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Alabama men convicted on terrorism charges get 15-year prison terms
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Good morning!
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Birthday Gam Shot

Brooke Nevin [Canuck][Filmography](age 31)

Flexible Design

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 12/22/2013 0:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Cheerleader...hmmmm....here's my nominee for tomorrow (also qualifies as women with BFGs).
Posted by: P2kontheroad || 12/22/2013 8:50 Comments || Top||

#3  All class, that one.
Posted by: Glarong Sneart4734 || 12/22/2013 9:03 Comments || Top||

#4  She's got my vote.
Posted by: JohnQC || 12/22/2013 10:36 Comments || Top||

#5  grip by the threads, kids
Posted by: Frank G || 12/22/2013 11:20 Comments || Top||

#6  Moooooo.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 12/22/2013 11:57 Comments || Top||

#7  69 years ago, the Battle of the Ardennes was in full swing. The battle kicked off 16-Dec.1944 and lasted through 25-Jan. 1945. The battle is often referred to as the "Battle of the Bulge" because of a "bulge" in allied lines caused by the German counteroffensive.
Posted by: JohnQC || 12/22/2013 11:58 Comments || Top||

#8  She could have been a star, but instead she followed the path of honor and integrity. Sometimes honor and integrity are wrapped in smoking hot packages. Good for her!
Posted by: 49 Pan || 12/22/2013 12:55 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Three Syrian doctors killed in ambush near Mogadishu
MOGADISHU -- Three Syrian doctors
...who thought they were safe in Mogadishu as opposed to Aleppo...
and a Somali colleague have been killed when gunmen in vehicle Wednesday opened fire at their car in Siinka-Dheer neighborhood, about 20 km south of Mogadishu, Garowe Online reports.
The police were all at a ceremony...
According to witnesses, two of their bodyguards were also killed in the attack and the assailants immediately escaped from the scene of crime after the shooting.

"Armed men opened fire on a car carrying the doctors on their way to Fiqi Hospital, only one Somali doctor had survived the incident," an eyewitness told GO.

Local reports add that the corpses of the targeted foreigners were lying on the ground for many hours, although Siinka-Dheer neighborhood remains under the control of Somalia Federal Government forces.

Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group declared it didn't carry out the attack, calling the attack as heinous act.
So the Syrians must have been there as their friends...
Speaking on BBC Somali Service, the Director of Fiqi Hospital Dr. Abdirahman Moallim Fiqi said "The doctors [Syrians] have been providing medical services at the hospital and we didn't feel anything from them, also they haven't raised any suspicion. The enemy of the health sector have carried out the killing," adding that their hospital wouldn't halt its services due to today's attack.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
Libya: Car Bomb Kills 6, Wounds Up To 15
[Ynet] A suicide kaboom at an army base outside Benghazi in eastern Libya killed at least six people and maimed up to 15 on Sunday, medical and security sources said.

The attacker went kaboom! in a car in front of the base in Barsis, some 50 km (30 miles) outside Benghazi, a security source said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 01:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Subsaharan
Nigeria Military Hunts Islamists after Daring Barracks Attack
[AnNahar] Nigeria's military has surrounded a village in the northeast to flush out Salafist tough guys who fled there after reportedly snatching soldiers' wives and children during a daring attack on an army barracks nearby, witnesses told Agence La Belle France Presse Saturday.

Suspected Boko Haram
... not to be confused with Procol Harum, Harum Scarum, possibly to be confused with Helter Skelter. The Nigerian version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban rolled together and flavored with a smigeon of distinctly Subsaharan ignorance and brutality...
fighters stormed the barracks in the town of Bama early on Friday, spraying it with bullets before torching the compound.

Several Bama residents told AFP the hard boyz also kidnapped several of the soldiers' wives and children during the attack.

Asked about those details, northeastern military front man Mohammed Dole referred AFP to Nigeria's defense headquarters.

Defence front man Chris Olukolade could not be reached for comment.

Bama residents said the Boko Haram gunnies fled to the nearby village of Abbaram after the attack, where the military sent hundreds of troops on Saturday.

"The soldiers have besieged the village and more troops are deploying in hundreds," said Ibrahim Idris.

"Nothing is happening yet but from the huge number of troops deploying and the large number of Boko Haram in the village one can imagine what may happen".

Karim Bunu, who also lives in Bama, described Abbaram as a village of some 250 people.

