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Foopie cleared of terror charges in key Guantanamo trial
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Jodie Foster aka Clarice Starling in "The Silence of the Lambs" aka Sarah Tobias
in "The Accused" aka Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Ann Arroway in "Contact" (age 48)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/19/2010 2:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Look all you want, guys!

She pitches for the other team.
Posted by: Frozen Al || 11/19/2010 12:35 Comments || Top||

#3  She pitches for the other same team. Fixed that.
Posted by: JohnQC || 11/19/2010 16:42 Comments || Top||

Bomb Drops
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/19/2010 03:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Those poor Amish that have to suffer for the actions of a few terrorists in their midst.
Posted by: hammerhead || 11/19/2010 7:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Extend that last video for five to fifteen minutes, have it cover the entire mountain the bombs exploded on, and you have an ARCLIGHT strike. One or two of those would disabuse the natives from helping out the other side. That would be a "win" in our book. Run them at random over the NWFP territory, from Quetta to Chitral, and even OBL would run for cover. We're NOT fighting this war to win, and that makes me very, very angry.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/19/2010 14:14 Comments || Top||

#3  Isn't it almost time for the annual "Dread Winter of Afghanistan©" stories?
Posted by: Frank G || 11/19/2010 17:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Old patriot: and we will consider collateral damage a feature not a bug.
Posted by: Aussie Mike || 11/19/2010 19:15 Comments || Top||

AH-1W Cobra and UH-1Y conduct gun runs in Afghanistan
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/19/2010 03:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  HMMMMM, HMMM, gotta wonder where's the UH-60 BLACKHAWK in all this, as the SUPPOSED-TO-BE-POST-HUEY BLACKHAWK is suppos to be GUNSHIP-CAPABLE.


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/19/2010 18:29 Comments || Top||

Marines to use tanks in Afghan battles
Abrams tanks will be used in the southwest part of the country for the first time in the war. A U.S. officer familiar with the decision said the tanks will be used initially in parts of northern Helmand province, where the Marines have been engaged in intense combat against resilient Taliban cells that typically are armed with assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and homemade bombs. The Marines had wanted to take tanks into Afghanistan when they began deploying in large numbers in spring 2009, but the top coalition commander then, Army Gen. David D. McKiernan, rejected the request, in part because of concern it could remind Afghans of the tank-heavy Soviet occupation in the 1980s.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pi$$es me off. Leadership gets their panties all in a wad when a muzzie might get their acid-throwing, goat-buggerin feelings hurt. And all the while soldiers and Marines are dying.
Posted by: anymouse || 11/19/2010 0:52 Comments || Top||

#2  Where do they get these BS ideas from?

I'd think seeing a bunch of white guys with guns would be enough to remind them of soviets.

Well, at least we have tanks now, watch out of IEDs!
Posted by: Jeremiah Flainter9609 || 11/19/2010 1:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Canadians have been using tanks in Afghanistan for years now (admittedly, because that is all we have got).


Posted by: Excalibur || 11/19/2010 7:31 Comments || Top||

#4  I'd like to say more on this but since this is an open forum and due to opsec I can't give numbers and dates about the tanks. Let's just say our biggest worry about them is building the parts blocks needed to keep them consistently up and running. Also, I'm not sure the talibunnies have an IED (yet) that's robust enough to really hurt an Abrams. Not even for a mobility kill, although granted - backhauling an Abrams in douchebagistan because of the terrain would be a bitch.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 11/19/2010 8:05 Comments || Top||

#5  The track maintenance alone makes me queasy.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/19/2010 8:21 Comments || Top||

#6  ...and the paperwork that goes along with it.

It's not just the tank. It's the spare parts and POL. It's the second level and depot maintenance guys and the support imprint they have to make to be in country, along with their own log support to keep them there. Just more log bandwidth so to speak to eat up the limited lift input we have to that part of the world.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/19/2010 8:49 Comments || Top||

#7  The thing that concerns me is fuel for the things. At this point there are an awful lot of fuel tankers coming up from Pakistan that somehow catch fire before they cross the border.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/19/2010 10:40 Comments || Top||

#8  TW - many of our replacement military vehicles that are being convoyed up through Pakistan into theater are showing up vandalized or/with damage to engines or gas tanks. Would love to see a report on this conduct by our so-called Paki allies by our own beloved MSM (aka Mendacious State Media).
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 11/19/2010 12:07 Comments || Top||

