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Jordanian commandos join war on Houthis
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25 00:00 Nimble Spemble [19]
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9 00:00 Nimble Spemble [14]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#2  I liked Governor Palin's book, too. How about cover with her on it? Call it 'Real Women'. A shot of her with a rifle would be nice, or maybe a picture of her picking salmon. Say, what happen to the quizz to prove I'm human? I miss that validation.
Posted by: Oregon Doodle || 11/22/2009 14:58 Comments || Top||

#3  #1 Re: Helen Marie Jurgens aka Helen Twelvetrees. Her manufactured stage name seems to be not well thought-out and ridiculous. That B&W photo of her is stunning. I wonder if her eyes were hazel, green or dark blue. A LOVLEY Woman.
Posted by: Asymmetrical Triangulation || 11/22/2009 21:20 Comments || Top||

#4  It was her first husband's name. Better than that she had taken her second husband's, Frank Woody's, name.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 11/22/2009 21:30 Comments || Top||

#5  what's wrong with Helen Frank?
Posted by: Frank G || 11/22/2009 21:51 Comments || Top||

More than 30 top militants killed, detained, NATO force says
* Dead include Mullah Farid Fazil Lang, who was tied to New York Times reporter's kidnapping

* NATO's International Security Assistance Force: Twenty-six captured, eight killed

* Militants "known for leading the planning and undertaking of deadly attacks" the force said

Security forces in Afghanistan have killed or captured more than 30 high-level militants, including many accused of participating in roadside bomb attacks, military officials said.

Twenty-six militants have been captured, and eight have been killed, with most of them senior leaders in the Taliban and the Haqqani network, according to a news release issued by NATO's International Security Assistance Force.

The militants -- "known for leading the planning and undertaking of deadly attacks" against civilians, government officials and soldiers -- were captured or killed between August 20 and October 17, the force reported. The insurgents also facilitated the "trafficking of fighters, weapons, explosives and money to support their terrorist activities," the force said.

The force did not explain under what circumstances the militants were killed or detained.

Among the dead are Mullah Farid Fazil Lang, who is accused of planning and participating in attacks against Afghan and ISAF soldiers, the force said.

Lang, who commanded a cell in charge of preparing roadside bombs, was involved in the kidnapping of New York Times reporter David Rohde in November 2008, the force said.

Rohde was snatched outside Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, but was later held in Pakistan. He escaped in June after seven months in Taliban captivity.

Among the detained were Karim Shakan and Matiullah, the force said.

Shakan, a Taliban commander, assisted in the "movement and use of IEDs," or improvised explosive devices. He recruited local Afghans for the insurgency and preached anti-government messages," according to the force.

Matiullah served as an Afghan national police officer in Parwan province, just north of Kabul, when he was linked to insurgents, the force said. He was accused of passing on information to the insurgency.
Posted by: gorb || 11/22/2009 15:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Rohde was snatched outside Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, but was later held in Pakistan. He escaped in June after seven months in Taliban captivity.

after a large ransom was paid by the NYT. His translator was not so lucky
Posted by: Frank G || 11/22/2009 16:22 Comments || Top||

Afghan soldier fires at US troops, injures several
A number of US troops have been injured when an Afghan soldier opened fire at their convoy in Khost province, the third such accident in less than two months.

Local officials in eastern Afghanistan announced on Sunday that an Afghan soldier opened fire on a US convoy injuring several US troops late Saturday, IRNA reported.

The officials who wanted to remain unnamed added that the Afghan soldier was also injured during the incident. However, it was not clear whether he was shot by the US soldiers or himself.

This is the third time such an accident has happened in the past two months. Earlier in November, an Afghan policeman opened fire on British soldiers in the volatile southern province of Helmand, killing five of them.

