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Bomb blast kills at least 9 Iraqi police officers near Kirkuk - sources
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Daily Evacuation Brief December 18, 2022
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • RADIO BROADCAST CHIEF ARRESTED AND TORTURED – The Director of Takharistan Radio, Zabihullah Noori, says he was detained and claims he was tortured by Taliban security personnel in Takhar. Noori released a video statement about the incident and posted photos of injuries to his legs as evidence of the torture. The Taliban have rejected the claims and say he was arrested for possessing an unauthorized weapon. The arrest occurred on the 9th of December and it is unclear when he was released. He has called on international human rights and journalism organizations to hold the Taliban to account.

    A truck carrying fuel supplies caught fire and exploded while traversing the Salang tunnel on Friday. Several casualties have been reported but an accurate count has not yet been released. The tunnel was closed shortly after the incident and work crews are being sent to clear the wreckage.

  • TALIBAN CONTINUE TO TARGET FORMER ARMY AND INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL – Mujahid Barak, a former member of the National Directorate for Security was killed in southern Kandahar province. He disappeared on 8 December in the Fourth Police District of Kandahar City and his body was found yesterday morning in the Ninth Police District. It is not clear how he died but relatives claim the Taliban tortured and shot him.

  • CANADA RECEIVES 350 MORE AFGHAN NATIONALS – The Canadian Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Ministry announced that 350 Afghan refugees had arrived yesterday and were preparing for resettlement in the country.

  • A 4.3 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE REPORTED FRIDAY EVENING – Residents in Maidan Wardak reported an earthquake that shook their homes on Friday evening. The earthquake was moderate but was felt as far as Kabul. No damage or casualties are thought to have taken place.

  • NEARLY 100 CHINESE NATIONALS HAVE DEPARTED KABUL – A source at the Ministry of Defense says that most have left by commercial air flights out of Kabul but that an unspecified number had taken a land route to a neighboring country in order to leave. The source said the convoy chose not to travel through Badakhshan due to security threats in the Province, and their destination was unknown.

SPIN BOLDAK-CHAMAN CROSSING REOPENS – With extremely tight security in place, the Friendship Gate is expected to reopen for commercial and pedestrian traffic today. With large concentrations of Taliban and Pakistan military units in the area, there remains an elevated risk of further conflict. Rumors have circulated that an unannounced ceasefire agreement has been reached between the two countries but those rumors have yet to be confirmed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 01:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Authorities Dismiss Claims of Torturing a Reporter in Northeastern Afghanistan
[KhaamaPress] Security officials in Afghanistan dismissed reports of torturing a news hound in the northeastern Afghan province of Takhar while acknowledging that a news hound was detained for two days for interrogation on unwarranted storage of weapons at his place of residence.

The detention and questioning of a news hound in Takhar province have nothing to do with his work as a news hound, according to Bilal Karimi, the deputy spokesperson for the current administration’s Ministry of Interior Affairs, who said this on Saturday. Instead, he was arrested for keeping an unauthorized cache of weapons at his home.

A security official claimed in a tweet on Saturday, December 17, that it was "untrue" that a news hound from Takhar had been tortured, but pictures making the rounds on social media show the news hound’s leg bearing contusion marks and splotches of discoloration where blood had collected after blunt torture.

"The torture of a journalist in Takhar is not true. It is a fact that a journalist named Zabihullah, who illegally kept weapons and military equipment in his house, was detained by the security forces for questioning for two days," Karimi stated on Twitter, sharing a picture of items alleged seized from Zabihullah’s house.

"His arrest is not related to his media activities."

This occurs as reports of Zabihullah’s detention in domestic media outlets claim that he was taken into custody on December 9 and subjected to severe torture; authorities, however, deny that this occurred and confirm that Zabihullah was taken into custody for reasons unrelated to his media activity.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "It wasn't 'torture-torture'...He liked it"
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2022 6:54 Comments || Top||

#2  He's "that way," huh?
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2022 23:03 Comments || Top||

Mysterious Killing of NDS Officers Continues in Afghanistan
[KhaamaPress] The mysterious killing of former National Directorate of Security
...the Afghan national intel agency...
(NDS) personnel continues across Afghanistan.

According to independent sources, the mysterious killing of former national security forces continues despite the general amnesty announced with the reemergence of the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
to power in August 2021. Under the announcement, all military personnel who served for different security entities of the previous regime were barred from being detained, tortured, or imprisoned.

Summary killings and enforced disappearances have taken place despite the Taliban’s announced amnesty for former government civilian and military officials and reassurances from the Taliban leadership that they would hold their forces accountable for violations of the amnesty order.

