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AQ in Syria executes top US backed FSA commander.
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5 18:59 JosephMendiola [28] 
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1 01:55 GolfBravoUSMC [8] 
2 08:20 Frank G [12] 
1 23:24 JosephMendiola [26] 
0 [13] 
0 [12] 
1 06:15 Spereting Tingle4064 [7] 
0 [16] 
2 15:44 Shipman [15] 
4 15:39 Pappy [14] 
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2 23:49 Canuckistan sniper [15] 
1 09:43 3dc [14] 
Page 2: WoT Background
2 14:55 g(r)omgoru [14]
0 [12]
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0 [8]
10 18:42 Barbara [22]
0 [11]
0 [14]
2 18:23 Pappy [18]
5 16:06 Shipman [16]
0 [11]
1 14:45 Dopey Sinatra [20]
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5 10:20 3dc [10]
Page 3: Non-WoT
8 22:52 Guillibaldo McCoy1948 [15]
0 [9]
7 18:48 AlanC [24]
6 13:04 Steve White [8]
1 17:09 Glenmore [18]
0 [7]
0 [14]
6 17:22 Zenobia Floger6220 [13]
0 [10]
6 23:59 Canuckistanian sniper [17]
1 13:43 Iblis [11]
4 21:51 tu3031 [17]
8 17:16 Old Patriot [14]
Page 4: Opinion
3 18:31 Besoeker [20]
0 [14]
0 [14]
6 18:38 Barbara [13]
Page 6: Politix
1 22:36 Frank G [18]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Birthday Gam Shot

Nicole de Boer [Canuck][Filmography](age 43)

Design with a BFG Upgrade

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 12/20/2013 1:55 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Woman arrested in Mansoura driver's fatal stabbing
[Egypt Independent] Police locked away
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
a woman, suspected to be involved in the murder of a taxi driver in Mansoura who was killed during a pro-Moslem Brüderbund protest, sources from Daqahliya security department said.

The sources added that the woman was proved to have taken part in the protest and investigations indicate that the woman might have made the first stab for the driver, according to eyewitnesses. The woman will be faced with the witnesses.

Mansoura Prosecution ordered on Wednesday remanding nine Moslem Brüderbund members, who were arrested in relation to the murder during a protest by the group on Monday, for 15 days pending investigations.

According to prosecution sources, 15 charges were leveled against the suspects including premeditated murder, gathering, possessing weapons, intimidating citizens, joining a banned terrorist group, inciting violence and murder.

The driver reportedly engaged in altercations with demonstrators before a group of them, including women, killed him. The newspaper Al-Tahrir reported the driver was accused by the protesters of trying to run them over with his car.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Lawless Libya criminalises gun ownership
[MAGHAREBIA] Libya's General National Congress (GNC) on Sunday (December 15th) passed a law criminalising possession of all kinds of weapons, light and heavy, as well as explosives.

The new legislation states that if weapons are not handed over within 90 days, the person will be liable to a prison sentence between three to 10 years and a fine of up to 20,000 Libyan dinars. A financial incentive to be assessed by the defence ministry will also be granted to those who hand over their weapons.

MP Asma Sriba pointed out the need to be strict when applying this law. She demanded the application of the maximum penalties on those who do not abide by this law.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Recruit shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Port Said
[Egypt Independent] A police recruit was killed in Port Said when unidentified gunnies riding cycle of violences fired at a security force deployed in the street.

Police shot back, but the assailants fled through a side street.

The exchange of fire resulted in the injury of recruit Ahmed Hamed Youssef. He was taken to the hospital but died from his injuries.

The police are intensifying efforts to arrest the attackers, while the Interior Ministry mourned the recruit and promised to fully support his family.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula

Suspect commits suicide using explosive belt
[Egypt Independent] A suspect accused of killing a low-ranking police officer in the Nozha neighborhood did away with himself on Thursday during a crackdown by police aiming to arrest him.

The police received information that the 25-year-old suspect Saeed al-Shahat was hiding in a flat in the Ezbet al-Nakhl area of the al-Marg neighborhood.

Shahat jumped from the rooftop wearing a belt packed with explosives. The kaboom caused the separation of his head from his body before he hit the ground, according to initial investigations.

An officer was slightly injured and transferred to hospital.