The incident came almost exactly a month after an Afghan policeman on patrol with US soldiers opened fire on the Americans, killing two before fleeing.
Posted by: tipper || 11/22/2009 13:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  wonder if this one of those afghan soldiers who left the taliban recently and supposedly changed ranks.
Posted by: chris || 11/22/2009 15:13 Comments || Top||

#2  FTA: "the third such accident in less than two months"

Accident? /s
Posted by: tipover || 11/22/2009 19:22 Comments || Top||

#3  I don't think the word "accident" means what the writer of this article thinks it means.

If it happens once, it might be an accident. If it happens twice, it's time to get suspicious. The third time is enough to ensure every soldier in Afghanistan will watch "Afghanis" closely whenever they're around.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/22/2009 21:31 Comments || Top||

U.S. Army Soldiers Defend COP Able Main In Kunar
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/22/2009 05:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Five killed in Afghan blast
Posted by: Oztralian || 11/22/2009 04:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

'luckiest soldier in Afghanistan' after Taliban sniper shooting
British Army officer, Lieutenant Paddy Rice, has been described as "the luckiest soldier in Afghanistan" after surviving being shot by a Taliban sniper.
Posted by: tipper || 11/22/2009 04:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I find this story amazing on so many levels: 1. Lt. Rice survived. 2. He was able to notify his father and girlfriend in London that he had been shot and he was all right. 3. After the shooting, he actually smoked a cigarette! This is the most amazing to me - everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health and should be banned . I wonder if Lt Rice had been shot in England if he would have even been treated, since he obviously had a death wish, and treating him would have cost money when he was only going to die anyway from the cigarettes. /sarcasm
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 11/22/2009 15:06 Comments || Top||

Four injured in rocket attack in Afghan capital
[Al Arabiya Latest] A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul has injured four people, including two members of the Afghan security forces, a spokesman for Afghanistan's health ministry said Saturday.

One rocket hit the wall of the five-star hotel in downtown Kabul at 6.15 p.m. (1345 GMT), Ahmad Farid Raaid, health ministry spokesman, told AFP.

Zamarai Bashary, spokesman for the interior ministry, said: "It was a rocket that hit in front of the Rabia Balkhi hospital. We have four wounded, three are civilians and one is a police officer."

" Negotiations have been going on with their commander Solaiman as we have been trying to absorb him into the government "
Herat police chief
Two of the injured civilians were women, he said.

The Serena Hotel, owned by the Aga Khan, was attacked in January 2008 by a commander of the Taliban, with the deaths of eight people.

It is Kabul's only five-star hotel and has been heavily-fortified since the 2008 attack. It is the hotel of choice for visiting VIPs.

It is occasionally shelled, most recently on Oct. 28, the same day that a U.N. guesthouse came under Taliban attack with the deaths of up to five U.N. staff and two Afghans.

That attack led the U.N. to withdraw hundreds of international employees, leaving a skeleton staff at its enormous compound in central Kabul.

This latest attack comes two days after President Hamid Karzai was sworn in for a second five-year term, after a controversial election on Aug. 20 that was marred by astounding levels of fraud.

He pledged to call a "loya jirga," an inclusive meeting of political, community and religious leaders from across the country, to bring peace to the war-torn country.

Karzai also said that the Afghan security forces would be able to take responsibility for the country's security in five years.

Eighty Taliban militants laid down their weapons Saturday and joined Afghanistan's police force, accepting a government amnesty aimed at ending the insurgency, police said.

In a ceremony at police headquarters in the eastern city of Herat, the 80 men handed over their weapons and pledged to end their fight against the government, said Herat police chief Asmatullah Alizai.

"Negotiations have been going on with their commander Solaiman as we have been trying to absorb him into the government," he said, referring to Mula Solaiman, a former border guard commander who changed sides a number of times.

Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

In Yemen, Houthis 'capture strategic altitudes'
The Houthi fighters have reportedly seized control of three mountains in a move that could give them notable strategic upper hand.
Or it could just trap them ...
How are they provisioned for a siege?
Reminds me of the city in Further Spain that was laid seige by the Romans. The city leader sneered at the Roman commander and said that his city had food and water to last ten years. The Roman commander replied that he'd be back in eleven ...
The Jews in Masada only lasted three years. Vespasian happily enslaved the rest of conquered Judea to build ramps up the side of the mountain so their engines could get close enough to do their work.
The fighters conquered Mounts Al-Dukhan, Al-Ramih and Al-Doud on Saturday, the Yemeni news outlet Shamar Press reported.

