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No bail for Shoe Boy
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Home Front
No bail for Shoe Boy
  • A federal judge ordered "Richard Reid," the KedsBomber, held in jail without bail after prosecutors produced enough evidence to justify his continued detention.
    Bet producing that took 'em all of 30 seconds.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

    Shoe Boy's mouthpiece sez no evidence
  • KedsBoy's court-appointed lawyer, Tamar Birckhead, said "We are unaware of any evidence to support a link between the offense charged and any terrorist organization or individual... We urge the press and public to maintain open minds as the criminal justice system proceeds."
    Guess there's a relationship between an "open mind" and a hole in the head. Yer boy's toast, Tamar. You'll be lucky if they don't lock you up with him.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Paks, Indos shell each other
  • Indian and Pakistani troops shelled each other in disputed Kashmir overnight, and the Indian army ordered the evacuation of some 20,000 villagers from the border, raising fears of war.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

    Indos claim Pak embassy involved in spying
  • Indian intelligence says it has evidence to link officers of the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi to covert activities in the North-East. Two suspected ISI operatives were arrested Assam. Documentary evidence to indict Pakistan was reportedly recovered from the two who have been identified as Shauqat Cheema and Shamsher Hussain. The pair had phone numbers of the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi, and the extension number of three of their ‘contacts’—Altaf Hussain, Naseer Mahmoud and Inamul Haque—in the visa, media and research sections of the mission. The men also had phone numbers of ISI officers in Pakistan, including the Deputy Director General I (External) and operatives of the ISI’s Joint Intelligence North (JIN), the Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous (JIM) and the powerful Joint Intelligence X (JIX). These divisions conduct operations in Kashmir and the North-East as well as Bangladesh.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

    Indos prepare thug list for Paks
  • India has prepared a list of about 30 terrorists and criminals who have taken refuge in Pakistan and are wanted for crimes committed on the Indian soil. The list, which includes Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar and underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, has been compiled with the intent of asking Islamabad to hand them over to India. The list includes the five hijackers of the Indian Airlines flight to Kandahar, two more underworld operators accused in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case, Tiger Memon and Chhota Shakeel nine commanders of Hizbul Mujahedeen, three of Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, one each of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkat-ul-Mujahedeen and Khalistan Liberation Front.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

    Somali warlords call for international intervention
  • Three Somali warlords called for international military intervention in Somalia, saying radical Islamic groups al Qaeda and al-Itihad had several bases in the country. Somalia's transitional government has strongly denied the presence of terrorist cells, and diplomats have warned that opposition warlords may use the U.S. war on terror to try and damage their opponents. Hassan Mohammed Nur Shatigudud, General Abdullahi Nur Gabyow and Hussein Aideed said foreign intervention was needed to stop extremist groups going underground. "Al Qaeda and al-Itihad terrorist groups have got three major bases inside and around Mogadishu alone. The southern port city of Kismayu and Bosasso and the surrounding areas are their strongholds," Gabyow said. "I myself can mobilize up to 50,000 of my militia and fight alongside any international force which would come to Somalia to help eradicate the terrorist group destroying our country."
    "And with the help of just a few Rangers and some B52 strikes, I can have all my enemies heads on sticks to decorate my rock garden, and maybe a few friends, too."
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Middle East
    IDF lifts blockade of Bethlehem
  • Israeli forces lifted their blockade of Bethlehem, offering another glimmer of hope for a return to peace talks after 15 months of bloodshed but with scattered violence continuing.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Islamic Jihad takes credit for bomb attempt
  • Islamic Jihad took responsibility a bombing attempt. The Palestinian attacker, carrying an assault rifle and an anti-tank missile, approached Israeli forces near the Netzarim junction in central Gaza. Soldiers shot and killed him, and found that he was wearing an explosives belt that did not detonate.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

    Terror Networks
    Turks bust up New Year's party poopers
  • Turkish police have foiled a plan by a militant Islamic group to stage a bombing attack on New Year's Eve. Police have arrested six militants of the Islamic Great Eastern Raider's Front, known by the acronym IBDA-C, which opposes New Year's festivities.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

    Three Maoists iced in Nepal
  • Three Maoists have been killed in separate clashes with Nepalese troops and scores more arrested. Two were killed at Solokhumbu district after they clashed with security personnel. The army recovered 270 bombs and 70 kilogrammes (154 pounds) of explosives.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

    Jordanian dynamite man arrested in Manila
  • Police arrested a Jordanian man, Hadi Yousef Alghoul, and seized 281 sticks of dynamite from his Manila-area home while investigating possible international terrorism activity in the Philippines.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

    The Alliance
    Pak says Indo war will reduce ability to support in Afghanistan
  • Pakistan told the United States that the possibility of war with India may reduce its ability to support the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan, senior military and diplomatic officials said. Pakistan may have to move soldiers to the Indian frontier from the Afghan border, where they are currently hunting followers of Osama bin Laden, the officials said.
    Well, we understand. Enjoy your radioactivity.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

    Dutchies investigating where Shoe Boy got the explosives
  • Dutch authorities were investigating whether Maxwell Smart "Richard Ried" bought the explosives used in the attempt to detonate his sneakers on an American Airlines flight in Amsterdam.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

    Brits can Muslim jail clerics for remarks
  • Britain's prison service dismissed one Muslim cleric and suspended another for allegedly making inappropriate comments about the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States. Ahmed Bilal, an imam at Aylesbury young offenders' institution west of London, was dismissed on Oct. 1 after he circulated the transcript of a "potentially inflammatory radio interview" to Muslim inmates. An imam at Belmarsh prison in southeast London was investigated over alleged "inappropriate links" but was cleared and had been reinstated. A third imam at Feltham young offenders' institution in west London was suspended over allegations of unprofessional behavior related to Sept. 11. That investigation was continuing.
  • Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 12/28/2001 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

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    Meet the Mods
    In no particular order...
    Steve White
    Bright Pebbles
    trailing wife
    Frank G

    Two weeks of WOT
    Fri 2001-12-28
      No bail for Shoe Boy
    Thu 2001-12-27
      Guantanamo to be al-Qaeda's new home
    Wed 2001-12-26
      Binny dead at Tora Bora?
    Tue 2001-12-25
      Shoe Boy's a radical Muslim. Wotta surprise.
    Mon 2001-12-24
      Pak freezes Lashkar assets
    Sun 2001-12-23
      Passengers overcame Shoe Bomber
    Sat 2001-12-22
      Karzai inaugurated, still not dead
    Fri 2001-12-21
      India recalls ambassador to Pakland
    Thu 2001-12-20
      Mazar explosion injures 50
    Wed 2001-12-19
      Al-Qaeda prisoners revolt in Pakland, 12 dead
    Tue 2001-12-18
      Binny's skipped
    Mon 2001-12-17
      Rafsanjani sez if Islam gets the bomb, Israel's a goner
    Sun 2001-12-16
      Last al-Qaeda position falls at Tora Bora
    Sat 2001-12-15
      Indo cops nab 14
    Fri 2001-12-14
      Bombers, AC-130s hit Tora Bora

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