A security cordon was imposed around the scene to prevent the passage of cars until criminal Sherlocks end their work and the body is removed.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula

#1  Shahat jumped from the rooftop wearing a belt packed with explosives. The kaboom caused the separation of his head from his body before he hit the ground

Sounds like a scene from an Ultimate Jackass movie.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/20/2013 10:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Isn't that just like him? That's Saeed al-Shahat all over.
Posted by: Canuckistan sniper || 12/20/2013 23:49 Comments || Top||

US adds Qatari and Yemeni groups to terror list
[Shabelle] The US on Wednesday imposed sanctions on two Al Qaeda supporters and added Death Eaters to its lists of terrorists.

The Treasury Department sanctioned Abdul Rahman Bin Umair Al Nuaimi in Qatar and Abdul Wahhab Mohammad Abdul Rahman Al Humaiqani in Yemen by naming them as specially designated global terrorists.

Al Nuaimi is a suspected terrorist financier and controller who allegedly has provided money and support and conveyed communications to Al Qaeda and its affiliates in Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen for more than a decade.

Al Humaiqani allegedly used his position as head of a Yemen-based charity to raise money, including funds sent to the group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. He also is accused of facilitating financial transfers from Al Qaeda supporters in Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
to Yemen.

The Treasury action freezes any assets the two individuals might have under US jurisdiction and prohibits Americans from doing business with them.

The State Department designated as a global terrorist Osamah Amin Al Shibabi, an associate of a Death Eater group in Leb that has called for Islamist law to be instituted in the Paleostinian refugee camps and for the destruction of Israel.

Also designated was the Death Eater group called Al Mulathamun Battalion, which became a separate organization in late 2012 after its leader split with Al Qaeda. A team of fighters within the battalion grabbed credit for the January attack against a natural gas facility in Algeria. The four-day siege resulted in the death of at least 38 civilians, including three Americans. Seven other Americans escaped the attack.

The State Department designations bar anyone from providing support or resources to the two designees.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  After all, there's plenty of sanctions available now that the White House dropped them against Iran.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/20/2013 10:19 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/20/2013 15:44 Comments || Top||

Jamaat, BNP pounce on AL's election rally
[Bangla Daily Star] Jamaat-Shibir and BNP men allegedly attacked Awami League activists, who gathered for an election campaign, in Lalmonirhat yesterday afternoon injuring 30 people.

The injured -- 10 stabbed and the rest beaten up -- were admitted to Hatibandha and Patgram upazila health complexes. The condition of the stab injured was critical, doctors said.

The attackers also set fire to the stage, which had been erected at the Bawra High School playground in Lalmonirhat for the campaign, and at least 40 cycle of violences of the campaigners.

Local Awami League organised a programme at the high school as part of the campaign for former state minister for primary and mass education Motahar Hossain, who is going to contest the 10th parliamentary election from Lalmonirhat-1 constituency (Hatibandha and Patgram upazila).

Some 150 people, including Awami League supporters, gathered at the venue where Motahar was supposed to deliver a speech at 5:00pm.

But minutes before his arrival, a group of 200 Jamaat-Shibir and BNP men carrying sharp weapons swooped on the crowd at the venue, witnesses said.

Local people ran frantically towards safety. When Awami League men rushed to their cycle of violences they found at least 40 of those burnt, said Bawra union AL president Rabiul Islam Miron.

Tension brewed in the area after the incident.

Bawra union BNP president Shamsul Alam and Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
president Mawlana Zakir Hossain denied the allegation that their party activists or supporters were involved in the attack.

Local sources, however, said they could identify many of the attackers who used to participate in BNP-Jamaat rallies.

Motahar told The Daily Star that he had asked police to deploy more law enforcers in the area and demanded arrest of the attackers immediately.

Additional police and joint forces were deployed on the spot soon after the attack, said Officer-in-Charge of Patgram Police Station Sohrab Hossain.

Police were also trying to arrest the attackers, OC added.

Many Hindu families and Awami League men fled from Patgram upazila of Lalmonirhat facing repeated threats by Jamaat-Shibir men.

On Monday, unidentified myrmidons vandalised a temple in Patgram upazila of Lalmonirhat, known as a den of Jamaat-Shibir activists. On the night of the day, Jamaat-Shibir activists also removed 100 fishplates at two points of Lalmonirhat-Burimari route in Patgram upazila to disrupt rail communications.

Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

Posted by: Spereting Tingle4064 || 12/20/2013 6:27 Comments || Top||

#2  It's Bangladesh. Floods during the monsoon season; hartals and reprisals the rest of of the year.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/20/2013 10:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Pappy, sounds like the Louisiana of South Asia - with Muslims.
Posted by: Glenmore || 12/20/2013 14:51 Comments || Top||

#4  But the food's lousy.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/20/2013 15:39 Comments || Top||

Quetta blast leaves one dead, 22 injured
[DAWN] At least one person was killed and another 22 were maimed in a powerful blast in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
province on Thursday, police said.

Five of the injured are said to be at death's door.

Police said myrmidons had planted a bomb near an ice cream shop in Mitha Chowk area of Pashtoonabad, located in the outskirt of Quetta.

The bomb went off at a time when there was crowd of people. Police said eight children were among the injured.

The strength of blast smashed the windows of nearby homes and shops causing panic in the area. Most of the inhabitants of the area were confined to their homes for fear of another blast.

Police, frontier corps and rescue workers were quick at the scene to shift the injured to civil hospital Quetta for medical treatment.

"More than 15 injured are brought to civil hospital Quetta for treatment," Dr. Rasheed Jamali, a doctor on duty told Dawn.com.

Emergency was imposed in civil hospital to ensure timely treatment for the injured.

All doctors and paramedics were called to treat the injured in the blast. Security in and around Quetta civil hospital was tightened to avert another untoward incident.

An official of the bomb disposal squad told Dawn.com that more than two kilogram of kabooms were used in the blast.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Militant who 'attacked polio team' shot dead
[DAWN] KARACHI: A suspected krazed killer was rubbed out in an alleged encounter with police while another was nabbed
Book 'im, Mahmoud!
following their alleged attack on a polio
...Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by infection with the poliovirus. Between 1840 and the 1950s, polio was a worldwide epidemic. Since the development of polio vaccines the disease has been largely wiped out in the civilized world. However, since the vaccine is known to make Moslem pee-pees shrink and renders females sterile, bookish, and unsubmissive it is not widely used by the turban and automatic weapons set...
vaccination team in Sohrab Goth on Tuesday, prompting the health authorities to immediately and indefinitely halt the anti-polio campaign, officials said.

They said gunnies riding a cycle of violence opened fire on the polio workers in the Ahsanabad area. The police posted for the team's security returned fire. One of the suspects, identified as Noor Mohammed, alias Misbah, was maimed in the shootout and arrested. His accomplice Amir Hamza was also held, said SSP of Malir Imran Shaukat. The maimed man was taken to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, where he died during treatment.

The Malir SSP said the police had arrested four suspected gunnies in Sohrab Goth during a targeted operation on Monday and they had credible information about the krazed killer plot to attack polio workers on Tuesday. So a heavy deployment of police was made in the area for the protection of the polio team.

He said Amir Hamza was the chief of a banned krazed killer outfit in Sohrab Goth's Janjal Goth locality. Hamza was allegedly also involved in the murder of Awami National Party worker Deen Mohammed Waziri in Janjal Goth recently, said Mr Shaukat. He said in that attack Amir Hamza was also maimed in the retaliatory firing by friends of the ANP worker but his accomplice Misbah took the maimed man away.

Both suspected krazed killers, reportedly belonging to the banned Tehrik-e- Taliban Pakistain, were wanted in several assassinations and extortion cases in Sohrab Goth, the SSP said.

Immunisation drive stopped

Though Tuesday's botched attack on police guarding polio teams failed to physically harm any of the polio volunteers out to inoculate children in the infamous part of Gadap Town, the authorities sent a prompt signal to halt the immunisation drive.

The city's health officials said no polio worker was around when two armed gunnies attacked the coppers standing guard in the Ahsanabad locality of Gadap's notorious union council-4.

some people cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go...
residents and polio workers scurried around after hearing the gunfire. Soon they were asked to abandon their work and return home in escort of the coppers who had killed an attacker and arrested another.

"None of our polio workers were harmed because of the incident. All of them are safe," said Dr Zafar Ijaz, the city's chief for health services, while speaking to Dawn.

some people cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go...
because of the grim situation, we have stopped our immunisation campaign in the area until our workers recover from mental stress and fear," he said.

One worker said she was accompanying another volunteer at a house to vaccinate a child when she heard the gunshots.

"It was highly terrifying for us but we didn't know what to do," she said. The team took shelter in the house until the gunfire stopped. "Soon my cellphone rang and our group leader asked us to congregate outside to return home," she said.

