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Blue on Blue: 38 Bad Guys die in bombing attack in Nangarhar
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4 21:25 Super Hose [17]
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3 08:24 Procopius2k [16]
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1 07:12 Mike Kozlowski [19]
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7 20:48 Super Hose [15]
Blue on Blue: 38 Bad Guys die in bombing attack in Nangarhar
A joint gathering of the militants of Daesh and Lashkar-e-Islam led by Mangal Bagh has been bombed by Afghan Air Force in Achin District of eastern Nangarhar province.

According to the governor of Achin District the bombardment took place in Shadal Bazar area late Monday.

Haji Ghalib Mujahid immediately did not have information about casualties of the air strike.

Meanwhile, a statement released by the Ministry of Defense this morning states that Afghan Air Force has bombed a Daesh hideout in Sulaimankhil area of Chaparhar District in past 24 hours.

According to the statement, 38 militants were killed in the airstrikes and the hideout belonging to Habibzai and Mullah Naeem destroyed.

The 38 insurgents killed include two who were trying to escape the bombardment through a motorcycle.

Several different types of weapons were also destroyed in the air strikes, the Ministry of Defense statement adds.

This comes days after 68 militants belonging to Daesh group were killed in air strikes in Nangarhar province mainly in its Achin District which is the stronghold of Daesh in eastern part of the country.

The group has been engaged in heavy clashes with security forces and pro-government militia formed by a powerful lawmaker Haji Zahir Qadir.

Most recently the group beheaded four members of the pro-government militia after which their four fighters were also decapitated.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

NDS burns eight tons of hashish in Logar
The National Directorate of Security (NDS) seized eight tons of hashish and later burned them in central Logar province.

A statement released by the national spy agency on Tuesday states that the hashish were recovered from a drug factory in Altamor village during a raid.

In a separate security operation, NDS personnel seized 460 kilograms of hashish in Pul-i-Alam, the provincial capital of Logar.

According to the press release, a motorcycle and 11 magazines of Kalashnikov were also confiscated during this raid.

Exact dates of the achievements have not been released but the spy agency usually sends out statements to media after recent activities.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Large crowd gathers downwind.
Posted by: Glenmore in Mt Vernon || 12/30/2015 9:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Th DUDE abides!
Posted by: AlmostAnonymous5839 || 12/30/2015 15:54 Comments || Top||

Unknown Gunmen Kill Parwan Mullah
[Tolo News] A Mullah at Imam Abu Hanifa mosque was rubbed out by unknown gunnies in northern Parwan province, local officials said on Tuesday.

The incident took place on Monday night in Charikar city of Parwan when Mullah Mohammad Agha Habibi was on his way home, a front man for the provincial governor said.

No one has been incarcerated
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
in connection with the incident.

The police officials said that investigations are underway and the motive for the attack is not clear.

a lie repeated often enough remains a lie...
no group including the Taliban has grabbed credit for the attack.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Taliban suffer heavy casualties after attacking police posts in Uruzgan
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] Scores of Taliban turbans were killed after launching a major attack on security posts in southern Uruzgan province of Afghanistan.

According to local government officials, festivities erupted among the Taliban and Afghan cops in Shahid Hasas area, located in the outskirts of Uruzgan province.

Provincial governor front man Dost Mohammad Nayab said 22 Taliban turbans were killed during the shootout which lasted for several hours.

Nayab further aded that 2 members of the Afghan National Police also bit the dust during the shootout and several others were maimed.

According to Nayab, the attack was launched by hundreds of Taliban turbans and they have closed the main route to Tarin Kot city, preventing the security forces to shift the injured individuals to hospital for treatment.

The Taliban miliants group has not commented regarding the report so far.

Uruzgan is among the relatively volatile provinces in southern Afghanistan where anti-government armed bully boyz are actively operating in a number of its districts and frequently carry out insurgency activities.

Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
11 militants killed as Shaboobs ambush KDF convoy
A senior police officer says at least 11 Al shabaab fighters were killed in an ambush attack on a military convoy belonging to Kenyan defense forces (KDF) near the town of Bardere located in Gedo region.

Bardere deputy police boss, told Radio Shabelle that Kenyan military repelled an Al shabaab after heavily armed militants with the Al Qaeda-linked attacked their convoy at Jungal area, 30 kilometers west of Bardere. He said Al shabaab suffered defeat as its militants attempted to attack KDF escorting a convoy transporting military supply from El Wak and heading to Bardere town.
Piss-poor ambush...
“At least 11 Al shabaab combatants killed in the counter-attack outside Bardere and three KDF soldiers were slightly wounded in the gunfight,” said the police officer.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
Criminal intelligence director in Zliten murdered
The head of the Counter Crime Agency in Zliten was killed today when a bomb exploded under his car. Mustafa Al-Toumi Ahmadi was rushed to hospital but died a few hours later from his wounds.

No one has claimed responsibility the murder, although it bears all the hallmarks of an attack by Ansar Al-Sharia or other militant extremists. However, Zliten has been relatively calm and stable throughout the couple of years during which other parts of the country have experienced chaos and killings, although last April the jail was attacked and a time bomb at the municipal buildings was diffused.

The town has been close both to the Muslim Brotherhood and to its alliance with Misrata, 40 kilometres further east. That alliance may explain the attack. Misrata has become a target for militants because of its opposition to them and its support for the UN-brokered Libya Peace Agreement.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Ansar al-Sharia

Emirati Charged for Plot on Abu Dhabi F1 Circuit
[AnNahar] The husband of an Emirati woman executed for murdering an American teacher has been charged with joining the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group and plotting attacks on Abu Dhabi's Formula 1 circuit, local media reported Tuesday.

The man was charged by the UAE's Federal Supreme Court on Monday with seven terror-related offenses, including planning to bomb the Yas Marina circuit and a U.S. military base, The National newspaper said.

The suspect was married to Alaa Bader al-Hashemi, who was executed in July after being convicted of the jihadist-inspired murder of U.S. school teacher Ibolya Ryan, 47, in a toilet of an Abu Dhabi shopping mall in December last year.

