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Disembowelled, then torn apart: The price of daring to teach girls
By Kim Sengupta in Ghazni, Afghanistan

The gunmen came at night to drag Mohammed Halim away from his home, in front of his crying children and his wife begging for mercy.

The 46-year-old schoolteacher tried to reassure his family that he would return safely. But his life was over, he was part-disembowelled and then torn apart with his arms and legs tied to motorbikes, the remains put on display as a warning to others against defying Taliban orders to stop educating girls.

Mr Halim was one of four teachers killed in rapid succession by the Islamists at Ghazni, a strategic point on the routes from Kabul to the south and east which has become the scene of fierce clashes between the Taliban and US and Afghan forces.

The day we arrived, an Afghan policemen and eight insurgents died during an ambush in an outlying village. Rockets were found, primed to be fired into Ghazni City during a visit by the American ambassador a few days previously.

But, as in the rest of Afghanistan, it is the civilians who are bearing the brunt of this conflict. At the village of Qara Bagh, the family of Mr Halim are distraught and terrified. His cousin, Ahmed Gul, shook his head: "They killed him like an animal. No, no. We do not kill animals like that, it would be haram. They took away a father and a husband, they had no pity. We are all very worried. Please go now, you see those men standing over there? They are watching. It is dangerous for you, and for us."

Fatima Mushtaq, the director of education at Ghazni, has had repeated death threats, the notorious "night letters". Her gender, as well as her refusal to send girls home from school, has made her a particular source of hatred for Islamist zealots.

"I think they killed him that way to frighten us, otherwise why make a man suffer so much? Mohammed Halim and his family were good friends of ours and we are very, very upset by what has happened. He came to me when the threats first began and asked what he should do. I told him to move somewhere safe. I think he was trying to arrange that when they came and took him," she said.

The threats against Ms Mushtaq also extend to her husband, Sayyid Abdul, and their eight children. "When the first letters arrived, I tried to hide them from my husband," she said. "But then he found the next few. He said we must stand together. We talked, and we decided that we must tell the children. So that they can be prepared, but it is not a good way for them to grow up."

Ms Mushtaq is familiar with the ways of the Taliban. During their rule she and her sister ran secret schools for girls at their home. The Taliban beat them for teaching the girls algebra.

The gunmen came at night to drag Mohammed Halim away from his home, in front of his crying children and his wife begging for mercy.

The 46-year-old schoolteacher tried to reassure his family that he would return safely. But his life was over, he was part-disembowelled and then torn apart with his arms and legs tied to motorbikes, the remains put on display as a warning to others against defying Taliban orders to stop educating girls.

Mr Halim was one of four teachers killed in rapid succession by the Islamists at Ghazni, a strategic point on the routes from Kabul to the south and east which has become the scene of fierce clashes between the Taliban and US and Afghan forces.

The day we arrived, an Afghan policemen and eight insurgents died during an ambush in an outlying village. Rockets were found, primed to be fired into Ghazni City during a visit by the American ambassador a few days previously.

But, as in the rest of Afghanistan, it is the civilians who are bearing the brunt of this conflict. At the village of Qara Bagh, the family of Mr Halim are distraught and terrified. His cousin, Ahmed Gul, shook his head: "They killed him like an animal. No, no. We do not kill animals like that, it would be haram. They took away a father and a husband, they had no pity. We are all very worried. Please go now, you see those men standing over there? They are watching. It is dangerous for you, and for us."

Fatima Mushtaq, the director of education at Ghazni, has had repeated death threats, the notorious "night letters". Her gender, as well as her refusal to send girls home from school, has made her a particular source of hatred for Islamist zealots.

"I think they killed him that way to frighten us, otherwise why make a man suffer so much? Mohammed Halim and his family were good friends of ours and we are very, very upset by what has happened. He came to me when the threats first began and asked what he should do. I told him to move somewhere safe. I think he was trying to arrange that when they came and took him," she said.

The threats against Ms Mushtaq also extend to her husband, Sayyid Abdul, and their eight children. "When the first letters arrived, I tried to hide them from my husband," she said. "But then he found the next few. He said we must stand together. We talked, and we decided that we must tell the children. So that they can be prepared, but it is not a good way for them to grow up."

Ms Mushtaq is familiar with the ways of the Taliban. During their rule she and her sister ran secret schools for girls at their home. The Taliban beat them for teaching the girls algebra.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 11/29/2006 14:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think a Talib village in Pakland has to die, violently. Eye for an eye. Bomb the fuckers into DNA-scraps
Posted by: Frank G || 11/29/2006 15:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Please go now, you see those men standing over there? They are watching. It is dangerous for you, and for us.

Well, I would think when it becomes that dangerous for you that it might be time to pick up a weapon and kill those men standing over there.
If you don't, there'll be more of this.
Posted by: tu3031 || 11/29/2006 15:25 Comments || Top||

#3  And Pakistan want us to 'accept' these -er- things (I wouln't even call them animals....)?

Fuck that. Bomb the shit out of then IN PAKISTAN and then bounce the rubble.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 11/29/2006 15:54 Comments || Top||

#4  More from the religion of peace, tolerance and liberal forward thinking.....

Posted by: DarthVader || 11/29/2006 16:01 Comments || Top||

#5  I think quite a few buildings in Pakistan need to be smashed for this. They're the ones sheltering and funding the Taliban.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 11/29/2006 16:10 Comments || Top||

#6  I'm beginning to have ZERO sympathy for the Afghan people. Sooner or later they must realize that one force seeks to drag them back into the stone age while the other hopes to bring them forward into a new world.

But, as in the rest of Afghanistan, it is the civilians who are bearing the brunt of this conflict.

And so it must be until the Afghans begin KILLING the Taleban wherever and whenever they see them. Their destiny is up to the Afghani people and they CANNOT be allowed to think that they have the luxury of sitting around waiting to pick out the winning horse right at the wire.

This sort of wait-and-see attitude characterizes quite a bit of this world's Muslim population. They seem to believe that it is all right to idly sit by and await the outcome of larger battles in order to finally decide who to side with.

Remember, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. This sort of Muslim malign neutrality IS NOT any form of benign neglect. Far from it, their reluctant attitude is an outright refusal to combat evil and must carry a steep price tag. Lack of active and vigorous work against terrorism on the part of Muslims must eventually, if not immediately, be interpreted as tacit support.

After a while, silence is no longer mere consent. To remain silent is to LIE.

Iraqi Muslims are already paying the price for their indecision and ingratitude. Were they more attentive to ensuring that their culture had an actual future, jihadis would begin piling up in the streets like cordwood. So it needs to be in Afghanistan and all around the world. The alternative is that Muslims will simply wait too long and be thrown out with the bathwater when their jihadist brethern commit an atrocity of such astounding proportions that we finally give up and exterminate all of their type for once and all.
Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 16:26 Comments || Top||

#7  I'm wondering what the effect would be if we handed out AK-47s and 400 rounds of ammo to every man, WOMAN, and able bodied child (roughly 14 and over- male or female.)

There would be some trouble at first. But I think things would settle down quickly. IMHO...
Posted by: Free Radical || 11/29/2006 16:35 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm beginning to have ZERO sympathy for the Afghan people.

The victim was an afghan. Now it would be time for aghans who aspire to modernoty (and I have met a few who understood that Islam was a drag) who it is not enough to teach girld: they have to learn to strike back: every people in a 10 miles radius having a beard, dressing like an Arab or showing any sign of being pro-Taliban should meet the fate of this poor guy.
Posted by: JFM || 11/29/2006 16:41 Comments || Top||

#9  I think quite a few buildings in Pakistan need to be smashed for this. They're the ones sheltering and funding the Taliban

They're called madrassahs.

