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Qaeda in Yemen offers bounty for killing US ambassador, troops
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Page 1: WoT Operations
11 20:39 Airandee [36] 
9 21:13 Barbara [23] 
3 19:08 ex-lib [24] 
0 [19] 
11 23:51 trailing wife [31] 
3 16:37 Shipman [28] 
6 04:09 GolfBravoUSMC [24] 
0 [20] 
7 23:13 Pappy [27] 
1 07:05 American Delight [40] 
1 07:45 Glenmore [27] 
0 [22] 
0 [16] 
0 [16] 
0 [17] 
0 [18] 
3 11:51 Jack is Back! [21] 
0 [28] 
0 [26] 
2 18:32 Redneck Jim [18] 
0 [13] 
1 00:58 Besoeker [14] 
0 [21] 
Page 2: WoT Background
5 21:20 Christopher Stevens [29]
1 18:57 ex-lib [14]
4 16:19 tu3031 [22]
0 [24]
1 00:56 Besoeker [26]
3 18:25 USN,Ret. [24]
1 18:16 Redneck Jim [20]
0 [18]
3 19:35 Rambler in Virginia [35]
1 16:50 Shipman [27]
0 [19]
0 [22]
Page 3: Non-WoT
2 21:16 Grunter [36]
2 16:03 tipover [17]
0 [16]
3 17:00 SteveS [18]
2 16:57 Injun Stalin7884 [15]
0 [16]
2 17:26 Injun Stalin7884 [17]
1 08:40 Dale [20]
3 18:04 Redneck Jim [29]
0 [15]
1 00:47 Besoeker [16]
0 [19]
6 23:19 Pappy [30]
3 09:52 Mullah Richard [19]
Page 4: Opinion
1 16:52 lord garth [13]
4 16:57 swksvolFF [20]
1 19:33 Besoeker [35]
7 11:14 Au Auric [21]
1 12:59 Skidmark [19]
Page 6: Politix
9 23:24 Pappy [27]
26 19:49 Frank G [35]
12 20:57 newc [27]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Birthday Gam Shot 12/27

Chandra West [Filmography](age 42)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 12/31/2012 0:31 Comments || Top||


Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 12/31/2012 0:35 Comments || Top||

#3  Ahhh.... Chandra...a clear Golden Globes winner if I ever saw one....
Posted by: Warthog || 12/31/2012 10:57 Comments || Top||

#4  ...likes to put the puppies up front...
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 12/31/2012 11:02 Comments || Top||

#5  DD shopping days left until next Christmas?
Posted by: gorb || 12/31/2012 14:10 Comments || Top||

#6  Birthday Gam Shot

Michèle Mercier [French][Filmography](age 73)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 01/01/2013 4:09 Comments || Top||

Pregnant US woman Caitlan Coleman missing in Afghanistan with husband
The family of a pregnant American woman missing with her husband in Afghanistan have made a fresh appeal for her safe return.

Caitlan Coleman, 27, is due to give birth in January and needs urgent medical attention, her father told the Associated Press news agency.

James Coleman said she had been travelling with her Canadian husband across Central Asia.

There are fears they were abducted, but no ransom has been demanded.

No militant group has said it is holding the couple and AP says when it contacted the Taliban two months ago, a spokesman said no Taliban members were involved.

The couple last contacted their family on 8 October from what Mr Coleman described as an "unsafe" part of Afghanistan.

It is not clear how they entered Afghanistan and what exactly they were doing there - they had also travelled through Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Posted by: tipper || 12/31/2012 11:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  More money than sense?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 12/31/2012 11:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Pregnant and stupid. Too bad kids usually inherit those genes if they live long enough.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 12/31/2012 11:46 Comments || Top||

#3  She's 8-1/2 months pregnant and is "travelling across Central Asia" with hubby?!

What the hell is WRONG with her? What's wrong with her husband?

If she didn't want the kid, she could have gotten an abortion months ago in Canada, or the U.S. Instead she takes off for Afghanistan to get a full-term abortion of her child, her husband, and herself.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. >:-(
Posted by: Barbara || 12/31/2012 12:19 Comments || Top||

#4  THAT is totally INSANE. Low-information travelers? Maybe they thought they could go on a peace mission... Maybe they believed O and decided to take a tour on how much those countries have improved under the lecherous eye of Hillary and DickTater O.

