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Roger Stone found guilty by D.C. jury.
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3 12:32 lord garth [20]
Haqqani Prisoners Returned to Bagram Prison: Source
[ToloNews] Three days earlier, President Ghani announced that the three Haqqani Network members would be "conditionally" released.

A source said that the prisoner exchange of captured Haqqani Network members Anas Haqqani, Hafiz Rashid and Mali Khan for two kidnapped professors from the American University of Afghanistan, did not take place.

Three days earlier, President Ghani announced that the three Haqqani Network members would be "conditionally" released.

According to a source who spoke with Tolonews on Thursday, Anas Haqqani, Hafiz Rashid and Mali Khan have been transferred back to Bagram air base.

The three holy warrior prisoners were expected to be handed over to the Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
i government and then handed over to the Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
's political office in Qatar, but sources told TOLOnews that this had not been done and that the planned exchange is stuck in an impasse.

"So far, no exchange has taken place; there is a vacuum of confidence on both sides. An exchange may take place whenever both Taliban and Americans are assured," said Mawolana Jalaluddin Shinwari, a former official during the Taliban’s regime.

"The transfer of the professors to US authorities inside Afghanistan is time-consuming. Also, the issue of the earth-shattering kaboom yesterday in Kabul might be a reason for the delay, and also there is a lack of mutual understanding and confidence between the Americans and the Taliban as well," said Waheed Mozhdah, source close to the Taliban.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Haqqani Network

Badghis: District With Mined Roads Faces Food Shortage Crisis
[ToloNews] It has been nearly a year and a half since the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
mined all roads and donor agencies cannot distribute aid to the district.

Residents of Jawand district in Badghis province say they face a severe shortage of food and supplies because all roads out the district have been mined by the Taliban, and the district is isolated within a Taliban-controlled area.

Footage received by TOLOnews show that most of the shops in the market are empty and closed.

The residents say they do not even have bread to eat and cannot transport their patients to health centers.

"The roads in our district are mined and closed. We have no materials for fuel, no gas, no flour. The Taliban have blocked all roads in our district," said Allahdad, a resident.

"We have ill people, but we cannot take them to health centers because of the blocked roads," said Jalaluddin, another resident.

"It has been a year and a half since the road was blocked. There are families in the district that do not have five kilograms of flour. There is nothing to eat here," said Ramazan, another resident.

MPs from Badghis in the House of Representatives say residents in the district are struggling with hunger.

According to the MPs, the children are most affected by the siege--with not only hunger, but a lack clothes and shoes as well.

"As can be seen, the situation in the district is terrible and unfortunate. If we do not give some attention to the problem--and if food is not delivered within a week or ten days--we will witness a humanitarian tragedy in this district," said Abdul Basir Osmani, parliament member.

"We have communicated with local authorities, central authorities, and also UN and international partners, but no action has been taken so far," said Abdullah Afzali, the provincial council deputy.

But Badghis authorities and security officials have traveled to Jawand district by helicopter to help the residents of this mountainous district.

"The aid process is time-consuming, but the aid reaches the residents. The Directorate for Emergency Response and Disaster Assistance plans to distribute aid to the residents," said Badghis governor Abdul Ghafoor Malikzai.

"The residents of Jawand district stand against the turbans, so the government will solve the residents’ problems," said Hasibullah Akhundzada, commander of the 3rd Brigade of the Afghan National Army in Badghis Province.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

More ISIS militants and their family members surrender to Afghan forces in Nangarhar
[KhaamaPress] More snuffies of ISIS Khurasan, the offshoot of terror group in Afghanistan, surrendered to Afghan forces in eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
province of Afghanistan.

According to a statement released by the provincial government, a group of 4 ISIS snuffies handed over themselves to the Afghan forces in Achin district.

The statement further added that the ISIS snuffies also handed over the family members of themselves and their comrades to the Afghan forces, including 13 women and 22 children.

Citing the 201st Silab Corps authorities in the East, the provincial government said the Afghan forces have significantly suppressed the terror group in Nangarhar, forcing the snuffies of the terror group to surrender.

The Afghan army authorities have said the Afghan forces would continue their operations until they fully clear Nangarhar of ISSI murderous Moslems.

This comes as the Ministry of Defense on Wednesday announced that more than 120 ISIS snuffies and their family members surrendered to the Afghan forces in Nangarhar, days after dozens of snuffies of the terror group surrendered in this province.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  must be expecting a bad winter
Posted by: chris || 11/15/2019 11:14 Comments || Top||

Taliban kills two MOI officials in Jurm district of Badakhshan
[KhaamaPress] Two MOI officials were killed by Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
in Jurm district of Badakhshan province on Tuesday, officials confirmed.