"We are afraid of what will happen to the people of Abbaram because whichever way one looks at it, they are facing a serious security threat," he told AFP.

A third resident, who requested anonymity, said the Islamists were holding in Abbaram the "women and kiddies of soldiers," who had been kidnapped during the Friday attack, in an account supported by both Idris and Bunu.

In November, Human Rights Watch
... dedicated to bitching about human rights violations around the world...
reported that Boko Haram has increasingly used kidnappings as a tactic, abducting scores of women and kiddies this year.

After staging an attack on the military, the hard boyz typically flee to far away camps to evade pursuing troops, but their escape was slowed on Friday by fighter jets which dropped bombs on the major routes leading out of Bama, according to the military and witnesses.

"I counted 18 burnt all-terrain vans belonging to the Boko Haram gunnies pulverized by military jets," said the unnamed resident, who identified himself as a member of a military-backed vigilante force which has formed in the northeast to fight the bad boys.

Air force jets continued to fly over the region on Saturday, residents said.

The Bama attack was the second major Islamist assault on the army this month, casting further doubt on official claims that the rebels have been weakened by a seven-month-old military offensive in the northeast.

Boko Haram's four-year insurgency, which has killed thousands, is aimed at creating a strict Islamic state in Nigeria's mainly Mohammedan north.

The group has been declared a terrorist organization by the United States.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: Boko Haram

Tribesmen Kill Three Soldiers as South Paralyzed by Unrest
[AnNahar] Tribesman killed three Yemeni soldiers in an assault on a military post Saturday, as a second day of confrontations sparked by a tribal chief's death paralyzed cities across the restive south.

The "rustics attacked with machineguns a checkpoint to the east of the town of Al-Qotn, killing three soldiers and wounding others," a day after they had warned the troops to leave, a local official said.

It came after police said armed festivities broke out in cities across southern Yemen, and medics said a bad turban maimed on Friday had died of his injuries.

Tension also spiked in northern Yemen, where the Sunni Islamist Al-Islah party accused Zaidi Iranian catspaws known as Huthis of abducting one of its members as fighting raged.

In the eastern province of Marib, saboteurs blew up an oil pipeline for the third time this week, and rustics attacked soldiers escorting repair workers, officials said.

Attacks on oil and gas pipelines are frequent in Yemen, with the government saying sabotage has cost the country $4.75 billion (3.5 billion euros) in the two years to March 2013.

The latest bloodshed in the south came as schools and public offices were closed and shops shuttered on the second day of a week of protests launched over the death of tribal chief Said Ben Habriche, who was to be buried Saturday.

Four Southern Movement Death Eaters and two coppers were maimed in a clash in Ataq, capital of Shabwa province, police said.

The Death Eaters seized a rapid intervention force vehicle and police had to repel gunnies who briefly took over a telecommunications center and a clinic, security officials said.

In Huta, capital of Lahj province, a policeman and four passers-by were maimed in a shootout between Southern Movement Death Eaters and a patrol, sources said.

On Friday, a child and a bad turban were killed in the main southern city of Aden and in Mukalla, in southeast Yemen, medics and witnesses said.

And another southern bad turban who was maimed when police opened fire after a precinct in Aden was attacked, died on Saturday, medics said.

Ben Habriche was among six rustics killed on December 2 in fighting that erupted when his bodyguards refused to hand over their weapons to soldiers at a checkpoint. Two soldiers also died.

The tribal chief's funeral was due to take place in Mukalla where the Southern Movement said its supporters had taken over the city's cop shoppe "without festivities".

Most Mukalla residents stayed indoors and traffic was at a virtual standstill because of barricades of rocks and burning tires set up by Death Eaters on main roads, witnesses said.

Protest organizers are pressing authorities to hand over the suspect accused of killing Ben Habriche and to provide jobs for southerners in the security forces and oil sector.

'Abduction' in the north

Following the end of British colonial rule in 1967, southern Yemen was independent until union with the north in 1990.

This was followed by a secession attempt in 1994 that sparked a brief but bloody civil war.

The conflict ended with an occupation of the south by northern forces that led to many of the disputes over land and jobs that still fan southern resentment.

Southern grievances are the main issue obstructing Yemen's national dialogue aimed at sealing a reconciliation following a 2011 revolt that led to the ouster of long-time president President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
Authorities are also confronting an insurgency in the north, where Zaidis rose up against the central government in 2004, accusing it of marginalizing them politically and economically.

