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Eight Paleos killed, 30 wounded in Gaza raid
Today's Headlines
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Page 1: WoT Operations
5 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [13] 
1 00:00 Frank G [8] 
1 00:00 raptor [8] 
1 00:00 trailing wife [10] 
12 00:00 OldSpook [13] 
5 00:00 Steve White [14] 
3 00:00 Wo [16] 
0 [11] 
1 00:00 .com [16] 
1 00:00 .com [8] 
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1 00:00 Poison Reverse [12] 
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1 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [7] 
1 00:00 Darth VAda [12] 
3 00:00 Frank G [7] 
1 00:00 anymouse [9] 
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23 00:00 Frank G [9]
6 00:00 Frank G [13]
6 00:00 Frank G [12]
3 00:00 Darth VAda [13]
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1 00:00 Mrs. Davis [13]
7 00:00 Frank G [7]
7 00:00 Frank G [12]
65 00:00 Red Lief [10]
0 [9]
8 00:00 mhw [7]
3 00:00 Frank G [9]
2 00:00 lex [10]
11 00:00 .com [12]
2 00:00 Frank G [8]
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1 00:00 tu3031 [10]
1 00:00 Anonymoose [10]
9 00:00 OldSpook [9]
7 00:00 tu3031 [8]
1 00:00 Frank G [11]
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2 00:00 Alaska Paul [4]
5 00:00 Paul Moloney [9]
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3 00:00 .com [8]
Page 3: Non-WoT
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72 00:00 OldSpook [13]
1 00:00 Floting Granter5198 [13]
1 00:00 N Guard [4]
5 00:00 OldSpook [8]
8 00:00 lex [10]
4 00:00 Shipman [14]
11 00:00 SC88 [15]
3 00:00 Frank G [7]
4 00:00 lex [8]
7 00:00 lex [10]
20 00:00 Sock Puppet of Doom [10]
0 [11]
1 00:00 Mrs. Davis [10]
5 00:00 gromky [7]
2 00:00 Stephen [8]
2 00:00 Shipman [11]
7 00:00 lex [7]
2 00:00 .com [11]
3 00:00 Zenster [14]
Page 4: Opinion
8 00:00 lex [14]
13 00:00 Old Patriot [14]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
13 00:00 lex [9]
Security Scare Closes British Airport
Police arrested a Libyan man and blew up his luggage Saturday in a security scare that closed a small regional airport for about two hours.
"My luggage! You blew up my underwear!"
No traces of explosives were found in an initial check of the luggage at Durham-Tees Valley Airport, police said. It was not immediately clear why the 35-year-old man's baggage aroused suspicions, but he was arrested under the Terrorism Act, police said. Passengers were evacuated from the flight, which was destined for London Heathrow airport, and army experts carried out a controlled explosion on the suspect's luggage. Police said the suspect was an electrical engineer employed by a Libyan oil company and had been studying in Britain for six months. He had a ticket for a connecting flight to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, police said.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 2:39:11 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Man,I bet he ain't a happy camper.
Posted by: raptor || 12/18/2004 16:39 Comments || Top||

Down Under
Australian Pastors Found Guilty
Dhimminitude alert from Australia:
A state tribunal in Australia yesterday found two evangelical Christian pastors who conducted a church seminar on Islam guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims.
Judge Michael Higgins, on the other hand, was found guilty of introducing his head into muslim's a*#&%.
Daniel Nalliah and Daniel Scot of Catch the Fire Ministries were tried under Victoria's new race and religion hate laws after the the Islamic Council of Victoria filed legal action, charging Scot called Muslims demons, liars and terrorists Transcripts of the seminar in Melbourne show Scot, born in Pakistan, was quoting verses from the Quran to make his points, but three Australian converts to Islam who attended part of the seminar brought their notes to the Islamic Council. The decision [pdf file] came as 100 supporters and members of Catch the Fire Ministries sang Christian songs outside the tribunal. The Islamic Council's complaint also said Scot told the congregation Muslims were training to take over Australia and Islam was an inherently violent religion. In the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal yesterday, Judge Michael Higgins found that throughout the seminar Scot had made fun of Muslim beliefs and conduct.
Uh oh. We're in trouble. Hide the Urdu McNuggets...
"It was done, not in the context of a serious discussion of Muslims' religious beliefs," the judge said, according to The Australian "It was presented in a way which is essentially hostile, demeaning and derogatory of all Muslim people, their god, Allah, the prophet Muhammad and in general Muslim religious beliefs and practices," he said. The judge also found a website article and newsletter published by Catch the Fire Ministries to be breaches of the religious vilification legislation. Higgins will hear submissions from lawyers in January to decide on fines. There is no limitation on the amount of fines, The Australian said.
Apparently Australians aren't allowed to have their own opinions, either. Unless they're spouted in a mosque, of course...
Posted by: MahmoudMustDie || 12/18/2004 7:42:16 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  sounds like the judge needs to watch a beheading...maybe his own?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2004 10:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Should be headlined Australia kisses free speech good bye. This is the sort of thing one expect of New Zealand, not Australia.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/18/2004 10:17 Comments || Top||

