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Manzoor Ahmed Ganai is no longer with us. Hurrah!
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News flash: Common sense appears briefly in courtroom...
A Texas Death Row inmate whose lawyer slept for long portions of his murder trial will either win freedom or a new trial after the Supreme Court refused to intervene Monday. The high court rejected an appeal from Texas authorities, who argued that the lawyer's inattention did not necessarily equal an unfair trial. The Supreme Court's action means that Texas must choose whether to retry Calvin Jerold Burdine or set him free.
Of course, since this thing has been grinding on since roughly 1983, it's probably not a large quantity of common sense that's appeared. And I haven't read anything about a ruling to have Mr Lawyer beaten with a stick in public.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  the WashPost article says that Mr. Lawyer died in the 90's....retry this SOB though, shouldn't be hard...he admitted to the crime, but now (wonder of wonders!) denies it and says someone else did the stabbing
Posted by: Frank G || 06/03/2002 10:56 Comments || Top||

#2  I have my J.D., though I don't practice law, and I have to say that sleeping on the job during your client's trial is about as blatant a violation of legal ethics (yes, there _is_ such a thing!) and lawyers' codes of professional responsibility as I can think of. This kind of professional misconduct - what would you think if your ophthalmologist were to sneak off for a nice long nap in the middle of a Lasix procedure on your corneas? - ought to have resulted in the original trial being voided and a new trial ordered pronto. I think someone ought to take a good hard look at the judge, too, who allowed counsel to nod off in his court during proceedings.
Posted by: Joe || 06/03/2002 14:34 Comments || Top||

Now Dawson's moved...
Is this something that's going around? Is Stacy the most popular girl in school? Now Dawson's been nicely redesigned and has moved to his new location. And another nice job it is.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wow! Thanks Fred, for the kind remarks...
Posted by: Dawson || 06/03/2002 9:13 Comments || Top||

#2  It is a little known fact, but Dawson was client who lured me into the lurid world of weblog design (away from the perfectly respectable world of corporate site design)...this is actually the THIRD version of his website I've done!
Posted by: Sekimori || 06/03/2002 9:58 Comments || Top||

Today's unblog...
Step right up! Cures neuritis, neuralgia, and feminine complaints with a single dose! That's right, it's the Quackery Hall of Fame!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:02 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Afghans killed in firefight not Taliban, al-Qaeda
The US military admitted yesterday that three armed Afghans killed by US-led troops in eastern Afghanistan were not al-Qaeda or Taliban fighters as expected, but insisted the soldiers were justified in shooting. The US-led troops acted in response to threatening behaviour by armed Afghans at the compound in Khomar Kalay, a village near the eastern town of Gardez, said Lieutenant Frank Merriman, a spokesman for the US Central Command. US officials said the nighttime firefight took place when a combined force of more than 100 US special forces and Afghan troops approaching the compound noticed several armed men take up fighting positions inside the compound, and saw another group of 10 to 12 armed men sprinting toward them in what appeared to be a flanking manoeuvre. When one of the special forces soldiers saw a man point a rocket-propelled grenade at his team, the team leader determined there was hostile intent and ordered his men to fire. "The firefight, which lasted just a few moments, resulted in the deaths of three and the wounding of two," he said. The 17 other men in the compound immediately surrendered and laid down their weapons, and were determined to be not al-Qaeda and Taliban, Merriman said.

Gardez, capital of Paktia province, has been the scene of fighting between the forces of rebel warlord Padsha Kahn and the governor appointed by the interim Afghan government. The incident once again raised questions about the reliability of US intelligence in an environment rife with rivalries among the country's many armed groups.
I get the feeling from the way this is written that we're supposed to be distressed by this. They weren't al-Qaeda, they weren't Taliban, but they were some other flavor of gun-totin', turban-wearin' tough guy. Anyone who'd stop to ask the affiliation of the participants in a skirmish line is not only a fool but a damned fool.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Friendly fire? Shit happens! I'm not so happy about nation building in Islamania, in any case.
Out of the way collaterals, or get damaged.
Posted by: RG Fulton || 06/03/2002 16:45 Comments || Top||