#9  Why the Abrams? I can understand the need for some sort of infantry support tank but the Abrams is a main battle tank - a big heavy vehicle designed to kill other tanks. Obviously, other people (like, ummm, the Marines!) know more about this, but I'm curious.
Posted by: SteveS || 11/19/2010 13:30 Comments || Top||

#10  beuracracy at it's finest, onlytook nine years too come up with the idea. Also the Northern Alliance used them and there seemed too be no bitching about the russian afterthouhgt
Posted by: chris || 11/19/2010 13:45 Comments || Top||

#11  I know that the US military has been quietly developing heavy lift airships, but its real monster, the WALRUS HULA was discontinued for unknown reasons, a darned shame unless it was for technical reasons.

Now a company is building the Aeroscraft airship, which has some DARPA backing, but seems to be luxury passenger oriented. Hopefully, though, they have a cargo model that could haul lots of equipment, supplies, and fuel much further than Pakland or via Russia.

When you have an airship that can carry 20 fuel tankers full of fuel, it should not be neglected as a possibility, all else considered.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/19/2010 13:49 Comments || Top||

#12  Obviously, other people (like, ummm, the Marines!) know more about this, but I'm curious.

The long history of armor theory that evolved from WWI spread between the line of tank heavy units to fight major tank battles and that of an infantry support weapon. The Marines have always followed the latter mode in most utilization whether it was island hopping in WWII, the Vietnam conflict and elsewhere. Their utilization in the First Gulf War was unusual for them as an element in a tank heavy attack which has been more an Army thing [who's original doctrine and mission evolved from a potential Central Europe fight]. To a Marine, the tank is a nice mobile hard point with fire power to work with.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/19/2010 14:21 Comments || Top||

#13  Article on alternatives to shipping military supplies through Pakistan:
NATO’s problem is that it has not developed good alternatives to the Pakistani routes The constrained capacity of ISAF strategic airlift restricts the goods that can be sent by air to Afghanistan to only small volumes of the most important supplies, such as weapons, ammunition, and critical equipment as well as soldiers, who enter and leave Afghanistan via Manas airbase in Kyrgyzstan.

NATO opened the so-called Northern Distribution Network (NDN) in 2009 in part to hedge its risks. The NDN, which like the Pakistani routes is used for non-lethal supplies and equipment, connects Baltic and Caspian ports with Afghanistan via Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Today, approximately 30 percent of all NATO transit to Afghanistan goes through the NDN, either through Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, or alternately through the South Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. The 5,000 kilometer pan-Russian transportation network involves the delivery of supplies to European ports, where they are loaded onto railway carriages or airplanes and sent through Russia to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. From there, the cargo is placed on trucks or trains for shipment into Afghanistan.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 11/19/2010 14:29 Comments || Top||

#14  This is intriguing in many ways, so here are some questions from ignorance:

1 - We have plenty of varied armor already in use there, so it cannot be wholly a question of anti-IED plans. Thus, what does an Abrams get for the USMC? Others above noted all sorts of other, lesser AFVs than the main battle tank - does it offer that much main-gun effect?

2 - Is the logistics that much of an issue? Sure new and different parts/maintenance/servicing, but the Minderbinders have been there nine years already so it's not as if we need build all anew.

3 - I understand it's a limited addition (i.e. very few tanks, <50) so is this more a tactical move than strategic?

4 - Finally, of course, where is the strategy? What is the POTUS up to, how about Gen. P? If this is a tactic to win the battle of Helmand, what's next? Given that the only real exit strategy is victory, how does this matter at all?
Posted by: Halliburton - Mysterious Conspiracy Division || 11/19/2010 14:32 Comments || Top||

#15  Tanks, along with being anti-tank weapons, are also mobile artillery. I can understand the Marines wanting them for back-up, especially against insurgents with RPGs. Frankly, if I were a Marine, I'd wish we still had ONTOS! Nothing like having six 106mm recoilless on a mounted chassis for fire suppression, especially with some of the new "smart" rounds.