It was the third incident of its kind on polio vaccinators or their guards this year in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
-- second in Gadap.

A previous attack on Aug 21 was also reported in Gadap, where more than 30 female vaccinators inoculating children with booster drops against polio were attacked with gunshots by six men, which forced them to take shelter in a nearby school until the police guards returned fire and caught one of the attackers.

The police identified the arrested man as an Afghan refugee and claimed that he belonged to the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain. Police seized a hand grenade, a TT pistol and five bullets from him.

The first violent attack on polio vaccinators was reported on April 16 when two female siblings were attacked in a similar fashion in Baldia Town's sector 8. The police had arrested the lone attacker.

Last year, in the last of the three such attacks on Dec 17 a young volunteer associated with the anti-polio campaign was rubbed out in Gadap Town, stopping the three-day anti-polio campaign in union council 4.

In July 2012, a local paramedic associated with polio vaccination was rubbed out and a World Health Organisation doctor, Fosten Dido, from Ghana and his driver were maimed in two separate attacks in the Sohrab Goth area.

Despite such attacks, polio workers, belonging to poor families, have little afterthought to abandon the risky job as the 250-rupees-a-day is prized money for them.

"I can't desert this job. It is occasional, but the money it offers is help for my family," said a polio worker who survived a similar attack previously.

The security situation in Karachi is so dismal that it has not allowed completing the nationwide polio campaign here, which started a month ago and completed in the scheduled duration of four days elsewhere.

Officials said many parts of SITE Town were yet to be covered.

"Our polio workers depend on the availability of police force during their work and for police polio is not a top priority," said a bigwig.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Attack on Karachi imambargah foiled
[DAWN] Security guards deputed at a holy manbargah near Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
's Khalid bin Waleed Road foiled an attack as two explosive-laden women tried to enter the place of worship on Wednesday, DawnNews reported.

One of the women was rubbed out whereas the other was critically injured as the guards opened fire as when the burqa-clad women tried to force their way inside.

Security and rescue teams reached the site of incident and cordoned off the area as a probe into the incident went underway.

Police officials later confirmed that both women were equipped with explosives.

Moreover, the husband of the explosive-laden women who was killed was taken into custody by authorities.

The body and the injured woman were shifted to a hospital where sources said both were related.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Jhangvi

Raids, artillery kill 26 after Pakistain suicide kaboom
[Bangla Daily Star] Pak troops yesterday mounted helicopter and mortar attacks on snuffies in the lawless northwest, where officials said 23 snuffies and three civilians have been killed.

The violence in North Wazoo tribal district came a day after a suicide kaboom at a military checkpoint killed five soldiers and maimed 34 others.

Ansarul Mujahideen, a little-known Death Eater group linked to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP), grabbed credit for Wednesday's suicide kaboom.

A senior military official said 23 snuffies were killed overnight in fighting with security forces in North Waziristan, a known hotbed of the TTP and Al-Qaeda linked Death Eaters.

Clashes erupted after the snuffies attacked a convoy of security forces which was returning after rescuing soldiers maimed in Wednesday's bombing, the official said on condition of anonymity.

The corpse count could not be verified independently because of an ongoing search operation and curfew in the area. The area is also off-limits to foreign journalists and aid groups.

Helicopters attacked compounds in the morning while troops fired mortars at intervals throughout the day at suspected Death Eater hideouts.

A security bigshot said the cordon and search operation was still going on in the town of Mirali and surrounding areas.

Local resident Mohabbat Khan told AFP the security forces also demolished a few compounds in Mirali where they suspected the presence of rebels.

He added that the landline telephone service had been suspended in the area.

Earlier, local security officials said six of the suspected snuffies had been killed during raids on two hotels.

"Pak security forces raided two hotels in the area close to the site of the suicide kaboom and intense gunbattles left six suspected snuffies dead and 12 others maimed," a local security official told AFP.

Separately, shells fired by Pak security forces hit a house in Moski village and killed a woman and her two daughters, the local official said.

Military officials did not confirm the civilian deaths.

The TTP has led a bloody campaign against the Pak state in recent years, carrying out hundreds of attacks on security forces and government targets, mainly in the northwest.

Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

#1  What does the daily count for the whole nation of Pakiwakiland run? (mean, stdv, variance)?
Posted by: 3dc || 12/20/2013 9:43 Comments || Top||

Suicide Bombers Hit Shiites as Iraq Unrest Kills 41
[An Nahar] Three jacket wallahs detonated explosives belts among Shiite pilgrims in Iraq on Thursday, killing at least 36 people, while bully boyz rubbed out a family of five, officials said.

The deadliest attack hit the Dura area of south Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
, where a bomber targeted pilgrims at a tent where they are served food and drinks on their way to the shrine city of Karbala, killing at least 20 people and wounding at least 40.

Among those killed in the blast was Muhanad Mohammed, a journalist who had worked for both foreign and Iraqi media, one of his sons told AFP.

He was the seventh journalist to be killed in the country in less than three months.

Two more bombers targeted pilgrims in areas south of Storied Baghdad -- one in Yusifiyah, killing eight people and wounding at least 32, and another in Latifiyah, killing at least eight people and wounding at least 18.

At Yarmuk Hospital in Storied Baghdad, maimed people were rushed in on gurneys for treatment. Those injured included children and an old woman whose face was covered in blood.

One distraught man in the lobby of the surgery department repeatedly struck himself in the face with both hands, overcome with grief.

In the street outside, empty wooden coffins sat on vehicles, while people cried and screamed over the loss of loved ones.

Hundreds of thousands of people make pilgrimages to the city of Karbala, many of them on foot, during the 40 days after the annual commemoration marking the death of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, known to Shiites as Imam Hussein.

The 40th day, known as Arbaeen, falls on December 23 this year.

Sunni bully boys, including those linked to Al-Qaeda, frequently target members of Iraq's Shiite majority, whom they consider to be apostates.

The throngs of pilgrims on the roads make for an easy target, and they have been hit by a series of attacks in the past few days.

On Wednesday, a suicide bomber targeted Shiite pilgrims in Khales, north of Storied Baghdad, killing five people and wounding 10.

The toll would likely have been higher were it not for the selfless actions of a policeman who embraced the bomber just before the attack, in an effort to shield others from the blast.

On Tuesday, two attacks against pilgrims in and near Storied Baghdad killed at least eight people, and on Monday two boom-mobiles targeting pilgrims south of the capital killed at least 24.

Also on Thursday, bully boyz dressed in army uniforms attacked the house of an anti-Al-Qaeda militiaman in the Abu Ghraib area, west of Storied Baghdad, killing him, his wife and their three children.

The Sahwa militia are made up of Sunni Arabs who joined forces with the United States from late 2006, helping to bring about a significant reduction in violence.

They are often targeted by Sunni bully boys, who consider them traitors.

Violence in Iraq has surged this year to levels not seen since 2008, when the country was just emerging from a brutal sectarian conflict.

More people were killed in the first eight days of this month than in all of December last year.

And more than 6,550 people have been killed since the beginning of 2013, according to AFP figures based on security and medical sources.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant

#1  Islam is SO much fun.

If they don't have Kuffirs to kill... they kill each other. Now THATS a religion.

You just know that if they have Values like that they are SURE to win. The Grand Prize is a hole in the ground and a helping hand from Allen on a one way trip.

Plus the bag on your head,..don't forget the bag.
Posted by: Spereting Tingle4064 || 12/20/2013 6:15 Comments || Top||

Palestinians: West Bank Killings Threaten Peace Talks
[An Nahar] The Paleostinians on Thursday accused Israel of a "dangerous escalation" after the army killed two people in the West Bank, calling the violence a deliberate attempt to scupper peace talks.

"This dangerous Israeli escalation aims to thwart American and international efforts to move forward with the grinding of the peace processor, and leads the negotiations to a dead end," presidential front man Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement published by the official WAFA news agency.

His remarks were made after two Paleostinians were killed in festivities sparked by separate arrest raids by the Israeli army in the northern West Bank.

Late Wednesday, troops rubbed out a member of the radical Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
and maimed several others in a confrontation in Jenin refugee camp, sources on both sides said.

The army said troops had gone in "to arrest a suspect" but opened fire after being attacked with gunfire, homemade grenades and bombs. Several Paleostinians were maimed and one died on the way to hospital, an army statement said.

In a second incident shortly before dawn in Qalqilya, a Paleostinian security official was rubbed out during an exchange of fire with Israeli troops who attempted to ambush him, a second army statement said.

They accused him of firing at troops "on numerous occasions" in recent weeks.