Top Saudi imam sez 'God, please kill them all!'
Saudi Arabia's top Muslim cleric has called on the Islamic world to unite against a worldwide conspiracy of Hindus, Christians, Jews and secularists threatening Islamic moral values. Muslims, he said, should cleanse themselves from creeping Western values and American-controlled "globalization."
Damn those people with their creeping Western values! They eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. They've started bathing and some of them wear underwear and use toilet paper. Disgusting.
In a television address monitored in London, Sheik Abd-al-Rahman al-Sudays, the imam of the Mosque of Mecca, Islam's holiest shrine, turned his ire on the followers of India's dominant religion as tension mounted between that country and mainly Muslim Pakistan. "The idol-worshipping Hindus indulge in their open hatred against our brothers and sanctities in Muslim Kashmir, threatening an imminent danger and a fierce war in the whole Indian subcontinent," he said in a live sermon heard throughout the Arab world via the official Saudi national television and satellite channel. The linkage of Hinduism with the sort of invective normally reserved for Jews and the supporters of Israel — together with scathing remarks about Christians — made the speech unusual.
Certainly no Muslim would ever induldge in open hatred of... Oh. Never mind. Anyway, seems they've changed spittle-spewing preachers at the mosque since the last eruption of vitriol in January.
The imam lashed out with thinly veiled invective against the United States. He contrasted the "sublime" truths of Islam with the supporters of "fake globalization that wastes human values and ideals," an apparent reference to the West in general and the United States in particular.
Hell, yeah. Next thing you know, some people might not want to be good Muslims, or even want to be Muslims at all. Where would the imams of this world be then? Out on the streets, destitute, begging their bread. This has nothing to do with the fact that they have no salable skills, of course; it'd be purely because they were good, pious Muslims, with turbans and automatic weapons...
Though he was particularly scornful of Jews, whom he said had been cursed and turned into "pigs and monkeys" by Allah, he turned his ire on Christians and capitalists as well. "Their course is supported by the advocates of credit and worshippers of the Cross," the imam asserted, "as well as by those who are infatuated with them and influenced by their rotten ideas and poisonous culture among the advocates of secularism and Westernization."
"Pigs and monkeys" is a lot worse than "crazed killers," "homicidal maniacs" and "raving lunatics." I guess.
The imam prefaced his remarks with a warning to his own people not to become confused by modernity. "The nation has never been in such a dire need to follow the example of the prophet in this age of tribulations, sedition, open challenges and mean plotting by the enemies of Islam," Sheikh al-Sudays said.
Yeah. All this modern stuff is a crock. Beheading was good enough for Grampaw, so it's good enough for us...
Leaders of former communist countries also came under attack, especially in zones where Muslims have taken up arms. "The enemies of Muslims among the atheists insist on their arrogance and aggression against our people and sanctities in struggling Chechnya," declared the imam.
And in all the areas around Chechnya, as well. Like the ripples caused by a corpse tossed in a pool, the people and sanctities in struggling Chechnya spread far and wide...
He concluded with a prayer for God to support Islam and Muslims, to humble the infidels, destroy the enemies of religion, and make his and other Muslim countries peaceful and stable. He went on: "Oh God, support our brother mujahideen in Palestine, Kashmir and Chechnya. Oh God, we ask you to support our Palestinian brothers in Palestine against the aggressor Jews and usurper Zionists.
It's pretty obvious that the Muslim definition of "holy" differs somewhat from the one in the West.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 07:55 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [48 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Somebody should talk to him about his ecumenical spirit.
Posted by: Fred || 06/04/2002 6:56 Comments || Top||

