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20 turbans toe-tagged in Hangu
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Page 1: WoT Operations
21 00:00 SteveS [21] 
2 00:00 Frozen Al [19] 
3 00:00 chris [11] 
0 [18] 
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [19] 
5 00:00 badanov [12] 
3 00:00 gorb [13] 
0 [14] 
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [22] 
3 00:00 Redneck Jim [16] 
1 00:00 Frank G [12] 
5 00:00 JosephMendiola [28] 
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [29] 
0 [19] 
1 00:00 Glenmore [21] 
4 00:00 Meryl Yourish [21] 
Page 2: WoT Background
1 00:00 Uncle Phester [9]
0 [14]
5 00:00 JosephMendiola [17]
21 00:00 gorb [16]
0 [10]
0 [12]
3 00:00 ed [17]
4 00:00 JosephMendiola [11]
2 00:00 Paul2 [15]
0 [8]
0 [18]
4 00:00 Frank G [14]
9 00:00 JosephMendiola [18]
0 [14]
3 00:00 Pappy [17]
7 00:00 USN, Ret. [11]
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [14]
5 00:00 JosephMendiola [12]
Page 3: Non-WoT
5 00:00 Procopius2k [10]
13 00:00 CrazyFool [10]
3 00:00 Anonymoose [15]
4 00:00 anonymous5089 [14]
27 00:00 Redneck Jim [14]
13 00:00 Redneck Jim [13]
2 00:00 Ricky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) [8]
3 00:00 CrazyFool [9]
13 00:00 gorb [9]
5 00:00 mojo [10]
0 [13]
3 00:00 anonymous5089 [10]
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [20]
8 00:00 JosephMendiola [23]
14 00:00 trailing wife [10]
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [11]
2 00:00 Super Hose [15]
Page 4: Opinion
3 00:00 Redneck Jim [19]
6 00:00 Deacon Blues [11]
3 00:00 DMFD [12]
1 00:00 Uncle Phester [10]
11 00:00 trailing wife [12]
2 00:00 746 [5]
Page 6: Politix
18 00:00 Super Hose [17]
5 00:00 Uncle Phester [12]
4 00:00 ed [9]
2 00:00 Steve White [16]
3 00:00 USN, Ret. [9]
6 00:00 Super Hose [14]
2 00:00 trailing wife [7]
3 00:00 ed [10]
2 00:00 USN, Ret. [8]
2 00:00 Eric Jablow [8]
5 00:00 bman [12]
4 00:00 Kelly [8]
Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies
The U.S. on Monday agreed to hand out millions of dollars in development aid to provinces in Afghanistan that have eliminated or reduced the production of opium poppies, the raw ingredient in making heroin.

The poppy crop in Afghanistan, which produces 90 percent of the world's supply of opium, is linked to corruption, addiction and a drug trade that bankrolls the Taliban insurgency.

Curbing the cultivation of poppies is the goal of a U.S. program that has doled out $80 million (54 million euros) since 2007. That includes the $38.7 million (26 million euros) the U.S. announced it is giving to 27 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces that either reduced poppy cultivation by more than 10 percent or became poppy-free this year.

In a separate program, the U.S. has opened 16 drug treatment clinics around the nation, and another 11 are expected in the next few months.

Helmand province, a Taliban stronghold where U.S. and British troops launched major operations this summer, will receive $10 million — the maximum allowed under the program — for reducing poppy cultivation by 33 percent, said Gen. Khodaidad, Afghan minister of counternarcotics, who goes by only one name. Three provinces — Baghlan, Faryab and Kapisa — will get $1 million each for becoming poppy-free for the first time, he said.

Almost all of Afghanistan's opium is grown in Helmand and six other provinces — all areas under partial or total Taliban control.

While the Obama White House has all but abandoned the Bush administration's program of destroying poppy crops, the Afghan government continues to support poppy crop eradication efforts. Critics said razing poppy fields angered and impoverished rural Afghans without making a significant dent in harvests.