Does this show up on Arab TV? If not, why don't we create our own channel and put it up for them?
Posted by: gorb || 11/29/2006 16:46 Comments || Top||

#10  Until the common man stands up to thugs, individually and in groups, they will have a reign of terror. But when they resist, even a little bit, it soon becomes impossible for the thugs to operate.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/29/2006 16:46 Comments || Top||

#11  "This sort of wait-and-see attitude characterizes quite a bit of this world's Muslim population. They seem to believe that it is all right to idly sit by and await the outcome of larger battles in order to finally decide who to side with."
They're called "non-combatants", Zenster. It's a survival mechanism. War has been alternately simmering or boiling there for decades. They survive because they don't get involved any more than they have to. They have enough to do just to stay in food, clothing, and shelter. It's no different that what millions of people did in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam...

Why do you constantly try to punish innocent non-combatants? This is as stupid as your "deport all American Muslims" rant. Grow up.
Posted by: Darrell || 11/29/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

#12  "a strategic point on the routes from Kabul to the south and east which has become the scene of fierce clashes between the Taliban and US and Afghan forces"
These people live in a battle zone that the US and Afghan forces have not cleared and all you easy-chair warriors have to say is "shame on these non-combatants for not risking everything." Shame on you.
Posted by: Darrell || 11/29/2006 17:21 Comments || Top||

#13  Just one more nail in the coffin of islam.

The world is watching.

When the backlash comes, and it will, it will be ugly indeed.
Posted by: kelly || 11/29/2006 17:56 Comments || Top||

#14  "The threats against Ms Mushtaq also extend to her husband, Sayyid Abdul, and their eight children."
So, kelly, are you expecting us to kill these ten Muslims in the backlash? If the backlash is so sure and ugly, will we be killing the teachers and the girls too?
Posted by: Darrell || 11/29/2006 18:07 Comments || Top||

#15  important to remember that most victims of Islam are, in fact, muslim

I know a fair number of secular and progressive muslims who, I think, realize that their religion is the worst persecutor instrument in the world but they can't bring themselves to admit it.
Posted by: mhw || 11/29/2006 18:10 Comments || Top||

#16  Clinging to a world view that will get me or mine killed isn't going to win any friends, certainly not me. It is a fact that people who don't want to be dragged into war are, indeed, dragged into war. If they choose to sit on their hands while there's an opportunity to choose: jihad or peace, then they cannot be held innocent - no answer is, indeed, an answer.

I said my piece on this notion here, in #33, but here's the tough part, the part that everyone must get through their heads - whether it feels good or not:
Lessons B Hard. History is replete with examples, it's hard to locate an exception in fact, of societies which were dragged into war by the most vocal and acrimonious among them - I think of them as the "activated" Muzzies. Shorthand it to Asshats for convenience and clarity. Those not overtly "activated" among them I think of as the "resource pool" for they are either complicit in their support or irrelevant in their silence. Even the most innocent among them, let's call them the LMOOIs (Leave Me Out Of It), will be going to war, sooner or later... dragged there by the majority who fill the other categories. It has always been thus, and always will be so. Tough shit - for all of us.

I do not look forward to explaining how this all went down to my grandchildren, but those who refuse to see where this is going - for whatever reason - are not merely foolish - they're goddamned dangerous.

If folks wanna get all freaked out and piss 'n moan, knock yourselves out. I've been around a long fucking time and I've been whacked by the best.

Meanwhile, slow down and think about what others are saying, the whole of it - not just the juicy bits that fire your boiler. There is an ugly time coming, like it or not, there will be a true clash of ideologies, like it or not, and it will be a bloody affair with innocents on both sides laid low. The people in the WTC are worth remembering here - true innocents. They will not be our last. I do not intend for our way of life to fall - whatever that takes.

Life is hard. It's a lot harder if you're stupid.
Posted by: .com || 11/29/2006 18:23 Comments || Top||

#17  Tell 'em .com. This thing is just getting started, and it's gonna get waaaay nasty.

Prepare yourselves and your families.
Posted by: Parabellum || 11/29/2006 18:39 Comments || Top||

#18  Bravo, .com - it is so frustrating to hear that one must not do anything if innocents are hurt. When you point out that innocents are always injured in war, the typical liberal reply is "you must enjoy killing innocents."

No sensible person wants to hurt innocents or even really wants war, but war is part of the human condition. Those who don't learn this leave the gene pool - like the majority of Western Europe is now.
Posted by: SR-71 || 11/29/2006 19:11 Comments || Top||

#19  There's one factor in this struggle which more than any other has made me suspect that this will end up in a titanic, knock-down-drag-out death match with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, dead: and that is the fanatical, unreasoning, ABSOLUTE solidarity Muslims display in any conflict with non-Muslims.

From the day the Towers fell, I've been afraid that the Muslims' fierce loyalty to one another, in utter disregard of any other considerations-- legal, ethical or moral-- would steer this conflict inexorably toward a war with all of Islam, and that nothing we could possibly do would change that even the tiniest bit.

Wish I could say that events have shown my fears to be unreasonable; but they haven't.

Posted by: Dave D. || 11/29/2006 19:25 Comments || Top||

#20  Truth, Dave - Muzzy First is Rule One.

Hey, SR-71. :-)

Another key missing bit, IMHO, in many of these discussions is the fact that we aren't being asked if we'd like to go to war - they're rather insisting. The Magik Muzzy Mesh, the one that lets the "bad" Muzzies through, but filters out the "good" Muzzies, is a fiction - just as the notion of there being moderates we must be careful not to anger / alienate / harm.

[tiny rant]
They aren't careful, they don't give a shit about us or our way of life. They drag their shithole Sharia customs and traditions into our societies, abuse our welcome, use our institutions and civility against us, whine more than any cheesedick activist, poke us in the eye when they feel they have critical mass (Muzzy Imams on NW Airlines, for example) and kvetch when called on it, and shit on the living room carpet with a regularity that would send most dogs to the pound. Hell, I'm betting the un-activated get a secret thrill when their jihadists kill infidels. They prolly give a little extra to the "charity". Moderates. Right. The oldest, most paralyzing canard in the game.
[/tiny rant]
Posted by: .com || 11/29/2006 19:36 Comments || Top||

#21  For perspective: lots of you already know that my mother is a German Jew of the Holocaust era, who spent the key portion of the War in hiding, separated from her parents. Unlike her parents, who were hidden in a fraternity house in Amsterdam, supported and supplied by the fraternity, my mother was given false papers and sent to live with a farming family on the other side of the country, where she lived openly. Because she was able to move around freely, Mama volunteered to run messages for the Dutch Underground. She was not just an innocent victim of a genocidally racist regime, but realized that --active or passive -- she, too, was involved in the war, either as a help or as a drag on those doing the actual fighting. Back at the fraternity house, my grandfather was forging documents to aid the Underground, making false identities for Jews to be hidden and adjusting ages and such for the Dutch so the lads wouldn't be picked up for work details. And, Grandfather Eduard was advising them on matters legal and otherwise, wherever he could see a way to make the Underground more effective.

In a war there are no innocent bystanders. There are those who help, and those who are a drag on the participants... and those that get run over.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 20:29 Comments || Top||

#22  Excellent example, tw. :-)
Posted by: .com || 11/29/2006 20:40 Comments || Top||

#23  Stories like this one make me oh so reassured that we'll be in good hands when the Dems take over in early January, '07.

Let's see, appeasement here, appeasement there, and the only time the Dems get in a lather over education is when their principal lobbying group, the NEA, comes a calling for more federal help.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 11/29/2006 20:56 Comments || Top||

#24  I wonder if it's difficult for the good guys to procure firearms. I'll bet the baddies have a corner on the market. Also, I'll be any attempt to organize is found out through spies, so "uprisings" are probably short lived. AND, unless they get rid of ALL (as in each and every one) of the baddies all at once, there will be really sick retributions. Hell, they did this to a teacher who DARED to teach girls.

