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Hekmatyar offers truce terms
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Linda Evans aka Audra Barkley in "The Big Valley" (That figures) aka Krystle Carrington in "Dynasty" (age 68)

Women Who Finished Bathing
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/18/2010 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  I met Linda Evans once abt 15 yrs ago...I was working security for a concert venue at that time. Yanni was coming to play the place and they were dating at the time - I was backstage making my rounds and had a chance to meet them both. I'm no fan of his music but she's a nice looking woman in real life and was fairly unassuming.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 11/18/2010 7:53 Comments || Top||

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Three men charged in Islamic-based Ponzi scheme
Three owners of a Chicago-based real estate development firm have been charged with fraud for allegedly cheating investors out of $43 million while claiming to be compliant with Islamic law.
Make sure to pick up their new book, Insh'allah Investing for Dummies...
A federal grand jury returned a 14-count indictment against the owners of Sunrise Equities on Tuesday, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said in a Wednesday statement. Federal officials said Salman Ibrahim, the majority owner and president of the now-bankrupt firm, and Mohammad Akbar Zahid, senior vice president of investor relations and a 10-percent owner, told clients that their investments would comply with Shariah law.

Islamic law prohibits interest, so Ibrahim and Zahid told investors they would receive monthly pay-outs of profits from real estate development. According to Fitzgerald's office, the men promised annual returns of between 15 and 30 percent.
Allah himself could not get you a better deal...
Federal officials said the three owners actually operated a Ponzi scheme between January 2003 and September 2008, selling promissory notes and using the proceeds to make fake profit payments to earlier investors. The men are accused of cheating hundreds of individual investors as well as making false statements to get loans from Mutual Bank, Cole Taylor Bank and Devon Bank. They allegedly misused investors' funds, operating projects unrelated to real estate that were not disclosed to clients, and spending money on themselves.
How much did they pass on to the Widows Ammunition Fund ...
Prob'ly not a penny. There are so many already donating to Widow's Funds, and none else to support our fraudsters, so clearly the widows' needs are less.
Robert Grant, special agent-in-charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Chicago office, said this case marks the first time in the city "that an alleged fraud scheme has been uncovered that used a pillar of Islam" as a lure.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Like those who donated to Democratic candidates in the last election, the money that went into this is no longer available for more nefarious purposes... and the fraudsters will end up in jail. I am content with the outcome.

Actually, if I understand correctly, if the fraudsters are also taqfiris -- or at least observant Muslims, the scheme would indeed have complied with Sharia law if it took from those less pious to give to those more so. All others merely holding their possessions in trust for those favoured by Allah as sheep for the shearing and fields for the harvesting.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/18/2010 0:58 Comments || Top||

#2  According to Fitzgerald's office, the men promised annual returns of between 15 and 30 percent........Federal Bureau of Investigation's Chicago office, said this case marks the first time in the city "that an alleged fraud scheme has been uncovered that used a pillar of Islam" as a lure.

Bernie Madoff profit profile. Different religion, same greed. Next window please.

Posted by: Besoeker || 11/18/2010 1:19 Comments || Top||

#3  The common trend here is "religious in-group scam". I've read elsewhere that Utah Mormons are disproportionately victimized by confidence men because once you get inside the circle of trust, defenses against con games are lowered. Look at Bishop Koyle's eternal "Dream Mine" scam.
Posted by: Mitch H. || 11/18/2010 12:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Robert Grant of the Chicago FBI said:
this case marks the first time in the city that "an alleged fraud scheme has been uncovered that used a pillar of islam" as a lure


Too Easy...

Way too easy...
Posted by: Admiral Allan Ackbar || 11/18/2010 19:35 Comments || Top||

#5  $43M is a lot considering the 'marks' were generally ethnic Pakistanis in the Chicago area.

I wonder if the three banks involved were politically favored outposts of the Dem party or the Daley family or the banks had been mau mau ed into being multicultural.