#3  #1, Not his turn yet and he wouldn't care less for other's heads. Ivory tower breeds are very dangerous when derived from the idiotarian crowd.
Posted by: Wo || 12/18/2004 23:40 Comments || Top||

Spain Arrests Four Suspected Militants
Spanish police arrested four Moroccans on the Canary Island of Lanzarote on suspicion of being members of the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group. The four were suspected of setting up a logistical base on the island following recent arrests of members of the group in France and Belgium, the Interior Ministry said on Friday. The Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group is part of the radical Salafia Jihadia movement and has close links to al-Qaida, the ministry said. It is believed to have carried out the 2003 attacks in Casablanca, Morocco, in which a dozen suicide bombers killed 32 people. The four suspects were identified as Hassan al Haski, 41, Ali Fahimi, 31, Abdallah Mourib, 36 and Brahim Atia El Hammouchi, 40. The ministry said al Haski was wanted in connection with the Madrid bombings. It said he was shacking up shared an apartment with Mourib.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 2:41:12 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  must've flown in with the locusts
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2004 18:24 Comments || Top||

Great White North
Egyptian Terror Suspect in Canadian Court
"This shouldn't take long. Just put the dinner in the oven, honey."
The government should not deport a Canadian refugee suspected of links to terrorism kingpin Osama bin Laden because he would be tortured and possibly killed upon return to his native Egypt, his lawyers argued in a federal court Friday.
Better to keep him in Canuckistan, and he can cut somebody's head off in Yellow Knife...
Mohammad Mahjoub, 44, was arrested on his way to work in June 2000 and has been held ever since at the Toronto West Detention Center. The jail normally houses short-term inmates and has been dubbed Canada's Guantanamo Bay after the U.S. military prison in Cuba. Mahjoub has been held without charges or trial, accused by Canadian security officials of belonging to the Vanguards of Conquests, a militant group with ties to the terrorist organization al-Jihad. Both groups are on Canada's list of banned terrorist organizations.
"Vanguards of Conquests." Nothin' about resistance in that name, is there?
Federal Court of Appeals Judge Eleanor Dawson stayed a deportation order against Mahjoub in September, saying she was convinced he might be tortured if forced to return to Egypt, where he was convicted of having terrorism links. Mahjoub admits he met Osama bin Laden several times while he worked in an agricultural plant owned by bin Laden in Sudan in the 1990s. But he denies any links to terrorism.
"No, no! Certainly not!"
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 2:43:49 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Protective custody.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 12/18/2004 14:48 Comments || Top||

#2  he would be tortured and possibly killed upon return to his native Egypt

where's the downside?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2004 15:01 Comments || Top||

#3  It's not a bug, it's a FEATURE, Frank, heh heh.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 12/18/2004 15:21 Comments || Top||