U.S. and NATO troops began actively targeting drug warehouses for the first time this year. The U.N. reported that in the first half of this year, military operations destroyed 50 tons of opium, 7 tons of morphine, 1.5 tons of heroin, and 27 laboratories for turning opium into heroin.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 11:09 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I've seen this movie.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 11/24/2009 15:10 Comments || Top||

#2  If they don't actually kill the poppies, at least they will slash them with knives and make them bleed.
Posted by: Grunter || 11/24/2009 18:48 Comments || Top||

#3  development AID. I would bet not $1 has went too develop anything but another poppy field there.
Posted by: chris || 11/24/2009 20:58 Comments || Top||

Yemeni fighters repel Saudi attack
Yemen's Houthi fighters say they have repelled attacks by Saudi forces and prevented their further penetration into Yemeni territory. "The Saudi advance on Yemen was blocked by the strong resistance of the Houthi fighters and after that Saudi fighter jets and artillery resumed their attacks on Al-Malahit, Haidan, Razeh, and Sheda districts," Houthi fighters said in a statement, a copy of which was sent to Iran's Fars news agency on Monday.

According to the statement, Saudi fighter jets have carried out over 35 attacks against different parts of the province of Sa'adah. The fighters said Saudi Arabia is using Apache and MIG military helicopters in its attacks on Yemen.

Houthi fighters have destroyed over 50 Saudi military vehicles and seized "many modern US-made weapons" from Saudi forces, the statement added. The statement said that the Saudi prisoners-of-war have been moved to a safe region.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So Sayeth Iran.
Posted by: gorb || 11/24/2009 0:57 Comments || Top||

#2  I really do think that now, is the time to get the " World Courts " involved. The forces from the KSA must be bombing innocent civilians, and blowing up baby milk factories.
Posted by: Dave UK || 11/24/2009 3:48 Comments || Top||

#3  It's brown-on-brown, Dave, so the world doesn't care.

Now if the evil Juice or the Crusaders were involved ...
Posted by: Steve White || 11/24/2009 7:42 Comments || Top||

#4  I have it on good authority from Ahmadinejad himself that the headline is a typo: Yemeni fighters repel Squirrel attack

There is no end to trouble those Zionist squirrels cause.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 8:54 Comments || Top||


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/24/2009 22:46 Comments || Top||

2 Lashkar-e-Taiba men held inside Indian border
[Bangla Daily Star] Indian authorities have arrested two top Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) men who sneaked into Bangladesh to lead a 15-member commando squad in an attempt to attack the US and Indian missions in Dhaka, sources in the law-enforcement agencies say.
They had been keen Boy Scouts in their youths.
The LeT men -- T Nasir and Sharfaraz from Indian state of Kerala -- were held by the Indian intelligence officials soon after they crossed the Bibir Bazar border in Comilla on November 6, the sources add.
Very keen. They moved through the landscape as silently as Indians, leaving no trace, 'twas said. 'Twas clearly spoke false.
The two LeT leaders, believed to be members of the LeT suicide squad, were earlier hiding in the hilly areas in Chittagong for around one and a half months and trying to collect explosives from the Rohingya rebels for the attack.

Funds for launching the attacks on the US Embassy and Indian High Commission were being provided by LeT leaders in Pakistan, says an official of Detective Branch on the understanding of anonymity.

The sources say T Nasir, wanted in India for a number of terror attacks, is a suicide squad commando. He was supposed to lead the 15-member team formed with five LeT men from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan each.

They had planned to launch the attack on November 26, the same day the terrorists carried out the Mumbai attack in 2008.

Detectives investigating the plot say T Nasir and Sharfaraz managed to evade arrest during a drive on a hilltop madrasa in Chittagong in early November.

The law enforcers however arrested Mufti Harun Izahar, son of Islami Oikya Jote (IOJ) faction chief Mufti Izaharul Islam, and his associates Shahidul Islam and Al Amin alias Saiful during the raid.

High on the hills during the massive manhunt, the two Lashkar men entered India at dead of night and were held by the Indian intelligence officials, says a competent source.