Apparently some of the con men have already left the country.
Posted by: lord garth || 11/18/2010 19:36 Comments || Top||

Hekmatyar offers truce terms
[BBC] A leading Afghan bad boy group has told the BBC it would agree to a ceasefire if US-led coalition forces stayed in their main bases.

Hezb-e-Islami, viewed as the country's most important rebel group after the Taliban, said they had already held talks with the Americans.

Habib-ur-Rahman, son of Hezb-e-Islami chief Gulbuddin Hekmatyar,
... who used to be known as The Most Evil Man in the World but who now seems merely run-of-the-mill evil...
said his father was willing to stop fighting.
... not that Hek ever did a lot of fighting personally, mind you...
... well, he never did learn to toss a grenade like a man ...
Pakistan is part of the World of Cricket, a throwing style that seems more difficult to do with accuracy, for some reason. Or perhaps it's all that soccer [football], where the only throwing is done overhead with two hands in the general direction of a teammate. Most likely, it's just that he's hopeless at anything beyond switching sides.
The Taliban this week rejected talks while Western forces remain.

Hezb-e-Islami and the Taliban share common enemies - the central government and foreign forces - but there have been deadly festivities between the uneasy allies over control of local villages and taxes.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is regarded as one of the three main terrorist leaders, along with Mullah Omar (Quetta Shura Taliban) and Sirajuddin Haqqani (Haqqani network Taliban).

During an hour-long exclusive interview with the BBC, Mr Hekmatyar's son, Habib-ur-Rahman, said: "We have held talks with the Afghan government and the Americans. We have prepared a formula, and discussed it with the parliament and the foreign powers. All Afghan groups agree that war is not the solution. But the Americans are sending 30,000 more troops in. They say 'we will suppress our opponents and then evolve a new strategy for Afghanistan'."

Mr Rahman said this was counter-productive. But he also said he believed the Americans would return to the negotiating table soon. "They will return as they know they cannot stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. The main thing for the war to end is for the Americans to leave," he said.

Mr Rahman said Hezb-e-Islami had proposed a "very rational plan" for "a dignified withdrawal".

He added that a ceasefire was also possible while US troops remained in Afghanistan. "If they remain in their bases, then we will not attack them," he said.

Mr Rahman also claimed that al-Qaeda was "not an issue" in Afghanistan, as the war was being waged by Afghans: "There is not a single Arab among them; most of the Arabs have left for Iraq."
"Really. Trust us on that."
Why would the Arabs go to Iraq when Yemen is so much more romantic?
Mr Rahman said he had only read about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in the media, adding that he did not believe the al-Qaeda chief was in Afghanistan.
We don't, either...
He also denied that Pakistain had provided a helping hand to the bad turbans. "In fact, Pakistain has been helping out the coalition forces by detaining and arresting the mujahideen," he said.
If you can't trust him when he says what he's doing you can't trust him when he says what he's gonna do. That's logick.
Earlier this week, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Blinky Omar said there was no prospect of peace talks between the snuffies and the Afghan government. He said "rumours of negotiation" were a ploy by Western powers to "cover up" their military defeat in Afghanistan.
This article starring:
Gulbuddin HekmatyarHezb-e-Islami Hekmatyar
Habib-ur-RahmanHezb-e-Islami Hekmatyar
Sirajuddin Haqqanial-Qaeda in Pakistan
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Hizb-i-Islami-Hekmatyar

#1  This guy is a major insurgent with money even back in the Soviet days. He always switches sides. Not to be trusted.
Posted by: Uleger Barnsmell4617 || 11/18/2010 8:58 Comments || Top||

#2  How about this for terms: You die.
Posted by: gorb || 11/18/2010 10:17 Comments || Top||

#3  The fact that the Hek boys are open to talks is actually kind of encouraging. They're weathervanes, after all. They wouldn't be turning if there wasn't a wind in the right direction.
Posted by: Mitch H. || 11/18/2010 13:01 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Bank caught in piracy cash row
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] A local bank has been stopped from transferring its client's funds, which was to act as compensation for ransom paid to Somali pirates.