Sanaullah Rohani, spokesperson for Badakhshan police department told Khaama Press that a group of 8 MOI personnel were on annual holiday to visit their families in Iskan village of Jurm district last week, after which Taliban ambushed the village on Tuesday.

Armed Talibs caught 27 years old Sebghatullah Samim and 28 years old Waisullah Hamidi from their homes at 20:00hrs on the evening of November 12th and shot them to dead in front of the eyes of villagers, Rohani said.

The other six security officials have successfully flew from the village, Rohani added.

An eye witness who did not want to be named in this report told Khaama Press that a group of Talibs attached the village on Tuesday evening and entered the premises of Sebghatullah and Waisullah from to roof entrances and took both out of their homes.

The families of victims and villagers swore the gunnies to Koran and tried to convince them to release the young men, but the gunnies did not care and shot them to dead, eye witness said.

Another villager speaking at anonymity said that the armed gunnies belonged to Qari Shamsullah, one of the commanders of Taliban.

Qari Shamsullah was injured in a battle with the Afghan cops few years back and he was taken to a military hospital for treatment by an MP and some members of the provincial council of Badakshan, the villager claimed.

This comes as Taliban conquered Iskan village in Jurm district of Badakhshan province in late 2013 and they were recently defeated back from this village.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Airstrikes kill 11 Taliban militants in 3 districts of Helmand province
[KhaamaPress] The security forces conducted Arclight airstrike
s in three districts of southern Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
province in the past 24 hours killing at least 11 Talibs.

The informed military officials said Thursday airstrikes in Lashkar Gah district of Helmand killed at least 8 Talibs.

The officials further added an airstrike in Now Zad district of Helmand killed 2 Talibs while a similar airstrike killed 1 Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
krazed killer in Nad Ali district of the province.

The Taliban group has not commented regarding the airstrikes so far.

Helmand is among the volatile provinces in South of Afghanistan. Talibs are active in remote and restive areas of the province and often conduct terrorist related activities.

...back at the precinct house, Fat Tony demanded his rosco back. He didn't say please...
the Afghan forces routinely conduct counter-terrorism operations against the anti-government gangs in this province.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Special Forces arrest Taliban fighters, destroy cache of weapons in Balkh
[KhaamaPress] The Afghan Special Forces
...established in 2007 with the intent of taking one conventional infantry kandak (battalion) from each of the regional ANA corps, giving them special training and equipment, and reorganizing based on the U.S. Army Rangers. Each battalion is assigned to one of the six regional corps. The commandos comprise 7% of the Afghan National Security Forces but conduct 70% to 80% of the fighting...
arrested two Talibs during a raid in northern Balkh province of Afghanistan, the military officials said.

The officials further added that the Special Forces arrested the two Lions of Islam during a raid in Chahar Bolak district of Balkh.

The Special Forces also destroyed a small cache of weapons during the same raid, the officials added.

The Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
group has not commented regarding the raid so far.

The security situation in northern Balkh province has tanked during the recent months.

Talibs are active in remote and restive areas of the province and often conduct terrorist related activities.

...back at the Senate, the partisans of Honorius went for their knives and the partisans of Stilicho went for the doors...
the Afghan forces routinely conduct counter-terrorism operations against the anti-government gangs in this province.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa North
Three children injured, mother in critical condition after shell hit their home south of Tripoli
[Libya Observer] Spokesman for the Emergency and Ambulance Service, Osama Ali, has confirmed that four members of Moftah El-Seid family have been injured after a shell hit their home in Ain Zara district, south Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
Three children and their mother were maimed. The children suffered moderate to light injuries, while the mother is in a critical condition," Osama Ali disclosed.

The Media Centre of the Volcano of Rage Operation said Wednesday that random shelling fired by Haftar's forces struck a residential area in Ain Zara district, leaving several civilians maimed.
Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Home Front: WoT
Iranian businessman sentenced to 46 months for sanction violation
[Jpost] Iranian businessman Behzad Pourghannad was sentenced on Wednesday to 46 months in prison for violating US sanctions against Iran, the US Justice Department announced yesterday in a statement.

Pourghannad had plead guilty on August 29 before a US magistrate judge for charges of participating in a conspiracy to export carbon fiber from the United States to Iran
...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan, the abbreviation IRGC is a cognate form of Stürmabteilung (or SA), the term Supreme Guide is a cognate form of either Shah or Führer or maybe both, and they hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
between 2008 and 2013.