Sure hope they get out safely. Will have some TRUE tales to tell a waiting media... uhmm, wouldn't count on ever hearing any of it.

Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 14:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Darwinism at work
Posted by: mossomo || 12/31/2012 14:55 Comments || Top||

#6  Considering the pregnancy...more liked FORCED Darwinism on an innocent.
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 19:09 Comments || Top||

#7  Utterly clueless.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/31/2012 19:29 Comments || Top||

#8  How can it be so, in this day and age?
Posted by: Injun Stalin7884 || 12/31/2012 19:58 Comments || Top||

#9  Stupidity knows no time or season, Injun.
Posted by: Barbara || 12/31/2012 21:13 Comments || Top||

Missing Georgian serviceman found dead in Afghanistan
Georgia, Tbilisi, Dec. 30 -- Georgian serviceman Georgy Kikadze, who has been reported missing since December 19, was found dead in Afghanistan on Saturday.

Georgian Minister of Defence Irakliy Alasania told journalists that today is the hard day for him.

"We have informed the family of the deceased, and I personally apologized to the mother of the deceased for being too optimistic commented that Kikadze alive, I condole the family and friends," the minister said, noting that the circumstances of the death of the serviceman will be announced after the investigation.

The Minister stressed that Georgia has a lot of responsibility, taking part in the NATO operation in Afghanistan. 1700 Georgian troops [have served] in Afghanistan. During this time, Georgia lost 21 people dead.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Thank you Georgia, Albania, and Romania for your assistance in AFG. Good soldiers all!
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/31/2012 0:58 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Jebel Akhdar courts suspend work over security situation
[Libya Herald] Courts in the Jebel Akhdar have temporarily suspended their work in the region until the security situation improves, a local judge told Libyan news agency LANA today.

Chairman Abdul Aziz Mustafa Al-Trabelsi, head of the Court of Appeals for Jebel Akhdar, said that the courts had suspended their work until improvements were made in security arrangements for their buildings and workers.
"Please don't let them kill us!"
He said that the poor security situation in Derna was preventing the courts from carrying out their work properly, pointing to threats made against members of the judiciary in recent months.

Al-Trabelsi gave no indication of how long he thought that the courts' work would be suspended for in his statement to LANA today.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Explosion at Coptic church in Misrata kills one
[Libya Herald] An kaboom near the Coptic Orthodox Church in Misrata late yesterday evening killed one Egyptian man and left another three injured.

The kaboom, reported to have been caused by a bomb, targeted a services building connected to the church in the city of Misrata, killing the Egyptian national and wounding three others at the same time.

News broke this morning when the Egyptian embassy in Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
received a call from Bishop Timotheus Bishara Adla, head of the church in the Libyan captital, informing them that the church building in Misrata had been targeted by an kaboom, Foreign Ministry front man Amru Rushdi said today.

Egypt's chargé d'affaires in Libya, Hatim Abdel Qader, immediately contacted the Father Marcus Zaghloul, head of the church in Misrata, to check on the welfare of the other church members. The embassy's consul in Misrata, Tariq Dahroug, also visited the church to inspect the damage.

Staff at the Egyptian embassy in Tripoli have contacted the Interior and Foreign Ministries to hold urgent discussions about improving security arrangements around Coptic churches in Libya.

At the moment, it is not known who targeted the church or why they carried out the attack in Misrata yesterday.
Update from Ynet:
Bomb at Egyptian-run church in Libya kills 2

Egypt's Foreign Ministry says an kaboom at an Egyptian Coptic church in Libya's third largest city, Misrata, has killed two people and maimed two others.

The statement by the Foreign Ministry says Sunday's kaboom killed two Egyptian citizens working at the church in preparation for traditional New Year's Eve mass.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

Protestors rally against Libyan militias
[Magharebia] Roughly 2,000 people rallied in Benghazi on Friday (December 28th) to demand that militias made up of former rebels who helped oust Moamer Qadaffy disband and join the army or police, AFP reported.

