the remains be mechanically ground (not burned -- that suggests purification) after the pig fat has been applied.
Posted by: John "Akatsukami" Braue || 08/17/2002 10:31 Comments || Top||

#4  Remind me not to piss you guys off, ok?

(P.S. I'm with Fred, treat their remains as inconsequential...out with the rest of the garbage that, I am hopeful, contains pig parts as well.)
Posted by: Quana || 08/17/2002 19:52 Comments || Top||

#5  Or grind them up, put the powder into little vials and give to an American synagogue to auction off on eBay to raise money for Israel.
Posted by: Chris || 08/17/2002 22:30 Comments || Top||

#6  Not that, never! Arab News would claim they Jews were buying it to make soup.
Posted by: Fred || 08/18/2002 6:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Send a message: Have our ambassador place them in separate Mason jars on the desk of the Saudi head of state. Then leave without saying a word.
Posted by: Emery S. almasy || 08/22/2002 13:09 Comments || Top||

INS head to quit. Good riddance...
Immigration and Naturalization Service chief James W. Ziglar announced his resignation yesterday, saying he would leave the embattled agency by year's end.
G'bye. See ya. Toodle-ooh. Auf widersehen. Sayonara. (Is he gone yet?)
''Although I could not have imagined the events of Sept. 11 and the dramatic changes visited upon the Immigration and Naturalization Service, I have done my best to continue making progress toward the goals of restructuring the agency and reducing backlogs while responding to the call to arms in the war on terrorism,'' Ziglar said in his resignation letter to President Bush, which was dated Thursday.
Okay. Need help with the door? Don't worry about your stuff. We'll mail it to you...
The INS would be either absorbed or dismembered under various plans for a new Department of Homeland Security.
Dismemberment sounds appropriate...
Ziglar told Bush that he will remain to assist with the transition to a new department. Ziglar said he plans to go into the food service industry private sector.
"No, no. That's okay. We'll handle it without you..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Moussaoui trial put off til the sweet by and by...
A federal judge delayed until January the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person charged in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema postponed the trial, which had been scheduled for Sept. 30, until Jan. 6. She said that given the "volume and the complexity of evidence" she wanted to make sure Moussaoui, who is representing himself in court, had enough time to prepare his case. Moussaoui had requested a delay to "an undetermined date," while his standby attorneys wanted a 60-day postponement. The Justice Department had told the court that "no more delay, particularly on the eve of trial, should be permitted."
Reminds me of the old Three Stooges routine, where they were in jug and about to face the firing squad:
"Whaddya want for yer last meal?"
"Strawberries ain't in season!"
"We'll wait!"