Paleostinian security sources identified him as an intelligence officer and said he was on his way home when he was ambushed by the army.

Both men were laid to rest in their home cities on Thursday morning.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Authority

#1  My first thought "lets kill a few thousand and see what happens.".
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 12/20/2013 3:42 Comments || Top||

#2  The army said troops had gone in "to arrest a suspect" but opened fire after being attacked with gunfire, homemade grenades and bombs. Several Paleostinians were maimed and one died on the way to hospital, an army statement said

yeah, those damned Jooooos, always getting upset with simple well-armed Paleo rustics
Posted by: Frank G || 12/20/2013 8:20 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bomb injures two policemen in southern Thailand
Two police officers were wounded when a powerful bomb buried beneath a village road detonated in the path of their vehicle on Wednesday. A group of 20 police officers were traveling in three pickup trucks when the bomb went off as the second vehicle passed. Two officers, attached to the investigation unit of Narathiwat Provincial Police, on board the pickup were wounded and rushed to the hospital.
Posted by: ryuge || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

AQ in Syria executes top US backed FSA commander.
[Weasel Zippers] The killing of a top Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander over the weekend by al-Qaida linked jihadists underscores the declining fortunes of the Western-backed faction.
Jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executed FSA Secretary General Ammar al-Wawi after he entered Syria from Turkey. Al-Wawi had been an intelligence officer with the Syrian army and an important liaison between the FSA and the Western press.

Al-Qaida linked jihadists previously killed FSA commander Kamal Hamami last July and two other FSA commanders were assassinated earlier this month. Al-Wawi’s execution follows the seizure of warehouses containing non-lethal aid from the West by forces loyal to the newly-formed Islamic Front last week. The Front is a coalition of seven Islamist militias, many of which have al-Qaida ties. Its fighters also seized the headquarters of FSA Chief of Staff Salim Idris in northern Syria. Idris fled to Qatar as a result.

The seizure led the United States and the United Kingdom to cutoff the non-lethal aid it had promised to the FSA.
Finally, someone is coming to their senses.
At least two of the Islamic Front’s leaders were members of the FSA’s military council while simultaneously fighting alongside Jabhat al-Nusra, Syria’s other al-Qaida linked faction. The rise of the jihadists has already prompted some FSA commanders to defect and join them.
Yet another reason to stay the hell out of it.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/20/2013 07:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in the Levant

#1  US backed doesn't mean what it used to.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 12/20/2013 11:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Yes, the unfortunate trend began in about 1961 g(r)om. See map below:

Posted by: Besoeker || 12/20/2013 12:06 Comments || Top||

#3  And the warehouses full of lethal aid from Bengahzi?
Posted by: KBK || 12/20/2013 14:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Juan John McCain needs to go over immediately and resolve their differences
Posted by: Frank G || 12/20/2013 16:58 Comments || Top||

#5  I personally am still waiting to learn how Iran is going to help the US-Allies contain or defeat the Qaeda Boyz, etal. in return for SSSSHHHHH keeping its Nucprogs.

Ditto as per new Nippon Ambassador Caroline Kennedy vee preventing China-vs-Japan/Everybody military conflict in East Asia.

Lest we fergit, JAPANESE MEDIAS = fear Sino-Japan war could break out as early as this coming January 2014.




Ditto as per CHINA + IMO even BAMMERIKA [Bammer Amerika] ITSELF.

Again, RISING IRAN = RISING CHINA = unless MSM-Net alleged/prescribed "Mahanist" China gives up, delays, or amends its "post-US", future World #1 "Manifest Destiny", it behooves China + PLA to make war agz US Allies in East Asia before they get too strong, i.e. BEFORE THEY GO NUKULAAR + BEFORE US-LED GMD-TMD/ABM-BMD [Missle Defense], SPAWAR SPACE STRIKE + SPACE DEFENSE, ETC. IS FIRMLY OR PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED [circa Year 2018].

The time for Rising Iran + Rising China, etal. to make their MilPol moves is NOW, + IRAN HAS ALREADY STARTED ALA SYRIA, LEBANON, IRAQ, + INCREASING [pro-Shia, anti-Militant/Jihadist] CROSS-BORDER ARMED INCURSIONS INTO AFPAK.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/20/2013 18:59 Comments || Top||

Syria Extends Air Campaign on Aleppo Region
[An Nahar] Syrian warplanes pounded northern Aleppo for a fifth consecutive day Thursday, unleashing their firepower against several rebel-held villages in the province, activists and a monitoring group said.

