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Kabul cop shoppe boomed, 5 dead
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Page 1: WoT Operations
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [19] 
4 00:00 Frank G [24] 
9 00:00 trailing wife [29] 
15 00:00 trailing wife [32] 
0 [19] 
9 00:00 RD [16] 
0 [20] 
0 [20] 
0 [14] 
2 00:00 DepotGuy [24] 
1 00:00 Thomas Woof [28] 
0 [23] 
4 00:00 crosspatch [13] 
3 00:00 Redneck Jim [30] 
1 00:00 trailing wife [18] 
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8 00:00 RD [30]
3 00:00 DepotGuy [30]
0 [17]
5 00:00 Frank G [32]
9 00:00 Mike N. [28]
1 00:00 Whomong Guelph4611 [22]
17 00:00 Ricky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) [22]
5 00:00 Old Patriot [16]
0 [12]
0 [20]
2 00:00 Excalibur [21]
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [11]
5 00:00 Mike N. [26]
0 [21]
0 [22]
3 00:00 Redneck Jim [15]
3 00:00 g(r)omgoru [24]
5 00:00 Frank G [21]
0 [23]
7 00:00 JosephMendiola [30]
4 00:00 DepotGuy [27]
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6 00:00 Frank G [12]
23 00:00 Frank G [14]
14 00:00 Rob Crawford [14]
0 [15]
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [15]
0 [16]
7 00:00 JosephMendiola [14]
9 00:00 JosephMendiola [15]
6 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [16]
7 00:00 JosephMendiola [14]
4 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [10]
4 00:00 Whomong Guelph4611 [13]
3 00:00 DMFD [13]
0 [18]
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [31]
Page 4: Opinion
0 [18]
5 00:00 swksvolFF [13]
8 00:00 Rob Crawford [17]
3 00:00 Frank G [27]
5 00:00 Pappy [16]
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [13]
6 00:00 DarthVader [14]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
3 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [12]
1 00:00 Whomong Guelph4611 [13]
3 00:00 gorb [13]
3 00:00 Excalibur [14]
3 00:00 Jomosing Bluetooth8431 [15]
6 00:00 RD [29]
9 00:00 Helmuth, Speaking for Cromong3228 [9]
Kabul cop shoppe boomed, 5 dead
Five civilians were killed and another five suffered injuries as three explosions rocked the Kabul Police Headquarters here on Saturday.

Officials said the explosions took place in the morning hours when large number of people from different areas of this Afghan capital arriving on foot as well as through public transport in the Deh Afghanan area for Eid shopping.
"Happy Holidays from Talibs 'R' Us!"
Interior Ministry spokesman Zmaray Bashari said two police personnel were among the injured. He would not say what caused the huge explosions. However, a police officer, who wished not to be named, the blasts were caused by BM1 missiles. But again, he would not mention the reason while the missiles went off.

Taliban, on the other hand, said they were responsible for the blasts. Zabeehullah Mujahid, calling himself spokesman for the Taliban movement, said their men had fired three rockets on the police headquarters from an undisclosed location. He said several policemen were killed and injured in the blasts. However, he would not give the exact number of casualties. The so-called spokesman also did not mention the civilian casualties in the explosions.
This article starring:
Interior Ministry spokesman Zmaray Bashari
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Maybe my calendar has gone out of whack, but it seems like it's "eid" all the time now...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 12/16/2007 8:53 Comments || Top||

#2  You know, I always wonder how the Afghanis, who are very macho about things, think about sneak attacks on women children dogs cats and little old ladies selling goats.
It has to offend the essence of their manly nature to see these back shooters blasting away at grandma from twenty clicks away.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/16/2007 9:20 Comments || Top||

#3  You know the old legend "Depends on who's Ox gets gored.

If it 'aint THEIR grandmaw, who cares?
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 12/16/2007 13:25 Comments || Top||

Africa North
4 armed Islamic militants killed, 2 captured in Algeria
Security forces killed four Islamic militants and captured two others during an anti-terrorism sweep in northwestern Algeria, news reports said Saturday.

The operation on Thursday in Oum El Drou, near the town of Chlef some 210 kilometers (130 miles) west of Algiers, came after a bomb attack that killed five civil security guards three days earlier, daily L'Expression reported.