"Although the public's right to a speedy trial is a legitimate concern, this court's paramount concern is ensuring that the defendant receive a fair trial," Brinkema ruled Friday.
I guess as long as he's in jug he's not killing anybody. But there are probably some Islamists out there thinking "prisoner exchange." All they have to do is grab some prisoners...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Indos tote up dead Bad Guys to date...
Security forces in Indian-controlled Kashmir have killed 700 Muslim militants, of whom 322 were foreign nationals, in the past seven months, a defence spokesman said Friday. Of the total number of militants killed between January and July this year, 162 could not be identified, Lieutenant Colonel B.S. Rathore said.
Either no papers, or not enough left of 'em...
The foreign nationals were from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Arab countries, Rathore said.
Wotta surprise. The bulk of 'em were Paks...
Arms and equipment recovered from the slain rebels included 804 assault rifles, 25 rockets launchers, 21 machine guns, 4,373 hand grenades and large quantities of high-grade explosives, he said.
But don't worry. There's more where that came from..
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:18 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Soddies taking the gaspipe over lawsuit...
A lawsuit against Islamic groups and three top Saudi royals by relatives of the victims of the September 11 attacks should instead be brought against Washington for training terrorists, newspapers here said Saturday.
Yeah! 'Cause... Huh?
"Many of those America is hunting now for terrorism graduated from American training camps," Al-Watan newspaper said in an editorial, in reference to U.S. support for Muslim Mujahideen who fought the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. "America had trained terrorists at camps across American territory ... and it refused to extradite (Al-Qaeda leader) Osama bin Laden from Sudan in 1996," the paper added. "So, the relatives of victims of September 11 attacks should file the lawsuit against the United States, and not against the Saudis."
I think the suit is frivolous, myself. But using that kind of argument against it is fatuous. I was actually going to ignore the suit, unless something unusual happened (like the plaintiffs not being tossed out of court) until they burped up this bile...
More than 600 relatives of victims who perished at the hand of suicide hijackers, most of whom were Saudis, filed a lawsuit seeking up to to three trillion dollars in punitive damages for each of 14 counts from 99 organizations or individuals.
That's "trillion." With a "tr". A trillion is a thousand billion. This is equivalent to saying, "I'd like all the money in the world, please. And triple that for pain and suffering."
It also seeks 100 trillion dollars in damages from Sudan, where Bin Laden, stripped of his Saudi nationality in 1994, developed Al-Qaeda into a terror machine.
Y'mean that place that tried to turn him over to us? That makes sense. Not a lot of sense, but sense...
Al-Madinah newspaper branded the case as political and financial blackmail. "It is a case of open financial and political blackmail ... by skilled lawyers who are fabricating evidence in an environment that is hostile to Arab culture and values," said the daily.
No, it's just stupidity by a bunch of trial lawyers and people who are doing next thing to making fun of the people killed on 9-11. Al-Madinah has no idea whether any evidence is being fabricated or not, since none's been presented. Sounds more like a guilty conscience to me: "Y'don't suppose they could, do ya?"
It also called for the United States to be sued over the killing of thousands of Palestinians and Arabs by U.S.-made weapons supplied to Israel.
Lookitdat! They farted right into the article...
Okaz newspaper warned that the United States is now targeting Saudi Arabia and its people. "The issue is no longer a media campaign instigated by Israel ... it has exceeded the limits of blackmail and pressure to target the kingdom and its people," the paper said.
Sounds like another guilty conscience. But even in the perverse American legal system, I doubt greatly they're going to have to hand over their country because a judge says they're killers, twice or thrice removed...
Al-Nadwa daily said the lawsuit sought to accuse charities in the kingdom of funding terrorism, but the ultimate goal was to convict Saudi Arabia itself.
Assuming the two are the same, yes. That's true...
Al-Riyadh newspaper, which like all Saudi media reflects official views, Friday called on the kingdom's leadership to revise its strategic alliance with the United States, saying Washington was not Riyadh's only option.
Hmmm... Yasss... There's always... uh... Pakistan.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 03:52 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
Contingency plan to toss Yasser...
Israel's Channel Two television reported yesterday that the army has a contingency plan to grab Arafat and fly him to exile in an Arab country with no diplomatic ties with Israel or close ties to the United States. It named Lebanon as a possible destination. The TV station said the plan, approved in principle by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, entailed a raid on Arafat's compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah by Israeli special forces. The report did not cite any sources.
It's just a contingency plan, but the Lebanese are probably just happy as little Islamic clams at the thought of going through that again...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Eliezer to meet with Yehiyeh on ''Gaza First'' plan...
Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer was to see Palestinian Interior Minister Abdel Razak Yehiyeh on Thursday to discuss an Israeli proposal called ''Gaza first.'' However, the Israeli Defense Ministry said the meeting had been postponed. No reason was given. Palestinian officials said it would probably take place tonight. Under the plan, Israel would pull its forces back from the outskirts of Palestinian population centers in Gaza and turn security over to Palestinian forces as a test case. If successful, Israel would implement the same procedure in the West Bank. Palestinians have rejected dealing with Gaza separately from the West Bank, where Israeli forces moved into seven of the eight main Palestinian cities and towns after back-to-back suicide bomb attacks in Jerusalem in mid-June. Palestinian officials say the Israelis have destroyed their security services in the West Bank, and they cannot stop militants planning attacks against Israelis.
So why didn't they stop them before? That's why the IDF ended up destroying the "security services" in the first place — that, and the fact that the "cops" were "militants"...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