Diamond Trust Bank Kenya was ordered not to release Sh8,168,880 ($102,111) to three Singapore registered companies, after the client, Abson Motors, claimed the money was being demanded to abet the crime of piracy.

Abson Motors, among other importers, had imported cargo from Singapore, but the ship contracted to deliver the consignment was allegedly hijacked by pirates and its owners, Pacific International Lines PTE Ltd, were compelled to pay a ransom of Sh240 million ($3.3 million) to secure the release of the vessel, her cargo and crew.

Other expenses that came with the payment of ransom were negotiators' and lawyers' fees.

The importer, through the firm of Kinyua Muyaa, is now under duress to agree to have the funds referred to as 'general average' released to Habib Bank in Singapore, after which they will be remitted to Marine Claims office of Asia, which negotiated with the pirates.

The infamous However...
the importer says it was not informed of the alleged seizure of mv Kota Wajar, and only came to learn about the incident in January after it had been released.

For that reason, Mombasa judge Jackton Ojwang' was told that it would be inappropriate to compel the importer to pay the cash to third parties since it has not been established that the Sh240 million was paid to the pirates.

Further, piracy is an offence both under the Kenyan Merchant Shipping Act and the Singapore Penal code.

It is also an offence under the 1988 Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the safety of Maritime Navigation, to which Kenya is a signatory. The case will be mentioned on December 7, 2010.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

#1  I have a permanent solution to these Pirates.

When delivering Ransom money, I consider it a good idea to first dust the bills with Smallpox or anthrax Or both,(Or better, some quick acting secret Military grade poison) then seal in a plastic bag and deliver as usual, then only the people who touch the bills get dead (Plus their Immediate Handlers), and good riddance.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 11/18/2010 10:54 Comments || Top||

#2  I'll second that suggestion.
Posted by: Hellfish || 11/18/2010 12:12 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Nigeria militants seize seven oil workers
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] Nigeria's main bully boy group said today it had seized seven oil workers in a raid on an ExxonMobil facility and threatened a major attack while claiming the military fired rockets at one of its camps.

The offshore raid was the latest such incident in recent months in the Niger Delta, the heart of the country's huge oil industry, and the military warned of action at the weekend, saying residents near bully boy camps should clear out.

"The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta
... a confederation of bands of bandidos portraying itself of a political organization grabbing for Nigeria's oil boodle ...
(MEND) confirms the attack on the ExxonMobil Ibeno oil facility in Akwa Ibom state... was carried out by its fighters.

"Seven local employees were kidnapped," it said in a statement in apparent reference to the weekend attack staged by gunnies on an offshore platform operated by US oil giant ExxonMobil.

ExxonMobil's Nigerian branch on Monday confirmed one of its offshore facilities was boarded by unknown armed persons in the evening of Sunday.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Dozens of Houthi Militants Killed, Injured in Saada Clashes
At least 27 Houthi gun-hung tough guys have been killed and dozens of others injured in continuous festivities between the gun-hung tough guys and a pro-government clan in Yemen's northern Saada province.

The Interior Ministry said on Tuesday the casualties were the result of three-day fighting in the Manbah district in which heavy weapons have been used.

The fighting erupted after armed Houthis started battles against the pro-government Al Jalha tribe, it said, but reported no reasons for the fight.

A mediation commission from the Yemen Committee for Peace in Saada failed to contain the situation after Houthis declined to meet its members, it said.

"Houthi gun-hung tough guys also rubbed out two citizens in Saqain district and four others in Manbah district, as they continued to breach a ceasefire reached earlier this year."