I KNOW the Russians built a pipeline system throughout Afghanistan during their occupation. Why haven't we revitalized that system, and buy our POL products from Russia? It would be a lot better than shipping it up from Karachi.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/19/2010 14:52 Comments || Top||

#16  Let's see if this works. It maybe that the Afghans will fight better if there is a tank nearby.
Posted by: Lord Garth || 11/19/2010 15:34 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
 Nigerian military rescues 19 hostages
[Geo TV] Nigeria's military freed 19 hostages in the country's main oil region, including American, French, Indonesian and Canadian nationals, with no ransom paid, an official said Thursday.

The hostages freed in the operation were presented to journalists on Thursday, some still in their work suits, with the military saying they had been rescued from a beturbanned goon camp. They appeared in good health.

"These gentlemen were recovered from Obese Camp in Rivers state," said Major General Charles Omoregie. "Not a dime was paid for the release of these gentlemen. It was a sustained raid. We don't go into negotiations." He said there had been no casualties in the operation.
The Obese Camp? Must've been too fat to run away. Or they hit 'em at dinner time...
The rescue Wednesday came after a series of kidnappings in the turbulent Niger Delta, the heart of one of the world's largest oil industries, and after the military threatened action to clear out beturbanned goon camps.

Those released included two French, two Americans, two Indonesians, a Canadian and Nigerians, security sources said. The victims were all taken hostage in recent raids on facilities in the country's Niger Delta.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

3 Killed, 21 Wounded as Houthi Fan Bombs Qat Session in Yemen
[Yemen Post] Three people were killed and 21 others injured after a man had detonated a hand grenade at a qat chewing session in northern Yemen.

Ali Hassan Said detonated the grenade in the house of a sheikh, apparently one of his relatives, killing three including the sheikh and leaving 21 chewers maimed, six fatally.

Local sources in Amran Province were quoted by the Alsahwa website as saying the attacker had been threatening to eliminate these people and then join the Houthi Group, which fought the government for six years in the far north.

He experienced domestic disturbances before the incident, the sources said, adding: "we can't rule out he had direct links with Houthis."

He bravely ran away and the authorities did not take immediate action, they said.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Bombs hurled at CJ's residence
[Bangla Daily Star] Two handmade bombs were went kaboom! on the premises of the Chief Justice ABM Khairul Haque's official residence at Kakrail in the city on Thursday night.

The infamous However...
no casualties were reported in the blast.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shibly Noman of Ramna Police Station told the Daily Star that unidentified myrmidons hurled the bombs at the residence of chief justice at about 8:30pm and left the scene.

Home Minister Sahara Khatun and bigwigs of police and Rapid Action Battalion visited the scene after the blast, private television channel ATN Bangla reports.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Caribbean-Latin America
Venezuelan drug kingpin's ring was infiltrated by DEA agents
[El Universal] Pictures, wiretappings and testimonies of confidential sources are part of the thorough investigation made by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to indict alleged drug trafficker Walid Makled and charge some Venezuelan officials as accomplices.

The affidavit by Drug Enforcement Special Agent Gregory Ball, which is a piece of evidence used by the US District Court of the Southern District of New York to request the extradition of Walid Makled, includes the testimony of two people close to Makled García, also known as "The Arab" or "The Turk."
Ahah. Solozzo. Y'gotta be careful with Solozzo. Better warn Pop, too. Make sure Fredo's heeled.
In the inquiry, confidential sources close to Makled are identified as CS-1 and CS-2. According to Ball, CS-1 met "The Arab" several years ago and he knew that Makled "made payments to the Venezuelan police and national guard so that aircraft loaded with cocaine departed safely from airports and airstrips located in Venezuela."
"CS-1 sleeps widda fishes!"
The agent also said that a source, identified as CS-2, met with Makled on several occasions and he also knew that Venezuelan officials were paid to facilitate the shipment of drugs.

The DEA agent's affidavit also shows the joint work of US and Colombian authorities. Ball made some comments about a wiretapping authorized by a Colombian court, in which Makled coordinated a USD 200,000 payment to Venezuelan officials, supposedly to allow the departure of an aircraft loaded with drugs.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Dzangiyev involved in Vladikavkaz attack, prepares new one
(Itar-Tass) -- Warlord Yusup Dzangiyev nabbed in Ingushetia was not only involved in a dreadful terrorist act at the major marketplace in Vladikavkaz, but had also been criminal masterminding a new terrorist act, front man for the Investigation Committee Vladimir Markin told Itar-Tass on Thursday.