The sources add T Nasir was involved in a number of terror attacks including the attack on Bangaluru Computer City, Sramajibi Express in Bihar, India in 2003-04.

India-born US citizen David Coleman Headley alias Gilani Daud and Pakistan-born Canadian Tahawwur Hussain Rana were arrested in Chicago in October and Pakistani Abdur Rahman Sayeed in Pakistan in the first week of November.

The three had ordered the LeT men in Bangladesh to attack the local US embassy.

Following the tips, detectives in Bangladesh started an investigation and foiled the plot. During their efforts they arrested Mufti Harun and his two associates at a hilltop madrasa in Chittagong.

The detectives later said Harun had regular contact with the two LeT leaders detained in the United States and the one held in Pakistan.

Moreover, tracking Harun's cellphone call list, DB has already arrested three Pakistani nationals -- Mohammad Monwar, Mohammad Ashraf Ali Zahid and Syed Abdul Kaiyum alias Sufian -- having suspected links with LeT.

The sources however say only Sufian was involved in coordinating the attack plot and the two other LeT suspects were not involved.

The sources also say they have found the three during the hunt for Pakistani national Azmol, who has been leading Pakistani LeT men in Bangladesh.

The sources add Azmol and two other Pakistani militants are believed to have already fled from Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, another Bangladeshi national Abu Motaleb alias Matu alias Majnu was also arrested recently in the capital.

Motaleb, now on a four-day remand, is an Afghan war veteran and was in charge of coordinating the attack on the US and Indian missions.

Speaking anonymously, another DB official says Motaleb had close contact with both Harkatul Jihad al Islami and LeT.

He took part in a meeting held in Rajshahi for the final decision of launching a suicide attack or blasting a bomb in Hyderabad's The Special Task Force (STF), Hi-tech City, and Bangaluru Computer City, the official adds.

Our court correspondent adds: Three Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) members were sent to Dhaka Central Jail with a proposal for 30 days detention order in connection with the US embassy and Indian high commission attack plot.

The members are Mufti Harun Izahar, son of IOJ faction chief Mufti Izaharul Islam Chowdhury, and his associates Shahidul Islam and Al Amin alias Saiful.

Meantime, Metropolitan Magistrate Munshi Abdul Majid on Sunday granted the three bail even though the prosecution appealed to it saying that the government had earlier on November 18 submitted a petition for giving them detention under the Special Powers Act 1974.

The same court yesterday sent the three to jail after detective branch (DB) of police produced them before it with a proposal for a 30-day detention order.

DB police re-arrested them on Sunday when they came out of Dhaka Central Jail 18 days of their arrest from Chittagong in connection with the US embassy and Indian high commission attack plot.

In his order on Sunday, the magistrate said that the arrestees had been in custody for over 15 days. They were arrested on November 4 and they were placed on a five-day remand in two phases, but police could not extract any information from them. So they were granted bail upon a bond of Tk 10,000 with two guarantors.

During the hearing, the prosecution informed the court that the government had on November 18 sent a letter with proposal for 30 days detention order. The prosecution appealed to the court not to grant them bail in the case.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:



IIUC, ARTIC > ISLAMABAD might as well give the Taliban, etc. Militant Groups formal PAK Base priveleges, e.g. EXCHANGE + COMMISSARY. considering how PAK Army + Milits interact.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/24/2009 23:29 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Minneapolis: Eight indicted in Somali terror case
Terrorism charges filed Monday in Minneapolis against eight men painted the most complete picture yet of how approximately 20 local men were indoctrinated, recruited and trained to fight in Somalia with a terrorist organization.

The eight, most of whom have fled the country, were also charged with providing financial support and fighting for Al-Shabaab, which the U.S. government identifies as a terrorist group with ties to Al-Qaida.