The fighters' new positions will allow them to take the Saudi and Yemeni movements under scrutiny and afford visibility over several kilometers farther.

Sana'a has launched a military offensive codenamed Operation Scorched Earth against the Houthi fighters, accusing them of violating the terms of a ceasefire by taking foreign tourists hostage.

The Houthis, however, reject the allegations saying they only seek to put an end to the Yemeni government's discriminatory policies against Shias.

The Saudis have recently joined Yemen's armed campaign against the country's Shia minority. Saudi Arabia's army has been pounding Houthi positions for over two weeks, charging that the fighters had attacked one of its border checkpoints.

The Houthis, however, have firmly rejected the allegations, saying that they are fighting other battlefields and are not interested in opening another front.

According to the fighters, Riyadh has stepped up the offensive shelling northern villages using illegal phosphorous bombs, which are capable of inflicting severe burns.

The Yemeni agency said the anti-Shia fight is recently joined by auxiliary forces outfitted with advanced equipment.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Jordanian commandos join war on Houthi fighters
Jordanian commandos have recently joined the state-led and Saudi-aided offensives against the Houthi fighters in northwestern Yemen, reports say.

The Arab-language daily Sada-Najdhejaz reported on Saturday that the commandos, enlisted with the Jordanian military's crack forces, had joined the fight in the northern Mount Al-Dukhan.

The military contribution was enabled by Saudi Arabia, which received the forces at its Tabuk Military Base a few days ago before airlifting them to the northern Yemeni territories, the newspaper added.

The auxiliary units reportedly incurred heavy losses in their struggle against the Shia Houthi fighters.

Foreign troops joined hands with Sana'a after Yemeni forces failed to produce result through Operation Scorched Earth, which was launched in August.

This is while sources say that the Yemeni troops are divided over the conflict, with some not having a motive to fight the Houthis. According to the sources a large number of soldiers in the Yemeni military are Zaidi Shias, hence sympathetic toward the Houthis.
I think the president of Yemen is also a Zaidi Shiite, although he didn't seem the least bit conflicted when he ordered the army into the fight.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

Japan hostage in Yemen seized by al-Qaeda
[Al Arabiya Latest] A Japanese engineer kidnapped by Yemeni tribesmen has been seized by al-Qaeda gunmen, a tribal source who has been seeking to negotiate his release said on Saturday. "The hostage was seized by elements of al-Qaeda, who took him to an unknown destination in the Maarib region," east of the capital, Sanaa, one of two tribal mediators told AFP on condition of anonymity.

" The hostage was seized by elements of al-Qaeda, who took him to an unknown destination in the Maarib region "
Tribal mediator
The man, identified by Japanese media as 63-year-old Takeo Mashimo, was kidnapped on Sunday in Arhab, northeast of Sanaa, by tribesmen seeking to exchange him for one of their relatives being held by police.

He was seized by al-Qaeda overnight, with a second mediator saying the group became involved after being approached by someone close to the detained tribesman who was opposed to the Japanese hostage's release.

The 22-year-old man whose release was being sought by the tribesmen was imprisoned by U.S. forces for a year in Iraq, a source in Yemen has said.

He was later arrested in Syria before being held in Sanaa, where he was sentenced to two years in prison without charges, the same source said.

Meanwhile, authorities were rounding up members of the al-Hanaq and al-Gub tribes responsible for the initial kidnapping, the first source said. The last news on the hostage came midweek.

" The abductors had said they would free the hostage and had left to get him but when they came back they said they had changed their mind "
Sheikh Abdul Jalil, tribal leader
Sheikh Abdul Jalil, a tribal leader, announced on Tuesday that he had been freed but backtracked the following day, admitting he had been mistaken. "The abductors had said they would free the hostage and had left to get him but when they came back they said they had changed their mind," he said.