Chechen Republic ready to accomodate refugees from Pankisi
The authorities of the Chechen Republic could accommodate the Chechen refugees residing in Georgia's Pankisi Gorge, Federal Minister for Chechen Affairs Vladimir Yelagin told a press conference in Moscow. "I think we are capable of ensuring social and economic rehabilitation for temporarily displaced persons from Pankisi," he said. However, there is no exact information available about the numbers of these people, added Yelagin. In his opinion, it is not that easy to solve this problem because of complex relations with the Georgian authorities. Nevertheless, where refugees are concerned, the Chechen authorities "are ready to work on each case separately," he assured.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 02:07 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Border Guards: 'Them Bad Guys ain't gettin' by us'
Russian border guards guarantee that Georgia-based international terrorists shall not reach Black Sea health resorts spas of Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to Lieutenant General Vladimir Putov, who heads the headquarters of the North Caucasian regional Frontier Service Department, all suggestions of this kind are "pure nonsense." The 178 potentially passable passes of the Caucasian Range are being closely watched, said Putov at a press conference in Stavropol. At this moment, the passes are still covered in snow, which reaches up to 3 meters deep, so speaking about "militants having crossed the state border with their heavy equipment is simply silly."
Unless the heavy equipment was snow plows...
According to the general, the border is being reinforced with additional posts, which will spot any trespassers trying to get across the border when the passes become more passable. "In case of dire need, we shall bring in army units from the North Caucasian Military District, but so far there is no need to do that," stressed Putov.
Here's hoping they do as good a job at keeping that little stretch of border closed as their Soviet predecessors did.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 02:13 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaeda insurgents move on Kashmir
Al-Qaeda fighters who fled Afghanistan to Pakistan are poised to enter Kashmir, Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes said in an interview published yesterday. "We have information that al-Qaeda men were in Pakistan and are now poised to enter Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan does not want to keep them there to create problems for itself," Fernandes said in the Hindustan Times newspaper interview.
Seems they turned out to be a weapon that was sharp on both ends...
"This is what is worrying us more than anything else. They are all in camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir," he added. He said it was difficult to pinpoint the camps since they are "makeshift" and can easily be moved from one place to another. "The moment you say that they are in this particular spot, they promptly shift them. People can mix with the local population so Pakistan can claim there are no camps," Fernandes said.
That's what they did in Afghanistan. But the arrogance and viciousness of the Arabs and Chechens made the people around them not that fond of 'em, if y'know what we mean...
A senior Indian military officer said on Friday there was strong evidence that al-Qaeda fighters fleeing Afghanistan have joined up with Islamic militants in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. "There was a plethora of reports that al-Qaeda had merged with militant camps here," the official said, on condition of anonymity. "I feel it is a reasonable assumption. The army has not shot any of them (al-Qaeda) on our side. (But) there are very positive indicators of their presence," he said.
Seems likely they'd work primarily as trainers for the common herd, have one or two "special operations" organizations, and form the bodyguard around Binny's sick bed...
Fernandes told a security conference in Singapore that cross-border incursions in Indian Kashmir were part of the same war on terrorism born from the September 11 attacks and deserved the same international response. India had shown restraint and "refrained from bombing the swamp that was breeding terrorists," he said. "I believe the global community, led by the US, can prevail upon Pakistan to live up to its responsibilities," he said.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Pak's government isn't in charge on either its eastern or western border; it's only along for the ride. The fundo organizations are the drivers, and they're not long a things like cause and effect or acting within civilized constraints.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Perv: 'Militants to the east of me, militants to the west of me...'
In an interview with CNN television yesterday, Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf said he was concerned by reports that al-Qaeda members had regrouped in Kashmir. "One has to understand the dynamics of all that is happening there," he said. "It is militancy on the west, there is militancy in the east and it has fallout there inside Pakistan," said Musharraf. "Therefore certainly al-Qaeda has its effects," he said. "The militancy has been going on for two decades ... No one can blame or cast aspersions on Pakistan on me or my government for whatever happens around."
What's a tin-hat dictator to do?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:40 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Russia criticizes Pakistan
En route to a regional summit in Kazakhstan, where he arrived Monday, Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf insisted that Pakistan would not start a war with India. "Pakistan's president has clearly said ... that no country will be thinking of this kind of thing to settle the dispute," Pakistani Information Minister Nisar Memon told reporters in Almaty. However, he refused to say why Pakistan would not rule out the first use of nuclear weapons as India has.

On the eve of talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of India and Pakistan, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov accused Islamabad of allowing terrorists from Afghanistan to cross into India. He assailed Pakistan for conducting missile tests that further exacerbated the crisis, which has pushed nuclear-armed India and Pakistan to the brink of war. "Armed terrorists and extremists from Pakistan keep infiltrating into Indian territory," Ivanov said. "This is a fact you can't turn a blind eye to. Moreover, terrorists who are entering India previously have been ousted from Afghanistan."