IDF nabs baby killer...
The army yesterday arrested suspected sniper Sudki Zaro, linked to the killing of 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass. Israel had said Shalhevet was shot in the head March 26, 2001, by a sniper as she lay in the arms of her father in the divided West Bank city of Hebron.
Why'd they take him alive? Oh. I forgot. They're the good guys...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Paleos indignant over contingency plan to expel Yasser. Surprise!
Palestinian officials were outraged Saturday by an Israeli television report claiming the army had a contingency plan to expel Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat by force. "We denounce the mere thinking of such despicable ideas," said Palestinian minister Saeb Erekat, speaking from Cairo, Egypt. "At a time when we are trying to revive the peace process the Israeli government is thinking such ideas."
Y'know, if you get indignant about everything, then nobody pays attention when you get indignant over something that's actually important...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Grenade attack in Aceh injures 11...
An assailant threw a hand grenade toward a crowd gathering Saturday to celebrate Indonesia's independence, leaving 11 people with minor injuries, officials said. The blast occurred in Aceh province about an hour before the morning ceremony was due to begin. There was no immediate word on suspects in the attack.
We can probably guess who it was. Give these bastards a turban and a grenade and they go hunting for crowds...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 07:03 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Suspects? His name is probably Mohammed, and he probably donates to Cynthia McKinney's campaign.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 08/17/2002 7:54 Comments || Top||

NPA Leader Denies Terrorism
Jose Maria Sison portrays himself as an unemployed professor, a Filipino refugee living on welfare and a political consultant who leads a contemplative life of reading and writing in this medieval Dutch university town.
He sounds like a member of the liesure class, doesn't he? Wish I didn't have to work...
Intelligence agencies around the world have a different picture of the bespectacled, 63-year-old revolutionary. The Dutch security service says Sison has been directing the New People's Army in the Philippines for more than a decade, in one of the longest-running and most violent communist rebellions.
"The Devil finds works for idle hands..."
This month, the United States added his name to its list of international terrorist suspects. The move refocused the attention of Dutch authorities on Sison, who has lived here since the 1980s. In 1968, Sison founded the Communist Party of the Philippines and its military wing, the 12,000-strong New People's Army, which has conducted a 34-year insurgency.
So he's a professional revolutionary, just like Lenin was...
But his role in anti-government activities is unclear since he fled into exile in the Netherlands in 1986 after spending nine years in prison in his own country. The Philippines' military claims he regained leadership of the clandestine Communist Party within a few years of leaving his homeland. For years he has led rebel delegations in on-and-off negotiations with the government, calling himself the chief political adviser. Now Sison says he's no longer even a party member and can speak only as an insightful onlooker about Washington's demand for a crackdown on the party and the rebels.
Why? Is he afraid they're gonna take away his welfare check? Or kick him out of the country?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/17/2002 08:01 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2002-08-17
  German coppers raid Arab charity group
Fri 2002-08-16
  4 dead, 50 injured in argument over mosque in Bangladesh
Thu 2002-08-15
  Israel would respond to Iraqi attack
Wed 2002-08-14
  Marwan in court...
Tue 2002-08-13
  Fatah militant killed, 6 wounded in Lebanon camp shootout
Mon 2002-08-12
  Iraq sez weapons inspections are done...
Sun 2002-08-11
  Hamas vows to hit Israeli leadership
Sat 2002-08-10
  Jordan recalls ambassador to Qatar over al-Jazeera episode...
Fri 2002-08-09
  Four killed in latest church attack...
Thu 2002-08-08
  Fatah discuss peace plan rejection
Wed 2002-08-07
  Soddies say we can't use their territory to attack Iraq...
Tue 2002-08-06
  40 GAI snuffies snuffed in Algeria...
Mon 2002-08-05
  Islamist shoot each other up at Ain el-Hilweh...
Sun 2002-08-04
  Train boomed in Thailand...
Sat 2002-08-03
  Angola's UNITA rebels lay down arms

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