Jalil said they had agreed to release the hostage in exchange for their relative within 15 days. "But at the last minute, they came back saying they want him liberated in three days," the sheikh said.

The kidnappers were distrustful because a previous promise by President Ali Abdullah Saleh to release a detainee was not fulfilled, sources close to them said.

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama said on Wednesday that he was hopeful the hostage would be released soon.

He said there was no sign the engineer, employed by a Tokyo-based consultancy working on construction of an elementary school funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, had been harmed in captivity.

Yemeni tribes habitually kidnap foreigners to put pressure on local authorities. More than 200 foreigners have been seized during the past 15 years, with most being freed unharmed.

But five Germans and a Briton who were taken captive in June in the north of the country are still missing and with no word on their fate.

They were among nine people seized in the northern Saada region, the stronghold of Shiite rebels led by Abdel Malek al-Huthi. The three others in the group, two Germans and a South Korean, were killed.

Two Japanese women were released unharmed in May last year after briefly being taken hostage by Yemeni tribesmen.

Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

14 JMB men arrested
[Bangla Daily Star] Police yesterday arrested 14 members of banned militant outfit Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) from a house near the district truck terminal in Jhenidah.

From the house, owned by a primary school teacher Malek Joarder, police also seized nine mobile phone sets, copies of Quran and Bible,
Bible? Isn't that a bit unusual?
Islamic booklets and a copy of the first information report of the August 21 grenade attack on Awami League rally.

The arrestees are Shafikul Islam of Maktabpara, Alamgir Hossain of Suzanagar, and Hasan under Pabna, Shajahan and Laltu Sheikh of Jhenidah town, Akram Ali of Bhutiargati, Mintu of Chowgachha under Jessore district, Rabiul of Kotchandpur upazila of Jhenidah, Faruk Hossain, Tuhin Mahmud, Shahinur, and Abu Sayed of Kaliganj upazila of Jhenidah, Ali Hossain of Meherpur and Nazrul Islam of Gaibandha.

Superintendent of police in Jhenidah Rezaul Islam said they launched a drive in the truck terminal area acting on a tip-off and arrested 14 JMB activists.

He also said the militants were being trained in the rented house for long. The arrestees, however, claimed themselves as adherents of another so-called radical group 'Allar Dal'.
The arrestees were undergoing interrogation under police custody at Jhenidah sadar thana.

Police said Malek Joarder, a teacher of Kashim Nagar village, lives in his village home letting his house in the town to the JMB activists who allegedly were taking in jihadi training there.

Police also picked up Malek for quizzing.
Quizzing sounds like such a gently academic endeavor, that could have nothing to do with Number 7 truncheons...
Our correspondent from Chapainawabganj added police yesterday arrested a suspected JMB member from Saria village under Raninagar upazila in Naogaon district.

He is identified as Rahim Baksh, 42, of Saria-Fakir Para under Ekdela union of Raningar in Naogaon.

Abbas Ali, officer-in-charge of Raninagar police station, said a police team raided Saria-Fakir Para village acting on tip-off and arrested Rahim around 3:30pm for his alleged link with JMB.

He also said Rahim was a fugitive of a case filed by Rahmat Fakir of Saria Fakir Para with Raninagar police station accusing 58 persons on May 6, 2009 for looting, arson and vandalising Rahmat's home at Saria village.
Thus demonstrating once again that jihadi vs. miscreant is a distinction without a difference.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Car bomb fails to explode in Belfast, Police exchange fire with Paramlitaries
Posted by: Oztralian || 11/22/2009 15:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Must be the recession as the paramlitaries are back-no job or earning potential means trouble brewing for the gangsters/criminals involved.

Reminds me of a story my cousin in the Irish police told me when attending a St Patricks Parade in New york.He had lots of Americans shaking his hands saying he was doing a good job fighting with the Irish Army against the British.LOL!