Dubbed the "Reem Island Ghost" after the location of the mall, Hashemi was also convicted of placing a handmade pipe bomb outside an Egyptian-American doctor's home in Abu Dhabi.

The Gulf News quoted a prosecutor as saying that the man attempted to join IS in Iraq but had instead "opted to work in the UAE to support the terrorist organization".

He was also accused of planning an attack on an Ikea store in Abu Dhabi and preparing to assassinate an unspecified Emirati leader, according to The National.

It said the suspect denied all charges and alleged he had been held in solitary confinement for six months after being incarcerated
Youse'll never take me alive coppers!... [BANG!]... Ow!... I quit!
in November 2014.

The UAE is part of the U.S.-led coalition that has been carrying out air strikes against IS in Syria since September last year and has upped security measures since the wave of Arab Spring protests that swept the region in 2011.

Authorities have enacted tougher anti-terror legislation, including harsher jail terms and even introducing the death penalty for crimes linked to religious hatred and "takfiri
...an adherent of takfir wal hijra, an offshoot of Salafism that regards everybody who doesn't agree with them as apostates who most be killed...
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Two Bahraini soldiers in Yemen coalition killed
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Two Bahraini soliders taking part in the Arab military coalition in Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
died on Tuesday, the tiny Gulf kingdom's state news agency reported on Tuesday.

The two soldiers, Captain Ahmed Mohammed Ameen and Captain Mubarak Sa'ad Al-Rumaihi, died during an "incident" on border with Yemen. Saudi shares a 1,800 kilometer frontier with its war-wracked neighbour.

The two were "performing their sacred national duty" to "defend legitimacy in Yemen," the statement said.

The statement gave no further details.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

23 Saudi women on trial over terrorism charges
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Sources told Al Arabiya News that twenty-three Saudi women accused of association with Al-Qaeda and ISIS are currently being tried in the Kingdom. Some of them have been convicted and locked away
Drop the rosco, Muggsy, or you're one with the ages!
According to official sources, the Special Criminal Court began hearing the cases of these female snuffies two years ago. They added that the most noteworthy case was that of Haila Al-Qaseer, who is known as "Lady Al-Qaeda," and who was convicted of terrorism and sentenced to 15 years in jail.

The court tried in October another woman, 27-year-old Um Oweis, who joined ISIS after pledging allegiance to His Supreme Immensity, Caliph of the Faithful and Galactic Overlord, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
...formerly merely the head of ISIL and a veteran of the Bagram jailhouse. Looks like a new messiah to bajillions of Moslems, like just another dead-eyed mass murder to the rest of us...
and helping provide logistical services to terrorosm via media and found communicating with ISIS members and leaders of Al-Nusra Front through Twitter.

Umm Oweis has a master's degree from a Saudi university.

In December, the criminal court opened the case of "Al-MohajIra," 25-year-old female member of Al-Qaeda and ISIS who also served as a media member. She was charged with supporting and pledging allegiance to Al-Baghdadi, as well as encouraging killing in conflict zones and inside the Kingdom.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Fighting for the right to be treated like chattel.
Posted by: Sven the pelter || 12/30/2015 0:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Fighting for the right to be treated like chattel.

It's Salafist Saudi Arabia, Sven. They already are.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 8:19 Comments || Top||

Gunmen shut Yemen university's faculties for gender mixing
[DAWN] Militants shut down three faculties at Yemen's University of Aden on Tuesday in an attempt to force students to observe gender segregation on campus, witnesses said.

The incident was the second of its kind in recent weeks in Aden, Yemen's second city, where the presence of bully boy groups is growing as the embattled government struggles to spread control.

The gunnies, some of whom were masked, forced the students out of the faculties of administrative sciences, law, and engineering, before locking down the gates, students said.

"They dragged us out of the exam halls," said one of the students. "They detained two students who were filming the incident."

Students said the gunnies shouted: "No mixing. We have warned you before," and added that the authorities did not intervene to stop the murderous Moslems.

It was not immediately clear what group the gunnies belonged to but witnesses and local residents said they were loyalists of Ayman Askar, a local militia leader known for his links to both Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) group.

Askar's militia is influential in Aden's district of Madinat Asha'ab where the faculties are located, according to residents.

Last month, gunnies also entered the faculty of administrative sciences in Aden and closed it down after threatening to use force against students if they did not observe segregation of the genders.

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
...the latest incarnation of various Qaeda and Qaeda-allied groups, including the now-defunct Aden-Abyan Islamic Army that boomed the USS Cole in 2000...
(AQAP), long active in Yemen, and the newly emerged IS appear to be vying for influence in the main port city.

Fighting between rebels and Saudi-backed loyalist forces has plunged impoverished Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
into chaos, which bully boy groups have exploited to make sweeping gains, particularly in southern regions.

Militants are occupying government buildings and are frequently seen patrolling several districts of Aden.

They have carried out several deadly attacks, assassinated government officials, and intimidated civilians.

Yemen's capital Sanaa has been under the control of Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
rebels and their allies since September last year.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

CU expels 3 students for alleged militant link
[Dhaka Tribune] The Chittagong University authorities yesterday suspended three students, who were jugged
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
on Sunday, for their alleged involvement with banned holy warrior outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
The JMB is said to be the youth front of Al Mujahideen, the parent organization that began working toward establishing Bangladesh as an Islamic state in the mid 1990s which remains obscure even today. Other organizations, such as Jama'atul Jihad, JMB, Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB), Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI), Hizbut Tawhid, Tawhidi Janata, Islami Jubo Shangha, Islami Shangha, Al Falah A'am Unnayan Shanstha and Shahadat-e al Hiqma are believed to be part of the Al Mujahideen network. The JMB at its peak was reported to contain at least 100,000 members, and an alleged 2,000-man suicide brigade, few of whom actually exploded. JMB allegedly received financial assistance from individual donors in Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Libya. Reports have claimed that funding of JMB by international NGOs like Kuwait based Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage (RIHS) and Doulatul Kuwait, Saudi Arabia based Al Haramaine Islamic Institute and Rabita Al Alam Al Islami, Qatar Charitable Society and UAE-based Al Fuzaira and Khairul Ansar Al Khairia. The top leadership of JMB was captured in 2005 and hung in 2007, which pretty much shot their bolt.