The development, announced at the office of the U.S. attorney for Minnesota, brings to 14 the total number of local men charged or indicted in the case, considered to be one of the most far-reaching counterterrorism probes since the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Four of the 14 already have pleaded guilty and await sentencing. Five other Somali men have been killed, along with a Muslim convert from Minneapolis.
So it's really 20 with an assist from Darwin.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 11:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  My first thought was that it would actually make sense to subsidize sending ethnic somali Minnesotans to Somalia. There (in Somalia) they would kill civilians and less Islamist Muslims but at least we would save ourselves the cost of putting them on trial and incarcerating them.
Posted by: lord garth || 11/24/2009 12:55 Comments || Top||

#2  The problem is at least some of the guys were recruited under false pretenses.

At least one of the guys was killed for not wanting to be a terrorist.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 11/24/2009 14:06 Comments || Top||

Incoming! Another Instalanche
Knock 'em dead, Fred. :-D

LOOKING FOR WAR ON TERROR NEWS? Check out Fred Pruitt’s Rantburg.

Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:03 am

Better toss the hamsters some extra rations.

(To the the uninitiated, that means hit Fred's tip jar.)
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 11/24/2009 08:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wow. Been a long time, hasn't it? Maybe get some new blood around here.

Of course, the WoT news aspect isn't what it used to be. Rantburg is more of a general link thingy these days. Too much politics, not enough explosions and arrests.
Posted by: gromky || 11/24/2009 10:37 Comments || Top||

#2  I dunno, gromky. When they talk about ACORN or ObamaCare it strikes terror in my heart. Also, I think there is still activity in the WOT even though Iraq seems to have settled down. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Iran are all still simmering. And Bambi, of course, is still dithering.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 11/24/2009 12:17 Comments || Top||

#3  The WOT became necessary because of political failures on the part of the west.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/24/2009 12:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Wow. Been a long time, hasn't it? Maybe get some new blood around here.

Not terribly long, gromky; we had an Instalanche just a few weeks ago. We've had some new voices since, with interesting perspectives. :-) Also, look at the article counts. It's not that there's less WoT news, it's that there's more in the other categories, on pages 3-5.

Welcome, friends! Our rules are simple:

We do not wish death or injury on Americans, no matter how strongly we may dislike someone;

Be able to back up your position, or be prepared for a learning experience from those who have expertise in the subject (I've gotten caught in this one entirely too many times);

If you troll or start a flame war, you will become a chew toy. This, too, is a learning experience.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/24/2009 14:42 Comments || Top||

#5  Cookies are good.
Posted by: badanov || 11/24/2009 18:29 Comments || Top||

Pakistani officials: 5 army officers detained
Five Pakistani army officers have been detained for questioning over possible links to two U.S. terror suspects accused of plotting an armed attack on a Danish newspaper, intelligence officials said Tuesday.

The detentions underscore long-standing allegations that elements in Pakistan support a militant group known as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is devoted to fighting the country's arch enemy, India.

The group is blamed for last year's terror attacks in Mumbai and other strikes in India in recent years.

Last month's arrests of Daood Gilani David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana in Chicago have cast a fresh spotlight on the group.

U.S. prosecutors said the two men were believed to be working with an unidentified senior member of the outfit and a senior al-Qaida operative.

Two Pakistani intelligence officials, speaking anonymously because they are not allowed to release their identity, said phone records showed the five Pakistani officers had contacted Headley and Rana.

They say the five include a retired brigadier general and two active lieutenant colonels, but did not provide more details.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 10:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Air raids and clashes intensify in Bajaur
[Dawn] At least 18 militants were killed and eight others wounded in air raids and clashes with troops in Mamond and Khar tehsils of Bajaur tribal region on Sunday.

Two soldiers were injured.

Officials said that jets bombed militants' hideouts in Spery, Kherkai and Sewai areas of Mamond tehsil.

Local people said that in two hours of bombing, five militants, including two foreigners, were killed and four others were injured.

Security forces fought pitched battle with militants in Khar, thwarting their plan to attack security posts in Lowi Sam, Enzari and Rashakai.

An official said that about 40 to 60 militants were to take part in the attack. He said 11 militants, including their leader named Rafiullah, were killed. Security forces brought the body of Rafiullah to a camp.