Islmofacists = DemonSpawn.
Posted by: ex-lib || 11/29/2006 20:58 Comments || Top||

#25  DemonSpawn = Friends of IdiotDems.
Posted by: ex-lib || 11/29/2006 21:00 Comments || Top||

#26  Islamofacists = IdiotDems = DemonSpawn.
Posted by: ex-lib || 11/29/2006 21:01 Comments || Top||

#27  "Hell, they did this to a teacher who DARED to teach girls."
Exactly, ex-lib, it's not like these Afghans in harm's way have done nothing to defy the Taliban. That's why I hate to see RB'ers taking shots at them as though they're cowards. They are risking they're lives to defy the Taliban. The parents of those girls are taking risks too, just by sending the girls to the schools. If we can't be sympathetic to people defying the Taliban, what have we become?
Posted by: Darrell || 11/29/2006 21:14 Comments || Top||

#28  Mohammed Halim (the teacher) is just as much an innocent as those who died in the WTC. I don't know what more you all expect of Afghans than being part-disembowelled and then torn apart for their anti-Taliban beliefs.
Posted by: Darrell || 11/29/2006 21:20 Comments || Top||

#29  TW: My father was one of those Dutch lads. He went into hiding to avoid becoming a slave laborer in Germany.
Posted by: fmr mil contractor || 11/29/2006 21:42 Comments || Top||

#30  Darrell, you are erecting a strawman again. #27.
Posted by: twobyfour || 11/29/2006 21:44 Comments || Top||

#31  Darrell, are you even paying attention to anything being posted in this thread? Your argument about how:

They're called "non-combatants", Zenster. It's a survival mechanism. War has been alternately simmering or boiling there for decades. They survive because they don't get involved any more than they have to. They have enough to do just to stay in food, clothing, and shelter. It's no different that what millions of people did in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam...

Why do you constantly try to punish innocent non-combatants?

... just got torn to shreds, yet you're in here ankle biting and yapping away. Do you notice anyone arguing against what I posted (besides your own shrill whingeing)? Over a handful of posts just tore you a new one free of charge. Please don't imagine that I can possibly feel your pain.
Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 22:03 Comments || Top||

#32  These people live in a battle zone that the US and Afghan forces have not cleared and all you easy-chair warriors have to say is "shame on these non-combatants for not risking everything." Shame on you.

They'd better be ready to risk everything, or this is the future they're looking at. It's got nothing to do with heroism or cowardice, it's about self preservation.
Posted by: tu3031 || 11/29/2006 22:04 Comments || Top||

#33  Darell, why don't you be the traffic cop and tell us who to kill and who to let pass ?
You're trying to defend a position that is hopeless, and impossible. The moderate Islamist is tomorrow's Christian, tomorrow's suicide bomber, or dead. Let him decide.
Posted by: wxjames || 11/29/2006 22:05 Comments || Top||

#34  Christian, suicide bomber, or dead?

Leave anything out, there, wxj?
Posted by: .com || 11/29/2006 22:11 Comments || Top||

#35  When you point out that innocents are always injured in war, the typical liberal reply is "you must enjoy killing innocents."

Enjoyment has nothing to do with it. If this really is a response, I would think it says more about their own hedonistic outlook on life than anything else: "If you do X, it must be because you enjoy X."
Posted by: eLarson || 11/29/2006 22:18 Comments || Top||

#36  I'm glad your father got through ok, fmr mil contractor. It was an ugly and dangerous time, and there were plenty who actively sided with evil. The fraternity lads wore the short pants of schoolboys and had my grandfather's artwork in their pockets, but at the end it was touch and go for everyone. I never knew the details until Mama translated her mother's war memoir, which I helped edit. I've been grateful that I never had to know anything similar, and pray that the trailing daughters are similarly lucky. But I know that in war each person must make choices, and not choosing is to choose to be trampled by the active parties. Head-in-the-sand is not a real option.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 22:41 Comments || Top||

#37  They'd better be ready to risk everything, or this is the future they're looking at. It's got nothing to do with heroism or cowardice, it's about self preservation.

Bingo, tu3031. As I've said before, this one is for all the marbles. Not even in our fight against the Nazis, nor in the Cold War against the communists did we face an enemy with potential access to Weapons of Mass Destruction who cherish the thought of killing everybody on earth, including themselves in pursuit of paradise that horridly illogical ideal.

We have entered a new era of politics. On more than one score, perhaps the Presidents Bush got it right. This is both a "new world order" and it may well be that, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Rarely in its history has this world seen such utterly black and white polarity. The Nazis were progenitors of such vivid choice-making but even they, like the communists, wanted a conquered world that could be inherited from their warmongering.

This no longer applies and Islamic terrorism has dialed out the contrast control from any shades of gray to pure black and white. Worst of all, the pool of constituents comprising this bank of potential combatants now equals approximately one quarter of this world's population. Never before has the modern world been confronted with the need or (even more repugnant to many), the desire to obliterate such a massive chunk of humanity.

Even more crucial is how this psychopathic portion of mankind seeks to kill an even larger population than their own selves. This is not ethnic cleansing or any sort of petit mal spasm of human conflict. The survival of over one half of this world's population hangs in the balance when all is said and done.

Noncombatants in the War on Terrorism no longer have the luxury of holding off in their decision as to which horse they should bet on. As the immortal Popeye said:

"Yez pays yer money and yez takes yer chanskes."

Payment is now up front. Paying the piper will more often than not mean vigorously opposing the forces of Islam or losing one's life through reluctance or inaction. At present, England and France are going through this phase shift, as have America, Bali and Spain already, not to mention other locations where efforts were less successful. I will quote an old saying, and one of my favorites:

Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 22:47 Comments || Top||

#38  not choosing is to choose to be trampled by the active parties. Head-in-the-sand is not a real option.

Bravo, trailing wife. Superbly well-spoken, as with all of your posts in this thread.

After consideration of all you have disclosed in the last week or two, your heritage gives you unique insight into the decision-making process being discussed in this thread. As always, you bring a modesty and understatement that can only serve to (temporarily) shame us more vociferous proponents, even as we all fight the same battle.

It gives me great pride to note how my own mother's Danish family transported and sheltered the Jews during WWII. Just as how, when the Nazis demanded that a Danish town deliver up all of their Jews, with the entire village's population showing up in line the next morning, so must we all take sides in this current conflict.

Indecision is not an option.
Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 22:57 Comments || Top||

#39  With each new example of overt islamic barbarity we seem to have to repeat the same arguments, and still there are those that don't get it. Oh, so many that don't get it. It is because this barbarism is not told far and wide. It is because our media and our elites are so afraid of crossing the rubicon of political correctness that they cannot point their finger at this barbarism and howl at it's depravity. No, their self-loathing makes them unable to point the finger at anyone but themselves. They will only be deemed irrelevant when 100,000 of our citizens lie dead.
Posted by: Remoteman || 11/29/2006 23:30 Comments || Top||

#40  It is because our media and our elites are so afraid of crossing the rubicon of political correctness that they cannot point their finger at this barbarism and howl at it's depravity.

Let that be carved in stone.

Spot on, Remoteman. You have nailed a huge portion of everything that is wrong with our government's current modus operandi.
Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 23:42 Comments || Top||

#41  If they choose to sit on their hands while there's an opportunity to choose: jihad or peace, then they cannot be held innocent - no answer is, indeed, an answer.

Indeed, as with: (I refer you to)

After a while, silence is no longer mere consent. To remain silent is to LIE.


Indecision is not an option.
Posted by: Zenster || 11/29/2006 23:48 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Radiation Found on British Airways Planes
ONDON — Authorities found small traces of radiation on two British Airways 767 jetliners Wednesday, as investigators widened their search for clues into the poisoning death of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.

Home Secretary John Reid disclosed the search following a meeting with COBRA, the government's emergency committee. Reid said two planes had been tested so far and that another would be tested.

The initial results of the forensic tests had shown very low traces of a radioactive substance onboard two aircraft, British Airways said in a statement.
The company added that the investigation is confined to the three planes, which will remain out of service until further notice.

High doses of polonium-210 — a rare radioactive element usually manufactured in specialized nuclear facilities — were found in Litvinenko's body, and traces of radiation have been found at sites in London connected with the investigation of his death.
Posted by: Sherry || 11/29/2006 14:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Really? And from where have those planes been flying recently?
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 14:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Totally useless information without more details. The radiation COULD have come from a cancer patient, or a smoke detector, or just a random blot of dust.