Recently, the dead body of Mujahid Barak was found in the Mianko mountains, provincial district 9, in Kandahar city. Mujahid Barak served in the National Directorate of Security during the former government. Mujahid’s relatives said he was killed by the Taliban, however, the local authorities in Kandahar have not yet commented on the murder. The mysterious killing of members of the former Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in Kandahar is not unprecedented.

...back at the railroad tracks, Little Nell tried to kick her bound feet and scream post the snotty handkerchief Scarface Al had stuff into her mouth...
Human Rights Watch’s research indicates that Taliban forces have killed or forcibly disappeared more than 100 former security force members in several provinces in the three months since their takeover of Kabul, the Afghan capital, on August 15. They have also targeted family members of former security force members.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
Somali troops and Ma’wisley retake villages from Al-Shabaab
[ShabelleMedia] Somali Govt troops backed by local community fighters known as Ma’wisley have seized control of main areas from al-Shabaab
...... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...
during an offensive.

The combined forces moved into Domalik and Hamirtoley located west of Beledweyne city, the regional capital of Hiran without encountering any resistance from al-Shabaab.

Al-Shabaab Lions of Islam withdrew from the two areas before the troops arrived and the residents reported heavy security operations to ensure stability following the capture.

Hiran is among the regions in central and southern Somalia that saw a heavy army offensive since August this year. The SNA and the residents retook vast ground.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Africa North
Two UN peacekeepers killed in Mali
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] Two peacekeepers were killed and four others from the UN mission in Mali (MINUSMA) were wounded on Friday after an unidentified gunman opened fire on their patrol in Timbuktu town, the mission said on Twitter.

Four other peacekeepers were injured, one of them seriously. They are currently receiving appropriate care at the MINUSMA military hospital in Timbuktu, according to the head of MINUSMA, El-Ghassim Wane.

El-Ghassim Wane, said he was “deeply shocked” by this heinous act, which he strongly condemned.

He offers his deepest condolences to the government of the deceased peacekeepers, as well as to their families and brothers in arms, and wish a speedy recovery to the four other injured peacekeepers.

“Despite the prevailing difficult operational environment, MINUSMA will spare no effort to carry out its mandate,” he added.

He stresses the need to do everything possible to identify the perpetrators of this act and bring them to justice, recalling that attacks against peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law.

The United Nations has about 12,000 troops in Mali, and its mission in the country has suffered the world’s heaviest losses in recent years.
Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Coalition mercenaries bomb civilian gathering in Wadi Obeida
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] At least seven citizens were killed and others were wounded on Friday, when Saudi-led coalition mercenaries bombed a civilian gather at Ghuwariban area in Wadi Obeida, east of Ma’rib.

A local source in the province told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the Islah militia loyal to the aggression bombed a gathering of the Al-Hariqdan family, a branch of the Obeida tribe, killing seven people and wounding others, some of them seriously.

The source pointed out that the mercenaries launched intensive artillery shelling on populated villages and used tanks and heavy weapons, causing a fire in one of the fuel trailers.

Clashes erupted after the mercenary authorities cut off Al Hariqdan’s share of diesel, which they rely on to operate the generators that water their farms.

Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Southern Yemeni separatists abduct military commander in Aden
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia on Saturday abducted a military commander in Aden city, and took him to an unknown destination.

Local sources in the city reported that members of the STC militia aboard Emirati military vehicles stormed the house of the former leader of the “Transport Brigade”, Ali Saeed Amdari, affiliated with Islah Party in the residential neighborhood of Al-Wahda in Al-Mansoura area.

The sources pointed out that the raid left a state of terror among women and children, without knowing the reasons behind the kidnapping of Amdari.

Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

Saudi forces shell Saada border districts
by Emad Almarshahi

[HODHODYEMENNEWS] Border areas in Saada governorate were subjected, Friday, to Saudi artillery and missile bombing.

Local sources in Saada reported that the Saudi army’s artillery targeted separate areas of the border districts of Shada and Razih.

Various areas of the border districts in Saada are subjected to Saudi missile and artillery shelling, on a daily basis, resulting in heavy material losses.

Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Caribbean-Latin America
In Mexico, bandits kidnap an army colonel
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[REGNUM] Army of Mexico: Jalisco crime group kidnapped a colonel of the armed forces

The Mexican criminal group Jalisco kidnapped Colonel José Isidro Munoz of the Mexican armed forces, the country's Ministry of Defense said on December 17.

He commanded an army unit in the city of Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas state), located near the US border. Muñoz was kidnapped in another Mexican state, Jalisco, where he was on vacation.

The specified region is the base of the criminal group of the same name.

As REGNUM reported, on December 4 in the Mexican state of Zacatecas, unknown persons killed Judge Roberto Elias Martinez.
Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  Would seem like a bad move...
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2022 6:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Bold, aggressive intimation tactics by the Zetas? It is their style and signature act of dominance and brazen power display.