The trio, all students of physics department, are Naimur Rahman alias Noyon of final year, and Md Shawkat Rasel and Faisal Mahmud of Masters, said Registrar Prof Dr Kamrul Huda.

"They will get back their studentship if they can prove their innocence," he added.

CU sources said Naimur's final exam started on Sunday while Faisal was likely to peruse his thesis on Quantum Field Theory.

Earlier, members of the Detective Branch of police arrested the trio from the different parts of the port city. Based on the information they gave, the detectives later recovered a sophisticated sniper rifle, ammunition, Bangladesh Army's uniforms and huge amount of bomb-making materials from a flat in Amanbazar area.

The trio confessed that they had been active associates of JMB chief in Chittagong Fardin alias Noman, police said after initial interrogation.

DB's Deputy Commissioner (port-west) Md Moktar Hossen told the Dhaka Tribune that the accused had been interrogated by a 10-member team formed by the Chittagong Metropolitan Police on Sunday.

They were placed on a five-day remand in a case that filed under the Anti-Terrorism Act in connection with the recovery of firearms and bombs from the city's Khawajnagar area under Karnaphuli cop shoppe on October 6.

Two cases were also filed with Hathazari police following the recovery while police have sought 20-day remand in the cases.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

#1  Militant physicst; sign them up for climate change?
Posted by: Sven the pelter || 12/30/2015 0:34 Comments || Top||

JMB man rumoured to be dead held by RAB
[Dhaka Tribune] A JMB man who was initially reported to have been killed in a RAB shootout but was later found to be alive, has now been tossed in the calaboose
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
again allegedly by the elite force.
Wonder who the actual dead guy was?
Minhazul Islam Sanwar, 23, returned to his home in Bogra's Khamarkandi village Monday evening, only to be detained hours later by RAB.

On Sunday, Minhaz was released from Kashimpur Jail after serving over 10 years in a militancy case. He was then immediately picked up by law enforcers and taken to the RAB Headquarters along with another released JMB man named Mahbub. Both of them were released later in the evening.

But early hours on Monday, different media houses reported that Minhaz was one of the two suspected bully boyz who were killed in an alleged shootout with the RAB in Gazipur.

Kulsum Begum, sister of Minhaz, said Minhaz returned home around 5:30pm on Monday.

But around 3:30am yesterday, some RAB men picked Minhaz up from his village home, said the JMB man's father Abdul Kuddus.

Quoting Minhaz's family members, local UP member Tabibar Rahman said RAB forces had taken Minhaz to their Sirajganj camp along with a few elders.

a good lie finds more believers than a bad truth...
sources at the Sirajganj camp dismissed such a claim.

Sub-Inspector Shahin, the on-duty officer at the RAB's Bogra camp, also told the Dhaka Tribune that no one named Minhaz was being detained at the Bogra camp.

...back at the secret hideout, Scarface Al sneeringly put his proposition to little Nell...
two cases have been filed under the arms and explosives acts with Gazipur's Joydebpur cop shoppe in connection with Monday's shootout and arms haul.

Around 2kg of explosives materials, 29 detonators and a gun was found beside the bodies of the suspected bully boys, according to the case documents.

Joydebpur OC Khandaker Rezaul Hasan Reza told our Gazipur correspondent that the bodies of the suspected bully boyz were still unidentified at the morgue. They would be buried on Wednesday if no one identified them by then, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Married couple with 'common interest' in violent jihad are GUILTY of plotting 7/7-style suicide attack
[DAILYMAIL.CO.UK] An aspiring jacket wallah and his secret wife who had a 'common interest' in violent jihad have been found guilty of planning an ISIS-inspired terror attack on London after testing lethal bombs in their back garden.
Another pair of common, everyday Pak names.
Mohammed Rehman, 25, planned to blow up either Westfield shopping centre or the London Underground to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the 7/7 bombings.

His jihadi dream was funded by his wife Sana Ahmed Khan, 24, who used payday loans to buy fertiliser which her husband engineered into bombs.

The court heard how the couple, who wed in secret in a traditional Islamic ceremony,
Why in secret? Did someone's parents disapprove?
immersed themselves in ISIS and Al Qaeda propaganda and idolised 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer.

They even test fired one of their bombs in Rehman's back garden and recorded it on film.

Their plot was only foiled when Rehman - who called himself the 'silent bomber' - sent a tweet asking for advice on which was the best target.

As their plans gathered pace, Rehman asked his followers: 'Westfield shopping centre or London underground?'

The tweet - sent from a profile showing a photograph of Jihadi John - was accompanied by a link to the al Qaeda uncensored media release about the July 7 atrocities.

Officers then raided Rehman's home in Reading, Berkshire, where they found 10kg of nitrate explosives - double the amount of powder used in the failed 21/7 London bombings.

The prosecution said the would-be bomber was just days away from completing the device which would have caused multiple casualties in the capital.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Two Russian women jailed for aiding ISIS group
[AlAhram] A Moscow court has nabbed
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
two young women for more than five years on charges of aiding Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
bully boys, with one of them found guilty of transferring some $600 to an ISIS bank account.

Yelena Arshakhanova and Saida Khalikova, medical students in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan, were respectively sentenced to five years, three months and five years, six months behind bars, court spokeswoman Irina Zhirnova told AFP on Tuesday.

"They were accused of transferring funds to terrorists," Zhirnova said, adding that the court had reached its verdict on Monday.

The women allegedly sold household items and homemade soap to raise funds that they would then transfer to the accounts of ISIS fighters.

Both women pleaded guilty, Zhirnova said.

Khalikova -- who had been held awaiting trial from December 2014 -- is accused of transferring 43,000 rubles ($594, 544 euros) to an ISIS-linked bank account, according to the opposition Open Russia group.

But the 24-year-old's lawyer, Sabir Agayev, said his client had transferred the funds for a friend without being aware of their final destination, Open Russia reported.