"Our demands are: dissolve all militias and make their members individually enter the army or police force," activist and law student Bilal Bettamer said at Friday's protest. And we want all pro-Qadaffy and Qadaffy-era criminals to be removed from the police and army. We want to end this stalemate between the army and militias."

Former rebels who have refused to join the security forces insist that the authorities first purge themselves of remnants of the Qadaffy regime.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

ANP troops kill Boumerdès terrorist
[Magharebia] The Algerian army killed a terrorist around midnight on Friday (December 28th) in the village of Dar Bouni, 50km east of corpse-littered Boumerdes, El Watan reported. He was ambushed while trying to visit his family. Since the beginning of the year, military operations have eliminated some fifty Orcs and similar vermin in the region.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Mauritania arrests British Islamist
[Magharebia] Mauritania reportedly arrested a British citizen attempting to cross the desert on foot to join al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in Northern Mali, The Times reported on Saturday (December 29th). The arrest occurred on the border between Mali and Mauritania on Wednesday during his attempt to cross the Sahara desert.
So his name isn't Nigel, eh?
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

#1  Most likely a convert or a Pakistani/Somalian unemployed wannabe jihadi
Posted by: Phash Stalin7278 || 12/31/2012 7:38 Comments || Top||

#2  And here I was thinking it was it was a Scottish-Bedouin chiropractor pretending to be T.E. Lawrence...
Posted by: Pappy || 12/31/2012 10:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Nigel and I a walking went
When alas we spotted three maids in a tent
Since they be three and we be two
I bucked one and Tim bucked two!
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 12/31/2012 11:51 Comments || Top||

Security raid on Tunisian "terrorist" cell
Tunisian security forces stormed a house to arrest suspected terrorists on Sunday and a woman was killed in the subsequent shootout, the Interior Ministry said, DPA reported. Five members of the alleged cell were captured alive, one of them injured, during the operation in a poverty-stricken suburb of the capital Tunis.

The ministry said authorities tracked down the group in the house after a tip-off, and one of the group opened fire as officers closed in. The woman was killed in the exchange of fire, it said.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Syria rebels 'beheaded Christian and fed him to dogs' as fears grow over Islamist atrocities
This is what I call news you can really sink your teeth into, a real dog-bites-man story.
Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.

The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits.

She said his headless corpse was found by the side of the road, surrounded by hungry dogs. He had recently married and was soon to be a father.

Sister Agnes-Mariam de la Croix said: 'His only crime was his brother criticised the rebels, accused them of acting like bandits, which is what they are.'

There have been a growing number of accounts of atrocities carried out by rogue elements of the Syrian Free Army, which opposes dictator Bashar al-Assad and is recognised by Britain and the West as the legitimate leadership.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 12/31/2012 00:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:


Have people not been paying attention? These fear's have been full grown and bearing fruit for decades (really centuries).

This is what you get with the RoP! Damn it!! Pay Attention!!!
Posted by: AlanC || 12/31/2012 7:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Maybe Assad's not so bad after all...
Posted by: Glenmore || 12/31/2012 7:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Then again, maybe Assad had this done just to get me to say what I said....
Posted by: Glenmore || 12/31/2012 7:39 Comments || Top||

#4  How bad was Mubarak or Daffy Duck?

Sometimes the devil you know IS the better option.
Posted by: AlanC || 12/31/2012 9:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Reminds of of the poem The Gods of the copybook heading, (Kipling) one part of which is:

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."
Posted by: CrazyFool || 12/31/2012 10:06 Comments || Top||

#6  CF, all too much of what passes for civilized society these days reminds me of that poem.
Posted by: AlanC || 12/31/2012 10:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Idiots.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 12/31/2012 18:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Arab "SPRING" and all. Then there's this:


I dunno...maybe it's just me, but the warm and fuzzy kum-ba-yah revolutions in the Middle East are starting to seem more like a Thugs R Us takeover Taliban style.

We cannot "import" the values that informed the American Revolution. I know that's not what O is even trying to do, but that's what he's trying to sell as a justification.
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 18:42 Comments || Top||

#9  Or maybe he's selling it more as a 60s movement on steroids.

But... wasn't the 60's more ANTI-WAR? Hmmm....