"Pourghannad falsified shipment documents and used front companies to export carbon fiber to Iran in violation of US sanctions," said John C. Demers, assistant attorney of national security. "Carbon fiber is used by the Iranian Regime to further its nuclear, military, and aerospace programs. We continue to thwart the efforts of the Iranian regime to evade our sanctions and work steadfastly with our international partners to investigate, prosecute and bring sanctions violators to justice."

According to Geoffrey Berman, US attorney for the southern district of New York, "Behzad Pourghannad conspired to circumvent US export controls on carbon fiber, a substance with numerous military and aerospace applications. The significant sentence Pourghannad received should send a message that such violations, which threaten our national security, will incur stiff penalties."

Pourghannad lived and worked in Iran between 2008 and July 2013 with his two codefendants, Ali Reza Shokri and Farzin Faridmanesh. During that period, they worked together to export carbon fiber obtained from the US to Iran via third countries, in violation of US sanctions. Shokri in particular worked to obtain several tons of carbon fiber from the US; Pourghannad agreed to serve as the financial guarantor for large transactions; and Faridmanesh was to serve as trans-shipper.

Carbon fiber is a multi-use product, and can be used in missiles, aerospace engineering and gas centrifuges that enrich uranium.

According to the indictment, as well as other documents from the case, there were numerous specific transactions and trans-shipment that took place over the span of these six years. No one involved in the transactions had received any permission from the US Treasury to export the fiber.

Attorney Berman praised the FBI and US Commerce Department for their work in the investigation, as well as the Justice Department's National Security Division, Criminal Division's Office of International Affairs, the US Marshals and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Seven ISIS hideouts destroyed in Kirkuk
[THEBAGHDADPOST] Iraqi security forces on Thursday destroyed seven hideouts affiliated to ISIS terrorist group in Kirkuk.

Iraqi War Media Cell confirmed the report in a statement on Thursday, saying that the seven hideouts were destroyed during an operation near Ramal village of Kirkuk province.

Four bombs made by the ISIS jihadists were found in the hideouts, the statement said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Iraqi security forces killed three ISIS Lions of Islam in a hideout near Hawija, some 55 kilometers southwest of Kirkuk.

Several AK-47 rifles, and piles of food, were found at the hideout before it was destroyed, a police source

Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Two killed, 35 wounded in Baghdad protests: police, medics
[THEBAGHDADPOST] Security forces killed two protesters and wounded 35 others in Baghdad on Thursday, police and medical sources said, as thousands of Iraqis continued a wave of anti-government protests.

One protester died immediately after a tear gas canister hit his head and another died in hospital from wounds from a stun bomb fired by security forces, the sources said.

Security forces used live fire, rubber bullets and shot tear gas canisters in a bid to disperse hundreds of protesters gathered near Tahrir Square, a Reuters cameraman said.

Most of those hurt had choked on tear gas or had been hit by rubber bullets and were taken to hospital, medical sources said.

Protesters said the security forces had stepped up their firing of tear gas canisters and rubber bullets early on Thursday morning.

More than 300 people have been killed since Oct. 1, as security forces have fired tear gas canisters and rubber bullets at crowds of protesters.

Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi’s government has taken some measures to try to quell the unrest, including handouts to the poor and creating more job opportunities for college graduates.

But it has failed to keep up with the growing demands of demonstrators who are now calling for an overhaul of Iraq’s sectarian political system and the departure of its entire ruling elite.

Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

A cell led by #QassemSoleimani suppresses #IraqiProtests

Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Israeli airstrikes flatten Gaza terrorist group's facilities after rocket fire
"Flatten". I like that. I hope they were occupied
[Fox News] Israel's military announced Friday that it had carried out a series of airstrikes on a terrorist group's facilities in Gaza hours after a barrage of rockets were fired into its territory.

The strikes in the early-morning hours hit a compound, rocket-manufacturing site and headquarters of the Islamic Jihad militant group in the town of Khan Younis, the Associated Press reported, citing a statement from Israel's army.

A separate Israeli airstrike carried out in Deir al-Balah is reported to have killed eight people, including two women and five children under the age of 13. That strike apparently targeted the home of an Islamic Jihad commander who was not there at the time, the AP says.

Israel's military said it struck "Islamic Jihad military infrastructure" there – but did not intend to harm civilians.
Posted by: Frank G || 11/15/2019 09:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad (Palestian)

#1  Whomp! Whomp!
Posted by: SR-71 || 11/15/2019 11:31 Comments || Top||

#2  They will just move on to the next mosque, hospital or school...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 11/15/2019 12:07 Comments || Top||

#3  strike apparently targeted the home of an Islamic Jihad commander who was not there at the time

"A man goes out to buy a little broccoli and ...wat de fúq ?!"
Posted by: Dron66046 || 11/15/2019 15:09 Comments || Top||

14 year-old arrested after attempted stabbing in Jerusalem
[Jpost] A 14-year-old boy was arrested for an attempted stabbing in Jerusalem.