Khalikova's mother, Raziyat Isabekova, wrote in a letter to President Vladimir Putin
...Second and fourth President and sixth of the Russian Federation and the first to remain sober. Putin is credited with bringing political stability and re-establishing something like the rule of law, which occasionally results in somebody dropping dead from polonium poisoning. Under Putin, a new group of business magnates controlling significant swathes of Russia's economy has emerged, all of whom have close personal ties to Putin. The old bunch, without close personal ties to Putin, are in jail or in exile or dead...
that her daughter had confessed under duress.

"They forced her to sign a confession for something she did not do," she wrote in the letter, published by the Open Russia.

According to FSB figures released earlier this month, nearly 2,900 Russians are fighting or have fought with ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  So in Russia, the meds students are raising money for ISIS by selling homemade soap. It is like an alternative universe where the Waltons have stumbled onto the set of Criminal Minds.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 20:45 Comments || Top||

Belgium arrests two over 'New Year plot'
[BBC] Belgian police have tossed in the calaboose
Please don't kill me!
two people suspected of planning attacks in Brussels during the festive season.

Raids took place on Sunday and Monday in Brussels and the provinces of Phlegmish Brabant and Liege.

Police seized military clothing and computer equipment in the raids, but no weapons or explosives.

Belgium has been on high alert since the attacks of 13 November in Gay Paree. Several of the perpetrators are thought to have been based in Belgium.

a clean conscience makes a soft pillow...
the latest arrests are not linked to the Gay Paree attacks, prosecutors say.

One of those arrested is suspected of leading and recruiting for a terrorist cell.

The suspects are accused of planning attacks against several "symbolic targets" in Brussels, as well as on the police, according to the Belgian broadcaster RTBF.
The Times of Israel adds:
The two suspects, who the source said were male, were nabbed
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!
following searches Sunday and Monday in the Brussels area, the Liege region and Phlegmish Brabant, the prosecutor's office said. It did not disclose their names or further information about them.

During the searches, military-type training uniforms, propaganda materials from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group and computer material were seized and are being examined.

Six people were taken in for questioning, but four were released, the office said.
Interesting update from An Nahar at 7:30 a.m. ET:
Belgium Probes Salafist Motorcycle Gang in Alleged Islamist New Year Plot

Belgium is probing whether a cycle of violence gang was involved in an alleged plot to launch attacks in Brussels during New Year's festivities, a source close to the probe told AFP Wednesday.

Federal prosecutors announced Tuesday that the authorities had locked away
Drop the rod and step away witcher hands up!
two people suspected of plotting to attack "emblematic sites" in the Belgian capital following raids in the areas of Brussels and Liege.

A source close to the investigation said a counter-terrorism judge was probing links between the "Kamikaze Riders" gang and the alleged plotters.

"The investigation is looking at this group of motorcyclists," the source told AFP on condition of anonymity without saying whether those tossed in the slammer
Please don't kill me!
were gang member.

Belgian newspaper La Derniere Heure said that one of those arrested is a Salafist who founded the gang and that several of its members are supporters of the jihadist cause.

The two suspects are due to appear in court on Thursday when a judge will determine whether to keep them in jug.

The source close to the investigation said prosecutors were trying to determine whether the alleged plotters had direct links to the Islamic State group.

Prosecutors said the police raids on Sunday and Monday was not linked to the deadly attacks in Gay Paree in November which were claimed by the Islamic State group and which La Belle France says were prepared in Belgium.

The Belga news agency, citing an internal police memo, said there "exists a possible and credible threat of Gay Paree-style attacks" against the high-profile Grand Place, the neighboring central cop shoppe as well as soldiers and police in uniform. Tourists and others flock to the Grand Place, the opulent central square of Brussels.

Belgian media reported that the city authorities will decide Wednesday whether to go ahead with a New Year's Eve fireworks display at Place de Brouckere, another central square.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

The Grand Turk
Turks detain 9 Kurd pols for criticizing Turkey
[ARA] URFA – Turkish security arrested on Tuesday nine Kurdish politicians and members of the Democratic Peoples’ Party (HDP) in Izmir province.

The Turkish authorities accused the HDP members of supporting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) –which is in conflict with the Turkish army in the Kurdish region southeast the country.

Turkish state media reported that the arrested Kurdish politicians had raised pro-PKK slogans during a protest in Izmir.

Dozens of HDP supporters protested in the western province of Izmir against the ongoing military campaign by the Turkish army troops across the Kurdish region.

More than 10,000 Turkish army forces attacked the Kurdish towns of Cizre and Silopi in the southeastern province of Şırnak under the pretext of pursuing PKK rebels. The armed campaign has caused mass distraction in infrastructure and residential buildings in the targeted towns, leading to a mass displacement among Kurdish civilians after the death of dozens over the past two weeks.

In the meantime, the Turkish government accused prominent Kurdish politician and leader of the HDP, Selahattin Demirtaş, of “treason” for criticizing the military campaign against the Kurdish region, the Turkish involvement in the Syrian conflict and the downing of the Russian fighter jet over Syria.

Demirtaş has earlier called for a Kurdish autonomy in southeastern Turkey as a solution for the ongoing conflict in the country, a statement that has raised the government’s outrage and led to more constraints on the HDP’s activities.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Turkey arrests three IS suspects, including two Pakistanis
[DAWN] Turkish authorities have incarcerated
I ain't sayin' nuttin' widdout me mout'piece!
three suspected members of the Lion of Islam Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) group in Istanbul, including two Paks and a Briton, state media said Tuesday.

The state-run Anatolia news agency said the Pak suspects were tossed into the calaboose last week in a raid on their homes in Istanbul's central Mecidiyekoy district.

Police then expanded the operation based on intelligence the suspects provided and detained the British suspect, identified as Hasan H., at a bus stop in the conservative Fatih district, it added.

All have now been remanded in jug by a court.

Anatolia said that Hasan H. was believed to be linked to Aine Lesley Davis, a close associate of the notorious British IS Lion of Islam known as "Jihadi John" who Washington believes was likely killed in a recent drone strike in Syria.