For the record he hates the IRA and sees them as bullying gangsters and who says Americans dont sponsor terrorism over the last forty years LOL!
Posted by: Paul2 || 11/22/2009 17:34 Comments || Top||

#2  who says Americans dont sponsor terrorism over the last forty years LOL!

Mainly the "East-Coast Irish", Paul.
Posted by: Pappy || 11/22/2009 20:03 Comments || Top||

Bomb attack hits NGO office in Peshawar, one injured
[Dawn] A bomb exploded near the building of a non-government organisation offering treatment to the blind in Peshawar on Saturday, injuring one person, police said. The bomb was planted behind the two-storey building housing the German-funded Comprehensive Health and Education Foundation, senior police officer Imran Kishwar said.

The building targeted in the attack is located on Aabdara Road in the University Town area of the NWFP capital. It is believed to be a high-security zone as several government offices and guest houses are located in the area.

'It damaged the outer wall and one office employee was wounded. His condition is stable,' Kishwar told AFP.

The group's head, Daud Khan, said the early morning blast damaged some office equipment.

'We are engaged in providing treatment to the blind people in North West Frontier Province. Our teams visit different parts of the province and offer treatment to local people suffering from eye diseases,' he told AFP. 'We receive funds from Germany.'

While the exact nature of the blast has not been determined, initial reports suggests a homemade improvised explosive device was used.

Peshawar has been in the grip of a wave of militant violence for the past several weeks and has been rocked by eight bombings in 12 days.--
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Taliban men blow up Pakistani school
[Bangla Daily Star] Taliban militants blew up an empty school in a tribal town in northwest Pakistan on Saturday severely damaging the building, officials said.
O brave, brave Lions of Islam!
Militants planted explosives near the building in the Khyber region's Bara town, around 20 kilometres (13 miles) south of Peshawar, local administration chief Farooq Khan told AFP by telephone. "The explosive device was fitted with a timer," he said. It went off in the afternoon when the school was closed, he said, adding that nobody was injured.

Taliban militants blew up a government-run girls' school in the same area on Monday night. That school was also badly damaged.

Bara is close to Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier Province, which has been hit by a series of bomb blasts in recent weeks.

Earlier three suspected militants blew themselves up after police surrounded them in Pakistani-administered Kashmir on Saturday but there were no casualties, police and officials said.

"Police chasing the suspects surrounded them in Sarar village" on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad, capital of the Pakistani zone of the divided Himalayan region, local police official Raja Faisal said.

"The militants, who were on foot, blew themselves up after police surrounded them," he said, adding that there were no police casualties.

An AFP photographer said the bodies were lying in an open field with their limbs scattered in the area crowded by a large number of villagers.

Local administration chief Chaudhry Imtiaz said he believed they were militants who fled the ongoing military offensive against the Taliban in the tribal South Waziristan region bordering Afghanistan.

"Police succeeded in foiling a major terror plot," he told reporters.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Foreigners among 11 militants killed in Orakzai
[Dawn] At least 11 suspected militants, a majority of foreigners among them, were killed and seven others injured when jets bombed militant hideouts and an Afghan refugee camp in Orakzai Agency on Saturday.

Strikes were also carried out in Chappri Feroze Khel and Bezote areas bordering Khyber Agency.

On Friday night, a top militant leader and his seven accomplices were captured after an exchange of fire in Spin Thall area of Hangu district.

According to officials, militants opened fire at a convoy patrolling the area. Troops returned fire and after a long battle captured Muzaffar Shah and his accomplices.

A huge quantity of arms and ammunition was found in their possession. Muzaffar Shah was wanted for his involvement in bomb blasts and firing on security forces.

A dawn-to-dusk curfew was imposed in parts of Thall and in villages of Hangu district close to Kurram Agency and North Waziristan Agency.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Fourteen militants killed in South Waziristan
[Dawn] At least 14 suspected militants were killed in South Waziristan in the past 24 hours, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said Saturday. Six soldiers, including an officer, were also killed, while four others were injured.