Ivanov also said the recent test-firing of nuclear capable missiles by Pakistan had further escalated tension over Kashmir. "Against the background of the conflict, the nuclear missile tests conducted by Pakistan were a provocative gesture," Ivanov said. "Any nuclear weapons tests conducted in an atmosphere of extreme tension and suspicion ... is wrong and provocative," he said. "This will definitely push New Delhi to take proportionate retaliatory measures."
Since we're "allied" with the Paks, Russia might be acting as our proxy in beating them up on the diplo front. They could be doing it because they're allied with India, but I'd guess that the criticism has been vetted with the U.S.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:00 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Manzoor Ahmed Ganai is no longer with us. Hurrah!
Indian border guards yesterday shot dead top Islamic militant Manzoor Ahmed Ganai in Indian-administered Kashmir. Ganai, aka Rafiq, was the deputy chief commander of the pro-Pakistan Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen group. There was a bounty of 200,000 rupees ($A7,400) on his head. The Indian guards killed Ganai in an encounter near Nowgam, on the outskirts of Srinagar, after being tipped off that he would be visiting the area. The BSF spokesman said Ganai was gunned down after he tried to drive past the security cordon on his motorcycle, not heeding calls to stop. Ganai was involved in the killing of two leaders of a religious group, Ahl-e-Hadees in Srinagar. He had been active in Indian Kashmir since 1994 and was part of the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group for a brief time. He later joined the Tehreek in 1998.
G'bye, Mansour. Give our regards to the 72 flat-chested 12-year-olds. Thanks to Paul for the article.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 10:38 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