In April 2010, the government and the Houthi Group reached the ceasefire ending a six-year war in the far north, but many breaches by Houthis have since been reported.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Moussa Rules Out Military Intervention to Fight AQAP after Recent Mail Plots
[Yemen Post] Secretary General of the vaporous Arab League, Jerry Lewis doppelgänger Amr Moussa, has ruled out western military intervention to fight Al-Qaeda in Yemen, saying there is no way to repeat the experience of Afghanistan, even after the explosive parcels.

In an interview with Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Moussa hoped there will be no repeat of the Afghan experience in any Arab country, and especially in Yemen.

Yemen is different from Afghanistan, which suffered from bad circumstances including sectarian and religious conflicts and divisions, coups and invasions such as the Russian invasion and the international war against it, he said. "The situation in Yemen is very different and we can't compare it to Afghanistan."

The infamous However...
he urged to make the national dialogue in the country a success, and the GCC countries to provide more support to face major challenges in their neighbor.

I hope Yemen would find a quick solution through comprehensive national dialogue to address all crises and reconcile all Yemenis, he said, adding that Yemen's problems are known and they are all economy-related. "Yemen is in urgent need of support....large support...to address its problems."
In other words, send money ...
"All Arab countries, mainly those in the Arabian Gulf, should assist Yemen. All of them should pay more attention to this important country with a crucial strategic location that should be concerned by all in the region."

Moussa also said that he will hold meetings and visit a number of Arab countries to discuss how to support Yemen in this crucial juncture.
That's good, Jerry. Stick to what you're good at. And bon apetit...
His remarks came after recent reports have said that the West was thinking of military intervention to face AQAP in Yemen after last month's mail plots that triggered a global scare.

Two explosive parcels were intercepted in London and Dubai onboard cargo planes while on their way to the U.S.

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula AQAP grabbed credit for the plots that were addressed to two places of Jewish worship in Chicago.

But the U.S. has many times dismissed such reports, affirming there will be no military intervention to face AQAP described as more dangerous than the main Al-Qaeda group of Bin Laden.

To tackle terrorism on Yemen's soil, the U.S. should support the Yemeni authorities financially and technically, and the way to do that would not be changed, U.S. officials said.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Man charged over Iraq war MPs list
(KUNA) -- A 23-year-old man was Wednesday charged with soliciting murder and other offences under the Terrorism Act in relation to a blog listing MPs it claimed voted for the Iraq war, police said.

Bilal Zaheer Ahmad, of Wolverhampton, England, was jugged last Wednesday in connection with the website which influenced a student who tried to kill MP Stephen Timms. He was appearing at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court in central London this morning, the police added.

Ahmad was charged with soliciting murder, West Midlands Police, central England, said. He was also charged with three counts of possessing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2000. The hit list of MPs who voted for the Iraq war was removed from the orc website revolutionmuslim.com after the Home Office urged the US to act against it. The website hailed the student who tried to kill Labour's Stephen Timms as a "heroine". The site was among those cited as an influence by Roshonara Choudhry, 21, who was jugged for life earlier this month for stabbing MP Timms twice in the stomach at his office.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [4 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  This will prove an interesting case. If he gets a harsh sentence, it means the pols still control the government. If he gets a wrist slap, it means that the mandarins have taken control.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/18/2010 4:57 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Mayhem in Monterrey: 3 Shootings Involve Gangs
Google Translate
Three shootings took place in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon over the last 24 hours involving criminal armed suspects, but no one was reported hurt, and one unidentified individual may have been kidnapped, say Mexican news accounts.

Three armed suspects aboard a Mercedes Benz SUV fired weapons in the Villa Las Fuentes colony Wednesday morning at about 1030 hrs near the intersection of calles Senda La Paz and Diagonal de La Luz firing 60 shots total.

Police responding to the area recovered a Nissan Altima reported stolen Tuesday in Valle Oriente colony.

In the Fomerrey 45 colony, armed suspects fired on a vehicle carrying Nuevo Leon state police agents, then fled south from the area. Responding state police and Mexican Army detachments did not find the shooters.