The unrest in the remote Saada province has been compounded by sectarian fighting between the Zaidis and radical Sunni bad turbans, with nine people reportedly killed on Thursday.

On Saturday Al-Islah, which includes radical Islamists involved in fighting the Zaidis, accused them of abducting its Saada representative, Sheikh Ali bin Ghaeb Zeid, and later said he was freed.

There was also violence in the capital Sanaa on Saturday, as police said they had seized an exploding car and weapons after a firefight with two gunnies inside the vehicle.

Both men were maimed in the clash, a defense ministry website quoted a police official as saying. One of the men died in hospital from his wounds, and security forces placed in durance vile
You have the right to remain silent...
the second.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

S. Yemen Paralyzed in Protest over Tribal Chief Death
[AnNahar] Several cities in south Yemen were virtually paralyzed Saturday as an armed clash between southern Death Eaters and security forces maimed six people, witnesses and police said.

Schools and public offices were closed and shops shuttered on the second day of a protest movement over the killing of a tribal chief in a confrontation with the army.

Four Southern Movement Death Eaters and two coppers were maimed in an armed clash in Ataq, capital of Shabwa province, police said.

Security sources said the Death Eaters seized a rapid intervention force vehicle and police had to repel gunnies who briefly took over a telecommunications center.

On Friday, a child and a southern bad turban were killed in the main southern city of Aden and in Mukalla, in southeast Yemen, medics and witnesses said.

A week of protests has been launched over the death of local tribal chief Said Ben Habriche, who was to be buried on Saturday.

He was among six rustics killed on December 2 in fighting which erupted when his bodyguards refused to hand over their weapons to soldiers at a checkpoint. Two soldiers also died.

His funeral was due to take place Saturday in Mukalla where the Southern Movement said its supporters had taken over the city's cop shoppe "without festivities".

Most residents of Mukalla, where tension was running high, were staying indoors and traffic was at a virtual standstill because of barricades of rocks and burning tyres set up by Death Eaters on main roads, witnesses said.

Protest organizers are pressing authorities to hand over the suspect who killed Ben Habriche, and to provide jobs for southerners in the police force, army and oil sector.

Following the end of British colonial rule in 1967, southern Yemen was independent until union with the north in 1990.

This was followed by a secession attempt in 1994 that sparked a brief but bloody civil war.

The conflict ended with an occupation of the south by northern forces that laid the ground for many of the disputes over land and jobs that still fan southern resentment.

Southern grievances are the main issue obstructing Yemen's national dialogue aimed at sealing a reconciliation following a 2011 revolt which led to the ouster of long-time president President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower, but he didn't invite Donna Summer to the inauguration and Blondie couldn't make it...
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Attackers blow up Yemen oil pipeline again
Technicians, accompanied by security forces, are trying to seal a breach in the oil pipeline to ensure the pumping of crude can resume.

Saboteurs blew up a section of oil pipeline in eastern Yemen overnight for the second time, stopping the flow of crude, an oil ministry official said on Friday. Armed men blew up the pipeline in the Al Arqain area of Maarib province late on Thursday, just “one hour after it was repaired following a previous act sabotage”, the official said.

The 420-kilometre (260-mile) pipeline links the Safir oilfields to the Ras Issa terminal on the Red Sea, near the city of Hodeida.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: WoT
Alabama men convicted on terrorism charges get 15-year prison terms
Two men accused of plotting to wage violent holy war overseas were sentenced to 15 years in prison each on Friday by a federal judge in Alabama who said their lack of remorse made it likely they would conspire to commit such acts again.

Randy “Rasheed” Wilson and Mohammad "Allan" Abdul Rahman Abukhdair got the maximum punishment after pleading guilty earlier this year to charges of conspiring to provide “material support to terrorists.”

U.S. District Judge Kristi DuBose said she pored over hundreds of hours of recorded conversations and emails between Wilson and Abukhdair and concluded they had conceived a “well-researched plan” to support jihad. They also spoke of killing Americans to further their cause, the judge said.

The men were in the process of putting their plan into motion when they bought airplane tickets to Morocco and were trying to leave the country when they were arrested in separate locations in Georgia in December 2012, DuBose said at the hearing in Mobile.

