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Terrorism Victims Sue Biden For Sending Money To Palestinian Government
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11 21:37 Whusoger Shavish7113 [18]
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6 15:33 M. Murcek [11]
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7 14:03 Regular joe [31]
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6 17:15 Skidmark [4]
11 22:20 Canuckistan sniper [14]
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4 12:41 mossomo [15]
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17 21:46 Whusoger Shavish7113 [21]
5 16:37 Mad Eye Omeretch7959 [20]
Good Morning

Incoming GOP House Rep Apparently Fabricated His Life Story
Wednesday December 21st, 2022

Russian Perspective: Operation to Denazify
Ukraine: Operational Brief December 20th (updated)
Perspective from the Breakaway Republics:
Invasion of Ukraine: December 20th, 2022
Looking for the positive
Fighters fired at targets in Syria, two people were injured
Notorious Terrorist Involved In Ramallah Lynching Dies in Israeli Prison, Glorified By Palestinian Society
In the morning, the Russians shelled the Chernihiv region, shelling continues in the Kherson region along the right bank of the
Teenage girls 'stabbed homeless man, 59, to death while trying to steal his alcohol': Police charge EIGHT teens, aged 13 to 16, with MURDER after they 'swarmed' victim on Toronto sidewalk

Posted by: Fred || 12/21/2022 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In excelsis Deo.
Posted by: Cesare || 12/21/2022 11:56 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Libyan Court Sentences 17 Former ISIS Members to Death
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Africa Subsaharan
Boko Haram Conducts Mass Ritual Killing of Women it Accuses of Witchcraft
[C/O Futures Terrorism Research Note Series]
by Lisa J. Campbell
The usual American response to encountering a witch is to buy her a drink, and give her your cell number.
On 10 November 2022, Boko Haram kidnapped over 40 women in Borno state in northeastern Nigeria and accused them of witchcraft. Various media reports estimated that between 15 to 26 of the women were then slaughtered.

The order to abduct and kill the women came from a top Boko Haram commander, Ali Ngulde, after a number of his children had unexplainably died overnight. While witchcraft accusations are a common occurrence throughout Nigeria, a mass killing of women under accusation of witchcraft is unusual. This event, a virtual witch purge, is a new development and represents a shift in tactics by Boko Haram as well as an increased threat to women in the region.
A .pdf is at the link
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Boko Haram (ISIS)

#1  Here we make them Senators and Speak of the House.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 12/21/2022 7:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Sort of screws over their national quitich prospects.
Posted by: Super Hose || 12/21/2022 8:56 Comments || Top||

#3  "Bitch made me hot and sweaty with panting and shakes. Gave me heart palpitations and I had trouble walking!"

I was bewitched!
Posted by: Skidmark || 12/21/2022 11:21 Comments || Top||

#4  Twenty-six victims? Hmmmm...

Shock horror as Boko Haram
Showed us all the salaam of Islam!
A Hollywood chekist
Obsessed with his blacklist
Addressed a young Wiccan
Of Salem, still stricken:
"Don't cry, coexist!
Won't your parents be pissed
When they hear that we gave 'em the bomb!"

Posted by: Muggsy Omuter9925 || 12/21/2022 19:44 Comments || Top||

Two civilians injured by explosion of leftover military ordnance from Soddy occupation
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] At least two citizens, including a young girl, were injured in the explosion of weapons remnants left behind by Saudi-led coalition in Ma’rib and Jawf provinces, The Executive Center for Mine Action said on Monday.

According to the center, the citizens injured when a landmine and cluster bombs went off in Harib district of Ma’rib and Al-Maslub district of Jawf.

Several Yemeni Governorates contaminated with the remnants of aggression witnessed fall of civilian casualties on an almost daily basis due to lack of the necessary capabilities to remove mines and the lack of paying attention by international humanitarian bodies.

Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

Al-Qaeda forces attack weapons truck in Hadhramaut
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] Al-Qaeda organization has seized a truck carrying a number of drones and specific weapons on the main road in the city of Seiyun, the center of the Wadi and Hadhramaut desert districts, eastern Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter reported that al-Qaeda seized a military vehicle that was accompanying the truck.

The sources confirmed that al-Qaeda militants damaged the truck after clashing with the elements accompanying the truck, and they seized and drones, which were transported to the strongholds of the organization in Wadi Abaidah of Ma’rib province.

The sources pointed out that the arrival of the drones to the elements of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is based in Wadi Abaidah, would poses a threat to the oil installations.

Al-Qaeda ambush was part of a number of operations launched by the organization against travelers on the Marib-Hadhramaut road.