#4  He's been held for 4 years? But that's at least one year longer than anyone's been held at Gimo... and the winters up north are a lot colder.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2004 20:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Seems to me they need to find a judge that isn't convinced who will put his ass on a plane in handcuffs with a one way fare. QED
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/18/2004 20:22 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Briton freed from Guantanamo prison tells European rights body of U.S. abuse
A bit more, just for the fun of it...
Oh boy, my first sympathy meter story. I am so excited :).
A Briton released from the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, told Europe's top human rights body Friday he was beaten, shackled, kept in a cramped cage and fed rotten food as part of "systematic abuse" in custody.
He's lucky. We've still got chain gangs in some places...
Jamal al-Harith's testimony before a Council of Europe panel came as part of an inquiry by the body into human rights abuses at the U.S. prison camp to be made public in a report due out early next year. Reading from a 10-page statement, al-Harith described his two-year detention at Guantanamo Bay as a period of continual mistreatment that ranged from humiliation and 15-hour interrogations to physical abuse he said left scars.
"Where are your scars, then?"
"Ummm... I sent 'em out for cleaning. They'll be back Thursday."
At one point, al-Harith said he refused to take an unidentified injection and was chained up and attacked by five men wearing helmets, body armour and shields. "They jumped on my legs and back and they kicked and punched me," said the 37-year-old website designer and father of three from Manchester, England.
"Shuddup! Yer takin' yer giggle juice! Thump 'im, guys!"
...I fell down the stairs and my shoes fell off.
"Then I was put in isolation for a month."
...and I couldn't see -- so good
Al-Harith said he was kept mostly in a wire cage and given food marked "10 to 12 years beyond their usable date," as well as "black and rotten" fruit. Sometimes, unmuzzled dogs were brought to the cage and encouraged to bark, he said.
I'll bet they pooped, too. That's why I don't own a dog. I can poop in my own living room...
Detained in Afghanistan in October 2001, al-Harith maintains he had travelled to the region to attend a religious retreat in Pakistan.
Perfectly harmless...all I wanted to do was kill Americans, and who doesn't want to do that these days?
Posted by: Ol_Dirty_American || 12/18/2004 10:22:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  (bad british teeth pun)
... And they gave me dental care and made me brush my teeth!
(/bad british teeth pun)
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:09 Comments || Top||

#2  This guy is lying his ass off for the most part (especially about "physical abuse"), and for the rest of it, he has been, as we call it, "mind-f**ked" - and believed every bit of it.

The "beatings" he recieved? Those sound like how you handle someone who is violently resisting being handled or moved. Here are the facts:

"Chained up" is probably a leg shackle given the facility there - its highly unlikely he was bound down completelychains - they are very inefficient for that purpose.

Note the body armor, etc, on the guards that he reported, and that they went for the legs - thats the first thing you do to get control of a subject who is physically violent and resistive to being controlled for movement, then you flip them face down, thus the "hitting my back" report.

Basically this guy is reporting a classical handling of a violent resistive prisoner - him.

The "rotten" food? That made me laugh. It isnt what he thoguht it was. But he is led to believe that it is.

A little mislabeling on the packages (MREs possibly - which can live 12 years past the originaltion date), and for the fruit, some food coloring and a harmless "smell" additive...

I guess thats what you get when you have some web weenie that wants to be a terrorist playing in the big leagues, mind-game-wise.
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Hadith hails from the Moss Side area of Manchester, apparently. What he describes experiencing in Gitmo sounds like a relatively relaxed weekend passed in that neck of the woods. He really should be thanking the US Government for an all-expenses-paid holiday on sunny Cuba.
Posted by: Bulldog || 12/18/2004 13:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Hmm. Could the thought of a $10 million lawsuit lottery have anything to do with this? The lure of Islamic green is so much more attractive when supplemented with American greenbacks.

PS. No more prisoners.
Posted by: ed || 12/18/2004 14:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Shudda sent him to Riker Island. The little cupcake would have had a really sweet time with his boyfriends.
Posted by: anymouse || 12/18/2004 16:23 Comments || Top||

#6  I think we need to take him back into custody.
That will solve the problem.
I am sure this violates the terms of his release.

I wonder when we will start seeing AI offices in the US trashed?
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/18/2004 16:26 Comments || Top||

Posted by: .com || 12/18/2004 16:27 Comments || Top||

#8  Could use some paint.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/18/2004 23:53 Comments || Top||

#9  (bad british teeth pun)
... And they gave me dental care and made me brush my teeth!
(/bad british teeth pun)
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:09 Comments || Top||

#10  This guy is lying his ass off for the most part (especially about "physical abuse"), and for the rest of it, he has been, as we call it, "mind-f**ked" - and believed every bit of it.

The "beatings" he recieved? Those sound like how you handle someone who is violently resisting being handled or moved. Here are the facts:

"Chained up" is probably a leg shackle given the facility there - its highly unlikely he was bound down completelychains - they are very inefficient for that purpose.