A possible kidnapping was the apparent reason armed suspects aboard a vehicle fired more than 60 shots at a residence near the intersection of calles Guillermo Martinez and Regidores in the Burocratas Municipales colony.

The individuals taken was unidentified in reports.
Posted by: badanov || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Zacatecas: Mexican Security Forces Bag 10 Bad Guys -- UPDATED
Google Translate. For a map, click here.

Updating death toll and adding a more complete list of munitions seized.

A running gun battle between armed suspects, and a detachment of the Mexican Army with civilian security elements early Wednesday morning in Jalisco and Zacatecas has left five suspects killed, according to Mexican news accounts.

Late reports say a second running firefight took place in the same area a few hours later apparently related to the first gun battle.

Ten dead are reported total for both battles, all armed suspects.

The civilian security forces in the first firefight included municipal police and state police agents from both Jalisco and Zacatecas.

Reports say eight different firefights took place on the Mexican Federal Highway 23 between Colotlan, Jalisco and Tepetongo, Zacatecas, an area where several similar battles have taken place between Mexican security forces and armed criminal groups.

An undetermined number of vehicles belonging to armed suspects were destroyed by machine gun fire and by grenade launchers, including one vehicle completely destroyed by fire..

Soldiers also found several abandoned vehicles along the stretch of highway. A Lincoln Navigator was found with weapons aboard.

Soldiers seized total for both battles five AR-15 assault rifles, four AK-47 assault rifles, one G3 assault rifle, two shotguns, one M-79 grenade launcher, 338 rounds of ammunition of different calibers and two pistols.

Five more abandoned vehicles involved in the firefights were found on the Colotlan-Jerez road and in the town of Jalpa, Zacatecas.

A second firefight took place in Colotlan, Jalisco between armed suspects and Jalisco state police on Mexican Federal Highway 23 which left a toll of five suspects dead, one wounded and four arrested.

Interrogations by police determined the armed suspects were members of Los Zetas.

The firefight started at about 0300 hrs on the Huejucar-Colotlan road, when agents responded to calls concerning armed men in the area. Agents began pursuit of a convoy of vehicles heading north to Huejucar from Colotlan.

Information revealed the Los Zetas members were attempting to head back into their area of operation in Zacatecas when they were intercepted by Jalisco police agents.

At the conclusion of the gun battle police recovered four vehicles, three in Jalisco and one in Zacatecas.
Posted by: badanov || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

More Mexican Mayhem
10 Die in Northern Mexico

Ten individuals were murdered in drug and gang related violence that included the shooting of a 14 year old girl in Torreon, Coahuila Tuesday night.
For a map, click here
  • Four unidentified men were shot to death in Juarez Tuesday, say Mexican news accounts. Three men were shot aboard a Camaro sedan near the corner of calles Jilotepec and Tapioca. On the intersection of Camino Real and calle Navojoa a man was found shot three times.

  • Three unidentified men were shot to death at a bar in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Tuesday night, according to Mexican news accounts. The murders took place when armed suspects entered the Piedra Negras bar near the intersection of avenidas Aldama and 23rd in the Centro colony and shot the trio sitting at a table. The suspects then left aboard several vehicles waiting outside.

  • An unidentified man was found shot to death in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Tuesday night, according to Mexican news accounts. The victim was found near the corner of calles Arroyos del Pabellon and Paseos de Chihuahua near the private school, “Maestros Mexicanos” in the Los Arroyos colony his hands tied with plastic ties. The victim had been tortured before receiving a gunshot wound to the head.

  • A man shot last Friday in Torreon, Coahuila died of his wounds Tuesday, say Mexican news reports. Jaime Araiza Carlos Gonzalez, 41, was shot twice Saturday night while walking on a street by armed suspects riding in a sedan in the Primero de Mayo colony.