"During the investigation, particularly on the basis of the testimony given by the detainees, the detectives received the information not only about Yusup Dzangiyev's involvement in a terrorist act at the marketplace in Vladikavkaz. The detectives found out that Dzangiyev had been preparing one more terrorist act in retaliation to the detention of several warlords, who are being kept at a detention center in Moscow now," Markin said.

"Under the orders from the Investigation Committee in a special operation, which the FSB task forces carried out, Dzangiyev was nabbed in Ingushetia," the front man said.

"The detectives of the Investigation Committee and FSB operatives actually averted a terrorist act," he underlined.

"The main investigation branch of the Investigation Committee in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts continues the investigation into the criminal case over a horrible terrorist act at the gates to the major marketplace in Vladikavkaz on September 9 that killed 19 people and a boomer and about 200 people received various injuries," Markin said. Alongside, the kaboom damaged about 50 cars and the property of individuals and juridical persons.

"The Investigation Committee described the full picture of the crime for which five suspects had already been jugged. The detectives found out that Islam and Vakha Khashagulgovs and Khizara Daurbekova were involved in the terrorist act. Alongside, under this case Umar Dzaurov and Ibragim Daurbekov were jugged as members of the gang rampaging in the North Caucasus Region," the front man recalled.

"As for the criminal masterminds of the terrorist act in Vladikavkaz the detectives found out that they are Ali Daurbekov and Magomed Latyrov, who are being kept at the detention center Lefortovo," Markin indicated.

Yusup Dzangiyev, 29, the ringleader of the so-called Karabulak gang rampaging in the republic was nabbed in a special operation of the police and FSB forces in the settlement of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, the Sunzha district of Ingushetia, a FSB republican department source said. The detainee was brought to the main investigation branch of the Investigation Committee in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts.

Alongside, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee noted that three gunnies, who were members of a terrorist group connected with Dzangiyev, were destroyed in a special operation on the information received from several citizens in Ingushetia.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Three militants killed in special operation in Ingushetia
(Itar-Tass) - Three Orcs and similar vermin were killed in a special operation in Barsuki settlement of Ingushetia's Nazran district, a source in the republic's law enforcement bodies told Itar-Tass.

At about 11:00 Moscow time police tried to stop an automobile that raised their suspicions. "People in the car shot up police and were killed by returned fire," said the source.

The identity of two of the killed bandidos has already been established.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Home Front: WoT
Fourth Terrorist Supporter Arrested In San Diego
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/19/2010 08:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  thereby opening up another cab-driving spot
Posted by: Frank G || 11/19/2010 8:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Another version of the story we had yesterday.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/19/2010 11:17 Comments || Top||

Bout denies US arms-dealing charges
[Al Jazeera] A former Soviet airforce officer accused of trafficking arms, has pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges in a US court.

Viktor Bout, nicknamed The Merchant of Death, insisted on Wednesday that he was a legitimate businessman but prosecutors argued the Russian is guilty of conspiring to kill US nationals.

Bout was jugged in Thailand in March 2008, and has been in jug there until now. The US and Russia have been in a bitter disagreement during this time, each wanting control of him.

Tensions remain high between the two countries, threatening cooperation on arms control, nuclear weapons restrictions and the war in Afghanistan.

He was extradited on Tuesday to the US.

'Unlawful extradition'
The Russian foreign ministry said the extradition was "unlawful". In an interview broadcast on Russian television, Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said the Thai government's decision was ''an example of glaring injustice".

During his eight-minute trial on Wednesday, the court heard that Bout had attempted to sell arms to Farc, the Colombian rebel group classified by Washington as a narco-terrorist group. He also has been accused of supplying weapons that fuelled civil wars in South America, Africa and the Middle East.

His clients range from Liberia's Charles Taylor to Muammar Qadaffy, the Libyan leader, to the Taliban government that once controlled Afghanistan.

He is reported to have an arsenal of 700 surface-to-air missiles at his disposal, along with 5,000 AK-47 assault rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, ultralight aircraft equiped with grenade launchers with a range of more than 200km.

The indictment labels him as an international weapons trafficker, who from the 1990s up until his arrest in 2008, supplied fighters in Third World countries with weapons and military equipment.