Davis, a London-born British Muslim who turned to Islamist militancy, was among IS suspects detained in November in Istanbul the same day as the Gay Paree attacks, for allegedly planning to stage a parallel attack in The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
's largest city.

There has been no further information on Davis' case since his detention.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

ATCs to hear honour killing cases: BHC chief justice
QUETTA: The rights of women would be protected and all cases involving honour killing would be heard in future by the anti-terrorism courts (ATCs), Chief Justice of the Balochistan High Court (BHC) Justice Mohammad Noor Meskanzai said on Tuesday.

He was speaking at a ceremony held in Sibi to mark opening of the ATC Complex and judges’ residences there.

“It is the responsibility of the judiciary to ensure implementation of the Constitution and rule of the law. The cases against the accused involved in honour killings will be heard in Anti-Terrorism Courts,” he said, adding that the judiciary would monitor and ensure protection of women’s rights.

He instructed the officials concerned to construct waiting rooms for women in all courts across the province.

Chief Justice Meskanzai said that in Pakistan, women had been deprived of the rights that had been granted to them by Islam.

“It is a very bad trend that the society has been making compromises on the issue of women murdered in the name of honour,” he said. “First the women are killed in the name of honour and later the killers are freed through bargaining.”

He said the judiciary would not allow such injustices in future. “The judiciary will do justice and the offenders will be brought to book,” he said.

The murder of an innocent woman was a shameful and cowardly act, he said. All such cases in future would be heard by the ATCs in order to ensure punishment of those responsible.

The BHC chief justice said the lawyers gave voice to the sentiments of the people and played a vital role in the provision of justice.

He expressed the hope that the judicial complex would be constructed on time.

The ceremony was also attended by Justice Muhammad Hashim Kakar, District and Sessions Judge Rashid Mehmood, senior judges and officials of the district administration.

Published in Dawn, December 30th, 2015
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Police arrest former Indian military officer for spy links
NEW DELHI: Delhi police say they have arrested a former Indian Air Force officer on charges of passing secrets to Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

Police claimed on Tuesday that the man, accused of giving details of air force exercises to ISI, had fallen victim to a “honey trap”.

“Ranjith KK has accepted to have passed air force-related information pertaining to a recent air force exercise, movements of aircraft and deployment of various units in air force,” said Ravindra Yadav, Delhi police joint commissioner of crime, in a statement.

The arrest comes days after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a surprise visit to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif to try to ease troubled relations.

The two nuclear-armed countries frequently accuse each other of spying on military activities.

Police alleged that ISI used a woman to lure him into passing on top-secret information through mobile phone and the internet.

“As per the investigation so far, it has been assessed that (he) was befooled by the cross-border spies,” Yadav added.

Published in Dawn, December 30th, 2015
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

8 ‘IS militants’ arrested from Daska
LAHORE: Police have arrested eight suspected members of the Islamic State group for planning to establish a terrorist network and carry out attacks, officials said Tuesday.

The eight suspects were arrested after anti-terror police raided their hideout in Daska, provincial Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said. “They were trying to establish their group network and had plans to carry out attacks,” he said.

“All of them are young and in their 20?s. Police also seized Daesh literature and CDs,” he added. “They were taking instruction via the Internet from a person named Abu Muawiyah”. Daesh is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (IS) group, which controls wide swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria. Police commandos from the counter-terrorism department (CTD) raided the hideout and made the arrests on Monday, according to the official. A senior CTD official confirmed the arrests and said that some of the suspected militants were former members of Jamaatud Dawa (JuD).

The arrests came as a Taliban suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed 26 people after crashing into the main gate of a government office in Mardan. The blast in Mardan demonstrated the Taliban’s continued ability to stage deadly attacks, despite a major military offensive against its headquarters that analysts say has reduced its capacity. The government has officially denied that IS is operating in Pakistan, which has been wracked by al Qaeda and Taliban-linked violence for more than a decade. But authorities have expressed fears that IS could find recruits among Pakistan’s myriad of extremist militant groups.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Four terrorists tried by military courts hanged
PESHAWAR: Four terrorists sentenced by military courts were executed at the Kohat Central Jail Tuesday morning.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif had signed the black warrants of the four men, namely Noor Saeed alias Hafiz Sahib, Murad Khan, Inayatullah and Israruddin alias Abu Lais, earlier this month. An ISPR statement issued at the time said the men were convicted for slaughtering, suicide bombing, abduction for ransom and funding terrorist organisations.

Earlier this month, four terrorists involved in the Army Public School attack were hanged at a civil jail here. In the wake of the APS carnage, military courts were set up for trying terrorists under amendments made to the constitution and the Army Act.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Step one for a successful career as a Pakistani terrorist - obtain government sponsors.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 20:37 Comments || Top||

Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 26, Wounds 45 In Pakistan
[HUFFINGTONPOST] A jacket wallah went kaboom! outside a government office in a northwestern Pak city on Tuesday, killing at least 26 people and wounding 45 in an attack claimed by a breakaway Taliban group.

The bombing took place in the city of Mardan, outside the regional office of the National Database and Registration Authority, or NADRA, which issues identity cards, according to senior police officer Saeed Khan Wazir.

Wazir told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named that some of the maimed were at death's door at a hospital in the nearby city of Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.

"A gunman opened fire and killed a guard upon being asked to stop for checking. Then he went kaboom! his suicide jacket," he said. Wazir said if the attacker had managed to enter the government office, he might have killed many more people.

Mohammad Qasim told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named from his hospital bed that he went to the office to receive his national identity card, which is issued at age 18.

"I was in a very happy mood today. I told my family and friends that I would receive my national identity card, but I didn't know that I would become the target of a bombing," said Qasim, who had bandages on both legs.

Shortly after the attack, a front man for the holy warrior Jamaat-ul-Ahrar group grabbed credit for the bombing, calling it a "noble act to punish NADRA because it extends support to security forces." The front man, Ahsanullah Ahsan, spoke to the AP by phone from some holy man's guesthouse an undisclosed location.