The latest attacks have killed at least 10 people in just two of the targeted villages, among them four women and two children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

"After four days of helicopters dropping barrel bombs on Aleppo city, the regime changed the direction of its raids and struck the village of Tal Alam near Sfeira" southeast of Syria's second city, the Aleppo Media Center said on Facebook.

Another activist network in the province, Shahba Press, reported air raids on Daret Ezza, Marea, Minbej and Anadan north of Aleppo city.

The villages targeted have been rebel-held for more than a year and have suffered frequent bombing.

But activists called Thursday's raids an extension of a deadly five-day aerial campaign against the picturesque provincial capital itself.

The Observatory also reported the attacks, adding that the Aleppo area of Sheikh Najjar was hit with makeshift barrel bombs which are packed with TNT and are highly destructive.

The Britannia-based group also updated its toll from warplane and barrel kabooms on Aleppo city to 161 people killed between Sunday and Thursday.

On Thursday alone, at least 10 others were killed in Minbej and Daret Ezza, said the Britannia-based group.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) had reported more than 189 killed by Wednesday evening from such attacks in Aleppo city alone.

Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said it would be difficult, "if not impossible", for the regime's military to advance on opposition areas of the country's former commercial hub.

"But I think it is trying to make the population turn against the rebels, so that the people themselves expel the fighters," he said.

One Syrian security source has denied that barrel bombs have been used against what the regime calls "terrorists," but another said the military prefers such weapons over missiles because they are cheaper.

Aleppo has been locked in a stalemate for more than a year, since a massive rebel advance on the picturesque provincial capital in July 2012.

Parts of the city have remained squarely under regime control ever since, while others have been in opposition hands.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria


E.g. as per the anti-China/Beijing ETIM Militants now fighting in Aleppo, now also dying in same thanks to Baby Assad's airpower.

Which may explain why ...




Artic is a PCorrect way of saying the US-Allies want specifics on what Iran intends to do agz the Qeada Boyz, etal. over the next six months.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/20/2013 23:24 Comments || Top||

Qaida Syria Chief Rejects any Results from Peace Talks
[An Nahar] Al-Qaeda's branch in Syria will not accept any results that come from peace talks next month to end the civil war, its chief said in an Al-Jazeera
... an Arab news network headquartered in Qatar, notorious for carrying al-Qaeda press releases. The name means the Peninsula, as in the Arabian Peninsula. In recent years it has settled in to become slightly less biased than MSNBC, in about the same category as BBC or CBS...
television interview to be aired Thursday.

"We will not recognize any results that come out of the Geneva 2 conference," Al-Jazeera's website quoted Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani, the head of Al-Nusra Front, as saying.

He was referring to a conference set to begin January 22 in Switzerland
...home of the Helvetians, famous for cheese, watches, yodeling, and William Tell...
, bringing together representatives of the Damascus government and the opposition, as well as countries taking opposite sides in the war.

Geneva 2, a follow-up to a 2012 meeting, will aim to map out a political transition to end nearly three years of fighting that has killed more than 126,000 people and displaced millions.

In an apparent reference to the opposition Syrian National Coalition, he said "those taking part in the conference do not represent the people who sacrificed.

"Besides, who has authorized them to represent the people?"

The man whose group Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri
... Formerly second in command of al-Qaeda, now the head cheese, occasionally described as the real brains of the outfit. Formerly the Mister Big of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Bumped off Abdullah Azzam with a car boom in the course of one of their little disputes. Is thought to have composed bin Laden's fatwa entitled World Islamic Front Against Jews and Crusaders. Currently residing in the North Wazoo area. That is not a horn growing from the middle of his forehead, but a prayer bump, attesting to how devout he is...
named as the official branch of the network in Syria dismissed opposition representatives slated to attend as those who "have no presence on the ground."

Jawlani also said the battle against the regime of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Horror of Homs...
is almost over, claiming that the rebels "will achieve victory soon."

In what is billed as Jawlani's first television interview, Al-Jazeera said the man asked that his face not be shown.

Correspondent Tayseer Allouni, who conducted the interview, said the security checks he went through were stricter than those carried out before he met now-deceased Al-Qaeda chief the late Osama bin Laden
... who is now neither a strong horse nor a weak horse, but a dead horse...
in 2001.