Wiki cite_"Los Zetas also operate through protection rackets, assassinations, extortion, kidnappings and other illegal activities. The organization is based in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, directly across the border from Laredo, Texas."
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 12/18/2022 12:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Might Los Banditos be interested in, ahem, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Asking for a friend.
Posted by: Anomalous Sources || 12/18/2022 20:51 Comments || Top||

#4  That's rich AS.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed || 12/18/2022 21:13 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Resident of Adygeya convicted of recruiting into a terrorist organization
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Farhod Zhuraev, a resident of Adygeya,
...an autonomous republic in the northwest Caucasus whose population is mostly Moslem...
was sentenced to 12 years in a penal colony, whom the court found guilty of recruiting citizens into the terrorist organization "Katiba Taukhid val-Jihad."
Also spelt Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad. The Syrian branch of this Al Qaeda franchise is the Uzbeks/Tajiks/Uighurs section allied to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in Idlib Province, having pulled together fighters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Katibat Imam al Bukhari, and Turkestan Islamic Party. It was listed a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in March, 2022. Back home they mostly cause trouble in post-Soviet Central Asia, Russia and Xinjiang of the Uygur Autonomous Region of China.
The Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don found a resident of Adygeya guilty of recruiting citizens into an international terrorist organization.

The court found that Farhod Zhuraev, from August to October 2020, took part in the activities of Katiba Tawhid wal-Jihad, in particular, he contacted via the Internet with a member of the organization who lived in Volgograd, Kommersant writes on December 16 with the link to the management of the FSB of Russia in Adygea.

Zhuraev repeatedly talked with the inhabitants of Adygea, tried to recruit them to participate in the mentioned organization, and justified terrorist activities. In addition, on his page on the social network, the convict posted videos and audio recordings justifying violent acts on religious grounds, called for extremist and terrorist activities.

The court found Zhuraev guilty and sentenced him to 12 years in prison. The verdict has entered into force.

Zhuraev was charged under part 2 of article 280 (public calls for extremist activities), part 2 of article 205.2 (public calls for terrorist activities), part 1.1 of article 205.1 (assistance in terrorist activities) and part 2 of article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in activities terrorist organization), according to the file on the website of the court.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" wrote that in March 2021, a native of Central Asia , a supporter of a terrorist organization, was detained. He confessed to preparing a terrorist act in the center of Maikop.
Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra)

The Grand Turk
Minibus carrying irregular migrants crashes in SE Turkey; 9 dead
[Rudaw] A minibus thought to be carrying over 30 irregular migrants colonists crashed in Riha (Sanliurfa) province, southeast The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
(Northern Kurdistan) on Friday. Nine of the passengers were killed, according to the governor's office.

The minibus was carrying 31 migrants colonists in the Harran district before crashing into an irrigation canal. As a result, nine of the passengers died but their identities have not been disclosed, state media cited the governor's office as saying.

A number of the migrants colonists were also injured and taken to hospital after several rescue teams arrived in the incident area.

A person, who has not been identified, has been detained by the security forces for alleged smuggling in relation to the incident.

Riha has been a key spot for many Syrians who want to reach Europa
...the land mass occupying the space between the English Channel and the Urals, also known as Moslem Lebensraum...
through Turkey.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

#1  nine of the passengers died but their identities have not been disclosed

On account of them being all irregular see?
Posted by: Dron66046 || 12/18/2022 1:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Yeah nobody cares about the names of dead irregulars.
Posted by: Regular joe || 12/18/2022 18:13 Comments || Top||

Bomb blast kills at least 9 Iraqi police officers near Kirkuk - sources
[JPost] At least nine Iraqi federal policemen were killed on Sunday after a bomb struck their convoy southwest of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, two security sources told Reuters.

The blast took place near the village of Safra, which lies about 30 km (20 miles) southwest of Kirkuk, said the source, adding that two other policemen were critically wounded.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has ordered a hunt for the "terrorist elements" who carried out the attack, dispatching the federal police commander to the area for further investigation, his office said in a statement.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Islamic State militants are active in the area. Iraq declared victory over the group, which once held large swathes of the country, in December 2017.

Iraqi police officers said Islamic State militants were involved in the attack, using roadside bombs to target the police force which was patrolling the area.

Despite the defeat of the Islamic State militant group in 2017, remnants of the group switched to hit-and-run attacks against government forces in different parts of Iraq.
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2022 07:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Bomb explosion kills three children in Bashik: Official
[Rudaw] A mortar, believed to have been left by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS), went kaboom! to a number of children in Bashik town, Nineveh province on Saturday, killing three and injuring another, according to a local official.