Note the body armor, etc, on the guards that he reported, and that they went for the legs - thats the first thing you do to get control of a subject who is physically violent and resistive to being controlled for movement, then you flip them face down, thus the "hitting my back" report.

Basically this guy is reporting a classical handling of a violent resistive prisoner - him.

The "rotten" food? That made me laugh. It isnt what he thoguht it was. But he is led to believe that it is.

A little mislabeling on the packages (MREs possibly - which can live 12 years past the originaltion date), and for the fruit, some food coloring and a harmless "smell" additive...

I guess thats what you get when you have some web weenie that wants to be a terrorist playing in the big leagues, mind-game-wise.
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:20 Comments || Top||

#11  (bad british teeth pun)
... And they gave me dental care and made me brush my teeth!
(/bad british teeth pun)
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:09 Comments || Top||

#12  This guy is lying his ass off for the most part (especially about "physical abuse"), and for the rest of it, he has been, as we call it, "mind-f**ked" - and believed every bit of it.

The "beatings" he recieved? Those sound like how you handle someone who is violently resisting being handled or moved. Here are the facts:

"Chained up" is probably a leg shackle given the facility there - its highly unlikely he was bound down completelychains - they are very inefficient for that purpose.

Note the body armor, etc, on the guards that he reported, and that they went for the legs - thats the first thing you do to get control of a subject who is physically violent and resistive to being controlled for movement, then you flip them face down, thus the "hitting my back" report.

Basically this guy is reporting a classical handling of a violent resistive prisoner - him.

The "rotten" food? That made me laugh. It isnt what he thoguht it was. But he is led to believe that it is.

A little mislabeling on the packages (MREs possibly - which can live 12 years past the originaltion date), and for the fruit, some food coloring and a harmless "smell" additive...

I guess thats what you get when you have some web weenie that wants to be a terrorist playing in the big leagues, mind-game-wise.
Posted by: OldSpook || 12/18/2004 13:20 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Indon Coppers Find 9 Bomb Thingys On Jakarta Bus
JAKARTA, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- Indonesian police have discovered nine bombs under a bus seat, days after warnings of possible new terror attack in the country.
Santa was making an early start cuz the reindeers are sick with SARS precursors and he was forced to use Public Transport...
A cardboard box tucked under the seat held nine cylimders [sic] filled with explosives with one of the cylinders already wired to a detonator. The bus was traveling from the West Java district of Garut to the provincial capital of Bandung.
You have to be extra careful with cylimders, y'know. They can morph into cylinders right before your eyes. Oh, and they can 'splode, too.
The find came only days after several countries, including the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, citing warnings of a new bombing attack advised their nationals to take precautions, including avoiding some hotels.
Look out! Beware! See - toldja.
The warnings and the bomb discovery prompted police to increase security across the country before the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Prolly pretty thin happenings at Christmas in Muslim Indo. Makes it easier for the Terr Guys. See blinking lights? Blow it up.
At the same time, a man resembling Malaysian terror suspect Noordin Mohamed Top was arrested in West Java on Friday. Top, along with fellow Malaysian Azahari Husin, has been accused of masterminding several bombing attacks in Indonesia, including the deadly explosion at a Bali nightclub in 2002 and the bombings at the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta last year and the Australian embassy this year.
Copyright 2004 by United Press International.
Well, now, they wait to the end to tell us this? Mebbe they're worried they have the wrong guy - they don't say it, but mebbe the reporter thinks they all look alike... They got the Top guy, Top. Man, the UPI Editors need help with their headlines, too.
Posted by: .com || 12/18/2004 2:40:41 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

US designates al-Manar TV as ‘terrorist’
The State Department on Friday designated al-Manar television — the station for Lebanonn's Hezbollah's anti-Israel guerrillas — as a terrorist organisation, a notice published in the Federal Register said. "Acting under the authority of the Immigration and Nationality Act and in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State has concluded that al-Manar is a 'terrorist organisation' within the meaning of that section of the INA," the notice said. The designation is effective upon Friday's publication.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:29:52 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Rantburg designates Daily Times as 'news outlet' -- nahhh, just kidding.
Posted by: .com || 12/18/2004 2:16 Comments || Top||

Africa: Horn
Sudan Withdraws Forces From Darfur Region
Sudan is withdrawing its forces from recently occupied positions in the bloodied Darfur region, heeding an African Union demand for a pullback in an effort to restart stalled peace talks, a Union official said Saturday. Union spokesman Assane Ba said Sudan acceded to calls from Union mediators to yield territory taken this week. Ba said the Union expects rebels to halt attacks on government forces, which should withdraw to positions they held before Nov. 9.