Suharto was DickTater Soetero's boyhood idol, so go figure.
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 18:44 Comments || Top||

#10  In any case, he has almost succeeded in creating an extremist Islamist Sharia-bent Moslem Brotherhood influence/controlled "crescent" around Israel, which is part of the end game.
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 18:46 Comments || Top||

#11  In any case, he has almost succeeded in creating an extremist Islamist Sharia-bent Moslem Brotherhood influence/controlled "crescent" around Israel, which is part of the end game.

Previously it was a secular, fascist Arab Nationalist crescent around Israel, which didn't succeed -- repeatedly -- ex-lib. And in those days their economies could much better support warlike ventures. Now they've got serious population issues coupled with food shortages, and in countries like Syria and Libya the common folk are shooting off weaponry at each other instead of toward Israel.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/31/2012 23:51 Comments || Top||

Qaeda in Yemen offers bounty for killing US ambassador, troops
[Fox News] Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen is offering a bounty of gold worth $160,000 to anyone who kills Gerald M. Feierstein, the U.S. ambassador to Yemen.

According to the News Agency that Dare Not be Named, the group announced that it will pay tens of thousands of dollars to anyone who kills the U.S. ambassador in Sanaa or an American soldier in the country.

The group offered 3 kilograms of gold, worth about $160,000, for killing Feierstein, and said it will pay 5 million Yemeni riyals ($23,000) for anyone who kills an American soldier.

The offer is valid for six months, the AP reported.

The bounties were set to "inspire and encourage our Mohammedan nation for jihad," the Al Qaeda statement said, according to the AP.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [40 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  ..."inspire and encourage our Mohammedan nation for jihad peaceful inner struggle," which can normally be achieved by killing infidels.
Posted by: American Delight || 12/31/2012 7:05 Comments || Top||

Yemen Says Stopped Iranian Arms Vessel
The London-based Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat quoted a high ranking Yemeni Coast Guard official as saying that the navy stopped an Iranian arm ship trying to deliver weapons to the rebels in the country.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Five to hang for Saudi diplomat's murder in Bangladesh
[Al Ahram] A Bangladeshi court Sunday sentenced five people to death for the murder of a Saudi diplomat in the capital Dhaka in March this year, a senior police official said.

Khalaf al-Ali, 45, the head of Saudi citizen affairs at the embassy, was shot while taking a late-night walk near his home in the city's Gulshan area. He was rushed to hospital where he died three hours later.

"The Speedy Trial Tribunal in Dhaka sentenced five people to death today (Sunday). Four of the convicts were present when the judge gave the verdict," said deputy commissioner of police Anisur Rahman, adding that the fifth had evaded arrest and was sentenced in absentia.

Police had blamed the murder on a mugging incident gone wrong in Dhaka's posh Gulshan district. They enjugged
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
four of the muggers in July and recovered the pistol they used to shoot Ali as well as a car.

The diplomat had been living alone in a rented apartment in Gulshan for several years.

Bangladesh authorities made sure the case was heard by the country's fast-track court, which has sentenced hundreds of people to death for crimes mostly related to Islamic militancy.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bangladesh authorities made sure the case was heard by the country's fast-track court, which has sentenced hundreds of people to death for crimes mostly related to Islamic militancy

why don't we follow their lead?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/31/2012 9:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Sounds good to me, A court for Islamic extremists.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 12/31/2012 18:32 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Top 5 Mexican Drug War Stories of 2012

For a map, click here

By Chris Covert

The evolving events collectively known as the Mexican Drug War has had many memorable events, most of them awful, but a few not so much. These events are listed for their impact, not the body count.

5: Reduction of violence in Ciudad Juarez

Not exactly a bleeding lead, but violent crime in Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua has been reduced by 57 percent from the year before starting last January. Partly due to the efforts of soon-to-be retired Juarez police chief Julian Leyzaola Perez, but mostly because the Juarez cartel can't get top leaders for La Linea, the Juarez Cartel's enforcement wing, as capable as Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez, who was detained in August, 2011. His replacements keep getting busted.