Rafaat Smo, deputy governor of Nineveh, told Rudaw on Saturday that a number of children played with a mortar in the Kurdish village of Omarqapchi in Bashik earlier in the day. The bomb, believed to be left by ISIS when it took control of the area in 2014, went kaboom!, killing three children and injuring another.

Smo added that the mortar was not spotted before but recent rains may have uncovered it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Turkey's artillery bomb sites in Kurdistan's Duhok
[Shafaq News] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
's artillery reportedly struck sites on Mount Mateen in Duhok's northern district of Amadiyah on Saturday.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the Ottoman Turkish shells landed on a remote area on the mountain that overlooks the village of Kuherzi, but it is less likely that it caused casualties.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Palestinian-French rights lawyer Hammouri deported by Israel
[Aljazeera] Israel says it has deported Palestinian-French human rights lawyer Salah Hammouri, capping a years-long attempt to expel the Jerusalem-born advocate who had been in detention without charges since March.

The deportation came amid calls for French President Emmanuel Macron to oppose the deportation to France, whose foreign ministry spokeswoman had previously said Hammouri "must be able to exercise all his rights and lead a normal life in Jerusalem, his city of birth and residence".

In a statement on Sunday, according to the AFP news agency, the French foreign ministry said: "We condemn today the Israeli authorities’ decision, against the law, to expel Salah Hamouri to France".

Meanwhile, the Justice for Salah campaign released an audio message from Hammouri, which he said was recorded as he was being "forcibly deported and uprooted from my homeland".

"Be assured my beloved homeland that I coercively and forcibly leave you today. I leave you today from prison to exile," he said. "But rest assured I will always remain the person you know. Always loyal to you and to your freedom."

In a brief statement on Sunday, Israel’s interior minister, Ayelet Shaked, called Hammouri a "terrorist" and confirmed he had been deported. Hammouri’s Jerusalem residency status had previously been revoked by Israel in 2021.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/18/2022 07:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: PFLP

#1  So he has French citizenship? Buh-Bye!
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2022 7:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Any questions Mr. Hammouri? It is good you understand the order. You have been informed and provided with a written copy of the order, as has your embassy. We will leave now to permit you to pack. You have 24 hours. Your cellie will be monitored and you will be under surveillance. Any deviations to your itinerary will result in immediate imprisonment.

The white Mazda parked outside will see that you get to the airport. Your embassy will secure your mail and packages.

Again, no deviations. No exceptions. Have a nice day.

Posted by: Besoeker || 12/18/2022 8:01 Comments || Top||

#4  Held in detention without charges.
Such an American thing to do Israel, you must be so proud.
Posted by: Xyz || 12/18/2022 9:13 Comments || Top||

#5  /\ He very likely has dip immunity. He cannot be charged. Taken off the street and deported, yes.
Posted by: Besoeker || 12/18/2022 9:53 Comments || Top||

#6  Good. Now kill him in France.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 12/18/2022 10:25 Comments || Top||

#7  There is nothing in the article explaining why he should be deported, much less killed. No contributors from the 'burg added details to his potential crimes.
Seems like he was a PIA to some important people. Hardly a reason to kill.
If that is your measure (PIA) to kill, why don't you go out and kill a few J6ers or some antifa.
I an sick if tough talking keyboard warriors on this site.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed || 12/18/2022 21:10 Comments || Top||

5 ISIS Militants Arrested In 6 US-SDF Operations In NE Syria
Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

3 were killed and 3 others were injured in Kobani
Posted by: badanov || 12/18/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2022-12-18
  Bomb blast kills at least 9 Iraqi police officers near Kirkuk - sources
Sat 2022-12-17
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Fri 2022-12-16
  Oberlin College pays $36.6 million judgement in full
Thu 2022-12-15
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Wed 2022-12-14
  Ugandan army says 11 Islamists killed
Tue 2022-12-13
  Ukraine tightens the noose on Putin's armies: 'Saboteurs' destroy bridge in Melitopol choking off key supply route for Russia's troops
Mon 2022-12-12
  Lockerbie bombing suspect in US custody two years after being charged
Sun 2022-12-11
  Mass graves of 800 civilians found in Severodonetsk
Sat 2022-12-10
  Bulgaria will send military aid to Ukraine for the first time
Fri 2022-12-09
  A Russian couple were detained by Mexican law enforcement in Tijuana, Baja California with $587,550 in cash with them
Thu 2022-12-08
  Five electricity substations in Oregon and Washington are attacked just days after two in North Carolina were shot up causing widespread power outages
Wed 2022-12-07
  Iraqi security arrests 11 ISIS terrorists in different governorates
Tue 2022-12-06
  ISIS Families Flee al-Hole In Syria's Hasakah
Mon 2022-12-05
  Suicide bombers in women's veils - ISIS claims Pak embassy attack
Sun 2022-12-04
  California man accused of throwing Molotov cocktail at police

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