“Most people in this courtroom support people’s right to have whatever beliefs they want,” she said. “But when a religion requires you to murder, that is crossing the line.”
Uncommon common sense from a federal judge these days...
Federal authorities said Wilson and Abukhdair, both in their mid-20s, met online and fell in love in 2010. Abukhdair, a resident of Syracuse, New York, moved in with Wilson and his family in Mobile in 2011 after having been in Egypt, where he was jailed on suspicion of similar crimes.

Their friendship revolved around extreme Islamic views, prosecutors said.

Undercover FBI agents began watching them in 2011 and recorded their discussions about where they could go to best defend Islam. The men eventually settled on the African nation of Mauritania, adjacent to Mali, which has seen a surge in Islamist violence, court documents said.

Wilson’s attorney argued that his client was guilty only of thinking about crimes that he never carried out.

“I ask you to punish Randy Wilson, not Osama bin Laden or any of these other people,” said Wilson’s attorney, Dom Soto. “This is basically a case of outing Randy Wilson because he said some terrible things.”

Authorities previously said Wilson was a friend and former roommate of Omar Hammami, an Alabama native who became a senior leader in al Shabaab, a Somalia-based al Qaeda affiliate. Hammami, who was on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, was killed in a gunbattle in Somalia in September.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "This is basically a case of outing Randy Wilson because he said some terrible things."

Funny, this kind of trial is usually held in the media by cultural elites and special interest groups.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/22/2013 9:27 Comments || Top||

TTP vows dire revenge™ against 'planned operation'
ISLAMABAD: Dismissing the concept of peace talks immediately after Pakistan government's announcement of using force as a last resort, the Taliban Tuesday said they have information that plans are already under way for a military operation, adding the insurgents were ready for battle.

"Like previous governments this one is a puppet of the United States. It's powerless and dollar-hungry," said Shahidullah Shahid, a Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman.

"They should happily launch a military operation against us. We have seen their military operations in the past and would like them to start this long-awaited operation," he said defiantly.

The Pakistan government, earlier in the day, ruled out military action against the Taliban as its first preference and promised to persuade insurgents to lay down their weapons through peace negotiations.
Because the Talibunnies have responded so well to peaceful overtures...
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on National Security (CCNS) on Tuesday where officials confirmed their commitment to talks rather than military action.

"The committee reaffirmed (the) government's commitment to the strategy of negotiations with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and considers the use of other options only as a last resort," the PM's office said in a statement. "The committee deliberated upon the government's strategy to engage various groups of Pakistani Taliban to address issues of extremism and militancy."
Cheez, they sound like the U.N. Or a bunch of Democrats...
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight we should have said the hell with it and simply nuked Islamabad and Kabul on 9/12. I mean small nukes of course, Kerry sized booms.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/22/2013 11:38 Comments || Top||

Gunmen kill vaccinator in Jamrud
PESHAWAR: Two gunmen shot dead a health worker administering polio drops and other vaccines to children in Jamrud town in the Khyber tribal district bordering Afghanistan on Saturday, officials said. The gunmen ordered women and children to leave before shooting dead the vaccinator, Dr Sameen Jan, the top health official in Khyber told AFP.

Nobody immediately claimed responsibility for the killing.
A local administration official confirmed the incident and said that the assailants left a note on the body warning of dire consequences for anyone continuing to vaccinate children in Khyber.

The attacks come despite a recent fatwa by a prominent religious scholar, known as the “Father of the Taliban”, who urged parents to immunise their children against polio and other life-threatening diseases and said vaccinations were compliant with Sharia.

Last year the Pakistani Taliban banned polio vaccinations in the tribal region of Waziristan, alleging the campaign was a cover for espionage. Eradication efforts have also suffered due to long-standing rumours that the vaccine was part of a Western plot to sterilise Muslims.
If only...
Ansarul Mujahideen, a little-known militant group linked to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, the umbrella Taliban faction in Pakistan, has threatened opposition leader and former cricket hero Imran Khan for criticising attacks on polio vaccination teams.

Khan on Wednesday declared polio workers as soldiers of Islam and said those attacking them were not doing any justice to humanity, Islam or Pakistanis.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Aseefa urges KP to arrest killers of polio workers
ISLAMABAD: Aseefa Bhutto Zardari, daughter of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and former president Asif Ali Zardari, has urged the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government to arrest and convict the murderers of polio workers.