4: The death of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano

The death of Lazcano Lazcano in September was a watershed event at least for the Los Zetas drug cartel. He was caught in the open while attending a ball game when a Mexican naval infantry patrol rolled up on the area and was fired on by Lazcano Lazcano's security detail. His death at the hands of Mexican marines was preceded by the death of the nephew of governor of Coahuila Ruben Moreira Valdes, who was attacked on orders of Lazcano Lazcano.

3: The gun battle in Choix in Sinaloa state

A total of 54 bad guys lost their lives last May in and around the northern Sinaloa municipality of Choix, then El Fuerte and later in Guasave, mostly from exchanging gunfire with rival cartel gangs and a few from Mexican security forces. The organizations' shooters came from the Sinaloa, Los Zetas, Beltran-Leyva and Juarez cartels.

2: The (May 13th) Mothers' Day Massacre at Cadereyta, Nuevo Leon

A total of 49 individuals, most of them innocents, were butchered by Los Zetas operatives and found on May 13th at Cadereyta in Nuevo Leon state. On the traditional Mexican Mother's Day another massacre took place where 18 others were butchered in Jalisco state with a number of others escaping capture. The subsequent and public finger pointing was probably one of the precipitating events which led to the split within Los Zetas, only partially resolved with the death of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano,

1: The election of Enrique Pena Nieto

The return of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) was the top story of 2012 in and out of the politics because it presaged a tremendous change in Mexican security policy, if you ask El Presidente, anyway.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for Ranburg.com
Posted by: badanov || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I may not comment much here, but thank you for keeping us informed on the doings south of the border, badanov.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/31/2012 6:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Like the rodeo cowboy, the only payment I get is a slap on the back and an attaboy.

So, thanks for lo tipos palabras (kind words)
Posted by: badanov || 12/31/2012 10:09 Comments || Top||

#3  I for one am keeping my head in the sand, none of this is reasonable.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/31/2012 16:37 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
OWS organizer arrested after police find 'a bomb and weapons' in their apartment
From across the pond. A couple of neo-radicals having their Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn moment of fun. (A footnote: OWS was supported by Barack Hussein Obama and other prominent Donks.).
The daughter of a prominent New York doctor and her Occupy Wall Street-organizer boyfriend were arrested after police discovered an explosive used for making bombs and a cache of weapons in their upscale New York City apartment, it was claimed.
But Michael Bloomberg is more concerned about sugary soft drinks...
Morgan Gliedman, 27, and Aaron Greene, 31, were taken away from their home in Manhattan's pricey Greenwich Village on Saturday. Gliedman, who is nine months pregnant, is the daughter of a top Brooklyn cancer doctor and was educated at the Dalton School, an exclusive New York prep school attended by the likes of Anderson Cooper and Claire Danes.
Makes sense. It's usually the children of the wealthy and powerful who have the idle time to become radicalized by the codswollop they learn at elite schools...
Greene went to Harvard University for his undergraduate degree and did graduate work at the Kennedy School of Government there, as well.
Like I was just saying...
The New York Post reports that police found seven grams of HMTD, a high explosive powder that was reportedly used in the 2005 London Underground bombings.

Officers discovered bomb-making instructions, including one document titled 'The Terrorist Encyclopedia,' according to the newspaper.
Bill Ayers would be so proud...
Posted by: JohnQC || 12/31/2012 11:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The headline got truncated. Should read:

Occupy Wall Street organizer boyfriend arrested after police find 'a bomb and weapons' in their apartment
Posted by: JohnQC || 12/31/2012 11:19 Comments || Top||

#2  If this had been Tea Party people, we'd get breathless unending alert coverage from the MSM Ministry of Truth. So, this will be consigned to the web, Drudge, and maybe Fox.
Posted by: P2kontheroad || 12/31/2012 11:55 Comments || Top||

#3  More details.
Posted by: tipper || 12/31/2012 12:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Ooooooh, Greenwich Village. A hot bed of Tea Party zealots and right wing gun nuts.
How deep can the Times bury this one?
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/31/2012 14:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Cops found the stash in the couple’s West Ninth Street home Saturday when they went there to look for Gliedman, 27, who was wanted for alleged credit-card theft

Using OPM to advance The Cause. Ah, the benefits of an elite school education.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/31/2012 14:35 Comments || Top||

#6  How deep can the Times bury this one?