The militants were quickly surrounded by security forces in a forest, leading to a gunfight in which the four militants, ages 18 to 24, were killed and two others detained, Liberte newspaper reported.

After other militants fled, authorities dismantled their hide-out in the woods, which contained five assault rifles, two other automatic weapons and a stash of munitions, Liberte said.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Security Forces eliminate 2 Terrorists in Tizi Ouzou
Security Forces have eliminated yesterday 2 terrorists in Bounouh municipality, Tizi Ouzou province, while recuperating two Kalashnikovs. According to reliable sources, this operation has taken place last Friday evening at around 8 pm, in Ighil Anan area, situated between Boghni and Bounouh municipalities. The same sources added that the clash putting security forces against terrorists has led to eliminate 2 terrorists while recuperating their 2 Kalashnikovs.

Other terrorists managed to flee, added the sources, while two soldiers have been wounded. The two terrorist dead bodies which were transferred to a medical centre of the National Army Forces in Bordj Menaiel municipality still have not been identified up to now.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Al-Qaeda mastermind in Skikda eliminated
Joint security forces have eliminated the emir of Fath Al Mubin squad, namely, B. M and another well known terrorist T. M alias Legrat, in Kerkera municipality, Skikda province, eastern Algeria. Security forces have recuperated two Kalashnikovs in that operation, while still trapping a terrorist group inside a deserted house in the same area.

The eliminated terrorists are among the oldest elements that joined the armed group GIA in the early 90's, and both of them are originated from Kerkera area, local sources told El Khabar. The same sources mentioned that joint security forces have set up an ambush to the two terrorists, following information revealing they were to head to an olive presse near Kerkera area at around 1 am of Saturday. Security forces surprised the two terrorists in the spot with firing them in bursts; the two parties entered into a short clash which ended by eliminating the two terrorists. Their bodies were transferred to Collo hospital, in Skikda, where they were identified, the same sources said, adding that a terrorist group is still trapped inside a deserted house in the same area, by joint security services.

This operation is a painful blow from security forces to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, knowing that the eliminated terrorists used to belong to GIA before joining Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat GSPC, this latter is considered as the representative of Al-Qaeda in Algeria.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

12 more Hizbut Tawhid suspects arrested in Chandpur
Kochua police, acting on a tip-off, arrested 12 more suspected militants belonging to Hizbut Tawhid from the town and Sachar Friday night. Of them, three were nabbed from houses in Kochua fire service area and nine from Sachar, Police Superintendent Obaidur Rahman Khan said.

He said at least 15 suspected militants escaped the police raids. Police have launched operations in different areas of the district to arrest them, he said. He said 39 activists of Hizbut Tawhid led by Nahid came to Kochna from Uttara, Dhaka to spread religious militancy among people. Another team of the same organisation came to Matlab recently to distribute handbills, leaflets and CD. But they are yet to be traced, the police superintendent said.

On Friday, police raided some areas of Kochua Pourasabha and adjacent villages and arrested 12 suspected militants of the organisation. All the arrested 24 suspected militants aged between 18 and 54 were produced before the judicial magistrate court here at about 4:30 pm yesterday. Judge Rezaul Karim rejected their bail petition and ordered police to submit their enquiry reports against all the accused within 15 days.

The 24 are Ismail Hossain Akash of Barisal Sadar, Jamal Uddin Rubel of Feni, Masudur Rahman of Dhaka, Hafibur Rahman of Brahmanbaria, Robiul Hoq of Bagerhat, Babul Mia of Mirpur in Dhaka, Abdur Raquib of Rajbari, Shahin Mahmud of Tangail, Kamrul Islam of Babuganj in Barisal, Md Shahin of Munshiganj, Md Jashimuddin of Kishoreganj, Al Amin of Bhola Sadar, Rajir of South Badda in Dhaka, Monwar Hossain of Tangail and Mostafa Talukder of Tangail.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Down Under
Anti-terrorism agents question Australia's Muslim leader
* Victoria Police to interview ailing cleric
* Ill-health prevented previous questioning
* Fehmi praised Hezbollah as 'freedom fighters'

COUNTER-TERRORISM authorities will quiz Australia's Muslim leader, Fehmi Naji El-Imam, over his support for Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists he has labelled "freedom fighters".

The 79-year-old ailing cleric will be interviewed by Victoria Police as part of an investigation into dozens of people, mainly men in their 20s, with suspected affiliation to the terrorist group.