Security forces cleared the Gandil Wala area on the Jandola-Sararogha Axis, the ISPR said. Forces also carried out search operation at Sarwekai.

Meanwhile, on the Razmak-Makeen Axis, security forces secured Lakki Ghundi after an intense battle. During the operation 14 terrorists were killed while six soldiers, including an officer, also died. Four others were injured.

Meanwhile, on the Shakai-Kaniguram axis, security forces conducted search operations in Paya (near Tiarza) and Yargha Khel. A 70 feet long tunnel was discovered and destroyed near Kaniguram.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Seven militants killed in Miramshah clash
[Dawn] Security forces killed seven militants, including a militant commander in Miramshah.

The operation was in retaliation of an earlier attack on a security check post in Mana in which four security personnel were killed while another was injured. -- DawnNews

Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Militants blow themselves up in Muzaffarabad
[Dawn] Three suspected militants blew themselves up after police and villagers gave a chase and surrounded them in a mountainous area here on Saturday.
"M. le Inspecteur! What made you suspect they are militants?"
"Cherchez le detonation, Legume!"

According to officials, police launched a search in a suburb of the Azad Kashmir capital after residents reported that three men had dumped a bag of weapons behind a house.
"You, there! You with the turban! What's in that bag?"
"Well, don't leave 'em behind my house!"

Police and civil defence department officials found three Kalashnikovs along with 18 magazines, 12 grenades, six guided missiles, one pistol with two magazines and two jackets in the bag.
"Look at this, chief!"
"Quite a haul, McGinty! We don't usually get guided missiles in those weapons bags!"

The suspects, in the meantime, had crossed over to the other side of the town using a suspension bridge on River Jhelum. 'We started chasing them and two more police parties joined us,' a police official told Dawn.
"Here, youse! Halt!"
Police in neighbouring Mansehra and Abbottabad districts had also been alerted, he added.
"Calling all cars! Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for two men armed with guided missiles! That isw all!"
Finally, police and local people surrounded the three suspects on the Sarar hill and when they got close the militants blew themselves up. Their bodies blew apart and police found two heads and a torso. Head of the third militant was badly mutilated.
"Over here, chief! I think I've found it!"
"Are you sure? It doesn't look much like a head!"
"I think that's a nose. Or used to be."
"Yeah. I guess that could be a nostril."

Police collected the body parts scattered all around the place and sent them to the Combined Military Hospital for a post-mortem.
"Delivery for Doctor Quincy!"
"Whaddya got?... E-w-w-w! Tell me that's not a nostril!"
"Ummm... You guys tell us."

Muzaffarabad DIG Shaikh Tahir Qayyum told Dawn that a computerised national identity card and Rs2,000 were found in one of the militants' jacket. According to the CNIC, his name was Rahimullah, son of Sharifullah. He was a resident of Gulshan-i-Iqbal, Karachi, the DIG added. However, he said that genuineness of the CNIC would be verified.
"I don't think they print them in crayon anymore..."
On June 26 this year, two soldiers were killed and three others injured in the first-ever incident of suicide bombing in Muzaffarabad. Security has been beefed up in the city and additional police forces have been deployed at all government installations. Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider condemned the incident and said that all steps would be taken to maintain peace in the region.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Inside the mind of a female suicide bomber
An increasing number of female jihadis are being recruited and trained to blow themselves up in the name of Islam. Alissa J Rubin visits an Iraqi jail to find out what makes young women turn themselves into killing machines.
Posted by: ryuge || 11/22/2009 01:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I don't understand why the police don't give her the opportunity to make her dream come true. Give her a specially designed vest that will kill only herself and then take her somewhere and let her push the button.
Posted by: Jumbo Slinerong5015 || 11/22/2009 8:21 Comments || Top||

#2  'If I do it against the police I will go to hell because the police are Muslims. But if I do it against the Americans then I will go to heaven."'