Al-Nusra, formed in January 2012, joined Al-Qaeda last December on a U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations.

It and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant are the most powerful jihadist groups fighting against Assad.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Six Syrian Gunmen Arrested in Arsal Region
[An Nahar] The Lebanese army incarcerated
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
on Thursday six Syrians on the outskirts of the Bekaa town of Arsal.

"In the framework of controlling the land borders, a Lebanese army checkpoint arrested six Syrians who were riding a number of cycle of violences in the Arsal area of Wadi Hmayyed," an army statement said.

The army said they were tossed in the clink
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
for "trying to enter Lebanese territory illegally and possessing two hand grenades and a night vision device."

The detainees and the confiscated items were handed over to the relevant authorities which started interrogating them under the supervision of the judiciary, it added.

The arrest comes three days after a boom-mobileing against a Hizbullah position in the Bekaa region of Baalbek.

Al-Manar television, which is affiliated with Hizbullah, said that the assailants behind the bombing came from Arsal.

Arsal municipality head Ali al-Hujairi told the Central News Agency on Wednesday: "I do not know why they always drag Arsal's name into the various security incidents that have been taking place in Leb."

"They should leave the town alone," he demanded.

A number of gunnies have repeatedly been arrested near Arsal in the past and the incidents have grown in frequency since the Syrian uprising turned into an armed conflict in 2012.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Army Arrests 5 Suspects in Major Search Operation East of Sidon
[An Nahar] Lebanese Army Commandos carried out major raids on Thursday in the Sidon neighborhood of Abra in search for gunnies, state-run National News Agency reported.

"As part of the preventative security measures the army is taking in all Lebanese regions, army units backed by a surveillance aircraft staged a major search operation this morning in the groves, valleys and forests situated east of the city of Sidon," an army statement said in the evening.

The operation was carried out to determine whether there are any "gunnies, weapons hideouts or runaways" in the area, said the army statement.

"Five suspects were tossed in the slammer
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
and handed over to the relevant authorities which will interrogate them under the supervision of the judiciary," it added.

Earlier, NNA said the commandos presumed that the suspects were located in the areas of Wadi Sharhabil in Abra, Kfarfalous and Besri.

Voice of Leb radio (93.3) later reported that the army arrested five people during the raids.

On Monday, the army identified the assailants of one of the attacks on the military in the southern city of Sidon, saying however that two suspects have escaped.

An army communique said three suspects were passing on foot through a checkpoint at al-Awwali bridge at Sidon's entrance at 9:00 pm Sunday when a soldier asked for their identification papers.

One of the suspects threatened him with a grenade, which blew up when the soldier opened fire on him, it said.

The suspect was killed and two soldiers at the checkpoint were maimed. The other two suspects escaped.

Forty five minutes later, a Paleostinian went kaboom! near an army checkpoint in the Majdelyoun area, killing himself and a sergeant, and wounding a soldier.

Two other Lebanese suspects, who were in the Envoy four-wheeler carrying them, also died when members of the checkpoint opened fire on them.
Posted by: Fred || 12/20/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in the Levant

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Fri 2013-12-20
  AQ in Syria executes top US backed FSA commander.
Thu 2013-12-19
  Suicide attack kills 5 soldiers in Miranshah
Wed 2013-12-18
  Iran nuke deal implodes
Tue 2013-12-17
  Ansar Al-Sharia homes attacked in revenge for Benghazi kiilling
Mon 2013-12-16
  Assailants stab Japan diplomat in Yemen
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  Six killed in US drone strike in Khyber Agency
Sat 2013-12-14
  Deadly clashes in Bangladesh after top JI leader hanged
Fri 2013-12-13
  Bangladesh executes Islamist leader and convicted war criminal Abdul Quader Mollah
Thu 2013-12-12
  Boko Haram slaughters nine people in Borno
Wed 2013-12-11
  French Army Kills 19 Islamist Militants in Mali
Tue 2013-12-10
  MILF, Manila reach power-sharing agreement
Mon 2013-12-09
  Top Hizbullah Military Commander Ali Bazzi Killed in Syria Fighting
Sun 2013-12-08
  Gunmen Kill Nine at Baghdad Alcohol Shops
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  Gunmen kill ASWJ Punjab chief in drive-by shooting in Lahore
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  52 Killed as Militants Storm Yemen Defense Complex

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