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar split from the Pak Taliban two years ago.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
... served two non-consecutive terms as prime minister, heads the Pakistain Moslem League (Nawaz). Noted for his spectacular corruption, the 1998 Pak nuclear test, border war with India, and for being tossed by General Musharraf...
condemned the bombing and instructed authorities to provide the best possible treatment for the maimed.

Mardan is about 50 kilometers (30 miles) northwest of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
province, which borders Afghanistan and the North Wazoo tribal region.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Sunni tribal fighters deployed in reconquered Ramadi areas
[AlAhram] Hundreds of fighters from local Sunni tribes were deployed Tuesday in some areas of the Iraqi city of Ramadi, newly reconquered from the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group, security officials said.

"Five hundred members of the tribes from the Hashed arrived in northern Ramadi to participate in operations there and hold the liberated areas," said Major General Ismail Mahalawi, who heads Anbar operations command.

The Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation) is an umbrella group of mostly Tehran-backed Shiite militias that have played a key role in retaking land from IS.

there's no worse danger than telling a mother her baby is ugly...
Sunni fighters from Anbar tribes opposed to the jihadists also officially belong to the group, which is nominally under Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's command.

"Five units of tribal forces arrived today and hold the areas of Jaraishi, Zawiyah and Albu Faraj north of Ramadi," said their leader, Tareq Yusef al-Asal.

They had been trained on Habbaniyah base and armed by the defence ministry, he added.

The premier visited the Anbar capital Tuesday, a day after the elite counter-terrorism service raised the Iraqi flag above the city's large government complex.

The provincial headquarters had been the epicentre of the fighting since Iraqi forces punched through IS defences a week ago to cap a months-long operation to retake Ramadi.

Abadi congratulated the security forces, who were still sweeping streets and buildings for roadside kabooms, booby traps and holed up jihadists.

The most powerful groups in the Hashed al-Shaabi played only a peripheral role in the Ramadi battle, as Abadi and the US-led coalition wanted federal forces to regain confidence by spearheading the operation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

#1  Bet this will end well
Posted by: chris || 12/30/2015 17:08 Comments || Top||

Son of 'Tottenham Ayatollah' killed in Iraq: Sources
[AlAhram] A son of the Syrian-born radical holy man Omar Bakri has been killed in Iraq fighting alongside ISIS group, security sources said Tuesday.

The Popular Mobilisation, a paramilitary group, said that it and the security forces had killed Bilal Omar Bakri.

He was "leading a group that tried to attack one of our units," in Salaheddin north of Baghdad, according to a statement from the group, dominated by Tehran-backed Shiite militias.

A Lebanese security source confirmed that Bilal Omar Bakri, who was in his late 20s, had been killed "fighting in the ranks of ISIS" in Salaheddin province.

Another of the preacher's sons, Mohammad Omar, who was in his late 30s, died fighting for ISIS in Aleppo in Syria several months earlier, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The brothers had travelled together from Britannia to Iraq, the source added.

Omar Bakri, who holds Lebanese citizenship, became known in Britannia for supporting Al-Qaeda.

A security source said that he was sentenced in October to six years of hard labour for establishing an organization affiliated with the jihadist Al-Nusra Front in Syria and establishing training camps for it in Leb.

When he was based in London, the Sunni firebrand
...firebrands are noted more for audio volume and the quantity of spittle generated than for any actual logic in their arguments...
was known in the media as the "Tottenham Ayatollah" despite the term applying to a high rank in the Shiite clergy.

Omar Bakri fled Britannia, where he lived for two decades, to Leb after praising the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and the July 7, 2005 bombings in London.

He was tossed in the calaboose
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
and sentenced to life in prison in Leb on a number of charges but was freed on bail in 2010 pending a retrial, judicial sources said at the time.

He had most recently been arrested in May 2014 for his involvement in unrest in the northern city of Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
He has denied any links to Al-Qaeda although he said he believed "in the same ideology".
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  can we rip this entire family tree out?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/30/2015 6:44 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, Lebanon isn't exactly the most stable of countries...
Posted by: Pappy || 12/30/2015 8:46 Comments || Top||

#3  I suppose that one can back into a Darwin award if your stupidity gets your family tree wacked.
Posted by: Sven the pelter || 12/30/2015 11:30 Comments || Top||

2 civilians die in separate small arms attack
(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – A source in the Iraqi police said on Tuesday, that two civilians had been killed in two separate militant attacks in eastern Baghdad.

The source reported for IraqiNews.com, “This morning, unidentified militants opened fire from their weapons against a civilian in al-Sadr City in eastern Baghdad, resulting in his immediate death,” adding also that, “Unknown gunmen opened their fire against a civilian in the area of al-Na’iriya in the area of New Baghdad in eastern Baghdad, resulting in his death.”

“Security forces rushed to the areas of the incidents and transferred the dead to the forensic medicine department, while opened an investigation into the incidents,” the source added.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi forces stop car bomb attack, hijinx ensue
(IraqiNews.com) al-Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations Command, Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi, announced on Tuesday, that the army forces had managed to foil an ISIS attack by a booby-trapped vehicle northeast of Ramadi.

Mahalawi said in a brief statement received by IraqiNews.com, “At noon, a suicide bomber driving a booby-trapped vehicle attempted to detonate it against a force from the army in the area of Albu Aitha northeast of Ramadi,” noting that, “The army’s 10th brigade detonated the vehicle by an Abrams tank and killed the suicide bomber who was driving it.”

He also added, “The engineering force of the army and other security troops are continuing to dismantle the explosive devices in the northern axis of the city of Ramadi and inside the center of the city.”
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Bad Guys knock over currency exchange
(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – Today, a source in the Ministry of Interior said, that unidentified gunmen robbed the owner of a currency exchange office east of Baghdad.