Riyaz Ahmad Siddiqui is pushing up daisies...
A self-styled 'district commander' of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) outfit was assisted from this vale of tears by BSF in an encounter in South Kashmir early on Monday. Identified as Riyaz Ahmad Siddiqui aka Abdullah Bhai, a Pakistani national and carrying Rs 200,000 reward on his head, was ventilated at Panzoo-Tral in Pulwama district. A spokesman said Abdullah was the guiding force of crazed killers in Pulwama and South Kashmir. One AK rifle, four magazines, one UBGL with six rifle grenades, two hand grenades, a wireless set, 92 rounds of ammunition and a fake identity card were recovered from the slain militant.
No wonder they got him. The sucker couldn't move.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 10:38 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Musharraf wants root cause of terrorism eliminated
President Gen Pervez Musharraf called upon the world community on Sunday to eliminate the root causes of international terrorism without which, he said, the dream of eradicating terrorism would not be fulfilled. Speaking at a banquet hosted in his honour by the Tajikistan President, Emonali Rahmanov, at the State Guest House here this evening, President Pervez Musharraf said the root causes included outstanding political issues such as Kashmir, Palestine, immense poverty of less-developed countries, illiteracy and gap between rich and poor countries.
See what I mean about not being good with cause and effect? He's confusing the effects of a love of high explosives, a delight in rolling the eyes and uttering bloodthirsty threats, and an absolute demand for revenge for the slightest perceived slight, real or imagined, with causes. There was no country in the world more devastated than Korea in 1954, unless it was Japan in 1946. The half of Korea that wasn't rolling its eyes and waving guns is pretty well off right now, while the other half occasionally has to eat stones to stave off hunger.
The president said the people of Kashmir had been denied the right of self-determination promised to them by India and by the international community. Thousands of Kashmiris have been ruthlessly killed. This tragedy must end and people of Kashmir should get their basic right of self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions, he said. "Non-resolution of this long outstanding dispute has been a source of serious threat to peace and security. India's massive troop deployment along our border has increased the risk of war. Any miscalculation can cause havoc in South Asia." Emphasizing Pakistan's position, the president said the country believed that all problems could be resolved through dialogue.
Problems involving the use of high explosives cannot be solved by dialogue. They can only be solved by the counterapplication of larger quantities of high explosives, followed by hanging the original perpetrators. Just ask Himmler. The approach solved the problem of him and his pretty thoroughly.
"I hope that Tajikistan will use its influence on the Indian government to see reason and enter into a meaningful dialogue on all issues, including Kashmir, and help de-escalate tension in the region," the president added. He said the security situation on the borders of Pakistan and Tajikistan had been tense over the last two decades because of the conflict in Afghanistan.
"But that's all behind us now. It's months and months in the past. It's time to move on..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 10:51 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Why they fight...
Ameer Jamaat Ad Dawa Hafiz Abdus Salam Bin Muhammad says if 800,000 Indian army could not stop our brave Mujahideen then how can other people can block their routes?
If they're not coming from Pak then nothing would happen, would it? But if they are coming from Pakland, which the Paks deny, then it would make Jamaat al-Dawa squeal like a piggy.
We had neither been fighting for sake of any motive in the past nor would do now.
That's pretty incoherent. It implies they've just been fighting for the fun of it...
No step to drive nation towards nudity and secularism would be admissible for us and for whole nation.
He may be right. The world probably needs protected from naked Pakistanis...
Ulemas should raise their voices for the glory of jihad.
Yeah, buddy! Jihad is where it's at! Nothin' better than icing a few secular naked women and their ill-gotten offspring and then getting maimed. That's what manly men do, by Allah!
No step to close down religious madrassas and to curb law of Khatam-e-Nabbuwatt would be allowed to implement. All religious leaders should be freed.
Especially the Amir of Jamaat al-Dawa, who still remains jugged for some reason...
He was addressing a large gathering of religious leaders and Ulemas from all sectors and sects at Qadisaya mosque. He says that we are not after the sayings of General Pervez Musharraf and his allies. We would fight India with in spite of their motives, it is our duty.
To hell with Perv! Kill the Hindoos!
He said all infidels are afraid of Holy Quran and Jihad.
He's right. They scare the bejabbers out of me. Irrational bloodthirst does that.
Government should not delete the Quranic sections in the curriculum. If any religious madarassa are closed down, then we would teach our pupils under open skies. We would never neglect the propagation of Quran and Hadith. Allah Almighty Himself has resolved to save this Book.
Gotta get that love of jihad into those kids young, otherwise it doesn't take...
Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam and any effort to call Qadyanis as Muslims would not be admissible. He said to Indian premier that why they themselves not stop Mujahideen and why he is pressurizing General Pervez Musharraf to stop them.
Qadyanis are a Muslim sect that is outlawed for heresy in Pakland. Damn those Qadyanis! Nothin' bettern'n Sikhs, or Hindoos...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 02:49 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Muslims Should Help Pak In Case Of War: Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi
Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, the Deputy Chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research has issued fatwa that in case of Indo-Pak war, it is the duty of all Muslims to help and support Pakistan. "Whenever there is a war between a Muslim country and another state, it becomes a duty upon all Muslims to help their fellow brothers in Islam against their enemies so long as they are not the aggressors", Sheikh Faisal was quoted by Cairo-based Islam Online as saying on Wednesday.
And by definition no Muslim country can be an aggressor, because Islam is a religion of peace, isn't it?
In case of the prospective war between India and Pakistan, it is clear that the reason is Kashmir, Sheikh Faisal said adding that the Kashmiris, the majority of whom are Muslims, want to be attached to Pakistan, which is an Islamic country, while India rejects the idea and tries to display its sovereignty on Kashmir.
India's a secular state, where people can be any religion they want. Can't have that. Good Lord, no!