Was it specifically polonium-210? Or something else?
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 11/29/2006 14:56 Comments || Top||

#3  If I intended to use a very rare substance to kill someone I doubt I'd take it aboard an airplane. I'd drive it from Moscow. Perhaps I'd take a plane back, but I certainly wouldn't have any traces of the stuff with me then.

I think this is a red hering.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 11/29/2006 15:01 Comments || Top||

#4  Radiation exists everywhere, visible light and radio waves are radiation, different only in energy and wavelength from lethal gamma rays.

What they mean (and say) is indications of highly radioactive material.
Beyond that almost all substances are radioactive to a measurable degree. A typical block of granite is radioactive enough to vaporize itself in a few hundred thousand years if it were perfectly insulated.
Coal is radioactive, largely thanks to trace amounts of uranium (1-3 ppm) and thorium (6-9 ppm). The latter trace elements become concentrated in the coal ash, so much so that one scientist has suggested mining ash heaps as a source of these metals. The coal power industry dumps about 1000 tons of uranium, and up to three times that much thorium, into the environment every year, millions of times the radioactive leakage permitted for nuclear powerplants.
If it were extracted and used in a rector, the tiny percentage of uranium in a given amount of coal could generate more energy than burning the coal itself.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 11/29/2006 15:48 Comments || Top||

#5  Very interesting, AC. I assume the cost of extracting the uranium, and concentrating it to make it useable, would be more expensive than burning the coal, right?

But, then....I am an engineer....
Posted by: Bobby || 11/29/2006 16:22 Comments || Top||

#6  the radiation was planted by the EADS/AIRBUS consortium in an effort to derail the unwanted attention focused on the debacles called A380 / A350/
/snark off
Posted by: USN, ret. || 11/29/2006 16:34 Comments || Top||

#7  I assume the cost of extracting the uranium, and concentrating it to make it useable, would be more expensive than burning the coal, right?

Bobby I think AC is talking about mining the slag, where it (in theory) would be concentrated.
Posted by: Shipman || 11/29/2006 17:48 Comments || Top||

#8  NPR said the two airplanes on which the radiation traces were found had recently flown from Moscow. A third plane is being held in Moscow for testing.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 20:10 Comments || Top||

#9  Perhaps Moscow is regularly shipping radiactive ammo like Po-210 all over the world to keep its agents supplied. I understand the stuff deteriorates very quickly.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/29/2006 21:12 Comments || Top||

Citizen and illegal alien admit to trying to aid Taliban
One of two Houston men accused of training to fight with the Taliban pleaded guilty this afternoon in federal court. Kobie Diallo Williams, 33, a U.S. citizen who was a student at the University of Houston Downtown, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to assist a terrorist group. His help included withdrawing cash from an ATM to send to the Middle East. Another man, Adnan Babar Mirza, 29, a Pakistani national who was in the country on an expired student visa, faces similar conspiracy charges as well as three federal weapons violations. Mirza appeared today before a U.S. magistrate judge. Mirza became illegal when his visa expired. Someone holding a student visa or in the country illegally is not allowed to have firearms.

In court, Williams admitted that he viewed coalition forces fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as invaders. He had expressed a desire to travel to the Middle East to help the Taliban. Williams also admitted to handing over money that was supposed to help Taliban fighters and their families. "We knew that you couldn't get money to the Taliban," Williams told U.S. District Judge Ewing Werlein Jr., adding that he gave $350 to "a gentleman." "Adnan informed us that there was a hospital that most of the families go to," Williams said.

"What families?," Werlein asked.

"Widows and children," Williams said.

To prepare as a terrorist fighter, Williams said he used various firearms at shooting ranges and campgrounds in Harris, Walker and Montgomery counties including at Sam Houston National Forest. Williams, a thick-bearded man dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks, told the judge that he was studying computer science with a minor in mathematics at UH after earning an associate's degree in electrical engineering technology.

A press conference following the guilty plea shed light on the nearly two-year investigation that brought Williams and Mirza to the attention of federal officials. "It's not the epitome of sophistication," said U.S. Attorney Don DeGabrielle, commenting on the low-level plans Williams admitted the pair made.

And though the pair may not seem to have posed a threat of the magnitude of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the arrests point to the U.S. Justice Department's goal to prevent terrorism, DeGabrielle said. The indictments, which were unsealed today after both men appeared in court, allege that during the past 1 1/2 years both men participated in firearms and reconnaissance training in Harris County and surrounding areas. According to the indictment, the two decided last year to travel to the Middle East to engage in "battlefield jihad."

Federal law prohibits contributions of goods or services to the Taliban, one of several specially designated global terrorist organizations.
Though Audrey Collins will soon fix that.

If convicted on the conspiracy charge, Williams and Mirza each face up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Mirza could receive an additional 10 years in prison if convicted on the firearms charges. Williams was scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 23.
Posted by: God || 11/29/2006 10:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A good post thanks! But just a hint, God, dear: you might want to consider changing your nym -- lots of sensitive people around here, and others with a similar sense of humour have found themselves slapped down hard.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 13:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Ahhhhh yes, the Expired Student Visa - the gift that keeps on giving.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 11/29/2006 14:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Dear God, I think 'ego' would be a better nym for you, no ?
As God, would you not be taking responsibility for all this ? What about your own stupidity ?
Posted by: wxjames || 11/29/2006 17:04 Comments || Top||

#4  I posted this. I distinctly remember replaceing the "your name" field. I remember someone saying that only changes in comments "take," while changing in a posting doesn't happen and it uses the last name you commented under?
Anyways, proof of My non-divinity.
Posted by: Jackal || 11/29/2006 20:29 Comments || Top||

#5  Oh well, if it's you, Jackel dear, coupled with a computer hiccup, I take it all back. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 22:18 Comments || Top||

#6  I concur.

Last time I got in trouble here, Mom made me read the Bible.

Watch it or you'll suffer the same fate...
Posted by: badanov || 11/29/2006 23:15 Comments || Top||

Two JeM militants held
Two suspected Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militants were arrested by the Delhi police at the Old Delhi railway station on Monday. A hunt is on for their contacts here.

The arrests followed a tip-off that the two were aboard the Kalka-Delhi Mail. Police seized two kg of RDX and Rs. 5 lakh in cash from them. During interrogation, the duo purportedly disclosed that they were JeM militants. "We are trying to find out whether they had been given any target," said a senior police officer. Last week, two alleged conduits of the banned terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba were arrested.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Kashmir bad boyz offer conditional hudna
The Pakistan occupied Kashmir based apex body of Kashmiri terrorists, United Jehad Council, has come out with a fresh offer of conditional ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir in an apparent evidence of pressure working on the conglomerate to shun violence as a tool of what it calls its struggle.

Syed Salahuddin, supreme commander of indigenous Kashmiri outfit Hizb-ul-Mujahadeen, who also heads conglomerate of terrorist outfits United Jehad Council, has listed three conditions for the ceasefire: release of all prisoners, halt to human rights violations and scaling down of troops in Kashmir to pre- 1989 level. He has said that the UJC is willing for truce if these three conditions are met.

This fresh ceasefire talk has surfaced in an interview of Syed Salaha-ud-Din given to a Srinagar based news agency Current News Service (CNS) on Monday. This truce offer has come within a fortnight of the Indo-Pak foreign Secretary level talks, the highlight of which was constitution of the joint anti-terrorism mechanism. The UJC was under pressure from its own cadres to go in for a ceasefire, for Hizb-ul-Mujahadeen in particular has been losing its men at a rapid pace. It has lost one of its top commanders Sohail Faisal in Bijbehra in South Kashmir on Tuesday.

Moreover, there has been a spate of surrenders of the militants, who cross over from PoK. As many as 20 of them had surrendered before the army in Uri last weekend. In Baramullah alone, the number of such militants who laid down their arms has gone up to 110.