In her message on Twitter on Saturday, Aseefa said, "It's time for KPK govt to investigate, arrest and convict these killers of innocent #polio workers."

Aseefa tweeted this after a polio worker was killed by gunmen at an anti-polio centre in Jamrud tehsil of Khyber Agency on Saturday.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq General Among 15 Soldiers Killed In Raid On Qaida
[AnNahar] Five senior Iraqi officers, including a divisional commander, and 10 soldiers were killed Saturday in a raid on an al-Qaeda hideout in the west of the country, military officers said.

Violence elsewhere killed five coppers, including the police chief of Al-Sharqat district northwest of Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
, and maimed five others, police and a doctor said.

Mohammed al-Karoui, the commander of the army's 7th Division, was leading an operation to attack "hideouts of gunnies belonging to the al-Qaeda organization" in Sunni-majority Anbar province, which borders Syria.

He was killed along with four other senior army officers and 10 soldiers when they attacked a camp near Rutba, 380 kilometers (235 miles) west of Storied Baghdad, the military officers said.

Soldiers were attacked by jacket wallahs during the assault on the camp and hit by bombs that went kaboom! when they entered buildings, the sources said, without specifying at what point the officers died.

The defense ministry said the operation was launched after reports that al-Qaeda gunnies had set up camps in the area to train gunnies in bomb-making.

Intelligence indicated that "the al-Qaeda terrorist organization opened camps to train its terrorist elements to make bombs and boom belts" as well as boom-mobiles, and that more than 60 gunnies were present in the Wadi Huran region of Anbar province, the ministry said.

Reconnaissance flights pinpointed targets, which helicopters then attacked ahead of the ground assault.

Karoui's unit was tracking fleeing suspects when a bomb went kaboom!, killing the major general, the other officers and the soldiers, the ministry added.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who also heads the armed forces, offered his condolences.

"These heroes... were carrying out the most noble battles against the enemies of God and humanity," said Maliki.

"They are fighting battles daily" to protect Iraq and its people, he said.

'Eradicate malevolent gangs'

Maliki also urged the armed forces "to strike with an iron fist... these malevolent gangs and track them down wherever they may be and eradicate them from Iraq".

Two years after the U.S. pullout, security forces have been struggling to curb violence that has surged this year to levels unseen since 2008, when Iraq was just emerging from a brutal sectarian conflict.

In November, Maliki traveled to Washington where he discussed with President Barack Obama
We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us...
how to "push back" al-Qaeda, which has been blamed for the surge in violence, the U.S. leader said at the time.

Maliki took along a wish list of U.S. military hardware Storied Baghdad says it needs to rebuild its armed forces which were battered in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

A joint statement at the time said both sides agreed on the need "for additional equipment for Iraqi forces to conduct ongoing operations in remote areas where terrorist camps are located".

In other violence Saturday, a kaboom killed Al-Sharqat police chief Colonel Ahmed al-Battawi and maimed five coppers as they were on patrol northwest of Storied Baghdad, police and a doctor said.

Another four coppers were killed in attacks on checkpoints in Fallujah,
... the City of Mosques, which might have somthing to do with why it's not called Center of Prosperity or a really nice place to raise your kids...
west of the capital, security officials said.

The Western desert province of Anbar borders war-torn Syria and is a bastion of al-Qaeda.

La Belle France and Turkey have also offered to help Iraq battle the growing violence, where more people were killed in the first eight days of this month than in all of December last year.

Over 480 people have now been killed in violence so far this month, and more than 6,600 since the beginning of 2013, according to Agence La Belle France Presse figures based on security and medical sources.

Analysts say widespread discontent among Iraq's minority Sunni Arab community is a major factor fueling the surge in unrest.

The 33-month war in Syria, which has bolstered bad boy groups, has also played a role.

And although the government has made some concessions aimed at placating Sunni Arabs, including freeing prisoners and raising the salaries of Sahwa fighters, underlying issues remain unaddressed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Can anyone explain what a general and 4 senior officers were doing within 2 km of a bad guy camp? Inside job perhaps?

Posted by: Frozen Al || 12/22/2013 13:07 Comments || Top||

Al Qaeda suicide team kills Iraqi general, 17 officers
Posted by: 3dc || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Iraqi general among 15 troops killed in raid on Qaeda
RAMADI, Iraq: Five senior Iraqi officers, including a major general, and 10 soldiers were killed Saturday in a raid on an Al-Qaeda hideout in the west of the country, military sources said.