At the end of last week, the Ghwerban area on the Safer-Al-Abr road witnessed clashes between al-Damashaqa tribes and the Saudi-led coalition militants, which caused about 17 deaths on both sides and a number of injuries, as well as the tribes seized a tank and modern weapons.

Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Denmark jails ISIS sympathizer for 16 years

It is the longest sentence imposed to date for crimes of terrorism in Denmark, life in prison being the maximum allowed under the law.

Syrian-born Ali al-Masry, 35, was found guilty of an “attempted terrorist act” by a court in Holbaek, a suburb of Copenhagen, and of financing and promoting “terrorist activities.”

He was arrested in February 2021 together with his Syrian brother and Iraqi-born Danish wife in a joint Danish-German operation.
Looking in the Rantburg archives, it appears that thirteen unnamed miscreants were originally arrested in Denmark and Germany, seven of whom were subsequently charged with all sorts of bad things. Three of them were brothers — two of whom had entered Germany for the first time in 1998 and received refugee status later.
“We are convinced that with these arrests we prevented an attack from being carried out,” said prosecutors John Catre Nielsen and Kirsten Jensen in a joint statement.

Masry pleaded not guilty, maintaining that 12 kilos (26 pounds) of powder and chemicals found in his flat had been intended for a firework display.

He now faces deportation after serving his prison sentence in Denmark.

His wife, 31, and 37-year-old brother were found guilty of financially supporting Masry and jailed for nine and six months respectively.

His brother will also be deported after serving his sentence.
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Pakistani forces kill all militants at anti-terrorism center, hostages released

Pakistani security forces on Wednesday killed all militants who had taken over a counter-terrorism center two days after they had held security officers and detainees hostages at the northwestern facility, the defense minister said.

Khawaja Asif told parliament that all the hostages had been rescued by the Pakistani army, who also lost two elite services commandos in the operation.

Security forces had earlier launched the operation to free the hostages from the Pakistani Taliban who snatched interrogators’ weapons and took them captive on Sunday.

Six security officials and several detainees had been inside the center, multiple sources told Reuters. They declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Several army soldiers were also wounded in the operation, Asif said.

Security forces had surrounded the military district in which the center is located, where about 20 fighters from the Pakistani Taliban, known as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), were holed up.

Pakistani authorities on Monday opened talks to try to resolve the stand-off.
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

ISIS On Cycles Of Violence Attacked Village, Killing 8 Civilians

Suspected extremists on motorbikes stormed a village north of Baghdad late Monday and killed eight Iraqi civilians, officials said.

There was no immediate claim for the attack, but the village was a focus of resistance to ISIS during its lightning advance through swaths of Iraq and neighboring Syria in 2014.

It came a day after ISIS extremists killed nine federal police in an ambush in Kirkuk province further north.

“A group of terrorists on motorbikes attacked the village of Albu Bali from three sides,” the mayor of the district center Al-Khalis, Odai al-Khadran, told Iraq’s official INA news agency.

“The village is inhabited by farmers... dozens of residents mobilized to defend against the terrorist attack,” he said, adding that eight had been killed and three wounded.

An interior ministry official, who asked not to be identified, blamed ISIS for the attack, recalling that villagers had formed a paramilitary group to defend their land against the extremists in 2014.

The defenee ministry said it had sent a high-ranking delegation to Diyala province “to throw light on the circumstance of the criminal action.”

Despite the setbacks, which have left ISIS a shadow of its former self, the group can still call on an underground network of between 6,000 and 10,000 fighters to carry out attacks on both sides of the porous border, a UN report said earlier this year.

Last Wednesday a roadside bomb hit a military vehicle killing three Iraqi soldiers in farmland north of Baghdad, the defense ministry said.

Quite possibly they mean “inspection”, the kind that involves bullets and possibly large barrels of mustache wax and various instruments of painful persuasion.

Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Notorious Terrorist Involved In Ramallah Lynching Dies in Israeli Prison, Glorified By Palestinian Society
[LI] "Abu Hamid was photographed taking part in the desecration of the bodies of IDF reservists Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami during the Ramallah Lynching."

The leading Palestinian terrorist and participant in the Ramallah Lynching in 2000 died in an Israeli hospital while serving multiple life sentences.
No Paradise for him!
Nasser Abu Hamid, who co-founded the terrorist group Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (AAMB), died on Tuesday morning of lung cancer, Israeli media reports confirm.