Another significant reason is that the indigenous terrorist outfits are unhappy with the foreign-based groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad and they do not want to become subservient to them. The ceasefire would help to save them their cadres and the security forces would be able to tackle the foreign elements in more effective manner. The UJC chairman's interview was circulated by the CNS and printed in local newspapers has nowhere mentioned anything about the status of Jammu and Kashmir. In all his previous offers of this kind, Salaha-ud-Din had insisted that Delhi should accept Kashmir as a disputed territory.

The 1989 troops level is the most significant part. It is not equivalent to de-militarization. It accepts that India has the right to keep its troops in Kashmir Valley. This talk has also coincided with the timing of the ceasefire in Gaza by Palestinian groups, making it clear that the international scene too is impacting the mindset of the terrorists active in Kashmir. But the officials are maintaining a " wait and watch" approach for the terrorist outfits. None else but Salaha-ud-Din withdrew the ceasefire in July-August 2000. But they also admit that times have changed and the terrorist leaders in PoK have no option but to move with times, call for truce is in their own interest.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey - wasn't that guy driving a taxi in Manhattan last week?
Posted by: mojo || 11/29/2006 11:53 Comments || Top||

#2  No, but I hear Fiddler on the Roof is back on Broadway. Maybe that's where you saw him...
Posted by: tu3031 || 11/29/2006 11:56 Comments || Top||

Slain Hizb commander's wife shot dead in J&K
Slain Hizbul Mujahideen commander Abdul Majeed Dar's wife Dr Shamima Badru was shot at by unknown assailants at Lal Nagar near Chanpora in Srinagar late on Tuesday night. She has been rushed to SMHS hospital in a critical condition. Sources said that three unidentified assailants barged into Dr Badru house at Bagh-e-Islam locality near Lal Nagar and fired several shots at her at 7.45 pm. They said that at least three bullets hit her. She was immediately rushed to the hospital, where her condition is stated to be critical.

Her husband Abdul Majeed Dar, once a second in command of Hibul Mujahideen after Syed Salahuddin was shot dead by gunmen at his Sopore residence on March 23, 2003. Majeed Dar had shot into prominence when he returned from Pakistan in 2000 and announced a unilateral ceasefire with security forces on July 24, 2000.

On August 3, a high level team of the Government of India officials, headed by then Union Home Secretary Kamal Pande, visited Srinagar and conducted a meeting with Dar and his lieutenants at Nehru Guest House. However, on August 8, Salah-ud-din withdrew ceasefire declared by Dar which ensued a battle for supermacy in the Hizb. Dar along with two other close confidants was finally suspended from the Hizb.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He's a wonderful James Bond. Even my mother was enthusiastic! Not much in the way of special effects, but he has to be a marathon runner or something just to have survived multiple takes of the opening sequence.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 12:30 Comments || Top||

6 tourists, 4 locals hurt in J&K grenade attack
Six tourists from Kerala and four local civilians were injured in a grenade attack at Tangmarg near Gulmarg on Tuesday afternoon. Police sources said that a group of visitors travelling in a Tata Sumo (JK02-V-7195) were on way to Srinagar from Gulmarg. The visitors reached Tangmarg at 3.15 pm and halted there for shopping, sources added. "As they alighted from their vehicle, a grenade was tossed towards them from an unknown direction", said a source, quoting eyewitnesses.

Source said that the splinters hit six tourists, causing grievous injuries to two of them. The grenade blast caused injuries to four local residents as well, of whom the condition of one is stated to be critical. Around a dozen tourists have been killed and over 90 injured in 2006 alone in grenade attacks in the city.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Top militant leader killed in gunbattle in Jammu and Kashmir
A top Islamic terrorist leader and an army officer were killed in a fierce pre-dawn gunbattle on Tuesday in the Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir, police said. Sohail Faisal, a top commander of the Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen militant group in Kashmir, was killed in the firefight in Bijbehara, said Hemant Lohia, deputy inspector general of police in Srinagar, summer capital of India's Jammu-Kashmir state. Faisal was responsible for planning and executing some of the deadliest car bomb attacks carried out by Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen in Jammu-Kashmir over the past three years, Lohia said. Police launched an operation in Bijbehara - a small town 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of Srinagar - after a tip that Faisal was there. An intense gunfight broke out after he was challenged, he said. An army officer was also killed, but his identity wasn't immediately available, Lohia said.

"Faisal was the mastermind behind some of the big car bomb explosions in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir. He trained militants and directed terrorist attacks across Jammu-Kashmir," said army spokesman Col Jayant Pendse.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yet another beautiful place trashed in the name of Islam ... Well done retards ..

thinking about it , I cant think of anywhere in the world where Islam has made it a better place , can anyone ?
Posted by: MacNails || 11/29/2006 7:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Erm....
Posted by: Howard UK || 11/29/2006 8:06 Comments || Top||

#3  yup , WTS tumbleweed
Posted by: MacNails || 11/29/2006 10:27 Comments || Top||

Ali Nezar Al-Jaboori, "Baghdad's Sniper", Arrested
On other developments, the Iraqi interior Ministry stated that the "Baghdad's Sniper" who wreaked havoc in the Iraqi capital, was arrested today East of the city.

Ali Nezar Al-Jaboori, identified as the sniper was arrested with two of his assistants in Al-Nile area east of Baghdad.
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/29/2006 21:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Allan Akbar! My they pull out his toenails and pour alcohol into the wounds.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 11/29/2006 21:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Is he still alive? If so, it proves the Iraqis are no more serious than the US is.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/29/2006 21:13 Comments || Top||

#3  The two assistants should be tortured ad nauseum to test torture procedures. The sniper hisself ? I'll have to think on that a bit.
Posted by: wxjames || 11/29/2006 21:53 Comments || Top||

#4  I still like Oldspook's long-ago prescription best: stimulus-free environment, stimulus-free diet stripped of tryptophans (or whatever that significant chemical critical to brain function was) -- after a couple of days, he said, they'll tell all most happily and truthfully, and never even realize they've done so. And not a mark on them after, nor any permanent effects once a normal diet is resumed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 22:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Just plant him. Quick trial. Then do it. Should take no longer than a week.
Posted by: Thraper Hupealing6943 || 11/29/2006 22:48 Comments || Top||

Cell Phone Store Bombed
I wonder if the store was selling phones to the 'wrong' IED makers?


MUQDADIYAH, Iraq - Five Iraqi civilians were killed and 25 others were injured during an improvised explosive device attack Monday in a cell phone store in Muqdadiyah, Iraq.

The attack took placed at around 4 pm, when an undetermined number of insurgent forces entered the cell phone shop, shot and killed the owner, then placed the IED inside the store. The IED exploded when a crowd of civilians gathered near the shop.

The Muqdadiyah Iraqi police responded to the attack, where they found four local civilians dead on site and 26 injured. Four were treated for minor injuries on site and released, and 21 others were taken to Forward Operating Base Normandy, where they received medical treatment by medics from 6-9 Armored Reconnaissance Squadron, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. One of the injured civilians was dead on arrival at the medical facility.

This incident is currently under investigation by Iraqi and Coalition forces.
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/29/2006 12:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The terrorists used to think that cellphones were their ally. But now with the people turned against them, cellphones are death itself to them. Now, when terrorists try to take over some small town, the first thing they do is try and confiscate all of the cellphones.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/29/2006 12:58 Comments || Top||

#2  They found 26 injured.

4 were treated and released.

21 were transported to the hospital.

What happened to the last one?
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 11/29/2006 14:57 Comments || Top||

#3  Can you hear me now?
Posted by: Johnnie Bartlett || 11/29/2006 15:56 Comments || Top||

#4  If they don't like cell phones, then we can use this.
Posted by: gorb || 11/29/2006 16:48 Comments || Top||

Eleven High Level Ansar al Sunna Terrorists Captured
Hope they have their singing voices warmed up - sure would hate to have to feed and shelter them for nothing. Of course, the article doesn't say they are being held by US forces.
BAGHDAD, Iraq – In one week's time, Coalition Forces captured 11 suspected senior-level terrorists of Ansar al Sunna during a series of raids in north-central Iraq during mid-November.