Militants have stepped up attacks on security forces in Mamond and other areas in Bajaur.

The house of a militant was destroyed in Terkhu area. Local people said that two militants hiding in the house were killed.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Twenty turbans toe-tagged in Hangu clashes
[Dawn] The military took control of the last resistance point in Shahu Khel, leaving seven militants dead and scores of them injured after a gun battle on Monday.

The death toll of militants rose to 20 after clashes with security forces over the control of Shahu Khel in Hangu district. The security forces also arrested 16 fleeing militants and shifted them to an unknown location for interrogation.

The migration of women and children continued from various parts of the Upper Orakzai Agency to safer places in Hangu as militants and security forces were braced for another long encounter in the area.

Large number of troops started consolidating their position in Shahu Khel to target hideouts of banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in Upper Orakzai Agency.

Official sources said that the military had moved in artillery and were establishing a base camp along the border with Orakzai Agency to make more precise strikes at the hideouts of the militants.

This would be the first time that the military's ground troops would enter any part of the Orakzai Agency in the past eight years if everything went according to plan.

Earlier only gunship helicopters and jets were sent to the area, which pounded the hideouts of militants in bazaars and houses resulting in heavy civilian casualties.

Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/24/2009 22:55 Comments || Top||

Six killed, 10 injured in Khyber Agency
[Dawn] At least six Pakistani civilians were killed Monday in clashes between troops and militants as soldiers went on an offensive against Taliban lairs in a tribal district, officials said.

Mortar bombs smashed into private homes, killing the civilians in Landi Kotal town in Khyber, part of Pakistan's lawless tribal belt on the Afghan border where US officials say Al-Qaida leaders are plotting attacks on the West. 'Troops repulsed an attack by a group of 50 militants at a joint checkpost of army and Frontier Corps (FC) in Landi Kotal,' a top local administration official, Shafeerullah Khan, told AFP.

He said at least six civilians living near the checkpost were killed after mortar bombs hit their houses.

A security official in the area confirmed the incident and said militants fled after troops retaliated. It was not clear who fired the mortars.

Officials said FC troops backed by attack helicopters went on the offensive against Taliban lairs in the neighbouring tribal district of Orakzai and nearby Hangu, killing at least 12 militants.

A senior security official said paramilitary troops entered Shahukhel area in Orkazai on Monday to hunt down rebels.

The operation was ordered in the light of intelligence reports linking militants in the area to recent attacks in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Controversy rages over attack on Nato convoy
[Dawn] After cutting Nato supply lines along the Peshawar-Torkham highway, the Afghan Taliban may have begun targeting Nato supplies from Central Asian States to Afghanistan, according to a DawnNews report.

DawnNews obtained footage released by the Afghan Taliban which shows the destruction of Nato oil tankers in the Kunduz province of Afghanistan.

The Afghan government representative in Kunduz, Abdur Rehman Aiktash, confirmed the destruction of the three oil tankers but said that a gas cylinder explosion caused the destruction of the three tankers.

However, Afghan Taliban insist that it was them that targeted the tankers.--
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  a gas cylinder explosion caused the destruction

And what was the root cause of the gas cylinder explosion?
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/24/2009 7:45 Comments || Top||

Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist
Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq -- the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges.

The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment -- called an admiral's mast -- and have requested a trial by court-martial.

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors -- and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/24/2009 15:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good lord. Punched in the mouth, was he? Wonder what he said to deserve it. I can only hope this is quietly disposed of and the three SEALs all get the commendations they deserve.
Posted by: Steve White || 11/24/2009 15:57 Comments || Top||

#2  I guess this means Saddam is free to go and resume his position as dictator of Iraq.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 16:14 Comments || Top||

#3  I am just wondering, when this is all sorted out will our military still be allowed to use guns? Perhaps we should send the lawyers to fight?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 11/24/2009 16:48 Comments || Top||

#4  Perhaps we should send the lawyers to fight?