Estimated to be worth in excess of $6bn, he faces 25 years in prison if convicted. Bout is being held wihtout bail. The trial continues on January 10.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  OK. If we give money to the Taliban, that's to foster reintegration. We encourage talks between Karzai and the Taliban, and that's all right too. But if Bout does business with him, we haul him into our own courts.
Posted by: American Delight || 11/19/2010 0:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Before and After.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/19/2010 8:31 Comments || Top||

Foopie cleared of terror charges in key Guantanamo trial
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The first former Guantanamo Bay inmate to be tried in civilian court was cleared of terror charges Wednesday, but could still face life in prison for his role in the 1998 bombings of two US embassies.

The surprise verdict was the latest hit to already dim prospects of trying other Guantanamo prisoners -- including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed criminal mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks -- in US civilian courts rather than military tribunals.

After five days of deliberations, a federal jury in US District Court in New York found Ahmed Ghailani guilty of conspiracy to destroy US property, which carries a sentence of at least 20 years and up to life in prison, but cleared him of all other 285 murder, conspiracy and other charges.

Sentencing was set for January 25.

The decision marked a blow to President Barack B.O. Obama's plans to close down Guantanamo, the notorious US military base where 174 detainees remain, and move inmates into the civilian justice system. It was also likely to revive the acrimonious debate over how the closure should take place.

"We are at war with Al-Qaeda. Members of the organization, and their associates, should be treated as warriors, not common criminals. We put our nation at risk by criminalizing the war," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
... the endangered South Carolina RINO...
said in a statement, adding he was "deeply disappointed" with the verdict.

"Going forward, I once again strongly encourage the B.O. regime to use military commissions to prosecute enemy combatants, particularly the 9/11 conspirators like Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

The South Carolina Republican previously made an offer to Obama, saying he could convince Republicans to vote in support of closing the detention center if the president agrees to try the "war on terror" detainees in military tribunals.

Opponents of civilian trials have questioned the ability and cost to provide the necessary security, while some observers say it is problematic to prosecute defendants who have been deprived of all rights, often for years, in the same way as ordinary suspects.

During the four-week trial, prosecutors painted the baby-faced 36-year-old as a scheming plotter who helped Al-Qaeda bombers prepare the truck bombs that slammed almost simultaneously into the Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies, killing 224 people and injuring thousands more.

His defense attorney, Peter Quijano, called no witnesses and Ghailani did not take the stand.

Instead, through cross-examination and a blistering closing argument, Quijano sought to undermine the credibility of witnesses produced by the government and he portrayed Ghailani as an innocent dupe who was used by Al-Qaeda, but who knew nothing of the plot.

Ghailani "will face, and we will seek, the maximum sentence of life without parole when he is sentenced in January," said US Attorney Preet Bharara.

Daphne Eviatar, from Human Rights First, said the trial demonstrated the federal court system was "efficient, fair and transparent," and there was no need to keep Guantanamo open.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also urged Obama to not bow to pressure from politicians and other politicians to try Guantanamo detainees in the military commissions system, which has only yielded five convictions thus far.

"Federal courts are not only the right place but the most effective place to prosecute terrorism suspects," said ACLU National Security Project director Hina Shamsi.

But skeptics could seize on the fact that the presiding judge, Lewis Kaplan, ruled at the outset of the trial to exclude the government's star witness, who had been expected to testify he sold Ghailani explosives.

Kaplan said Hussein Abebe was inadmissible as a witness because he was identified through information obtained from Ghailani while under extreme duress in CIA custody.

The ruling severely weakened the government's case. It also struck at the core of what many consider to be the problem with applying regular legal codes to defendants who, like Ghailani, have been held in secret CIA prisons and subjected to torture.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

Fatah Accuses Hamas of West Bank Assassination Plot
[Asharq al-Aswat] The Fatah party of Western-backed Paleostinian president the ineffectual Mahmoud Abbas accused its Islamist rival Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, on Wednesday of plotting to kill one of its governors in the West Bank.

Hamas, which has effectively limited Abbas's authority to the Israeli-occupied territory since it seized control of Gazoo in 2007, denied it had made any attempt to assassinate Jibrin al-Bakri, governor of the northern city of Nablus.
"No, no! Certainly not!"
"Hamas should take full responsibility for this murderous plot against the governor of Nablus," Fatah front man Ahmed Assaf said.

Security sources in Abbas's Paleostinian Authority said a number of suspects from Hamas had been jugged after being implicated in the alleged plot and other suspected operations against the Israeli army or Paleostinian Authority.