He was arrested without use of fire arms.
Normal life, such as it is, continues around the edges of the rocket rain.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

IDF hits more IJ targets pre dawn 15Nov; IJ rockets fired 14 Nov post truce
[IsraelTimes] The Israel Defense Forces said it had launched fresh airstrikes on Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip in the predawn hours of Friday morning, in response to four rocket attacks from the coastal enclave which violated a ceasefire agreement announced the day before.

Palestinian media reported that Israeli drones and fighter jets were conducting strikes on PIJ facilities in the cities of Khan Younis and Rafah in the southern Strip.

"We are currently striking Islamic Jihad terror targets in Gaza. This comes after rockets were indiscriminately fired from Gaza at Israeli civilians today," the IDF said in a statement.
majoritarian opinion is that some IJ faction didn't want the truce
Posted by: lord garth || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad (Palestian)

#1  a lot of analysts are saying that Hamas is actually pretty happy with the way things are turning out because they had regarded Islamic Jihad as a potential long term threat to their rule of Gaza

Posted by: lord garth || 11/15/2019 8:27 Comments || Top||

Photo from Rafah
Posted by: 3dc || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Turkish-backed groups continue looting, lawlessness in Sari Kani
[Rudaw] Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain) is in a "dire state" as Ottoman Turkish-backed groups continue to loot and destroy what remains in the Syrian border town.

"The situation in Sari Kani is very bad. The civilians who return are detained and put under investigation for four to five days. All the shops in the city have been looted and destroyed. Many of the houses of the people have been burned," Orhan Kamal, a Kurdish journalist displaced from Sari Kani, told Rudaw on Wednesday.

Sari Kani and Gire Spi (Tel Abyad) have borne the brunt of The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/15/2019 00:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [39 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

#1  Gee, who could have predicted this?
Posted by: Mercutio || 11/15/2019 9:55 Comments || Top||

Russian forces establish helicopter base in Qamishli following U.S. forces withdrawal
[NPASYRIA] North-Press reported, on Thursday morning, the entry of Russian forces to into "Sappat" military base, near the town of Serrin on M4, south of Kobani 35km, accompanied by Russian helicopters flights over the area, after the full withdrawal of the U.S. troops.

TASS Russian News Agency has quoted Russian Defense Ministry as saying that "Moscow had started to set up a helicopter base in the Syrian city of Qamishli," noting that "the Russian military base would be protected by surface-to-air missile systems," and that 3 helicopters had already been deployed there.

The Russian forces have been deployed heavily in northeastern Syria, in coordination with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to fill the vacuum which was left by the U.S. troops withdrawal from the region.
Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Deployment of Syrian government forces at the border points with Turkey, in the countryside of Girke-lege (Ma'abada) and Remilan

Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Aerial and ground bombardment target Assyrian villages north of Tal Tamr

Posted by: Fred || 11/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

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Two weeks of WOT
Fri 2019-11-15
  Roger Stone found guilty by D.C. jury.
Thu 2019-11-14
  121 ISIS militants and relatives surrender to Afghan forces in Nangarhar, 300+ in past week
Wed 2019-11-13
  Live: the House’s Trump Impeachment hearings starting at 10 a.m. ET
Tue 2019-11-12
  Israel hit by rockets after killing Islamic Jihad leader Abu al-Ata in Gaza
Mon 2019-11-11
  Thanks to all the veterans on Veterans Day!
Sun 2019-11-10
  Bolivia's president announces his resignation
Sat 2019-11-09
  Will Julian Assange Die in Prison? Is that why a "dead man" data dump just took place?
Fri 2019-11-08
  WikiLeaks just dropped their databomb
Thu 2019-11-07
  Extremist outfit Allahr Dal banned in Bangladesh
Wed 2019-11-06
  Mexico Deploys Forces to Northern State After Nine US Mormons Killed
Tue 2019-11-05
  Three American Mormon mothers and six of their children are EXECUTED
Mon 2019-11-04
  Report: Turkey-backed militia attacks American troops in Syria
Sun 2019-11-03
  Three people detained in connection with Swedish explosion
Sat 2019-11-02
  Iraqis pour into streets for biggest protest day since Saddam
Fri 2019-11-01
  Iraqi President Salih says PM Abdul-Mahdi willing to resign, vows early polls

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