Cyber Sarge, you're a genius. And if they manage to come back with anyone, we can set them free.
Posted by: gorb || 11/24/2009 16:54 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm sure they will be allowed to use pop-guns or low-power BB guns. No worries....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 11/24/2009 16:55 Comments || Top||

#6  I suppose from now on, terrorists will all be caught reaching for something or making some other furtive movement.

Posted by: crosspatch || 11/24/2009 17:06 Comments || Top||

#7  And now a moment from the Greatest Generation.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/24/2009 17:13 Comments || Top||

#8  DOJ, Fighting for the other side again...
Posted by: 49 Pan || 11/24/2009 17:13 Comments || Top||

#9  One can hope crosspatch.

And it would be entirely within the Geneva Convention too since terrorists are usually 'illegal combatants'.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 11/24/2009 17:20 Comments || Top||

#10  Beck highlighted it today in starting off his show. I think angry tirades to congresscritters should help to push back on the JAG PC bullshit
Posted by: Frank G || 11/24/2009 17:32 Comments || Top||

#11  CrazyFool, IIRC, under the Geneva Convention, you have to give an illegal combatant a court martial before you execute him. Of course, if I had my way, the court martial would go something like this:
Lt. Col (the judge): Sergeant, is this man a terrorist?
Sergeant: Yes sir. I saw him terrorizing people.
Lt. Col: Guilty. Execute him.
Lt. Col: Next case.
Repeat as needed.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 11/24/2009 18:49 Comments || Top||

#12  Let me see if I understand correctly. You send in the premier counter terrorism snatch unit to grab the mastermind of a horrific crime against Americans in Iraq, and then to beef them because them punched him in the snatch? Jeebus, there is something missing in this story. I smell BS DOJ lawyers applying some PC law enforcement standard here, and some Navy Commander/JAG folding to undue Command Influence. This is a travesty. Someone with stars needs to make some calls and make this silliness go away, or the morale of the SEALs and our other special ops guys will be irreparably harmed, not to mention the chilling effect.
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 11/24/2009 19:22 Comments || Top||

#13  Damage to their morale is no doubt the intent.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 11/24/2009 19:46 Comments || Top||

#14  or the morale of the SEALs and our other special ops guys will be irreparably harmed

Too late.
Posted by: Besoeker || 11/24/2009 20:05 Comments || Top||

#15  Yaassss...Furtive movements, just the thing.

The old "He was making a furtive movement, Sarge, and I was forced to snuff him." trick.

Use a #8 Piano wire.
Posted by: Angleton9 || 11/24/2009 20:32 Comments || Top||

#16  I think the "fell" and bumped his lip on the floor. Case closed.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 11/24/2009 20:46 Comments || Top||

#17  "Someone with stars needs to make some calls and make this silliness go away..."
NoMore BS; do you really think that anybody with stars will make a diffe? Look how long McCrystal has been trying to get Obambi to send more troops and the "Ditherer-in-Chief 'might' announce his decision after Thanksgiving. Yet reports today indicate that he will probably send about 34k more troops in, BUT with a 6 month or so 'off-ramp' stategy. so the bad guys just need to run out the clock. No sad to say there is no support for the guys with stars from this admin. The SEALS (God bless them)should have just shot him trying to escape and been done with it.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 11/24/2009 20:58 Comments || Top||

#18  I vote for #12 NomoreBS' comment. This is a silly but serious effort on the part of Holder's DoJ and Obama's admin to grind down the military and neuter it. Same goals with bring KSM to New Yohk, New Yohk. They are putting the Bush Admin, Cia , and the military on trial to neutralize them and destroy their effectiveness.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 11/24/2009 22:25 Comments || Top||

#19  Several observations:

Doesn't give much incentive for Seals to apprehend terrorists, as many police apprehensions on COPS result in worse than a fat lip for perpetrators guilty of only evading arrest.

A Seal will probably do OK in the general population at Levenworth. I don't think the clepto Disbursing Officers and haphazard CMS Custodians will be punking him and swapping him for cigarettes.