Well, it ain't on their web page...
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/31/2012 14:37 Comments || Top||

#7  Hell they'll be on t-shirts in days, quality tees the good shit, trendy. You watch.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/31/2012 16:39 Comments || Top||

#8  Awwwwwwww...

Greene was held without bail after he appeared in state court in Manhattan on Sunday. Gliedman, who was nine months pregnant when she was arrested, went into labor and gave birth to a baby girl named Melanie, police said. She was hospitalized and had not yet appeared in court.

Authorities said both defendants had drug problems.

"The whole situation's sad," said attorney Lisa Pelosi, who represented Greene. She declined further comment. Greene is due back in court Friday.

Police went to the apartment in Manhattan's Greenwich Village on Saturday morning with a search warrant stemming from a possible credit card fraud by Gliedman, after a tip warning authorities of explosives inside the home. The tip came from a couple who had met Greene and Gliedman in Washington Square Park recently, and said they noticed the cache when they went to their apartment a few weeks ago, Kelly said.

I can see it now. Mummy and daddy's hired big money mouthpiece, "Members of the jury, he was a Svengali! who manipulated a naive, impressionable young woman! She lived in fear of him! She couldn't leave!"

10 years probation. Tommy Harvard pulls 20 to life at Attica...The End.
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/31/2012 19:18 Comments || Top||

#9  Patty Hearst laughed
Posted by: Frank G || 12/31/2012 19:48 Comments || Top||

#10  Just plead Stockholm Syndrome, they were in thrall of The Bammer.
Posted by: Injun Stalin7884 || 12/31/2012 19:56 Comments || Top||

#11  These folks should move to Chicago and help Obama write a book.
Posted by: Airandee || 12/31/2012 20:39 Comments || Top||

Security threats Polio workers refuse to go to field in Mohmand, Swabi
[Dawn] Lady health workers and other staff of anti-polio
...Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by infection with the poliovirus. Between 1840 and the 1950s, polio was a worldwide epidemic. Since the development of polio vaccines the disease has been largely wiped out in the civilized world. However, since the vaccine is known to make Moslem pee-pees shrink and renders females sterile, bookish, and unsubmissive it is not widely used by the turban and automatic weapons set...
campaign have refused to carry out fieldwork in Mohmand tribal region and parts of Swabi district citing threats to their life after recent attacks on vaccination teams in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
, Nowshera and Charsadda districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  The US should be punished for designing and distrubuting vaccines that make Muslim wee-wees fall off.
Posted by: Glenmore || 12/31/2012 7:45 Comments || Top||

Blast outside cinema house injures one in Peshawar
[Dawn] A blast at the gate of a cinema house in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
’s Faqirabad area injured one person early on Sunday, DawnNews reported.

The blast occurred at the gate of Shama Cinema near Bacha Khan Chowk in Faqirabad area of Peshawar, according to police sources.

No casualties or major damage was reported after the blast.

A passerby suffered minor injuries as a result of the blast, who was discharged from the hospital after basic medical treatment.

Security forces cordoned off the area as investigations into the incident went underway.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Iraq cities hit by wave of deadly explosions
At least 11 people have been killed and more than 40 injured in a series of explosions across Iraq, officials say.

In the deadliest single attack, seven people were killed in the town of Mussayib, to the south of the capital Baghdad.

At least two people were killed in the southern city of Hilla when a bomb exploded in a busy street.

Violence has decreased in Iraq since its peak in 2006 and 2007, but insurgent attacks remain common.

In the northern city of Kirkuk, the security forces were hit hard by what appears to be a series of co-ordinated attacks.

In one incident, a bomb went off as a police unit dismantled a rocket, killing two policemen and wounding four civilians.

The city has been a source of dispute between the Iraqi government and the Kurdish minority.

In the eastern province of Diyala, at least 10 people were wounded in an attack on a Shia procession.
Posted by: tipper || 12/31/2012 05:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Syria And Jordan Clash Along Border
Most significant skirmish since start of Syrian revolution.

Jordanian civilians living near the border with Syria reported heavy festivities between the Jordanian and Syrian armies late Saturday night, during which the Syrian army allegedly crossed the border and used attack helicopters.