Rebels could not be immediately reached for comment Saturday, but the insurgents boycotted talks this week after alleging the government had launched a fresh offensive. The rebels said they would not meet government negotiators until the attacks ceased. Ba said he hoped the government's pullback, documented by Union cease-fire monitors in Darfur, would break the boycott. He spoke in a telephone interview from Abuja, Nigeria's capital, where the talks were being held.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 2:34:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So they finished killing everyone they could find? They'll be back when the returnees are less skittish.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/18/2004 19:54 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Urdu McNuggets
Aslam Khatak invented 'Pakistan'
Columnist Dr Anwar Sadeed stated in Nawa-e-Waqt that inventor of the name Pakistan was not Chaudhry Rehmat Ali but Muhammad Aslam Khan Khatak when he was chairman of Khyber Union of Students at Oxford. Khatak made this claim in 1987 saying that the credit was wrongly given to Chaudhry Rehmat Ali who had nothing to do with the name of the country. At the time when he announced his invention at the session of the Union at Oxford, Chaudhry Rehmat Ali and Khwaja Abdur Rahim were present. He said he had signed the Now or Never statement which came out as a booklet but Khwaja Abdur Rahim had not signed it. The columnist added that another eyewitness Abdul Haq had claimed in 1970 that the inventor of the name was Khwaja Abdur Rahim who had thought it up during a walk with Pir Ahsanuddin and Chaudhry Rehmat Ali along the Thames in 1932.

Al Qaeda agents held in Lahore
According to Jang, Race Course Road police in Lahore accidentally came upon two motorbike riders carrying explosive material. The two then led the police to Habibullah Road adjacent old Davis Road where the police arrested Gul Rehman of Afghanistan, Khan Bahadur of Darra Adam Khel, Arshad Ali of Okara and Mudassar of Lahore. All of then had taken training in Afghanistan. The police recovered two motorbikes from Habibullah Road, 32 time devices, 26 batteries, 24 detonators and 32 bombs in all. The plan was to disperse the explosives in the city with time devices and cause a lot of havoc.

Kashmir is not ours!
According to Nawa-e-Waqt, Pir Pagaro said that Kashmir was not Pakistan's, never was and never would be. He said he had said it long ago and was willing to restate his position. He said he was with the government but not with the political party running the government.

The Night of Power
Writing in Khabrain Masood Khan Niazi stated that Lailat al-Qadr was the night on 27th Ramadhan when the Quran was taken from the Loh-e-Mefooz and given to angel Gabriel who was ordered to take it to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The night was declared sacred by Allah in Sura al-Qadr in the Holy Quran. As to the exact time, most people think it is 27th of Ramadhan but Allah did not wish to pinpoint it, therefore, He spread it over the last ten days of Ramadhan so that the faithful keep on praying for ten days. A tradition says that Night of Power fell on the odd dates of the last ten days (ashra) of Ramadhan. According to daily Din, the angels were created on the Night of Power and the matter that made up Adam began to be put together. The trees of Paradise were also created on this night. Christ was raised to Heaven on this night and the Jews were forgiven by Allah on this night. This night was equal to one thousand nights of worship. 'Qadr' means power and fortune because on this night Allah fashions the fortune of all humanity. On this night angels come down to earth in such numbers that earth becomes too narrow for them. 'Qadr' also means narrow. According to another tradition Prophet Muhammad PBUH was grieved over the fact that earlier nations were given long lives but the Muslims had shorter lives. Allah favoured him and gave the Muslim the Night of Power so that the Muslims could make up for time lost with prayer.

Chained boy dies under train
According to Juhud-e-Haq monthly in its November issue an 11-year old boy named Fida Hussain was chained along with other boys in a local madrasa in Lodhran. The cleric who ran the seminary, Maulavi Zahoor, inflicted a lot of cruelty on them. One day they fled the madrasa along with their chains but were soon tired by the weight of the chains. They thought of breaking the chains under a train. But when the train ran over the chains Fida Muhammad was sent rolling under the train and died on the spot. Maulavi Zahoor was saved by the police after bribe.