At worst a disgraced Seal will strike it rich as the badest posse member in some rappers crew.
Posted by: Super Hose || 11/24/2009 22:52 Comments || Top||

#20  I am now officially switching from encouraging young people to join the Military (as a good way to start life, and a way to re-pay this great nation) to URGING people to avoid the military...and dodge the inevitable draft!

I spend 8 years in the Marines...and am now watching this dickwad of a "President" destroy our military.

Fuck him!
Posted by: Justrand || 11/24/2009 23:32 Comments || Top||

#21  So Ali bin Bad, dreaded terrorist, wanted on 12 systems, is crying like a little girl because someone gave him a fat lip? What happened to all that we love death stuff? They just don't make 'em like they used to.
Posted by: SteveS || 11/24/2009 23:37 Comments || Top||

Israel: Gaza projectile falls
[Ma'an] Palestinians in Gaza launched a homemade projectile into Israeli territory on Monday, the country's military said.

A military spokesperson told Ma'an that the projectile launched from northern Gaza landed Israel's Negev desert, west of the Nahal Oz fuel terminal, causing no casualties or damage.

Israeli media reported that a siren sounded at 6:50pm. An explosion was also heard in the area.

No Palestinian group has claimed responsibility for the reported strike.

The launch comes two days after the Hamas-run government in Gaza announced it had reached an agreement with armed groups to cease cross-border attacks into Israel.

However, three groups, the armed wings of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and Fatah, all said that they were not bound by the agreement. Even Hamas' own armed wing said it would respond to Israeli attacks.

Early on Monday morning night Israel launched a series of airstrikes in Gaza which medics said wounded eight people.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Some kid's science project, Gaza style.
Posted by: Grunter || 11/24/2009 7:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Gaza projectile falls

Birds sing, bees sting, and projectiles fall from Gaza...
Posted by: Pappy || 11/24/2009 9:34 Comments || Top||

#3  No Palestinian group has claimed responsibility for the reported strike.
Of course not, the shooters MISSED.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 11/24/2009 12:42 Comments || Top||

Egyptian security raids 4 Gaza smuggling tunnels
[Ma'an] Egyptian authorities stormed four smuggling tunnels and a warehouse between Egypt and Gaza, Egyptian security sources revealed on Monday.

The sources told Ma'an that Egyptian security forces raided the area near Salah Ad-Din on the border between Gaza and Egypt and found four smuggling tunnels. The forces were unable to arrest the smugglers, who had fled scene, according to the sources. However, large quantities of electrical appliances were found on their way to the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian authorities also raided a warehouse storing food and goods that were en route to Gaza via the smuggling tunnels.

More than 450 smuggling tunnels have been apprehended this year by the Egyptian authorities.

Since Israel and Egypt imposed a devastating blockade on Gaza in 2007, a vast network of smuggling tunnels has become the only reliable means of moving goods into Gaza. The industry is notoriously dangerous, and dozens of Palestinians are killed each year in tunnel-related accidents.

Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  More than 450 smuggling tunnels have been apprehended this year by the Egyptian authorities

and perp-walked back across the Sinai
Posted by: Frank G || 11/24/2009 9:46 Comments || Top||

2 killed, 4 injured in Israeli attack on Gaza
[Iran Press TV Latest] At least two Palestinians have been killed and four others wounded in an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip.

Gaza hospital sources announced the reception of two bodies late on Monday, along with four other victims who had received medium to critical injuries, after an Israeli tank shelled the eastern Gaza city neighborhood of Shejaeya.

The shelling caused serious damage in the densely populated area, reports say, but there are no more details on the incident.