Residents of Ramtha, located 2 miles from the Syrian border, told the Islamist Jordanian daily As-Sabeel that they flocked to their rooftops to view the heavy exchange of fire near the Ramtha border crossing around midnight Sunday morning. No report of military festivities appeared in the Jordanian mainstream media.

One Syrian shell landed near a mosque in Ramtha, Qatari news channel Al-Jazeera
... an Arab news network headquartered in Qatar, notorious for carrying al-Qaeda press releases. The name means the Peninsula, as in the Arabian Peninsula. In recent years it has settled in to become slightly less biased than MSNBC, in about the same category as BBC or CBS...
reported on Sunday, causing Jordanian tanks stationed at the border to return fire towards Syria. Al-Jazeera reported a state of panic among Jordanian residents of the border area, some of whom left their homes after the shelling shattered their windows.

Syrian opposition activists told Al-Jazeera that heavy festivities are raging between forces loyal to Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Scourge of Qusayr...
and the Free Syrian Army in the southern Syrian city of Daraa. As-Sabeel speculated that the shelling -- described as the most significant border incident since the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011 -- was the result of massive defections from the Syrian Army, which the government was attempting to curb.

Residents of southern Syria have fled southward across the Jordanian border to escape the violent uprising that has plagued the country for 21 months. Nearly 500,000 Syrians have already found refuge in neighboring Jordan.

A Jordanian soldier was killed at the border on October 22 while trying to prevent forces of Evil from infiltrating into Syria. In August, a Jordanian soldier was injured while assisting Syrian refugees fleeing the regime to enter Jordan.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/31/2012 06:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  O is gonna end Jordan too, right?
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 18:21 Comments || Top||

#2  I think we have a pool started on the subject of which gov will O topple next.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 12/31/2012 19:01 Comments || Top||

#3  LOL. Ok, well count me in on Jordan then...followed by Lebanon... followed by... "Game Over" in at least the strategic sense. Israel will defend itself however, with or without the USA.
Posted by: ex-lib || 12/31/2012 19:08 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
6 injured in S Philippines bus bombings
[Iran Press TV] Police and military officials say two buses have been targeted in bombing attacks in southern Philippines, leaving at least six people injured.

Senior police official Rolen Balquin said on Sunday that improvised bombs were used to target the buses near the town of Isulan late on Saturday.

Regional military front man, Colonel Prudencio Asto stated that four passengers, a driver, and a conductor were maimed during the incident.

The vehicles caught fire and firefighters were called in, he added.

"Initial findings of the explosives and ordnance team revealed that the kabooms were caused by an improvised bomb made out of ammonium nitrate, fuel, and oil with common nails," Asto told news hounds.

No one has grabbed credit for the bombings so far, and no motive has been determined.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

'Syria forces kill militants, seize Israeli-made arms'
[Iran Press TV] The Syrian Army has reportedly killed several foreign-sponsored orcs, and confiscated a large cache of Israeli-made weapons from Islamic fascisti attempting to cross into Syria from Jordan.
Israeli-made weapons? Oh, noze!
Syrian government forces launched attacks against bully boyz inside and outside the western cities of Idlib and Hama on Sunday and killed a large number of them, the official SANA news agency reported.

The forces also rendered ineffective large supplies of arms, ammunition, and explosives, held by the bully boyz in their hideouts. In addition, the government forces destroyed four locally-made missile launchers.

Also on Sunday, a unit of the Syrian armed forces and border guards ambushed Islamic fascisti attempting to cross into Syria from Jordan near the al-Mataeieh village in the Daraa countryside, and confiscated Israeli-made weapons.

''The seized weapons included Israeli-made Lau missiles, along with various other weapons, munitions, and modern communication devices," a Syrian official said.