  • A young woman was shot to death in Torreon, Coahuila Tuesday afternoon, say Mexican press reports. Mayra Elena Delgado Ortiz, 14, was riding aboard a Ford Ecovan along with three other individuals near the intersection of calle Libertad and Montes de Oca in the San Joaquín colony when armed suspects fired high powered rifles killing Delgado Ortiz. The other three passengers were not harmed in the shooting.
Posted by: badanov || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Suspected bomb bound for Germany
AIRPORT authorities in Namibia found a suspected bomb inside a suitcase that was about to be put on a plane bound for Germany.

Germany's Federal Crime Office (BKA) said that the suspicious baggage was seized on Wednesday at the international airport in Windhoek, the capital of the southern African country, before it was loaded on to an LTU/Air Berlin flight to Munich.

No explosives were found, but a scan had revealed batteries attached by wires to a fuse and a clock. Authorities are still investigating whether the device could have detonated.

The plane had eventually been permitted to take off and landed safely in Munich on Thursday.

The announcement shed some light on seemingly out-of-the-blue comments by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, who raised suspicion of a pending attack after speaking of a "new security situation" in the country.
"From today, there will be a visible police presence. I thought it should be explained to citizens," Mr De Maiziere announced at a hastily called news conference in Berlin on Wednesday.

"There will also be a variety of measures that will not be visible. There is reason for concern, but no reason for hysteria.

"According to information from a foreign partner which came to us after the Yemen incident, we suspect a planned attack is due to be put into action at the end of November."

Last month authorities discovered two US-bound parcel bombs originating from Yemen, one of which transited through Cologne airport in western Germany.

Recent investigations by the county's federal crime office "confirmed the continued efforts of Islamist groups to carry out planned attacks in Germany", Mr De Maiziere said.

"There are also concrete indications in this case."
Posted by: tipper || 11/18/2010 07:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "There will also be a variety of measures that will not be visible."

Hopefully tagging the bags of muslims and double-checking them before they get on the plane.

And banning HP printer cartridges, of course.
Posted by: gorb || 11/18/2010 12:33 Comments || Top||

Man accused of blasphemy killed in Pakistan
A man accused of blasphemy was shot and killed near his home in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore shortly after being granted bail by a court, according to a media report.

Imran Latif, 22, was accused of burning pages of the Quran in a case registered at Sherakot police station in Lahore and spent five months in jail.

He was released on bail on November 3 after the man who filed the complaint of blasphemy told the court he was not sure that Latif was guilty.

Inspector Rafique Ahmed, who is investigating the murder, said Latif's killing was likely linked to the blasphemy case. "No Muslim tolerates a man who commits blasphemous acts," he said.
Latif was shot by armed men near his home on November 11 but police learnt only later that he had been accused of blasphemy, the Express Tribune newspaper reported.

Inspector Rafique Ahmed, who is investigating the murder, said Latif's killing was likely linked to the blasphemy case. "No Muslim tolerates a man who commits blasphemous acts," he said.

Latif's family had not mentioned the blasphemy case when they reported the murder, he said.
Latif's 60-year-old mother Sharifan said two men armed with pistols had knocked at the door of their house near Pir Makki shrine on November 11 and asked Latif to accompany them.

"A few yards from the house, they suddenly opened fire," she said. She said her son was shot five times and the attackers fled on a motorcycle.

"There were policemen present in the street but no one tried to stop them," she said.

Latif's brother Haider Ali said he was innocent in the blasphemy case.
Posted by: tipper || 11/18/2010 10:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So would it be safe to assume this man was a Christian, and if so, could this shooting be deemed a 'Cross-fire?'
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 11/18/2010 14:03 Comments || Top||

#2  "No Muslim tolerates a man who is accused by anyone, for any reason, of blasphemous acts".