He said the UN General Assembly and the Security Council have both issued many resolutions demanding India to respect the right of Kashmiris to self-determination. Refusing all these resolutions, India still insists on accusing Pakistan of inciting the people of Kashmir to demand independence from India. Thus, in case of war, it behooves not a Muslim to stay idle or hands tied. Rather, it is his duty to help and support his Muslim brothers in Kashmir and Pakistan in this unjust war, he maintained.
"So let's get those Jihadis lined up. Yessir! 72 virgins for each and every shaheed, by golly, each one more comely than the other, and guaranteed not to laugh at the size of your doinker..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 02:55 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
CIA director arrives in West Bank
CIA Director George Tenet arrived Monday to press the Palestinians to revamp their security services with the aim of stopping attacks against Israel. The militant Islamic group Hamas, meanwhile, rejected an offer to join a new Palestinian Cabinet likely to be announced in coming days. The Israelis planned to tell Tenet they were deeply skeptical about proposed Palestinian reforms. Tenet was to meet with Palestinians on Tuesday. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has offered Cabinet posts to four militant groups that have been involved in attacks against Israel, including suicide bombings. Three rejected the offer previously, and Hamas joined them Monday. "We don't think the participation of Hamas in the new Cabinet would add to the Palestinian cause," said Mahmoud Zahar, one of the group's leaders. Of the more than 60 suicide attacks by Palestinians in the current Mideast conflict, Hamas' military wing has carried out more than any other group, including the deadliest attacks. The group has rejected Arafat's call to halt them.
I have a hard time seeing how anyone could see the "reforms" as more than a sham. Yasser's being forced by international opinion to do it, but he's doing the absolute minimum he can. And the "security services" are never going to be much more than thugs in uniform, so revamp or not revamp, it's all the same.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:22 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Sharon vows to bar release of Sa'adat
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is "taking all necessary steps" to prevent the release from prison of Ahmed Saadat, the alleged ringleader of a group convicted of assassinating Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi. Sharon spoke to the Likud Party in the Knesset Monday hours after a Palestinian tribunal in Gaza City ordered Saadat, the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, freed from a jail in the West Bank town of Jericho. A Palestinian security court, sitting in Gaza City ordered Saadat's release, responded to an appeal by three lawyers. When the decision was announced, dozens of PFLP supporters waiting outside the court cheered.
Yasser? Bad faith? Break an agreement? Never!
Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer called the Palestinian ruling a violation of an agreement, and warned that if Saadat is freed Israel "sees itself as being released from its commitments."
Ummm... Yasser's already out of his office. He may even have had a shower by now...
Ze'evi's successor as Moledet Party leader, MK Benny Elon called on Sharon to order Saadat killed if he is released.
I'm with Benny.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has reportedly not yet decided whether to honor the ruling and free Saadat.
"Mahmud, look out and window and tell me where the tanks are!"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 08:44 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Terror Networks & Islam
America, Fasten Your Seat Belt!
Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda movement will strike again against the United States and with at least the same force as on Sept 11, according to a spokesman quoted by a Sunday newspaper. Al-Qaeda "will continue to work to strike against the United States", the network's spokesman Suleiman Abu Ghaith vowed in an article published on an Islamic website, Al-Hayat daily said.
I love it when this ex-Kuwaiti, who'd now be sitting around his new home in the salt flats around Basra reading a romance novel if it weren't for us, jumps up and down and threatens dire retribution on the U.S.A. It reminds me that there's no word for "gratitude" in Arabic. It does say in the DIA Factbook on al-Qaeda somewhere that it's the Fourth Loudest Army in the World. You could look it up.
The site, alneda.com, or "the call" in Arabic, could not be opened Sunday, but it regularly publishes views considered to be those of al-Qaeda. The group "will continue to work to strike against Americans and Jews and to target them, be it individuals or infrastructure."
C'mon, politically correct chorus of professionally indignant leftists! Let's hear an outcry against al-Qaeda and Arab racism! (Is that... silence?)
"What is in waiting for the Americans will not be inferior to what the US has already gone through," Abu Ghaith said. "Let America be prepared to fasten its seat belt because, thanks to God, we are going to surprise it in a place where it is not expecting."
No doubt they intend to do just that. Probably they'll succeed, perhaps as well as last time. That's because giants have a hard time relating to pygmies — my apologies in this case to pygmies. When it succeeded last time, we dismantled the terror state in Afghanistan, killed Mohammad Atef, captured Abu Zubaydah, wiped out Zawahiri's family, and knocked off Namangani. When our guys got tired of shooting them, they shot each other. After the siege of Konduz our side packed the Islamic heros into shipping containers and let them blow themselves up if they pleased. Maybe next time Suleiman can be toast, too.
The spokesman, who claimed responsibility in April for the September suicide hijackings, said the United States was targeted "because of what it does in the Islamic world and because, along with the Jews, it is the head of corruption and decadence and the reason for the injustice and persecution from which Muslims suffer."
In this world it's a truism that only Muslims suffer, and no Muslim suffers because of what he does, only because of what others do. We're dealing with the retarded. We shouldn't jug them; the ones we don't kill we should put in institutions, where they could cut out paper guns when they're not sedated.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 06/03/2002 11:33 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2002-06-03
  Manzoor Ahmed Ganai is no longer with us. Hurrah!
Sun 2002-06-02
  Jaish, Lashkar hold meet, discuss strategy
Sat 2002-06-01
  Jaish threatens to blow Ayodhya temple...
Fri 2002-05-31
  India set to launch 'small war'
Thu 2002-05-30
  Indonesian V-P meets cleric probed for terror links
Wed 2002-05-29
  India tells Pak to knock it off...
Tue 2002-05-28
  Indian Defense Minister Says Options Narrowing
Mon 2002-05-27
  'Death to Jews' sign in Moscow was booby trapped...
Sun 2002-05-26
  Iran confirms it tested ballistic missile
Sat 2002-05-25
  'Journalist' nabbed with boom belt
Fri 2002-05-24
  Sami bitches about Hafiz Saeed arrest...
Thu 2002-05-23
  New Orleans: Loon shoots up airport 'cuz somebody made fun of his turban
Wed 2002-05-22
  Paks warn India against cross-border action...
Tue 2002-05-21
  Abdul Ghani Lone assassinated
Mon 2002-05-20
  India, Pakistan Trade Heavy Fire as Tensions Mount

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