During the raids, Coalition Forces captured the terrorist emirs of Iraq, Ramadi, Baqubah, Tikrit, al Qa’im, Bayji and Baghdad. They also captured two terrorist facilitators, a courier, an explosives expert and a financier.
During the raids, Coalition Forces captured the terrorist emirs of Iraq, Ramadi, Baqubah, Tikrit, al Qa’im, Bayji and Baghdad. They also captured two terrorist facilitators, a courier, an explosives expert and a financier.

The detention of these terrorists delivers a serious blow to the AAS network that is responsible for improvised explosive device attacks and suicide attacks and on Iraqi government, Coalition Forces and Iraqi civilians. The AAS network is also responsible for multiple kidnappings, small arms attacks and other crimes in the central and northern part of Iraq.

AAS is considered by some to be a leading terror organization in Iraq as al-Qaida’s leadership continues to crumble and it loses its ability to function due to Iraqi and Coalition Forces systematic dismantling efforts.

Although some AAS senior leadership allegedly hide in Iran, they continually plan attacks to disrupt Iraqi reconstruction efforts. This allows the AAS leadership to attempt to disrupt Iraqi reconstruction progress using their followers, while keeping the leadership out of harms way.

The Iraqi people deserve to live in country free from terror. Coalition and Iraqi Forces will continue to disrupt terrorist networks by killing and capturing terrorists, intercepting and destroying VBIEDs and suicide vests and continuously degrading terror cells operating within Iraq.
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/29/2006 12:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But did they also capture cell phones and computers? Those are ever so helpful for the guys maintaining the organization charts back in the Green Zone, which have led to even more captures than result from actual interrogations, as far as I can tell from back here in the outer suburbs of a third tier Midwestern city.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 13:34 Comments || Top||

#2  I doubt the US forces would want that information known, especially to the bad guys. Let's just assume that some very incriminating evidence was captured, and let it go at that. We may be wrong, but at least the bad guys don't KNOW if we did or not. Kinda promotes the growth of gray hairs...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/29/2006 15:36 Comments || Top||

Coalition troops kills 26 insurgents, detain cross-dressing terrorist
Relevant bit:
One of the 11 terrorists detained was hiding in a house dressed as a woman, pretending to nurse a baby, officials reported.
Posted by: ed || 11/29/2006 09:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Doesn't read babytalk, I bet...
Posted by: .com || 11/29/2006 9:53 Comments || Top||

#2  The main question is: Did he terrorize the baby?

Posted by: frozen Al || 11/29/2006 11:31 Comments || Top||

#3  Given the circumstances I'd suggest summary execution and then move on.
Posted by: Mark Z || 11/29/2006 12:22 Comments || Top||

#4  Haircut - just below the chin, straight across.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/29/2006 15:37 Comments || Top||

#5  I would've took pictures, found out where he lived and put up billboards.
Posted by: tu3031 || 11/29/2006 15:44 Comments || Top||

#6  I thought all the muzzies were cross dressers.
Posted by: JohnQC || 11/29/2006 18:54 Comments || Top||

#7  A cross-dresser headed to Gitmo to provide the young and occasionally aging Lions of Islam with some *ahem* "entertainment."
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 11/29/2006 20:58 Comments || Top||

7,000 Qaeda members killed or captured in two years
US and Iraqi forces have killed or captured at least 7,000 Al-Qaeda fighters in the past two years, with 30 "senior leaders' taken out of action since July. The news comes hard on the heels of a leaked US Marine report that states US forces cannot defeat the Al-Qaeda-led insurgency in the vast western desert province of Al-Anbar.

"Since October 2004, we have now killed or captured over 7,000 Al-Qaeda terrorists," coalition spokesman Major General William Caldwell told journalists on Tuesday. "Coalition and Iraqi security forces have made significant progress in dismantling the terrorist network," he said, adding that since July some 30 "senior level" Al-Qaeda have also been killed or captured. Also, in the past two weeks, a series of raids throughout central and northern Iraq netted 11 leaders of the Al-Qaeda-allied Ansar al-Sunna insurgent group, he said.

Caldwell disputed the leaked assessment of the situation in Anbar, which was reported by the Washington Post. "If anything, there has been a turn of events in the past few months towards the positive," he said.

Citing a senior US intelligence official, the Post said "the fundamental questions of lack of control, growth of the insurgency and criminality" described in the August report remain true in November. "The social and political situation has deteriorated to a point" that US and Iraqi troops "are no longer capable of militarily defeating the insurgency in Al-Anbar", wrote the paper. "I was just down in Fallujah last week and that's not what we saw at all," said Caldwell, referring to a former insurgent stronghold in the province. "It does not sound correct to me at all."

The general maintained that political insitutions were still functioning in cities of Al-Anbar and they remained under government control.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Seven thousand that are known or admitted to, anyway. Prob'ly lots more that that are counted as civilian tourists, or were carried away and only counted by the bad guyz' friends. Or that gave up and wandered quietly home. Or that were in associated groups, but not official Al Qaeda members. Or that were killed by other members of the Coalition, as this report only refers to US and Iraqi forces. But at least we have a minimum number, and it isn't a bad one.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 7:05 Comments || Top||

#2  "A good start"
Posted by: mojo || 11/29/2006 10:23 Comments || Top||

#3  7,000 , is that all ? Lots more work to do boyz
Posted by: Oztralian || 11/29/2006 10:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Consider that AQ are only 10-15% of the total bagged in Iraq.
Posted by: ed || 11/29/2006 11:10 Comments || Top||

#5  7000000 Muslims born during the same period.
Posted by: gromgoru || 11/29/2006 13:26 Comments || Top||

#6  And 10%-15% of about a billion total Muslims are extremists so 7,000 is just a drop in the bucket.
Posted by: Danielle || 11/29/2006 16:26 Comments || Top||

#7  If elected, I will put a hold on spending and step up the kill ratio.
Posted by: wxjames || 11/29/2006 17:11 Comments || Top||

#8  Not enough. Break out a tactical nuke or two and broil Wahziristan.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 11/29/2006 20:59 Comments || Top||

Civilian killed, 19 injured in explosion
(KUNA) -- An Iraqi civilian was killed and at least 19 others were injured Tuesday in a suicide attack that targeted the convoy of Kirkuk's governor Abdurahman Mustafa. Chief of Kirkuk police told KUNA that a man wearing an explosive belt around his waist blew himself up near the convoy which was in front of a hospital in the center of the city. The governor escaped the attack, but one of his bodyguards was among the injured, he said.

In another incident, a civilian was injured when a bomb exploded in the center of Kirkuk, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi police puts out oil refinery fire
(KUNA) -- Iraqi police firefighters have managed to quench a fire that caught North Oil Company refineries in Kirkuk in northern Iraq, the International Multinational Force (IMF) in Iraq said here Tuesday. Thanks to concerted efforts and swift response, Iraqi firefighters, North Oil Company workers and emergency teams have put out the oil refinery fire, an IMF media source said in a release. Earlier on Monday, a Kirkuk police officer told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that unidentified gunmen fired two mortar shells at an oil refinery complex of Iraq's North Oil Company.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Precious oil burning... argh!!! Western world not happy. Bomb everyone. lol, good ol firemen!
Posted by: Tom || 11/29/2006 15:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Nuke every nut, screen every entry! wOOt huh? Get a job with the government and get on with it.
Posted by: Shipman || 11/29/2006 17:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Guess 'Tom' is what passes for British wit nowadays...
Posted by: Pappy || 11/29/2006 22:33 Comments || Top||

Warty Nose smuggles $20 million across border
Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar secreted US $20 million (€15 million) into the Gaza Strip in a suitcase Tuesday in what has become a common way for his embattled government to get funds despite an international boycott, Palestinian security officials said.