The source said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “This afternoon, gunmen driving a civilian vehicle stopped a car belonging to the owner of a currency exchange office in Baladiyat area east of Baghdad, while robbed 105 million dinars and 10 thousand dollars were in his car,” adding that, “The gunmen managed to escape without being identified.”
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One would assume that the only thing that kept him alive was his complicity.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 21:32 Comments || Top||

Iraqis detain ISIS finance minister
(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – On Tuesday, War Media Cell announced, that the security forces have arrested the so-called ISIS Minister of Finance.

The Cell said in a statement obtained by IraqiNews.com, “The residents of Ramadi informed the security forces about the presence of the so-called ISIS Minister of Finance,” adding that, “The undercover criminal was arrested while trying to escape after the defeat of the terrorist organization.”
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  I'm pretty sure that the ISIS Finance Minister was not left to fend for himself in Ramadi. I bet the guy is really regretting exaggerating his status over a hookah of dog turds at the local internet cafe.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 20:56 Comments || Top||

Baghdad bomb attack kills 1
(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – Today, a source in the Ministry of Interior announced that, nine people had been either killed or wounded in an explosion northeast Baghdad.

The source said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “A bomb exploded, at noon today, in al-Shaab area northeast the capital Baghdad, killing one person and injuring eight others.”

The source added, “A security force rushed to the area and transferred the injured to a nearby hospital for treatment, and the dead body to the forensic medicine department, while cordoned off the area and prevented approaching it.”
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

ISIS militants burn 20 media activists to death in Mosul
[ARA] On Tuesday, the radical group of Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) burned twenty media activists to death in Iraq's northwestern city of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
The victims, who have been placed in durance vile
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!
in separate raids earlier this months, were executed on charges of leaking security information to "hostile parties".

After interrogations, the ISIS-led Sharia Court in Mosul issued a decision to burn the activists to death in a public square in al-Houd district in Mosul.

"The horrific execution was conducted in front of dozens of people in al-Houd, including some family members of the victims," a local source told ARA News under the condition of anonymity for security concerns.

"The victims were burned to death on charges of leaking information about the group's security movements in Mosul. However,
a poor excuse is better than no excuse at all...
they have been reporting on the brutal atrocities carried out by Daesh [Islamic State] against civilians," the source said, using another acronym for ISIS.

"Their only crime was trying to deliver stories about the daily lives of citizens under Daesh [Islamic State] rule."

Over the past few years, dozens of media activists and journalists have been exposed to arrest, torture and execution at the hands of ISIS forces of Evil across Syria and Iraq.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Iraqi PM Abadi comes under rocket fire in Ramadi
[RUDAW.NET] The convoy of Iraq's Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi came under rocket fire in Ramadi shortly after he arrived to salute Iraqi forces for the city's recapture.

An Iraqi army officer in Ramadi told Rudaw on condition of anonymity that Abadi's convoy came under rocket fire while talking to a group of soldiers on the city's al-Qasim bridge.

The officer added that the prime minister's entourage had to evacuate the spot.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  "Mission Accomplished"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/30/2015 11:31 Comments || Top||


The pro-Iran/Shia IGA appears to have a gift for OVER-STATEMENT???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/30/2015 22:03 Comments || Top||

Three Indicted with Spying for Israel, Including Lebanese UNIFIL Employee
Think of them with gratitude.
[AnNahar] Hani Matar, a Lebanese employee of the United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
Interim Force in Leb (UNIFIL), was indicted on Tuesday on charges of collaborating with Israel, reported al-Jadeed television, citing Military Court documents.

It said that Military Examining Magistrate Judge Riyad Abou Ghida indicted him and two other people with working with Israel.

The indictment identifies the two others as Syrian national Ramez al-Sayyed and his Lebanese wife Salam Ibrahim Shukur.

The three indictees were tossed in the clink
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
by the General Security in November.

The indictment describes al-Sayyed as an opponent of Damascus who "extremely hates the Syrian regime, Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
and their allies."

"Aided by his wife Salam Shukur, they commnuicated via Facebook with Israeli spy Tannous al-Jallad, who lives in occupied Paleostine and recruits agents for the Israeli army," the indictment adds.

"Through this communication, Ramez al-Sayyed volunteered to work for Israel, telling Tannous al-Jallad that he was willing to carry out any mission requested by the Mossad in the Sidon region since he has a cafe there frequented by a large number of civilians and soldiers," it says.

The General Security said at the time that the detainees had confessed to gathering information on various security and military figures for the purpose of liquidations.

They photographed roads and other "sensitive" areas in the South, said the General Security in a statement.

UNIFIL had said in November that it "will continue to provide the assistance required to facilitate the Government's investigations into the allegations."

"UNIFIL considers it of the utmost importance that the investigative and judicial process is conducted in accordance with the international standards of justice, fairness and due process of law and fully supports the Lebanese authorities in the effort," it added.

Leb and Israel remain technically in a state of war, with occasional skirmishes on the ceasefire line.

UNIFIL monitors the line and has a force of some 10,000 international peacekeepers.

It also employs numerous local staff members serving in non-peacekeeping roles.

Between April 2009 and 2014, Lebanese authorities detained more than 100 people accused of spying for Israel, most of them army members or telecommunications employees.

But such arrests have since been rare.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Blessed be the Name, they missed the main cell.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 12/30/2015 15:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Who would have known that you could join Israeli Intelligence on Facebook. DO the Knights Templar have a page I can like?
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 20:04 Comments || Top||

ISIS troops get the hell out of Dodge withdraw from al-Bab
[ARA] ALEPPO – After two years of taking over the Syrian northwestern city of al-Bab, militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) have reportedly started evacuating their headquarters in the city, local sources confirmed on Tuesday.

Hundreds of ISIS militants were seen leaving al-Bab city and its suburbs towards the group’s main bastion of Raqqa.

Al-Bab, located in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo near the border with Turkey, has for long served as a transit point for foreign jihadists who crossed Turkey looking forward to joining ISIS ranks.

“The group started on Tuesday moving its militants and weapons from al-Bab and the surrounding villages towards Raqqa,” informed local sources told ARA News.

This comes amid a dramatic advance by the Syrian army forces towards al-Bab, supported by a Russian air cover.