"Muslim men are very stupid and murderous this way."
Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/18/2010 14:32 Comments || Top||

Clashes in Kashmir as hundreds protest after Eid prayers
[Dawn] Indian police fired shots in the air and used teargas to disperse hundreds of protesters in Kashmire on Wednesday. The protesters took to streets after the prayers marking the Mohammedan festival of Eidul Azha.
A basic Infidel guide to Eid:
Step One: Pray
Step Two: Riot

Police took action after hundreds emerged from mosques and held noisy anti-India demonstrations in Srinagar, the main city in the region, chanting "Go India! Go back!" and "We want freedom!", witnesses said.
Now get out there and do that Islamic voodoo that you do!
The protesters retaliated by hurling stones at the police.

In the southern district of Anantnag, a similar clash occurred after police prevented worshippers from taking part in a rally to protest against Indian rule in the Mohammedan-majority region, resident Ghulam Hassan told AFP by telephone.

The Eidul Azha holiday is being celebrated in a low-key manner in Indian-administered Kashmire after months of curfews and violent festivities between anti-India protesters and the security forces. A total 111 people have died since June.

Authorities deployed thousands of troops in Srinagar to prevent a repeat of massive protests that hit the city two months ago on the Mohammedan holiday of Eidul Fitr that marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramazan.

The commercial Lal Chowk area, where protesters hoisted Islamic and Pak flags during the last holiday, was sealed with barbed wire.

Key separatists Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Shabbir Shah were placed under house arrest, police said.

India has an estimated 500,000 troops in Kashmir, which is split into Indian- and Pak-administered parts. There has been a separatist insurgency in the Indian zone for 20 years.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

 Three dead in Karachi violence on Eid Day
[Geo TV] At least three people were killed and ten others injured in firing incidents resulting from hides snatching on Eidul Adha, Geo News reported Wednesday.

According to police sources, certain gunnies turned up to seek sacrificial hides at Niazi Chawk in Liyari; but, the local people declined their demand, which lead to exchange of hot words between the two parties. The gunnies before long, shot up the people, killing two people and injuring ten others including two children.

The injured have been shifted to Civil Hospital, where they are being given medical treatment.

Heavy contingents of police and the Rangers arrived in the area on the spot and put a security cordon around the affected area. Though police launched search operation however, no arrest was made on the occasion.
That's usually the case with CSI:Karachi.
Activists of a political party resorted to firing during a hide-snatching scuffle in Block-17 of Gulshan-e-Iqbal at Ashraf Square. As a result, one of the muscle Iftikhar was critically injured, who later succumbed to injuries at Jinnah Hospital.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Israel confirms killing Army of Islam members in Gaza
[Al Arabiya] The Israeli army confirmed on Wednesday it was behind a deadly air strike which killed two people in Gazoo City, including a man it said was an Islamic snuffy planning to kidnap Israelis in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

"In a joint operation between the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and the Shin Bet (domestic security services), an attack was carried out against a senior member of the Army of Islam," a statement said.

Paleostinian medical sources named the men as Islam Yassin, 39, and his brother, Mohammed, 20. The army said that in recent days, Islam Yassin had been "personally involved in planning an attack involving the kidnapping of Israelis in Sinai."

The Army of Islam is a group whose agenda of global jihad, or holy war, is shared with al-Qaeda. The group is a rival to Gazoo's ruling Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, but the two sides joined forces in the 2006 cross-border abduction of an Israeli soldier. The alliance has not endured.

Two weeks ago, the Israeli army launched a similar attack on a car in Gazoo City, killing Mohammed al-Nemnem, 27, whom it also said was a senior commander of the Army of Islam.
This article starring:
Islam Yassin
Mohammed al-Nemnem
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Them "senior commanders" keep gettin' younger, don't they?
Posted by: mojo || 11/18/2010 16:08 Comments || Top||

Hunt Continues for Escaped Fatah al-Islam Inmate
[An Nahar] A manhunt continued Wednesday for a Fatah al-Islam jihad boy who beat feet from Roumieh prison the day before.

Helicopters were involved in the search for Walid al-Bustani who managed to flee Roumieh prison before midday Tuesday.