But Hamas front man Mushir al-Masri strongly denied the alleged plot.
"Lies! All lies!"
"These are lies put out by the Paleostinian Authority in Ramallah to cover up their criminal campaign against resistance fighters in the West Bank," Masri told AFP in Gazoo.
Then his lips fell off.
The long-time political rivals have been fiercely divided since Hamas seized power in Gazoo in a humiliating rout of Abbas's forces in 2007.

A string of attempts to reconcile the groups have failed, with each side accusing the other of undermining trust by persecuting political rivals in the territory under its control.
This article starring:
Ahmed AssafFatah
Jibrin al-BakriPalestinian Authority
Mushir al-MasriHamas
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Keep fighting among yourselves, Hamass and Paleostinian "no" Authority. That will make it much easier for Israel to kick your a$$ when the next war breaks out - sometime in February or March. This time, they won't leave anything standing in either territory higher than a donkey's hoof. Enjoy the good life while you can. Israel is being condemned, no matter what they do, so next time the threat of condemnation won't even slow them down. I feel for all the ineffective, useless soldiers of UNIFIL, but their deaths will be just another step in Israel's total destruction of Lebanon and Syria. I wouldn't be surprised to see a nuke or two hit Iranian nuke and military facilities, just to keep those "uppity Persians" in their place. I will cheer each explosion, each collapse, each destruction, as another curse of Almighty God coming home to roost. Who knows, maybe He'll throw in a comet or meteor or two.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/19/2010 16:09 Comments || Top||

Islamist Riot Breaks Out in Roumieh as Security Forces Take Control of the Situation
[An Nahar] Islamist inmates rioted in Roumieh prison on Thursday, according to New TV. It reported that the riot was instigated by a holy man upon which the prisoners started calling for jihad.

Sources told New TV that "until now, the situation was under control, but there are fears that there can be no backing down from the call for jihad."

...back at the ranch...
MTV reported that the riot took place as inmates were being transported from one section of the jail to another, adding that the situation was under control of the security forces. The riot erupted shortly after some inmates managed to escape from Roumieh earlier this week.
Posted by: Fred || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Iran tests own model of Russian S-300 missile
TEHRAN - Iran has successfully tested its own version of a missile system that Russia declined to supply amid concerns Tehran might be seeking nuclear weapons, a military official was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Russia infuriated Iran in September when it cancelled the S-300 missile order after heavy lobbying from the United States and Israel, which said the system could be used to help Iran shield its nuclear facilities from possible future air strikes.

State-run Press TV quoted a commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards as saying Tehran had adapted another Russian-made missile system to perform like the more sophisticated S-300.

“We have developed the system by upgrading systems like the S-200 and we have tested it successfully,” Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian said, according to Press TV’s website.

All most many Some Western analysts doubt Iran’s ability to replicate the S-300, a precision, mobile, long-range air defence system that can detect, track and destroy ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and low-flying aircraft.
Posted by: Steve White || 11/19/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Tehran had adapted another Russian Chinese or North Korean-made missile system to perform like the more sophisticated S-300.
Posted by: Pappy || 11/19/2010 0:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Aha! I can tell this one's photoshopped because the two middle missiles have the same trails after them!

I guess we can't even trust Iran now.
Posted by: gorb || 11/19/2010 3:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Whatever gets the little man wet is good for Press TV.

Do you hear me Iran?
Posted by: kojack || 11/19/2010 5:50 Comments || Top||


ARTIC > AHMADINEJAD = "NATO HAS NO FUTURE" + "IS INCAPABLE OF PLAYING ANY ROLE IN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT". NATO also also routinely has the "WRONG INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS" [conclusions] as based on it NATO also routinely possessing or collecting the wrong information???


IMO, "CRUCIBLE" is a more appropriate term for Alan Keyes.











Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/19/2010 21:21 Comments || Top||

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  Missile strikes in Waziristan kill 17 20
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Mon 2010-11-15
  British couple held hostage by pirates freed, reports
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Fri 2010-11-12
  Yemen Qaeda Commanders Come through Iran
Thu 2010-11-11
  France Arrests Five Planning Suicide Bombing
Wed 2010-11-10
  Suspect in subway terror sting pleads not guilty
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Mon 2010-11-08
  US missile strikes in Pakistan kill 13
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  Al-Qaeda claims parcel bomb plot
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