In 2002, Abu Hamid was apprehended and brought before an Israeli court. He confessed to murdering seven Israelis and is suspected of taking many more lives. Besides carrying out several deadly terrorist attacks, he participated in the Ramallah Lynching, where two unarmed Israeli soldiers were tortured and killed by a Palestinian mob in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Palestinians in Rage Over Top Terrorist’s Death

The death of the leading terrorist figure appears to have caused great rage and anguish among Palestinians, with Palestinian groups organizing protests and strikes in the West Bank and Gaza.

"Shopkeepers in Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron and Bethlehem closed their businesses on Tuesday, AFP correspondents said, while schools sent students home and protesters gathered in several areas of the West Bank," the TV channel France24 reported. "A demonstration was also held in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, an AFP photographer reported."

The Palestinian Authority, which administers the West Bank, is officially mourning the death of the convicted murderer and terrorist. "Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said he was mourning Abu Hamid’s death ’in the name of the government and our Palestinian people,'" the French broadcaster added.

The Jerusalem Post confirmed the terrorist’s death:

Palestinian terrorist Nasser Abu Hamid, a founder of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade who murdered seven Israelis and participated in the infamous Ramallah lynch in 2000, died from cancer on Tuesday morning in an Israeli prison hospital.

The Israel Prison Service confirmed that Abu Hamid died while hospitalized at Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center. He was imprisoned multiple times on terrorism charges and was sentenced to a life sentence for the deadly terrorist attacks he conducted and organized.

Abu Hamid took part in the Ramallah Lynch in 2000 and murdered three Israelis in shooting attacks that same year. He also planned and directed three terrorist attacks in 2002 and was imprisoned on a life sentence later that year. (...)

The Fatah movement announced a comprehensive strike in the Ramallah governorate on Tuesday after Abu Hamid’s death. Days of mourning and strikes were announced in additional Palestinian cities, towns and universities on Tuesday.
Posted by: Frank G || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Fatah

Government, Opposition Exchange Shelling In Syria’s Aleppo, Idlib
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra)

SDF Fighter Wounded In Armed Attack In Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

ISIS Leader Wounded In Airstrike In Aleppo’s Al-Bab
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

In Joint Raid, Kurdish Forces Seize ISIS Militant in Syria
Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian forces repel IAF aerial attack on Damascus yet again
by Emad Almarshahi
More on this story from yesterday. Possibly the two deaders were Hezbollah rather than Syrian soldiers.
[HODHODYEMENNEWS] The Syrian army air defenses have repelled Israeli missile aggression that targeted some sites in Damascus vicinity, and downed a number of the hostile missiles, state-run SANA news agency reported, citing a military source.

According to the military source, “At about 12:30 a.m., the Israeli enemy launched an aerial act of aggression with waves of missiles from the northeastern direction of Lake Tiberias, targeting some sites in the vicinity of Damascus City, and our air defenses intercepted the hostile missiles and downed a number of them.”

The source added that “two army personnel were injured in the aggression, which also caused some material damages.

Regnum adds:
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[REGNUM] A rocket attack on Damascus was carried out on December 20 by Israeli fighters. In total, four F-16 aircraft were seen over the city, the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria (CPVS) reported.

Rockets fell near the airport of the capital of the country. Two people were injured, both soldiers.

Video of the explosions after the shelling was published on social networks. Four districts of the city were attacked, several missiles shot down anti-aircraft defense (AD) systems.

As REGNUM reported, on December 15, the Turkish army targeted the positions and transport of Kurdish self-defense units in the northeast of Syrian territory. The Kurds did not take retaliatory actions, the situation in the north-east of the republic remained generally stable.

Posted by: badanov || 12/21/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Who's in the News
6Islamic State
1Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra)
1Pak Taliban (TTP)
1al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
1Boko Haram (ISIS)
1Govt of Iran
1Govt of Saudi Arabia

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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2022-12-21
  Terrorism Victims Sue Biden For Sending Money To Palestinian Government
Tue 2022-12-20
  Sudan protesters face tear gas, stun grenades on uprising anniversary
Mon 2022-12-19
  Russia launches fresh wave of 35 Iranian-made suicide drones hitting Kyiv energy hub in huge explosion
Sun 2022-12-18
  Bomb blast kills at least 9 Iraqi police officers near Kirkuk - sources
Sat 2022-12-17
  Iranians hit the streets in restive southeast as protests enter 4th month
Fri 2022-12-16
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Thu 2022-12-15
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  Five electricity substations in Oregon and Washington are attacked just days after two in North Carolina were shot up causing widespread power outages
Wed 2022-12-07
  Iraqi security arrests 11 ISIS terrorists in different governorates

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