Another Fatah al-Islam inmate identified as Monjed al-Fahham, a Syrian, was caught on Tuesday after falling off a prison wall as he tried to escape Roumieh jail.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Israel approves pullout from Lebanon border town
[Al Arabiya] The Israeli government approved on Wednesday a plan to withdraw troops from part of a village on the Lebanese border that has long inflamed tensions with the Hezbullies guerrilla group and neighbouring Syria.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 15-member security cabinet passed the northern Ghajar pullout in a vote but did not set a date, Israeli officials said. That would await security talks with U.N. peacekeepers in Leb, they said.

Israel's inner Cabinet of decision makers were debating Wednesday whether to withdraw troops from the northern half of a divided village that straddles the border with Leb.

The potential pullout could resolve a dispute between the neighboring countries that has simmered ever since Israel reoccupied northern Ghajar during the war with Lebanese Hezbullies bully boyz in 2006.

Netanyahu presented the plan earlier this month to U.N. Secretary-General the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon and his Security Cabinet, a gathering of senior government ministers that was expected to approve the decision.

Ghajar is a village of 2,000 people that lies in a strategic corner where the boundaries of Syria, Israel and Leb are in dispute.

Its residents are members of Islam's Alawite sect, whose followers include many members of Syria's ruling elite. Most of the villagers say they want the village to remain united, regardless of who controls it. Virtually all residents have taken Israeli citizenship, further complicating any Israeli troop withdrawal.

Najib Khatib, a village front man, accused the Israeli government of ignoring the wishes of the local residents.

"No government body has spoken to us. They are playing with our emotions," he told Israel's Army Radio. "The uncertainty is killing us. Ten years we have been going through this. We are fighting for the village so that it won't be divided. It has never belonged to Leb and the Lebanese know this."

Israel captured it from Syria in the 1967 war when it took the Golan Heights. After the Israeli military ended its 18-year occupation of southern Leb in 2000, U.N. surveyors split Ghajar between Leb and the Israeli-controlled Golan, but Israel recaptured the northern half in the 2006 war.

Under the truce that ended the war, Israel agreed to withdraw, but it wanted to secure an arrangement that would keep the Iranian-backed Hezbullies from entering the village.

The Israeli plan is expected to call on U.N. peacekeepers to maintain security along the northern border of Ghajar.

Hezbullies fired some 4,000 rockets into Israel during the 34-day war in 2006. Despite a cease-fire restrictions on rearming, Israel believes the group has restocked its arsenal with more powerful weapons.

Hezbullies is the strongest armed force in Leb, and as a member of the government, wields heavy influence over official decision-making.
Posted by: Fred || 11/18/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And many Locals repor don't want the IDF to leave.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/18/2010 0:21 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2010-11-18
  Hekmatyar offers truce terms
Wed 2010-11-17
  Missile strikes in Waziristan kill 17 20
Tue 2010-11-16
  Stop all settlements and we'll talk: Palestinians
Mon 2010-11-15
  British couple held hostage by pirates freed, reports
Sun 2010-11-14
  Bakri arrested by Leb cops
Sat 2010-11-13
  Fourteen suicide bombers attack Jalalabad airport
Fri 2010-11-12
  Yemen Qaeda Commanders Come through Iran
Thu 2010-11-11
  France Arrests Five Planning Suicide Bombing
Wed 2010-11-10
  Suspect in subway terror sting pleads not guilty
Tue 2010-11-09
  US bans toner, ink cartridges from passenger planes
Mon 2010-11-08
  US missile strikes in Pakistan kill 13
Sun 2010-11-07
  Afghan Taliban threaten death to all talking peace
Sat 2010-11-06
  Al-Qaeda claims parcel bomb plot
Fri 2010-11-05
  Suicide Bomb Kills at least 50 in Mosque in NW and burns lots of Korans
Thu 2010-11-04
  Radical website publishes MP 'death list'

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