Speaking to ARA News in al-Bab, media activist Muhannad al-Jassim said: “Even commanders of ISIS were seen leaving the city with their families. They all headed to Raqqa.”

“Apparently the evacuation will take some time, as hundreds of other militants are still stationed in the group’s headquarters in al-Bab and its suburbs,” Jassim said.

The source confirmed that ISIS has also removed most of its armored vehicles and heavy weapons from the area.

Backed by Russian warplanes, the Syrian regime’s military forces have recently recaptured large areas in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo.
Posted by: badanov || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  And with the Kurds crossing Turkey's red line of the Euphrates and moving east... will they link up with Assad's troops at Al-Bab or beat them there?
Posted by: 3dc || 12/30/2015 0:55 Comments || Top||

#2  whoops. West not East.
Posted by: 3dc || 12/30/2015 0:56 Comments || Top||

#3  If they're not being met by blocking forces [or air] on the road to Raqqa it's missed opportunity.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/30/2015 3:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Considering who should be doing the blocking - it's a deliberately missed opportunity.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/30/2015 8:49 Comments || Top||

#5  I expect that all the livestock in the city will need extensive counseling and treatment for venereal disease.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/30/2015 20:42 Comments || Top||

Lebanon seizes 5 tons of drugs at Beirut airport
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Lebanese customs seized five tons of Captagon amphetamine pills and hashish at Beirut airport on Tuesday, concealed in primary school desks that were to be shipped to Egypt, a security source said.

...back at the saw mill, Scarface Al had tied Little Nell to the log and was about to turn on the buzz saw...
security forces in northern Leb found two workshops producing Captagon and other drugs during a series of raids, the source said.

Both events came after a number of drug seizures at Beirut airport in recent months.

Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said Tuesday's operation at the airport was one of the biggest of its kind, and that the drugs could have been smuggled onto other countries after Egypt, without elaborating.

"We will not allow Leb to be a transit point for drugs," he said, quoted by Leb's National News Agency.

The NNA said that the quantity seized was three tons. There were no immediate reports of arrests.

Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  When economies are bad all the money goes to drugs?
Posted by: 3dc || 12/30/2015 1:09 Comments || Top||

#2  "We will not allow Leb to be a transit point for drugs," Humorous! Beirut has been a transit point for drugs at least since the 1980s when it was used by Bolivia's Suarez and the Pan Am gang for cocaine entering Lebanon. And it was used by the Assad family (Bashir's uncle) for hashish going the other way.
Posted by: Clyde Bucket1605 || 12/30/2015 8:10 Comments || Top||

#3  I bet Beirut has been a transit point for drugs since at least the 880s.
Posted by: AlanC || 12/30/2015 9:50 Comments || Top||

#4  This is what happens when you get behind on your protection payments.
Posted by: Sven the pelter || 12/30/2015 11:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Alan -- 880 BC.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 12/30/2015 15:43 Comments || Top||

#6  When economies are bad all the money goes to drugs?
And Government redistribution programs.
Posted by: Skidmark || 12/30/2015 16:21 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Coalition forces kill ISIS leader connected to Paris attack
[CNN] The U.S.-led coalition killed multiple figures within ISIS big shotship over the last few weeks, including an operative closely linked to the ringleader of the November attacks in Gay Paree, the front man for the coalition said Tuesday.

Col. Steve Warren said 10 senior ISIS leaders operating in both Iraq and Syria, "including several external attack planners," with designs on attacking western targets, had been killed in Arclight airstrikes.

Charaffe al Mouadan, a Syrian-based member of ISIS with a "direct link" to Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian-born ringleader of the terror attacks in Gay Paree, was killed in a December 24 Arclight airstrike, and was "actively planning additional attacks against the West," Warren said.

Abaaoud was killed in a police raid in the Gay Paree suburb of Saint-Denis last month and had direct contacts, the coalition said, with al Mouadan before the attacks took place, which killed more than 120 people.

In addition to al Mouadan, nine other figures focused on everything from planning attacks on Western targets to overseeing ISIS finances to the organization's hacking efforts were killed in Arclight airstrikes dating back to December 7.
Posted by: Fred || 12/30/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Gulf War I
The Way We Were


On Sale now!

A multi-volume chronology and reference guide set detailing three years of the Mexican Drug War between 2010 and 2012.

Rantburg.com and borderlandbeat.com correspondent and author Chris Covert presents his first non-fiction work detailing the drug and gang related violence in Mexico.

Chris gives us Mexican press dispatches of drug and gang war violence over three years, presented in a multi volume set intended to chronicle the death, violence and mayhem which has dominated Mexico for six years.
Click here for more information

Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2015-12-30
  Blue on Blue: 38 Bad Guys die in bombing attack in Nangarhar
Tue 2015-12-29
  North African al-Qaeda says top figure killed in ambush
Mon 2015-12-28
  Iraqi airstrike kills ISIS Top Dawgs
Sun 2015-12-27
  Syrian Rebels Mourn Loss of Leader, Name Replacement
Sat 2015-12-26
  One Killed as Bomb Blast Rocks Ahmadi Mosque in Bangladesh
Fri 2015-12-25
  30 ISIS Bad Guys die in Fallujah
Thu 2015-12-24
  ISIS troops forced out of Ramadi
Wed 2015-12-23
  Driver Shouting 'Allahu Akbar!' Runs Down 11 French Pedestrians
Tue 2015-12-22
  Tunisia dismantles cell recruiting women for Islamist militant
Mon 2015-12-21
  Afghanistan: Taliban 'take centre of Helmand district'
Sun 2015-12-20
  Terrorist and Hezbollah commander Samir Kuntar... Tango Uniform
Sat 2015-12-19
  Yemen Government Forces Capture Capital of al-Jawf Province as Peace Talks Go on
Fri 2015-12-18
  Over 800 migrants try to storm Channel Tunnel in France: Official
Thu 2015-12-17
  30 Dead in Boko Haram Attack on Three Nigeria Villages
Wed 2015-12-16
  Top Saudi, UAE Commanders among 150 Forces Killed in Yemen Tochka Attack

Better than the average link...

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