In an effort to keep his government afloat, Zahar repeatedly has hauled cash across the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Israel in recent months. The crossing is run by Abbas' presidential guard and observed by European monitors. Zahar declared the stash he was carrying Tuesday on the Egyptian side of the border, Palestinian security forces said. But Maria Telleris, spokeswoman for the European monitors, said he did not declare the money on the Palestinian side.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ...he did not declare the money on the Palestinian side.

It's for his Yasser Arafat Memorial.
Posted by: Bobby || 11/29/2006 6:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Excuse me, Mahmoud. We'd like a word with you...
Posted by: The Embattled Government || 11/29/2006 9:06 Comments || Top||

#3  I smell an opportunity for men with entrepreneurial spirit.
Posted by: gromgoru || 11/29/2006 13:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Some of that money will go for rockets, some of it for guns, more for ammos, and the rest for plastic surgery, to get rid of that awful mole once for all.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 11/29/2006 15:09 Comments || Top||

#5  The Mossad should be leaking word that he actually picked up $30 million...let him explain where the other $10M went...heh
Posted by: Frank G || 11/29/2006 15:17 Comments || Top||

#6  20 mill in a suitcase? How big was the suitcase?
Posted by: Johnnie Bartlett || 11/29/2006 16:01 Comments || Top||

#7  About hummm..... ye big. The other are in the Tel Aviv Bus Terminal, yeah, I got the keys.
Posted by: Jimmie Rockford || 11/29/2006 17:54 Comments || Top||

#8  Thanks, Jimbo. See ya.
Posted by: Angel Martin || 11/29/2006 18:50 Comments || Top||

Misfired rocket causes Gaza blast-security source
A rocket blew up as it was being launched by Palestinian militants on Tuesday, causing a loud explosion in northern Gaza but causing no casualties or damage, Palestinian security officials said.
Hey, how's that ceasefire thingy goin' for y'all?
The rocket was the latest of more than a dozen fired by militants at Israel in violation of a truce that took effect on Sunday, after five months of fighting since the June capture of an Israeli soldier in a cross-border raid.
Izzat so? Not much of a ceasefire, is it?
The blast was heard near the Palestinian intelligence headquarters in Gaza City, a security source said, sparking fears it was an Israeli attack, but it emerged that was not the case. There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the rocket. Several hours earlier an armed wing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement claimed responsibility for firing a rocket from northern Gaza at the Israeli town of Sderot, which caused no injuries.
"Yup. We dunnit. What're y'gonna do about it? There's a ceasefire on."
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said earlier he was disappointed by Palestinian rocket firings despite the ceasefire, but Israel would exercise restraint for now.
"Well, of course we're going to set here and let them expend ammunition at us! What else should we do?"
Palestinians have accused Israel of violating the spirit of the truce by continuing to carry out raids on militant hideouts in the occupied West Bank, killing one gunman on Monday in an area not covered by the truce agreement.
"So, really, y'see, we're perfectly justified in ignoring the agreement. Besides, we had our fingers crossed when we signed it. Neener neener."
U.S. President George W. Bush was due in the region on Wednesday for talks in Jordan with Iraqi and other regional leaders.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  if history teaches us anything, it is that the paleos see Olmert's agreement of a cease fire, and his declaration of a desire to recommence peace talks, is weakness/capitulation.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 11/29/2006 5:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Exactly. Kick their teeth in, then slap them around for mumbling.
Posted by: mojo || 11/29/2006 11:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Give'em rope.
Posted by: gromgoru || 11/29/2006 13:25 Comments || Top||

#4  Range? Bearing?
Aw, screw that, Mahmoud. We don't need that complicated math shit...
Posted by: tu3031 || 11/29/2006 15:02 Comments || Top||

Palestinian groups claim responsibility for rocket attacks on Israel
(KUNA) -- "The Storm Horsemen," a militant group affiliated mainstream Palestinian Fatah organization, claimed responsibility of firing two rockets at the southern Israeli settlement of Sderot Tuesday evening. Two Asef-3 missiles were fired at Sderot at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, the group said in a statement, adding that the attack came in retaliation for "the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation forces against our people in Gaza Strip." The group warned Israel of launching more attacks and carrying out more military operations till "the liberation of Palestine." Earlier in the evening the Israeli army admitted that two missiles hit the town, adding that they led to no casualties.

Meanwhile, Al-Aqsa Martyrs, also a militant group belonging to Fatah, claimed responsibility for attacking Ashkelon, south Israel, with an Aqsa-103 missile Tuesday evening. The attack came in response to Israel-erected road blocks and continued blockade on the Palestinian people, said a statement by the group, noting that newly-declared ceasefire did not mean to separate between Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let's not pretend they are anything other than mainstream Paleo terrorists, regardless of which affiliation or "armed wing" lie they spin, Olmert. Crush them and now
Posted by: Frank G || 11/29/2006 8:35 Comments || Top||

Palestinian fired 14 rockets since ceasefire began last Sunday
(KUNA) -- The Israeli military accused on Tuesday the Palestinian of launching 14 rockets since Sunday's ceasefire agreement. The Israeli radio, quoting an Israeli military spokesman, said "around ten rockets have been launched shortly after the ceasefire began at 0600am Sunday." The Israeli spokesman added that another four rockets launched in the next two days, two of them targeted the Israeli settlement of Sderot today.

Meanwhile, Palestinian security sources denied any rocket attacks on the Israeli settlement today, adding that there were no claims of responsibility from any Palestinian faction yet. Earlier, Palestinian factions have issued a warning to continue rocket attacks in response to Israel's ongoing military operations in Gaza. In the ceasefire agreement, Israel refused to halt military operations in Gaza.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ehrunot said on its website today that Palestinian Al-Aqsa Brigades, Fatah's armed wing, is going to show off the new "Jund Allah 1 rocket." "The Brigades clarified that in case of an Israeli escalation, the new rocket will land in a short time in Israel," the Israeli newspaper added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How does this compare with the non-ceasefire rate of fire?
Posted by: SteveS || 11/29/2006 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  You want to know how many before PA Chairman Abbas "comprehensive cease-fire" came into effect at 06:00 Sunday, 26 Nov 2006.

Well the firing of Kassam rockets in 2005, were 377 rocket attacks in 2005. That is about one a day.

Posted by: Bernardz || 11/29/2006 4:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Thank you for the figures, Bernardz. Round up the number of days since the ceasefire began to four, as it's midday Wednesday in Israel already, and I calculate 3.5 rockets per day thus far. Truly it must be said, if it weren't so despicably evil, it would be funny.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/29/2006 6:58 Comments || Top||

#4  of the 14 rockets fired, not all landed in Israel

some didn't clear the Gaza border

probably 6 or so cleared
Posted by: mhw || 11/29/2006 7:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Should have been answered by 14,000 mortars from Sderot.
Posted by: ed || 11/29/2006 7:52 Comments || Top||

Israel allows forces to target groups launching rocket attacks
(KUNA) -- The Israel army has changed its rules of engagement along the Israel-Gaza border allowing its forces to open fire at positively identified Palestinian militants preparing to launch missile attacks, Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

The paper said, on its English page, that the decision came after two Qassam rockets were fired from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel yesterday despite the truce between the two sides. The missiles, the first to be launched in over 24 hours, did not cause any injuries. One landed in Palestinian territories, and the second hit an open area in the western Negev. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the military arm of Fatah, claimed responsibility.