The Australian understands counter-terrorism agents are interested in questioning Sheik Fehmi - who became mufti of Australia in June - over his public declaration of allegiance for Hezbollah during an anti-war demonstration last year.

The authorities have not yet questioned the imam because of his ill health and the nature of the investigation, which is aiming to crack down on a suspected Hezbollah cell in Melbourne.

Sheik Fehmi - a former senior member of the Howard Government's Muslim reference board - praised Hezbollah militants as "freedom fighters" on the steps of the Victorian parliament in front of more than 1500 people during an anti-war rally in Melbourne in July last year.

Sheik Fehmi has courted controversy in the past, supporting - and later regretting - the Australian residency application of Abdul Nacer Benbrika, the Algerian-born, self-styled cleric in jail awaiting trial on terror charges. And in June this year, on his first day as mufti, he was reported to have questioned whether or not Osama bin Laden was really behind the September 11 attacks in the US in 2001.

Sheik Fehmi will be asked by the authorities to express his views on Hezbollah and will be advised against supporting the group because his views may potentially influence impressionable young Muslims.

While Hezbollah's military arm, External Security Organisation, is proscribed in Australia as a terror organisation, counter-terrorism authorities fear that some of the network's backers were exploiting terror laws that do not prohibit political support for the group.

Last week, The Australian revealed that Victorian agents were analysing video footage and photographs taken at public meetings of Australian Muslims in support of Hezbollah. It was also revealed that authorities were investigating a suspected Hezbollah cell in Melbourne accused of spreading political ideologies and raising funds for its leadership in Lebanon.

Sheik Fehmi, the head of Preston Mosque in Melbourne's north, is among several senior Muslims who have expressed their support for Hezbollah.
Posted by: Oztralian || 12/16/2007 18:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I must be going blind. I thought i posted this in WOT background. sorry.
Posted by: Oztralian || 12/16/2007 18:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Fascinating. First challenge for the new Prime Minister -- may he do well for all our sakes.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/16/2007 22:09 Comments || Top||

#3  May the Force be with the new Prime Minister! (Probably only a case of 'sly ailing cleric hudnah insanity' anyway)
Posted by: Phinater Thraviger || 12/16/2007 22:17 Comments || Top||

#4  they're always "ailing" but they never die.... perhaps a push?
Posted by: Frank G || 12/16/2007 22:28 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Third Goose Creek Attack Suspect Arrested
TAMPA - A University of South Florida student has been arrested on a weapons charge in connection with a case against two other students accused of transporting explosives. Karim Moussaoui, 28, went to a shooting range with the two other students, Youssef Megahed and Ahmed Mohamed, on July 11, according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court. Moussaoui told the FBI he took pictures and didn't fire any weapons, the complaint states.
Moussaoui, you say? Hmmm.
On that date, Megahed signed a membership agreement and rented a Glock 17, which is a 9 mm handgun, at the Shoot Straight Gun and Archery Range at 3909 N. U.S. 301, the complaint states.
Moussaoui and others are shown entering the range eight days later on a surveillance video the Shoot Straight provided to the FBI, according to the complaint. Agents searching a computer found in Megahed's home found pictures of Moussaoui "standing at a firing lane possessing a shoulder-fired weapon and wearing the type of hearing protection shooters use at a shooting range."
Federal authorities have charged the international student with "possession or receiving of a firearm by a person admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa."
Goose Creek.
"We've known since the summer they were interested in this person," said USF spokesman Ken Gullette, referring to Moussaoui.

Moussaoui is from Morocco and has been living in a campus residence hall and studying computer engineering, Gullette said. He was scheduled to be awarded his undergraduate degree Saturday. His parents arrived Wednesday from Morocco to attend his graduation. At today's hearing, they signed a $50,000 signature bond for his release. Moussaoui surrendered his passport and travel documents.

The defendant was told he must vacate campus housing within two weeks of graduation. He must then find an apartment with a phone and begin serving house arrest and wear an ankle monitor. Until then, he must have daily phone contact with pretrial services.