To be honest this is the shit they are taught from a young age.Anyone non muslim is fair game!
Posted by: Paul2 || 11/22/2009 15:36 Comments || Top||

Israeli forces detain 3 more PA security officers
[Ma'an] Israeli forces raided the West Bank town of Jayyus northeast of Qalqiliya on Saturday morning and detained five Palestinians including three Palestinian Authority Security Services officers, officials said.

On Friday, four officers and one commander with the Palestinian Intelligence Services were detained from the Salfit area. High-level talks between Israel and Palestine were held throughout the day, with alleged US pressure added shortly before noon. Palestinian security forces are trained by US General Keith Dayton.

The five men were released late Friday night, Palestinian security sources confirmed.

It was not clear whether the second round of detentions targeting PA forces was related to the first incident. The head of the Israeli civil liaison department said his Israeli counterparts denied knowledge of the detention of any PA security officers in Qalqiliya on Saturday.

Eyewitnesses in Jayyus said the invading Israeli forces entered an internet cafe and ransacked the site Friday night, temporarily detaining all the patrons inside. After midnight several military vehicles stormed the town under the cover of heavy gunfire and stun grenades. Locals said they believed the men were detained from their homes.

The officers detained in the Saturday morning raid were identified by Palestinian security sources as:

Ayyoub Khalid from the Palestinian National Security Services
Muhammad Shamasna from the Palestinian National Security Services
Anwar Mustafa from the Palestinian Authority Military Police

Two civilians were also detained, in what may be unrelated events. The civilians were identified as Jihad Shamasna and Nour Baydha.

All five of the men detained by Israeli forces were taken to unknown destinations.

Palestinian officials said they believe the actions were the realization of recent threats by Israel to take unilateral steps against the PA, likely as a response to government refusal to sit at the peace-talk table with Israel.

The Israeli news site Ynet said the men may have been detained for their involvement in investigations against a man suspected of collaborating with Israel. The site quoted an unnamed Palestinian security sources as saying the Israel demanded the suspected collaborator, resident of Dir Istia village where two of the security officers were detained, be released unharmed.

Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Authority

#1  ION MEMRI > PALESTINIAN OFFCIALS [FATAH org] THREATEN TO RESUME ARMED STRUGGLE AGZ ISRAEL, LAUNCH THIRD INTIFADA, iff the UNO fails to adopt or endorse a formal UN Resolution establishing an independent sovereign Paleo State.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/22/2009 19:46 Comments || Top||

Israeli planes strike targets in Gaza
Never would have guessed that this would happen after the Gazooks fired a rocket at the Israelis, would you ...
GAZA STRIP, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Israeli planes carried out air strikes against targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, injuring seven Palestinians, Palestinian medical workers said.

An army spokesman said one of the strikes, which occurred hours after a rocket fired from the Hamas-run enclave landed in Israel, had targeted a factory in central Gaza used to make weapons. Palestinians said the target was a metal foundry.

Palestinian medical workers and witnesses said other targets included a caravan in the northern Gaza Strip and smuggling tunnels in the south under the border with Egypt.
A caravan? The ebil Juice went after camels?
The attacks occurred one day after Hamas said it had reached an agreement with smaller armed groups in the territory to halt sporadic rocket fire towards Israel, which often responds with air strikes.
That worked well ...
Posted by: Steve White || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Most likely this was one of the cardboard and straw caravans that the children joyously attack and pillage after a hypnotic day at the madrassa
Posted by: Ralphs son Johnnie || 11/22/2009 0:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Caravan and Grand Caravan are registered trademarks of The Chrysler Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the United States Government. The Caravan is also known as a Paleostinian Unarmored Personell Carrier (PUPC).
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 11/22/2009 2:35 Comments || Top||

#3  That would make one of those micro-vans a 'diet PUPC' ...
Posted by: Steve White || 11/22/2009 11:20 Comments || Top||

#4  Go to your room, Steve White.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/22/2009 14:12 Comments || Top||

Rocket fired from Gaza into Israel
A Palestinian rocket was fired Saturday from the Gaza Strip into Israel without causing casualties or damage, the Israeli military said. The rocket exploded near the Israeli town of Sderot, according to an army spokesman.