Major General Mohammed Al-Karoui, who headed the army's 7th Division, was leading an assault on a "hideout of the Al-Qaeda" network in Sunni-majority Anbar province near the Syrian border. He was killed along with four other senior army officers and 10 soldiers when they stormed booby-trapped buildings, the military sources said,

"The bombs exploded when the troops entered the buildings," near Rutba, 380 kilometers (235 miles) west of Baghdad, they said.

The defense ministry said the operation was launched after reports that Al-Qaeda militants had set up camps in the area to train militants in bomb-making.

"Intelligence indicated that the terrorist Al-Qaeda network opened camps to train its terrorist elements to make bombs and explosive belts, and that more than 60 terrorists were present in the Wadi Huran region west of Anbar province," a statement said. It said reconnaissance flights pinpointed targets which the air force then bombed, ahead of the ground assault.

Karoui's unit was tracking fleeing suspects when a bomb exploded killing the major general, the other officers and the soldiers, the statement added.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Hamas, Islamic Jihad 'welcome' terror attack on Bat Yam bus
Passengers narrowly escape bomb after alert passenger spots suspicious package on back seat, bomb exploded moments after passengers get off bus; Islamic Jihad source says he hopes attack will usher the return of suicide bombings.
Partners for Peace
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 12/22/2013 14:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Military Carries Out Drills Near Border Town of Maroun al-Ras
[AnNahar] Explosions were heard on Saturday near the border southern town of Maroun al-Ras from the Israeli side, the state-run National News Agency reported.

According to NNA, the bombing sounds were caused by drills carried out by Israeli troops.

Israeli warplanes accompanied the drills flying over the villages of Bint Jbeil district at high altitude.

The military exercisers a day after tension surged at the border between the Lebanese army and the Israeli army.

The two armies went on high alert on Friday after Israeli military tried to cut down a tree adjacent to the border fence from the town of Adaisseh.

UNIFIL peacekeepers swiftly deployed in the area to calm down both sides and carried out contacts with the Lebanese and Israeli military.

The parties agreed to task the UNIFIL to uproot the tree to end the dispute.

A similar incident occurred in 2008 prompting Leb and Israel to exchanged fire in a fierce battle that killed a senior Israeli officer, two Lebanese soldiers and a journalist.

The incident comes days after an Israeli soldier was killed Sunday in a cross-border shooting.

The Lebanese army on Monday described the deadly shooting as "an individual act by one of the soldiers," noting that it will address the repercussions of the incident in coordination with the U.N. peacekeeping force.

The Israeli army said in a statement on Sunday that an Israeli soldier was killed by a "Lebanese army sniper" near the Naqoura border post.

The shooting, which took place on Sunday evening, was the first time an Israeli soldier had been killed along the border with Leb in more than three years, sparking calls for calm from U.N. Secretary General the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Troops Shoot, Wound Gaza Palestinian
[AnNahar] Israeli soldiers shot and maimed a Paleostinian man in the southern Gazoo Strip on Saturday, sources on both side of the border said.

Ashraf al-Qudra, a front man for the emergency services in the Islamist Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,-run enclave, told AFP the 22-year-old was hit by a bullet east of Khan Yunis and moderately maimed.

Witnesses said the shooting happened when several young Paleostinians who were hunting birds approached the security fence separating the territory from Israel and came under fire.
It's really simple, guys: stay away from the fence and bad things are much less likely to happen to you at the hands of the IDF.
An Israeli military front man confirmed there had been a shooting.

"This morning forces of Evil attempted to conceal an bomb in order to attack IDF soldiers who operate in the proximity of the security fence in the southern Gazoo Strip," a statement said.

After calling on them to stop and firing warning shots, the soldiers opened fire "towards the lower extremities of one of the suspects, identifying a hit."
Ah, the old shot-in-the-foot trick, long a favourite on the Gazan side of the fence.
On Friday, one Paleostinian was killed and four maimed in incidents along the heavily guarded border.