Moussaoui's attorney, Stephen Crawford, said the student was awakened this morning in his dorm room and arrested. His client was scheduled to take his last final exam at 1 p.m. today but will miss the class, he said. Crawford said the defendant comes from a prominent family of engineers and developers in Morocco.
Posted by: www || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Watch to see if the prick gets "special accomodation" to receive his diploma even though he didn't complete his exams...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 12/16/2007 8:52 Comments || Top||

#2  That really seems fair, he's done the required work.

Think like this, suppose you wanted a hated rival to fail, just have him arrested so he fails?

Not right, he's not convicted of anything yet, plus this is exactly what Shrillary has been pushing, Suspend all civil rights upon accusation, before trial.

And I hate Shrillary.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 12/16/2007 13:17 Comments || Top||

#3  I hope people are learning. Four years ago, Goose Creek became infamous when its police went into its high school with guns drawn and with gun-sniffing dogs, forcing all the students to lie on the floor, and handcuffing students who were to slow for them. They found nothing.

Now, perhaps people will realize that the War on Drugs™ is distracting us from the War on Terrorism. Perhaps Goose Creek has already learned that.
Posted by: Eric Jablow || 12/16/2007 14:36 Comments || Top||

#4  He he bothered to purchase a hunting license first, there would be no charges. He could possess any kind of weapon if he had a valid hunting license ... which can be purchased by non-citizens ... odd but true.
Posted by: crosspatch || 12/16/2007 15:10 Comments || Top||

California jail jihadis: "We dunnit!"
You will not see these domestic successes in MSM because it makes the Bush Administration look good. This clearly shows that MSM is extremely jaded to not announce such life and death victories on US soil.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Two men who were part of a domestic terrorist cell pleaded guilty this morning to federal terrorism charges, admitting that they conspired to attack United States military operations, "infidels," and Israeli and Jewish facilities in the Los Angeles area.

The two men - Kevin James, who formed the terror group while in a California state prison, and Levar Washington, who was recruited by James while in state prison and recruited others into the plot - pleaded guilty to conspiring to wage war against the United States. A third member of the radical Islamic organization which James dubbed Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh, or JIS - Gregory Patterson - is expected to plead guilty to the terrorism conspiracy charge on Monday. The fourth member of JIS named in an indictment - Hammad Samana - has been found unfit to stand trial and is currently receiving psychiatric care at a federal
prison facility.
Keven, Gregory, and Levar are loons. Hammad's a raving loon.
"We are keenly aware of the threat posed by home-grown terrorism. As the guilty pleas today demonstrate, we will continue to identify and disrupt extremist cells before they can inflict harm. This case demonstrates how law enforcement cooperation at all levels thwarted a domestic plot that targeted U.S. military facilities as well as Israeli and Jewish facilities in the Los Angeles area," said Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III stated: "This is a case in which a terrorist cell grew out of a prison cell. Despite the fact that they had no connection to al-Qaeda leaders, they had adopted their cause. These home-grown terrorists had raised the money, recruited the people, chosen the targets, obtained the weapons and set the date. All they had left to do was to strike. The JIS case is an outstanding example of how the Joint Terrorist Task Force system works. A local crime yielded clues that pointed to terrorism. That information was brought to the JTTF and soon over 300 FBI personnel and police officers were tracking suspects and unraveling the plot. It was the superb partnership between law enforcement agencies that prevented that."
This article starring:
Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey
Robert S. Mueller
Posted by: www || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Th Los Angeles Times had two articles on this yesterday (hat tip Instapundit):

A 2-pager with pictures and lots of details

Analysis: plot only 60 days from execution
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/16/2007 0:33 Comments || Top||

Dera Bugti gas pipeline blown up
Unidentified miscreants blew up a gas pipeline in Dera Bugti on Saturday. According to information received here, unidentified miscreants blew up the gas pipeline from Pir Koh gas field to Sui at Bogi. As a result, several feet of gas pipeline was badly damaged and provision of gas has been suspended to compressor plant.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Just like olde times. Wish Foster was around to see it.
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 12/16/2007 1:02 Comments || Top||

#2  "Unidentified miscreants"
Not exactly

Posted by: DepotGuy || 12/16/2007 21:07 Comments || Top||

5 killed in first ever Nowshera suicide blast
NOWSHERA: A suicide attacker rammed his explosives-laden bicycle into a military checkpost killing five people and injuring 11 others here on Saturday, Daily Times staff reporter quoted local police and army as saying. Witnesses, however, said eight people were killed. Four of them were army personnel while the rest were civilians, the witnesses added.