Musharraf's plan should be in museum
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt, ex-army chief Aslam Beg stated that the new plan on Kashmir by President Musharraf was so strange that it should be placed in a museum. He said he had now become aware that Musharraf would not take off his uniform. He said a movement against him will have to be ordered from outside just as Ayub Khan and Bhutto were removed by movements ordered from outside. He said Bush Administration was a collection of fools (ahmaqon ka tola) and now the Muslims of the world will have to get united to prevent the savagery (barnbariyat) of Bush.

Yasser Arafat tried to rescue Bhutto
According to Mushahid Hussain Syed in Nawa-e-Waqt, Yasser Arafat in an interview of 1990 said that he was particularly drawn to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto because he had welcomed the PLO at the 1974 Islamic Summit in Lahore. He said he had appealed to General Zia not to kill Bhutto but to no avail. He then tried to rescue Bhutto during his trial while on his way from jail to the courthouse. He had charged his PLO military attaché in Islamabad to whisk him away and bring him out through Afghanistan but shockingly the colonel charge died suddenly before he could carry out the rescue.

Top jobs with Urdu-speakers
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt, ex-army chief Aslam Beg said that the posts of president, army chief and chief justice were held in Pakistan by Urdu-speaking persons and therefore it was incorrect on the part of MQM leader Altaf Hussain to say that the Urdu-speaking community was not properly represented in Pakistan. (He did not say that the posts of president and army chief were being filled by one and the same man.)

How bustards are killed by Arabs
Sunday magazine of Jang wrote that in 2002 Prince Fahd from the Arab world had come down to Dalbandin in Balochistan to kill the rare and endangered bird tilor or houbara bustard which the Arabs eat for sexual power. A big transport plane landed on an improvised airport, a tent with golden thread-work was set up and dozens of local servants with hawks on their arms walked around. Inside the tent local grandees including Balochistan wildlife minister Jam Akbar Ali were waiting upon the prince. Much wine was flowing which was mostly imbibed by Pakistani grandees who were used to heavy drinking. Out in the cold desert eight young bustards walked tentatively on the sand and took flight when approached by a truck. In one month's stay the Arab prince killed 3,000 bustard. Local people were not benefited for any long period. The airport was of no use to them. One mosque was an addition that they did not need and two generators donated to them were also in disrepair because the local people could not [maintain] them.

Hindus being abducted in Sindh
According to Juhud-e-Haq monthly in its November issue Sindh National Party protested in Shadadpur against the abduction of the Hindus in two months. Kapil Dev was kidnapped from Clifton on 24 August in front of his school and was not found. Dr Nanak Ram was threatened with abduction till he ran away to India. Bhagat Ram and Santosh Kumar too were not recovered. Sindh National Party went on hunger strike for them in Larkana.

Imprisoned for writing 786!
Monthly Juhud-e-Haq recorded in its November 2004 issue that in Mirpur Khas 15 persons of Ahmedi community were hauled up under section 298-C for writing 786 on their wedding cards. Those put behind bars included three brides and their bridegrooms. The wedding cards also contained such incriminating words as As-Salam-o-Alaikam and Insha Allah and Marhoom. When a welfare organisation visited the affected Ahmedis at their homes it found them completely terrorised and their houses locked.

Beware of Hamid Gul!
Quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt, secretary general of Muslim League Mushahid Hussain Syed stated that in 1989 when Yasser Arafat came to Pakistan and learned that Ms Bhutto's government was allowing ISI chief Hameed Gul to launch the Jalalabad Operation, and that Afghanistan would fall 'this Ramadhan' he laughed in derision. He told Ms Bhutto to beware of two generals, Hameed Gul because he was too ambitious and General Naseerullah Babar because he was too saada (simple). Yasser Arafat also said that he could be of no help to Pakistan over Kashmir because he could not offend India.

Benazir blows hot and cold with Shaukat Aziz
Quoted in daily Pakistan, industrialist Shahzada Alam Munnoo said that in 1996 Ms Bhutto tried to put Shimon Peres of Israel and Yasser Arafat together at Davos but Shimon Peres for some reason did not turn up and Arafat too went out of the session after some time. In his seat, Ms Bhutto asked Citibank chief Shaukat Aziz to sit instead. Shaukat Aziz told Munnoo that earlier in the day she was angry with him but by evening she was happy with him enough to give him Arafat's seat.