Israel's military says more than 270 rockets and mortar shells have been fired into the Jewish state since the end in January its war on militants in the Palestinian territory controlled by the Islamist movement Hamas.
Posted by: Steve White || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

Iran rescues hostages held by terrorists
[Iran Press TV Latest] Iranian intelligence forces say they have rescued two hostages held by armed groups in the country's southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan.

The hostage takers had demanded a ransom of over USD 350,000 in exchange for the two, who were abducted 16 days ago from their hometown of Nikshahr, ILNA reported on Saturday.

Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan region borders Pakistan and Afghanistan and has regularly been the scene of clashes between security forces and armed terrorist groups believed to be based in neighboring Pakistan.

Last month, the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group carried out a bomb attack in Pishin district that left over 40 people killed, including several high-ranking Iranian commanders.
Posted by: Fred || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Jundullah

Lebanese forces fire at Israeli drone
Lebanese anti-aircraft guns opened fire on Saturday on an Israeli drone that entered Lebanese airspace in the south of the country, the military said in a statement.

"A surveillance drone of the Israeli enemy" overflew "the area of Bint Jbeil at medium altitude" in the morning, the statement said. "Army anti-aircraft batteries opened fire on the drone, forcing it to gain altitude before leaving Lebanese airspace."
That's real heroic of you boys ....
The country's military reports almost daily on airspace violations by Israeli aircraft, but does not normally open fire at them.

The United Nations considers Israeli air incursions into Lebanon to be a violation of Security Council Resolution 1701.

"To the best of my knowledge, there's probably no other country in the world -- probably, I may be wrong -- which is subject to such an intrusive regime of aerial surveillance," UN special envoy for Lebanon Michael Williams said this month.
Ever wonder why?
Resolution 1701 brought an end to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah militants based in southern Lebanon, although the accord has failed to seal a permanent ceasefire. It mainly insists on the strict embargo on providing arms to Lebanese militias, while also affirming the Beirut government's sovereignty across the whole country.
The whole resolution has worked well, hasn't it -- Hezbollah has more rockets than ever, Nasty-Boy has been re-elected, the Israelis do daily overflights, the Syrians meddle to the content of their cold, dark, little hearts, the international community postures uselessly, and a whole lot of UN apparatchiks are employed with complimentary white Toyota Land Cruisers at their beck and call. The resolution has been a success!
Posted by: Steve White || 11/22/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Did the drone was heard to curse with an Austrian accent?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 11/22/2009 15:31 Comments || Top||

#2  "Vunce ze rockets go up
Who cares vere zey come down?
Dats not my depahtment,"
Said Wehrner von Braun

-- Tom Lehrer
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/22/2009 18:29 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2009-11-22
  Jordanian commandos join war on Houthis
Sat 2009-11-21
  Nasrallah reelected Hezbollah chief for sixth term
Fri 2009-11-20
  Eight bad boyz dronezapped in N.Wazoo
Thu 2009-11-19
  Pak Talibs say they're in tactical retreat
Wed 2009-11-18
  Mullah Fazlullah escapes to Afghanistan, vows dire revenge™
Tue 2009-11-17
  Pirates seize NKor tanker crew
Mon 2009-11-16
  Yemen, Saudi pound Houthi positions, nab sorcerer
Sun 2009-11-15
  Syrian carrying $880,000, Hezbollah secret decoder ring nabbed
Sat 2009-11-14
  Russia kills 20 militants in Chechnya
Fri 2009-11-13
  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to Be Sent to New York for Trial
Thu 2009-11-12
  Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder
Wed 2009-11-11
  John Allen Muhammad executed
Tue 2009-11-10
  North and South Korean navies 'exchange fire'
Mon 2009-11-09
  Police recover 60,000 kgs of explosives, 6 held
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  Abbas threatens to dismantle PA, declare peace process failed

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