The attack occurred at a checkpoint near the gate of an army school in Nowshera, AP quoted ISPR Director General Maj Gen Waheed Arshad as saying. AFP, AP and Online put the death toll at 5. District Police Officer (DPO) Mubarak Zeb told Daily Times that six people, including the suicide bomber, were killed as he detonated himself at the entrance of the Army Supply Corps (ASC) centre. “The bomber was riding on a bicycle. He detonated the explosives fastened to his body as he reached the army check post around 9.18am,” said the police officer, adding that 11 more people had sustained injuries in the blast.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Nice town, what happens in Nosharia stays in Nosharia.
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 12/16/2007 1:04 Comments || Top||

Turkish warplanes bomb Kurdish rebels in N.Iraq
Posted by: Oztralian || 12/16/2007 18:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 12/16/2007 21:08 Comments || Top||

Militants strike Baghdad neighourhood patrols
BAGHDAD - Gunmen and bombers launched three attacks on US-backed neighbourhood security patrols in Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least three of the patrol members and wounding 17. The patrol members, who are paid by US forces and not officially part of the Iraqi security forces, have increasingly come under attack by militants.
Had to expect this. It's easier for al-Qaeda to go after the patrols than our troops; though it's just going to make things worse long-term for the terrorists.
In one incident on Saturday, bombers killed two patrol members and wounded 10 in a strike on their headquarters in the Adhamiya neighbourhood of northern Iraq, until recently a Sunni Arab militant stronghold. Gunmen attacked a patrol in another northern area, killing one patrol member and wounding four. In the southern Doura neighbourhood, another former Sunni militant stronghold, gunmen wounded three patrol members manning a checkpoint.

US forces are trying to isolate Al Qaeda fighters by recruiting Sunni Arabs who have turned against the radical Sunni Arab militants, and by launching regular offensives with Iraqi forces against their hideouts.

The latest offensive started early on Saturday in the Babel province south of Baghdad. It involves Iraqi army soldiers and US troops from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, part of the 3rd Infantry Division, the US military said. Operation Marne Roundup is focused on “flushing out Al Qaeda extremists and weapons smugglers operating” near the town of Iskandariya, 40 km (25 miles) south of Baghdad, the military said in a statement.

US commanders said last week the assault would involve around 1,400 US troops and will target Sunni Islamist fighters in small hamlets and fishing villages along the Euphrates River valley in Babel province. By Saturday afternoon, the troops had faced no resistance as they moved to the target area, the statement said.

Suspected Al Qaeda fighters have attacked both Shias and Sunnis in Babel. In one incident more than a month ago, a suicide bomber killed a prominent Sunni tribal leader involved in establishing neighbourhood patrol units in north Babel.

US commanders credit the neighbourhood police units as being one of the main reasons why the number of attacks across Iraq has fallen 60 percent since June. US officials call the patrols “concerned local citizens” and pay some 50,000 patrol members about $10 a day. They are expected to provide their own weapons but are issued ID cards and simple uniforms such as reflector vests or shoulder belts.

The Shi’ite-led government was initially lukewarm over the prospect of men it once regarded as enemies being permitted to take up arms, but now says it will take over the programme from the US military and put most of the patrols on its payroll.
Posted by: Steve White || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Several incidents in Mosul, Kirkuk cause number of casualties
(KUNA) -- An Iraqi soldier, a MNF Marine in addition to three gunmen were killed in separate incidents in Kirkuk and Mosul city northern Iraq, sources said Saturday.

The Multi-National Force (MNF) indicated that a US marine was killed Friday in Ninawa province after clashes with gunmen.

Meanwhile, head of the Sahwa "awaking" council in Ninawa Fawaz Al-Jabra told reporters that members of the council's army group raided a stronghold for Qaeda in the province killing three terrorists and injuring three others. Al-Jabra that one casualty was reported on the council's side.

On another incident, a source at the Iraqi army in Kirkuk revealed that a soldier was killed and three were injured during an incident south of the city. Another source also said that the army conducted several missions here, revealing that nine were arrested.
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  Looks like the news is getting better all the time from over there.
I may make it back to Baghdad yet. Achmed said come back coast is clear, the missus says nope I don't want to get a photo of your head on a stick.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/16/2007 9:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Where 'ya from SPoD?
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 12/16/2007 10:40 Comments || Top||

#3  BTW, Ima got about 50 unused Nicks laying about you can take your pick:

Here's today's specials (free)

Tool O'Toole (of Lawrence, Where's the Arabians? Fame)


Go-Go Gopher

Many more. Inquire within.