The paper quoted security sources as saying that the group appears to be an independent offshoot of Fatah, and that the Palestinian Authority's leadership and security forces are making a noticeable effort to prevent rocket fire. "When the cease-fire first took effect, Sunday morning, forces were strictly forbidden from firing. Thus when seven militants were seen launching a rocket at Sderot, the (Israeli Defense Forces) IDF held its fire. But as it became evident that the rocket fire was continuing, albeit on a smaller scale, the IDF changed the rules in order to prevent Israeli civilians from being harmed," the paper added.
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think I should be surprised that the IDF had, until now, not been allowed to target orcs as they prepared their fireworks and yet strangely I find I have no surprise left.
Posted by: Excalibur || 11/29/2006 9:17 Comments || Top||

#2  If i had to live with these assholes launching rockets at my hometown, i would honestly want my country to kill every single one of them. Why do the Israeli's have to put up with so much crap ?
If Israel launched rockets into 'Gaza' these f'kers would never stop complaining.
Posted by: Oztralian || 11/29/2006 10:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Olmert, the soft spread. Try Olmert today, it's not a liquid, not a firm spread, like butter, but a gell. Just rub in a dollop or two and change your look by the day, by the hour, by the minute.
Olmert, by the pound.
Posted by: wxjames || 11/29/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

#4  This will break the Fragile Cease-Fire™, won't it?
Posted by: Jackal || 11/29/2006 20:31 Comments || Top||

Lebanon:: Two Syrian-Sent Would-Be Assassins Seized
Beirut, 29 Nov. (AKI) - Lebanese authorities have arrested two Syrian agents who were planning to murder 36 senior Lebanese officials, a Beirut-based daily reported on Wednesday. Al-Mustaqbal, a newspaper owned by the family of slain former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri (source warning), also said Syria has sent some 200 pro-Damascus militants to the Palestinian refugee camps Al-Badwaii and Borge Al-Baragna in Lebanon. The militants were prepared to carry out instructions sent them from Syria, the report continued.

Two of the "terrorists", carrying Syrian passports, were arrested recently and admitted working under orders of Syrian intelligence, al-Mustaqbal said.

According to the report, the two said they were working for Abu Khaled El Amalah, the number two man in Fatah Intifada, a pro-Syrian Palestinian armed group.

Over recent months several United Nations reports have said that Syria is still active in Lebanon despite its troop withdrawal in April 2005 which formally ended a three-decades-long military presence in the country.

Rafiq Hariri was killed along with 22 other people in a bomb attack in Beirut on 14 February 2005. Several top pro-Syrian Lebanese security officials have been arrested in connection with the attack while a United Nations investigation has also pointed the finger at top Syrian officials for allegedly masterminding it. (Rar/Aki)

Gearing up on both sides.
Posted by: mrp || 11/29/2006 08:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If Lebanon declares war on Syria, do we join in? I know it won't happen. But we can kill two birds with one stone. Base our troops close enough to Iraq to help (in Syria). Would that make Murtha happy?
Posted by: plainslow || 11/29/2006 10:13 Comments || Top||

#2  It may be the alcohol talking...... but.

Lebanon Vs Syria = I hope you all fk'ng die
Posted by: Oztralian || 11/29/2006 10:34 Comments || Top||

#3  Syria has sent some 200 pro-Damascus militants to the Palestinian refugee camps Al-Badwaii and Borge Al-Baragna in Lebanon.

Git 'em, git 'em!
Posted by: gromgoru || 11/29/2006 13:18 Comments || Top||

Work accident on the Syria-Leb border takes out Tawhid 'official'
(Via Mike Totten's guest blogger, Abu Kais, who has some nice commentary of his own)
Syria announced on Tuesday that Omar Hamra, the terrorist and military official at al-Tawheid and Jihad organization exploded himself on the border with Lebanon when intercepted by the Syrian security forces injuring two of them. An official source at the interior ministry said that on Tuesday at about 13:45 AM. and while the military official at al-Tawheid and Jihad al-Takfiri ( those who reject others faith ) whose name is Omar Abdullah and his alias is Omar Hamra, Syrian origin, 28 years old, was trying to cross the border at Jdaydeit Yabous point with forged papers; started to fire at members of the Syrian security forces from a war gun
war gun?
and tried to escape.
"Curly toed combat boots don't fail me no...oh, shit."
The source added that due to the process of pursuing Hamra; he exploded himself with an explosive belt, the matter that killed and injured two members of the Syrian security forces.
I'll take chili and the points, Steve...
Official authorities immediately rushed out to the site of the incident and started investigation and legal procedures. Nine forged IDs with various names were found with the terrorist who exploded himself. These IDs were used by Hamra to cross the border.
AMF and say hi to Himmler, loser.

A slightly more coherent, but probably less informative, account...
A Syrian leader of a militant group blew himself up at a Syrian border post on the Lebanese border after a gunbattle with Syrian security forces yesterday, the Syrian government said. An Interior Ministry statement said Omar Abdullah, 28, the leader of the militant group "Tawhid and Jihad," was attempting to cross to Lebanon at the Jdeidet Yabous border post with fake documents. The statement said he opened fire on security forces and attempted to escape. After a chase, Abdullah detonated his explosives belt, killing himself.
The Gulf News version describes the late Omar as the leader of Tawhid & Jihad, Inc., a position formerly occupied by Zark -- always assuming this T&J isn't ripping off the Zark franchise in the interests of appearing more ferocious.
Posted by: Seafarious || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  war gun?

Do you expect resistance to fight with peace guns?
Posted by: gromgoru || 11/29/2006 13:30 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Maybe it wasn't so hard to assassinate Litvenko after all

Get Polonium here too.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  These materials have unique signatures based on where they come from. They would know right away if this has been mail order Polonium.
Posted by: Snineper Jiting6720 || 11/29/2006 0:01 Comments || Top||

#2  5 rem (0.05 Sv) is all it takes to start the eyebrows a'twitching.
Posted by: RD || 11/29/2006 0:41 Comments || Top||

#3  Looks like that's the stuff to stiffen my pencil.
Posted by: Excalibur || 11/29/2006 9:15 Comments || Top||

#4  What was the mode of entry? Did Litvenko ingest it?
Posted by: JohnQC || 11/29/2006 10:58 Comments || Top||

We can only ship isotopes to addresses within the United States.

Mahmoud, it is to laugh.
Posted by: KBK || 11/29/2006 11:28 Comments || Top||

#6  Ok, so now I know where I can buy it (I know US fellows who will be able to forward it to me); question is : how do I get it ingested?
I've already got the mark, I can afford to have him killed for a meager $69+S&H. Kewl. I can't wait. Polonium is the answer.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 11/29/2006 12:12 Comments || Top||

#7  It doesn't take much Polonium to kill, but the stuff is so "hot" it takes even less to make it useful as a radiation source. I suspect the quantities available for sale have been calculated to be far below a lethal threshold. I could be wrong, but hope I'm not.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/29/2006 21:02 Comments || Top||

Good morning...
Bashir: No genocide in DarfurKashmir bad boyz offer conditional hudnaWork accident on the Syria-Leb border takes out Tawhid 'official'Slain Hizb commander's wife shot dead in J&KWarty Nose smuggles $20 million across borderAbbas's loyal force to police truceLeftist politicians try to take control of Mexican Congress
Posted by: Fred || 11/29/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: gorb || 11/29/2006 4:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Wow! Grampa Munster looks hot in a swimsuit!
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 11/29/2006 7:50 Comments || Top||

#3  thanks
Posted by: Al Lewis || 11/29/2006 9:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Hey, where'd you guys find that old picture of me?
Posted by: ex-lib || 11/29/2006 21:04 Comments || Top||

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Wed 2006-11-29
  Kashmir bad boyz offer conditional hudna
Tue 2006-11-28
  Two Kassams land in Sderot area
Mon 2006-11-27
  Russers Bang Abu Havs
Sun 2006-11-26
  NATO says killed 55 Taliban in Afghan clashes
Sat 2006-11-25
  Olmert agrees to Hudna, promises Peace In Our Time
Fri 2006-11-24
  Palestinians offer Israel limited truce
Thu 2006-11-23
  Sunni Car Boom Offensive Kills 133 Shia in Baghdad
Wed 2006-11-22
  Nørway økays giving Mullah Krekar the bøøt
Tue 2006-11-21
  Pierre Gemayel assassinated
Mon 2006-11-20
  Sudanese troops, Janjaweed rampage in Darfur
Sun 2006-11-19
  SCIIRI bigshot banged in Baghdad
Sat 2006-11-18
  UN General Assembly calls for Israel to end military operation in Gaza
Fri 2006-11-17
  Moroccan convicted over 9/11 plot
Thu 2006-11-16
  Morocco holds 13 suspected Jihadist group members
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