The latest attack comes two days after the Israeli military launched a series of air raids on Gaza, wounding seven people, including children.
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  This story is nowhere but the Iranian press. I call bullshit. The MSM would have been all over it.
Posted by: Meryl Yourish || 11/24/2009 0:29 Comments || Top||

#2  It's remotely possible that yet another Kassem rocket barrage went astray in the neighborhood...
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/24/2009 0:44 Comments || Top||

#3  My money is on a lawn care accident. Spill a little gasoline on a hot lawn mower manifold and KABLAAM - shrapnel and grass clippings all over the neighborhood. Let 'em cool off a little before you refuel, people.
Posted by: SteveS || 11/24/2009 1:16 Comments || Top||

#4  I think it's sheer fiction. The only kernel of truth is that Israel bombed Gaza tunnels and a weapons shop.
Posted by: Meryl Yourish || 11/24/2009 16:11 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Philippines declares emergency after 46 killed
The Philippine president placed two southern provinces under emergency rule Tuesday as security forces unearthed more bodies, pushing the death toll to 46 in some of the deadliest election violence in the nation's history.

Dozens of gunmen abducted the group of journalists, supporters and relatives of a gubernatorial candidate as they traveled through Amputuan township Monday to file candidacy documents in the provincial capital for May 2010 elections.

The gubernatorial candidate, Ismael Mangudadatu, who was not a part of the convoy, accused a powerful political rival from the Amputuan clan of being behind the slayings. There is a longstanding bitterness between the two families. Mangudadatu's wife, Genalyn, and his two sisters, were among the dead.

Mangudadatu said Tuesday that four witnesses had told him the convoy was stopped by gunmen loyal to Andal Ampatuan Jr., a town mayor belonging to a powerful clan and his family's fierce political rival.
Best I can figure this is muslim on muslim clan warfare in the best tradition of Mo. Both families being politically powerful (Governor) and fighting over the bejeweled turban.
Posted by: ed || 11/24/2009 09:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  anyone want to help with the history of this : 49pan?
Posted by: 746 || 11/24/2009 12:41 Comments || Top||

#2  More than 100 journalists, many wearing black shirts and black arm bands with the words, "Stop Killing Journalists," staged a protest against the killings in Manila. Another 200 of their colleagues also denounced the massacre in southern Davao city.

Disgusting. Fuck those, you know, other people who died. Journalists, the world's best people (according to journalists anyway) are in harm's way.
Posted by: gromky || 11/24/2009 13:00 Comments || Top||


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/24/2009 23:23 Comments || Top||

Good morning

The Boswell Sisters Sing
Posted by: Fred || 11/24/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sisters in Harmony

The Boswell Sisters with that New Orleans flavor

The Brox Sisters - The Originals

The Andrew Sisters - Started as Boswell Sisters imitators

The McGuire Sisters kept it alive at the beginning of Rock and Roll.

The De Castro Sisters gave it a Latin Accent

The Ross Sisters gave it a novelty feel with the Flying CT

The Sisters of Swing keep it alive

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/24/2009 5:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Congrats, Fred. You have been Instalanched! Yowza! Don't forget to jingle the tip jar to all those millions of new visitors you'll be getting.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 11/24/2009 8:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Very entertaining while I read the rest of RB. Thanks, GB!
Posted by: gorb || 11/24/2009 22:13 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2009-11-24
  20 turbans toe-tagged in Hangu
Mon 2009-11-23
  Gunships hit targets in Kurram Agency
Sun 2009-11-22
  Jordanian commandos join war on Houthis
Sat 2009-11-21
  Nasrallah reelected Hezbollah chief for sixth term
Fri 2009-11-20
  Eight bad boyz dronezapped in N.Wazoo
Thu 2009-11-19
  Pak Talibs say they're in tactical retreat
Wed 2009-11-18
  Mullah Fazlullah escapes to Afghanistan, vows dire revenge™
Tue 2009-11-17
  Pirates seize NKor tanker crew
Mon 2009-11-16
  Yemen, Saudi pound Houthi positions, nab sorcerer
Sun 2009-11-15
  Syrian carrying $880,000, Hezbollah secret decoder ring nabbed
Sat 2009-11-14
  Russia kills 20 militants in Chechnya
Fri 2009-11-13
  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to Be Sent to New York for Trial
Thu 2009-11-12
  Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder
Wed 2009-11-11
  John Allen Muhammad executed
Tue 2009-11-10
  North and South Korean navies 'exchange fire'

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