Posted by: Thomas Woof || 12/16/2007 10:44 Comments || Top||

#4  #2 Where 'ya from SPoD?

I second thatr SPOD?
Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 10:45 Comments || Top||

#5  #3 BTW, Ima got about 50 unused Nicks laying about you can take your pick:

Haff the Powers-thatrBee told ya to cut down on a few mr. Woofster?

Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 10:53 Comments || Top||

#6  But you're keeping the rights to 'Shipman' and '6', though. Right, Thomas?
Posted by: PBMcL || 12/16/2007 11:37 Comments || Top||

#7  A deal can be made for any and all attachments and accutriments.
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 12/16/2007 16:26 Comments || Top||

#8  I had my democratic operatives plunder his filing cabinets. Turns out he doesn't have any rights to the name 'Shipman', but '6' is locked up tighter than a bulls ass at fly time.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/16/2007 17:03 Comments || Top||

#9  #8 I had my democratic operatives plunder his filing cabinets. Turns out he doesn't have any rights to the name 'Shipman', but '6' is locked up tighter than a bulls ass at fly time.

ROLF!! Ha! matter of course mr. woofs afteralls, "6" & all its progeny waz & remains neeter than a knat's rear-end ata gay parade n'Cisco!
Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 20:33 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Toe tag for top Abu Sayyaf militant
Philippine troops killed a senior Islamic militant wanted by the United States after they raided his safe house in the restive south of the archipelago, officials said on Sunday.

Mobin Abdurajak, a leader of the Abu Sayyaf group, was wanted for kidnapping 21 people from the Malaysian resort island of Sipadan in 2000. The victims were freed after a ransom was paid. "The neutralization of Abdurajak is part of our campaign to eliminate the Abu Sayyaf terrorists," regional navy chief Rear Admiral Emilio Marayag said.

Navy officers and marines swooped on Abdurajak's hideout in Tawi-Tawi, the southernmost tip of the Philippines, on Saturday night. He was killed in the firefight. The United States had offered $20,000 for the arrest of the militant, a brother-in-law of Abu Sayyaf chief Khadaffy Janjalani who was killed in a clash with the military last year.
This article starring:
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/16/2007 03:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

#1  Heh there be those two woids again--> "Islamic militant"<--strike that, them three woids-->"Dead Islamic Milliant"<--! :)
[/heart, cockles warm]

Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 7:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Hurrah! A well done swoop.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/16/2007 8:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Isn't Islamic terrorist a redundant statement?
Name ONE I tell you name ONE terrorist out there that isn't a moslem.
Boy howdy there is obviously a bit of confusion on the content of their holy script if one group is picking up body parts in the streets and calling for a truce and the other is scrounging c-4 and nails for their next escapade.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 12/16/2007 9:23 Comments || Top||

#4  Name ONE I tell you name ONE terrorist out there that isn't a moslem.

There's a whole bunch in South America, Central Africa, and in Japan. Not to mention animal-liberation and radical environmentalists in the US.
Posted by: Pappy || 12/16/2007 10:27 Comments || Top||

#5  #3 Isn't Islamic terrorist a redundant statement?

Boy howdy there is obviously a bit of confusion on the content of their holy script if one group is picking up body parts in the streets and calling for a truce and the other is scrounging c-4 and nails for their next escapade.

The Three Faces of Islam Spod!

Well said SPOD, in fact Ima gonna lift it for later..:)
Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 10:36 Comments || Top||

#6  Pappy makes an excellent point also..
hence my selection of the Three faces of Islam section.
Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 10:41 Comments || Top||

#7  SPOD, i'm not disagreeing with you but tim mcveigh and terry nichols weren't muslims
Posted by: sinse || 12/16/2007 18:34 Comments || Top||

#8  McVeigh and Nichols weren't Muslims but they cooperated with them in the Philippines. Same could be said of South American and African terrorists.
Posted by: Danielle || 12/16/2007 20:59 Comments || Top||

#9  Tamil Tigers, inventors of the suicide bomber.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/16/2007 22:15 Comments || Top||