The official added that many foreign bad boyz were potted and injured during the raid.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  I just used Google to try to find out what a "Lau" missile was and was unsuccessful after three pages, partly because it's used as a US military designation for a wide variety of bolt-to-the-airframe missile launchers for aircraft.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 12/31/2012 0:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Could be a misspell. Have a look at LAR.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/31/2012 0:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Could also be a misspell of LAW (M-72 Light Antitank Weapon). Vietnam era but I understand they have started making them again for use against personnel.
Posted by: tipover || 12/31/2012 0:34 Comments || Top||

#4  LAW does sound more likely.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/31/2012 0:38 Comments || Top||

#5  Possibly from old South Lebanon Army stocks?
Posted by: Pappy || 12/31/2012 14:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Trying to picture the reaction from the islamonuts when they find out the weapons they held in their hands were touched by the cootie-laden juices.
Posted by: USN,Ret. || 12/31/2012 18:22 Comments || Top||

#7  If they're pros, they're probably laughing about it.

If the weapons get found before they're used, it's the Israelis' fault.

If they don't, they get used against Assad, and it's still the Israelis' fault if someone finds out about it.

No downside.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/31/2012 23:13 Comments || Top||

Al-Assad troops kill nearly 400 people in Syria's bloodiest day: LCC
[Al Ahram] Bashir al-Assad regime troops killed at least 397 people on Saturday in what could be Syria's bloodiest day since the beginning of the of the 21-month-old conflict, the opposition Local Coordination Committees (LCC) said on their official Facebook page Sunday.

By the end of Saturday, the LCC managed to document 397 deaders, including more than 20 children and 20 women. Some 227 deaders were reported in Homs, "220 of them were field executed in Deir Balbah," with 62 in Damascus
...Home to a staggering array of terrorist organizations...
and its suburbs (10 in Nashabiya), 40 in Aleppo (13 deaders in Tal Refaat ), 22 in Deir Ezzor, "including 15 unidentified bodies," 17 in Daraa, 14 in Hama, 10 in Idlib, and five in Raqqa

The LCC also documented 399 points of shelling in Syria. Some 34 sites were shelled by warplanes, two by white phosphorus bombs, three by vacuum bombs, five by cluster bombs, 152 by heavy calibre artillery, 124 by mortar, and 80 by missiles and rockets.

The Free Syrian Army clashed with regime forces in 112 locations. The FSA shelled several military centres inside Mazzeh Military Airport using domestically-manufactured rockets.

The FSA managed to repel an attack of the regime's army in Darayya. In Daraa, the FSA pushed back a military convoy after their withdrawal from Busr Al-Harir. The FSA also destroyed military equipment of the regime's army.
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Iran starts navy drills in Strait of Hormuz
[Al Ahram] Naval commander Habibollah Sayyari said the "Velayat 91" drills would last until Wednesday across an area of about 1 million square kilometers in the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Oman and northern parts of the Indian Ocean, IRNA said.

Sayyari said the goal of the maneuvers were to show "the armed forces' military capabilities" in defending Iran's borders as well as sending a message of peace and friendship to neighboring countries.

Iranian officials have often said Iran could block the strait - through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports pass - if it came under military attack over its disputed nuclear program.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 12/31/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2012-12-31
  Qaeda in Yemen offers bounty for killing US ambassador, troops
Sun 2012-12-30
  Pakistan reports 21 tribal policemen kidnapped, found dead
Sat 2012-12-29
  At Least 15 Killed in Sect Attack in North Nigeria
Fri 2012-12-28
  Militants kill two, kidnap 22 Pakistani soldiers
Thu 2012-12-27
  Somalia sets 100 days for Al Shabab militants to surrender
Wed 2012-12-26
  6 Killed in Attack on Nigerian Church
Tue 2012-12-25
  Drone Strikes Kill Six Qaida Suspects in Yemen
Mon 2012-12-24
  Tunisia arrests 16 al-Qaeda suspects
Sun 2012-12-23
  Egypt vice-president resigns on final day of referendum
Sat 2012-12-22
  Scuds pummel Syrian rebel positions
Fri 2012-12-21
  U.N. Security Council Approves Mali Intervention Force
Thu 2012-12-20
  Yemeni President Restructures Army, Removes Saleh Cronies
Wed 2012-12-19
  Three more polio workers shot in Pakistan; eight dead in 48 hours
Tue 2012-12-18
  Syrian rebels take control of Damascus Palestinian camp
Mon 2012-12-17
  Rebel Offensive In Hama

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