Blasphemer deemed innocent after four years
According to Khabrain journalist Munawwar Mohsin who was under life imprisonment after an insulting email was published inadvertently in The Frontier Post Peshawar, was freed by Peshawar High Court because it found him not guilty. The offence was committed in 2001 and an emotional sessions judge had given a stiff sentence for a crime committed inadvertently. It took four years for an innocent man to get off the hook.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 10:08:08 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  mmmmm tasty McNuggets, Fred. Life in prison for an insulting email, huh?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2004 10:36 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm thinking about a summer home in the Urdu. If I take about 50 hits of mescaline a day, I figure I'll fit right in.
Posted by: tu3031 || 12/18/2004 10:46 Comments || Top||

#3  The story of the chained boy dying under a train was something else. And just think, most all of that madarassas misery was brought to by Saudi Arabia.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 12/18/2004 11:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Remind me never to mess with Fred. Jeeeeezus! I just don't know. I'd like to think this is a Fred thing... but I don't know.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/18/2004 14:06 Comments || Top||

#5  The story of bustard hunting epitomizes the Arab world, if you ask me. Something there for everyone.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/18/2004 15:39 Comments || Top||

Refugees to return to Fallujah any day now
BAGHDAD — Iraqi civilians who fled Fallujah ahead of a US assault on the city more than one month ago can start returning home next week, Iraq's interim government said on Thursday. More than 200,000 people have yet to go home and many are in need of aid as night-time temperatures in Iraq sink toward freezing. US forces have so far prevented refugees from returning, saying basic facilities must be restored first. "Enough supplies and basic services would be in place to start returns next week," the government said in a statement. A ministerial committee dealing with Fallujah met on Thursday to finalise plans for residents to return to a place that has been a virtual ghost-town since the offensive began on November 8.
Let the bad boys come back in with you, and there won't be any need for a reconstruction next time.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/18/2004 12:24:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yep. Third strike. Bounce the rubble - repeatedly.
Posted by: .com || 12/18/2004 2:13 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Nepal Necropsies Numerated
Killing Maoists is getting to be a regular event in Nepal.
KATHMANDU — At least 17 Maoist rebels died in clashes in the far west of Nepal yesterday while two bombs exploded in the capital region as new violence flared in the kingdom, security officials said. "At least 17 Maoists were killed in clashes with security forces at Mulpani village in Dailekh district yesterday morning," the source said. The army's report of new rebel killings came on top of 21 rebel deaths announced on Tuesday.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/18/2004 12:22:30 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Two killed in Kashmir
A shopkeeper and a militant were killed and eight people wounded in fresh violence in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday, officials said. Police said suspected militants lynched a Muslim shopkeeper in southern Pulwama district on Friday, while Indian troops shot dead a militant in Poonch district, further south. In further violence, seven constables were wounded in an overnight grenade attack on a police station in downtown Srinagar, a police spokesman said, adding a civilian was injured in a similar blast in southern Qazigund town.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:21:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I hope this is not the case of another Indian military officer trying to get a promotion.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 12/18/2004 8:37 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
'Laden associate's trial groundless'
The trial of a Moroccan associate of Osama Bin Laden has no legal basis and reports that he was the bodyguard of the Al Qaeda leader are fabrications, his lawyer said on Friday. Abdellah Tabarak was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001 during the US-led war against the ruling Taliban militia. He was one of five Moroccans handed over to the Rabat authorities in August after being held more than 2-1/2 years without charge at Guantanamo Bay, the US base in Cuba. "The file on my client is empty, they have nothing to charge him with," his lawyer, Abdelfettah Zahrach, said.
"Y'got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!"
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:20:07 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
South African suspects deported
Two South Africans detained in Pakistan during a terrorism investigation have been deported to South Africa, the National Police Commissioner's office said on Friday. The office told The South African Press Association that Feroz Ganchi and Zubair Ismail were deported to South Africa on Wednesday and questioned by South African police upon their arrival. Ganchi and Ismail were detained in Gujrat on July 25 after a 12-hour shootout with security forces.
Why deport them? Why not just jug them for 180 years apiece?
They were detained along with a number of other people suspected of belonging to a terrorist organisation and receiving training in that country. Before Pakistan had reported their detention, Ganchi, a doctor from Johannesburg, and Ismail, a 20-year-old student from Pretoria, had gone missing for 10 days while they were supposed to be hiking in the mountains in eastern Pakistan.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:11:05 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think they meant exported.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/18/2004 16:35 Comments || Top||