Good Morning....
Posted by: Fred || 12/16/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Weally? I imagine her doing something Wong wight now! Wong with a capital 'W', that is! >:-}
Posted by: gorb || 12/16/2007 2:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Nothing wrong with Miss Wong as far as I can see.
Posted by: Mike || 12/16/2007 8:07 Comments || Top||

#3  That's just way wong.
Posted by: DarthVader || 12/16/2007 8:29 Comments || Top||

#4  True story behind that joke. Our local fox news outlet had this really good reporter for a while. But, the first time I saw her, she was reporting on a massive multi-car pile up on the highway. At the end of her story, she said "This is Way Wong." I fell off the couch laughing.
Posted by: DarthVader || 12/16/2007 8:31 Comments || Top||

#5  Do two Wongs make a White?

Posted by: Frozen Al || 12/16/2007 12:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Wow. There really was an Anna Mae Wong.

Back in college, the Unix systems (AT&T 3b2s and 3b1s) had the ubiquitous "fortune" program. Everyone had their .login set to give a fortune when they logged in, and every once in a while, you'd see:

"Anna Mae Wong has aluminum tits."

Google knows nothing about that phrase, BTW. Pity.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 12/16/2007 13:18 Comments || Top||

#7  "Hello, you have reached the Wong number..."
Posted by: Glith Wittlesbach2543 || 12/16/2007 15:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Vey lame snarking, guys... where is Zenster when you need him?
Posted by: Flolumble the Wide3075 || 12/16/2007 16:50 Comments || Top||

#9  Unsnarkable.
Posted by: Mike N. || 12/16/2007 17:13 Comments || Top||

#10  Unsnarkable.

Correction: That photo is so breathtakingly beautiful that it would be difficult to put a humorous slant on it.
Posted by: Hammerin Hank Patswetter || 12/16/2007 17:25 Comments || Top||

#11  where is Zenster when you need him?

He's probably around somebody's blog.

Why doncha go find him?
Posted by: Pappy || 12/16/2007 20:24 Comments || Top||

#12  check for excessive bandwidth usage on someone else's established blog. If Chris had any confidence in his message he'd start his own blog (I've said that exactly approximately 386 times). I'd have nothing to say if he did that and linked (if not EVERY f*cking thread)
Posted by: Frank G || 12/16/2007 20:40 Comments || Top||

#13  I've seen Zenster hanging around the Belmont Club, making much more reasoned comments than at the end of his stay here. Maybe because the price of drinks is so much higher than in the O Club.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 12/16/2007 20:57 Comments || Top||

#14  yep, and Ima backing up Frank on the 386 count too! LOL!


/Zen's 'excessive bandwidth' repetition "Death to Islam" day after day as long as HE didn't suffer any blood loss, waz pure Chris Compensation. my 2 ¢.
Posted by: RD || 12/16/2007 20:59 Comments || Top||

#15  That's good news, Nimble Spemble. Thank you.

Separately, Miss Wong is indeed beautiful. Fred has some remarkable photographs.
Posted by: trailing wife || 12/16/2007 22:04 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2007-12-16
  Kabul cop shoppe boomed, 5 dead
Sat 2007-12-15
  Mehsud to head Taliban Movement of Pakistan
Fri 2007-12-14
  Khamenei appoints Qassem as Hezbollah military commander
Thu 2007-12-13
  Leb car boom murders top general
Wed 2007-12-12
  Qaeda in North Africa claims Algiers blasts
Tue 2007-12-11
  Taliban abandons Musa Qala
Mon 2007-12-10
  al-Abssi is in Syria and Fatah al-Isalm is in Gaza
Sun 2007-12-09
  Fierce battle rages for Taliban stronghold
Sat 2007-12-08
  Berri postpones Lebanon presidential election to Tuesday
Fri 2007-12-07
  Pak troops capture Mullah Fazlullah's base
Thu 2007-12-06
  Suicide attack on army bus in Kabul kills 16
Wed 2007-12-05
  Somali leader taken to hospital
Tue 2007-12-04
  Abu Maysara Positively Deader Than a Rock
Mon 2007-12-03
  40 Taliban killed, 14 held in Afghanistan
Sun 2007-12-02
  Walkout in Iraq parliament over Sunni leader raid

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