Before Friday, the last deadly incident in Gazoo was on November 1, when four Hamas bully boyz were killed and five Israeli soldiers maimed during an army operation to destroy a Gazoo-Israel tunnel.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  That's twice this week, Bustard season must be in full swing.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/22/2013 0:19 Comments || Top||

Gunmen Abduct Syrian National For Ransom In The Bekaa
[AnNahar] A Syrian national was kidnapped at gunpoint in Bekaa's al-Marj town, the state-run National News Agency said on Saturday.

"Eight gunnies kidnapped Abboud Suleiman al-Sheikh in al-Merj and took him to an unknown destination," the abductee's brother, Zeid Suleiman al-Sheikh, reported to the cop shoppe of the Bekaa's Shtoura town.

He said that the kidnappers later contacted him, asking for a USD 300,000 ransom.

The NNA pointed out that the kidnappers were driving a black Cherokee and a Mercedes car.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Air raids ‘wreak disaster’ on Aleppo
DAMASCUS — Syrian forces are “wreaking disaster” on Aleppo, killing hundreds in air strikes on the city, Human Rights Watch said yesterday, as peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi held talks with Iran’s foreign minister.

“Government forces have really been wreaking disaster on Aleppo in the last month, killing men, women, and children alike,” said Ole Solvang, senior emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW). “The Syrian air force is either criminally incompetent, doesn’t care whether it kills scores of civilians — or deliberately targets civilian areas,” Solvang added.

The HRW statement comes six days after the launch of a massive aerial campaign against opposition-held areas of Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial capital, involving dozens of warplane strikes and helicopter attacks using TNT-packed barrels. The New York-based organisation cited the Syrian Network for Human Rights as saying 232 civilians were killed from December 15 to 18 in and around the northern city.

HRW concluded that the attacks, which targeted both Aleppo city and its province, showed “government forces had used means and methods of warfare that… could not distinguish between civilians and combatants, making attacks indiscriminate and therefore unlawful”. It also lashed out against fighters for firing rockets and mortar rounds into civilian areas in government-controlled parts of Aleppo.

The city has been split into rebel and regime-controlled areas since mid-summer 2012 when fighters launched a massive offensive to try to take Syria’s second city. Yesterday, a day after fighters made a fresh advance in the city, overrunning the Kindi hospital, regime troops pounded the area, which loyalists had for months been using as a base, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The Aleppo Media Centre, a network of activists on the ground, also said the army had launched a new attack against the opposition-held Qadi Askar neighbourhood.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Syria hands over British doctor's body to Red Thingy
BEIRUT -- The Syrian government on Yesterday delivered the body of a British doctor who died in a Syrian jail to the International Committee of the Red Thingy Cross. Abbas Khan, 32, was found dead in his prison cell this week, days before he was due to be released.

The Syrian government said he committed suicide, a scenario his family rejected, saying he had been overjoyed at being freed after 13 months in prison. The Red Thingy Cross handed his body over to the British embassy in Beirut in preparation for transferring it to London, Lebanese security officials said.

Khan, an orthopaedic surgeon from south London and a member of the London-based charity Human Aid UK, went to Syria to offer his services in the rebel-held northern province of Aleppo. Syria's state-run news agency, gave his cause of death as "asphyxia caused by hanging," but Khan's mother, Fatima Khan, accused the Syrian government of killing him.
Both statements are consistent...
"They (the Syrian government) take all of their anger with the British government by killing a minor, a minor person who did not kill an ant in his life," she said in an ITV News interview this week. "They killed him," she said. "... How can you kill somebody when he is helpless, in handcuffs?"

Khan first went to Turkey in November 2012 to treat refugees coming over the Syrian border. He then crossed the border for about 48 hours to work in a hospital in Aleppo before being detained at a Syrian government checkpoint November 22, 2012. Human Rights Watch accused the Syrian regime of killing hundreds of people in airstrikes in Aleppo.

"Government forces have really been wreaking disaster on Aleppo in the last month, killing men, women and children alike," said Ole Solvang, a senior emergencies researcher at the New York-based rights group. "The Syrian Air Force is either criminally incompetent, doesn't care whether it kills scores of civilians or deliberately targets civilian areas."

Its report was issued seven days after Syrian regime warplanes launched attacks against rebel-held areas in Aleppo.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/22/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2013-12-22
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Sat 2013-12-21
  N. Waziristan clashes: Troops pound militant hideouts, 40 killed
Fri 2013-12-20
  AQ in Syria executes top US backed FSA commander.
Thu 2013-12-19
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