Two suspects held in Karachi
A sensitive agency raided a house in Steel Township's phase 1 on Friday night and arrested two suspects. One of them is an Arab and the other a Pakistani. They came to Karachi five days ago from Quetta. A satellite phone, two mobile phones, one laptop computer, Rs 100,000 and three forged National Identity Cards were recovered from their possession.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:10:08 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good thing it was a sensitive agency. We wouldn't want any hurt feelings or bruised egos, would we?
Posted by: Darth VAda || 12/18/2004 4:56 Comments || Top||

Eight Paleos killed, 30 wounded in Gaza raid
The Israeli army raided south Gaza on Friday in response to increasing Palestinian mortar attacks, killing at least eight Palestinians and prompting hundreds to flee their homes, witnesses and medics said. At least eight Palestinians were killed and 30 wounded in Friday's army raid into Khan Younis, Gaza's second largest city and a hotbed of militants who frequently pepper nearby Jewish settlements with mortar and rocket fire. Two Palestinians were killed by an Israeli missile strike. Six of the Palestinians killed on Friday were militants and at two were civilian bystanders, local medics and witnesses said.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:05:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "two were civilian bystanders"
Riiiiight! The kind that drop their AK's in the trash can when the IDF shows up.

I wonder if the MSM is turning on the Paleo terrs?
Normally, they would have described it as "two were innocent children playing with rubber duckies civilian bystanders"
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 12/18/2004 8:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Too bad the numbers aren't reversed.

Oh, well - it's a start....
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 12/18/2004 10:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Missile strike? Anyone important?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/18/2004 11:03 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Interpol alleges senior Bin Laden adviser hiding in tribal areas
Interpol is searching for Mustafa Ahmed Muhammad Uthman Abu Al-Yazid, Al Qaeda's chief financial officer and senior adviser to Osama Bin Laden and has alleged that he is hiding in areas adjoining the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, sources told Daily Times on Friday. In a letter to Pakistani law enforcement agencies including the Federal Investigation Agency, Interpol stated that Mustafa was an Egyptian and was reportedly a close aide of Bin Laden, sources added.

Mustafa had many aliases including Shaykh Said Al-Misri, Mustafa Abu Yazid, Saad Abu Shayama, Mustafa Muhammad Ahmed and Said Uthman, they said. Interpol had gathered these facts by interrogating a suspect arrested by law enforcement agencies, sources said, adding that the letter did not mention his name. The suspect alleged during interrogation that Mustafa was currently in Pakistan's tribal areas. Interpol wrote that Mustafa was born in Egypt on December 27, 1955, took over Al Qaeda's finances and became Bin Laden's senior adviser, sources said, adding that he had also been a member of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and was in contact with activists of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
Posted by: Fred || 12/18/2004 12:03:06 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ya got the wrong area, pub. Tribal chiefs say they'se all daid, or done left. Nope, you be wrong.
Posted by: anymouse || 12/18/2004 0:59 Comments || Top||

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In no particular order...
Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2004-12-18
  Eight Paleos killed, 30 wounded in Gaza raid
Fri 2004-12-17
  2 Mehsud tribes promise not to shelter foreigners
Thu 2004-12-16
  Bush warns Iran & Syria not to meddle in Iraq
Wed 2004-12-15
  North Korea says Japanese sanctions would be "declaration of war"
Tue 2004-12-14
  Abbas calls for end of armed uprising
Mon 2004-12-13
  Baghdad psycho booms 13
Sun 2004-12-12
  U.S. bombs Mosul rebels
Sat 2004-12-11
  18,000 U.S. Troops Begin Afghan Offensive
Fri 2004-12-10
  Palestinian Authority to follow in Arafat's footsteps
Thu 2004-12-09
  Shiites announce coalition of candidates
Wed 2004-12-08
  Israel, Paleostinians Reach Election Deal
Tue 2004-12-07
  Al-Qaeda sez they hit the US consulate
Mon 2004-12-06
  U.S. consulate attacked in Jeddah
Sun 2004-12-05
  Bad Guyz kill 21 Iraqis
Sat 2004-12-04
  Hamas will accept Palestinian state

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